I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 273 Ju Qingdeng Defiled Many Women? 【4600】

Chapter 273 Ju Qingdeng Defiled Many Women? 【4600】

"My grandson! Good morning!"*4
As soon as my grandson Fang appeared, the four sentries stood still and bowed to my grandson.

My grandson waved to the sentries without any airs:

"Hello~ Hello~~ You have worked hard at the gate~~"

Although he only met my grandson Chutaro once, Qingdeng still has a good impression of this "genius detective" who has a good reputation and is friendly.

"My grandson, Gui'an."

Qingdeng took the initiative to greet the other party.

"King Ren, Gui'an~ What a coincidence, I ran into you outside the gate of the government office~~"

And my grandson responded enthusiastically to Qingdeng.

"Oh my, it really flies back in time~~ The unexpected encounter with you was obviously more than two months ago, but there is an illusion that I just met you yesterday."

While talking, my grandson raised his eyes and scanned Qingdeng from head to toe several times.

"Nio, this captain's uniform suits you very well~~"

"Thank you for the compliment." Qingdeng said with a smile.

At this time, the sentries had checked Qingdeng's identity, and confirmed that the person in front of them was their newly-appointed captain of the third division of Huo Fu Thief.

"Master Tangerine!"*4
While returning the seal cage and other items to Qingdeng, the sentries greeted Qingdeng respectfully with a tacit understanding as if they had rehearsed in advance.

"Your Majesty, shall we go in together?"

My grandson pouted at the gate of the government office behind the sentries.

"After a while, Kurosawa-sama and Okubo-sama will hold a simple 'welcome party' for you in the meeting room~~"

"You are new here, so you must be very unfamiliar with the internal structure of this mansion, right? I can just show you the way~~"

The "Master Kurosawa" and "Master Okubo" in my grandson's mouth naturally refer to the two current commanders of Huofu Bandit Gai: Atsuyuki Kurosawa and Tadashi Okubo.

Qingdeng was not familiar with the place, so if someone was willing to show him the way, he could only wish for it.

So Qingdeng nodded lightly without thinking too much:
"Thank you, I'll take care of you then."

"Hahaha, you are welcome~ Come on, come with me~~"

My grandson led Qingdeng, and the two of them crossed the threshold one after the other, and marched into the depths of the Yafu.

Another big difference between Huofu Thief Kai and the "Three Returns" of the Enforcement Office is that the latter does not have strict clothing requirements, and Li, Tongxin, and Gangyin can wear whatever they want.

The former, from the commander-in-chief to the ordinary Tongxin, all need to wear the uniforms issued by the government when they serve the public.

Although the uniform style of the generals and soldiers modified by Huofu Thief will also change with different levels, but the color is uniform black.

Therefore, after following my grandson into the interior of the Huofu Thieves Kaiya Mansion, Qingdeng saw many "men in black" walking back and forth in corridors, courtyards and other places.

All the "men in black" who passed by Qingdeng and my grandson all stopped to salute and say hello to the young team captain next to Qingdeng, and gave Qingdeng, a stranger, a bewildered look. eyes.

At this moment, Qing Deng suddenly heard a group of children's laughter.

Qingdeng followed the prestige - and saw two little girls wearing yellow and pink beautiful kimonos, both about 2 or 2 years old, playing hydrangea happily in his direction at 7 o'clock.

Not far from the two little girls, there were exactly three soldiers standing guard with serious faces.

Two little girls wearing exquisite costumes appeared in the military center, and the two children were playing there with a hydrangea ball... This scene is weird no matter how you look at it.

My grandson noticed Qingdeng's gaze, and after he looked up at the two little girls, he said:
"Those two children are Lord Kurosawa's daughters: Ah Shi and Ah Jie~ They are very lively and often run around the government office~~"

"You should meet them frequently in the future, so you can take this opportunity to remember their faces and names in advance~~"

Master Kurosawa's daughter—— Hearing my grandson's explanation, Qing Deng immediately showed understanding.

The government office of the Huofu Thief Reform is not fixed. Whoever is the current commander-in-chief will be used as the government office of the Huofu Thieves Reform—this rule often makes the previous Huofu Thieves Reform The commander-in-chief and his family had to live and eat with a group of vicious "men in black".

The current government office of Huofu Bandit Gai is the home of Atsuyuki Kurosawa, one of the current commander-in-chief.

Therefore, it is reasonable to run into Kurosawa Atsuyuki's family in this place.

"Nio, have you seen that newly painted mansion over there? That mansion is where Kurosawa-sama's family members live, we are not allowed to approach it at will~~"

"Then...the room over there that is emitting smoke is the kitchen~~"

While leading the way for Qingdeng, my grandson enthusiastically helped Qingdeng introduce the internal structure and room layout of the Yafu.

Qing Deng listened carefully the whole time.

But in the middle, after hesitating a few times, Qingdeng finally couldn't help interrupting my grandson's voice:
"That... my grandson."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"Actually... you don't need to address me as 'King Ni'."

