I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 186 Eternal Talent... Shines! [Burst update 1W]

Chapter 186 Eternal Talent... Shines! [Burst update 1W]

"Cough... cough cough...! cough cough cough!"

Shen Ye opened his mouth and vomited out a large amount of blood.

The burning and severe pain in his chest made Kano almost faint.Consciousness and thoughts have become fragmented due to this sharp pain.

His leap back just now saved his life.

When Qingdeng's sword was about to slash down, Kanno reflexively stopped his body, which continued to pounce forward by inertia, at the fastest speed, and quickly jumped back.

Even though Qingdeng's saber still hit him... But because he was slightly away from Qingdeng's attack range, Qingdeng's saber just now did not cut firmly, only the tip of the saber hit his body.

Thanks to this, he was not beheaded on the spot, and he still breathed a sigh of relief.

But... Although he was not killed on the spot, Kanno only has half his life left now.

Qingdeng's "falling from the sky" blow just now cut from his left shoulder all the way to his right abdomen.

It was a huge wound that almost cut open his entire upper body, and the amount of blood loss alone could be described as "shocking".

The huge amount of blood loss made Shenye's face and lips terribly white now.

The sternum and ribs had been severed and slashed... The left lung seemed to be injured as well, and every time he took a breath, it hurt so much that Kanno almost screamed out.

Of course - blood loss, broken ribs, lung injuries... These are not the things that make Kanno feel desperate the most.

What made Kanno feel the most desperate now... was that he suddenly felt the light around him dim.

He looked up - Qingdeng and Muxiawu stepped on the wooden bridge one after the other, walking towards him at an unhurried speed.

There was no trace of emotion on Qingdeng's face, he just walked towards him quietly holding the sword in his hand with his expressionless face.The sword drooping naturally and dragging on the ground made an ear-piercing sound of "chachacha" on the wooden bridge.

His long figure, stretched by the moonlight, pressed down on him like a mountain.

"wait wait wait!"

Obviously his lungs hurt badly, and the huge amount of blood loss had already made Shenye feel weak all over, but for some reason, after seeing Qingdeng walking towards him with a sword in hand, an invisible force suddenly surged into his throat, making him There was a bit stuttering, but very loud... begging for mercy.

"You won...I admit defeat."

"Please... please spare my life!"

"I swear, our barbarians will never attack you again!"

"From now on, our group of barbarians will not make things difficult for you again!"

Kanno's words were fragmented... He just said whatever came to his mind, without hierarchy or logic.

He spoke incoherently and racked his brains for all the begging words he could think of,

He fell into a quagmire called "fear"... As Qingdeng approached, he sank deeper and deeper into this quagmire.

Along with "fear" comes a strong "desire to survive".

The menacing and heroic look of fighting Qingdeng to the death just now has disappeared.

The only thing left here in front of me is a poor beggar who is driven by "fear" and "desire to survive".

While begging for mercy, Shenye also used his hands and feet to crawl away from Qingdeng.

It was a blessing that he still had the strength to move after being so badly injured.

He can only crawl on the ground like a bug, so it is impossible for him to get rid of Qingdeng who still has the ability to walk normally.

Regarding Kanno's begging for mercy, Qingdeng's attitude is - completely ignore.

He and the Koi group had already formed a deadly feud, and the relationship between the two parties had long been an endless relationship. How could he spare his life because of Shenye's words.

What's more, Qingdeng didn't believe what Kanno said at all, "We won't attack you again from now on".

People who would believe such a lunatic who disregards human life... probably only have mentally retarded people.

Qingdeng, who was unmoved by Kanno's begging for mercy, did not say a word.

What should be said... was exhausted in the fierce duel just now.

Qingdeng stepped out of the small bridge, stood on the river bank, and walked up to Shenye's side, then without a moment's hesitation raised the knife above his head, ready to give Shenno the final blow.

The long and narrow shadow of the sword hit Kanno's frightened face.

At the moment when Qingdeng was about to swing the knife down... a sudden change occurred!
Making love!

