I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 185 With a long sword in hand and moonlight on his shoulders, the sword looks like a dragon!

Chapter 185 With a long sword in hand and moonlight on his shoulders, the sword looks like a dragon! [Burst update 1W]

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Qingdeng and Shenye both opened their mouths slightly, panting heavily.

Not because the body feels too tired.

It was because of the dizzyingly fast-paced attack and defense just now, which made the nerves of both of them extremely tense, and they held their breath unconsciously, and they didn't dare to blink more.

It wasn't until the two "silver snakes" separated again that the two realized that their eyes were so dry and their chest was throbbing with pain from protesting the lack of oxygen.

The two swordsmen temporarily "truce"...but this space is still full of tension.

The sound of the two exchanging breaths one after another continued to accumulate a strange sense of tension on the bridge deck.

In the next moment when the tense atmosphere piled up to the point of suffocation, the black shadow shook!Moonlight swaying!Two shiny "silver snakes" pounced and bit each other again!
The sword in the middle position of Kanno gleamed coldly and went straight to Qingdeng's chest.

Qingdeng, who kept his body's center of gravity extremely low, raised the knife hidden behind his right side straight up in a posture as if he was kneeling on the ground, trying to break through Kanno's attack.

But at this moment, Qingdeng suddenly felt soreness and numbness in his left leg, and there was also a faint pain in his knee.

It wasn't that he was attacked... it was the "overwhelmed" signal from his legs.

After a series of hard fights tonight, Qingdeng's hands and feet were no longer in control.

Although the soreness and numbness in his left leg was not strong, and it came on suddenly but went away quickly, but this sudden situation still made Qingdeng's movements deformed uncontrollably.

The evil consequences caused by the deformation of movements soon befall Qingdeng.

The trajectory of swinging the knife was shifted due to the deformation of the movement, and it did not perfectly block Kanno's attack.

Even though Kanto's sword was blocked so that Kanto's sword did not hit his chest, the sharp point of the knife still scratched Qingtou's right upper arm and cut the sleeve of Qingtou's right arm kimono.

Qingdeng quickly glanced at his cut right upper arm - although a lot of blood flowed out, the injury was not too deep and would not affect his actions.

Qingdeng exerted force on his toes and leaped backwards forcefully.

Shenye strode forward, not giving Qingdeng a chance to distance himself from him... and this is the moment Qingdeng was waiting for.

At the moment when Kanno rushed towards him, Qingdeng grabbed the kimono sleeve of his severed right arm with his left hand, tore it off, and then cast the wide sleeve towards Kanno's body like a net. face thrown.

Facing the cloth of the clothes that was rapidly enlarged in the field of vision, Shenye frowned slightly, and then subconsciously swung the knife vertically, cutting the cloth in two.

When the cloth, which was neatly divided into two halves from the middle, fell to the left and right...a little cold light rushed towards the tip of Kanno's nose!

Just like a dagger in the picture, the cloth that was cut in half is behind the tip of the knife... the tip of the knife stabbed by Qing Deng!
The sword that stabbed straight at Kanno's face drew out a straight line of light and created a gust of wind.

With pupils constricted violently, Kanno turned his head to the left forcefully, and at the same time, hurriedly retracted the knife that was about to cut at Qingdeng straight in front of his body.

The sharp edge of Dingguishen's blade stabbing at the gate of Kanno's face collided fiercely with the back of the saber that stood upright, like two welding torches colliding, sparking a series of dancing sparks, illuminating Shenno's face.

Shenye's timely defense caused Dingguishen's trajectory to be skewed. He missed Shenno's face, and only drew a deep bloodstain on Shenno's right cheek.

In an instant, half of Shenye's face was soaked in the blood flowing from his body.

Offensive and defensive momentum... swap in just a few seconds!Now it was Qingdeng who launched a chase after the slashed Shenye.

Qingdeng had been holding the handle of the saber tightly just now, but now he loosened his grip a little, giving the tip of the saber a light rhythm... This is imitating Beichen's Yidao style swordsmanship.

The tip of the knife twitches slightly to prevent the tip of the knife from becoming rigid, which is convenient for quickly responding to all actions of the opponent, and makes it difficult for the opponent to detect his intentions—this is one of the most distinctive features of Beichen Yidao Style.

