I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 289 Qingdeng's future wives are getting more and more blessed!Duplicate talent [alive a

Chapter 289 Qingdeng's future wives are getting more and more blessed!Duplicate talent [alive and strong]! 【6300】

In Qingdeng's previous life, his father was a fan of Chinese medicine, and he loved meridians, qi, and all knowledge related to Chinese medicine.

Therefore, under the influence of his father, although Qingdeng can't be said to be familiar with Chinese medicine, he can also be said to have a rough knowledge of Chinese medicine.

He knew: "Yuanyang" is a proprietary vocabulary in Chinese medicine.

Yuan Yang is also known as Kidney Yang, True Yang, and True Fire.It is a part of kidney qi.

Kidney qi is divided into kidney yang and kidney yin.

In the view of traditional Chinese medicine, the former is the foundation of Yang Qi in the human body, and it has the functions of warming, stimulating, exciting, steaming, sealing and restricting the coldness of the human body.

The latter has the effects of nourishing, calming, shaping and inhibiting excessive yang heat on the body.

Therefore, there is a saying in traditional Chinese medicine: "Sufficient kidney qi can cure all diseases."

In a nutshell - people with abundant kidney qi are often energetic, full of qi and blood, strong bones, and strong body, and generally do not suffer from mental fatigue, weakness of the waist and knees.

——Good guy,!Hit the jackpot!

Qingdeng blinked vigorously a few times, then lowered his head, and looked at Lu Chuan's face carefully.

As far as Qingdeng knows, Luchuan has just passed his thirties—in the current world, such an age is enough to call himself an "old man", and children may be in their teens.

Su Dongpo was only 38 years old when he wrote the famous line "Old man talking about youth madness".

Ming Ming is not too young, but Lu Chuan's complexion is very rosy, healthy, not half old; his eyes are bright and energetic; his hair is full of luster; his skin quality is extremely good.It looks like a young man in his early 20s.

Thinking about it, it was the talent "Yuanyang" that played a role.

——No wonder... No wonder he has such a good physique... It turns out that he has such a great talent hidden...!
Qingdeng thought to himself: Today's martial arts competition is really worth holding!

The "Sharp Teeth" and "Small Achievers" that Mo Ti copied earlier, this "Yuan Yang" alone is enough to turn all the hard work we have suffered today into good memories.

This once again shows: the presence or absence of talent is a very metaphysical matter.Even an inconspicuous beggar on the side of the road may have the exaggerated talent to make people's eyes bright or jaw-dropping.

For example: In the land of China, there once appeared such a beggar, his name was "Zhu Chongba", and he later changed his name to "Zhu Yuanzhang"...Qingdeng felt that he might be exhausted to the limit of his brainpower, and he couldn't even imagine it. What will this grandfather's talent look like?

——Kidney qi is much more abundant and healthy than ordinary people... Doesn't this mean...? !

Qingdeng suddenly thought of something, the depths of his pupils shone brightly, and a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, Qingdeng thought of Kinoshita Mai and Sanako—while he recalled the two girls who were currently living in his heart, there was some kind of extreme scene in his mind...

It's not that Qingdeng's mind is dirty, it's just that young people of his age often can't control what they think.

In addition to making people full of energy, qi and blood, and strong body, filling kidney qi can also have a benign effect on the human body that countless men can only dream of.

That is to make the biological process of producing offspring for the continuation of the race, that is, the process of producing new individuals, more colorful and interesting.

That is to say——if Kinoshita Mai and Sanako are really married in the future, then I can be more sure that the two daughters will obtain physical happiness!

Thinking of this, the weird smile on Qingdeng's face gradually grew stronger.

It's just... In the short term, this function is useless - he and his second daughter don't even have a word at the moment.

Such a detailed description of Qing Deng's psychological activities seems to have passed a long time.In essence, everything happens at the snap of your fingers.

The next breath after Lvchuan fell to the ground, the next opponent... the No. 52 opponent began to attack Qingdeng.

"bring it on!"

Qingdeng was in a good mood, and felt that the fatigue in his body had eased a lot.

He yelled vigorously, rolled and slid to the side of the bamboo sword that he had thrown to the ground just now, retrieved the bamboo sword, and fought with opponent No. 52.



