I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 183 Mai Kinoshita Arrives!The cooperation of swordsman and female ninja! [Burst update 1W]

Chapter 183 Mai Kinoshita Arrives!The cooperation of swordsman and female ninja! [Burst update 1W]


When she came to her senses, the surprise in Elodie's heart had turned into a murmur.

The originally tense expression was stained with an unbelievable color of "I can't believe what I'm seeing".

Looking at the eyes of the figure surrounded by the moonlight, there was a flicker of surprise and uncertainty.

is it him?
I can't help but ask myself in my heart.As soon as this question popped up in her mind, Elodie quickly realized what question she really asked herself.

Is it that person... Isn't that obvious at a glance?
This figure...is exactly the same as the one who saved their family in that long snowy night a few months ago...how could they be mistaken.

The thinking and consciousness that temporarily stopped functioning due to excessive surprise gradually regained themselves, and the five senses clearly felt the outside world again.

At this moment, Alodi realized that the root of her nose was a little sore.

Just now, when she and her grandfather were on the verge of desperation under the pressure of the fire, maybe because that young man had saved their lives, facing the crisis of falling into despair again , the brain started to work automatically, and the figure of that young man appeared in Alodi's mind unconsciously.

If only he could come to save them again... Elodie couldn't help thinking greedily when she just recalled the man's voice.

No need for anyone to point it out, Elodie herself knows how greedy and unrealistic her idea is.

How could there be such a coincidence in this world, how could he come to save them twice in a row.

It is precisely because I have felt such emotion just now, that's why Alodi is so shocked and...joyed now.

In her heart, countless emotions were mixed together, making Elodie not know whether to cry or laugh at this time.

Anthony, who was still holding Alodi, now had a look of shock written all over his face.

He opened his mouth slightly, as if he wanted to yell something, but his incoherent speech simply vibrated his vocal cords.

Among all the guests attending tonight's ball, only Elodie and Anthony recognized the young man who was fighting with Kanno and the others.

Therefore, the rest of the guests, except Elodie and Anthony, now only feel the purest joy of "grasping at straws".

Although I don't know why there is only one rescuer, but what is certain is that this rescuer who is fighting alone has held back the gang of vicious warriors!

The gang of vicious warriors were too busy dealing with the rescuer to take care of them.

"Run! (French)"

Someone yelled again.

This man's shout was like the starting gun for a running race. Following his command, everyone fled away in a direction away from Shen Ye and the others, like waves splitting.

Anthony recovered under the influence of the "starting gun".

Bring Ai Luodi to a safe place - for Anthony, this is the most important task now, not one of them.

He hugged Alodi in his arms even tighter, and fled with the flow of people to a place far away from flames and blood.

Because Anthony's "body activation" came too suddenly, Elodie couldn't help but let out a low exclamation because of being frightened.

The swordsman stepped on the moonlight, followed by the moonlight, swung his knife and slashed forward!Towards the enemy group in front of us!Towards the moonless darkness!
This was the last scene the girl saw before she left.




Senako, who was feeling extremely irritable, couldn't help but smacked her lips lightly without looking like a young lady.

"Is there nothing I can do..."

While muttering, she supported her injured leg and looked around, trying to find a usable device.


Radish, who was lying quietly on the ground next to her, snorted softly and let out a "moo".

After Qingdeng jumped off the back of Luoba's ox and rushed to the barbarian group alone, Zuo Nazi followed Qingdeng's request and led Luoba to a remote but very safe roadside.

Radish is indeed very docile, even if another person is holding its rein, it will not resist, and let Zanako lead it quite obediently.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--!"

From the battlefield in the distance, there was another shrill scream.

Although the owner of the scream was not Qingdeng, Zuo Nazi still couldn't help but look up and follow the prestige.

On the battlefield where the sword light and the figure were constantly intersecting and swaying, a lonely figure was faintly visible.

The anxious expression on Sanako's face suddenly became a little stronger.

I want to contribute a little bit of my heart and soul to the sense of justice in the confrontation with this group of lunatics who have resorted to all sorts of tricks for the so-called "great cause of eliminating barbarians"...

The vengeance of trying to pay back to the bastards who kidnapped her for days for no reason...

I don't want to just stand aside and do nothing like this, I don't want the self-esteem of sitting idly by the benefactor who saved her just now and is now fighting bloody battle...