In a certain alley in the distance behind Shenye, in the darkness where the moonlight can't reach, suddenly a group of dark shadows were wriggling rapidly!
This fast wriggling black figure rushed out of the alley that was as black as if it had been splashed with thick ink!Like an arrow from the string, it shoots towards Qingdeng!The sound of footsteps stepping on the ground quickly made this space that had just returned to silence not long ago burst out with a sense of tension again!

Soi Ying's speed was extremely fast, and in just a split second, he crossed most of the street and rushed to Qing Deng.

Bass—a silver snake popped out from the left waist of the shadow, and bit Qingdeng's neck in an arc!
The sudden change made Qingdeng's pupils shrink suddenly.

The knife that had been raised above his head quickly retracted in front of his body reflexively, and then a huge force spread along the blade and spread throughout his body.

The blade rubbed against the blade, making a sharp noise that almost shredded the eardrums.

Sparks flew... There was another small gap in the body of Dingguishen Dao.

"Hey...you can actually block my knife..."

A young male voice mixed with a touch of joking came from in front of him.

Qingdeng's expression suddenly became dignified, and he raised his eyes, looked over the pair of swords that were standing together, and looked at a face that was so close to him.

This is a very young face, with ordinary features, it belongs to the kind of face that people forget after seeing it.

Compared with this person's face...it is this person's knife that attracts Qingdeng's attention more.

This person's saber has a large arc, and Qingdeng's Ding Guishen belongs to that kind of saber with a relatively large arc, but this person's saber is still above Ding Guishen.

The arc is so large that this knife is more like an enlarged version of a sickle than a knife.

Standing behind Qingdeng's side, Kinoshita Mai was dazed for a moment because of the incident in front of her.

The moment he regained his composure, Kinoshita Mai's expression sank, he took a step forward, twisted his slender waist like a water snake, and with his belt legs, aimed at the mysterious man's chest with a high kick.

The mysterious man glanced at Kinoshita Mai's kicked leg out of the corner of his eye, vigorously shook Qingdeng's knife away with both arms, and then leaped back nimbly, Kinoshita Mai's toes brushed against the air in front of Kinoshita Mai's chest in vain. Pass.

"Good leg skills." The mysterious man gave a brief compliment to Kinoshita Mai's kick in an understatement.

Let him dodge, only kicked in the air... Kinoshita Mai, whose face sank slightly, quickly retracted the kicked leg, and then looked at this young man who didn't know the details and origin seriously with Qing Deng beside him .

The expressions of Qingdeng and Kinoshita Wu... are extraordinarily dignified now, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Whether it's the speed at which this person approached Qingdeng just now, or the sharp knife he slashed at Qingdeng and the agility of dodging Kinoshita Mai's kick, it all points to one thing - this person is a master that cannot be underestimated!

Is it someone from the barbarian group? As soon as this thought came to Qingdeng's mind, he heard Kanno, who was staring at the mysterious man with a blank face, and murmured in a voice full of shock:

"Kam, Kama Itachi-sama...?"

--grown ups?
Qingdeng keenly discovered that Kanno used honorifics to address this mysterious person, and the tone he used was also very humble.

To make Kanno, who is the leader of the barbarian group, address him with honorifics in such a respectful manner...

——Aren’t you a member of the barbarian group...

Qingdeng's eyelids sank slightly, and the solemn expression on his face became more intense.

"..." The mysterious person... that is, Kamaitachi glanced at the dying Kanno at his feet, and then looked away.

Shino's call was ignored.

Shino didn't look at him again.

I only let out a low sneer in my heart: Is this the kind of virtue that Rakshasa wants me to protect?


Although he really doesn't want to obey Rakshasa's order, Kamaitachi is also a person who is willing to gamble and admit defeat.

Now that it has been agreed that "if Rakshasa wins this battle, he has to listen to Rakshasa", no matter how reluctant, Kamaitachi can only bite the bullet and take on the task of "secretly protecting Shenye".

It's just—although he made an agreement with Rakshasa that he would secretly protect Shenye, but he didn't agree that "he will do his best to save Shenye".

