I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 171 Qingdeng Squad Assault!Chase in the settlement! 【6800】

"Ms. Angoulême, good morning." (French)" Gerard politely took off his top hat, pressed it to his chest, and bowed to Elodie.

Under the top hat, there is only a little bit of black and white hair remaining on the temples, and the "Mediterranean" hairstyle is so smooth that it can reflect light.

Elodie folded her hands in front of her body, smiled and saluted Gerald: "Mr. Gerard, good morning! (French)"

"Miss Angoulême, did you finish the homework I gave you last week? (French)"

Elodie smiled and said humorously: "I hurriedly fought all night last night, and barely managed to finish all the homework you gave me before dawn today. (French)"

"Hahaha." Gerald imitated Elodie's humorous tone just now, "hahaha" chuckled a few times, "That's not okay, finishing homework is important, but you can't sacrifice sleep just to finish homework. (French)"

"Miss Angoulême, you are now at the age of growing your body. You should pay more attention to the combination of work and rest on weekdays. Otherwise, you will not grow up. (French)"

After exchanging a few pleasantries with Ai Luodi, Gerald quietly raised his gaze to Qing Deng who was standing not far behind Ai Luo Di.

"...Miss Angoulême, who is this Japanese? (French)"

Hearing Gerrard ask who the Japanese behind her were, Elodie cheered up a little: "Mr. Gerrard, this is the orange man I mentioned to you before who saved me and grandpa." Mr Qingdeng! (French)”

"Oh..." Gerrard nodded expressionlessly, "This is the Ju Qingdeng who saved you and Mr. Angoulême...Compared to ordinary Japanese, he is quite tall Well. (French)”

"Mr. Gerard, let me take you to meet Mr. Orange!" (French)" Elodie smiled excitedly.

But the smile on her face didn't last long.

"No need." Gerrard refused in a very cold tone without hesitation, "Miss Angoulême, let's hurry up and start today's class."

"Today I'm going to teach you more advanced knowledge in rhetoric. The content will be more obscure and difficult to understand. You have to be mentally prepared. (French)"

Gerald rejected the proposal of "taking him to meet Qingdeng" without hesitation... Feeling a little embarrassed, the smile on her face froze for a moment.

Alodie quickly realized: why Gerald was so resistant to getting acquainted with Qingdeng... After she figured out the reason, the frozen smile on her face gradually changed into a helpless, A complex expression of distressed color.

"Hmm..." Elodie lightly pecked her little head a few times, trying to squeeze out a new smile, "Then Mr. Gerrard, let's go to class. (French)"

After saying that, Elodie and Gerald walked towards the stairs leading upstairs one after the other.

"Mr. Orange." When passing by Qingdeng, Elodie raised her hands, picked up the robe on her body, smiled apologetically, and gave Qingdeng a light salute, "I'm sorry, I have to go to class now Please forgive me for now."

"Yeah." Qingdeng smiled casually, "Don't worry about me, just go to class seriously."

After saying goodbye to Qingdeng, and then giving some instructions to Leroy in French, Elodie continued to walk towards the stairs not far away with Gerald one after the other.

Gerald, who was walking behind Elodie, passed by Qingdeng at this moment.

He didn't say a word to Qingdeng.

Just when he was about to pass by Qingdeng, his eyes slanted and he glanced at Qingdeng.

Although Gerald's gaze was fleeting... Qingdon still keenly captured the emotion contained in his gaze by relying on his powerful dynamic vision.

It was exactly the same as the emotion in his pupils when he entered the house and saw Qing Deng for the first time—the disdain full of superiority...

Qingdeng frowned immediately.

He stood there silently, watching Alodi and Gerald leave without saying a word.

It wasn't until the figures of the old and the young disappeared in the stairs leading upstairs that Qing Deng said quietly in his heart:
——Westerners like Ms. Angouleme and Mr. Angouleme who are not racially discriminatory are in the minority after all...

Why that Gerrard always looks at him with a disdainful look... The reason is not difficult to guess at all.

The Edo Shogunate was forcibly opened by the Western powers by force.