All these emotions were mixed together, which made Sanako urgently want to do something now, wanting to do his best to support Qingdeng who was in a bloody battle.

If her body was intact and uninjured, Sanako would have rushed to support her without hesitation... However, the pain in her leg was getting worse and worse.

Just now, in order to catch up with Qingdeng who was rushing to the reservation, she clenched her teeth as hard as she wanted to crush her teeth, and forced her left leg to trot for a while.

But now, the "consequences" brought about by this "reluctance" came.

When following Qingdeng to this place of residence, Zuo Nazi could barely walk with small steps.

But now, she doesn't even have the ability to move her left leg forward.

If she wants to move, she can only hop on one leg with her right leg, and then drag her left leg like a pendant on her body.

Relying on such a body to support a battle that is now being fought with a level of intensity and danger that is far greater than that of the battle that blocked those chasing soldiers for her just now... It will definitely be a disservice to Qingdeng.

——If only there were bows and arrows...

Sanako pursed her red lips unwillingly.

Her father, Chiba Sadakichi, attaches great importance to the education of her children, so Sanako has received a high-level, high-intensity education that ordinary people can hardly even imagine since she was a child.

Not only is she proficient in the skills that a famous young lady should know, such as piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, sewing, flower arrangement, and tea ceremony, but she is also very good at various martial arts.

Kodachi and Naginata are just the two martial arts she is best at.

In addition to Kodachi and Naginata, Sanako has also practiced archery, horsemanship, jujitsu...

Although I can't say how high her archery level is, she can guarantee a hit rate of more than 10 to 7% for targets within 8 meters.

Use long-range weapons for support—this is the only effective way Sanako can think of to support Qingdeng with her current body.

But on the streets of the settlement, how can there be such a coincidence that there are usable bows and enough arrows...

As far as bows and arrows are concerned...there are some on the ground in the distant battlefield.

The archer that Qingdeng beheaded just now fell to the ground, breathless, the quiver full of arrows was still hanging on his waist, the bow in his hand fell not far from his corpse, No one stepped on it.

But dragging a wounded leg and approaching the battlefield where the fighting is fierce and both sides have already killed their eyes, picking up the bows that fell on the ground and the quiveres on the corpses... If you want to complete such a difficult task, it is simply impossible. Tan.

Just as Sanako continued eagerly thinking about what she could do now——

"...Excuse me, are you Miss Chiba Sanako?"

An unfamiliar female voice came from behind.

The strange female voice made Sanako turn around with a surprised expression.

Standing behind her was a lovely woman in a bright red bathrobe, cute little feet without socks, and a pair of red clogs.



"Ha... ha... ha... ha... ha..."

The rapid beating heartbeat in the chest cavity was deafening, and it made Qingdeng's eardrums slightly numb.

The sound of heartbeat and rapid breathing constituted a pair of thick "sound barriers". Under the barrier of this "sound barrier", the rest of the outside sounds became blurred.

The clothes were already soaked with sweat and the blood splashed from the enemy's body, and they were heavy against Qing Deng's skin.

Facing 67 warriors at the same time... At the beginning of the battle, Qingdeng's "Gudan" had already entered a state of full power.

Also in the "full open state", there is also "Focus".

Qingdeng, who put all his body and mind into the battle in front of him, had concentrated his mind to an extremely terrifying level.

He can no longer see or hear things and sounds that have nothing to do with the battlefield he is currently in.

That's why he didn't notice Elodie and the others who escaped from Bright's mansion.

Under the double influence of the adrenaline surge brought about by "Gudan" and the high concentration of "Zhenshen", Qingdeng couldn't even feel the pain of his wounds.

After the enemy's knife fell on him, he almost didn't feel it at all-that's why he didn't change his expression after being attacked just now.

When riding radish to the reservation area, Qingdeng got a little rest on the back of radish's ox—although the rest time was not long, it was better than nothing.

Thanks to the "muscle strengthening" who has the natural effect of "muscles are not easily fatigued", the muscles of Qingdeng's hands and feet are not too tired, and he still has a lot of strength.

However, his breathing could not keep up with the consumption of physical energy. Now Qingdeng needs to open his mouth slightly and use both mouth and nose to meet the body's demand for oxygen.