Therefore, Kamaitachi, who has no enthusiasm for this task at all, has always held a mentality of "doing nothing but not working hard".Kamaitachi didn't care about the life and death of Kanno.

Just now, he had been hiding not far away to quietly watch the duel between Qingdeng and Kanno, and he even thought "just watch this guy get hacked to death".

However—after a fierce ideological struggle, when he saw Qingdeng holding the ghost high and preparing to make up for the final blow to Shenye, Kamaitachi finally decided to show up to rescue Shenye whose life was hanging by a thread.

Not because of a sudden enthusiasm for the task.

Instead, he had a sudden idea and wanted to disgust the Rakshasa he hated!
Didn't you ask me to secretly protect this person?OK, no problem.But it's a pity, the enemy this guy is facing is a bit too strong, and I don't have time to rescue him. Only one body was rescued.

The injury that Shenye is suffering now... Anyone with a little medical knowledge knows that it will definitely not be saved, even if it uses the most advanced Western medical techniques of this era, it is impossible to save it.

If he threw Kanno's body in front of Raksha, and said the above-mentioned words to Raksha in a righteous manner... Kamaitachi is looking forward to what kind of expression Raksha will show!
As long as he firmly insisted that "I am really too late to rescue", then Luo Sha would definitely have nothing to blame for him.

Although his rank is much lower than that of Rakshasa, Kamaitachi is still one of the cadres of the Fazhu Party.

No matter how capable Luo Sha was, he couldn't criticize him as a cadre without any definite evidence.

This strategy that can disgust Rakshasa... is simply amazing!

Kamaitachi can't wait...

He couldn't wait to use this plan he came up with just now to disgust Rakshasa!

The success of this plan depends on Shen Ye's body.

If Qingdeng, who is an official, is allowed to kill Shenye, then he will definitely recover Shenno's body in the future.

Shenye is the leader of the barbarian group, and it is impossible for the government to let him expose his corpse to the wilderness like this.

So—in order to prevent Qingdeng and the others from taking Kanno away, Kamaitachi finally made up his mind to "draw his sword to help" Kanno.


——Although it may take a little time...but let's kill these two people.

Kamaitachi shrugged his shoulders, vigorously stretched the muscles and bones of his shoulders, and then slowly raised the sharply curved love knife in his hand, taking a stance.

If Qingdeng and Kinoshita Wu were allowed to survive, and they would report to the government afterwards who had snatched Shenye away, then maybe his arrest warrant would be posted later.

Kamaitachi doesn't want to encounter such troubles.

After thinking about it for a while... Let's kill these two people!It's easy and hassle-free!

"Although I have no grievances or enmities with you two..." Kaka Itachi's tone was neither sad nor happy, "but who made your luck so bad."

The voice just fell...

The huge stampede sound exploded!

Kamaitachi leaped towards Qingdeng and Kinoshita Mai without a run-up, and slashed down the knife held high above his head with the help of gravity.

I don't have the time and leeway to think about who this guy is anymore... Qingdeng quickly slid to the left, away from where he was standing now, and Kinoshita Mai also moved and dodged in a certain direction with Qingdeng.

The Kamaitachi that had been split, landed firmly on both feet, quickly changed the direction and movement of the body, and rushed towards Qingdeng and Kinoshita Mai again.

Appearing suddenly, he cut towards them involuntarily... This guy's body was covered in a mist that made Qing Deng feel confused.

Regarding this guy, the only thing Qingdeng is sure about is that he is a very dangerous person with bad intentions!

Qingdeng smacked his lips, then clenched his teeth, resisting the discomfort in various parts of his body, and raised his knife to meet Kamaitachi.

Rescuing Sanako, fighting alone against 67 members of the barbarians, and fighting Kanno—Qingdeng has fought 3 consecutive fierce battles tonight.

Qingdeng's current physical condition can be summed up in one word: it has basically reached its limit!
All parts of the body... especially the right arm and left leg, have started to convulse uncontrollably now, and Qingdeng had to use his left hand to hold the knife instead.

His physical energy was almost exhausted, and his breathing had already become chaotic.

However, no matter how painful his body felt, Qingdeng could only bite the bullet.

