I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 315 "Mr. Ju, I'm sorry!", Da Yueshi apologized on his knees on the street [Le

Chapter 315 "Mr. Ju, I'm sorry!", Da Yueshi apologized on his knees on the street [Leopard Update 1W]

Move back in time for a short time——

Zuo Nazi blinked, and looked in astonishment at Qingdeng who was walking side by side with a woman in brown clothes she didn't know not far away.

Qingdeng didn't notice Zuo Nazi, he and the woman in brown beside him were concentrating on walking.

Although separated by a certain distance, Sanako could clearly see the expression and behavior of the two with her excellent eyesight which was not nearsighted at all.

Qingdeng was expressionless, he didn't know what he was thinking, and he didn't talk to the woman beside him the whole time.

As for the very young woman in a dark brown kimono, she kept her head down, watching her tiny toes walk.

From time to time, she would raise her head and glance at Qing Deng's face with a hesitant gaze.

After Zenazi fixed his eyes on the woman's face, but in less than 10 seconds, he saw the woman open her lips three times, trying to say something to Qingdeng.But in the end, she said nothing.

He opened his lips 3 times and closed them 3 times, silently following Qing Deng's footsteps.Although a look of astonishment climbed up Sanako's cheeks, it was only a momentary thing.

In just a split second, Sanako thought quietly:
—Who is this woman?

First, Qingdeng's acquaintances were excluded.

The careful Sanako keenly noticed that the two's footsteps were out of sync.

Qingdeng often walked too fast accidentally, leaving the brown-clothed woman behind, and had to slow down frequently to wait for the brown-clothed woman to catch up.

As for the woman in brown, she was obviously not familiar with Qingdeng's pace, and she needed to trot from time to time to barely stay behind.

If it was me and Tachibana-kun, this kind of problem wouldn't arise—Sanako subconsciously came up with such a thought.

——Maruji...is a married woman.How could Mr. Ju mix up with a married woman?Is it a friend's wife?
Just as Sanazi was still thinking here, Qingdeng and the woman in brown clothes had already walked a long distance, and were about to leave from the sight of Sanazi.

Seeing this, Sanako pursed her lips.

——Forget it, no matter who Ju Jun gets along with or associates with, it is Ju Jun's freedom. Why should I care about other people's private affairs?

Thinking of this, Sanako tightened his grip on the new book he just bought.

——It’s so cold... Hurry up and go home...

Qingdeng and the woman in brown were heading straight to the east, and if Zuo Nazi wanted to go back to Little Chiba Sword Hall, then she would have to go west next.

Sanako turned to the west.Just when she took the first step towards the west intersection, she suddenly seemed to be frozen by the cold wind, and she froze in place.


Sanako seems to be doing some very difficult psychological struggle.

Hesitation, perplexity, helplessness, curiosity, doubt... Nearly 10 emotions can appear on Sanako's face at the same time.

All kinds of emotions seesaw back and forth in the eyes and face of Zuo Nazi, "fighting" hard.

An emotion made up of so many mixed emotions that it is difficult to fathom its true meaning.

Such a detailed description of Sanako's psychological activities seems to have passed a long time.In fact, everything happens only between the five breaths.

After five breaths, Sanako took a deep breath towards her little feet with plain white socks:

"Why do I have to care so much about Mr. Ju's private affairs..."

After muttering in a somewhat puzzled tone, Sanako turned around wholeheartedly, and chased after the still faintly visible figures of the man and woman.

Sanako followed Qingdeng and the woman in brown at a distance, keeping a distance of "as long as I can see those two people".

The sight of few pedestrians on the streets in the early morning helped Sanako a lot.

The lack of obstruction from the crowd made Sanako's observation and tracking very smooth.

Qingdeng and the woman in brown didn't go too far.

After Sanako followed for about 5 minutes, he saw the two turning into a small tea house.

Sanako hurriedly chased after him.

While covering the area below the eyes with a face towel to avoid people finding out that she is the famous "Chiba Oni Komachi", she asked the shopkeeper of the tea house, "Where did that couple go?"

The shopkeeper of the tea house - a big fat man with mostly gray hair raised his head and looked at Zanako when he heard the sound. He was startled for a moment, and then the corners of his mouth were pulled up, revealing a slightly wretched smile.

Sanako could tell what this person was thinking with just one glance—this guy must have thought she was here to catch rape.

The tea house has always been the most frequent meeting place for adulterers and prostitutes.

In a big city like Edo, almost every few days there will be a wonderful rape-catching drama staged in a certain tea house.

