I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 290 The World Becomes 【Transparent】! 【6700】

Chapter 290 The World Becomes 【Transparent】! 【6700】

Half-body entry: At the beginning, hold the sword slightly in front of the enemy, avoiding the front.Once the enemy attacks you with a long spear, the sword will slash back and draw a semicircle in the air to hit the opponent's long spear.The enemy retracted the spear that had been knocked away, and when he adjusted his body posture, he took this opportunity to rush in front of the enemy immediately, and finish the opponent with his sword.

The attack range of the sword is really inferior to that of the spear, and unless some tricks are used, unless the swordsman is far stronger than the gunman, it is basically impossible for the "sword" to beat the "spear".

Theoretically speaking, "half-body penetration" is the best method of warfare when "sword versus spear".

However, even so, this method still has a lot of risks, and not everyone has the ability to make it happen.

How to knock off the incoming spears?

How to get close quickly when the enemy's spear is shot away?
If the enemy's reaction is fast and the technique is very skilled, before you run to the range where your sword can cut the opponent, you gather the spear and turn back, how should you deal with it?
These seemingly simple questions are actually very knowledgeable.

Whether these seemingly simple problems can be handled beautifully is a big watershed that distinguishes "masters" from "novices".

To be honest—Qingdeng's actions just now were quite thrilling.

The fatigue of the body made Qingdeng feel the muscles in his body groaning in pain every time he swung the knife.

The limbs were swollen and heavy as if filled with lead.

With the current physical condition, can he defeat Bai Qi, who is good at spears, with the method of "half-body penetration"?

Qingdeng was not absolutely sure.

Fortunately—Qingdeng's risky move ended with a "perfect victory".

Shirasaki, who was hit by the sword in his shoulder, his facial features twisted into a ball due to the pain.

The wrinkles on the face were already numerous and dense, but after twisting the facial features like this, the whole face became more like an orange peel that had lost moisture.

The pain from his shoulder told Shirasaki that he hadn't suffered any serious injuries, and he only needed to rest for a few days to recover.But right now, don't think about fighting against Qingdeng again.

He collapsed on the ground with a gun in his hand, while raising his hand to tightly cover the part of the sword, he raised the eyelid of one eye with difficulty, and looked up at Qingdeng in front of him.

Qingdeng is facing the sun right now.

From Shirasaki's current perspective, he could just see Qingdeng and the sun behind Qingdeng, which would rise to its highest point in half an hour.

The warm sunshine shines from behind Qingdeng, outlining Qingdeng's figure.

Because the sun was too dazzling, Qingdeng's entire face and body were cast in a shadow as light as morning mist.

Backed by the blue sky and the sun, his face is dark and invisible - this scene adds an unfathomable, awe-inspiring atmosphere to Qingdeng.

"..." Shirasaki pursed his lips tightly, the expression on his face was elusive.



——Still growing up... well...not bad.

In terms of ability effects alone, this newly acquired talent is still useful—at least it is much more useful than "milk" and "many children, many blessings" that can't even take effect.

Unfortunately, Qingdeng is only 18 years old this year.

In Qingdeng's future, at least 20 years later, this talent will not be used in any way.

Qingdeng calmed down his breathing and emotions, then slowly turned around, facing the last opponent - Akabane Koichiro.



"Now is a good time..."

After muttering in such a volume that only he could hear clearly, Akabane casually shouldered the bamboo sword that he had brought in his hand early in the morning, and strode into the arena swaggeringly.

As the "vanguard against Qingdeng", when he learned that Qingdeng planned to challenge the entire third division with "Liqie", he immediately and keenly sensed that this is someone who can severely teach Qingdeng and give Qingdeng a hard time. It's a great opportunity for Qingdeng to record Ma Wei!

Embarrassing Qingdeng—especially embarrassing Qingdeng in public—is Akabane's long-cherished wish these days.

The best way Akabane can think of to fulfill this long-cherished wish... That is to beat up Qingdeng, who is known as "martial brave", in full view.

However, although Akabane's mind is narrow, it doesn't mean that his mind is also narrow, he still has self-knowledge.

After seeing Qingdeng's method of "killing the 'one-armed party' alone" the night before... Although he didn't want to admit it, Akabane had to agree: this little boy who rode on his head at a young age still has something Two brushes.

If there is a one-on-one duel with Qingdeng, Akabane is not sure of winning...

But what Akabane never expected was that a pillow came when he wanted to doze off!
The man surnamed Ju didn't know which muscle in his brain was wrong, but he planned to single-handedly challenge their entire army of the third division in the way of "Li Qie"!
Akabane naturally does not want to miss this great opportunity to "teach Qingdeng a lesson" that he sent to his door.

