I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 157 Duplicate "Eternal Talent": 【The Eight Banners of No Confusion】! 【8】

Chapter 157 Duplicate "Eternal Talent": [The Hachiman of Infinity]! 【5200】

Seeing Qingdeng rushing out of the river with the knife in his waist, Kinoshita Wu didn't know what happened, but still chose to hurry up.

But just when Kinoshita Wu was about to take a step to chase after Qing Deng, a gust of night wind suddenly blew a rather delicate cherry blossom that had just fallen from a branch to Kinoshita Wu.

Although this pale pink cherry blossom is small and exquisite, it is very delicate, colorful and charming.

Looking at the cherry blossom that was sent to her by the night breeze, Kinoshita Mai was stunned for about a moment, and then she raised her hand like a conditioned reflex, hugged the cherry blossom, and stuffed the cherry blossom into herself in the arms.

After following Qingdeng and rushing into the dark alley behind them, Kinoshita Wu naturally also saw this mysterious man in brown robe, and her expression changed instantly.

The brown cloak worn by this mysterious man, who was slightly shorter than Qing Deng, was a western style windproof cloak with a wide hood.

After the door of the country was opened due to the "Black Ship Incident", a large number of Western goods entered the country, and many Western things that were not very common before gradually became common.

This loose cloak with the hem reaching to the heel completely covered the figure of the mysterious man.

Because the mysterious man pulled up the hood, his face was also tightly covered, making it impossible to see his appearance clearly.

The cloth of the cloak behind the mysterious man has strange protrusions... There is a small cylindrical object protruding upwards from behind the mysterious man's right shoulder.

Looking at the raised shape behind the mysterious man...Qingdeng feels that the mysterious man should be carrying a knife, and this cylindrical object is the handle protruding from his shoulder. The knife on the mysterious man's back It was also tightly covered by the cloak on his body.

The mysterious man was very fast, and when Qingdeng and Kinoshita Wu spotted him, he was about to rush out of this alley, out of Qingdeng's and their field of vision.

On this kind of road, there are not many dogs in the early morning and late at night, wearing a Western-style cloak with a pocket that completely conceals his appearance and figure, hiding in the alley behind Qingdeng and his wife, seeing Qingdeng and After Kinoshita Mai fled immediately, Qingdeng and the others had just taken away a suspicious stronghold that stored a large amount of fire oil...so many suspicious factors were superimposed, and there was no need for any words or eye contact——Qingdeng and Kinoshita Mai did not think about it Chasing after this unknown mysterious person!
The two chased after the mysterious man to a wide street outside the alley, and when they found that the mysterious man was fleeing towards the east end of the street, they immediately turned to the east.

Out of the corner of Qingdeng's eye, he saw the houses on both sides of the street, like ghosts and ghosts, quickly retreating behind him.

The headwind brought by galloping slapped Qingdeng's body. In this increasingly hot weather, this feeling of "facing the wind" was quite comfortable, but it was a pity that Qingdeng had no time to feel the blowing of the strong wind at all.

The speed of the mysterious man is really fast. Qingdeng and Kinoshita Mai have already chased him with all their strength, but it has been difficult to close the distance between them.

Noticing that the mysterious man was not so easy to catch up with Kinoshita Mai, the expression on his face became a little more serious.

At this time, she suddenly found a small path in front of them on the right.

For Kinoshita Mai, who patrols all over Edo almost every night, there are almost no neighborhoods in Edo that she is not familiar with.

Kinoshita Wu quickly glanced at the path, and after only thinking for a moment, she turned her head and said to Qing Deng in a low voice:

"You keep chasing that man. I'll take a detour to stop him."

When Kinoshita Wu quickly finished these words, the two of them happened to pass by the intersection of that small road.

So without waiting for Qingdeng's response, Kinoshita Wu turned around decisively and turned into this dark path.

Detour to block the mysterious person... This task is indeed suitable for Kinoshita Mai who is familiar with the streets and towns of Edo.

If they divide the work and cooperate with each other, it will also help to catch this mysterious person.

Therefore, Qingdeng did not express the slightest objection to Kinoshita Wu's volunteering. He tilted his eyes slightly, glanced at Kinoshita Wu with trusting eyes, and then continued to stick to Kinoshita Wu who had disappeared into the path. The mysterious person does not let go.