The enemy in front of him is obviously not going to show mercy because of Qingdeng's poor physical condition!
On one side of Qingdeng's body, the moment he dodged a slash from Kamaitachi, he counterattacked from the middle, swiping the knife across Kamaitachi's chest, but was easily dodged by Kamaitachi.

At this moment, Kinoshita Mai burst out from behind Qingdeng!The bright red yukata fluttered, and the right leg swung out like a whip, sweeping towards Kamaitachi's lower body.

Kinoshita Mai's kick was quite powerful and imposing, and there was no doubt that it was a kick that could easily break a person's bones.

But no matter how powerful the attack is, it is useless if it cannot hit the enemy.

Kamaitachi easily took a step to the right, defeating Kinoshita Mai's move.

When it was too late, Mai Kinoshita retracted the kicked foot with superb skills, then moved forward relentlessly, pressed against Kamaitachi, and made a fist gesture, punching Kamaitachi in the face Door.

There is no need to ask too much, just looking at Qingdeng's face and his uncontrollably convulsed hands and feet, one can tell that Qingdeng's current physical condition is quite bad.

Let Qing Denglai in this state fight against a strong man like Kama Itachi... It is too strong and too dangerous.

In order to reduce Qingdeng's burden as much as possible, Kinoshita Mai adopted an extremely violent offensive, hoping to help Qingdeng defeat the powerful enemy in front of him to the greatest extent.

Judging from the strength Kama Itachi showed before... Kinoshita Mai knew very well in her heart that even if she and Qingdeng cooperated with each other, it would be very difficult to defeat Kama Itachi... But she didn't expect the real situation, it was more than she expected Much worse!
Kamaitachi is far stronger than she expected!

In terms of overall strength... Kamaitachi is far stronger than Kanno!And it's much stronger!

The sound of the wind breaking through the air with the blade cutting through the air resounded one after another.

Kamaitachi's movements are extremely agile, not only the speed of movement is fast, but also the speed of swinging the knife is also extremely fast!
His ultra-high-speed slashes continuously cut through the air, making a very ear-piercing sound of breaking the wind.

This space has been completely controlled by his knife and his feet.

No matter how Qingdeng and Kinoshita Wu attacked, whether they attacked together, left or right or back and forth, he could easily block or dodge them.

On the other hand, Qingdeng and Kinoshita Mai... Kinoshita Mai's physical and muscular strength is still sufficient, and she can barely dodge Kamaitachi's attack.

As for Qingdeng who was almost unable to stand still...his eyes could still keep up with Kamaitachi's blade speed, but his body couldn't keep up.

The system determined that Kamaitachi was far stronger than Qing Deng at this time, so at the beginning of the battle, the two talents "Lonely" and "Focused" were fully activated.

But it didn't help at all... The body no longer had the strength to dodge and swing the knife.

He defended and dodged every attack of the sickle weasel with great difficulty.

Dodging blindly will only exhaust one's own limited physical strength.Therefore, no matter how painful his body was, no matter how many parts of his body protested against him, Qingdeng gritted his teeth and endured it, not letting go of any chance to fight back.

After dodging another attack from Kamaitachi, Qingdeng took the stance he was best at: Xia Duan, pointed the tip of the knife at Kamaitachi's chest, and unleashed a stabbing technique of natural heart flow: Wuming Sword.

Qingdeng is now consciously using stabbing.

Compared with slashing, stabbing is easier to exert force, and it is easier to instill all the strength of the whole body into the tip of the knife, which is suitable for Qingdeng, who is now at the limit of his physical fitness.

"You look very hard, is there still a way to hold the knife?"

Kamaitachi saw through Qingdeng's current physical condition, a sneer appeared on his face, and the words he said in a joking tone were full of sarcasm.

With a pace like a walk in his own courtyard, he stood aside for half a step without blinking his brows, and avoided Qingdeng's stab.

At this time, there was a sound of breaking wind behind Kamaitachi's head - it was Kinoshita Mai's leg kicking over.

She sneaked behind Kamaitachi, intending to launch a surprise attack on Kamaitachi... I don't know that Kamaitachi had already seen through her actions.