Qingdeng smiled helplessly.

"You can call me by a more natural name, you can just call me 'Juan'."

"Oh~ I quite like the name 'Nioh'~ The syllables are short and powerful~~ Okay, since you prefer the name 'Tangerine', then I will call you 'Juju-kun' from now on ~~"

"Mr. Ju, we are almost going to the meeting hall~ You should meet a lot of people who make bad faces at you later, so you have to be mentally prepared~~"

"Show me a bad face?" Qing Deng was taken aback for a moment, and then changed into a half-joking tone, "Why? Don't many people welcome me?"

My grandson turned his face, met Qing Deng's eyes, and showed an intriguing smile:
"You are right. From what I have observed, quite a few people do not welcome your arrival~~"

Quite a few people—— Hearing this string of words, Qingdeng raised a questioning look at my grandson.

This movement, this look, means "can you tell me in detail, who are hostile to me?"

My grandson, who understood the meaning of Qingdeng's eyes, put his hands on his hips and pondered.

"Hmm~ It seems a little impolite to speak ill of people behind their backs... Forget it, whatever~ Anyway, I also hate those people, so I will tell you in detail~~"

"Let's take the captain of the [-]th division, Suuma Kimura, as an example—of all the captains, he is the most resistant to your arrival~~"

"Back then, when he heard that the vacant position of team captain of the third division was about to be replaced by you, he was so furious~ he kept shouting, 'How can the position of team leader be given to such a person!',' It's a shame to be in the company of such a person!'~~"

After hearing this, Qingdeng asked puzzledly:
"Why does he have such a big opinion on me? If my memory is not wrong, let alone have an old enmity with him, I have never even seen his face."

"He has always been proud of his 2000 Shijialu banner family."

"alright, I got it."

Qingdeng's mouth twitched slightly.

My grandson's simple sentence clarified the reason why Kimura Suuma was hostile to Qingdeng.

More than a month ago, on September 1th...the day when he decided to follow Tianzhangyuan to learn archery, Tianzhangyuan gave Qing Deng a detailed explanation of all the troubles he might encounter after he became a thief. children and troublesome characters.

Qingdeng didn't expect that Tianzhang Court was right - he really met a believer in the "Bloodline Theory" in Huofu Thief Kai...

"Apart from Suzuma Kimura, the captain of the [-]th squad, Motozo Hisaka, is also very hostile to you~~"

"What's the matter with this one? Is he also proud of his bloodline and despise me, the 'Original Royal Family'?"

"That's not true~Hisaka Motozo is a jealous 'red-eyed person'~~"

My grandson raised his hands in a funny way, and stretched his eyes wide.

"He belongs to the kind of person who would rather be unlucky himself than see others be lucky~~"

"Whoever is lucky, who makes a lot of money, whoever gets promoted, then he is his enemy~~"

"Ah~ By the way, Hizaka Motozo is the oldest captain of our Huofu Thief Kai~~"

"He just had his 43rd birthday."

"I don't know if it's because I have worked hard to get to where I am today, so he hates the kind of young and promising elite talents~~"

Speaking of this, my grandson deliberately shrugged, tilted his head, and glanced at Qing Deng.

"In addition to the two I mentioned above, the captain of the [-]th division Tsuchida Masaki, the captain of the [-]th division Nobuyoshi Kazama, and one of our bosses: Tadashi Okubo, you should pay more attention~~"

"What's the situation with these three people? Do they despise my family background, or are they 'red-eyed people' who don't like others?"

"Neither of them~ The situation of these three people is different~~"

"Tsuchida Masagi doesn't hold strong hostility towards you, but he is Kimura Suuma's lackey~~"

"He doesn't have any great skills, he only has a very first-rate kung fu of flirting~~"

"In addition to being born in a banner family with 2000 Shi Jialu, Kimura Suuma's wife is also the daughter of a big merchant in Edo~~"

"I heard that his mother is still related to the current head of senior middle school: Nobu Ando~"

"Although Kimura Suuma has such a family background, looking at the hidden dragon and crouching tiger in Edo is nothing~~"

"But for a guy like Tsuchida Masagi who 'has a banner name, but in fact the whole family doesn't have much energy', Suzuma Kimura already belongs to the kind of unattainable and powerful~~"

"So in order to please Kimura Suuma, Tsuchida Masagi often hangs out with Kimura Suuma~~"

"Suma Kimura said to go east, but Masayi Tsuchida would never go west~~"

Speaking of this, my grandson sneered and put on a mocking tone.

"Even if Suuma Kimura pointed at a piece of coal and said it was white, Tsuchida Masagi would rush to flatter him, 'Yes, yes! Mr. Kimura, you are right! All the coal in the world is white!'~~ "

"As for Nobuyoshi Kazama, the captain of the Eighth Division, he has a problem, that is, he is greedy for money."