Judging by the shopkeeper's expression, he should have gotten used to things like someone coming to arrest a rape.

The shopkeeper misunderstood that she was here to catch rape... This made Sanako feel a little delicate.But she didn't bother to explain to the shopkeeper right now, so let him misunderstand.

"The two people who entered the store just now opened a private room, and the rooms on the left and right sides of that private room are still empty. Does the guest officer need me to help you open one?"

The shopkeeper blinked at Zuo Nazi, and enthusiastically offered to help Zuo Nazi catch the rape.

The corners of Sanako's mouth twitched slightly.

"Then trouble you..."

"Okay! Guest officer, please follow me! Watch out for the steps!"

The shopkeeper led Sanako into the private room in high spirits.

As soon as he entered the room, Zenazi heard a familiar male voice faintly coming from the east wall...it was Qingdeng's voice.

"Guest officer, would you like something to drink? Something to eat?"

The shopkeeper asked in a low voice.

"Just serve me a cup of green tea."

Sanako casually ordered a cup of tea.

"Okay, the tea will be here soon, sir, please wait a moment."

The shopkeeper left in a hurry.

Even though there are no outsiders around, Sanako still does not change her elegant nature.

Pressing the hem of her kimono, she sat down on her knees in a slow, gentle motion.

Then, with a hasty and impatient movement, he kneeled and moved inch by inch to the wall where Qing Deng's voice was constantly coming from.

Just when Sanako's delicate body was about to stick to the wall, a look of hesitation reappeared on Sanako's pretty face like a flash of light.

This look of hesitation appeared suddenly and left quickly.

——I'm just worried that Tachibana-kun is being entangled by some strange woman.

After such a self-justification, Sanako put a crystal ear against the wall with peace of mind.

Houses constructed of wood are naturally not much better at sound insulation.

Sanako put one ear against the wall, and immediately heard intermittent noises.

"Mr. Tangerine..."

A woman's voice.

It must have been the woman in brown.

He couldn't hear it very clearly, but he could barely make out the sentence "Jiang Jun".

Sanako hastily put her ear closer to the wall.

"Miss Otsuki, please..."

This time it was Qingdeng's voice.



Suddenly hearing the words that made people care, Zuo Nazi couldn't help being taken aback.

Before Sanako could think or doubt, the voice that came into her ear immediately caused her facial expression to change drastically at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Bang—the sound of something falling on the tatami.

From the texture of the sound, it sounds like the sound of the body falling to the ground.

Sanako is the daughter of Xiaoqianye Sword Academy. The sound she heard the most since she was a child is the sound of apprentices being knocked to the ground when they practice martial arts, so she is most familiar with this kind of sound.

"It hurts... Ju-jun... You used to... you wouldn't be like this before..."

After about 4 breaths, the sounds of physical entanglement and cloth rubbing turned into scattered particles, which penetrated the wall and transmitted to Sanako's tympanic membrane...and the depths of his brain.

These sounds may not be meaningful to children, but they are too meaningful to adults.

Five seconds ago, Sanako had a stunned expression on his face.

But after only 5 seconds, her demeanor returned to calm.

Miraculously speaking, Sanako felt that her heart was very peaceful.

Those surprises, those stunned, seemed to leave her in an instant.

It's just that the body perception is a bit strange, and everything around me feels more distant and blurred than before...

In the next moment, Sanako's body seemed to be controlled by a consciousness from the outside world.

She got up expressionlessly, stepped out of the door, turned to the right, and strode towards the private room where Qingdeng and the woman in brown were staying...



"Zo...that son...Miss...?"

Seeing the person coming, Qingdeng made a sound as if his throat was blocked by something.

Why is Sanako here?Did she just pass by here by chance, or?
In an instant, a huge amount of questions filled Qingdeng's mind.

Although the thinking speed of the brain has become sluggish because of this, the thinking ability it should have... or the alertness it should have has not been lost.

All of a sudden, Qingdeng's inner alarm rang louder and louder.At the same time, Qing Deng's heart rate suddenly accelerated.

She was astute as lightning: his current situation...seemed to be a bit unfavorable...

Right now, looking at the current appearance of Qingdeng and Da Yueshi from the perspective of a third party, it feels a bit subtle.

Qingdeng pressed Da Yueshi to the ground in the posture of "men on top and women on bottom". He grabbed his left shoulder with one hand and his waist with the other. A few strands of hair fell from the temples, and after being wet with sweat, they stuck to the cheeks, corners of the mouth, etc.