When all western countries have entered the industrial age due to the widespread use of steam engines, Japan under the rule of the Edo shogunate still remained in an agricultural society based on a small-scale peasant economy... How would the citizens of these western powers view this backwardness? country, it goes without saying.

So far, the Westerners Qingdeng has had in-depth contact with... are only Alodi and his family.

Because he basically only had detailed contacts with Ai Luodi and his family, Qingdeng almost forgot all this: there are very few Westerners like Ai Luodi and Anthony who do not discriminate against races.

The vast majority of Westerners are like this Gerald - they don't even bother to say hello to Qingdeng, and when they look at Qingdeng, there is always a look of fullness as if they are overlooking some lowly creature. A disdainful look of superiority.

——Forget it.

Qingdeng raised his hand and rubbed the back of his neck.

——Think of it as being bitten by a mosquito.

After all, that Gerald is Elodie's tutor, even for the sake of Anthony and Elodi, Qingdeng is too embarrassed to argue with this guy.

Moreover, Qingdeng's mind is not narrow enough to get angry just because of a contemptuous look from others.

He only regarded the look that Gerald had cast towards him just now as Qing Deng who was stared at him by a mosquito, and quickly resolved the depression in his heart.

"Mr. Orange, the black tea is already brewed. Do you want me to send it to the study now, or do you want me to wait a while before delivering it?"

Shock suddenly flooded Qingdeng's eyes.

--Who is speaking……?
The female voice suddenly sounded from behind Qingdeng, with a rather strange accent, and the pronunciation of many words was extremely inaccurate.

Feeling strongly trembling, Qing Deng hastily turned around and looked behind him.

Behind Qingdeng, there was only one person—Leroy, who was standing respectfully with his hands folded in front of him.

"Miss Leroy..." Qing Deng widened his eyes in a daze, "So you can speak Japanese?"

Leroy nodded lightly, pursed his lips and smiled, then stammered and said bluntly:

"Barely able to communicate with people, I can't speak as fluently and standardly as Miss."

This was the first time Qingdeng had seen Leroy speak Japanese.

Because before this, Qingdeng had only seen Leroy speak French, so Qingdeng always subconsciously thought that Leroy knew nothing about Japanese.

At this time, Leroy softly repeated the question she just raised:
"Mr. Orange, do you want me to deliver the black tea to the study now, or wait a while before delivering it?"

Qingdeng slowly recovered from the astonishment that "Leroy can speak Japanese".

"Send it over now." Qingdeng replied without thinking, "I'm sorry to trouble you."

"You're welcome." Leroy bowed, "These are what I should do."

After that, Leroy turned around and walked towards the kitchen.

Qingdeng glanced at Leroy's leaving back, and heaved a sigh of relief.

——I'll go back to the study to see what's going on with Saito and the others...

With a good idea, Qingdeng straightened his clothes, then quickly walked straight towards the stairs not far away.

But at this moment, a sudden word of thanks, like a chain, trapped Qing Deng's feet that had already stepped on the steps of the stairs.

"...Mr. Orange, thank you very much for your willingness to play with Miss just now."

"Huh?" Qing Deng was taken aback for a moment, then looked suspiciously at Leroy who suddenly thanked him.

After turning his gaze to Leroy, Qingdeng realized that this pretty young maid was looking at him with her head raised, with a grateful smile on her face.

After Qingdeng looked over, Leroy lowered his head, bent his upper body, and saluted Qingdeng from a distance.

"Miss, she... has been very lonely since she moved to Edo."

"It was surrounded by strange people and strange circumstances."

"There are no children around her age who can be her playmates."

"Master and I are also very busy every day, and we can't spare much time to spend with Miss."

"Only Miss Kinoshita would come to play with her from time to time."

At this moment, the corners of Leroy's mouth drooped in a slight arc... This slight change in expression gave her a faintly sad look on her face.

"If my guess is correct...it must be Miss who asked you to practice sword with her just now, right?"

"Miss, she has always liked sword stabbing."

"But after leaving France and coming to Japan, Miss rarely finds someone who has the time, ability, and willingness to practice swords with her."