Relying on the powerful night vision ability endowed by the "cat's eye", Qingdeng saw the head of the mysterious person in front of him tilted back... He seemed to be observing Qingdeng who was still chasing him.

Taking advantage of the time when the mysterious man turned his head to look at him, Qing Deng hastily gathered his mind, trying to see clearly the face of the mysterious man under his hood.

However...Qingdeng still couldn't see anything clearly.

The hood of the mysterious man is too wide, his face is completely hidden in the shadow of the hood, unless the hood is lifted directly, it is impossible to see his face clearly.

The mysterious man turned his head and took a few glances at Qingdeng who was still relentlessly chasing after him, and then looked away.

Immediately afterwards, the mysterious man suddenly turned around and rushed towards a nearby shop. When he was about to install the shop, he jumped onto the roof of the shop.

This shop has a diamond-shaped roof, and the angle of the eaves is about 30 degrees.

On the roof with such a steep slope, the mysterious man can stand firmly on it as if walking on the ground.

This block happens to be an area where the houses are crowded together and arranged quite densely. Every house is a "handshake building".You don't need to jump, you can run to the roof of another house with a light step forward.

Therefore, in the blink of an eye, the mysterious man has already run across the roofs of three houses in succession.

Seeing that this mysterious man was not only fast and durable, but also quite good in skill, Qingdeng couldn't help being startled, but he quickly restrained the little trembling and regained his composure.

Parkour on the roof... Although Qing Deng dare not say that he is very good at it, at least he has some experience!

After Qingdeng took a deep breath and exercised enough strength, he took a wider step, jumped up with the potential energy of the run-up, and rushed towards the shop.

The moment he precisely grasped the eaves of the shop with both hands, Qingdeng pulled his arms up and pulled his body up to the roof.

Relying on his "cat turn around" talent, Qingdeng stabilized his body without shaking and continued to chase the mysterious man.

The scene of "the cat chasing the mouse" switched from "on the street" to "on the roof".

The mysterious man turned his head again, and took another look at Qing Deng behind him.

Qingdeng and the mysterious man just chased each other on the roof for a long time under the light of the moonlight. After climbing over an unknown number of roofs, I wonder if it was because they found that even if they moved on the roof, they couldn't get rid of it. Because of Qingdeng, the mysterious man tilted his body, jumped off the roof, and jumped back to the street.

But at this moment, a petite figure suddenly sprang out from the corner in front of the mysterious man and stopped in front of the mysterious man—it was the one who split up with Qingdeng just now and took the initiative to "go around in front of the mysterious man" The responsible Kinoshita Mai!

Pasha——Seeing Kinoshita Mai who suddenly appeared in front of him, the mysterious man stopped suddenly, and his feet in straw sandals made a low friction sound on the ground.

Miss Kinoshita, well done... In his heart, he silently praised Mai Kinoshita who had successfully circled around the mysterious person. Qingdeng gritted his teeth, squeezed out the remaining strength in his body, increased his speed a little bit, and rushed To the mysterious person who has stopped.

As for Kinoshita Wu, the moment she successfully circled in front of the mysterious man, she didn't even have time to catch her breath, so she rushed straight towards the mysterious man in order to cooperate with Qing Deng.

Qingdeng and Kinoshita Wu, the two tightened the thin encirclement net against the mysterious person one after the other.

The high-intensity running has made Qingdeng and Kinoshita Wu flushed, sweating profusely, and out of breath—and the mysterious man is no exception. His shoulders and chest are violently heaving, and the amplitude of the ups and downs is greater than Qingdeng's. , Kinoshita Mai and most of them.

The mysterious man panting violently, glanced at Qingdeng and Kinoshita Mai who were about to arrive in front of him, and then...silently cast his eyes on a big tree standing not far to his right.

The mysterious man moved again.

But he wasn't trying to break through the encirclement net of Qingdeng and Kinoshita Mai.

Instead, he turned to the right and ran towards the big tree on his right without any hesitation!
When Qingdeng and Kinoxia Wu couldn't figure out what the mysterious man was going to do, the mysterious man had already arrived at the root of the big tree, jumped up slightly, and broke off a branch of the big tree about 1 meter long branches.

At this time, Qingdeng realized that - on the hands of the mysterious man, there were a pair of black gloves covering his entire palm.

All of a sudden, Qingdeng and Kinoshita Wu both came around the mysterious man.

