LOL: Summoner of Goddess Jana

Chapter 63 Why Does the Iron Fist Gang Exist?

Chapter 63 Why Does the Iron Fist Gang Exist?

Evening, Caitlin's house.

Caitlin's garden villa is located in Piltover's Uptown, where the rich and famous gather, and it's only a stone's throw away from the star avenue where every inch of land is expensive.

And this is just a commonly used "small house" among the Gilaman family's countless manors, villas, private islands, and other real estate.

Caitlin had been home for quite some time.

But she never put on a casual T-shirt or dress as usual, but was wearing her blue law enforcement officer uniform, holding a carefully bound document with kraft paper, sitting in her home On the wide sofa in the reception room, she was waiting for her mother, Mrs. Gila Mann, a councilor, to come back.

But my mother, who usually pays great attention to her family and insists on going home on time every day, did not show up today.

Caitlin did not waver, she was still waiting.

Finally, after a long wait, there was some movement outside the reception room.

"Madam, Miss Caitlin has been waiting for you in the conference room." The butler reminded respectfully from outside the door.

"I see, you all go down."

Then a calm and deep female voice sounded.

This voice has the softness of a woman, but it also naturally carries the majesty of a superior.Rational, yet indifferent.

Caitlin knew that her mother had never spoken in that tone before at home.

So when her mother, the supreme councilor of Piltover, Mrs. Gilamann with white temples and elegant temperament pushed the door in, Caitlin sighed helplessly:
"Mother, it seems that you already know why I came to you."

"I know." Mrs. Gilaman walked slowly to her daughter and sat down, then looked at her dotingly and disappointedly: "Catelyn, I knew that you are not suitable to be a law enforcement officer."

"Sooner or later, you will break out of a mess like today's."

Saying that, Mrs. Gilamann didn't even look at it, and slowly pushed back the transcripts and investigation order application documents that Caitlin had put out carefully.

She wasn't going to look at it at all.

"Mother, you." Although she had expected this, when this scene actually happened in front of her, Caitlin still had a sense of disillusionment that the world was collapsing.

The mother in her impression should be a gentle, kind, gentle, pure and kind lady, not a cold-blooded philistine politician in Piltover.

But now it seems that this may just be her wishful thinking.

"Mother!" Caitlin emphasized, "You told me that Piltover is the country with the most rule of law in Runeterra and the most civilized and progressive country."

"I didn't lie to you." Mother interrupted her: "Compared with other places, we are already the most law-abiding country."

Caitlin: "..."

"But you also tell me that the law is sacrosanct! You tell me that we must uphold it."

"That's what I didn't expect, you would become a law enforcement officer with a feverish brain!" Mrs. Gilaman gently stroked her forehead with a helpless expression.

"Caitlin, resign—"

"You are not fit for this job."

It doesn't fit, and it doesn't fit.

Sheriff Marcos said so, and so did her mother.

But she obviously just fulfilled her duties as a law enforcement officer, protecting the light and fighting against the darkness!
"No! I thought you would understand when you became a law enforcement officer," said my mother, "The world is neither black nor white, but a delicate gray."

"If you still have this kind of black and white thinking in your mind, then you can't be a law enforcement officer, nor can you be a qualified heir to the Gilaman family."

Caitlin was still unconvinced.

There was only disappointment in her eyes, disappointment with her mother's "betrayal".

"Why?" Caitlin couldn't help asking: "You used to pretend to be so kind and harmless in front of me!"

"What's the background behind the Iron Fist Gang? Make you defend them with no regard for decency and black and white?"

Mrs. Gilaman thought for a moment.

Finally, she looked at the heroic, determined, and immature daughter between her brows: "Kaitlin, you asked this question just right."

"I originally planned to wait until you grow up to get in touch with the family business, and then slowly educate you. Since you have come to ask me these questions now, it is time for me to teach you. As the first daughter of the Gilaman family, Something you should know."

The mother's tone softened, just like the mother who patiently accompanied her to study at the table before.

"Caitlin, what do you think is the background behind the Iron Fist Gang?"

Instead of answering directly, she returned the question to her daughter.

