I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 184 The Final Battle!Qingdeng vs Kanno【9000】

Chapter 184 The Final Battle!Qingdeng vs Kanno【9000】

Yesterday’s monthly ticket goal was also successfully achieved, and the author should come up with another 9000D chapter today.But because there were some urgent matters that needed to be dealt with urgently in reality yesterday, the author hurriedly rushed yesterday and only wrote [-] words (leopard headache crying.jpg).

Tomorrow I will make up the [-]-character chapter. (Leopard dead.jpg)

"Miss Kinoshita! Go back!"

After discovering this group of men in black who suddenly appeared, an expression mixed with surprise and other emotions appeared on Qingdeng's face.

He quickly instructed Kinoshita Mai to retreat quickly, to a place far away from Kanno and the others, and out of the shooting range of the people in black.

Dressed in black, with a matchlock gun in each hand... With such an iconic outfit, it is already obvious who came.

The blood in Shenye and the others froze at this moment, and they couldn't care about Qingdeng and Kinoshita Mai in front of them for the time being.

But in the next moment, a shout that allowed their consciousness to regain control of their bodies caused the blood in their bodies to flow again.

"Don't move at all!"

On the east side of the street, the leader of the Huofu Thief Kai Fourth Division: Mizushima Rensaburo continued to say to Kanno and the others in an undeniably tough tone... No, it should be Chao Kanno and the others and then announced:
"Throw away all the weapons on your body! Lie on the ground!"

Mizushima Rensaburo's voice was sonorous and powerful, like a heavy hammer hitting the hearts of Kanno and the others.

Like a conditioned reflex, the members of the Koi group focused their gaze on Kano.

Bearing the gazes of everyone asking for help, Shenye clenched his teeth unconsciously, making a crunching sound.

—Damn it!Oh shit!Beast!
Kanno spat out all the dirty words in Japanese in his heart.

Huofu Thief has changed... The situation that Kanno didn't want to see the most appeared.

Kano recognized Mizushima Rensaburo's face, so after seeing Mizushima Rensaburo who appeared at the East Street, he knew that it was the fourth division of Huofu Thief Kai.

Excluding the captain, each fan team of Huofu Thief Kai has 10 Yuli and 50 Tongxin, for a total of 60 people.

Right now, the 60 members of the Fourth Division are evenly deployed at the intersections on the east and west sides, aiming the arquebus guns that have already been ignited at them... as long as Mizushima Rensaburo gives an order, the intensive ammunition The rain could pour down on them in no time...

What to do - this question filled every corner of Kanno's mind.

This is actually a thought that does not require much thought.

Even when all the members were intact, Shenye wanted to avoid confrontation with the powerful Huofu Thief as much as possible.

In the current situation where Qingdeng and Kinoshita Mai have already killed many people and injured many people, it is not wise to start a confrontation with the Huofu bandits... No matter how you think about it, it is not a wise move.


Must retreat as soon as possible!

However... as soon as the word retreat emerged from his consciousness, a strong sense of unwillingness spewed out, controlling Kanno's emotions.

After paying so many casualties, and making such a heavy sacrifice...the result was that the national thief Ju Qingdeng couldn't be killed!
There is another very important reason why he insisted on killing Qingdeng tonight, and that was that Qingdeng's growth rate... made him feel scared.

Obviously, in the "Battle of Fanshu Tiaosuo" two months ago, when he met and fought with Qingdeng for the first time, he still had a slight advantage in the heads-up with Qingdeng.

But now, after only two short months, this young man who is not yet 2 years old has been able to face him and his subordinates at the same time and fight back and forth.

I went into battle myself, but I still couldn't take down this national thief... Although such a terrible result, Kinoshita Mai who strongly supported Qingdeng was indispensable, but Shenye also really felt that Qingdeng's current strength is not what it used to be Compare.

Such a growth rate... Although he really didn't want to admit it, Kanno did feel a little scared.

If you give this guy a little more time, how far can this guy grow?
Kano didn't dare to think about it any further.

