I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 172 One-on-one against 18 players!Qingdeng New Breakthrough 【6700】

The nine people who suddenly blocked Qingdeng formed a thick human wall, blocking Qingdeng and Hu Hu.

Whether it was the nine people who blocked Qingdeng's path, or the nine people who blocked Qingdeng's back, they were all without exception—one long and one short double knives were worn around their waists.

Seeing this, Qingdeng's face darkened, and his footsteps stopped, the sandals on his feet wiped two white marks on the dusty ground.

The next moment he stabilized his body, Qingdeng raised his left hand to stabilize Ding Guishen on his left waist.

His gaze wandering from back to front swept across the faces of the 18 warriors who had blocked him in this alley with the force of pinching back and forth.

Qingdeng is not very familiar with this neighborhood, only in the chase just now, he could vaguely see that this is a place where warriors live, there are very few people, and it is quite deserted.

In Edo, many samurai settlements were so sparsely populated.

Nearly 8% of the land in Edo is "samurai land" that only samurai can live in, and "temple land" that is only used by religious people, and the other 2% of the land is "town people land", that is, for civilians to live soil of.

Samurai and religious people occupied most of Edo's land, but their total population only accounted for 2% of Edo's total population.

On the other hand, civilians who account for more than 8% of the city's total population can only live in a narrow town...

Therefore, this has created a consequence - the population distribution of Edo is extremely polarized.

Many Wujia places are deserted every day, and there are very few pedestrians on the streets.But in the town of people, it is bustling and busy every day.

——Did you lure me here on purpose so that the companions lurking here would cover him from leaving...

Qingdeng raised his eyebrows, looked over the wall of people in front of him, and looked at the bearded figure in the distance that had shrunk to the size of a thumb and was about to disappear from the field of vision.

When Qingdeng looked over, the bearded man just turned around to look over.

Qingdeng saw the bearded expression of rejoicing that he survived the catastrophe, as well as a smile that seemed to be mocking Qingdeng.

At this time, Qingdeng suddenly heard a shout from the human wall in front of him:
"Hey! Be careful! This person is that Ju Qingdeng!"

This simple shout... suddenly changed the atmosphere in the alley.

The faces of many people suddenly changed, with strong resentment and hatred engraved on their faces.

Seeing these people's reactions, Qingdeng narrowed his eyes slightly.

After learning that he was Ju Qingdeng, his expression suddenly changed as if facing a formidable enemy... In Qingdeng's impression, there was only one group in Edo who had a deep feud with him.

"...Hey, you guys are from the barbarian group, aren't you?"

Qingdeng's tone was flat, and his indifferent attitude contained a strong chill.

No one responded directly to Qingdeng's question... because they are all busy with "infighting" right now.

"Hey! Calm down!"

"That's right! Don't act nonsense! We're just here to cover Chuanba's evacuation! We're not here to kill people! Don't act without authorization! As long as we can force Ju Qingdeng to leave and let him stop chasing Chuanba!"

"Huh? What do you mean? Do you want us to just let this traitor leave the country wholeheartedly?"

"Hey! He's alone now! This is a great opportunity to kill him and avenge all his comrades who died because of this beast!"

"Yeah! This guy is now alone! There is no better chance for revenge!"


The 18 warriors blocking the front and back roads of Qingdeng were divided into two distinct factions.

One faction advocates not to have a strong conflict with Qingdeng at present, they are only here to prevent Qingdeng from chasing Chuanba, and they should not do unnecessary things.

Qingdeng guessed that "Chuan Ba" was the name or nickname of the bearded man.

The other faction advocated that Qingdeng, who was on the order, should be eliminated now and then quickly.

Their "infighting" did not last too long.

Because in the midst of this chaos, a warrior behind Qingdeng suddenly let out a roar.

This warrior has been staring at Qingdeng with eyes full of hatred since the beginning of time.

When he heard some of his partners brazenly say "we are not here to kill people" and "as long as we can force Ju Qingdeng to leave", a look of impatience began to appear on his face. product.

Impatient, resentful, resentful... When these emotions are stored to the peak, they immediately erupt like magma bursting from the crater of a volcano.

He has lost control of his emotions, and he doesn't want to listen to any nonsense from other people.