"I" Caitlin bit her lips in pain, but finally looked at her mother firmly: "I suspect that this matter is probably related to you, and it is related to our family!!"

As soon as she came up, she pointed the finger at herself.

She thought her mother would deny it.

But Gilaman nodded naturally: "The Iron Fist is indeed related to our Gilaman family—they are related to all the big merchant families in Piltover."

"Because the existence of these Zaun gangsters was originally the result of our tacit approval."

Caitlin's eyes widened in disbelief.

Shouldn't gangsters like the Iron Fist be the enemy of the Piltover Council?

"No." Mrs. Gilaman said, "For us, the Iron Fists are actually just like the Piltover law enforcement officers, they are tools to maintain the existing order in Piltover."

These words ruined Caitlin's three views:

In the eyes of Piltover Councilor, the law enforcement officer she aspires to become is the same tool as the Iron Fist Gang?

"Yes, except that law enforcement officers are used to manage the Piltover community, to manage the Piltover people."

"And gangs like the Iron Fist Gang are used to manage the Zaun community and Zaun apprentices."

Councilor Gilamann spoke of a strange theory that would shock the people of Piltover, and asked his daughter:
"Have you visited our factory, Caitlin?"

"No." Caitlin murmured.

"Three-quarters of our family's factories are Zaun people. The situation of other families is similar to ours."

"You can imagine how many Zaun apprentices have crossed the canal to settle and work in Piltover."

"These people are low paid and don't have much savings."

"An accident, a minor illness, and they'll be reduced to abject poverty. They'll grow old, they'll get hurt, they'll fade away, and they'll be replaced by younger, more capable Zaun apprentices."

"Then they lose their jobs, they can't eat, they can't pay their rent, they lose their apprenticeships."

Caitlin was dazed for a moment.

She still didn't understand what her mother was going to say.

If Levi was here, he could tell Caitlin:

In order to pursue the most extreme profit, Piltover will always want the youngest, most capable, and most efficient part of the Zaun people.

There is no need to wait for the people of Zaun to grow old, as long as they are a little bit immobile, they will be ruthlessly optimized and eliminated by the company.Anyway, Piltover will never be short of young foreign labor force, and if one group is eliminated, there will be another one.

And these Zaun people abandoned everything in their hometown and came to Picheng, but they couldn't establish a strong property relationship in Picheng.When the tragic elimination came to them, they had only one way to go:

Leave Piltover and return to Zaun.

"But those Zaan people, how can they be willing to go back obediently?"

Just listen to the always gentle and kind mother in Caitlin's mind, explaining to her in a very indifferent tone:

"Zuun is hell compared to Piltover."

"These Zaunites will do whatever it takes to stay in Piltover, behind crowds, in corners."

"They are like bugs hiding in the garden. No matter how many law enforcement officers you send over, it is impossible to catch them all. Even if you catch a batch, another batch will grow soon."

"And these people have no money and no jobs, what else can they do in Piltover?"

"It's nothing more than begging, robbery, theft, smuggling, selling Y, usury... these shady illegal businesses."

"As soon as there are more people doing these underground businesses, cliques and organizations will form - Zaun gangs like the Iron Fist will naturally form in Piltover."

"Whether we acquiesce in their existence or not, they will always exist."

Hearing this, Caitlin finally had some ideas:
The Piltover Corporation needs Zaunites, so there are a lot of Zaunites in Piltover.

These Za'an people are very poor, and when people are poor to a certain extent, they will inevitably use the "Criminal Law" as the "Book of Getting Rich".

With more Zaunites committing crimes, there is naturally a Zaunite gang.

Whether you allow them to exist or not, they will continue to appear in Piltover.

So instead of blindly rejecting these gangs, it is better to acquiesce in the existence of these gangs, use and control them.

The question "this" sounds like it has no solution.

Unless Piltover no longer recruits Zaun foreign workers?

Caitlin vaguely caught the root of the problem:

"Would you like to pay the people of Zaun more to make them less poor?"

Mrs. Gilaman: "..."

"You child." The mother sighed helplessly: "You are really stupid."

(End of this chapter)

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