If they just retreat like this, then all the efforts and sacrifices they have put in tonight will be in vain...

And I missed tonight, if I want to have such a good chance to kill Qingdeng next time, I don't know when it will be.

Even though his eyes were about to burst into flames due to unwillingness...but rationality still caught up with sensibility.

If they don't withdraw quickly, and continue to be obsessed with killing Qingdeng, then they may really have to confess all of them here tonight.

Kanno let go of his shattered teeth.

"Withdraw! Withdraw!"

After a fierce battle with Qingdeng and Kinoshita Mai, there are only about 30 people left in Shenye's group who can still move and escape.

For those who were lying on the ground and couldn't move, or those who suffered injuries that made it difficult to run fast... Kanno was really helpless.

After quickly issuing instructions to have a trustworthy confidant lead a small group of people who still retained a part of the will to fight as the first army to back up the main force, Kanno took the lead and headed straight to the north.

Because of the rush of time, there was no time to organize more troops, so the "encirclement net" "weaved" by the Huofu Thieves Kai Fourth Division was not airtight, and there were several trails in the north that could connect to the outside world.

Seeing that Kanno and the others had absolutely no intention of surrendering obediently, Rensaburo Mizushima, who was the captain of the Huofu Thief-turned-fourth Division, saw this without the slightest hesitation——


He moved forward, and waved his arm vigorously at Kanno and the others!

The sound of intensive gunfire like popping beans exploded.

Rows of scorching bullets, like beasts descending from the mountain, roared towards Shen Ye and the others who fled northward in a hurry.

The accuracy of the matchlock gun was very poor. With so many bullets, only a few people were successfully hit. Most of the bullets either hit the sky or hit the ground.

However—even though the accuracy was poor, the deafening and dense gunshots still gave the members of the barbarians a strong psychological shock.

Even those who were left behind by Shenye, their expressions were obviously shaken.

Originally, in the face of Qingdeng, who was unable to win even if he concentrated his superiority in numbers, and almost killed nearly half of their companions by himself, the morale of the people in the barbarian group had already suffered. No small blow.

But now, with the arrival of Huofu Thief Kai, the bursts of gunshots became the last straw that broke their psychological defense.

Their morale had completely collapsed, and they fled in a panic without any image or order.

Even the "rear troops" who were left behind by Kanno to cut off the rear of the main force fled for the most part regardless of orders.

Although Shenye has been implementing the "elite soldier strategy" after experiencing the disastrous defeat of intercepting the Elodi family four months ago, no matter how "elite soldiers" are, it can't change that the members of the barbarian group are basically economic The current situation of middle and lower-level samurai with poor conditions and education.

Expecting a bunch of uneducated country bumpkins to have the high-strength quality that is prohibited by the law... This is completely extravagant.

When the wind is down, everyone is like a wolf like a tiger, and when the wind is headed, everyone loses their fighting spirit-this is the true portrayal of their group.

Among the fleeing crowd, Qing Deng accurately found the figure of Shen Ye.

Seeing Shenye who was about to disappear from his field of vision, Qingdeng's eyes were stained with anxiety.

People who also want to solve the big trouble in front of them once and for all tonight... not only Shenye!
If possible, Qingdeng would like to end his long-standing enmity with the barbarians tonight!
If the leader, Kanno, does not die, then the Koi group may grow stronger again at any time.

If you want to destroy the Kohito group, you must never let Kanno escape again... It is too late to go to the intersection on the east and west sides to ask the people from Huofu Thief Kai to come and assist him in chasing Kanno. If you do this, Kanno will run away Far.

Ever since, Qingdeng could only cheer up and run after Shenye's figure!
"Mr. Ju, where are you going?" Kinoshita Mai, who was standing beside Qingdeng, subconsciously asked Qingdeng quickly.

"I'm going to chase Kanno Tatsugoro!" Qing Deng's answer was concise and clear.

Hearing Qingdeng's answer, Kinoshita Wu immediately understood what Qingdeng was planning.

She didn't say a word - she just silently followed Qingdeng's side.

At the same time, Ren Saburo Mizushima waved his big hand again.