Because of frequent sparring with swordsmen who use Beichen Yidao Style, Beichen Yidao Style is Qingdeng's most familiar sword style besides the natural Lixin Liu.

Relying on "skills of swords" and "heart of ghosts", Qing Dengyu unknowingly succeeded in "stealing" some classic techniques of Beichen Yidao Style.

Qingdeng relaxed his grip on the knife, and slashed the knife quickly, the dense light of the knife weaved into a large silver-white net, covering Shenye with overwhelming momentum.

There was no time to dodge by moving... Shenye gritted his teeth, lowered his waist, and decided to fight Qingdeng!Head-to-head with Qingdeng!

The two silver snakes each occupying a space are constantly entangled in mid-air, repeating the process of "collision, separation, collision again, and separation again".

On the empty bridge deck, the sound of gold and iron crossing sounded repeatedly...but only a girl in red was lucky enough to hear it.

Each of Qingdeng's slashes was almost with all his strength.

And every time Shenye defends, he puts all his energy into it. While defending against Qingdeng's attack, he counterattacks fiercely from time to time.

Attack and defense like a storm... It is the same for both sides, a moment of relaxation will bring fatal injuries enough to determine the outcome.

The fierce knife fight caused three more gaps in the blade of Dinggui Shenshen in this short period of ten seconds.

So far... the blade on the Dingguishen is now as jagged as a shark's tooth.

Just a rough count, there are at least 10 gaps.

After the war, this traumatized knife was sent to the knifesmith for a major overhaul.

Kanno's saber wasn't much better.The quality of his saber is obviously not as good as that of Ding Guishen.

Obviously, he did not experience uninterrupted battles tonight like Ding Guishen, but the blade of Kanno's saber was covered with a lot more gaps than Ding Guishen.

The two knives collided again...but this time something went wrong.

At the moment when the two knives collided and were still separated, Qingdeng swiftly freed his left hand and grabbed Kanno's right wrist holding the katana, intending to use the technique of grappling to remove the katana.

Kanno's reaction was quick... as expected of the leader and strongest of the Kobari group.

He firmly grasped the handle of the knife with his right hand to prevent Qingdeng from controlling him, and at the same time, treated him in the same way as a human being, let go of his left hand grasping the knife, and grasped Qingdeng's right wrist.

The two of them stood in a stalemate in this strange posture of "holding each other's knives together and holding each other's right wrists".

No one will let anyone, no one can please...

This stalemate will only waste energy, energy and time.

For Qingdeng, who has already moved to multiple venues tonight and his physical fitness has been rapidly consumed, the "war of attrition" of competing for strength and physical fitness is naturally the battle he most wants to avoid.

Thus, Qingdeng voluntarily withdrew from the stalemate.

He let go of Kanno's right wrist, which he was holding tightly, pointed forward with his left shoulder obliquely, and slammed into Kanno's arms forcefully.

Shen Ye was mentally prepared and guarded against Qingdeng's physical attacks such as shoulder bumps and kicks.

For Kanno, the decisive battle against Qingdeng is of course the sooner and easier he wins, the better.

After all, in addition to this hateful national thief, there is also the girl in red who is very good at fisting and kicking and is standing quietly not far away.

Moreover, if the time is too long and too long, other officials may arrive.

This kind of "war of attrition" of competing for physical fitness and time is what Kanno wants to avoid as much as possible.

Therefore, after Qingdeng let go of his right wrist and slammed into his arms, Kanno took advantage of the situation and let go of Qingdeng's wrist, and then stepped back sideways to avoid Qingdeng's "meat bomb impact" .

The positions of the two were exchanged again... the one who was facing away from the moon became facing the moon, and the one facing the moon became facing away from the moon.

The moonlight projected the figures of the two swordsmen stretched so long onto the bridge.

Witnessed by the moonlight, as soon as the two figures separated, they rejoined again.



The more intense the battle, the two of them had no time to adjust their breathing rhythm before throwing themselves into the battle again.

The battle is still going on... and it's getting hotter!

Strictly speaking, Qingdeng is a "speed type" swordsman, and Kanno happens to be also a "speed type".

