I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 173 Breaking the bow with one sword!Copy Talent【Bow Master】【6300】


Looking at the arrows flying through the air, Qingdeng frowned suddenly, his back was pressed against the wall of the alley next to him, his head was raised slightly, and he poked out the garbage dump where he and Yongcang were hiding now.

I saw that at the entrance of the alley on the west side of the alley, at some point there appeared three more warriors with double knives around their waists and holding a broad and bow.

Beside the three archers, two warriors shouted anxiously to the people who were still alive in the alley: "Take those who are still alive and leave!"—these two warriors were exactly the ones who retreated just now. Peacemaker".

It turned out that the retreat of the two of them just now was not to escape, but to find support.

After seeing their companions being killed one by one by Qingdeng like chopping melons and vegetables, the two of them knew that if this continued, they would be wiped out sooner or later.

Can't fight anymore!It must be withdrawn!Withdraw as much as they can—the two of them, with such an idea in mind, hurried back to the nearby stronghold to bring in reinforcements.

The reason why the bearded man "led" Qingdeng here was because they had a small stronghold here... That's why they were able to dispatch 18 people here to intercept Qingdeng.

Because it is only a small base, there are not many helpers that can be found.

The three archers holding the magnum and the bow were all the reinforcements the two of them could bring in after rushing back to the stronghold.

"Ju Qingdeng's swordsmanship is too strong. Fighting him in close quarters is looking for death. You have to use bows and arrows to suppress him"——under the strong request of the two people who came to rescue the soldiers, what they found The three rescuers who came took the only three bows and arrows stored in their stronghold.

After all the arrows shot just now fell to nothing, the three archers quickly touched their right hands to the back waist, took out a new arrow from the quiver hanging on the back waist, and put the arrow on the string.

People with sharp eyes can see that the archery levels of these three archers are uneven just by observing the arrow-changing movements of these three archers.

The bow skills of the two young men standing on the left and right sides were average at first glance, and the movements of changing arrows were extremely jerky, and one of them even almost dropped the arrow in his hand.

Only the middle-aged man with a thick beard standing in the middle, his movements are quite fast and skillful, the movements of taking out new arrows from the quiver and putting the new arrows on the bowstring are smooth and done in one go. You can tell by looking at him that he is proficient in archery.

And the next performance of this middle-aged man with a beard is also very "bowman" demeanor.

As soon as Qingdeng poked his head out of the garbage dump where he and Yongcang were hiding, the "middle-aged man with a beard" immediately fixed his eyes, glared viciously in Qingdeng's direction, raised his bow and shot!
The extremely ear-piercing sound of piercing through the air resounded through the entire alley again.

The arrow with a brown shaft turned into a brown beam of light, cutting through the atmosphere of the alley, and this slender beam of light poured straight towards Qing Deng's head sticking out of the garbage dump.

Qing Deng, whose pupils narrowed slightly, retracted his head behind the garbage dump with a speed and movement like conditioned reflex.


The arrow sank deep into a large sack of unknown contents in the garbage dump - the place where the arrow hit was less than 2 inches from where Qingdeng poked his head out just now.

——The guy with the beard is a good archer...

Qingdeng's heart sank slightly.

The appearance of the rescuers and the shout of "Take the people who are still alive!" made the people still alive in the alley wake up like a dream.

They hurriedly dragged their companions who were still alive, and hurriedly fled towards the direction where the rescuers appeared...that is, the west alley.

Seeing this, Yongcang hurriedly said to Qing Deng beside him:
"Mr. Orange, what should we do now? If this continues, these people will flee."

"..." Qingdeng didn't respond to Yongcang.

Qingdeng, who was concentrating on thinking about the method of defeating the enemy, now has no time to pay attention to all the unimportant information from the outside world.

For Qingdeng, the last thing he wanted to see was naturally that this group of people escaped smoothly and failed to catch a few survivors.

The biggest problem facing Qingdeng now...is "how to deal with the opponent's shooting support".