"Follow me! Don't let anyone go!"



Kinoshita Mai's timely support, Huofu Thief Kai's arrival, and the lunatics of the Kuyi group fled in a hurry because of Huofu Thief Kai's appearance... Sanako, who had a panoramic view of this scene, finally let out a sigh of relief. expression.

However, before she had time to relax for a long time, her nerves tensed up again - because she saw Qingdeng and Kinoshita Mai chasing the fleeing Koigumi and others together.

In just a moment, the figures of Qing Deng and Kinoshita Mai disappeared from her field of vision.

What will happen to Qingdeng and the others after that, Sanako has no idea.

Pray that Qingdeng and the others can return victorious... This is the only thing Sanako who has lost his ability to move can do now.

"Mmm... um... um... um..."

"Hey! Hold on! I'll take you to the doctor right away!"

At this time, Sanako suddenly heard a male moan and a crying female voice from beside him.

Following the sound, I saw a young girl supporting a young man in the distance on the right... Both of them are Kazuto, and they should be residents of the reservation.

There are many Japanese people living in the Edo reservation, and most of them either have shops in the reservation, or are servants and guards hired by foreigners in the reservation.

The male of the pair...that is, the young man who was being supported by the woman, had a lot of blood on his forehead, and moaned unconsciously without specific meaning.

As for the girl who was supporting the young man, she looked like she was about to cry.

She tried her best to move forward, wanting to go even a little faster.

But with a rather slender figure and thin arms and legs, it was already very difficult for her to help the young man walk.

Wanting to support the young man to run like a fly... is an impossible task.

The young man must have been injured by the collapsed ceiling or something when he escaped from the burning house or on the street... Sanako guessed in his heart.

The education she received since she was a child, and the pride of being the daughter of a samurai family, made Sanako turn around almost without thinking when she saw the man and woman who were struggling forward, and jumped to the side of Radish with one foot, Turn over the bull.

"Mr. Ju, lend me your cow." She murmured softly.

Do my best to do what I can do now... Sanako said to herself softly in her heart.

"Carrot! Let's go!"


Under the urging of Sanako, Luo Bo ran towards the couple with Sanako on his back while yelling "Moo Moo".


Sanako called out to the couple.

"Get on the horse...ah, no, get on the cow! I'll take you to the doctor!"



In order to reduce the conspicuousness and improve the efficiency of escape, Shenye ordered to "break up the whole into parts", and everyone dispersed and fled separately.

At this moment, under the strategy of "dividing the whole into parts", Shenye, who had only three subordinates around him, walked northward along the quiet street without even a wild dog at his feet.

"Mr. Kanno! It seems that no one is chasing us anymore!"

A subordinate on the left side of Kanno suddenly shouted at Kanno.

The subordinate's shout made Kanno turn his head and look back.

Indeed... there is nothing behind him except the street surrounded by moonlight and the dense night.

But just to be on the safe side, Shenye did not stop, but continued to flee northward, away from the reservation.

"Oh shit……"

As soon as he turned his gaze back to his body, Kanno spat out a curse word in a low voice.

Looking back on tonight's actions...it was a complete and complete fiasco!
It couldn't be a more miserable fiasco!
The only goal accomplished tonight was to successfully burn down the settlement.

But this small success is nothing compared to the huge failure of "failing to kill Ju Qingdeng after paying huge casualties"!
For Kanno, the failure of "not killing Tachibana Qingdeng" is enough to erase all the glory of tonight.

Full of unwillingness and anger, Kanno felt that his hands were trembling slightly.

— Forget it... calm down first...

Kanno said "calm down" several times in his heart and took several deep breaths in one breath.

The original muddy pupils gradually returned to clarity.

——Although there were heavy casualties tonight...but as long as you spend some time patiently, the personnel lost tonight can be replenished little by little.

——There are as many people with lofty ideals as there are people with the ambition to fight against barbarians.

——After that... that hateful Ju Qingdeng must be listed as the first target to be dealt with!
If there is anything Shenye has gained tonight... it is that he has discovered how great a threat Qingdeng is to their barbarian group.