Going back in time a little bit——

When Qingdeng was still fighting with Luchuan——

"...Shirasaki, Shirasaki...!"

Hearing someone calling him behind him, Shirasaki turned his head blankly.

"Akabane, what's the matter?"

Akabane straightened his big belly that seemed to be pregnant in July, took half a step forward and bent down, putting his lips close to Shirasaki's ear:

"Shirasaki, do you want to join forces with me?"

"Joining hands?" Bai Qi frowned slightly, "Joining what?"

Akabane sneered ferociously a few times:
"You and I work together to give Ju Qingdeng a good look."

A look of astonishment flashed across Bai Qi's eyes,

"Shirasaki, look - Ju Qingdeng is already tired, his breath is in a mess, and his movements have obviously become much slower."

Akabane pouted her chin towards the arena in front of her and Qingdeng who was panting like a cow.

"If you want to give Ju Qingdeng a hard time, there is no better opportunity than this moment."

"How? Do you want to join forces with me?"

Speaking of this, Akabane paused.After a breath, he lowered his voice very low, and said in a strange tone:
"Like me, you are very dissatisfied with Ju Qingdeng's position, aren't you?"

The dense wrinkles on Shirasaki's face trembled a few times.

This subtle expression change of Shirasaki was keenly noticed by Akabane.

Akabane looked happy, and hurriedly "pursued the victory":
"You are the oldest person in our third team. He has dedicated most of his life to Huo Fu Thief Kai with dedication and diligence."

"In the end, not only was he never promoted, but he was also ridden on his head by a little boy who was less than half his age."

"Shirasaki, your resentment should be no less than mine, right?"

"..." Shirasaki remained silent.

The old man, whose hair, eyebrows, and beard were mostly white, squinted his eyes half-closed, staring straight up at Akabane, his eyes were deep and meaningful.

"...Let's talk. How about a joint method?"

Akabane grinned.

"It's simple. First, we..."



Qingdeng straightened his exhausted body, and lifted opponent No. 52's bamboo sword into the air.

It was too late to say it, and then it was too fast, another person stepped on the pace of the wind and came to kill with a sword.


The volume of Qihe is very loud and full of power.

The bamboo sword cut down from the upper road was as fast as thunder.

The use of steps and the grasp of spacing are also in place.

The foundation of this new opponent's swordsmanship is very solid - Qing Deng quickly made this judgment in his mind, turned around with his sword in his hand, and raised his sword to block.

But then, a scene happened that surprised Qingdeng.

Opponent No. 52 suddenly leaned forward, his feet pounding on the ground, and passed Qingdeng with a "thump, thud, thump", dodged to the back of Qingdeng, and then went straight To the outside of the arena—this action means "I won't fight anymore, I surrendered".

At the same moment when Opponent No. 52 and Qing Deng passed shoulder to shoulder, the next person... No. 53 Opponent rushed out of the "waiting seat" and rushed towards Qing Deng!

Because Qingdeng raised his sword to block opponent No. 52's downward strike, the bamboo sword was raised above his head, so he was in a state of being wide open!
Opponent No. 53 took aim at this rare opportunity, and swooped down on Qingdeng's exposed body with the bamboo sword from bottom to top!
This kind of "two-person relay" tactic made Qingdeng at a loss because of the unexpected - but, this "chaos" only lasted for a moment.

At this moment of lightning and flint, Qingdeng stepped on his feet and dodged to the safety zone on the right side with clever footwork.

While dodging, Qingdeng let out a short shout, and attacked the opponent's shoulder with Xia Duan's sword force.

Opponent No. 53 - Lost!
"Wow ah ah ah!"

A loud roar shook the air around Qing Deng's body—opponent No. 54 has entered the battle!

Qingdeng quickly turned around and swung his knife to meet the pounced black shadow. The two actions happened almost at the same time.

2 people, 4 feet, the dust on the ground was trampled and scattered.

In the violent dust, two figures crossed each other at a dizzying speed, and the bamboo swords clashed several times, making muffled sounds and intermittent shouts.

If Qingdeng was in full strength, then he only needed to swing two swords at most to deal with this level of goods.