A total of 3 archers guarded the alley to cover the evacuation of their companions, and one of the 3 archers was quite skilled in archery.

The garbage dump where Qingdeng and Yongcang are currently hiding is very large and thick, as long as they hide behind this garbage dump, they don't have to worry about being shot by arrows.

But if you casually stand up or leave this garbage dump, you will definitely be shot by these three archers.

Japanese bows, also known as "big bows", generally have a total length of more than 2 meters and are powerful.

Qing was registered in his previous life. He had heard of an experiment to test the power of a bow: After adding a force of 23kg to a bow and equipping it with a heavy-duty arrowhead, it was recorded by a high-speed camera. The initial velocity of rice can easily penetrate the human body up to 34cm.

If you get hit by an arrow shot by a master...then there is a high probability that your body will be shot right through.

It's unfortunate—the enemy happens to have a person with a high level of archery at first glance.

After seeing Qingdeng's pensive appearance, Yongcang closed his mouth very conspicuously, and while he stopped speaking, he also slowed down his breathing by the way, for fear that his every move, every word and action would be contradictory. Affect Qingdeng's thinking.

Yongcang has one advantage—he is very self-aware of his IQ level, and he never forces himself to deal with some intellectual tasks that he can't solve at all.

When encountering intellectual tasks that are difficult for him to solve, he will avoid them or directly let others handle them for him.

The brothers Yongcang and Harada... can be regarded as the "duo duo" in the "Qingdeng Squad".

However, although both of them are stupid, their stupid directions are not the same.

Harada's "stupidity" is due to lack of culture and the habit of thinking about problems with his brain.As soon as he encounters something that needs to use his brain, he will habitually give up and escape.

Yongcang's cultural level is acceptable, he knows a lot of Chinese characters, and he can also come up with some classic sentences in Han family classics such as the Four Books and Five Classics.His "stupid" is simply because his brain is not bright enough...

After pondering for a moment, Qingdeng raised his hand to touch the wakizaru hanging on his left waist, but found nothing - he had completely forgotten that his wakizawa was still on the one that was hung by him just now. Inside the dwarf who was stabbed.

"Yongcang, lend me your Wakizashi."

Although Yongcang didn't understand why Qingdeng suddenly wanted to borrow his yoke, he immediately pulled out the yoke from his waist without saying a word, and handed it to Qingdeng.

After receiving the wakizashi from Yongcura, Qingdeng erected the wakizashi, stuck the flat blade out of the trash, and used the smooth and bright blade as a mirror to view the scene outside the trash.

Although the image reflected on the knife surface is slightly blurred...but it's barely enough to see.

Those who were still alive, and the wounded who were still alive, all escaped from the alley and disappeared from Qingdeng's field of vision.

Only the three archers remained at the entrance of the alley—it was not difficult to see that the three of them were trying to stop Qingdeng and Yongcang from chasing after their companions, and buy enough time for their companions to evacuate.

"Mr. Orange." Yongcang, who was looking at the scene reflected on the blade with Qingdeng, was a little anxious in his tone, "I'm in trouble...all those guys have run away!"

Compared to Yongcang's anxiety...Qingdeng is much calmer.

"...Who said that." Qingdeng said flatly, "Here...are there still three people who haven't left yet?"

After finishing speaking, Qingdeng tilted the threat in his hand slightly, and then stared at the figures of the three archers reflected on the blade with a meaningful gaze.

Yongcang, who understood what Qingdeng meant, stared and smacked his lips a few times: "Mr. Orange, are you... wanting to capture those three archers alive?"

"Other than that, there is no other way. I am chasing people and killing people today... I don't want to waste my time. I have to find a way to catch someone who can be used for questioning and trapping." Intelligence is what matters.”

After finishing speaking, Qingdeng handed back the threat in his hand to Yongcang.

—About 20 meters...

While using Wakizashi's blade to check the scene outside the garbage dump, Qingdeng roughly visually measured the distance between them and the three archers.

From the garbage dump where he and Yongcang are hiding now to the alley where the three archers are, it is a straight alley.