"The legs are beautiful, but the strength and speed are weak."

Kamaitachi tilted his head to avoid the slender feet kicked by Kinoshita Mai, while mocking Kinoshita Mai ruthlessly just like he mocked Qingdeng just now.

"It looks like this battle is much easier than I expected."

Kamaitachi laughed triumphantly, then suddenly raised the knife in his hand above his head!The cold blade was facing Qingdeng!
Seeing this, Qingdeng hurriedly took a step to the left, trying to escape from the front of Kamaitachi.

But at this moment, a gust of wind suddenly blew up... It was the gust of wind caused by the rapid swing of the knife!
Kamaitachi suddenly changed the posture of holding the knife, drew a counterclockwise arc on the blade, and at the moment of lightning, changed the posture of the upper part raised above the head to the posture of resting on the left waist of the body.

The next moment the posture changed...an arc of light rushed towards Qingdeng like a beast out of the cage!

The knife held by Kamaitachi's left waist cut horizontally towards Qingdeng who was trying to move to the left!

Qingdeng, who was unexpectedly surprised by Kamaitachi's ultra-high-speed transformation, suddenly shrank his pupils.

There was no time to dodge...he could only take Kamaitachi's knife hard.Qingdeng stood Ding Guishen in front of him, and hid his body in the shadow of the blade.

Sparks burst.

Pei Mo Nengyu's powerful strength came towards Qingdeng one after another like a shock wave.

Kama Itachi is not only fast, but its strength cannot be underestimated!

If it was in its prime, it would be no problem to receive Kamaitachi's attack.

However... there is no such thing as "if" in this world.

Qingdeng, who was powerless to resist Kamaitachi's blow, bounced off the Ding Guishen in his hand, and the empty door of his body was wide open!

Kamaitachi re-set the sword and was about to make up for the fatal blow to Qingdeng who was now full of flaws. Kinoshita Mai's support arrived in time, and it was still a sharp kick. This time, Kinoshita Mai's goal was Kama Weasel's back.

If he ignored Kinoshita Mai's attack, his waist would probably be kicked off... In desperation, Kamaitachi could only stop the attack he was about to launch on Qingdeng.

However, Kamaitachi didn't just let Qingdeng go.

Although he didn't slash the knife towards Qingdeng, but he took advantage of the situation and flew a kick. While raising his foot to kick Qingdeng's chest, he turned the edge of the knife and chopped the knife towards the leg of Kinoshita Mai who was kicking over.

Qingdeng hastily put his left arm back in front of his body, and when his arms and legs intersected, he made a huge sound of flesh and blood clashing.

Unable to dissipate this huge force, Qingdeng flew backwards a few steps in a low-altitude flying posture, and his back came into intimate contact with the trunk of a certain big tree.

The leaves fluttered down and fell on Qingdeng, who was slipping along the tree trunk and fell to the ground...

After kicking Qingdeng away, Kamaitachi could finally focus on dealing with Mai Kinoshita.

At this time, Kamaitachi keenly noticed that Kinoshita Mai kept sneaking glances at Qingdeng who was lying under the root of the tree, and there was a look of worry that could not be hidden in her beautiful eyes.

"What? Do you care about that person's situation?"

Kamaitachi continued to taunt.

Kinoshita Mai ignored Kama Itachi's taunt, and after glaring at Kama Itachi angrily, she concentrated her mind and started a fierce confrontation with Kama Itachi.

Kinoshita Mai's boxing and kicking skills are really powerful, facing a strong enemy like Kamaitachi, using fists and kicks against swords, he did not lose quickly.

However, "not losing quickly" is the limit that Mai Kinoshita can do at present.

Even though he had tried his best, his fists and feet still couldn't even touch the hem of Kamaitachi's clothes.

At this time, Kamaitachi deliberately sold an opening, and Mai Kinoshita, who was inadvertently hit, made a mistake, and a slight flaw appeared in the originally rigorous posture.

At this moment, Kamaitachi showed a very keen "grasp of fighting opportunity".

