I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 274 Three talent fusions!Bear's Waist +3 Hawkeye +1 Fitness +1! 【1】

Chapter 274 Three talent fusions!Bear's Waist +3 Hawkeye +1 Fitness +1! 【1】

The conference hall dedicated to the decision-making layers of Huofu Bandit Reform was originally the hall of Kurosawa Atsushi's house.

Because the area is large and can accommodate many people to sit in it, it is reasonable to be requisitioned as a room for talking.

The decoration in the meeting room is unexpectedly simple.No decent furniture.

Only in the alcove in the northeast corner is an ink painting that looks expensive at first glance.Below the ink painting, there is an extremely beautifully pruned potted plant.

On the north side of the meeting room, two black cushions are placed on the same level - this is where the two current top officials: Atsuyuki Kurosawa and Tadao Okubo sit at the meeting.

Under the seats of these two people, that is, on the east and west sides of the room, there are also cushions placed on them.

4 to the east and 4 to the west.

Regardless of the placement or the fluffiness of the cushions, they are all neat and tidy, which can be called the gospel for patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder-these 8 cushions are naturally the seats of the captains of Huofu Thief Kai.

Right now, among the 8 cushions, only the seats for the captain of the first team and the captain of the third team are still vacant.

The other six captains have all arrived and sat down in their respective positions.

The young man suddenly yelled, "Hey, do you know? I heard that Ju Qingdeng has defiled many women", and then he paused for a moment, waiting for the reaction of the people around him.He looked about 25 years old, his skin was as fair as a woman's, and his facial features were fairly regular.

Sitting diagonally across from the young man, a short and thin monkey opened his eyes and asked impatiently:

"Master Kimura, what are you talking about? That Ju Qingdeng once defiled a civilian girl? Is it true?"

Kimura Motozo nodded proudly:

"Mr. Tsuchida, be safe and don't be impatient."

"This is what I heard from a friend of mine."

"You should all be aware that the 'three-time' warriors in the Enforcement Office are humble but powerful."

"They are in charge of the public security power of the citizens of Edo. In many cases, just a simple sentence is enough to destroy a certain person or even a certain family."

"It is said that Ju Qingdeng is a decent-looking hypocrite, but in fact he is full of male thieves and female whores, and is full of lust and courage."

"He has used his power many times to intimidate and lure many civilian women. He asked them to share the same bed with him."

"Under Ju Qingdeng's despotic power, those poor, innocent women had no choice but to compromise."

"Also, it is said that the Juqingdeng tastes very picky."

"He only preys on women with protruding bodies."

"It doesn't matter whether you are old or young, as long as your body is plump enough."

"According to reliable information: Among the girls persecuted by Juqingdeng, the youngest is only 12 years old."

"12 years old?!" Tsuchida Masayoshi was dumbfounded, "That Ju Qingdeng really isn't picky..."

A middle-aged man next to Tsuchida snorted coldly:
"Heh! It's not surprising that Ju Qingdeng, who is full of bad deeds, did such a thing!"

"Oh? Mr. Hosaka, why do you say that? Do you know that Tachibana Qingdeng has done anything worse than defile a commoner girl?"

A fat man with a round face sitting at the end of the west side of the room asked back.

After hearing the round-faced fat man's rhetorical question, Hisaka Motozo, who had white hair and was mostly bald, snorted again:
"Kazama-kun, you are right!"

"As far as I know, that Ju Qingdeng has really done something worse than defile a commoner girl!"

"Kazama-kun... No, everyone! You may not know something!"

Hosaka sat up straight as he spoke.His voice rose a little bit with the straightening of his spine.

"Ju Qingdeng... This guy is a scumbag for fame!"

"He has forced other people's achievements on his own head by playing tricks several times!"

"That's why he was able to get the right move so quickly!"

Hosaka paused for a moment, and swallowed forcefully, moistening his throat that was somewhat parched due to his loud voice.

Just when Kasaka was about to continue to say something——

"...That's enough. Kimura, Hosaka, shut up and stop talking about such stupid things."

Suddenly, a low, cold male voice full of contempt sounded.

The expressions on the faces of Kimura and Hosaka froze for a moment.

"... Mizushima Rensaburo."

Kimura, who frowned, turned his head to look at the speaker just now—the captain of the Huofu Bandit Kai Fourth Division: Mizushima Rensaburo.

"What did you mean just now?"

"literal meaning."

Mizushima tilted his head, and looked at Kimura with stern eyes without showing any weakness.

"If your ears are not working well and you can't hear my words clearly, or your brain is not working well enough to understand the meaning of my words, then I will tell you again slowly."

"Don't do this kind of stupid talk anymore."

"You haven't talked enough, I've heard enough."

Having said that, Mizushima turned his attention to Hisaka Motozo.

"Hisaka, you said that Tachibana used to shamelessly seize other people's achievements...do you have evidence?"


Perhaps it was because Mizushima would ask him such a question in return. After hesitating for a moment, Hosaka stammered:
"This is what I heard from a friend of mine..."

