I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 156 Ouch!Miss Kinoshita, are you blushing again? 【7000】

Chapter 156 Ouch!Miss Kinoshita, are you blushing again? 【7000】

As soon as the cold system sound fell, Qingdeng felt his ears, forehead, top of his head and other parts being wrapped in waves of warm current.

Immediately afterwards, Qingdeng felt that his hearing became very clear.

If you want to use vivid words to describe Qingdeng's current feelings...it is a feeling of "coming out of the bottom of the water, out of the water, without water around the ears", feeling that the whole world has changed due to the enhancement of hearing It was extraordinarily clear.

The perceiver of the wind... Whether it is the name or the actual talent effect, they are extremely powerful.

Qingdeng could not help but slightly raised his eyebrows in surprise and joy at copying such a powerful talent.

With the fainting of the birthmark face, there are only three opponents who are still standing in front of Qingdeng.

Probably due to the fact that the idea was difficult to grasp, and because the leader's birthmarked face had already been knocked down by Qing Deng, the remaining three had no will to fight.

Their expressions suddenly changed, and they quickly turned around and fled.

They had already drawn their weapons and handed over their hands. It was impossible for Qingdeng to just let these three people go.

He took a big step forward, held the wakizashi with both hands, and slashed forward vertically, hitting the back of the man whose starting speed was a beat slower, the man let out a scream of "wow", and then Collapsed.

Taking advantage of the gap between Qingdeng and the slowest runner, the other two had already run nearly five steps away.

Five steps... only such a small distance, unless you are particularly good at running, you can't get rid of Qingdeng who now has the "leading horse".

And judging from the running posture and speed of these two people...it is obvious - neither of them belong to the kind of people who are particularly good at running.

With a flick of the toe of Qingdeng's left foot, he picked up the wakizaru that just landed on the birthmark face on the side of his left foot, then grabbed the wakizashi that had been lifted up in the air with his left hand, and moved towards the fleeing wakizaru with both wakizashi in his hands. The two chased after them.

In just an instant, Qing Deng, whose leg explosive power was far superior to ordinary people because of "leading the horse", caught up with the two of them.

When he got closer to the two "deserters" in one breath, only a few steps away, Qingdeng threw the wakizashi held in his left hand at the fastest runner who ran ahead.

Such a short distance... If this doesn't hit, it's too much to justify.

The threat thrown by Qingdeng is very strong and fast - after all, Qingdeng has the talent to strengthen the strength and flexibility of his fingers: "Skillful Hands".

Wakizashi, who was spinning in the air and "flying" with a "whoosh", precisely hit the back of the fastest runner.

Although it was Wakizashi's handle instead of the blade that hit this guy, the sudden surprise attack still caused this guy to stagger and fall to the ground due to unexpected surprises.

This guy's sudden fall to the ground made the other person running behind him unlucky. He kicked the person who fell to the ground suddenly, followed in his footsteps, tripped to the ground, and fell to the ground.

Qingdeng easily caught up with the two who were already on the ground. He jumped on the two of them and subdued the remaining two enemies.

All the opponents he was responsible for dealing with had been dealt with——Qingdeng immediately turned his head, raised his gaze, and looked behind him to check the battle situation on Kinoshita Mai's side without stopping for a moment.

As soon as his gaze was cast over, Qingdeng's originally tense nerves instantly eased a lot.

The battle situation on Kinoshita Mai's side...was much better than what Qingdeng had imagined.

Although it was 1 against 4, Kinoshita Mai insisted on relying on her excellent hand-to-hand combat skills and terrain advantages to defeat the 4 enemies that blocked her and Qingdeng's back and she was responsible for dealing with.

Unlike Qingdeng who took the initiative to attack the enemy, Kinoshita Mai launched the first attack on the enemy's side.

The four samurai yelled "Wow!" and rushed towards Kinoshita Mai.

The person who rushed to the front was a big and strong man who was not tall, but had an exceptionally strong figure.

This big and strong man sent a powerful horizontal slash towards Kinoshita Mai.

Kinoshita Mai was neither in a rush nor in a hurry, she quickly pushed her hips upwards forcefully, leaned her upper body back, so that the back of her head was almost attached to her buttocks that reminded people of plump peaches, and she put her hands on the ground— ——She used this extremely difficult lowering movement to avoid the strong man's horizontal cut, and the sharp blade brushed against her slender belly.

Kinoshita Mai's body is unbelievably soft, as if she has no bones, and she can do such a difficult lower back with ease.