The moment Kinoshita Mai showed a flaw, he used his left foot as the axis, turned his body, and gave Kinoshita Wu a vicious roundabout kick.

Kinoshita Mai hastily folded her arms in an "X" shape and placed them in front of her.

After Qingdeng was kicked, the space was once again disturbed by the sound of a huge clash of flesh and blood.

But at the moment when the legs kicked by Kamaitachi touched his own arms, Mai Kinoshita used a special power-transforming technique in time, dissipating most of the power contained in Kamaitachi's kick.

But even so, the remaining power still made Kinoshita Mai very uncomfortable.

Under the influence of the reaction force, Kinoshita Mai stepped back several steps in one breath before stopping her body.

Coincidentally - Kinoshita Mai, who had retreated rapidly due to Kamaitachi's kick just now, just retreated to the side of Qingdeng who was still leaning on the tree trunk and lying on his back.

——So strong...

While rubbing her swollen arms, Kinoshita Mai stared at Kamaitachi opposite with complex eyes full of annoyance, unwillingness, melancholy and other emotions.

At this time, the sickle itachi still had that sneering and joking smile on his face.

He is like a hunter who is playing with his prey, he is not in a hurry to immediately swing the butcher knife at the prey in his grasp.

With his saber in his arm, he walked towards Qing Deng and Kinoshita Mai gracefully.

"How? Do you still have the strength to stand up? Is there any way to fight again?"

Because the difficulty of the battle was more difficult than I expected, I was in a good mood now.

——These two people... especially that man must be very desperate now.

Kamaitachi sighed triumphantly in his heart.

——Finally defeating that Shenye, I thought I could breathe a sigh of relief, but suddenly killed a person whose strength was far stronger than that Shenye.

—Hmph, if it were me, I would feel hopeless.

Driven by this comfortable feeling that "the winner is in his hands, and he can tease these two prey well", he now very much wants to see what kind of expression Qing Deng has now.

It's a pity...Qingdeng's face is currently covered by the shade of the tree, and he can't even see his facial features, let alone his expression.

--How to do……?
Kinoshita Wu bit her lower lip lightly, looked sideways, and glanced at Qingdeng beside her.

——Tachibana-kun now... there should be no way to fight anymore.

——Only by me, there is no way to defeat this guy...

——can only manage to escape...

——If I'm determined to run away, this guy probably won't be able to catch up to me.

——But Tachibana-kun, he...

Kinoshita Mai looked sideways again, and glanced at Qingdeng's bruised and tired body.

With Qingdeng's current body, he will definitely not be able to escape from Kamaitachi's palm... In other words, if Qingdeng wants to escape here successfully, the only way he can choose is to try to hold Kamaitachi back.

Do you want to escape by yourself, or do you want to block the weasel for Qingdeng and buy time for Qingdeng to escape?
Such an option...for Kinoshita Mai, it is not a problem that needs to be considered at all.

There was hardly any hesitation.

In less than a split second, Mai Kinoshita made up her mind.

"... Mr. Tangerine."

Kinoshita Mai slightly lowered the center of gravity of her body, and said softly at a volume that only she and Qingdeng could hear clearly:
"Do you still have the strength to run?"

"This person is really too strong, and now we... are no match for him at all."

"If you still have the strength to run, get out of here quickly."

"I'll buy you time."

When he said the words "buying time for you", Mai Kinoshita's eyes shone with determination.

This shy girl who dared not even speak loudly to strangers continued to say in a firm tone:
"Although I can't beat this guy, it's more than enough to hold him back for about a stick of incense."

Speaking of this, Kinoshita Mai paused.

"...Don't worry about my safety."

Kinoshita Mai slightly turned her face to the side, showing Qingdeng a smile that didn't match the current space full of chilling and faint sadness.

Her smile conveyed the comforting message of "Don't worry, I'll be fine".

"Besides waiting for you to run almost far away, I will run away too."

"You also know my speed. Escaping in this kind of city full of houses is my strong point. If I want to run, this guy will definitely not be able to catch up with me."

The strong girl seemed to want to say something more.

But a strange voice interrupted her——


"...haha, hahaha..."