However, Qingdeng is really tired right now. Even with the ability bonus brought by "Strengthening Muscle +1" and "Focus on Mind", he still feels severe muscle aches, and his concentration begins to slacken uncontrollably.

But even if the strength has declined sharply, it is still more than enough to deal with the opponent in front of him.

After a while, the opponent was gradually suppressed by Qingdeng.

At this moment, a scene very similar to Shicai appeared - after the opponent forced Qingdeng to raise his sword to block and open the door, the opponent suddenly jumped behind Qingdeng and ran out without looking back. Tournament field.

Immediately afterwards, another person took advantage of the gap and rushed towards Qingdeng, swiping his sword to attack Qingdeng's body which was showing flaws.

Qingdeng narrowed his eyes slightly, and pursed his lips thoughtfully.

If this "two-person relay" tactic only appeared once, it could be explained by coincidence.

But it appeared twice in a row... Unless Qingdeng's head was flooded, he didn't believe there would be no tricks in it!
This trick has already been seen once, and Qing Deng, who has corresponding experience, did not panic this time.


He galloped forward like a raging wave, while swiftly swiping the bamboo sword, and at the same time issued an expressive "monkey cry".

Qingdeng understands more and more why "ape call" is one of the core techniques of the show--because it is so easy to use.

Just imagine: the opponent who was quiet in the first half of a second suddenly yelled more piercingly than a female ghost in the second half of a second... People who are not psychologically strong will basically tremble from fright and lose their attention. A moment of distraction—this moment of lack of concentration is enough to make the battle decisive.

The other party's expression changed greatly when he was shocked by the sound waves splashing from Qingdeng's throat.

When he came back to his senses, Qingdeng's bamboo sword had struck his body with a dull sound.

Behind him came the sound of the 55th opponent stepping into the arena.

Qingdeng turned around, and after seeing who the 55th opponent was, he raised his eyebrows slightly—it was Lan Jingyang, who had the least sense of presence in the team of the third division.

Aoi, who is short in stature and has a weak face, doesn't look like a person who is proficient in martial arts.

And in fact, it is.

He carried a bamboo sword into the arena, but his grip on the sword was extremely bad—the hilt was squeezed tightly with a hard palm, without any "softness".

This kind of grip will only make the sword path stiff, lacking in speed and dexterity.

Lan Jing set up the bamboo sword with a nervous expression on his face, put on a half-way stance, stepped forward, and pointed the point of the sword straight at Qingdeng's chest.

Qingdeng stood still with his legs spread apart, turning a blind eye to Lan Jing's powerless and speedless slash.

When Lan Jing's bamboo sword was less than 3 inches away from Qingdeng's chest, Qing Deng suddenly turned sideways, and then hit Lan Jing's right arm holding the sword with the bottom of the bamboo sword.

Lan Jing, who was in pain, screamed, and the bamboo sword in his palm fell to the ground with a "clang".

The weapon has been unloaded, but Lan Jing suddenly exerted an unreasonable ruthlessness.

He was still yelling because of the pain, while leaning down on his lower body, he rushed straight to Qingdeng's waist with a "desperate" momentum.

Judging by his movements, he wanted to jump up and start a hand-to-hand fight with Qingdeng.

When the cat leaped forward, Lan Jing's brows showed guilt—but because he was lowering his head, even Qing Deng, who was close to him, didn't notice the strange color on his face.

How can Lan Jing, who is poor in martial arts, get close to Qingdeng?
Qingdeng dodged skillfully and jumped behind Lan Jing.

Unaware that Qingdeng had moved to the blue well behind him, he still rushed forward foolishly.

Qing Deng made a horizontal slash, hitting Lan Jing in the back.

Lan Jing let out an "uh ah", staggered a few steps forward, and then fell straight on his side with his shoulders on the ground.



Although physical exhaustion brought some thrills to Qingdeng's battle, Qingdeng still defeated the No. 56, No. 57, and No. 58 opponents after Lanjing without any danger.

Until now, the cloud of suspicion accumulated in Qingdeng's heart has become so thick that it is hard to ignore.

Qing's registration is very clear: since the victory over Luchuan, the subsequent opponents have become weird.

To be precise, their style of play has become weird.

Some people cooperate with each other and join hands with each other-such as the two pairs who use the "twin relay".