The moment she put her hands on the ground and leaned on her waist to avoid the attack of this big and strong man, Kinoshita Mai's slender waist exerted force suddenly, and her right leg bounced away like a broken string, Kick it upwards and forcefully.

The small toes hit the chin of a strong man-no matter how strong a person is, the chin that cannot be exercised is their weakness.

Kinoshita Mai's kick is extremely powerful.Just listening to the sound of "bang" and the sound of bones breaking, a large amount of blood and several teeth splashed directly from the strong man's mouth.

The tooth was directly kicked and broken... the pain can be imagined - this strong man passed out from the pain.

Taking advantage of the potential energy of kicking her legs upwards, Kinoshita Mai neatly did a backflip, and quickly switched from lower back to normal standing posture.

"Solve one..." Kinoshita Mai resettled her fighting posture with her right fist in front and her left palm behind her, and looked at the remaining three enemies.

The remaining three enemies... all have very distinctive appearances.

One is skinny and skinny.

One is an ugly man with curly and thinning hair and an extremely wretched face.

One is bald without a single hair on his head.

These people don't know what cooperation is...

They only swarmed up in a "wow-wow-wow" manner, and they didn't know the order of matching, so they didn't take advantage of the number of people at all.

In such a narrow corridor, the result of them rushing forward together... is to hinder each other.

The thin man and the wretched ugly man attacked Mai Kinoshita side by side.

And the bald man was blocked by the thin man and the ugly man, unable to advance or attack, so he could only follow behind the thin man and the ugly man step by step.

The second person who brandished a knife at Kinoshita was this skinny and skinny man.

He took the next stance, and moved the blade towards Kinoshita Mai from the bottom right to the top left.

However - he didn't keep a safe distance from the ugly man beside him, his blade didn't hit Kinoshita Mai, but hit the ugly man's leg first.

The ugly man who had been stabbed in the leg for no reason screamed and fell to the ground.

"Yes, I'm sorry...!" Inadvertently hurting his companion, the thin man quickly and subconsciously apologized to his companion.

Kinoshita Mai spotted the perfect opportunity when the ugly man fell to the ground due to accidental injury, the thin man apologized to the ugly man, and the bald man was blocked by the thin man and the ugly man. Clenching his hands, he punched the thin man three times in a row.

Kinoshita Mai's movements are orderly and scary.

She didn't punch randomly without any rules, but used all the strength of her body to punch in a steady and steady manner, and every punch came with the sound of skin being ripped apart and bones breaking.

Anyone who saw Mai Kinoshita's fight would feel incredible—such a 1-year-old girl who is only 5 meters tall and has a slender body except her bear and buttocks, has such fierce fists and feet.

After aiming at the thin man's chest for the final third punch, the thin man stepped back a few steps, and then fell to the ground with his buttocks because it was difficult to dispel the powerful force still lingering in his chest, and fell all over the place.

The moment he fell to the ground, the thin man opened his mouth and coughed up a little blood foam—although he didn't pass out directly, he also entered a semi-trance state.

After knocking down the thin man with three punches, Mai Kinoshita did not stop her offensive. Using her left foot as the axis, she aimed at the ugly man's stomach who was still lying on the ground. The man wiped the floor and flew backwards, his back hitting the corridor wall behind him.

With a "wow", the ugly man vomited up everything he ate tonight, and an unpleasant sour smell instantly filled the air.

After vomiting until nothing could be vomited out again, the ugly man groaned a few times, then tilted his head and lost consciousness.

The enemy in front of him... only this bald head with no hair left!

This bald man is also very brave.

Even though he was alone, there was no trace of timidity on his face.

With his right hand, he waved the wakizashi in his palm, cutting out streaks of sharp cold light, and with his left hand, he tried to catch Kinoshita Mai—the martial art he used was also a small foot skill.

Kinoshita Mai's petite body was flexible and steady, without revealing any flaws.Her flexible and boneless delicate body twisted lightly, moving around in the darkness of the corridor.

Every time the bald head's knife or palm was about to hit or catch Kinoshita Mai, Kinoshita Mai twisted her body very flexibly to avoid the bald head's attack.

This "you attack and I defend" battle did not last long.

The bald head has more than enough power, but not enough speed.

After dodging another slash from the bald head, Kinoshita Mai looked at the bald head and retracted the knife. While reorganizing his posture, he took a sharp step forward, and at the same time leaning on the bald head, stepped out feet to store energy.

Strength starts from the ground - this is the invariable theorem of all martial arts in the world.

The power brought out by stepping on the floor was transmitted along Kinoshita Mai's calf to her waist, and then from her waist to Kinoshita Mai's right palm, which now has five fingers together.