So, as soon as the contest started, Akabane began to run around, looking for anyone who could unite, and personally worked out a series of rough strategies.

Akabane doesn't have too many "potential allies"—the number of people in the third team who are hostile to Qingdeng and who are unhappy with Qingdeng's superior position cannot be counted on two hands.

Therefore, Akabane pulled up this "anti-Qingdeng siege net" effortlessly.

The "two-person relay", "stealing and making Aoi and others deliberately use tricks that can greatly consume Qingdeng's physical and mental strength", these are all Akabane's ghosts.

By the way - Aoi Aoi didn't want to obey Akabane at first.

One reason is that he is not good at martial arts, and he is not sure how to consume Qingdeng's physical and mental state to the greatest extent.

The second reason is that he is unwilling to deal with Qingdeng with such low-handed means.

However, due to various reasons, Lan Jingyang finally succumbed to Akabane's lust.

Akabane found Shirasaki who was also dissatisfied with Qingdeng's superior position, and the content of cooperation proposed to him was very simple:
"The two of us don't rush into the battle, first let Aoi and the others consume Tachibana Qingtou's physical energy as much as possible, and then we will make the finale."——This is the exact words Akabane said to Shirasaki.

The reason why Akabane proposed such a plan is very simple - he and Shirasaki are the strongest in martial arts in the third team!
In terms of martial arts alone, he and Bai Qi are firmly seated in the top and second seats of the third team respectively.

Although Akabane has a "roshan-shaped" figure with a height and waist of 1 meters, he is a flexible fat man and a good swordsman.

Two years ago, when he was 2 years old, he was awarded the Kotori Shinto-ryu exempted transmission with his undoubted hard power.

I have to say that Akabane is really calculating.

And his deliberate calculations really had a lot of effect as he wished.

After Qingdeng's "two-player combat" and the exhaustion of Lan Jing and others, the rate of loss of physical and mental strength has accelerated a lot.

Especially during the battle with Shirasaki, in order to ensure the successful bounce of Shirasaki's spear, Qingdeng gritted his teeth and poured all the remaining strength in his body into his waist and arms.

Although he successfully defeated Bai Qi, the price he suffered was not small - due to the excessive exertion, the muscles were overwhelmed, and his arms began to tremble uncontrollably.

Akabane, who noticed the condition of Qingdeng's arm for the first time, was overjoyed.
There was a smug sneer at the corner of Akabane's mouth, he thought to himself: Ju Qingdeng is exhausted!If you don't go into battle at this time, when will you wait?
He stood still seven steps away from Qingdeng, and stabilized his sword in the following configuration.

"..." Qingdeng glanced at Akabane expressionlessly, then raised his sword in the middle of the construction.

Because they lost to Qingdeng, Shirasaki and the others could only be reduced to spectators now. At this time, they all opened their eyes wide, watching everything in front of them, and staring at the two swordsmen who were facing each other from a distance.

The final result of this "1vs60" extremely large-scale "Liqie" is "Qingdeng's complete victory" or "Qingdeng's failure", it all depends on the final showdown at hand!


With a solemn expression, Qingdeng thought to himself:
——One-on-one with 60 people, it really is a bit too strenuous...

Qingdeng originally thought that with his current strength, he would be able to defeat the entire army of the Third Division, which was generally overwhelmed in skill and strength.

Looking at it now, I still have many shortcomings in my martial arts journey.

Qingdeng had already heard about Akabane's strength.

With such a tired body, facing Akabane, who possesses the Katori Shinto style and is one of the best in the third division... If he bumps into it head-on without thinking or caring about anything, I'm afraid he will die. He was hit head-to-head.

If you stay still, the blood will easily stagnate in your legs, causing your movements to become sluggish.

In order to keep his pace agile, Qingdeng kept moving his footsteps, circling around Akabane, but not taking half a step closer to Akabane.

Time is on Qingdeng's side.

Qingdeng has "strong essence".This talent endows Qing Deng with the physique of "recovering energy and physical strength faster than ordinary people".

As long as it can be dragged for 1 or 2 minutes, Qingdeng can complete the breath adjustment and restore the breathing to be stable.

However, Akabane is not a fool.

Of course Akabane could see that the longer the time dragged on, the more unfavorable his situation would be.

Therefore, he has been looking for opportunities to attack.

But Qingdeng has always maintained a distance of more than 7 steps from him.