Most of Qingdeng's physical strength is used to avoid the siege of Kanno and others and to find opportunities to counterattack.

When Qingdeng fought against 12 warriors alone to rescue Sanako, Qingdeng also escaped the siege of these 12 warriors.

Avoiding the siege of 67 enemies and avoiding the siege of 12 enemies... the difficulty of the former is several times that of the latter.

Therefore, the former left Qingdeng with far fewer chances to counterattack than the latter.

From the start of the battle to now, excluding the wounded, Qingdeng has killed only 15 enemies so far, which is less than a quarter of the total number of the enemy group.

But... Although the number of people killed by Qingdeng is less than a quarter of the total number, the remaining people who are still alive are all showing signs of wavering.

Especially Kanno.

At this time, Shenye's eyes were so wide that the eyeballs seemed to be falling off, and his face was full of horror.

In his vision... this should be a battle that can be won quickly and easily.

67 people beat each other to 1 person...it shouldn't be like this...

It shouldn't be like this!

Nearly a quarter of the people had died, but the other party was still standing still!

The reality that was too different from his own expectations made Kanno subconsciously resist.

His eyes were constantly shaking due to the turbulent waves in his heart... A moment later, Shenye gritted his teeth suddenly, raised his hand to touch his left waist, and gripped the handle of his saber tightly.

"What are you panicking about!"

Kanno shouted to the surrounding subordinates whose fighting spirit and morale were visibly shaken.


"He's out of breath! He's hurt!"

"He's a rickety rotten log now! One more kick from us and it'll collapse!"

"All follow me!"

"God kills the thieves of the country!"

Bass—Kano draws his sword in hand!Squeeze away the subordinates standing in front of him, and rush towards Qingdeng!

When Elodie and the others escaped from Brett's mansion, Kanno noticed it for the first time.

But now Shenye no longer wants to care about the life and death of these barbarians.

——This damned national traitor...I must let him die tonight!
It's always been him...

After he founded the Barbarian Group, it was this Ju Qingdeng who killed a thousand swords who kept disturbing their good thing about the Barbarian Group!
In order to establish their reputation as an anti-barbarian group and to wash away the stigma of "only daring to kill Heren but not barbarians", they chose to "kill chickens with a sledgehammer" and sent a large number of people to attack and kill Ai Luodi and his family. Den jumps out of nowhere and ruins their plans.

When they attacked the Tibetan Book Institute, intending to destroy this evil place full of "smelly smell", and kill all those foreign thieves who dared to learn the knowledge of barbarians and Di Di, it was this Ju Qingdeng who suddenly appeared again and made them feel... This plan ended in failure.

And now, here he is again...

There is no end!
Now Kano only felt a fire burning in his chest.

He has only one thought left now - to kill Qingdeng, who has been fighting against their barbarian group again and again!Just tonight!

For this reason, Kanno is willing to ignore those Yidi who are escaping from Bright's mansion... In short, in order to kill Qingdeng, Kanno is willing to give up all other goals and plans tonight!

He originally thought that just letting Qingdeng's subordinates who had an absolute superiority in numbers to deal with Qingdeng would be enough to make Qingdeng die.

But now it seems...it's no longer possible to sit on the sidelines!
Before and after rushing to Qingdeng's heels in one breath, Shenye raised his posture in the middle, and swung the knife horizontally towards Qingdeng!



——Kano Tatsugoro...

Qing Deng softly recited in his heart the name of the samurai who was approaching him at full speed, who had met him once and fought with him once.

In the previous "Battle of Fanshu Tiaosuo", Qingdeng once fought against Shenye, so Qingdeng knew Shenno's strength very well.

Not daring to be careless in his heart, Qingdeng retreated 2 steps in a row, and withdrew out of Shenye's attack range.

Shen Ye's participation in the battle immediately revived the morale of the survivors of the extermination team.

Their leader and strongest in person...couldn't be more motivating than that!
The battlefield has once again become noisy and murderous!
Qingdeng connected the two swords slashed by Shenno who was following him, and was about to launch a counterattack, when he suddenly felt the sharp blade approaching on his left side, he had to stop the thought of counterattack, and turned to take a step back to stay away In situ.

As soon as Qingdeng retreated, Shenye immediately took a step forward and returned to Qingdeng...