The duel between the two can be said to be a confrontation of speed and speed.

Shenye dodged Qingdeng's blade as lightly as a swallow, jumped to Qingdeng's side lightly as if gliding in the air, and then slashed at Qingdeng's head. be terrified.

The outcome of this duel will be directly related to who can stand and live, that is to say, whether Shenye will have the life to complete his "great cause of extermination of barbarians".

Under the catalysis of this extremely fast-paced and high-intensity battle, under the tremendous pressure of "a matter of life and death and ideals", Shenye has unconsciously entered the "highly tense nerves, seeing the deadly enemy in front of him". The state of nothing else".

In such a state, Kanno's spirit was highly concentrated, he was so concentrated that he forgot to breathe and blink for countless times, and the power and speed of the sword increased a little more when he was so concentrated!
As the duel gradually intensifies, Kanno gradually enters the state... The same is true for Qingdeng.

At this moment, Qingdeng's "Ju Shen" has entered a fully open state.

With the blessing of "Focus on God", Qingdeng's mental concentration is far higher than that of Shenye!

Qingdeng's mental concentration has reached the level where "the body responds before the brain".

Often when faced with an attack from Kanno or a rare opportunity to attack, Qingdeng's body moves first, and then his thoughts catch up with his body one step later.

Just like now——in the face of the slashing attack from Kanno who dodged to his side, Qing Deng's body moved first, and then retreated two steps in succession.

At this moment, Qingdeng suddenly felt something solid behind him...it was a bridge railing half a person's height.

"Ha ah ah ah ah ah!"

Qingdeng's back was blocked by the railing of the bridge, and there was no way to retreat behind him... Seeing this, Kanno's fighting spirit was lifted, and he strode forward vigorously, brandishing his saber like a wheel, and there was no way to retreat behind him Qingdeng came with a vicious slash.

The timing and angle of Shenye's knife are not insincere.

The knife swung horizontally in a horizontal direction blocked Qingdeng's left and right directions, making it impossible for Qingdeng to avoid his sword by moving left or right.

There is a bridge railing behind, so you can't go back.The knife cut horizontally made it impossible for Qingdeng to dodge left and right... If Qingdeng didn't want a big hole in his stomach, he had no choice but to take Shenno's slash.

Both Kanno and Kinoshita Mai, the only spectator witnessing the battle, thought so.

However, in the next instant, Kanno and Kinoshita Mai, who thought that Qingdeng would take the sharp slash, opened their eyes wide because they witnessed the unbelievable scene.

Kinoshita Mai even couldn't help raising her two small hands to cover her slightly parted red lips because she was too surprised.

Just when Shenno's sword was about to hit Qingdeng's body, Qingdeng opened his mouth slightly, let out a foul breath, and then jumped lightly.

Not forward.

Neither left nor right.

But backwards!
Qingdeng jumped back lightly, easily dodged Shenye's knife, and then landed firmly on the top of the round pillar of the bridge fence behind him with both feet!
"What?" Shocked by the scene in front of him, Kanno couldn't help but exclaim in astonishment.

These were the first words he uttered after the duel with Qing Deng began.

Shenye was not surprised by this for too long... because the blade of the ghost god has come with the wind!

Standing on the top of the watchtower, Qing Deng swung his saber from the middle, and the blade slashed down from the air to hit Shenye's Tianling Gai!
Under the impetus of a strong sense of crisis pressing down like Mount Tai, Kanno's soul quickly regained control over his body.

He quickly swung his knife to meet him.The swords of the two entangled each other again in the air.

Oh shit! ——Kano, who cursed secretly in his heart, shook his arms, flicked Ding Guishen away, then adjusted the edge of the blade according to the situation, and slashed towards Qingdeng who was still standing on the top of the pillar with the cassock slash.

I see how you hide! ——The cry in Kanye's heart couldn't hide the color of gloating.

The pillars of this wooden bridge are only two feet wide... standing in such a narrow place, how do you avoid his slash?

Regarding the silent cry that Kanno yelled in his heart in a gloating tone...Qingdeng quickly gave a very powerful response.

I saw Qing Deng took a deep breath, and then jumped again!Leaping towards the left, it precisely landed on the top of another bridge guard post 2 steps away.