"It's been a long time since I swung a sword with someone today...Miss must be very happy."

Under Qingdeng's straight eyebrows, his pupils flickered slightly at this moment.

In the next moment, he suddenly recalled a sentence that Alodi had said to him before he confronted Alodi——

(I haven't practiced against people for a long time... I almost forgot what it feels like to practice against people or things other than air.)
The scenes of the confrontation with Ai Luodi just now flashed through Qingdeng's mind.

At this time, Qingdeng noticed that when he was fighting with him, Ai Luodi was always smiling happily.

Clearly his sword couldn't hit Qingdeng at all, but he was still smiling.

It seems that just being able to lift the sword and practice against others like this is something worth celebrating...

Now Qingdeng understands why Elodie asked him to practice sword with her so abruptly.

There are no other people of the same age nearby, the grandfather and the maid can't squeeze out too much time to accompany her every day, only Kinoshita Mai can come and play with her from time to time... Just listening to these descriptions of Leroy, Qing Deng's mind It has already outlined a picture of "a lonely blond girl who can only practice her favorite swordsmanship against the air every day".

Pursing his lips, Qingdeng, who didn't know what expression to make for a moment, raised his head with a complicated expression, looked upstairs, and looked in the direction of Elodie's bedroom...

Ai Luodi's bedroom is located on the third floor of the top floor, and it is still in Qingdeng on the first floor. Naturally, even the door of Ai Luodi's bedroom cannot be seen.

However, after raising his head, Qingdeng saw something else——

dong dong dong dong dong...

From the direction of the top floor, came a series of hurried footsteps.

Immediately afterwards, at the top of the stairs, Qingdeng saw Fujido hurrying along.

"Mr. Orange, I found the man with the beard that the whistleblower said!"



As soon as Qingdeng and Fujido walked back to the study one by one, Saito and the others who were gathering around the window immediately greeted Qingdeng.

"Has that bearded man already entered the dim sum shop?" Qing Deng didn't have any nonsense, and went straight to the point with a serious face.

Yongcang nodded: "We can see very clearly! Just now, a samurai wearing a scarlet robe and black hakama, with a thick beard on his face, entered that dim sum shop!"

Qingdeng strode to the window, through the transparent window glass, stared deeply at the dim sum shop not far away for a few moments, put his hand into his bosom, and took out a cuff.

Looking at the cuff in Qingdeng's hand... Knowing what Qingdeng was going to do, Saito and the others silently stretched out their arms and took out their respective cuffs.

As if they had rehearsed in advance, the five of them fastened the wide sleeves of their kimonos with cuffs in unison.

"...you all come with me." Qingdeng helped the two sabers on his left waist, his deep voice was neither sad nor happy.

Before meeting Ai Luodi and the others on the street, Qingdeng and the others had already scouted the building style of the pastry shop and the layout of the surrounding buildings.

There are only 2 doors in this dim sum shop: the front door and the back door.

Aiming at the fact that the store only has two entrances, front and back, Qingdeng quickly made arrangements—he and Yongcang were in charge of attacking from the main entrance, while Saito led Harada and Fujido to guard the back entrance of the dim sum shop.

In Qingdeng's small team, except for Qingdeng who is the undoubted leader, the rest of them have no clear distinction between superiors and subordinates.

However, although no specific classification was made, everyone, including Qingdeng, always agreed that Saito was their "deputy captain" and Qingdeng's "adjutant".

Yongcang and Harada Sora have brute force, and they do things simply and rudely.Especially Harada, who basically doesn't understand Chinese characters, and can even say such stupid words as "Liu Bang and Liu Xuande committed suicide by the Pearl River", which can piss off the history teacher, basically bid farewell to the possibility of being entrusted with important tasks.

Fujido, on the other hand, is too inexperienced, still immature in his body, still immature in dealing with people, and not prudent enough in his actions. Although he is capable of writing and martial arts, he still lacks experience.

Among Qingdeng's subordinates...only Saito is the one who can stand alone the most.

Saito, who is unsmiling and shows no emotion or expression, is incredibly calm.