"Look! Here comes the string of words again!"

While Mizushima interrupted Kasaka's talk, he showed a blatant mocking expression.

"'I heard from one of my friends', 'according to legend', 'it is said', 'heard', 'according to reliable information'..."

"You both repeat these words over and over again."

"I only believe what I see with my own eyes."

"Before I have personal contact with Ju, any praise or criticism of Ju is considered fart."

"Have you ever seen a orange with your own eyes?"

"Have you ever talked to Tachibana?"

"Have you ever gotten along with Tachibana personally?"

"Have you ever had any definite evidence of 'juicy robbing women' and 'juicy taking other people's merits'?"

"Catching rumors and spouting some rumors and rumors without knowing the truth or falsehood—isn't such a topic and behavior stupid enough?"

"Has no one ever taught you: 'Don't trust the words of Qidong savages'?"

Mizushima's voice is very loud, the timbre is full of energy, and the words are very clear.

Loud voice + high tone + sharp articulation + aggressive words = aggressive and powerful aura!
Under Mizushima's series of "discourse bombardment" like a cannonball, the momentum of Kimura and Hosaka was completely suppressed.

Kimura, who felt his neck was stiff, gritted his teeth:

"I really don't have conclusive evidence for the 'juqingdeng robbing women'. But there is a good saying - 'flies don't stare at seamless eggs', so..."

Mizushima interjected without giving Kimura any face:

"'Flies don't stare at seamless eggs' is a complete fallacy without any basis."

"Those who make up such nonsense should really fall into hell and have their tongues pulled out by King Yama."

"Anyone who can speak can make up a hundred rumors about anyone with just a few words."

"'Kimura is an eunuch'—is this sentence also 'flies don't stare at seamless eggs'?"

"What did you say?!"

Kimura's fair face turned red with blood in an instant.

In just a split second, the air in the meeting room was filled with a strong smell of gunpowder.

Mizushima raised his eyes and glanced at Kimura indifferently, then raised his head and pointed his nostrils at Kimura.
"Mumu, Mr. Kimura! Please calm down!"

Tsuchida, who was as thin as a monkey, got up quickly and came to Kimura's side.

"Mr. Kimura, don't lose your mind because of Mizushima's provocation."

He was so fat that every time he took a step, the fat on his chest and belly would tremble. Kazama quickly got up after Tuma, and stood in front of Kimura with his "big" body. Just in case Kimura threw himself at Mizushima because of losing control of his emotions.

Although Hosaka was like Kimura, he stared at Mizushima with wide eyes.But he still didn't dare to scold Mizushima loudly like Kimura.There was always a hint of fear hidden in the eyes he looked at Mizushima.

Just when Mizushima and Kimura seemed to be fighting at any moment, two crisp applause suddenly sounded out.

"Okay, okay! Let's leave this topic at this point. Don't hurt your peace because of such insignificant things!"

A strong man with a strong body and a loyal face walked slowly to the middle of Mucun and Mizushima with a smile.

This person is the captain of the second team of Huofu Thief Kai: Zhongsuke Kanazawa.

"Kurosawa-sama and Okubo-sama will be coming in a while, so everyone calm down."

"If the two adults saw you arguing here, they would even almost start a fight. You will definitely end up with nothing."

"Cut...!" Kimura smacked his lips vigorously, then looked away from Mizushima, looking out of sight and out of mind—but before he looked away, he "reluctantly" again He glared at Mizushima a few times.

Mizushima also put on an attitude of "I'm too lazy to argue with you idiots anymore".Close your eyes, and begin to close your eyes and meditate.

A crisis of internal strife, just like this under the mediation of Kanazawa, the bait disappeared.

At this time, two footsteps came between them.

The sound came from the corridor outside.

The sights of everyone in the hall reflexively swept towards the door.


The hall door painted in plain colors was roughly pulled open.

The ones who opened the door were Qingdeng and my grandson who finally arrived at the meeting room.



——These people...are the captains of Huofu Thief Kai...

The moment my grandson who led the way opened the door of the meeting room, Qingdeng cast his sweeping eyes into the hall.

The purpose of entering is one after another unfamiliar faces - except for the captain of the fourth division, Mizushima.

From another point of view, Qingdeng and Mizushima are very close.

Before he was moved to Huofu Bandit Gai, Qingdeng had met Mizushima twice.

The first time was the night when Qingdeng assisted Kinoshita Mai for the first time as a "fox monk".

After successfully disposing of the gang of scum who wanted to kill Fideo, he ran into Beiban's "ace of investigation" Nishino, Mizushima and his fourth team.

Qingdeng still vividly remembers the scenes at that time.

He and Kinoshita Mai struggled a lot, and even escaped into the western settlement where the houses are magnificent and convenient for hiding, and finally got rid of Mizushima and Nishino.

As for the second meeting, it was not long ago - when Qingdeng and the Koi group launched a decisive battle in the Western settlement, Mizushima and his fourth squad were the first reinforcements to arrive.

Although there was a "double relationship" with Mizushima, Qingdeng was not familiar with Mizushima, and he had never even spoken to him.