He pulled out the knife at his waist, roared, and rushed straight towards Qingdeng with the knife raised!

Qingdeng turned his head slightly, and looked at the warrior rushing towards him from the corner of his right eye.

In the next moment, the person who was staring at Qingdeng saw a rather unbelievable scene - a silver snake sprang out from Qingdeng's left waist.

With his left hand, Qingdeng quickly opened the mouth of the sheath of Ding Guishen, and with his left foot as the axis, he rotated backward 180 degrees like a spinning top. With the potential energy of the rotation, he drew the saber out of the sheath with his right hand!The white blade ejected from the sheath was like a silver snake!
Ding Guishen's blade swept behind him, slashed across the warrior's neck, and made a "cha" sound... This sound was enough to make all the cowards tremble.

Under the radiance of the scorching summer sun, the blade that reflected the cold light cut flesh and bones, and a good human head flew out under the influence of inertia, hitting the wall on the east side of the alley heavily and then It bounced back and rolled down to Qingdeng's feet.

Blood spurted from the warrior's broken neck like a fountain.

A few drops of blood splashed onto the eyelids, the tip of the nose, the corners of the mouth, etc. on Qingdeng's face...Qingdeng didn't even blink his eyes.

Since time travelling, he has slashed countless enemies with his hands, and he has long been accustomed to seeing blood and death.

Qingdeng didn't just just stand there in a daze, doing nothing.

After the 18 samurai appeared, he began to silently measure the distance between him and these people, and calculated how he should counterattack after these people attacked him, who he should attack first, and how everyone should attack. How to cut can be the most smooth.

In a nutshell—after the appearance of these 18 warriors who could tell that they were coming, Qingdeng tensed up and was always ready to meet the enemy!

This was the first time that Qingdeng faced so many enemies alone.

Looking back on the past, Qingdeng had companions who could assist him in almost every battle.

During the chaotic battle on a snowy night, Saito and Anthony's guards were by his side.

Saito, Yongcang, and the others were all there when the Fanshu Institute was rescued.

Without any comrades-in-arms, he faced nearly twenty warriors alone... This was Qingdeng's first time.

But Qingdeng didn't feel uneasy or afraid about it.

It would be better to say... Qingdeng is still very motivated now!
The martial arts that have never been slack in training and hard work, as well as the extremely rich types of talents in the personal system interface, have given Qingdeng the confidence to dare to accept any difficult challenges!

It just so happens that I can take this opportunity to have a look at the power of "gathering the gods"... Qingdeng said so in his heart.

After copying from Chiba Eijiro's body to the god-level talent: "Concentration", Qingdeng has never found a chance to properly test the effect of this new talent.

The kind of dojo sparring where people are wearing protective gear and holding a bamboo sword, there is no risk of life at all, and it is absolutely impossible to force out all the potential and power of this talent.

And now—this opportunity has come!
The sudden attack of that warrior just now, and Qingdeng's lightning-like counterattack, are like a boulder thrown into a calm lake, stirring up thousands of waves...Those who just advocated that "Qingdeng should be killed now", They all turned into "running wild horses".

They roared like beasts and attacked Qingdeng in groups!

There were 12 people who attacked Chaoqingdeng.

The remaining 5 people who did not immediately attack Qingdeng together were all the ones who advocated "don't confront Qingdeng now".

These five "Peacemakers" are neither advancing nor retreating. They look at each other and don't know what to do.

Three of them gritted their teeth, drew their knives, and charged Qingdeng as well.

The other 2 people still stood in place, hesitating.


The voice of the person who rushed to Qingdeng first was very shrill, and his growl was quite ear-piercing.

When he yelled and raised his knife to attack Qingdeng, he shouted "You bastard!".

Qingdeng turned a deaf ear to his abuse.

Qingdeng glanced at this person's sword path, stood with his legs apart, and at the same time dodged the person's slash sideways, clenched his left hand into a fist, and slashed straight at the opponent's right wrist holding the knife.

All of a sudden, the knife in this person's hand fell to the ground with a "clang".

After disarming this guy with one blow, Qingdeng waved his Ding Guishen and wiped the guy's neck... a new pool of "fountain" spewing out blood appeared.

"The fifth..."