The knife that Shen Ye had split into the air only hit the air and the head of the pillar that Qing Deng was standing on just now, and the round head of the pillar was completely cut off.

"What?" Kano once again exclaimed in astonishment.

Shenye quickly turned his head to look at Qingdeng who had jumped onto the top of another bridge pillar, then gritted his teeth and chased Qingdeng while yelling "Haahahah".

The shadow of the knife danced.The moonlight could hardly suppress the messy knife shadow.

Kanno kept swinging his sword, launching a storm-like attack on Qingdeng.

The blade slashed at Qingdeng again and again...but none of them hit Qingdeng successfully.

Qingdeng precisely moved back and forth on the bridge railing and the watchposts, dodging every attack of Shenye.

Sawdust flew.Kanno's slashed slashes could only hit the air, bridge rails and pillars.

Bridge railings were cut off one after another, and watchposts were chopped off one after another.

The severed bridge railings and watchtowers fell into the river below the bridge, splashing waves and bringing new sounds to the dueling arena.

After dodging another attack from Shenye, Qing Deng suddenly changed the direction of dodging.

No longer dodging to the left and right, but to the front, to the opposite bridge!

Qingdeng jumped up like a big bird, the sleeves of his upper body and the hakama of his lower body were hunting under the blowing pressure of the wind.

His figure overwhelmed that of Kanno... because Qingdeng jumped over his head!
Just as he was about to jump over Kanno's head, Qingdeng swung his sword and slashed!The sword shadow smashed to the top of Shenye's head along with the moonlight!

Kanto, who was surprised by Qingdeng's sudden jump and blow, only hastily raised the knife sideways.

The two swords clashed... Although Qingdeng's blow was barely blocked, the tip of Dingguishen's knife still grazed Shenye's left forehead, and cut off a little flesh from the left forehead of Shenye.

For a time, blood was dripping.

The blood gurgling from the wound on the forehead also soaked the left half of Kanno's face into a blood red.

In addition to the wound that Qing Deng stabbed on his right cheek just now... Now that there are wounds on both the left and right faces of Kanno, there is hardly any area left on his entire face that is not soaked in blood.

Qingdeng, who had successfully cut Kanno's left forehead, slid his body along a beautiful parabola, and finally landed firmly on the watchpost of the opposite bridge.

The reason why Qingdeng suddenly adopts the method of "moving on the bridge railing and the watchpost" to deal with Shenye is also very simple-he simply wants to change the tactics.

Standing on the bridge and fighting with Shenye, the attack repeatedly missed, so Qingdeng thought of another way, tried to jump on the bridge railing, and used "three-dimensional movement and attack" to deal with Shenye.

For Qingdeng, only when "Ju Shen" is fully activated and the spirit is extremely concentrated can he complete the extremely difficult action of "moving precisely on the bridge railing".

Although he managed to hit Kanno just now... But such a small injury that didn't even hurt the bones is not a problem at all.

If the blood dripping from the corner of the left forehead can flow to Kanno's left eye, making it hard for him to open it, then it would be considered a remarkable achievement.

In combat...especially in armed combat, being blind with one eye is as good as being blind, because with only one eye there is no range measurement at all, not even how far away the enemy and the enemy's weapon are from you You don't even know how far away, how do you fight?
The wound that Qingdeng cut just now was close to Shenno's temple... which made it impossible for the blood flowing from this wound to flow into Shenno's left eye.

Kanno wiped the blood on his face casually, then rushed towards Qingdeng again.

Qingdeng didn't move on the bridge rail this time, but jumped back to the bridge... To be precise, after dodging another round of attacks from Shenye, he dodged and jumped to the side and rear of Shenno.

As soon as the feet stood still, Qingdeng turned his body around his left foot like a spinning top, and brought the knife in his hand towards Shenye's side in the opposite direction of the cassock.

Qingdeng's blow was impeccable in terms of angle, timing, and strength.But it's a pity that Shenye was dodged, and Shenye jumped back in time, and the tip of the ghost-fixing knife only touched the corner of his clothes.