The power that was transferred in less than a second burst out from Kinoshita Mai's right palm—her right palm was heavily imprinted on the bald head's belly, and the bald head screamed and stepped back a few steps .

But he didn't fall directly to the ground like that skinny man, he gritted his teeth, relied on brute strength and perseverance, and withstood the blow of Kinoshita Mai.

Didn't fall down directly - this will is commendable, but his will is useless.

As soon as the bald head stabilized her figure, Kinoshita Wu immediately rushed towards her. Her pair of jade feet tiptoed slightly, and she jumped up lightly. Following the momentum of the jump, Kinoshita Wu slashed a hand knife towards the bald head's right neck. .

Bang... the dull sound of physical collision...

Kinoshita Wu's bald head received Kinoshita Wu's knife on the side of his neck, his body stiffened, and then he rolled his eyes and fell straight backwards.

Coincidentally - when Kinoshita Wu eliminated the bald head, Qingdeng killed all the enemies he was in charge of at exactly the same moment.

Qingdeng took out a piece of pocket paper from his arms, and while wiping off the blood and grease adhering to Wakizashi's blade, he walked slowly towards Mai Kinoshita who had just finished fighting.

"Are you injured?" Qing Deng looked at the people who were knocked down by Kinoshita Mai, and couldn't help being dumbfounded.

Tonight was the second time he fought side by side with Mai Kinoshita.Tonight's battle gave Qingdeng a new understanding of Kinoshita Mai's combat power.

Qingdeng felt that if he only competed with fists and kicks, he might not be the opponent of Kinoshita Mai...

Relying on his attainments in hand-to-hand combat, Qingdeng vaguely sensed that Kinoshita Mai seemed to be using a very peculiar way of exerting force, a bit like the famous "inch strength" in his previous life.

The way Kinoshita Mai used to exert force allowed her to burst out with extremely powerful strength from such a petite body.

Qingdeng couldn't help becoming more curious about the martial arts used by Kinoshita Mai.

It's a pity that Kinoshita Wu had already told Qingdeng clearly before: it's inconvenient for her to mention the martial arts she uses, so Qingdeng can only suppress the curiosity surging in his heart for the time being.

"No." Kinoshita Wu wiped the fine sweat off her forehead, then turned her head and smiled at Qingdeng, "What about you? Are you injured?"

Qingdeng retracted his wakizashi into the sheath, and stretched out his hands—to show Kinoshita Mai that he was unscathed.

"It's fine..." Kinoshita Mai let out a sigh of relief, then lowered her gaze, frowned, and looked at the gang who were brought down by her and Qingdeng's joint efforts, lying on the floor of this corridor for seven weeks. Unknown people who were either out of breath or passed out, "Who are these people..."

Qingdeng also lowered his eyes, glanced at these people on the ground, and said in a deep voice:
"...There is such a large amount of kerosene stored in this remote abandoned tea house. After discovering us two uninvited guests, they immediately attacked us without any explanation and wanted to take us down...I doubt that the kerosene they stored is It is to be used to do some... unspeakable things."

"And these people...maybe they are from the barbarian group."

"After all, the people from the barbarian group just did something insane like 'burning Edo' not long ago."

Fire oil is not a value-preserving item such as jewelry, gold and silver, and there is no possibility of selling it at a high price or monopolizing dumping.

There is such a large amount of kerosene stored in Edo...it's hard not to make some bad guesses...

After hearing Qingdeng's words, Kinoshita Mai's expression could not help but change slightly.

"in short."

Qing Deng continued to speak in a deep voice.

"This matter is beyond the scope of the two of us to solve it."

"We must notify the enforcement office as soon as possible, so that the officials of the enforcement office will come to arrest all these people and start interrogating them."

Kinoshita Mai, who became more and more aware that what they encountered tonight was not a simple matter, nodded vigorously without any hesitation.



Before notifying the execution office, Qingdeng and Kinoshita Mai simply searched the tea house, looking for any fish that slipped through the net or other suspicious items.

Although this tea house has three floors, it is not particularly large.

Together, the two searched the entire teahouse carefully, and prepared to notify the enforcement office only after they found nothing else.

As for how to notify the enforcement office to come and arrest them, Qingdeng and Kinoshita Mai quickly completed the assignment——Qingdeng stayed in the tea house to watch over the birthmark face and others, and Kinoshita Mai, who was the fastest, rushed to the enforcement office to arrest the enforcement office. The official messenger from the institute was brought here.

The nearest temple to this teahouse is Beibansho.