The length of this straight lane is about 20 meters.

If you want to capture the three archers alive, you have to try to withstand their shooting and pass through the distance of 3 meters.

As long as he can manage to cross the distance of 20 meters and come to the front of the three archers... Then the next thing will be easy.

At this moment, Qingdeng suddenly realized——he really experienced many firsts today.

This is the first time I have seen the Western stabbing technique of this era.

It was the first time to deal with so many enemies single-handedly.

First time against archers.

Qingdeng's initial idea was to find a shield that could be used to block arrows.

Looking around... It really made Qingdeng find something that can be used as a shield - a large wooden board nearly 2 meters long and 1 meter wide.

This large wooden board was thrown in the garbage dump where Qingdeng used to hide, and it seemed to be the waste left over from the renovation of the house.

After thinking over and over again, Qingdeng gave up the idea of ​​using this big wooden board as a shield.

Although this wooden board is very large, its thickness is really too thin... the thickest part is only about 3 centimeters.

Such a thin wooden board...Qingdeng felt that it was too little to use it to block the arrows shot by the bow...

At this time, Qing Deng suddenly caught a glimpse of an empty sake bottle at his feet.

Looking at this sake bottle... a flash of inspiration - a bold idea suddenly flashed in Qingdeng's mind.

Qingdeng raised his head and looked at the houses on both sides of the alley.

"...Yongcang, bring your ears closer. Now I have thought of a plan that needs your help."

Qingdeng put his lips close to Yongcang's approaching ear, and said something softly to Yongcang.

"...Mr. Orange." Yongcang stared blankly at Qingdeng, showing an expression as if he had heard some shocking secret news, "Are you... are you taking too much risk?"

Qingdeng smiled fearlessly: "It's strange - since when did I forget, I'm becoming less and less afraid of death."

Qingdeng put his hands into his arms, took out the pocket paper that he carried with him, wiped off the blood and fat left on Dingguishendao's body, and poked his head out of the garbage dump again, quietly observing the remains at the entrance of the west alley. The 3 archers who did not leave.

"...I see." Yongcang nodded solemnly, "Mr. Orange, I wish you prosperity in martial arts."

The corner of Qingdeng's mouth twitched: "I accept your good words."

Qingdeng threw the paper on the ground after wiping the blade, and said flatly, "Let's start."

Yongcura nodded vigorously, then raised his hand, and grabbed the sake bottle that was down at Qing Deng's feet.

In the next moment, Yongkura took a deep breath, and threw the sake bottle he had just grabbed out of the garbage dump, towards the direction of the three archers!

His strong body is like a large slingshot, his long and strong arms are the rubber band of the slingshot, and the sake bottle is its ammunition!

The sake bottle that was thrown out was spinning and flying, and after flying to the highest point in the air, it drew a beautiful parabola and fell to the ground, turning into countless fragments.

The sound of the sake bottle being smashed was like a gunshot that startled countless birds in the forest.

The nerves of the three archers who covered the retreat of their companions were actually tense all the time.

Worrying about whether my companions have fled away...

Fear of Qingdeng's strength...

These emotions mixed together, making their nerves like extremely tight silk threads, as if they would be disconnected at any time if any external force was added.

The sudden shattering of the sake bottle was the external force that broke their tense nerves.

After catching a glimpse of an unidentified object suddenly flying out from behind the garbage dump where Qingdeng and Yongcang were hiding, the three archers hurriedly turned their eyes away as if they were facing a big enemy, catching the "UFO" with their eyes.

After seeing clearly that the "UFO" was just a bottle of sake, the expression of the "middle-aged man with beard" and the young man standing on his right relaxed.

But the other young man...that is, the young man standing on the left hand side of the "bearded middle-aged man", he is not so good psychologically.

Being overly nervous, he was frightened by the flying sake bottle for a moment, then raised his hand and drew his bow in a panic, and released the arrow that had been placed on the bowstring and was ready to shoot at any time. The arrow hit the ground not far from where the sake bottle fell.