The overlapping figures separated...Qingdeng did not chase after Kanno who had jumped back, and Kanno was no longer in a hurry to attack Qingdeng who had returned to the bridge.

The two of them, whose physical exhaustion had almost accumulated to the critical point, now chose to "take a short breath" by coincidence.

"Ha...! Ha...! Ha...! Ha...! Ha...!"

"Ha...! Ha...! Ha...! Ha...! Ha...!"

The rapid breathing of the two formed an overwhelming sound barrier, overwhelming the sound of the wind in the sky and the sound of running water under the bridge.

The innate effect of "Strengthening Muscle" is only to make Qingdeng's muscles less prone to fatigue, not to make Qingdeng's muscles never get tired.

Reluctantly fighting with the body all the way until now... "Strong Muscle" is finally about to be overwhelmed.

Be it the hands or the feet, every muscle in the limbs and waist is now protesting fiercely with Qingdeng.

The muscles in his right arm were already sore and swollen, and he felt that he could hardly grasp the knife stably.

The left leg began to spasm slightly.

Even breathing with your mouth wide open cannot satisfy your body's demand for oxygen.

The sweat that came out like a waterfall dissolved the solidified and semi-coagulated blood clots on his clothes.

The light red liquid mixed with sweat and blood flowed down the corners of his jacket and the corners of his lower body, until small puddles of strange colors appeared one after another on the bridge.

On the other hand, Shenye, who is opposite, is in much better physical condition than Qingdeng.After all, he didn't fight consecutively in one night like Qingdeng.

However, although his current physical condition is obviously better than that of Qingdeng, there is not much joy on Shenye's face.

Because of the series of fierce fights just now, Kanno felt a sense of... powerlessness.

——How will this national thief who kills a thousand swords fall down!Why does he still have the strength to swing a knife!

No matter what kind of attack, Qingdeng has a way to block or dodge it.

Obviously his physical fatigue has reached the point where the naked eye can see it, but why he still doesn't fall down?Why can you still hold the knife?

Staring at Qingdeng who was taking the time to adjust his breathing rhythm, Shenye turned all the complicated words and emotions in his heart into a long breath.

— Use that trick!
Kanno's brows that were tightly knit together were slightly relaxed at this moment.

Although I haven't practiced this move proficiently yet...but this is the most powerful move that Shenye has mastered so far, and it is also the move that I think is the most promising to injure or even kill Qingdeng right now!
Shenye let out another breath, then tilted his body, changed his standing posture to the side, leaned out his left shoulder, and aimed obliquely at the young man opposite him, holding the saber in both hands, and hid the saber behind him in the lower right posture in the shadows.

Immediately afterwards, he shouted loudly, slid forward, and rushed towards Qingdeng.

Qingdeng narrowed his eyes slightly... This movement of Shenye is quite a classic move in swordsmanship.

Use the posture of the lower section to hide the knife behind you, so that it is difficult for the opponent to distinguish the direction, movement and attack distance of the knife.

Qingdeng will also use this tactic. He had used this tactic before when he faced his new wife Kuan in the final of the swordsmanship competition, but he was not very proficient.

Because this move was not easy to distinguish the attack direction and attack distance, so Qingdeng adopted a cautious response method, instead of taking the initiative to meet him, he spread his feet apart, lowered his waist, and waited quietly for Shenye to approach.

The distance between him and Kanno is only about 7 steps, such a short distance, for the sprinting Kanno, it is just a blink of an eye.

But at this moment, a strange situation happened.

Just when Shenye was more than three steps away from Qingdeng, he drew out his knife. The sharp blade cut through the air, making a piercing sound of breaking wind, and slashed straight at Qingdeng's chest from the bottom right to the top left!
Qingdeng and Kinoshita Mai, who was watching the battle not far away, showed expressions of astonishment at the same time.

Kanno's attack distance... greatly exceeded Qingdeng and Kinoshita Mai's predictions!
Considering the length of his arm and the length of his saber, his saber shouldn't be able to cut this far!
Mr. Tangerine! ——Kinoshita Mai almost yelled anxiously.

Regardless of whether Kinoshita Mai yelled or not, the result was actually the same—her voice would not reach Qingdeng's ears.

Because Qingdeng put all his body and mind into the battle he was in, he could no longer hear any sounds that had nothing to do with this arena.