It is no longer possible to simply regard him as an official post of the "Three Times" of the Enforcement Institute.

This kind of strength, this kind of growth rate... It's hard to overemphasize its threat.

Having regained his composure, Shenye has begun to think about how to retaliate against Qingdeng in the future, and how to kill Qingdeng whose strength can no longer be underestimated.

Just at this time.

Just as Kanno was still thinking about the big timing ahead, he suddenly heard two slightly lonely footsteps behind him.

Footsteps... This is the last sound Kano wants to hear right now.

He twisted his neck, which was slightly stiff due to the momentary nervous tension, and looked back... and saw two figures, one tall and one petite, running straight towards them amidst the heavy moonlight and night light behind him. .

These two figures are exactly Qing Deng and Kinoshita Mai!

Shino's expression suddenly changed.

"Are you chasing me..." Shen Ye squeezed out words through his clenched teeth.

The three subordinates who followed closely beside Shenye also found Qingdeng and Kinoshita Mai who were chasing after them at this time, and the expressions on their faces immediately became as ugly as Shenye's.

Under the guidance of Kanno, they turned into an alley on the right, trying to get rid of Qingdeng and Kinoshita Mai by moving in complex terrain.

Speed... This is the strength of Qingdeng and Kinoshita Mai.

The legs still retain considerable strength due to "strong muscles".

Relying on the talent effect of "leading the horse", not only did Shenye and others not widen the distance from Qingdeng and others, but the distance between them became closer and closer.

If this continues, Qingdeng and Kinoshita Mai will catch up sooner or later... After realizing this, the three subordinates beside Shen Ye looked at each other, and then they all showed decisive and firm expressions.

"Mr. Kanno, you go first!" Someone yelled, "We will help you arrest that national thief and that woman!"

These three people are all loyal to Kanno, and they regard Kanno as "indispensable figures to complete the great cause of eliminating barbarians", and they are willing to give everything they have for the safety of Kanno.

Faced with the request of his loyal subordinates to cut off the post, Kanno's response was to nod his head in agreement without hesitation.

"Well! Please!"

Kanno only left a casual sentence... He didn't even look back at his subordinates who had stopped and stayed in place.

"National traitor! Suffer death!"

"God damn it!"


The three people who stopped to buy time for Kanno's escape, drew their swords in hand, and took the initiative to greet Qingdeng and Kinoshita Mai.

The strength of these three people is far from strong, Kinoshita Mai alone should be able to overthrow all three of them to the ground.

Therefore, under the joint onslaught of Qing Deng and Kinoshita Mai, this extremely fragile "blocking position" was quickly torn apart.

However—these three people can't all be regarded as sacrifices in vain.

Their desperate delay delayed Qingdeng and Kinoshita Mai for a few seconds.

And these few seconds were enough for Shenye to run to a place that Qingdeng and Kinoshita Mai couldn't see.

"Tachibana-kun, that Kanno is going to run away!"

When Kinoshita Mai shouted these words anxiously, the figure of Shenye was already so small that it was about to disappear within their field of vision.

Kinoshita Wu was about to go after her, but Qingdeng stopped her first.

"Wait, Ms. Kinoshita. Don't go here, I know a shortcut to the front of Tatsugoro Kanno!"

At this time, Qingdeng suddenly realized——isn't this neighborhood one of the neighborhoods that he, as Dingcho Hui Tongxin, is in charge of daily inspections?
Memories of the architectural layout and road conditions of this block quickly emerged in Qingdeng's mind.

After calling Kinoshita Wu to stop, he called Kinoshita Wu to follow quickly, led Kinoshita Wu to turn to the left, and turned into a path full of fallen leaves on the left side of the road.



With the voluntary stay of those three subordinates... Kanno is completely alone now.

With no subordinates left around, Kanno moved as much as possible in the inconspicuous alley all by himself.

Whoa, whoa, whoa...

Suddenly, the sound of gurgling water came to my ears.