Facing the two Qingdeng who had already killed him, the mysterious man raised his head slightly, glanced at Kinoshita Wu, then fixed his gaze on Qingdeng, and then——

The mysterious man slammed the branch in his hand, and a branch with a thin afterimage was pulled out, and with the extremely ear-piercing sound of breaking wind, he slashed towards Qingdeng at an extremely frightening speed!

Looking at the rapidly expanding branches in front of his eyes, Qingdeng's pupils suddenly shrank, and then he leaned back forcefully by conditioned reflex.

The branch that fell vertically passed by Qingdeng who was dodging back in time, but the tip of the branch still touched the tip of Qingdeng's nose, and Qingdeng immediately felt bursts of burning pain from the tip of his nose.

The moment the mysterious man launched an attack on Qingdeng, Kinoshita Mai bumped into the mysterious man - she tried to catch the mysterious man and subdue the mysterious man to the ground.

However, the mysterious man took two steps back unhurriedly, allowing Kinoshita Mai to miss him in vain.

Qingdeng's expression at this moment...is extremely serious!
Based on the blow just now from the mysterious man, Qingdeng could tell: this man is a master of swordsmanship!And the level of swordsmanship is extremely high!

Whoosh—as if facing a formidable enemy, Qingdeng, who was secretly full of vigilance against this mysterious man, pulled out the orange juice from his waist.

At this time, Kinoshita Mai also discovered that the mysterious man's skills were extremely high, and he was not an easy person, so he spread his legs apart with a serious face, and set up a fighting posture with the right fist in front and the left palm behind.

"Who is under your feet?" Qingdeng, who had his sword in his hand, hoarsely asked with a voice that was far different from his original voice, "Why did you secretly lurk beside me just now?"

Qingdeng also knew very well that this mysterious person who ran away without saying a word, and then attacked them without saying a word, would most likely not answer any of their questions.But after thinking about it, Qingdeng still decided to try to communicate with this mysterious person.

And the subsequent result is also very obvious-communication failed.

The mysterious man completely ignored Qingdeng's question as if he didn't hear Qingdeng's question.

Turning his head, he glanced at Qingdeng and Kinoshita Wuhou standing on his left and right sides with horns, and waved the branch in his hand again, chopping towards Qingdeng!
It was still a shockingly fast blow with a tricky angle... If the mysterious man was holding a knife instead of a branch, then his blow would definitely be able to directly kill more than [-]% of ordinary people who have never learned any martial arts .

Qingdeng, who had already experienced the power of the mysterious man and did not dare to underestimate the mysterious man, opened his eyes wide, and while taking a full view of the branch's sword path... or the "branch path", he held the orange in his hand. Shui's blade turned half a circle, facing the mysterious man with the back of the blade.

Because it is still necessary to find out who this mysterious person is, Qingdeng decided to use the non-lethal blade back to fight against the enemy.

Qingdeng's body flashed nimbly and got rid of the branch chopped by the mysterious man.

The next moment he escaped the mysterious man's attack, Qing Deng adopted a lower posture, and lifted the orange water from the lower right to the upper left towards the mysterious man's chest.

Flash, flash again.

It's a pity that there are no spectators here, otherwise they would have seen Qingdeng's knife flash twice quickly.

The first time was from the bottom right to the top left to the chest of the mysterious man, but the mysterious man easily dodged it.

The second time was when Qingdeng saw that the upward thrust of the first strike missed, he quickly turned the blade of the sword that had been slashed above the mysterious man's right head due to the upward thrust, and changed the back of the blade upwards back to the back of the sword downward, automatically From top left to bottom right, he gave the mysterious man a cassock cut, but was dodged by the mysterious man again.

Kinoshita Mai on the side launched an attack at this time.

It has to be said that the timing of the attack chosen by Mai Kinoshita is very good.

Standing behind the mysterious man, she just chose to launch an attack at the moment when the mysterious man moved back to avoid Qingdeng's combo.

Kinoshita Wu pressed the center of gravity of her body, pulled out her right leg like a whip, and swept towards the bottom of the mysterious man.

However... the mysterious man seemed to have eyes behind his back. He clearly didn't turn his head to look at Kinoshita Wu, but he could accurately grasp Kinoshita Wu's attack method and direction.

The mysterious man leaped up slightly, and Wu Kinoshita's sweeping kick missed the ground.

After avoiding the attack of Qingdeng and Kinoshita Mai in succession... the mysterious man started to fight back!

