LOL: Summoner of Goddess Jana

Chapter 64 Caitlyn, you can save some food

Chapter 64 Caitlin, please save me some snacks (recommendation tickets please~)

The Gilaman family has always been dominated by women, so Mrs. Gilaman has always thought about raising her only daughter well, so that Caitlin can inherit her mother's career and become the future Piltover MP.

But now it seems that her daughter is probably not the material.

This kid is so naive:
Give the Zuan people a raise?Why?
Piltover is the richest city on a hill in the world. You Zaun people are not willing to come, and there are also a large number of foreign labor forces from Shurima, Noxus, Ionia, and Bilgewater.

There is no core competitiveness at all, just parts that can be replaced at any time.Why give you a raise?
Is it up to me to show kindness?

"But that's what Jess did." Caitlin also gave a positive example.

"That's just a special case!" Mother explained helplessly: "Jess Tallis is the most outstanding talent in Piltover, and he has the qualifications for this little waywardness."

"Also, you only know that his family raises the salary of apprentices, but you don't know that what his family is doing now is the core of Hex technology—"

"Producing this thing is not easy."

"Even the most ordinary workshop workers have to have considerable technical ability. Those Zaun apprentices are 'apprentices' in name, but they are actually the best, most capable, and most experienced mechanics from Zaun. and technicians."

"These people are not ordinary workers who can be easily replaced, they are worth the high salary themselves!"

"This..." Caitlin was slightly taken aback.

Now all of Piltover knew that Boss Jess was a great man who treated his workers well.

But when her mother said this, she felt that the image of an old friend was a bit hypocritical.

No, this has nothing to do with Jess!She knew Jace, and Jess was a good guy.He really wants to help others within the scope of his ability.

"It's all an excuse—" Caitlin angrily revealed, "You are using this as an excuse to describe Jess as a special case that cannot be replicated."

"In this way, you can continue to hire Zaun people with the lowest salary with peace of mind, and you are not willing to give even a little bit of benefits to improve the problem!"

"Enough!" The mother frowned seriously: "Kaitlin, what do you know! Do you think that the salary increase is just because you pat your head and think about it?"

"The Tallis family has the exclusive patent advantage of the core technology of Hex, do we have it? You raise the cost of employment, but your colleagues don't follow suit, what should you do?"

"I" Caitlin had no experience with the family business at all.

She doesn't know how much money her family has, what industrial advantages it has, and whether there is room for improvement to improve workers' treatment.

So when it came to this specific question, she was powerless to refute it.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this." Mrs. Gilaman felt that her daughter's thinking was a little dangerous.

She didn't intend to make Caitlin think about it any longer: "Since you're asking about the Iron Fist Gang, let's talk about the Iron Fist Gang in detail."

It has been analyzed before that gangs like the Iron Fist Gang will inevitably exist.

So instead of repelling it, it is better to use and control it.

"The Iron Fist Gang is actually an 'agent' supported by all big families, including our Gilaman family."

"It, like other Zaunite gangs, is a tool to help us maintain order in the Zaunite community."

"Maintain order?" Caitlin was annoyed: "Mother, I have seen what the Zaun community looks like!"

The Zaun community is a sore in Piltover.

It was poor, chaotic, dirty, and dark, and no dog would want to go there except a Zaunite.

"Is this the order you want to maintain?"

"That's right." Madam Gilaman nodded faintly: "Since the existence of the Zaun people is indispensable, they will definitely cause chaos."

"Wouldn't it be nice to keep the chaos within the Zaun community from spreading throughout Piltover?"

"Caitlin, you don't want to open the window every morning and see a row of beggars, drug addicts, and homeless people lying outside your door?"

"The existence of the Zaunite gang is to give these Zaunites 'a place to go'. It will prevent them from appearing in front of the people of Piltover every day and affecting everyone's daily life."

Caitlin thought about it.

Then, she was startled into a cold sweat by a terribly thoughtful thought.

Yes, there are so many Zaun foreign workers in Piltover, but she really didn't see any beggars, drug addicts, or homeless people from Zaun on the streets of Piltover.

Where did those optimized Zaun people go?
Have you all returned to Zaun?

No, as a law enforcement officer, Caitlin knows that the number of apprentices who are deported back to Zaun through formal channels every year is far less than the number of apprentices who enter Piltover.