If you take a step forward, I will take a step back; if you take a step back, I will take a step back... In short, I try to stay away from Akabane, and prevent him from getting close to me.

At first glance, Qingdeng seemed to have taken the initiative and grasped the rhythm of the battle, but this "cat and mouse" trick was ultimately just a stopgap measure.

Presumably, it won't be long before Akabane can't bear this itchy stalemate, so he becomes ruthless and attacks with his sword recklessly.

【Swordsman, Unity of Heart and Power】

This is what Boss Kiryu often said to Qingdeng when he was teaching Qingdeng Liuguang's knife drawing technique.It means: the spirit and the body become one, this is the law of the sword, only in this way can the power of the sword be maximized.

At this moment, for no reason, Qingdeng thought back to this sentence that was often said by Kiryu's boss.

Qingdeng thought to himself: Since the body is already exhausted... then use the "heart" to make up for the lack of "strength"!


A long breath like white mist floated out from between Qing Deng's slightly parted dry white lips.

He lowered his eyelids slightly, staring at Akabane opposite him.

The lines of the face and the muscles of the body gradually relax due to the high concentration of the mind.

Impurities in the pupils of the eyes are removed and disappear little by little at a speed visible to the naked eye... His eyes gradually calm down.

In the talent list, the entry for "Focus on God" bursts out with bright golden light!

Qingdeng kept concentrating, trying to enter a state where only the bamboo sword in his eyes and the enemy in front of him were in his eyes.

Akabane, who is not a novice in martial arts, immediately sensed the changes in Qing Deng.

Seeing the calm expression on his face, he froze for a moment.

Akabane's heart rang a panic alarm.

It's getting louder and louder.

The hairy feeling rushed from the soles of the feet to the top of the head.

An anxious cry came from my heart: I can't wait any longer!I can't go on dawdling like this any longer!
Obviously at first glance, Qingdeng is just concentrating normally, but Akabane instinctively feels that Qingdeng is very dangerous right now!And it will become more and more dangerous!

Akabane was stunned by this sudden change in Qingdeng's body, and thus fell into a state of hesitation, his body was imprisoned by his thoughts and froze in place.

However, this is only for a moment.

A moment later, Akabane's lower body seemed to have self-awareness, and he forced his feet stuck to the ground to leave the ground.

After taking the first step, the next thing will become a matter of course - the mind catches up with the body!Head to Qingdeng with body and mind!
I saw him let out a sharp breath of "Wow!", and at the same time shorten the distance with Qingdeng!

Akabane came to attack, but Qingdeng still stood where he was, maintaining the middle structure, calmly.

Akabane ran all the way until he was only 3 steps away from Qingdeng, then suddenly lowered his body's center of gravity and gathered energy around his waist.

In the next moment, he jumped out!Explode the power accumulated in the waist in one go!
Jumping vigorously, he used the potential energy of his run-up and fall to chop off the bamboo sword that was raised above his head.

Just when Akabane's feet were about to lift off the ground, Qingdeng subconsciously held his breath, ready to meet the enemy.

But at this moment, an incredible scene happened to Qingdeng... Correction.To be precise, it happened before Qingdeng's eyes.


Qingdeng saw that weird "air current" again.

Streams of "air currents" as thin as smoke escaped from Akabane's body.

If you just saw the airflow, then that's fine, at most Qingdeng could only sigh with emotion, "Tsk, I saw it again."

But this time the situation is different from the past.

At this moment, Qingdeng not only saw the "air flow" on Akabane's body, but also saw something... so unimaginable that Qingdeng didn't even know how to describe it in words.

He saw the muscles, internal organs, bones, blood vessels, and the blood flowing in the blood vessels under Akabane's skin.

Akabane's body... seems to have become transparent!Any movement of his body, be it the flow of blood or the movement of muscles, is invisible to Qingdeng's eyes!

This kind of strange vision, as if "the world has become 'transparent'", made Qingdeng's expression suddenly dominated by strong shock.

Because everything happened too fast and too suddenly, Qing Deng didn't even have time to let out an exclamation.

The only reaction he had time to make at the moment was the subconscious constriction of his pupils.

What shocked Qingdeng was not over yet.

In the next half-moment, Qingdeng's body broke away from the control of the brain as if it had been induced, and started to move by itself.

Akabane hadn't jumped up yet, Qingdeng seemed to have predicted where his knife would cut in advance, and pointed the tip of the knife obliquely to the front right of his body in advance, and erected the bamboo sword obliquely in front of his body.

When Qingdeng was in this stance, Akabane's bamboo sword just fell down—his bamboo sword just fell on Qingdeng's bamboo sword, and it fell on Qingdeng's bamboo sword. In a good defensive position.