With Shenno's participation in the battle, Qingdeng felt like "a boulder was on his shoulders".

Shenye's strength is very strong... I have learned his strength from the Fanshu Institute before, and Qingdeng has to be "lonely" to fight with him on "June [-]th", Shenye Liu, and him four.

For Qingdeng, whose current strength is no longer that of Wuxia Ameng, he will not be afraid of single-handedly fighting with Shenye... But the problem is that Qingdeng is not fighting single-handedly, but fighting in groups.

Shenye clung to Qingdeng like a brown candy, launching a fierce attack on Qingdeng.

Shenye held Qingdeng from the front, while the others waited for the opportunity to attack Qingdeng from all directions - this is the situation Qingdeng is facing now.

There was a lot of danger... Because he was concentrating on dealing with Shenye in front of him, Qingdeng's left shoulder was picked up by someone's knife point just now, but the wound was not deep.

Although the pressure on Qingdeng has increased a lot due to Kanno's participation in the war...but Qingdeng did not feel any fear or panic because of this.

He only held Ding Guishen in his hand silently, ready to meet the enemy with all his strength.

"Wow ya ya ya ya ya!"

At this time, a very strange Qihe sound sounded from behind Qingdeng.

When Qingdeng was about to dodge——

Farther behind Qingdeng, there was a sound of clogs stepping on the ground quickly.

As soon as the sound of the string of clogs hitting the ground reached his ears, Qing Deng's expression froze for a moment, and the urgent blankness turned into a faint smile.

It was the sound of footsteps that he was used to hearing.

This is the sound of footsteps that he would feel inexplicably in a good mood as long as he heard...


A heroic drink.

A flash of bright red broke into everyone's field of vision.

A young girl in a bright red kimono threw a flying kick at the samurai who was about to launch a "back attack" on Qingdeng.

The soles of the hard flat clogs hit the samurai's waist.

The sound of bones shattering and the warrior's howling mingled together.

He wanted to sneak attack on Qingdeng, but in the end, the samurai who was attacked was directly kicked away, hit someone standing on his "flight path" 2 steps away, and then fell to the ground.

"Uh...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" He put his hands on the ground and wanted to get up, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get up again.

The intrusion of the uninvited guest plunged the battlefield into a brief chaos.



"Who is this woman?!"


The sudden appearance of a mysterious woman whose details were unknown caused everyone to retreat subconsciously and distance themselves. Shenye also temporarily stopped attacking Qingdeng, and looked at the woman in red who was standing next to Qingdeng in amazement.

Maintaining the posture of holding the knife in both hands, Qingdeng turned his head to look at the girl in red who was slowly walking to the left side... The smile on his face suddenly became stronger.

Before Qingdeng had time to say anything, the girl in red took a deep breath first, and then shouted loudly:

"Tachibana-kun! The large force from the Enforcement Office and Huofu Thief Kai is coming soon! Ah, and the nearby fire department is also on its way!"

Hearing the loud shout of the red girl, Qing Deng was taken aback for a moment, and then couldn't help laughing.

"Well, thank you for your hard work... Thank you too, Ms. Kinoshita."

The red-clothed girl who appeared on the stage with a flying kick just now is none other than Kinoshita Mai.

Kinoshita Wu did not respond to Qingdeng's condolences and praise... She nervously looked at Qingdeng covered in blood from head to toe carefully.

"Mr. Ju, are you not injured?"

"It's fine." Qingdeng said without hesitation, "There are only a few superficial wounds that don't even bleed."

Kinoshita Mai opened her seductive red lips, and when she was about to say something to Qingdeng, someone shouted ahead of her.

"What are you panicking about! Did the words of a woman who doesn't know her identity and details make you shake?"

Shenye raised his head and raised his voice, several veins popped out on his neck because he yelled too hard.

Kinoshita Mai's yell just now was like a bolt from the blue to everyone in the Koi group... including Shen Ye.

The enforcing office and Huofu Thief Kai's large troops are coming soon... The former is not bad, but the latter is really shocking.

The name "Huofu Thief Kai" is too lethal.

At a time when the ruling power of the Edo shogunate has weakened and the samurai are generally reduced to mud that cannot support the wall, Huofu Thief Gai is one of the few remaining armed forces of the Edo shogunate that still has a certain combat effectiveness.