He managed to trick an arrow - this was actually a surprise for Qingdeng.

Qingdeng didn't intend to use this sake bottle to seduce the archers to shoot arrows.

Qingdeng's plan from the beginning was to use this sake bottle to help him attract the attention of the three archers outside!

At the moment when the attention of the archers headed by the "bearded middle-aged man" was taken away by the sake bottle thrown by Nagakura, Qingdeng Handi Bacong jumped up and grabbed the person under the eaves of the neighboring house The rafters, and then Qing Deng turned his body up like origami and stood on the roof.

Then in the next moment—the talent "leading the way" exploded!
With his right hand tightly clutching Qingdeng of Dingguishen, chasing the wind and electricity, he rushed straight towards the "bearded middle-aged man" and others along the roofs of the row of houses under his feet!
Skimming over the roof of a pavilion, the eaves under your feet and the scenery on both sides flashed before your eyes... Qingdeng, who was running at a high speed, was under a strong wind, and the strong wind pressure made Qingdeng's kimono and hakama rattling !
Ever since he supported Kinoshita Mai's "Phantom Thief Career" as a "Fox Monk", and accompanied Kinoshita Mai to jump up and down the streets of Edo at night so many times, Qingdeng's ability to parkour on the roof has been unknown Unknowingly, it has been greatly improved.

The alley is so narrow, and it is a straight road from the garbage dump where the targets are hiding to the alley entrance where the targets are.

Without any protection, just going straight along this straight alleyway towards the "bearded middle-aged man" and others... will only become a living target with no room to hide.

Therefore, Qingdeng thought: Since there is no way to get close to the three archers from the ground, let's go to the roof next to the alley instead!
If you change to the roof next to the alley, for the archers, it will change from a two-dimensional "plane shooting" to a three-dimensional "three-dimensional shooting", and the difficulty of shooting will increase linearly!

In this way, the chances of approaching the "bearded middle-aged man" and others can be greatly improved!

Qingdeng, who climbed onto the roof suddenly and rushed towards them, startled the "middle-aged man with beard" and others.

The two young men with fairly average archery skills hurriedly raised their bows and shot arrows frantically without money, repeating the series of actions of "shooting arrows-drawing out new arrows-nocking arrows-shooting arrows again".

Let these two people, who are still not very skilled, shoot the target that is moving at high speed in the case of three-dimensional shooting... It is a bit too difficult for them.

The two of them shot a large number of arrows in a very short period of time...but none of them managed to hit Qingdeng.

One after another, the empty arrows passed by Qingdeng's side, bringing a piercing sound that made one's scalp feel chilled.

Qingdeng's spirit... is terribly focused now.

With his eyes wide open, he stared at his target without blinking, and stared at the archers who kept drawing their bows!

The talent effect of "Concentrating God"... should be brought into full play now.

"Eagle Eye", "Focus on God", and "Lonely Dan"—these three talents are superimposed and coordinated together, making Qingdeng's current dynamic vision reach an unprecedented height!
Those arrows that were so fast in other people's eyes that there were only afterimages left, in Qing Deng's eyes at this time, they all became traceable!
20 meters, 18 meters, 15 meters...

Being quickly drawn closer... This determines whether Qingdeng's body is pierced by the arrow, or whether the archers are successfully approached by Qingdeng at a distance of only 20 meters!
That "middle-aged man with a beard" didn't rush out the arrows like the young people standing on his left and right.

I saw him holding his breath and staring at Qingdeng's approaching figure with sharp eyes. His posture... looked like an eagle soaring high in the sky, always ready to dive to the ground to catch its prey.

Crack—"Middle-aged bearded man" spread his feet further apart, then raised his hand and the bow with a quick and undisturbed movement, stabilized the arrow, and tightened the string while aiming at the trajectory... Powerful strength accumulated on his waist and arms.