Qingdeng didn't look at what the enemy whose neck he wiped looked like now, after softly recording the number of his kills in a non-sad and indifferent tone, he retracted the ghost and adjusted the blade direction, and then took advantage of the situation to make a cassock slash towards the next enemy.

Chi Chi Chi Chi... the sound of blood splattering.

Crack, crack... the sound of flesh and bones being cut.

These two voices mixed together, announcing the death of another life—Qingdeng's slashing of the cassock left another broken corpse on the ground in this alley.

"The fifth..."

In the blink of an eye, Qingdeng had killed two people in a row.

Now Qingdeng feels that he has entered a... very strange state.

He was so focused that he felt a little scary.

His eyes, ears, nose... In short, all his senses are now unable to pay attention to the rest of the outside world.

He only sees the enemies around him.

All I could hear were the footsteps, roars, and dancing blades of the enemies.

The head is so clear... It feels like a lot of mints have been stuffed into the head.

The high level of mental concentration greatly improved Qingdeng's reaction ability and thinking speed!
- So strong!
Sensing the change in his mental state, Qingdeng couldn't help expressing his heartfelt amazement.

He understood more and more why Chiba Eijiro was able to subdue experts from all walks of life with his overwhelming strength at such a young age.

The strength of this "gathering spirit"... is no worse than the talents of "lonely courage" and "ghost heart"!
Sure enough, it is necessary to fight for life in this kind of death fight, and dare not have the slightest carelessness, in order to fully display the power of "gathering the gods".

Qingdeng is now extremely convinced - with "Ju Shen" in his body, his comprehensive strength has made a new breakthrough compared to the past!
At this moment, Qingdeng's various boosting effects are almost fully stacked.

The greater the number of enemies and the stronger the strength of the enemy, the more "lonely courage" that can ignite fighting spirit and exert its own strength beyond normal.

It is far easier to concentrate and concentrate than ordinary people, and can maintain a state of "extremely high concentration" for a long time.

With the blessing of these perverted talents, Qingdeng is now like an extremely efficient "killing machine", constantly swiping his knife to harvest the lives of every enemy around him.

Because the effect of "gathering the gods" was much stronger than what he expected, Qingdeng, who was not timid because the enemy had an absolute superiority in numbers, became even more bold and fearless!
The enemies came from both front and back, so in order to avoid being flanked by two sides, Qingdeng leaned his back against the wall on the east side of the alley to ensure that he could only face the enemy one-sided.

This alley is neither wide nor narrow, and the widest part is only enough for three adults to pass side by side. This kind of narrow terrain is very beneficial to Qingdeng, and it is difficult for the enemies to take advantage of their numbers.

After Qingdeng faced the enemy with his back against the wall, the narrow alley could only accommodate up to 3 people attacking Qingdeng at the same time.

The enemy standing on Qingdeng's right hand raised his saber and slashed, the blade making a sound in the wind.

Qingdeng raised Ding Guishen upwards in the following posture, and used the back of the knife to deflect the incoming knife, then lowered his waist, gathered strength, and finally slashed fiercely from top to bottom.

This "defense-counterattack" was done in one go, the blade was inserted into the man's side neck, and the feeling of cutting flesh and bones was transmitted continuously along the blade and handle into Qingdeng's palms.

Puff... A handful of blood gushed out from the severed neck artery, pouring all over Qingdeng's body.

"The fifth..."

Hum...Qingdeng heard the sound of a knife being swung from a blind spot in his vision.

"Focus on God" and "Wind Senser" have a linkage effect!

The high concentration of attention made Qingdeng's hearing sharper.

I saw Qingdeng listening to the voice and arguing for his position, he stood half a step sideways, dodging the knife, the blow from the blind spot of his vision only hit the air beside Qingdeng's side.

Qingdeng did not swing his knife to fight back against his attacker.

This guy is now standing on Qingdeng's left side... His position made Qingdeng think of a better and faster countermeasure.

Qingdeng freed his left hand, and with his left hand pressed down on the sheath of Ding Guishen's scabbard, and pressed the sheath down forcefully.

With the lowering of the mouth of the sheath, under the influence of leverage, the bottom of the sheath rose high, hitting the crotch of the enemy who sneaked up on Qingdeng just now.

The man felt as if his lower body had been hit by an express carriage.