The loud noise of the collision turned into a surging sound wave, sweeping around the two of them.

At the same moment when the bamboo swords struck each other, Qingdeng's vision returned to normal.

"Airflow", the weird world that has become "permeable", these strange things disappeared without even a snap of the fingers.

Appearing suddenly and disappearing suddenly—for a moment, Qing Deng deeply doubted whether he was dreaming.

Although he was very puzzled about what he saw just now, the current environment simply does not allow Qingdeng to think about these trifles slowly.

Qingdeng raised his eyes, looked through the two bamboo swords that were standing together, looked forward, and looked at Akabane's face.

I saw that Akabane's face was heavily smeared with a layer of stunned color.

His heart was roaring hoarsely at this moment: Impossible!
Akabane is very confident in the sword he slashed.

Whether it's strength, speed, or the timing of the sword, Akabane is very satisfied.

If Qingdeng had only blocked his saber, Akabane would not have been so surprised.

But the problem is, Qingdeng Shicai's defense is too unusual.

The speed of defense... can no longer be described with a simple word "fast"!

Akabane could see very clearly that Qingdeng had already leaned the bamboo sword in his hand in front of him when he had just taken off and hadn't raised the bamboo sword yet.

It's just...it's just...it's like predicting the future!Know early where his sword will be cut, so put the sword on the predetermined defensive position in advance!
Akabane was dumbfounded by the abnormal scene in front of him.

But soon, he couldn't care less about being shocked anymore.

Qingdeng, who was in shock because of something completely different, took Akabane half a step back to his senses.

In the next moment, Qingdeng quickly took action.

He gave a short shout, and then shook his hands holding the knife.In an instant, Chiyu's bamboo sword, which was framed with Qingdeng's bamboo sword, slid to the side along the slanted blade of Qingdeng's bamboo sword pointing obliquely at the ground, as if riding a slide.

In the next moment, Qingdeng turned the edge of the sword, drew a half-circle with the bamboo sword, and changed the sword body that was originally pointing obliquely at the ground into an obliquely pointing at the sky, and then slashed heavily at Akabane.

At this time, Akabane and some of the spectators on the sidelines all showed dumbfounded expressions—they were all people who knew a little about the major mainstream swordsmanship that is currently popular.

First, place the sword obliquely in front of the body, block the opponent's attack, and then swing the sword to counterattack... They all recognized at a glance that the defensive counterattack that Qingdeng just used was a classic move in Wuwailiu: Dao Wife!
Facing Qingdeng's sword, Akabane, who was still immersed in Qingdeng's "foreseeing the future" style of defense, reacted a little too late.

Although he had already dodged and retreated as fast as he could, trying to avoid the sword's edge coming straight at him, but he still couldn't dodge.

Qingdeng's bamboo sword made a loud noise.

Akabane's body was hit hard, and he fell to the ground in embarrassment.

【Ding!Scan to talent]

[Successfully copied talent: "Gluttony"]

[Talent Introduction: It is not easy to get gastrointestinal diseases]

Before Qingdeng Mirai took office, the strongest person in their third team: Akabane Koichiro... lost!
60 people beheaded!

Qingdeng did it!He managed to kill 60 people by himself!Beat them all in a "cut" way!Defeat Huofu Thieves and change the whole army of the third division!
For a moment, the atmosphere was exceptionally quiet and weird.

After a while, the atmosphere gradually changed.

Like a single spark starting a prairie fire, more and more people slowly began to cast their eyes of respect and admiration on Qingdeng.

For example: Lan Jingyang.

This short man, who was inconspicuous both in appearance and personality, quietly raised his eyelids and gaze in a cautious manner, and stared straight at the back of Qingdeng who happened to have his back right now... His eyes were full of The longed-for color.

Apart from Lan Jing and the others, another group of people looked at Qingdeng with completely different eyes at this moment—they had disbelief on their faces.

1 person defeats 60 people... Even if the fighting method is not a group battle, but "cutting" one by one, such an achievement is already very appalling!

At least many of them have never heard of anyone who has achieved such a feat before.

In addition, there are still some people, the expressions they show now... are more subtle.This group of people with subtle expressions is represented by Akabane and Shirasaki.

Akabane, Shirasaki and others are all showing expressions mixed with doubts, unwillingness... and other complex emotions.


At this moment, Qingdeng suddenly heard someone calling him.

Turning his head to look, he saw Akabane whose face was the color of a pig's liver, with one hand pressing the part that was hit by Qingdeng just now, and stood up staggeringly.