As for the combat effectiveness of the Huofu Thief Kai... there is no need to mention anything else, just a little bit is enough——Different from the pursuit of only using cold weapons, the Huofu Thief Kai is equipped with a large number of bows and arrows and muskets. Long-range firepower is beyond the reach of all sycophants.

Such an armed force is about to come... Many people now have obvious expressions of fear.

And this is exactly what Kinoshita Mai expected to see.

The reason why Kinoshita Mai purposely yelled in such a loud voice, "The Enforcement Office and Huofu Bandit Kai are coming soon" is for this effect, to hit the morale of Kanno and the others.

Qingdeng just now understood Kinoshita Mai's intention and couldn't help but laugh.

As expected of the cat monk who has caused headaches for the southern and northern administrative offices in Edo to this day, he has a strange heart under his timid appearance.

Judging from the current situation, Mai Kinoshita's goal has been achieved, and it has been achieved quite beautifully.

Despite Kanno's stern reprimand, some people still had expressions of surprise and uncertainty on their faces.

Qingdeng lowered his voice, and asked Kinoshita Mai in a low voice at a volume that only he and Kinoshita Mai could hear clearly:
"Miss Kinoshita, are the people from the execution office and Huofu Thief Kai really coming soon?"

"Yeah." Kinoshita Mai lightly pecked her head, "I rushed to the Beiban Office as fast as I could and found that person from Hanjiro Inotani. After confirming that the government and Huofu Thief Correction are deploying manpower to go there After leaving the residence, I rushed over."

Speaking of this, Kinoshita Mai paused, and then cast a reproachful glance at Qingdeng.

"Mr. Ju, are you too reckless? You can deal with so many people by yourself at the same time...Aren't you afraid of death?"

After hearing this, Qingdeng casually said what was in his heart without thinking:
"I don't care about it before, but now I am no longer afraid of death."


Kinoshita Mai blinked.

She looked at Qingdeng and passed the message "What does 'now I am no longer afraid of death' mean".

Sensing the message from Kinoshita Mai's gaze, Qingdeng smiled lightly.

"My reliable good partner is here to help out now, and other people's knives should not have any chance to touch me again."

Kinoshita Mai, who was looking straight at Qingdeng, had a stunned expression on his face, which soon changed into a happy face, and finally changed into a big smiling face with his eyes narrowed into crescent moons.

Kinoshita Mai's smile added a touch of warmth to this bloody battlefield.

It's a pity that this bright color didn't last long.

"Don't be stupid! Follow me! Kill the national traitor Ju Qingdeng and this woman!"

Kanno vigorously raised the knife in his hand, and took the lead in launching a new attack on a man and a woman in front of him.

When the people around saw that Shenye was coming, after a moment of hesitation, they rushed towards Qingdeng and Kinoshita Mai from all directions.

As for those words that Kinoshita Mai just said... Shenye actually knew in his heart: it is very likely that they are all true!

As early as when he first saw Qingdeng appearing, Shenye had predicted that the government probably knew about the change in the residence.

But out of the consideration of maintaining morale, Kanno could only pretend to be stupid, and could only announce loudly to his subordinates that "this woman is scaremongering".

Kano's own mood was not shaken by Kinoshita Mai's shout just now.

Anyway, as far as he is concerned, no matter whether people from the government come or not, his planned plan of "killing Juqingdeng" will not change in any way.

Qingdeng and Kinoshita Wu both turned their eyes away from each other, and looked at the enemies that were rushing around them.

"Miss Kinoshita."

Qingdeng quietly put Ding Guishen in front of him like Xia Duan.

"Can I trouble you to protect my back?"

Kinoshita Mai did not respond to Qingdeng's request.

She only raised her gaze, smiled sweetly at Qingdeng, then turned around, and stood behind Qingdeng in the posture of "close to Qingdeng's back", then spread her feet apart, and clenched her right hand into a fist in front of her. , with his left hand clasped into a palm behind him, he took a fighting stance.

Because each other's backs are close to each other...Qing Deng's back can clearly feel the elasticity of Kinoshita Mai's skin and the heat of her body.

The heat from Kinoshita Mai's back spread throughout Qingdeng's whole body, making Qingdeng feel an inexplicable sense of security.