His eyes bulged, his head jerked forward, and the blood on his face faded at a frightening speed.

He only heard a sound of "dang lang", he could no longer hold the knife firmly with his hands, the knife fell to the ground, and his vacated hands stretched down to the part that was hit.

Foaming from the corner of his mouth, he kept moaning "ho ho ho" without any specific meaning, his throat "clucked" and he gagged.

In order to relieve his pain as much as possible, he knelt down unconsciously, trying to lie on his side on the ground to make himself feel better.

"The fifth..."

The senses, which had become unprecedentedly sharp due to "concentration", once again sensed danger.

Qingdeng was convinced that the danger was coming, he took half a step back quickly, and used his back to look for the wall of the alley, a sharp blade that pierced straight past his lower abdomen, scratching the kimono fabric on Qingdeng's abdomen, Qingdeng His stomach felt the cold of the blade.

Qingdeng's eyes froze, and the counterattack followed by dodge——

With a vertical chop, Qingdeng knocked down the knife that was almost attached to his lower abdomen.

This enemy, whose sword was shot down by Qingdeng, still has a strong will to fight.

Although he had no weapon, he still yelled and rushed forward recklessly, wrapping his arms around Qingdeng's waist.

Qingdeng let him hug him, his waist sank, he put his arms into the opponent's armpits, and threw him out with all his strength.

This guy is very thin and light, which is the fundamental reason why Qingdeng dared to let him hug him.

The scrawny man was thrown two meters away, the back of his head hit the ground, and he lay on the ground straight for a long time without getting up.

"The fifth..."

Qingdeng, who takes the concept of "killing the enemy" as his standard, is neither ashamed nor cruel to the fact that "he is constantly taking the lives of others".

As long as it is an enemy, no matter how many people there are, no matter how old they are, they can all be killed!

With the knife in his hand, Qing Deng, who was killing with one knife at a time, was already drenched in blood.

His knife, his face, and his clothes were all stained with blood.

The blood dripping from the enemy's body mixed with the soil on the ground, turning the ground under Qingdeng's feet into a strange purple-black color.

Those two "Harmony factions" who did not attack Qingdeng, but were still hesitantly standing in place, now all looked at Qingdeng who was killing so much like the incarnation of a killing god with horror on his face.

The two glanced at the corpses on the ground and the surviving companions, then gritted their teeth as if they had made up their minds, exchanged something with each other in a low voice, and both of them ran out of the alley... …

The vacancies that appeared after Qingdeng brought down the enemies were quickly filled by new enemies.

A new attack came.

This time, 3 knives were slashed from 3 directions at the same time, cutting towards Qingdeng in 3 different directions.

An older middle-aged man on the left held his saber aloft, and swung his cassock to chop from the upper right.

The young man in the middle thrust his sword forward and stabbed it at Qingdeng's chest.

The dwarf on the right picked the lower part and moved the blade towards Qingdeng's lower body.

Qingdeng glanced quickly, saw the three sword paths of the attack clearly, and then in the next moment, he thought up a strategy to defeat the enemy.

This feeling of thinking that has become unprecedentedly agile under the high concentration of the mind is really unstoppable.

Qingdeng took a step to the right, avoiding the stabbing attack of the young man in the middle, and at the same time he swung his knife to block the cassock attack of the middle-aged man on the left.

Immediately afterwards, the body and both hands leaned to the right, and crashed into the arms of the short man on the right, causing the short man's upper body to be thrown into the air.

Someone moaned:

"No! No!"

It turned out that when Qingdeng crashed into the dwarf's arms, he freed his left hand and pulled out the wakizasa that was still hanging on his left waist, and pushed the wakizasa into the dwarf's stomach, and vigorously stirred it a few times along the way.

The dwarf, who had vomited a lot of blood, staggered forward and fell forward.

With a flash of the knife—after stabbing the dwarf, Qingdeng directly left Wakizawa in his body, pivoted his body with his left foot and the Dingguishen in his hand, and swung the Dingguishen blade back towards the one in the middle with a "buzz". Young cheeks.

The young man whose brains had all been chopped off collapsed to the ground before he could even utter a scream. His body happened to be stacked with the dwarf who had just fallen to the ground.