"Mr. Tangerine...?"

Kinoshita Mai looked in amazement at Qingdeng who suddenly let out a deep laugh.

Kamaitachi also stopped in his tracks at this time, the mocking smile on his face froze slightly, and he cast a puzzled look at Qingdeng who was still lying on the ground.

Under the gaze of the two gazes with different emotions...Qingdeng quietly stood up.

With his left hand on the ground, he slowly raised his upper body, and at the same time raised his right hand, sweeping away all the leaves that fell on him.

The clear moonlight hit Qing Deng's face, which had escaped from the dark shade of the tree as he sat up.

At this moment, Kamaitachi, who had been longing to see Qingdeng's expression now, finally got his wish.

He saw Qing Deng's expression now.

At this moment, the mocking smile on Kamaitachi's face faded away at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his eyes slowly opened wide due to the shaking emotion.

Qingdeng... did not show despair as he had guessed.

It would be better to say - there was no trace of negative emotion on his face at all.

There was neither despair nor resignation or annoyance...

He even... smiled.

The corners of Qingdeng's mouth raised slightly, and there was a faint smile on it.

A smile as if he had encountered something very satisfying.


After propping up his upper body and sitting up, Qingdeng chuckled a few more times, then raised his hand and rubbed the back of the head that had accidentally hit the tree trunk when he was kicked away by the sickle weasel.

——The change move just now was really powerful.

——Probably only when my body is in good condition and the two talents of "Gudan" and "Focus on God" are fully utilized, can I make such a quick change.

——How did this guy change the knife that was originally held in the upper part into a horizontal one on his waist so quickly?
——It seems that it doesn't just rely on the muscle strength of the arms and fingers... It also uses many delicate skills in it.

——What a great guy.

After sincerely praising Kamaitachi in his heart, Qingdeng grabbed the knife beside him and stood up slowly.

--All right.

— beat him!
Qingdeng raised his eyes and stared at Kamaitachi.

The flame-like brilliance that appeared in the decisive battle with Kanno just now was burning in his pupils!

Kamaitachi subconsciously looked at Qingdeng...then uncontrollably took half a step back with his right foot.

What's up with this guy? ! ——It belatedly realized that he had unconsciously retreated half a step, and his face suddenly became extremely gloomy.

Is this guy out of his mind? !They are all overwhelmingly suppressed by me, do you still want to continue fighting?Do you still think you can win? !

Kamaitachi opened his mouth, wanting to say some mocking words to Qingdeng, who was obviously in such a desperate situation, but still showed such a fighting spirit without knowing what to do.

But after opening his mouth... Kamaitachi couldn't say a word.

It's not because I can't move my tongue or voice.

But I can't think of any mocking words in my head...

Obviously, this guy who feels that there is something wrong with his head is covered in bruises. It is obvious that no matter how excited this guy is, it is impossible to fight him again... But why... Why is it that at this moment, seeing this guy's current image is burning with flames? After the eyes that resided in it, a trace of... fear surged in my heart?
Sensing the trace of fear in his heart, Kaka Itachi suddenly closed his mouth that had just opened, and his face instantly became more gloomy.

Kamaitachi's expression has undergone various changes in such a short period of time... and Kinoshita Mai standing beside Qingdeng is no different.

Surprised, astonished, confused, stunned... Kinoshita Mai with all kinds of emotions flashed across her delicate face, expressing unpretentious astonishment towards Qingdeng in a daze.

"Mr. Ju... Do you want to fight again?"

"I can't really let you stay and die for me." Qingdeng smiled and said lightly.

"You don't have to worry about me." Kinoshita Mai said anxiously, "My speed is very fast, and the city and town full of houses is the terrain I am best at. Even if I stay behind, as long as I want to escape, this guy will Absolutely chasing..."

"Miss Kinoshita, you can't fool me with such words." Qingdeng interrupted Kinoshita Wu with a calm voice, "Even if you are an enemy of such a master, you can't guarantee that you will be able to escape [-]% of the time. ?”

"Let's think about things like escaping later."

"Now that we still have the strength to fight... Let's put our minds on how to defeat the opponent first!"