And the vast majority of these apprentices are unable to obtain the legal status of Piltover, and are destined to be deported.

So. Where did the difference in the middle go?
If the Iron Fist Gang is their "going place", then what is this "going place"?
Mrs. Gilaman refrained from going too far on this point.

Because she was worried that telling the truth, Caitlin would not be able to bear it now.

Those Zaun people who were eliminated by the enterprise, where did the Iron Fist go?
Actually a good answer:

Good-looking ones can be sent to kilns.

Those who look average, but can still work, are sent to work as bonded workers.

The price of private workers is lower, so even these "eliminated goods" with reduced labor efficiency can still be squeezed out.

Those who look average and can’t work at all, then
Drug development needs volunteers.

Organ sources are needed for hospital operations.

The Mage Association of Noxus needs living people as research materials all year round.

The scientific madmen in Zaan even opened an alchemy shop that only collects corpses.

There are many places to go.

There is always one that suits them.

Mrs. Gilaman said before that illegal immigrants in Zaun are like ants in the garden, and no amount of law enforcement officers can catch them.

That's because the act of law enforcement officers catching illegal immigrants is law enforcement, and law enforcement actions only cost money, not make money.

Of course, things that don’t make money cannot last for a long time.

But if law enforcement is changed to "doing business", illegal immigration becomes a "commodity", and "catch Zaun people" becomes a profitable thing
Then this work can form a positive feedback loop and continue endlessly.

After all, as long as it is profitable, let alone arresting a few illegal immigrants—even if there are tens of millions of aboriginals in the entire New World, they can patiently give them away.

"In short, the existence of the Iron Fist Gang is necessary"

Of course it is necessary.

These dirty things can't be done by the Piltover law enforcement officers, but only by agents like the Iron Fist Gang.

Otherwise, how dare Piltover boast of being civilized and advanced, calling itself the progressive city of Runeterra?

Mrs. Gilaman was afraid that her daughter would not be able to bear the truth, so she kept everything secret.

She just admonished her daughter earnestly:

"Caitlin, you can save everyone some trouble."

"If the Iron Fist is gone, the law and order in Piltover will only get worse. The vacuum it creates will be quickly replaced by a new gang, as if nothing has changed."

"This is the order in Piltover—"

"Catelyn, why did you destroy it?"

"I" Caitlin was speechless.

Obviously what mother said was all fallacy, but she didn't know how to refute it.

Can it be wrong to do the right thing?
Caitlin is in pain.Sober people are always miserable.

Her ideals were shattered.

What should I do? Lie down and admit defeat, and then willingly wade into this pool of stagnant water, and join everyone else?

"No! I don't agree!"

Caitlin gritted her teeth and looked at her mother unwillingly:

"If this is the order in Piltover, then I must find a way to change it!"

"Stop messing around!" Mrs. Gilaman did not budge: "Caitlin, no matter what you say, I will never sign this investigation order for you!"

"If you don't sign it, I'll go find other members tomorrow!" Caitlin got up angrily.

"Other congressmen? Well, then you can go and look for it." The mother couldn't help laughing: "You can't even convince your mother, so why should you convince other congressmen?"

Caitlin wouldn't listen.

She just put away the files and left.

"By the way—" Mrs. Gilaman seemed to be able to read minds: "If you want to try your luck with Councilor Heimerdinger, then I advise you not to expect too much."

"Although he is a yordle, he is a pure scientist, not a business owner, and has no family."

"But Professor Heimerdinger has been a councilor in Piltover for 300 years and has never had a conflict with us. It's not because we satisfied him, but because—"

"He's never been nosy."

Caitlin's steps faltered, her expression desperate.

But she finally left a firm statement:
"I'll stick to it, mother!"

 Thanks to the boss [Dawn of Liya] for the reward and support!

  Thanks to the rudder boss [Shanren Tucimu Li Thirteen Gold] for the reward and support!

  Thanks to [6 Flashy Dyeing Years 9], [Kui Wen], [Wooden Twigs], [Fist of Demacia], [Dreams Flying Out of Fantasy], [Liubi Book Friends], [Unfortunate inkstone], [Extremely Stupid] Stay], [Red River Valley by the Ancient Road], [White Rose Without Nightingale] and other book friends' support~
(End of this chapter)

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