"The trick you just did...was the 'Rice Wife' in Wuwailiu?"

Although there is a word "ba" in the sentence pattern, the tone is undoubtedly that of an affirmative sentence.

"Aren't you a swordsman with a natural flow of mind? Why do you use moves without flow?"

As soon as Akabane finished speaking, a soldier with a strange accent not far away echoed loudly:

"That's right! That's right! Master Ju, aren't you a swordsman of the natural Lixin style? How can you even know the 'singing' of the current flow?"

This person was exactly the swordsman of Xianxian Liu who was frightened by Qingdeng's "monkey cry" and thus missed the opportunity to fight.

Qingdeng raised his hand to wipe off the sweat that was about to drip down his chin, blinked his eyes a few times, and after thinking for a while, coughed softly without any trace, then straightened his waist, took a deep breath, and raised the corners of his mouth. With a faint smile:

"Which school you learn from, do you have to use the sword skills of that school?"

Speaking of this, Qingdeng let out a light laugh as if he was laughing at something, and then raised his hand in a calm, free and easy manner:

"My sword is no longer limited to one school or one school. I can use any martial arts."

As soon as Qingdeng's words were about to come out, everyone around them were taken aback for a moment.

Afterwards, the group of people represented by Lan Jing who had just looked at Qingdeng with admiration and longing suddenly cast even more fiery gazes at Qingdeng.

Some people who just gave Qing Deng shocking glances, their eyes have changed slightly now, and there is a touch of awe and admiration on their faces.

To be honest, none of them quite understood what Qing Deng said just now.

However, they know that this sentence is very profound!Very famous!

Reminiscent of Qingdeng's feat of "beheading 60 people" just now... the crowd waited and felt that Qingdeng's image suddenly grew taller!

As expected of Nioh!Martial arts cultivation has reached a realm beyond their comprehension!
"Master Tangerine!"

At this time, a young man stepped out—the very eloquent Yuli who led Qingdeng when he first arrived at the third division's base: Kuroba Shiro.

"It's true that seeing is worse than hearing a hundred times, and seeing a hundred things is better than trying! Your swordsmanship level is really superb!"

Heiyu quickly ran to Qingdeng's face, speaking with a glib tongue.

"There are so many people waiting for us, but none of them are your opponents."

Speaking of this, Kuroba paused for a moment, then sighed heavily with emotion on his face.

"Master Tachibana, you are not yet 20 years old... You already have such powerful swordsmanship at such an age, and you will definitely become a great swordsman in time!"

"Maybe, it can also impact the supreme goal that countless warriors have struggled for all their lives, but unfortunately cannot achieve: unparalleled in the world!"

Qing Deng silently listened to Hei Yu's flattery with a blank face.

After Heiyu's words fell, Qingdeng's mouth curled into a careless smile.

He looked calm and waved his hand lightly:

"Unparalleled under heaven? What's the point?"

"Rice Wife" is a real sword skill in Wuwailiu.First place the sword obliquely in front of the body, and after parrying the opponent's attack, swing the sword to counterattack.In order to write this chapter, Shu Shuzi made a special trip to Station B and watched the undisclosed martial arts video again.

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Ps: In this chapter, the duel between Qingdeng and Akabane can be said to be full of the style of "classical swords and halberds".Not all the bells and whistles, defeating the enemy with one blow, the victory or defeat is over in an instant.

 【Author Jun Science Popularization】——

  "Dao wife" actually means "thunder and lightning".

  The ancient Japanese discovered that rice grows especially well in places where thunderstorms are common.

  So people believed that Lei and Rice had an indescribable relationship, which made Rice impregnated, so the ancient Japanese used to call Lei and Lightning "Rice Wife".

  Just looking at the word "Inazuma" and considering it according to modern Japanese usage, people tend to think that Rice is the husband and Lei is his wife. Perhaps people will think that the fierce and terrifying Lei is a woman, and the weak The idea that Rice is a man is inconceivable and hard to imagine. In fact, Lei is the husband and Rice is his wife.

  In ancient Japan, it was believed that men and women were completely equal.

  The word "つま" does not only refer to the female side, it means "the other party" or "spouse".

  So in ancient Japanese, "つま" can be written as "husband" or "wife".

  Both husband and wife are called "つま",

  However, as the status of women gradually declined, the word "つま" was gradually only used to refer to women after the Heian period.

  Therefore, according to modern usage, then Lightning should be called "Paddy".

  ps: The free translation of "Daojuguo" in "Yuanshin" means "Leiguo".

(End of this chapter)

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