Some people's every move and style is no longer to defeat Qingdeng, but to wear down Qingdeng's physical and mental strength - such as Lan Jing, such as opponent No. 56.Their fighting style is very hard, they use all the tricks that force Qingdeng to spend his strength to defend and dodge, and they all look like "as long as I have the strength to stand, I will not end".

According to the rules of "Liqie", each player must fight until he is unable to fight again, or surrender himself before he can leave the field.

Therefore, as long as the fighters do not surrender and have enough strength to fight again, they can stay in the field and keep fighting with the fighters.

The playing style of so many people suddenly became weird... Obviously, there must be someone secretly organizing and planning all this.

Qingdeng had no time to think about all this again - because at this moment, a strong wind like a tiger descending the mountain came from the side to attack Qingdeng!

Qing Deng has knocked down 58 people.

As of now, the only ones who have not been "out" are the 2 No. [-] and Riki who have left a deep impression on Qingdeng - Shirasaki and Akabane.

And the person who is playing at this moment is the old man with the oldest qualifications in the third team: Shirasaki Heijiro!

I saw Bai Qi holding a wooden gun with a piece of cloth wrapped around the end of the gun, flying forward majesticly with the gun, straight to Qingdeng!
Qingdeng raised his sword to defend, and blocked the fist-wide spear head with a "snap".

Qingdeng's eyes froze for an instant—the strength transmitted from the blade to his palms clearly told Qingdeng: The old man in front of him is a master of spear skills!
Seeing that the shot was missed, Shirasaki stepped back 7 steps, opened the distance between him and Qingdeng, and then separated his feet, pointing the tip of the spear at Qingdeng diagonally from top to bottom.

At this time, there was a gust of wind blowing, blowing his black and white eyebrows and short beard, under the slightly swaying eyebrows, there was a pair of hale and hearty eyes staring at Qing Deng without blinking—this pair of eyes The appearance really looks like a battle general who came out of an ancient painting!

Qingdeng looked at Bai Qi with a solemn expression, quietly put the bamboo sword in front of him,

——Finally... a talented person who can afford the title of "General"!

Huo Fu Thieves is also an army, so there should be generals and soldiers.

From a functional point of view, Yuli is the "general" changed by Huofu Thief, and Tongxin is the "soldier" changed by Huofu Thief.

As a result, the performance of the soldiers of the third division so far can only be described in one sentence: generals have no generals, soldiers have no soldiers.

The appearance of Bai Qi finally reminded Qingdeng: Oh!That's right, Huo Fu Thieves is now an army!

Qingdeng glanced at Bai Qi's posture, and thought to himself:
——'King of a Hundred Soldiers' really feels oppressive...

Among the eighteen kinds of weapons, the long spear with simple attack method and wide attack range is the absolute king that allows users to easily leapfrog to challenge the strong.

Bai Qicai's blow just now can only be executed by a gunman who has been immersed in spear skills for many years-he has met a long-lost spear master...Qingdeng thought to himself.

The strength of the opponent in front of him should not be underestimated.

And my current body and mind are in an unsatisfactory state due to fatigue.

The combination of all these factors made Qingdeng dare not be careless.

He thought for a while.

After a while, Qingdeng took a step to the left side at a moderate speed.

Qingdeng's left foot will move sideways, and a gun tip wrapped in cloth will pierce the air and stab directly towards Qingdeng's left half of his body.

Qingdeng's stride just now was actually just a fake move to lure Bai Qi to make a move.

As soon as Bai Qi's spear tip was sent out, Qingdeng quickly retracted his left foot, cleverly dodging Bai Qi's thrust, the dodge distance was neither more nor less.

Immediately afterwards, Qing Deng began to step forward, trying to close the distance between himself and Bai Qi.

But every time Qingdeng took a few steps forward, Shirasaki would take a few steps back, always maintaining a distance of about 7 steps from Qingdeng.


Bai Qi let out a low voice, shook his wrists, and the spear in his hand turned into a slippery poisonous snake with an astonishing momentum.

The poisonous snake opened its mouth wide open, and charged towards Qingdeng viciously.

This time, Qingdeng didn't dodge.

Instead, he swung the bamboo sword and slashed straight at the tip of the wooden spear that was within his attack range.