Mount Tai collapses in the front without changing its color, and the elk moves to the left without blinking—this classic saying is perfect to describe Saito.

Even Qingdeng, who has been friends with Saito for the longest time, has almost never seen Saito lose control of his expression and emotions.

No matter what time it is, he is so calm and calm.

Because Saito is so mature and stable, Qingdeng and the others often subconsciously forget that Saito and Todo are the same age, and both of them are only 16 years old this year. Saito is only a few months older than Todo. In a small team, the second youngest person.

In fact, strictly speaking... Saito doesn't need to be so obedient to Qingdeng.

Because he is just Qingdeng's bodyguard, not Qingdeng's Okabiki like Yongcang and Harada.

"Absolutely obey Qingto's orders" - this is the duty of Nagakura and the others, but Saito is not like this.

His only mission is to protect Qingdeng.

He doesn't have a direct superior-subordinate relationship with Qingdeng, he just needs to try to ensure Qingdeng's personal safety.

He can ignore everything else.

However, I don't know why... Saito has always listened to Qingdeng's words very much.

No matter what Qingdeng asked him to do for help, he basically nodded and agreed without hesitation.

It doesn't matter if you ask him to help with some daily chores in the prison; if you ask him to help you catch some prisoners or perform some tasks... Saito will always come.

Qingdeng also asked Saito one day: Why do you obey him so much?

Saito only replied lightly: There is no special reason.I wanted to do it so I did it.

Whether it is Saito's calm personality or his countless powerful strength, Yongcang and others are very convinced, so Yongcang and the others are also willing to submit to Saito, and respect Saito as their "deputy" team leader".

Qingdeng and his party, who quickly made a simple action plan of "dividing troops into two groups", rushed out of Ai Luodi's house in a "one-word long snake formation", and then started their own actions according to Qingdeng's deployment. .

Of course, before leaving, Qing Deng did not forget to greet Anthony, who was working in the bedroom, and Leroy, who had not been able to bring them black tea in time, "We have to leave temporarily".

Qingdeng originally wanted to go to say hello to Ai Luodi, but considering that Ai Luodi was in class now and did not want to disturb Ai Luodi's study, Qingdeng could only give up his idea in the end.

Qingdeng and Yongcang stayed outside Alodi's house.

Saito led Harada and Fujido to the back of the pastry shop.

Counting the time silently in his heart, after judging that Saito and the others should be in place, Qingdeng waved his hand to Yongcang, signaling Yongcang to follow, and then approached the main entrance of the dim sum shop with electric shocks.

Qingdeng tilted his head, and winked at Yongcang beside him.

Yongcang, who received Qingdeng's gaze, solemnly nodded to Qingdeng.

After completing a silent and brief exchange, the two drew out their sabers at the same time.

Qing Deng took a big stride with Ding Guishen in his hand, and opened the dim sum shop door with a "wow"——

"We are the official servants of the Edo North Division! Search by the public!"

There is no one on the first floor of this dim sum shop.

Looking at the entire first floor... only behind the counter, sat a middle-aged man with mixed black and white hair.

Seeing Qingdeng and Yongcang rushing in aggressively with their knives in hand, the middle-aged man immediately fell to the ground in fright, stammering and asking quickly, "What's wrong?" "What happened?"

Qingdeng ignored the middle-aged man.

He scanned every corner of the first floor with lightning-like eyes, and immediately rushed to the second floor of the dim sum shop after not finding the man with the beard.

This dim sum shop has 2 floors.

The first floor is used for receiving customers, while the second floor is dedicated to the area for guests to sit and have dinner.

At this moment, on the second floor of this pastry shop, customers in twos and threes are sitting around small tables, tasting wagashi with warm tea, and many of them are foreigners.

Qingdeng, who climbed to the top of the second floor at lightning speed, found their target with only a cursory glance - a warrior with a very thick beard on his face, sitting in a corner of the second floor.

This bearded man was sitting opposite someone, and sitting opposite him was a young man dressed in rather special clothes.

The reason why this young man is wearing special clothes is because he is not wearing a kimono, but a suit and leather shoes, vest, tie, leather shoes... everything is available, and he is wearing a pair of heavy clothes on the bridge of his nose. Black-rimmed glasses.