Just when Qingdeng's body was only about 10 meters away from the entrance of the alley, at this moment of lightning... the half-closed eyes of the "bearded middle-aged man" suddenly widened!
In an instant, the tense force bounced from the arms of the "bearded middle-aged man", and the sound of breaking through the air followed!

The bow skills of this "middle-aged man with a beard" are indeed much better than those of the two young men standing on his left and right sides.

I saw that the arrow released by the "bearded middle-aged man" cut through the bloody air accumulated in and above the alley!With the strength, speed and accuracy of every arrow shot by those two young men before, it flew straight to Qingdeng's head!

The clusters of arrows radiating cold light rapidly enlarged within Qingdeng's field of vision, and as the clusters of arrows continued to enlarge, Qingdeng's pupils rapidly shrank at the same speed.

Just when Qingdeng's pupils shrank to the size of pinholes——

Qingdeng tilted his head to the left side vigorously, and the arrow, which violently rubbed against the surrounding air and brought up a gust of hot wind, just brushed against Qingdeng's right cheek, and with a "chi" sound, it hit Qingdeng's right cheek. There was a faint bloodstain on it.

Maybe he didn't expect Qingdeng to be able to dodge the arrows he carefully aimed and shot with all his strength... The face of the "bearded middle-aged man" was instantly filled with astonishment, and he quickly fumbled for it from the quiver at his back. Get a new arrow.

However...it was too late.

At this moment, the distance between Qingdeng and the "middle-aged bearded man" and the others... was only 3 meters!
Qingdeng took a deep breath, then jumped up, leaping down from the roof like a big bird!

Now Qingdeng has become a falcon that swoops down and pounces on its prey!

When jumping up, Qingdeng used both hands to hold the knife and raised Ding Guishen high up.

Leveraging the potential energy of the jump, Qingdeng, holding the knife in both hands, swung down Ding Guishen, who was raised above his head, and struck at the young man standing on the right side of the "bearded middle-aged man".

The young man panicked and raised his bow subconsciously, trying to block Qingdeng's slash with the bow in his hand.

I also want to know-how can a wooden bow be able to block the chopping of a steel knife.

There was only a loud "click" sound, and the bow body and bowstring all burst apart.

When he chopped off the young man's bow, Qingdeng's feet landed firmly on the ground.

The moment the soles of his feet touched the solid ground, Qing Deng flew up and kicked towards the belly of the young man whose bow had just been broken by him.

Feels good on the feet.

The young man who was kicked out by Qingdeng curled up like a soft-legged shrimp, fell to the ground and kept moaning, unable to get up again.

The "middle-aged bearded man" gritted his teeth, took a step back, stabilized his bow and arrows, and pointed the cluster of arrows at Qingdeng who was very close to him.

Wanting to shoot Qingdeng at close range... Although the idea of ​​"middle-aged bearded man" is well thought out, Qingdeng obviously won't let him do what he wants.

At the moment when the fingers of the "bearded middle-aged man" were about to let go of the bowstring, the lightning flashed - the light of the knife flashed!
Stinging the silver blade of ghosts and gods, an arc-shaped silver line was pulled out.

Wherever this silver line passes, it will be broken!
Before the "bearded middle-aged man" had time to release his arrows, his bow was cut in half.

Immediately afterwards, Qingdeng leaned his right shoulder forward slightly, and slammed his right shoulder into the chest of the "middle-aged man with the beard".

The "middle-aged man with a beard" who was knocked to the ground coughed vigorously and tried to stand up again, but after several efforts, they all ended in failure.

【Ding!Scan to talent]

[Successfully copied talent: "Bow Master"]

[Talent introduction: The increase of archery talent is 10 times the average level of ordinary people]

Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket!

The author is also very satisfied with the quality of this chapter, it is too unreasonable not to give a monthly ticket (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

By the way, some book friends told me seriously that the plot of "one-on-one fight against 18 samurai" in the last chapter is too unreasonable, and you can become a sword master with 1 enemy and 10... Brother, can you stop here? In martial arts novels, it is unreasonable to popularize the science of the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon...? (Leopard dead.jpg)

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