The surrounding light gradually began to brighten... The alley ahead revealed a light blue light.

After rushing out of the alley in one go, Kanno suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment.

There are spacious streets on both sides of the alley, and a short and narrow wooden bridge over an unknown river in front of it.

The moonlight, the river, the small bridge... These three elements constitute a beautiful scenery full of charm, but Kanno is not in the mood to appreciate these natural scenery.

Not daring to stop for a moment, he went straight forward and boarded the narrow wooden bridge that creaked when he stepped on it.

The moment Kanno stepped onto the bridge, the situation happened.

Crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch...

Shenye heard the sound of the bridge being trampled on directly in front of him...and there were two of them.

His expression froze immediately, and he looked up.

His vision was quite blurry due to the smudge of the night...but he still vaguely saw 2 figures, one big and one small, running towards him along the opposite bridge.

These two figures were dyed red for completely different reasons.

One of the figures was because he was wearing a bright red bathrobe.

As for the other figure... it was because there was a lot of uncoagulated blood splashed on its body.

Kanno silently paused his footsteps and stopped.

Qingdeng, who was opposite, also stopped at the same time.

The dark clouds in the night sky had just cleared away.

Unobstructed by dark clouds, the faint blue moonlight spilled through the sky and onto the ground, onto the bridge deck and the shoulders of the two swordsmen.

Under the moonlight and in the darkness of night, two swordsmen met on this wooden bridge!
No one spoke, just looked at each other quietly.

The only sound in this space is the sound of the foaming river flowing quietly under the bridge.

Against the backdrop of the moonlight, the bridge deck is immersed in a tranquility like being in the bottom of the sea.

"...There is no need to say more." Kanno's sudden, calm voice without sadness or joy caused the tranquility of the bridge to be shaken.

As if agreeing with Kanno's words, Qingdeng smiled slightly.

"...Ah, you are right."

Kacha——Kanno touched the sheath of the saber with his left hand, pushed his thumb, and opened the sheath.

Clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang in the moonlight shining clear blue light.

"Miss Kinoshita."

Qingdeng bent his left arm, clamped the root of Dingguishen's blade with the bend of his left arm, slowly pulled it from the Yuanyuan to the tip, and wiped the blade with the kimono cloth of the bend of his left arm.

"Stand back a little bit, and then... stay away from me as much as possible later."

Kinoshita Wu did not express any objection to Qingdeng's request.

After taking a deep look at Qing Deng, she nodded lightly, and stepped back lightly, leaving enough space for the two swordsmen on the bridge.

Those who want to escape have no way out.

The person who wants to pursue has already caught up with his target.

Neither side has any room for maneuver.

yes!In this case, there is no need to say more!
In the present, no matter what you say, it seems false, only the voice of drawing the sword is real!
"Mirror heart wise flow,"

"Kano Tatsugoro!"

Kanno set up a posture of Kagami Aketsu.The door of the house announced loudly conveyed the strong determination of "Let's fight to the death!"

Qingdeng held the knife in front of him.

"Natural mental flow."

"Orange green!"

bring it on! ——Qingdeng's eyes shone like flames!
The next moment, the two swordsmen slammed on the bridge together, shot out from the spot, and headed forward!Towards a future where only one person can survive!

Mars exploded.

The two swords collided violently in the air, sparks burst out one by one.

The surging sword energy shattered the moonlight!

The two glared fiercely at each other, who was close at hand, through the pair of knives they were holding together.

With strength in his waist, Qingdeng parried away Shenye's saber with a "dang", then swung the saber vertically from the top of the road, and slashed at Shenye's face.

Shenye snorted coldly, and the knife that Qingdeng had just parried back quickly retracted in front of him, and when the blade of Ding Guishen had just struck down, he successfully intercepted the slash in mid-air.

In the next instant, the two switched offense and defense.

This time it was Kanto who launched an attack, and his saber slashed towards Qingdeng's lower body from the lower part, but was also intercepted by Qingdeng's precise swing of the saber in mid-air.


Two silver snakes entangle and bite back and forth in mid-air.