If the hair is like this, let alone the clothes.

The placket was pulled open slightly, the clothes on the right shoulder were torn crookedly, and the hem was wrinkled.

At this time, Qingdeng's body reacted one step faster than his brain.

As if scalded by boiling water, Qingdeng quickly let go of Da Yueshi's shoulders and waist, and stepped back quickly, opening the distance between Da Yueshi and Da Yueshi in one breath.

Compared to Qingdeng, Da Yueshi's reaction was pure shock.

She didn't recognize Sanako, but she was shocked when she suddenly saw a strange woman rushing in.

Before the phrase "Who are you" can be blurted out, Qing Deng calls out the name of Zuo Nazi.

—— Sanako?Chiba Sanako from Chiba, Barekcho?

Otsuki has heard of the names of "Chiba Oni Komachi" and "the most beautiful woman in Edo" for a long time.

While arranging the messy hair and clothes, Da Yueshi opened his eyes wide, scanning the faces of Qingdeng and Sanako repeatedly with eyes full of disbelief.

Three people, three completely different expressions—for a moment, the atmosphere in the tea room was really weird.

Fortunately, the atmosphere that made the air in the tea room a little strange didn't last long. Just after 2 seconds, Qingdeng broke the silence:

"Miss Sanako, why are you here?"

After a short period of flurry, Qingdeng has recovered his composure.

I haven't done anything harmful or shameful, so why feel nervous and unconscious?
"I went to the bookstore to buy books. When passing by here, I suddenly felt a little thirsty, so I came to this tea house to drink some tea."

While talking, Sanako showed Qingdeng and Da Yueshi the brand new book with a beautiful cover that she was holding in her arms.

"I've been drinking tea and resting in the tea room next door just now, and suddenly I heard the sound of fighting and women's cries of pain, so I rushed over to have a look—Ju-jun, I didn't expect to meet him in this place You, what a coincidence."

Sanako raised her gaze without any emotion, and looked straight into Qingdeng's eyes.

"It seems that I made a mistake. I thought someone was doing the murder. Since it was just a false alarm, I can rest assured."

Sanako's explanation... sounds flawless, with almost no flaws.

But Qingdeng still felt that something was wrong.

Go to the bookstore to buy books...?Is there any bookstore near here?
And, is the timing so coincidental?Just so happen to drink tea in the tea room next door to Da Yue Shidi and me?

Although there are many doubts, these are secondary issues that can be left for later.

The most urgent task at the moment is to clear up the misunderstanding as soon as possible.

Undoubtedly, Sanako must have seen the imaginative pose of him and Otsuki Misai just now. If Sanako hadn't had any misunderstandings, Qingdeng would definitely not believe it.

Here is the difference between Sanako and Kinoshita Mai.

According to Qingdeng's understanding of Kinoshita Wu, when she saw Qingdeng alone with other women she didn't know, she would have the courage to question Qingdeng in an aggrieved tone: "Who is this woman?".

That's not the case with Sanako.

She didn't ask about Da Yueshi's identity the whole time.His expression and tone were flat, as if he wasn't interested in Otsuki's identity at all.

But Qingdeng's senses and intuition told him: That's not the case.

Sanazi, who was staring directly at Qingdeng, did not exude the aura of "Forget it, I don't care which woman you hang out with again".

On the contrary, it seems to be constantly testing Qingdeng, constantly hinting at Qingdeng through the tense atmosphere deliberately created at the moment: I can say "forget it", but Mr. Ju, are you planning to just "forget it"?I don't want to take the initiative to ask questions, so you can explain everything by yourself.

To be honest, Qingdeng finds this kind of invisible and calm demeanor of Zuo Nazi even more terrifying than making a lot of noise and bluntly throwing temper tantrums.

If you don't confess everything quickly, Sanako will probably turn around and leave because of exhaustion of patience - Qingdeng is quite sure of this.

So, in order to prevent irreversible accidents, Qingdeng didn't delay even a second, and hurriedly explained his relationship with Otsuki Mi to Sanako, and explained what was going on with him and Otsuki Mizai just now.


About 5 minutes later—

"So that's how it is... Has my husband been taken away by the 'Qingshui Group'..."

Qingdeng returned to the seat just now, and Zuo Nazi sat side by side with him.

Talkativeness has always been one of Qingdeng's strengths.

With the help of "Kin Tongue", Qing Deng Kou Tiao clearly explained the cause and effect of the matter to Sana Zi concisely.