His left hand and the right hand holding the branch hang down naturally, and he leans towards Qingdeng with steps that seem to be floating.

To force the mysterious man back, Qing Deng slashed diagonally with his knife, but the mysterious man dodged it sideways, and then continued to lean straight towards Qing Deng.

When he was in the wrong position, the mysterious man quickly raised the branch in his hand, and slapped Qingdeng's side twice fiercely.

The scorching and tingling sensation coming from his flank made Qingdeng gasp.

The branch in the mysterious man's hand is very thin and tough. Being whipped by it is like being whipped. Although it is not fatal, it is extremely painful. There must have been two bloodstains in the place where it was drawn just now...

The mysterious man is very strong... Whether it is the footwork to dodge Qingdeng's attack, or the "branches instead of swords" and the sharp winds that are brought up when waving the branches, they are far stronger than the current Qingdeng !
"Lonely Dan" has automatically entered the trigger state as early as just now.

But even though "Guan Dan" has been activated, and with the assistance of Kinoshita Mai, Qingdeng's sword still cannot touch the mysterious person at all!
No matter how hard he slashed, the mysterious man could dodge his sword calmly.

As for the branch that the mysterious man swung at him, he had to concentrate and gather all his energy to barely dodge it... and the dodge success rate was not [-]%, Qingdeng had already suffered many attacks from the mysterious man.

What's even more frightening is...Qingdeng, who already has some attainments in swordsmanship, has already seen it just now: when this mysterious person waved the branches, he didn't have any "sword skills" or "sword skills" at all. Word.

It's just ordinary horizontal chopping and vertical chopping...

In other words, the mysterious man hadn't shown his swordsmanship and sword skills yet, relying on simple "common attacks", he suppressed Qingdeng and Kinoshita Mai to death.

I don't know if it's because he is holding a knife in his hand, and the mysterious man thinks he is the biggest threat, but Qingdeng found that the mysterious man seems to have always listed him as the main target...

The branches basically greeted him, and there were already many streaks of blood drawn out by the branches on Qingdeng's body.

On the other hand, Kinoshita Mai... the mysterious person didn't pay much attention to Kinoshita Mai, and basically never attacked Kinoshita Mai, and only kept dodging Kinoshita Mai's fists and feet.

In this way, the mysterious man calmly fought against Qingdeng and Kinoshita Mai with the attitude of completely suppressing them.

Suddenly, the mysterious man no longer shook the branch in his hand—but kicked suddenly, and kicked Qingdeng's right leg, which had no time to dodge.

The mysterious man's kick was quite precise.

He just hit the numb tendon in Qingdeng's right leg.

The pain and numbness that quickly spread throughout the entire right leg made Qingdeng unable to maintain his balance, and fell heavily to the ground.

Seeing that Qingdeng fell to the ground, Kinoshita Mai showed anxiety, punching and kicking, and launched a fierce offensive towards the mysterious person, trying to entangle the mysterious person and buy time for Qingdeng to get up again.

But the mysterious person did not give Kinoshita Mai this chance.

The mysterious man lowered his head, and after dodging Kinoshita Wu's high kick, he used the same trick he used to deal with Qingdeng just now at Kinoshita Wu - he flew up and kicked Kinoshita Wu's right leg.

Kinoshita Mai, who was also accurately kicked in the numbness, also fell to the ground after Qingdeng.

He successfully brought down both Qingdeng and Kinoshita Mai, but the mysterious man did not launch any further pursuit.

He glanced at Qingdeng and Kinoxia Wu on the ground, then threw the branch in his hand on the ground casually, and then rushed towards the intersection in the distance.

Seeing the mysterious man who was about to disappear from his field of vision, Qingdeng gritted his teeth, resisted the residual numbness in his right leg, and stood up straight.

But, at this moment.

In Qingdeng's mind... for the second time this night, the system's notification sounded.

A series of...Qingdeng had never heard before, very strange system sounds.

【Ding!Scan to talent]

[Beep beep!Successfully copied [Eternal Talent]: "Hachiman of Infinity"! 】

[Talent introduction:
When the mind and mind are united and there is no confusion in the heart, you will be able to unleash a powerful blow like the possession of Hachiman Daimyo!
No hesitation in the heart, no hesitation in the sword! 】

Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

Something happened in the author’s life yesterday, so today’s word count is slightly less, I will try to write as much as possible tomorrow (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

You can guess what this "eternal talent" means~
(End of this chapter)

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