The soft moonlight was disturbed by the sharp sword shadow.

The two knives collided back and forth, wiping out a large number of splashing sparks, like fireflies on a summer night.

The reason why Qingdeng let Kinoshita Mai back down and chose to single-handedly challenge Kanno was very simple - if he and Kinoshita Mai went up together, there would not be enough space on the bridge for the two of them to flex their muscles to their heart's content. Fighting against the enemy together will only hinder each other.

Facts have proved that Qingdeng's judgment is correct.

The narrow bridge deck is only big enough for three adults to pass side by side, and it happens that only Qingdeng can let go of his hands and feet.

After making more than a dozen knives back and forth like this, Qingdeng and Shenye, as if they had agreed in advance, both jumped behind and pulled away.

——This guy's strength is far inferior to just now!
The emotional excitement made Kanno couldn't help but clenched the knife in his hand even tighter.

The high-speed knife setting just now has given both parties a certain understanding of each other's current state.

Kanno clearly felt that Qingdeng's sword strength and speed were far inferior to those of 67 warriors including him not long ago.

The bitter battle of 1 vs. 67 just now had consumed a lot of his stamina... Shenye secretly made such a judgment.

In fact, Qingdeng's current strength is indeed not as good as before.

But it's not just about being debilitated and physically tired.

The main reason is that the "lonely gall" has failed.

The talent effect of "Lonely" will only be activated when encountering enemies who are stronger or more numerous than themselves.

"Gudan" failed to launch... This is certainly a pity.

But from a positive point of view, this represents one thing - under the certification of the system, Shenye's strength is no longer stronger than the current Qingdeng!
Looking back at the "Battle of Fanshu Tiaosuo" two months ago, Qingdeng had to activate "Lonely Bravery" in order to barely balance the power with Shenye.

But now, when facing Kanno alone again, the talent effect of "Gudan" will no longer be activated.

This declares that in this short period of 2 months, Qingdeng's strength has made great progress, which can be described as "advancing by leaps and bounds"!
Qingdeng's decline in strength due to the lack of activation of "Gudan" and the massive consumption of physical energy made Kanno's fighting spirit and desire to win unprecedentedly inflated.

The same people with a fighting spirit... and Qingdeng!
Qingdeng is far more aware of his current state than Shenye.

According to Qingdeng's estimation - based on his current "battle damage state where the boost effect has not been fully stacked", he can only roughly draw with Kanye.

The battle was going to be tougher than expected...but Qingdon was not in the least afraid or discouraged.

The flame-like brilliance in Qingdeng's eyes became even more dazzling at this moment!
Qingdeng, who was putting his mind on the sword in his hand and the enemy in front of him, didn't realize at this moment—a wave of excitement that was faintly visible was flowing in his heart.

The second round of the two swordsmen...began in the silence of everything.

Kanno was in the middle of the body, the knife in his hand stood upright in front of his chest, the tip of the knife rose slightly, and the knife shining with faint blue light divided his whole figure into two neat halves.

The seemingly plain posture actually implies murderous intent, exuding a terrifying sense of invisible oppression.

Qingdeng did not flinch or fear.

Ignoring the oppressive feeling escaping from Kanno's body, he spread his legs, pointed the knife point at Kanno's chest, and set up his best Kasumi-dan stance.

The two confronting each other just put on a posture like this - starting from the refreshing night wind from the distant sky, they have been staring at each other until now.

Finally, Qingdeng was the first to break the confrontation.I saw him moving forward little by little, shortening the distance between him and Shenye step by step.

Kanno stood still, letting Qingdeng approach.

After a while, the distance between the two was only four or five meters. Qingdeng continued to approach, but Shenye still stood there motionless.

There was only more than three meters between the two of them... The two of them still continued to maintain such a "tacit understanding".

Qing Deng continued to move forward with footsteps as if the soles of his feet were stuck to the ground, like ink stains smeared on rice paper.

Shen Ye, with his feet tied tightly to the bridge deck, is like a strong bamboo, like a rock.

And when the distance between the two was less than two meters, Qing Deng suddenly stopped moving.