It should be said... Just now, when the field of vision was filled with bright red bathrobes that were flying up and kicking, Qingdeng felt a strange sense of security.

Along with this sense of peace of mind, there is also a feeling of... an itching and itching in the chest.

Under the influence of these strange sensations, Qingdeng felt that his physical fatigue seemed to be lessened.

"Drink ah ah ah ah!"

Kanno's sword came and approached from the upper left.

Qingdeng was at the moment of lightning, put away the smile that had been floating on Kinoshita Mai's face since Kinoshita Mai arrived, swung the knife from bottom to top, and with a "clang" sounded to parry Shenye's slash.

Out of the corner of his left eye, he caught a glimpse of someone approaching from the left side...Qingdeng freed his left hand, pulled out the sheath of the ghost-fixing sword on his left waist, and pressed the bottom of the sheath hard against the person's face.

Although it only used one arm to exert force...but if the face is used as the target, no matter how it is attacked, it is enough to bring enough damage.

The bottom of the scabbard precisely hit the middle of the man's lips, directly crushing his upper and lower incisors, his upper and lower incisors... a total of 6 teeth were all crushed, and the broken teeth flew out mixed with blood.

After the bottom of the sheath broke through the defense of the teeth, it pushed into his mouth unabated, resisting the depths of his throat, using it as a point of force, and directly flew his whole body backwards.

Because Qingdeng's left palm was dripping with a lot of enemy's blood, the palm suddenly slipped, and Qingdeng couldn't hold the smooth scabbard stably... So Qingdeng immediately let go of his hand, letting the scabbard fly out of his palm .

Ever since, the poor guy whose front teeth were broken, flew backwards in a weird posture with a scabbard flying out of his mouth, hit someone behind him, and fell to the ground with that person.

Kanno's slash came again... but Qingdeng swiftly dodged it.

Another gunman with a short gun appeared.

The gunman who appeared this time used a short spear with a wooden handle.

The point of the spear stabbing towards Qingdeng's side had accuracy, but lacked in strength and speed.

Standing half a step sideways, Qingdeng dodged the stabbing attack, then raised his left and right hands at the same time - his left hand grasped the handle of the gun below the head of the gun, and his right hand swung the knife to cut the gun into two neat halves from the middle.

Immediately afterwards, Qing Deng rounded the left arm that was raised above his head and held the broken gun in his hand.

The sharp tip of the spear drew a circular arc in mid-air, and hit someone's shoulder. The next moment, the spear blade drew another half arc from the opposite direction, and stabbed into the chest of another person. Qingdeng didn't Take back the broken gun and leave it directly in this guy's body.

Qingdeng's attack was still fierce and fierce... Kinoshita Mai, who was protecting his back, did not give up.

Kinoshita Wujiao let out a shout, and with her waist without any fat, she exerted enough strength, turned her right leg half a circle, and kicked fiercely at an enemy standing in front of her.

The white calf was intertwined with strength, and the air flow was stirred up and whimpered.

Kinoshita Mai has beautiful feet.

The skin is fair and rosy, and the small shape is so beautiful that there is no blemish. The 10 light red toenails are like 10 light red cherry blossoms.

Even people who are not interested in girls' feet should be able to hold Mai Kinoshita's little feet in their arms and play with them fiercely.

But such a pair of beautiful little feet contained powerful power and a strong sense of danger.

The opponent Kinoshita Mai had found did not keep up with her reaction, and the knee of her left leg was precisely struck by the whip-like kick.

There was a crisp sound of "Kala"... The person's left kneecap was directly kicked into pieces, and the whole leg was bent backwards.

Kinoshita Mai didn't look at the man who was wailing and fell to the ground, she turned to attack the next enemy.

She turned her feet apart, and her right foot, which stepped sideways, wiped a shallow groove on the mud floor. When she adjusted her body's center of gravity, she swung a fist at the same time, and then rushed out with all her strength!The punch hit the face of a fat man on the left!
The fat man sensed a dangerous aura coming towards him, and a serious expression appeared on his face.

He wanted to dodge sideways, but the speed of Kinoshita Mai's punches was too fast, and it was too late to retreat and dodge.

In desperation, he could only press down with his whole body, raised his left arm to block, and was ready to take Kinoshita Mai's punch hard.