And tonight, the people on night shift in the Beifan Institute happened to be the two seniors who had a close relationship with Qingdeng: Zhu Gu and Niu Shan.

The way Kinoshita Mai brought Inoya and the others was very direct—she rushed directly into the Beiban office and shouted: A teahouse located somewhere in the eastern suburbs of Edo stores a lot of kerosene!The guards of these teahouses have been defeated by us, you go and arrest them!
After shouting these words, Kinoshita Mai hurriedly left the Beifan Office.

Store a large amount of kerosene-in the Edo period when "talking about fire changed color", this sentence had almost the same destructive and deterrent power as "where to find a bomb".

Inoya and Ushiyama, who could not ignore the information provided by Kinoshita Mai no matter what, hurriedly summoned Okabiki under their command, Ushiyama stayed behind at the Beiban Office, and Inoya was in charge of leading people to the tea house.

There is nothing to elaborate on what happened afterwards——After arriving at the teahouse, Inotani and the others discovered the birthmark Face and others who had been subdued by Qingdeng and Kinoshita Mai, and who were still awake, as well as the hundreds of people stored on the second floor. Tank of kerosene.

Before the arrival of Inoya and Ushiyama, Qingdeng, who stayed in the tea house to watch the birthmark face and others, had already left one step ahead, and hid with Kinoshita Mai who rushed back to a certain road not far from the tea house where he could clearly see all the movements in the tea house. In a dark alley.

Looking at Inoya who was orderly ordering his subordinates to push Birthmark Face and his party out of the tea house with a serious face, Qing Deng had a "relieved" look on his face.

Birthmark Face and his party, as well as the large amount of kerosene stored in this tea house are very likely to be related to his sworn enemy, the Kuyi Group... This alone is enough for Qingdeng to pay the highest attention.

Everything he and Kinoshita Mai could do tonight has already been done.

They could defeat Birthmark Face and the others, but with the strength of the two of them alone, they obviously couldn't interrogate Birthmark Face and collect information.

Professional things still have to be done by professional people.

From now on, they can only rely on the prison house with a very professional "torture team" to extract useful information from Birthmark Face and the others as soon as possible.

Since they had done what they had to do, there was no reason for the two of them to stay here any longer.

After looking at Zhugu from a distance, Qingdeng turned his head and said softly to Kinoshita Mai beside him:

"Let's go."

Kinoshita Mai nodded obediently: "Yes."

The figures of the two disappeared in the shadow of the dark alley one after the other.

They bowed in the thin moonlight and moved quickly on the streets and alleys, passing by houses, and they left the suburbs in a short while.

But at this time, a petal of cherry blossoms suddenly passed by Kinoshita Mai's eyes.

This cherry blossom came suddenly and disappeared quickly, but it managed to attract Kinoshita Mai's sight and attention.

Kinoshita Mai looked at the cherry blossoms that quickly disappeared in the darkness under the blowing of the night wind with a slightly dazed gaze.

Immediately afterwards, a look of thought and hesitation flashed across Kinoshita Wu's eyebrows.

"Thoughts" and "hesitation" went back and forth for a while, before Kinoshita Mai finally took a deep breath: "...Tachibana-kun. Before going back... can you accompany me to a place? I'll take Let's get to know a good place."

"Huh? A good place?" Qingdeng, who was walking behind Kinoshita Mai, asked doubtfully, "What a good place?"

Kinoshita Wu turned her head, and said to Qingdeng in a slightly coy tone: "Mmm...you just come with me, it won't take long."

The current time is about 4 o'clock in the morning... the time is not tight.

Anyway, the time is not tight, seeing Kinoshita Wu's mysterious look, Qingdeng couldn't help but feel a little curious about it, and nodded after thinking for a moment.

Seeing that Qingdeng nodded, Kinoshita Wu hurriedly turned her body, leading Qingdeng to change direction and go straight to the east.

Kinoshita Wu did not lie to Qingdeng, the place she said she wanted Qingdeng to accompany her was indeed not far away.

In less than 3 minutes, Mai Kinoshita stopped and said, "Here we are."

Qingdeng raised his eyes and looked around - they are now on the bank of a certain river.

The river surface of this river is about 4 meters wide. It is just an ordinary river that can be seen everywhere in Edo City, but its riverside is quite unusual. Many cherry trees in full bloom are planted on its riverside.

Although it is a dark night now, Qingdeng can still vaguely see how delicate and beautiful the cherry blossoms on the cherry blossom trees are.

From time to time, a ray of night wind blows, and the petals on the tree flutter down, and the fallen petals are colorful and beautiful.