"On the one hand, he took advantage of his power to crazily embezzle money, and on the other hand, while serving public duties, he started a timber business that would be quite profitable if he had a connection~~"

"Corruption with one hand, business with the other... Heh~ I have to say that Kazama Nobuyoshi is really a first-class expert in the field of 'how to make money'~~"

Hearing this, Qingdeng couldn't help interjecting:
"Why is this money-greedy person hostile to me? There shouldn't be any grievances between him and me, right?"

"Don't worry~you listen to me~~"

My grandson spread his hands.

"Remember what I said just now? Suuma Kimura's wife is the daughter of a big merchant in Edo."

"And Kazama Nobuyoshi happens to have a relatively close business relationship with Kimura Suuma's father-in-law."

"Thus, although Kazama Nobuyoshi is not as eager as Doma Masagi to take the whole family to lick Kimura Susuma's buttocks, but his relationship with Kimura Suuma can be regarded as close."

"For the time being, he, Suuma Kimura and Masagi Doma can also be counted as a group~~"

"Suma Kimura hates you so much, guess how Nobuyoshi Kazama will look at you?"

"As for the last Tadao Okubo, the reason why you should pay more attention to him is relatively simple."

"He owes Suuma Kimura... No, to be precise, he owes Suuma Kimura a big favor~~"

"In order to repay this favor, I think Tadashi Okubo will be happy to agree to Kimura Suuma's 'simple requests' that are not difficult~~"

When the word "simple request" was mentioned, my grandson turned his face again while emphasizing his tone, and gave Qingdeng a meaningful glance.


The moment my grandson finally finished his series of "science popularization", Qing Deng unconsciously blurted out a sound.

"These colleagues of mine... are really 'passionate' towards me one by one..."

A bewildered supporter of the "blood theory".

A shameless red-eyed monster.

A sycophant.

An accomplice who loves money and loves money.

A boss who owes an important favor to the bewildered supporters of the "blood lineage theory".

Basically, most of the management of Huofu Thief Gai have direct or indirect conflicts of interest with Qingdeng.

In terms of the officialdom environment, it seems to be worse than the "Three Backs" of the Beifan Institute where I first entered as a "dumb head"... Qingdeng thought to himself.

Qingdeng had a vague premonition that the new official career he obtained after moving to the right would have a much more "exciting" future than he originally expected!

Since just now, my grandson has been observing Qing Deng's facial expression openly.

"Mr. Ju, so many people have prejudice against you, you don't seem to be afraid of it~~"

The truth is exactly what my grandson said.

No matter when listening to my grandson's narration, or after my grandson finished speaking, Qingdeng's expression was calm all the time.

A look that doesn't take my grandson's words...don't take Suzuma Kimura and the others seriously.

"Huh? What's so scary about this kind of thing?"

Qingdeng said slowly in a calm tone as if he was talking about a natural truth:

"Even if I feel scared and nervous, it won't help, right?"

"Could it be that if I show fear and nervousness, those people won't be hostile to me?"

"All in all-no matter what attitude they take towards me in the future, I will do whatever I see."

"Anyway, if they dare to provoke me... I have plenty of ways to deal with them."


After all, Qingdeng raised his left hand to put on the hilt of the ghost-fixing knife with an "unconscious" movement.

The metal sword was struck, making a loud noise.


My grandson glanced at Ding Guishen on Qingdeng's waist, then raised his head and laughed a few times:

"Mr. Orange, do you want to cut them down with a knife?"

"That's not okay~ Your joke is a bit too much~"

"If you hack them to death, I will have to arrest you right away~ I don't want to be your enemy~~"

After all, my grandson turned his face away and stopped looking at Qingdeng.

My grandson’s behavior made him miss a special scene—after hearing what he said above, Qingdeng showed a smile full of charm...



At this moment-

Huo pays the thieves to change the government office, and during the discussion——

"Hey, do you know? I heard that Ju Qingdeng has defiled many women!"

A rough voice came from the conference hall.

I slept on the bed for more than ten hours yesterday, and I finally feel more comfortable.Taking advantage of the moment when I feel more comfortable, I took the time to code today’s chapter, and then went to sleep after coding (Leopard Sleep.jpg)

The author's current physical and mental state cannot guarantee that there will be a chapter of 6 to 7000 words every day to read. The author will try his best to update 4 to 5000 words a day, and try not to ask for leave, please forgive me! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

For the sake of the author being so dedicated, please vote monthly for this book!
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 The lumber business in the Edo period is equivalent to our current earthwork and building materials business.

  So... I understand everything!
  If there is a way to do this kind of business, it is no ordinary profiteering!

  Although Edo's "Samurai Laws" strictly prohibited samurai from engaging in business and other activities, but at the end of the Tokugawa period, "Samurai Laws" had long existed in name only.

  Let alone samurai doing business, many farmers took advantage of this chaotic world to wear swords and pretend to be samurai.

(End of this chapter)

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