In the next moment... the world pressed the fast forward button!
The two quickly swung their knives at the same moment!In the blink of an eye, their knives collided twice in mid-air.

Two sword lights like silver snakes once again disturbed the quiet moonlight.

With a sound of "铛", he blocked Qing Deng's slash again, and the tip of Shenye's sword froze suddenly, and then swept the sword horizontally across Qing Deng's chest with the momentum of wind and clouds!
Qingdeng is neither panic nor afraid.Leaning his body, while dodging this blow from Kanno, he moved his left shoulder forward, hiding the blade of Dingguishen in the posture of the lower right section behind him, and then moved towards Kanno's body from bottom to top, but Kanno gently moved Leap back and dodge the sword.

Qingdeng switched stances, and switched to the most commonly used stance in the natural Lixinliu: Ping Qingyan, with the tip of the sword aimed obliquely at Kanno's right eye.

Still in the mid-section, Kanno shrank his body, tightening his neck, shoulders and waist, as if he wanted to hide his entire body in the shadow of the sword standing in front of him.

Obviously, this posture of Kanno is accumulating explosive power.

Sure enough——Kano let out a low growl, and in the next moment, the body that had been shrunk together suddenly burst open like "a compressed spring is loosened"!Go straight to Qingdeng!

The sharpness and murderous intent contained in this knife cannot be underestimated.

Qingdeng blocked the blow and retreated.But Kanno's offensive did not stop, and he immediately delivered a new attack.

The new attack is the equally terrifying straight thrust.But Qingdeng still parried the deadly sword with ease.

The two of them staggered and switched places.

The bridge deck made a "dong dong dong" sound.

Stand still!

turn around!

Then swung the knife and slashed at the opponent again!


As expected of Jingxin Zhiliu, who is known for his "elegance", even Qihesheng sounds more graceful than other genres.

Kanno switched to the top lane to attack, and the knife in his hand drew an arc of light in the air.

Instead of retreating, Qingdeng jumped up violently.

The swords and bodies of Kanno and Qingdeng, who were rushing towards each other, collided heavily.

There was another loud clang that was enough to make the spectators think that someone's knife had broken.

As if being bounced back by an invisible force, the two of them retreated in both directions, and their feet rubbed two white marks on the bridge surface.

The pulling away of the body... only lasted for a moment.

In the next instant, the two of them stopped, and then charged at each other again!

Kanno's sword changed back to the middle stance, and Qingdeng greeted him from the lower section.

Qingdeng leaned forward and slashed as if sliding across the ground, the knife swung upwards from the lower section grazed the bridge surface, and the sharp tip of the knife cut a thin line on the bridge surface.

Faced with Qingdeng's slash from below, Shenye took a deep breath, and then slashed down with the knife in his hand!Want to suppress Qingdeng's quick blow!
The knife Qingdeng pulled out from bottom to top contained powerful strength and exquisite skills.

When the two swords met, Kanno felt as if the sword in his hand was about to be swept away by a strong wind blowing from below.

Although Kanno's vigorous and heavy chops accurately caught Qingdeng's sword in mid-air, but the huge crisis that followed immediately made Kanno's face change drastically.

Fortunately, Shenye was not a weak person to be bullied, he gritted his teeth, exerted strength in his hands, and insisted on relying on brute force and skill, he held the saber firmly and did not let it drop.

Huge power burst out where the two knives met.

Driven by this force, the two of them lowered their waists and stepped forward. When they changed their positions, they took advantage of the situation and made another move. Neither side took advantage of this move.

Qingdeng and Kanno, who had passed by, returned to their original positions.

This round ended with Qingdeng having a slight upper hand.

But the battle continues!
The author spent a long time yesterday thinking about whether to let Qingdeng and Shenye say some hot words before the fight to add to the atmosphere.

After thinking about it, I realized that Qingdeng and Shenye had to talk in a long-winded manner before the fight, and it felt very stupid—swordsmen's duel, needless to say!

Draw your knife and chop!
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(End of this chapter)

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