Kinoshita Mai's expression was dumbfounded again.

"Mr. Ju...do you have the means to win?"

"Yes." Qingdeng replied without thinking, "Although there are not many opportunities...but it is far from being helpless."

After finishing speaking, Qingdeng turned his cheeks sideways, and looked at Kinoshita Mai with a faint smile.

"If you want to defeat this guy, you need your assistance, Miss Kinoshita. Miss Kinoshita, are you willing to help me?"

Qingdeng's gaze... seems to have some strange magic power.

Kinoshita Mai, who was looking at Qingdeng, felt the uneasiness in his heart melt away quickly.

A strange sense of stability enveloped the whole body, and there was a warm feeling in all limbs and bones.

This feeling of "anxiety is resolved, and emotions suddenly become so stable" gave Kinoshita Mai a strong sense of déjà vu... She suddenly remembered: just tonight, less than 2 hours ago, when she learned The strong sense of uneasiness that surged up in my heart after the settlement would be attacked was also eliminated in this way.

"..." Kinoshita Wu did not respond to Qingdeng.

She half closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

Then he turned around, facing Kamaitachi, with a firm expression on his face, he spread his feet, and put on a fighting stance!

Seeing this, Qingdeng smiled calmly, then turned around too, and placed Kinoshita Wu's shoulders against each other, putting Ding Guishen in front of him!

"What do I need to do?" Kinoshita Mai asked in a low voice.

"Miss Kinoshita, focus on attacking his lower body and try your best to destroy his body's center of gravity." Qingdeng turned the blade quietly, and set up Xia Duan's posture, "All the rest... Leave it to me."

Kinoshita Mai nodded vigorously, and gave Qingdeng a firm look of "Leave it to me".

Qing Deng returned with a soft smile.

As if agreed in advance...the two shot out at the same time!

Qingdeng took a deep breath, and kicked his hind legs first!And Kinoshita Mai also dodged and ran away from the spot at the same time!The two rushed towards Kamaitachi, one on the left and the other on the right!

——Success or failure is here...

Qingdeng clenched Ding Guishen tightly in his hand, grinned slightly at the corner of his mouth, and a fearless smile appeared on his cheeks!

——If you still can't defeat this guy...you can only try to entangle him and let Miss Kinoshita escape first.

——No...why think so much about "after" things!

- Concentrate on the present moment!
——Right now, let's put our thoughts...into the next battle!
The brilliance of flames in Qingdeng's eyes became even brighter.

And in that instant...Qingdeng's pupils shrank suddenly.

He suddenly saw something unbelievable——he suddenly saw a gust of "air current" coming out of Kamaitachi's body!

What happened at this moment was far more than that.

At this moment, something strange appeared on Qingdeng's personal system interface.

In the talent list, the entry for "Hachiman of the Unconcerned" suddenly flashed with purple light...

Today, another 1W update was successfully released.

As long as there is another big chapter with the word W tomorrow, the final decisive battle of this volume will be over.

So the author asks for votes again (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

The current monthly vote count is 2081, as long as it can reach 2200 votes within today, the author will continue to explode tomorrow and write the final decisive battle of this volume in one go.

Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

 [Even if there are double monthly tickets at the end of the month, don't wait until the end of the month to vote! 】

  [Even if there are double monthly tickets at the end of the month, don't wait until the end of the month to vote! 】

  [Even if there are double monthly tickets at the end of the month, don't wait until the end of the month to vote! 】

  The most important use of monthly tickets [is not quantity], but [the ranking of monthly tickets].

  The higher the ranking on the monthly ticket list, the higher the exposure.

  The reason why the author has been asking for votes is to make this book rank higher in this month's monthly vote list.

  So voting at the end of the month is basically a waste of monthly tickets!

  Because in the last 3 days of the end of the month, it doesn’t matter how high your ranking on the monthly ticket list is. There are only 3 days before the start of a new month. With such a few days, you won’t get much exposure at all.

  So if you have votes in your hands, vote now instead of waiting until the end of the month.It is really a waste of votes to vote again at the end of the month.

(End of this chapter)

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