Shen Ye's unexpected blow really made Qingdeng feel at a loss for a moment because of his misjudgment.

But fortunately...Qingdeng is now in a state where "the reaction speed of the body is faster than the brain"!
While his brain was still immersed in astonishment, Qingdeng's body automatically responded one step ahead!
Using both feet, Qingdeng jumped backwards like a spring.

Qingdeng's timely reaction saved his life.

Shenye failed to make a big cut on Qingdeng's upper body, the tip of the sword grazed Qingdeng's chest, and cut open the flesh, but was blocked by the breastbone, so he couldn't cut deeper, only at Qingdeng's chest A three-inch incision was left.

Taking advantage of the momentum of the forward charge, Shenye continued to rush towards Qingdeng, just when the two were about to pass each other, Shenye quickly rearranged his stance, and made another stab at Qingdeng, but was given a "dang" by Qingdeng blocked with a bang.

The two who had passed each other opened up a distance of more than ten steps in one breath, and then turned around at the same time.

Tick, tick, tick, tick...

Fresh blood flowed from the fresh wound on his chest, dripping down at Qingdeng's feet.

Qingdeng freed his left hand and touched the place where he was cut just now... After looking down at the fingertips that were stained red, he frowned slightly.

—How did he cut his sword so far...?
Qingdeng didn't feel anxious because he was hit.

Nor did he feel panicked by Kanno's sudden unintelligible strange move.

There was hardly any fluctuation in his mood... only calmly thinking about how he managed to cut the sword so far.

Due to the angle just now, Qingdeng couldn't see clearly what kind of tricks Shenye did to make his knife cut so far.
As for Kinoshita Mai not far away... She still has a look of surprise on her face.

Just now, Shenye's back was facing her, so she couldn't see clearly what kind of tricks Shenno used to make the sword in his hand cut so far.

While Qingdeng and Kinoshita Mai were thinking about what kind of technique Kanno had used, they saw Kanno rearranging the lower right stance with the saber hidden behind him.

A little bit of complacency and joy could be vaguely seen on Shenye's face—the knife just now successfully hit Qingdeng, which should have made him feel quite elated.

In fact, it was indeed the case, and now Shenye was shouting excitedly in his heart: Very good!Hit it!

Here's a chance to kill the bastard with this move!

The success of that slash just now made Kanno decide to use that tactic again without hesitation!
This time... the traitor must be killed!
Looking at Qingdeng who had rearranged his posture, his eyelids sank slightly.

——Are you going to use that trick again...

Qingdeng still didn't understand how Kanno made his attack distance so much longer.

If you can't even grasp the opponent's attack distance... then dodge and defense are out of the question.

And Shenye's posture of hiding the sword and both arms in the shadow behind him made it impossible for Qingdeng to predict when he was going to draw the sword by observing the movements of his hands.

If it wasn't for some mechanism on the sword... then it must be some special skill that Kanno's hand holding the sword used to make the sword cut so far.

Although she didn't participate in the duel, Mai Kinoshita was also nervous as if she was in the duel.

She unconsciously raised her hands to her chest and clenched them tightly. She was so nervous that she didn't even dare to breathe because she was worried about whether Qingdeng would receive Shenye's knife.

She didn't dare to make a sound, and even tried to slow down her breathing, for fear that the slightest movement she made would distract Qing Deng.

In this kind of life-and-death duel, it is impossible for Shenye to leave any time for Qingdeng to slowly think about the strategy to defeat the enemy.

Immediately after setting up his posture and accumulating strength in his waist and legs, Kanno once again rushed towards Qingdeng like a whirlwind!

The enemy is coming... no time to think.Even though he still had no idea how to decipher Shenno's "longer attack" tactic, Qingdeng could only calm down, set up his sword, and prepare to meet the enemy!
At this moment, with Shenye's attack again, the air on the bridge deck seemed to be solidified like a liquid!

The "creaking" sound of trampling on the bridge deck and approaching Qingdeng quickly is like the sound of death coming to kill!
Just facing the full moon hanging in the night sky, Shenye's elongated figure pressed heavily on the bridge deck like a mountain!The moonlight illuminated every detail of his hideous face!
Just at this moment of lightning and flint, there was a gust of wind blowing from the distant sky.