Qingdeng's understanding of Mizushima is limited to the rumors he has heard on a daily basis.I only know that Mizushima is a very capable person.

Speaking of Mizushima... This reminded Qingdeng of a recent incident.

On a certain morning about a month ago, when Qingdeng was practicing swords in the dojo of the Test Guard Hall, he heard an anecdote from a certain pair of juniors who were chatting: the current Huofu Thief Kai has One dragon, one tiger and one dog!
Dragon—the "genius detective" who has cracked countless serious, important, and unsolved cases, and the captain of the first team, my grandson Chutaro.

Tiger - has an upright personality, never relents to criminals, is good at swordsmanship and leading troops, and is the leader of the fourth division Rensaburo Mizushima who dares to fight and rush.

Dog - has an old-fashioned and kind personality, and is very humane when investigating cases, so he is very popular among the people.Although Wen is not as good as my grandson, and Wu is not as good as Mizushima Ren Saburo, but he is better than the captain of the second team Zhongsuke Kanazawa who has no obvious shortcomings.

Although the word "dog" has a derogatory connotation in many contexts, the nickname owned by Kanazawa Chusuke, which means "gong dog", is a real good name.

To put it simply - the current Huofu Thief Kaili, the above-mentioned three are the most capable and most have the demeanor of "commanders of the armed forces".

"Good morning everyone~~"

My grandson moved half a step sideways with a smile on his face, so that everyone in the hall could see Qing Deng's face more clearly.

"Although most of you have already guessed who the person behind me is, but the necessary personal introduction is still indispensable~~"

"Let me solemnly introduce to you—this is the new captain of the third team who will help us in the future: Ju Qingdeng~~"

As soon as my grandson finished speaking, Qingdeng stood half a step forward, holding his head high:
"It's our first time to meet you! I'm in Xiajuqingdeng, please give me more advice in the future!"

After shouting, Qing Deng bent down and bowed to the group of people in front of him, neither humble nor overbearing.

As soon as Qingdeng's self-introduction came out, everyone in the meeting hall...including Kimura and Hosaka who were hostile to Qingdeng, all turned their heads to look at Qingdeng.

There is no other reason for this—Qingdeng's voice is very attractive.

Clear, sonorous, and magnetic.

It is a beautiful voice that even men can't help but be attracted to.

At this time, my grandson belatedly turned his head to the side and cast doubtful glances at Qing Deng.

"Huh? Mr. Ju, I just realized now... Has your voice become clearer? I remember your voice before, it seemed to be a little deeper."

"Ahahaha." Qingdeng smiled and shrugged, "Maybe you heard it wrong, my voice has always been like this."


There was a suspicious gleam in my grandson's eyes.

Fortunately, he did not delve into this issue.

After scanning Qingdeng for another circle, he withdrew his gaze.

Seeing this, Qingdeng heaved a sigh of relief.

—Phew...very good...successfully fooled...

In fact, my grandson heard it right—Qingdeng's voice has indeed become clearer and more pleasant.

Qingdeng's timbre and voice are now influenced by 4 talents.

The "tongue health" that strengthens the strength and dexterity of the tongue makes Qingdeng's articulation more clear.

The "golden voice" that improves the durability of the vocal cords makes Qingdeng's vocal cords less prone to strain.

The effect of "Piercing Clouds and Cracking Stones", which "can make a voice much louder than that of ordinary people", made Qingdeng's voice even louder.

Finally... the new talent that Qingdeng copied from "Challenger" a while ago: "Yingcry", made Qingdeng's tone more magnetic and clearer.

[Yingti: The voice is more beautiful and attractive]

Repeatedly lingering and practicing in the five places of the test guard hall, the thousand things house, the small Chiba sword hall, the Westerners' settlement, and the Moon Palace Shrine—this is not all of Qingdeng's life in these two months!

From September to now, Qingdeng has added new words to his "Personal Talent List"!
Qing Deng successfully copied a new talent from a certain sissy-looking guy—namely, "Ying Ti".

At the same time, 3 talent fusions were successfully carried out!
Qingdeng's "Hawkeye Eye", "Bear Waist" and "Fitness" have all changed into "Hawkeye+1", "Bear Waist+1" and "Fitness+1"!
Regarding the appearance of the uniforms of the captains of Qingdeng and the others, you can refer to the one on the right, which is from the animation featuring the legendary Huofu Thief Kai Commander-Hasegawa Heizang: " "Ghost Flat", (for details, please click the paragraph comment on the right) →→

Yesterday was another day when Leopard slept for more than ten hours, and I still felt a sense of sleepiness... I don't know when my body will recover, so I really want to go for a walk! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

 In the previous chapter, some book lovers questioned: I used so much ink to describe these characters who are suspected of playing tricks, am I just counting words?

  In this regard, I just want to say: the author spent so much time writing them, and even started laying the groundwork a long time ago, no matter how you look at it, such a role cannot be a trick! (Reversal of the Leopard.jpg)

(End of this chapter)

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