Qingdeng's offensive didn't stop, and in the blink of an eye, he pounced on the middle-aged man on his left, who hastily raised his knife to defend - just as the middle-aged man raised the knife, only half of his waist was still connected, and he vomited. After a few mouthfuls of blood, his head and hands hang down feebly, his feet supported his body whose vitality was rapidly dissipating, and he took two steps crookedly before falling slowly to the ground.

"7th, 8th, 9th..."

Qingdeng, whose body was covered in blood, opened his mouth slightly, let out a mouthful of stale air, and then quietly put Ding Guishen back in front of him.

His sharp wolf-like eyes followed the edge of the blade across the faces of every remaining enemy.

No one dares to go up again...

The remaining 7 enemies who could still stand still surrounded Qingdeng in a semicircular formation.

Even though Qingdeng was being surrounded, they still had the superiority in numbers, but no one dared to attack again.

You look at me, I look at you...neither attack nor retreat.

There were only 18 of them in total, and now half of their companions had fallen into Qingdeng's hands... Such huge casualties cast a shadow called "fear" on their faces at this moment.

Those people who clamored "kill Qingdeng now and get revenge" have become much "calmer" now, and are not so angry anymore.

The situation on the battlefield suddenly became weird.

The rest of these enemies were obviously overwhelmed by Qingdeng's mighty strength, and they didn't dare to approach Qingdeng rashly.

But the fluke mentality of "what if I can kill Qingdeng?" and the self-esteem of "don't want to run away" made them not want to just retreat...

In this weird atmosphere of hesitation... someone finally killed him.

"Mr. Orange!"

A shout like thunder on the flat ground exploded from the entrance of the alley on the east side of the alley.

Hearing this shout, Qing Deng, who had been expressionless all the time, had a faint smile on his face.

Yongcang, who finally caught up, smelled a very strong smell of blood before entering the alley.

Without any words or thoughts——Yongcang directly sank his face, drew his sword in his hand, and rushed into the alley!
After finding Qingdeng in the alley, he rushed towards the enemies still surrounding Qingdeng without any hesitation.

Yongcang's first target was a short, skinny and ugly man who was closest to him.

Raising the knife, making a sharp chihe sound, and chopping the knife down—Yongcang's movements are fast, powerful, and full of momentum.

The short man subconsciously raised his knife to defend.

At this time, a good-sighted companion next to him could see what kind of swordsmanship Yongcang was using.

"Shinto Wunianliu...! Don't take his knife!"

This person's reminder is still half a step late...

After Yongcang's blade and Aozaozi's blade collided in mid-air, Aiaozizi only persisted for less than a second, and his knife was shot down because it was difficult to resist Yongcang's huge force.

After knocking down Ai Zhazi's knife, Yongcang's blade remained undiminished, and it was deeply embedded in Ai Zhazi's forehead.

Schools such as the Showmanship Style and the Shinto Wunian Style, which are full of "strength" attributes, should try their best to avoid taking their swords hard... This is also one of the common sense in the swordsmanship world.

Qingdeng always felt that heavy weapons like axes and mallets might be more suitable for Yongcang.

Yongcang's sudden attack can be regarded as completely destroying the last psychological defense line of the enemies.

Just one Qingdeng beat them to pieces, and now there is another person who is very strong in swordsmanship...

Those people who didn't have the guts to fight against Qingdeng and Yongcang began to retreat hastily to the west side of the alley!
Seeing that these people wanted to escape, Qingdeng quickly shouted to Yongcang: "Leave them! Don't let them escape! Try to capture as many people alive!"

If they had escaped and failed to catch a few people to gather information, then Qingdeng's previous battle would have been in vain.

No matter what, at least one living victim must be captured to obtain information——Qingdeng had this idea firmly in his mind.

Yongcang nodded vigorously silently, and chased after the fleeing enemy together with Qingdeng.

But at this moment-

Two sharp piercing sounds made Qingdeng's scalp feel cold.

"Get away!" Qingdeng pushed Yongcang beside him vigorously, pushed Yongcang, and jumped to the back of a nearby garbage pile together with Yongcang.

The moment the two dodged to dodge, two arrows pierced through the air and shot straight across the direction where Qingdeng and Yongcang were standing just now.

Sword and halberd novels like mine really need to have enough blood and brains... (Leopard Death.jpg)

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