The gust of wind brought coolness... and the petals of a wisteria flower that was in full bloom at this time of year.

Pulled by the wind, this petal passed Qingdeng's eyes...casting a faint shadow on the bridge.

Out of the corner of his eye, Qingdeng subconsciously saw the shadow of the petal on the bridge in front of him.

At this moment, Qingdeng seemed to have realized something, and the pupils of his eyes shrank to the size of pinholes.

Then, in the next moment...Qing Deng moved.Move forward!

I saw Qing Deng suddenly concentrated his strength on his toes, gathered his strength in an instant, and rushed forward with a kick!

He took the initiative to greet the opposite Kamino, while raising the knife, and put on a posture of holding Dingguishen across his right waist.

The strong wind brought by Qingdeng when he charged forward directly blew away the petals of the wisteria flower that was sent to him by the breeze just now.

The petals of the wisteria flower flew upwards, faintly flying towards the distant sky... Finally, it turned into a black spot and disappeared completely.

Qingdeng took the initiative to rush towards Shenye, both Kinoshita Mai who was watching the battle and Kanno himself were very surprised by this.

But the astonishment on Kano's face changed back to a ferocious smile in an instant.

No matter whether Qingdeng stood where he was or ran towards him, the result was the same!There will be no hindrance to his use of this "Secret Meaning"!

The distance between the two is no more than ten steps.

Such a distance, for the two who are rushing straight towards each other, it is really within the blink of an eye!

In just a split second, Qingdeng entered the range that Shenye's "secret technique" could cut, and Shenye also gathered the strength of his hand at this moment, and slashed out with the knife in his hand!

However, at this moment, Shenye suddenly felt a sense of abruptness.As soon as this abruptness appeared, it swelled rapidly.

All this is because...he found that Qing Deng's eyes were not looking at him.

The eyelids were lowered... The extremely low gaze seemed to be looking at his feet... No!He was looking at his long shadow drawn by the moonlight!
Shenye's face was instantly filled with shock and horror.

He wanted to stop the slash...but it was too late!I can't hold back my hand!
The knife, which could not be held back, blew a gust of whirlwind, and slashed at Qingdeng's body from bottom to top.

Just at this moment.

At the very moment when Shenye's sword was struck!The brilliance in Qingdeng's eyes suddenly burst into a more dazzling light.

At the very moment when Shenye's sword was struck!The trajectory of Qingdeng's displacement changed suddenly!
With strength on his toes, he jumped lightly to the left, dodging Kanno's "secret technique", and landed firmly on the watchpost on the left rear side of the bridge!
——So that's how it is...So it's how I made my attack distance longer...

Qingdeng finally saw the whole picture of Kanno's "secret technique" that can make his attack distance longer.

It turned out that Kanno used the second joints of his right index finger and middle finger to clamp the end of the handle to swing the knife!

Only use the second joints of two fingers to clamp the end of the knife handle... The attack distance is naturally much wider than usual!
The reason why Kanno adopts this posture of hiding the sword and hands behind his back is probably to prevent the opponent from discovering that he is grabbing the sword with his fingers.

Awesome...Qingdeng silently gave a short compliment to this opponent who used such a miraculous skill in his heart.

Then, in the next moment, a picturesque scene appeared on this long bridge under the moon.

After jumping onto the observation post of the bridge fence on the left side of his body, Qingdeng jumped up directly using the observation post under his feet as the point of application of force!

Towards the front... Leaping high towards Kanno!

Qingdeng's high-speed movement caused Shenye's pupils to lose focus for a while.

At the moment when his vision became slightly blurred due to being out of focus, his field of vision was crowded by a figure that seemed to be jumping high into the sky, higher than the moon!
He holds a long sword in his hand and wears moonlight on his shoulders!

The clear moonlight of the full moon behind his back shines from behind him, outlining his figure, but because the moonlight is too dazzling, it makes the man's body seem to be wrapped in darkness, and only the outline of the figure can be seen clearly .