Looking at the cherry blossom tree by the river, Qingdeng's face showed a bit of surprise: "Miss Kinoshita, is this the place you want me to accompany you?"

Kinoshita Mai smiled and nodded vigorously: "Yes. This is a little-known good place for viewing cherry blossoms that I accidentally discovered a while ago. Ju-kun, you should be here for the first time, right?"

Qingdeng nodded lightly: "Well, it's indeed my first time here."

After all, Qingdeng changed the subject abruptly:
"Miss Kinoshita, why did you bring me here suddenly?"

"Hmm..." Kinoshita Mai, who was standing in front of Qingdeng, lowered her head a little, stretched out her hands and pulled up the scarf on her face, "It's just... I suddenly want to see the cherry blossoms."

"It's almost May now, and the season of cherry blossoms will soon be over. If you don't hurry up and see more cherry blossoms, you won't have the chance to see them again this year."

"I used to enjoy cherry blossoms during the day, but I have never tried cherry blossoms at night."

"There is no need to rush home right now, so I just had a whim and wanted to try 'Night Viewing Spring Cherry Blossoms' tonight."

After quietly listening to Kinoshita Mai's explanation, Qingdeng nodded, thinking inwardly, "I see."

Ms. Kinoshita is quite sentimental... After silently sighing in his heart, Qingdeng turned his gaze back to the cherry blossom trees on the riverside in front of him.

"... Seeing the cherry blossoms at night is indeed quite special." Qingdeng smiled.

Qingdeng's emotion was not polite or flattering.

Under the night, watching the colorful scene of cherry blossoms and fallen petals really has a different charm.

Qingdeng's hearing has just been enhanced by "Wind Senser".

Qingdeng could hear the wind and the fluttering petals that were very vague in the past.

Not just the sound of wind and falling flowers.

The gurgling of running water, the chirping of insects in the distance... The world appeared in Qingdeng's ears with a clearer attitude.

Hearing has been enhanced so much, but Qingdeng didn't feel the slightest discomfort at all because of the "increased amount of information acquired"—this is probably another effect brought about by the "wind perceiver", which strengthened Qingdeng's brain's perception of The information processing ability of "sound" makes Qingdeng not feel uncomfortable because he hears far more voices than ordinary people.

Since the beginning of spring this year... To be precise, since time travel, Qingdeng has not seen the cherry blossoms in this era.

Qingdeng, who had just experienced an infiltration operation and a hard fight at the tea house, was still in a state of not completely relaxing his nerves.

Thinking that he could just take advantage of the beautiful scenery to relax his body and mind, and also take a good look at the beautiful scenery that he had never fully appreciated so far, Qingdeng folded his hands and put them on the handle of the orange water knife on his left waist, concentrating on it Looking at the handfuls of cherry blossoms scattered and dancing in front of me.

Kinoshita Mai secretly glanced at Qingdeng behind her eyes.

After seeing that Qingdeng seemed to be admiring the cherry blossoms seriously, Kinoshita Mai pursed her red lips, a faint blush rose from her cheeks, and a shy smile slowly emerged from her face covered by a veil.

While blushing, she folded her hands and crossed her fingers behind her back, then carefully and slowly moved her jade feet, intending to stand half a step sideways and get closer to Qingdeng.

But this time——


Qingdeng's expression suddenly changed.

Kinoshita Wu, who had a "ghost" in her heart, trembled suddenly, and the blush on her face dissipated in an instant, she quickly retracted the foot she had just stretched out, panicked and stammered: "Hold, I'm sorry, I, I, I am Because I didn't quite hear what you were saying just now, so..."


Qingdeng, who didn't listen to what Kinoshita Wu was saying at all, made a silent movement and interrupted Kinoshita Wu's conversation.

Immediately afterwards, he ignored the suspicious eyes cast by Kinoshita Mai, and focused all his attention on his ears.

Just now, when he was seriously observing the scenery, he suddenly heard a strange sound coming from behind him.

Although the sound was very slight... But now that his hearing has greatly improved, he did hear it—behind them, there seemed to be someone's footsteps!

Now, after carefully listening to the surrounding sounds, Qingdeng heard the strange sound that looked like human footsteps again from the same direction.

Without the slightest hesitation, Qingdeng held the knife at his waist and chased after the sound.

After rushing out of the river, into an alley next to the river, and after turning the corner in the alley, Qingdeng saw—in front of him, further down the alley, an unknown man in a brown robe people, fleeing in a direction away from him...

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(End of this chapter)

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