The blade of the sword and the point of the spear collided in mid-air.

The "horizontal force" exerted by the blade sweeping from left to right forcefully deflected Shirasaki's spear, causing it to deviate from its original trajectory.

The impact of the collision between the knife and the gun was transmitted along the barrel of the gun to his palms, causing a bit of surprise to appear on Shirasaki's face.

Afterwards, this bit of surprise turned into a strong solemnity.


Shirasaki yelled again.

As if wanting to refresh himself, he shook his head vigorously, then moved his left foot half a step back to widen the distance between himself and Qingdeng, and then changed his fighting style.

Instead of stabbing, he began to slash.

The long spear turned into a "long whip" and swept towards Qingdeng heavily.

Qingdeng retreated 2 steps to dodge him, but Shirasaki relentlessly delivered uninterrupted combos.

I saw him stepping forward, narrowing the distance opened by Qingdeng's retreat again, and then sweeping the spear forward again, smashing Qingdeng's waist.

The tough gun body sweeps and sweeps again!
Whether it was the fake action at the beginning, or the subsequent step towards Bai Qi, Qing Deng was testing Bai Qi.

After simple probing, Qingdeng already had a simple understanding of Bai Qi's skills.

Compared with stabbing, Shirasaki's slashing is obviously more powerful, faster, and more skillful.

Good at chopping and slashing, with astonishing destructive power - the above words can't be more suitable to describe Shirasaki's spear skills.

Shirasaki's "grass-mowing" fighting style is very suitable for the battlefield. Just sweeping the gun body forward can easily sweep away a few miscellaneous soldiers.

After parrying the spear that Bai Qi swept away again and again, Qingdeng couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart and said:
——"Sword" in front of "Lance", it is really difficult to get benefits...

An inch is long and an inch is strong-this proverb summed up by the ancients after learning all kinds of lessons is not nonsense.

For a person of average skill, in the face of such a battle with a huge difference in attack distance, I am afraid that I don't know how to make a move.

But fortunately, both Shusuke Kondo and Boss Kiryu have taught Qingdeng how to deal with opponents who use long weapons.

And the methods taught by the two elders are exactly the same.

The name of this method is "half body in body"!
Qingdeng took a deep breath, adjusted his breath, and concentrated.

Ahead, Shirasaki swung the spear in his hand again, and the spear drew a beautiful arc from bottom right to top left.

Qingdeng clenched the bamboo sword tightly, and changed his stance into the upper section——

There was a loud explosion.

Qingdeng's bamboo sword precisely struck Bai Qi's spear head from the side!
The two only touched for a moment, and Shirasaki's spear was bounced off like hitting a huge spring.

The strength of the rebound was so strong that the spear looked as if it would fly out of Bai Qi's palm at any moment!
At the next moment when Shirasaki's spear was pushed away, Qingdeng stepped on his back foot, and at full speed, at the highest speed he could achieve so far, he rushed straight to Shirasaki who was wide open in front of him!
In the blink of an eye, Qingdeng shortened the distance between him and Bai Qi in one breath.

When the spear in his hand was bounced off, a look of astonishment and shock appeared on Bai Qi's face.

After Qingdeng rushed towards Baiqi like an arrow from the string, Baiqi quickly retreated, trying to distance himself from Qingdeng.

While widening the distance, he tried to adjust his posture and launched a counterattack against Qingdeng.

It's a pity - it's too late.

Qingdeng's speed was too fast, so fast that Bai Qi had no time to regain his posture.

Qingdeng quickly rushed into the range where Bai Qi could be cut, then swung the bamboo sword violently, and chopped Bai Qi to the ground with one blow.

【Ding!Scan to talent]

[Successfully copied talent: "Old and strong"]

[Talent Introduction: Physical fitness and energy are not easily lost due to age]

Shushuzi is still healthy today!It seems that Shushuzi may really have the talent of "immunity to the new crown"! (Leopard's Arrogance.jpg)

If there is no accident, everyone will be able to see how Qingdeng punishes these lawless subordinates tomorrow.

Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

 Push a book!

  "Tokyo Love Master Refuses Ruanfan"

  A harem love novel with a jio flavor full of Japanese urban background.

  Anyone who is interested can go to Kangyikang~~
(End of this chapter)

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