Judging from the fat man's vertical arm defensive movement, it is not difficult to see that this person must have learned some unarmed combat skills.

He wanted to harden Kinoshita Mai's fist... Although his idea was good, he underestimated the power of Kinoshita Mai's fist.

The two fists and arms intersected, making a huge sound of flesh and blood clashing.


A cry of pain followed closely behind.

The person who uttered this cry of pain was the fat man.

The part where he had hard-wired Wu Xiawu's boxing was now red and swollen, and the whole arm spasmed uncontrollably.

Kinoshita Mai wanted to make up for it, knocking the fat man whose arm had been broken by her to the ground completely, but unexpectedly, a very ugly ugly guy beside her rushed towards her, so she just Can temporarily give up the idea of ​​"putting down this fat man".

Ugly stretched out his hand, wanting to grab Kinoshita Mai's shoulder, and he was about to grab it, but Kinoshita Wu moved extremely nimbly, and with a slight twist, he avoided Ugly's overstretched hand.

Another ugliness who was too ugly appeared.

The newly-appeared ugly groaned strangely, and swung his knife at Kinoshita Mai in the upper stance.

Facing the coming blade, Kinoshita Mai did not dodge.

Instead, he took a deep breath, then raised his hands, and caught the sword with his bare hands!Two small hands precisely clamped the falling snow-white blade in mid-air!
Ugly only felt that his knife was clamped by some iron tongs, he couldn't continue to chop the knife down, and he couldn't pull the knife back.

At the next moment when she received the knife with her bare hands, Mai Kinoshita took advantage of the situation with her left foot as a support point, and kicked her right leg upwards high. The big red bathrobe fluttered like a butterfly. The action of hitting the face with the sole of the foot made the sound of cracking bones.

The red clogs that Kinoshita Mai's two little feet were wearing were very hard.

Being hit in the middle of the face by such a hard clog sole...the bones of the bridge of the nose and other places were kicked and cracked, it was just a matter of course.

"Wow ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Several roars approached Qingdeng and Kinoshita Mai from all directions—several muscular warriors rushed towards the man and woman who were facing back to back from all directions, including east, west, south, and north.

Seeing this, Shenye stepped forward quickly, intending to cooperate with these people to launch a siege to Qingdeng and Kinoshita Mai.

And just when this "encirclement" was about to be successfully constructed, at the very moment, the "encirclement" suddenly opened—the several warriors who formed this "encirclement" flew backwards into the air. After a short flight, It landed again.

Cries of grief and cries of pain came and went... Amidst the hustle and bustle, the ashen-faced Shen Ye saw the two people who forcibly broke through the "encirclement" that was supposed to be built immediately by "head-to-head". That couple - Qingdeng and Kinoshita Mai.

They withdrew their swung knives and fists, and then attacked the rest of the enemies.


Qingdeng and Kinoshita Wu cooperated with each other tacitly in offense and defense.

The two should have a tacit understanding, after all, this is not the first time the two of them have fought side by side.

With the support of Kinoshita Mai, a reliable partner, the pressure on Qingdeng was reduced a lot.

The light of the knife rolled under the moonlight, rolling up clouds of blood mist.

Feeling the morale boosted by the arrival of Kinoshita Mai, Qingdeng, whose physical fatigue was relieved a little, cheered up and moved left and right, the mighty sword shining!

Qingdeng clearly felt that the enemies around him had become weaker... To be precise, it was the obvious drop in morale and fighting spirit.

The effect of Kinoshita Mai's yell just now is very obvious.

A lot of people are now constantly peeking absentmindedly at nearby intersections...

After all, they are not fools, and if Shenye can infer from Qingdeng's appearance that the government is very likely to know about the change in the residence, then other people can also make the same inference.

Worrying about the government troops that would appear at some point prevented them from concentrating on fighting.

And Qingdeng's powerful strength further exacerbated the decline in their morale.

In fact, most of the members of their barbarian group have suffered from a kind of "orange phobia" long ago. In their eyes, Qingdeng is simply the reincarnation of the murderous god.

Intercepting and killing Ai Luodi's family, attacking the Tibetan bookstore...the first two operations organized by their anti-barbarian group all failed due to Qingdeng's activity.

Countless companions were beheaded by Qingdeng, or indirectly caused by Qingdeng.