And in this dark outline... only his eyes that exude a flame-like brilliance are still shining brightly!Like the bright stars of the Milky Way!
The sword energy exuded by the sword body that he raised above his head was like a dragon flying in the night sky of Edo!

One person and one dragon descended from the sky, with an indomitable momentum!With the momentum that seems to cut everything!

The blade makes a knife sound...

The falling blade sliced ​​through the moonlight!
At this time, Kanno finally recovered from the extreme shock.

He didn't even have time to utter emotion and swear words... The blood on his face faded quickly, regardless of the inertia of his body still rushing forward, he poured all the strength of his body into his toes, jumped back in a hurry with all his strength, thinking Stay away from Qingdeng, stay away from Qingdeng's knife!

However, it was too late.

Just as his feet left the bridge due to jumping backwards, a sharp pain that seemed to tear his whole body in two came from his chest!

Dingguishen's blade cut from Shenye's left shoulder all the way to his right abdomen, almost cutting his entire upper body obliquely in half!
"Cough! Cough cough...!"

A lot of blood gushed out from his mouth, nose and wound.

Kanno's own leap back, coupled with the impact of Qingdeng's slash, made Kanno fly backwards.

In this way, he flew backwards all the way, and after drawing a beautiful parabola, Shenye fell heavily to the ground, and then continued to roll backwards several times under the influence of inertia, before his body finally stopped. .

When Shenye's body finally stopped, his body had already rolled out of the dueling field and the wooden bridge, and collapsed on the river bank on the east bank of the wooden bridge.

"Ha...! Ha...! Ha... Ha...! Ha...!" Qingdeng felt a sense of weakness and numbness in his waist and legs, and he leaned forward and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, he leaned his sword on the bridge in time, using ghosts and gods as support, so that his body would not fall.

The slash that decided the outcome just now... It can be said that Qingdeng's strength and mind were all exhausted.

Now Qingdeng only feels that two boulders are pressing on his shoulders, and his waist is almost unable to straighten up.

"Mr. Tangerine!"

Kinoshita Mai shouted excitedly from behind.

Familiar footsteps approached behind him... Kinoshita Wu took short, short steps and ran to Qingdeng's side, and then stretched out his hand to support Qingdeng's body.

"You win! You win!"

Kinoshita Mai's delicate face glowed red with excitement.

With both arms leaning on the saber, Qingdeng tried to straighten his upper body, showing a tired smile to Kinoshita Mai.

"It's not easy to win..."

After finishing speaking, Qingdeng took a deep breath, retracted the knife leaning on the bridge, and walked slowly towards Shenye.

Before Kanno dies completely... this duel is not over yet.

The ten thousand word chapter in this chapter is to make up for the monthly ticket reward the day before yesterday.

The 1W words in this chapter are all high-density fighting scenes. There are not only passages full of swords and halberds such as "jumping on bridge pillars", but also insidious tricks such as "clamping knives with fingers" and "judging opponents from shadows". The battle of wits with the opportunity of the knife.

With such quality, it would be unreasonable not to vote (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

Qingdeng's "Big Adventure" tonight is not over yet.Book friends who have not skipped chapters and carefully read the previous plot should know that there is another guy who has not appeared.

So the monthly ticket rewards continue!The current monthly ticket count is 1858, as long as it can reach 2000 votes before the end of today, tomorrow will continue to burst into 1+!

 [Even if there are double monthly tickets at the end of the month, don't wait until the end of the month to vote! 】

  [Even if there are double monthly tickets at the end of the month, don't wait until the end of the month to vote! 】

  [Even if there are double monthly tickets at the end of the month, don't wait until the end of the month to vote! 】

  The most important use of monthly tickets [is not quantity], but [the ranking of monthly tickets].

  The higher the ranking on the monthly ticket list, the higher the exposure.

  The reason why the author has been asking for votes is to make this book rank higher in this month's monthly vote list.

  So voting at the end of the month is basically a waste of monthly tickets!

  Because in the last 3 days of the end of the month, it doesn’t matter how high your ranking on the monthly ticket list is. There are only 3 days before the start of a new month. With such a few days, you won’t get much exposure at all.

  So if you have votes in your hands, vote now instead of waiting until the end of the month.It is really a waste of votes to vote again at the end of the month.

(End of this chapter)

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