At present, Japanese people wearing suits are still very rare because Japanese society has not fully accepted the western style.

Qingdeng and Yongcang, who rushed up to the second floor with shining knives, naturally attracted the attention of everyone on the second floor.

The man with the beard and glasses was seeing Qingdeng and Yongcang... No, to be precise, he was seeing the ten hands with red tassels tied at the bottom of the handle on Qingdeng's right waist, and the ten hands on his right waist. The next moment after hanging the enshrined cage, his face suddenly changed!
Like a conditioned reflex, the two jumped up from their seats and fled in different directions!

Beard fled to the east window.

The man with glasses fled to the west window.

Run away when you see an official post... The suspiciousness of these two people is already full!
The direction in which the eyed man jumped out of the window was the direction in which Saito and the others were guarding the back door.

Qingdeng immediately lay down on a nearby window facing west, and shouted to Saito and others outside the window:
"Saito! Grab this man in a suit and glasses!"

Before Qingdeng shouted this command, Saito and others who were guarding outside the back door had already seen the man with glasses who jumped out of the window.

The skill of this man with glasses...was very poor at first glance. He didn't seem to have practiced any martial arts, and his hands and feet were extremely stiff.

Lifting his feet and climbing over the window, he awkwardly landed on the eaves of the first floor of the pastry shop, then flinched down the eaves and landed on the ground.

When he landed on both feet, he almost fell down because he didn't adjust his center of gravity properly.

Saito consistently maintained his reticent and harsh behavior style—he didn't respond to Qingdeng, but silently held the saber on his right waist, and chased after the panicked man with glasses.

Fujido followed closely behind Saito with a "hum-chi-hum-chi".

Harada, on the other hand, raised his spear with both hands high and flat, "Mr. Tachibana! Leave it to us!"

Qingdeng handed over the man with glasses to Saito and the others to deal with, and left the heavy responsibility of chasing the bearded man who fled in the other direction to himself and Yongcang.

"Yongcang, come with me!"

"Whoa whoa!"

For the convenience of running, Qingdeng put the Ding Guishen in his hand back into the sheath for the time being, then ran to the window facing the east that was closest to him, jumped over the window, and landed directly on the street outside the house superior.

Looking up - the bearded man is fleeing to the north intersection.

Compared with the man with glasses, the bearded man's skills are obviously much stronger, and he can be seen as a trainer at a glance.

In the evening, Yongcang, who was half-stepping out of the window, shouted "Follow me closely", Qingdeng chased the back of the bearded figure, and started a chase that seemed to be racing against the wind on the streets of the reservation.

The bearded bull was like a bull, knocking away all the people and things in front of him.

All of a sudden, screams and curses in various languages ​​came and went.


"Hé! Tu m'as frappé!"



Yongcang has neither strength nor stamina, but speed is his weakness.

After a while, because Yongcang was not as fast as Qingdeng, he gradually fell behind Qingdeng, and the distance between him and Qingdeng became wider and wider.

Now Qingdeng can't care about Yongcang who can't keep up with him.

Beard's speed is very fast, and his physical strength is also extremely sufficient. Until now, his speed has not slowed down by half.

Sitting on the two talents of "strong muscles" and "leading the way", it is difficult to catch up with him in a short time.

The beard kept running away.

Because Yongcang has fallen behind, Qingdeng, who can only act alone temporarily, keeps chasing after him.

Soon, under the fierce chasing and chasing each other, Lujihu and Qingdeng both rushed out of the reservation and entered a certain street in the north of the reservation.

The bearded man "led" Qingdeng around in the streets and alleys, turning around like a headless chicken.

Qingdeng gritted his teeth and held his breath, not letting the bearded figure disappear from his field of vision even for a moment.

After following the bearded man and turning into a secluded alley...Suddenly, Qing Deng suddenly saw several figures blocking him.

Then at the same time, there were several more people behind Qingdeng...

9 people in the front, 9 people in the back...a total of 18 people blocked Qingdeng in this alley.

The long-lost real knife showdown...

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