Just a few days ago, another group of companions were killed by this Ju Qingdeng, and three others were personally captured by him...
Some superstitious team members have even decided that Qingdeng is the nemesis of their anti-barbarian group... Whenever their anti-barbarian group wants to do something, this man will appear in time and stop it.

After seeing "Qingdeng appeared in front of them again and started confrontation with them" tonight, these people's superstitious ideas suddenly became more serious.

Obviously, there were 67 people on his side fighting Qingdeng and 1 person. Under the uninterrupted wheel battle, Qingdeng still had the strength to continue to swing the knife.

Obviously he has been wounded several times, but he doesn't change his expression as if he doesn't know what pain is.

Obviously, Mr. Kanno has personally gone into battle, but he still can't take down this man...

It's terrible... This man... Qingdeng's bloody battle, as if he would never fall, made more and more people unable to restrain the fear in their hearts.

The morale that had just received a little boost from Kanno's personal appearance in the battle was visibly weakened by the naked eye.

Kanno also knows that the morale of his subordinates is not optimistic... But he can't think of any way to save it right now...

All he can think of and the only thing he can do now is to step up his attack on Qingdeng with all his strength.

And at this moment-

Crash la la la la la...!
A series of hurried footsteps approaching from the east and west, played the strongest sound that shocked the minds of Kanno and others!
Black crowds poured out from the street entrances on the east and west sides.

A samurai dressed in black and holding an arquebus in his arms appeared in the field of vision of Kanno and the others.

Running into the arena and lining up—the men in black completed the above-mentioned set of movements with smooth movements.

Click, click, click, click, click...

The crisp sound of raising the gun once overwhelmed the surrounding wind and flames.

The men in black lined up neatly raised their arquebus guns tightly held in their arms.

The black muzzle of the gun pointed directly at Shen Ye and the others, whose complexion changed suddenly and he was sweating wildly.

"It's Huo Fu Thief Kai!"

I don't know who it was, who yelled so loudly.

The author went to the long-lost bookstores to purchase a wave of new materials and materials the day before yesterday, and then fell asleep at home yesterday.You can tell how tired the author is mentally from the sleep time... The author slept for nearly 14 hours yesterday.

After resting, the author's spirit has fully recovered!

The author also fulfilled the promise of the day before yesterday, and exploded [-] today.

The decisive battle with the barbarian group is not over yet. After all, Shenye is not dead, and the barbarian group is not considered dead.

Let's continue to offer monthly ticket rewards!The current number of monthly votes is 1552, as long as the number of votes can reach 1660 within today, the author will continue to make a 1W+ explosion tomorrow.

Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

 It's a coincidence that just yesterday, two big Japanese companies announced one after another that they would each release a new game with the theme of the end of the shogunate.

  They are "Yakuza: Restoration: Go" that Sega will launch in 2023, and "Ronin Rise" that Koei will launch in 2024.

  No matter which one it is, it is worth looking forward to, especially the latter.

  The production team of the latter is the "Ninja Dragon Group" who is very good at action games, that is, the team that made the "Nioh" series. The main business card of this "Ronin Rise" is "the open world of the end of the Bakumatsu era".

  Bet on 10 chapters of "W word explosive change"-this "Ronin Rise" will definitely have Shinsengumi and other historical figures appearing, a glorious game, it would be strange if there were no real historical figures appearing.

  Since it is an "open world × action role-playing" with the background of the end of the Bakumatsu, it is absolutely impossible not to have Shinsengumi.

  The glorious Ninja Dragon Group is really strong... Next year they will release "Three Kingdoms" theme "Crouching Dragon: Heaven Falls", and the next year they will release "Ronin Rise" with "Bakumatsu" theme, they really have a lot of livers.

  As for "Yakuza · Restoration · Goku", it is a game that thoroughly talks about Shinsengumi, and it has a very big brain hole.

  "In order to find out who killed his adoptive father, Sakamoto Ryoma infiltrated the Shinsengumi under the pseudonym Saitoichi, and bragged with Okita Souji and his gang"—this kind of game plot has a lot of brains, but if If you can accept such a brain hole, it is quite touching.

  In short, book lovers who are interested in these two games with the theme of the end of the shogunate can pay more attention, there are already trailers for these two games.

(End of this chapter)

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