After listening quietly, Zuo Nazi nodded lightly, and said repeatedly, "It's like that in the Tathagata".

I don't know if it's Qingdeng's own illusion... Although Sanazi's demeanor remained unchanged, still expressionless, but Qingdeng faintly found a ray of relief in the depths of Sanazi's beautiful eyes, like It was a relaxed look of letting go of something difficult.

When Qing Deng wanted Zuo Nazi to explain the ins and outs of the matter, opposite them, a pair of eyes with unspeakable emotions flickered repeatedly.

——Tachibana-kun...you actually know Sanako Chiba from Chiba, Otsuchocho?

Although she couldn't believe it in her heart, the scene that caught her eyes at this moment told her clearly and clearly, "Qingdeng not only knows Zuo Nazi, but they are also very close.

Based on the various interactions between Qingdeng and Sanako at this time, it is not difficult to see that the relationship between the two is very close.

Da Yueshi subconsciously bit his lower lip with his white teeth.The force was so strong that even the cheeks on both sides bulged up with small bags.

I saw that she folded her shoulders unconsciously, hunched her chest and lowered her head, not daring to look at Sanar in front of her.

There is no other reason - in front of Sanako, all her confidence in her female identity disappeared.

Appearance, figure, temperament... Da Yueshi has no place from head to toe that is not suppressed by Sanazi.

Staying with Sanako was quite tormenting, an emotion that was very similar to feeling ashamed burned Otsuki's whole body from the inside out.

This is the second time she saw Qingdeng accompanied by a beautiful woman.

The last time was at the fireworks display.At that time, the woman who followed Qingdeng was a lovely girl in red.

Although the appearance and figure of the woman in red are not as good as Sanazi's, she is not something that Da Yueshi can touch.

At this moment, Da Yueshi felt a fact very strongly: the young man opposite her was no longer the "Dad Teng" she was familiar with before, but the King Ni with outstanding swordsmanship and fame in Edo!

During the four months that she accompanied Otsuki to stay in Edo frequently, despite the subconscious resistance in her heart, she still heard a lot of various matters related to Qingdeng-this kind of thing was unavoidable, Qingdeng was Jiang The big celebrities who are well-known nowadays, as long as there are people, you can basically hear people discussing various things about Nioh.

Thanks to this, Otsuki quickly filled in the gaps in his understanding of Qingdeng during the two years since he left Edo.

To be honest, if it wasn't because he had witnessed how Qingdeng subdued Shimizu Gosaku and others cleanly and how he was treated politely by Shimizu Eiichi, Otsuki would not have dared to compare the "King Nio" in people's mouth with the "King Nio" in her memory. The images of "Dumb Head Deng" are superimposed together.

All of a sudden, all the past with Qingdeng, the ridicule and sarcasm he used to have with Qingdeng came to Da Yueshi's heart and eyes one by one.


"Ashi! Let's go to the shrine for New Year's visit together!"

"Sorry, I already have appointments with other friends."

"Well, but..."

"Ah, I almost forgot. Mr. Ju, can you run my errands for me? My newly ordered Wufu should have arrived, can you help me get it?"

"Wu Fu? Uh... I see."


"Ah Shi, that Ju Qingdeng looks pretty good, with good facial features, tall stature, and a good family background, don't you think about him?"

"Him? Humph! What's there to think about that Ju Qingdeng? What's the use of being good-looking, no matter how good-looking he is, I won't let me call him around. He's just a dull idiot. I just look at him Because of the good relationship between my father and my father, I reluctantly became friends with him, otherwise I would not talk to him."


"Hey, Aju, let me show you something fun. Hey! Mr. Ju! Come here!"

"what happened?"

"I'm so hot, can you buy me two bowls of cold water?"

"Now? Well... I'll go back as soon as I go."

"Look, am I right? That Juqingdeng listens to me."

"Hahaha, really, he really listens to you. Ah Shi, you are so bad, the sun is so bright outside, and you have someone to run errands for you on such a hot day."

"Don't worry, he has run for me on a hotter day and a farther road than this. This level is not enough to cause death from heat. Alright, let's continue playing Double Six."


"Mr. Ju, don't come here again, I'm getting married."

"Get married? What, what? Ah Shi, you want to marry someone?!"

"Well, I'm going to get married in Nara, and the wedding party will come the day after tomorrow. I will live in Nara with my parents from now on."

"This, this...such a big thing, why didn't you tell me until now?"

"Huh? What do you mean by that? Do I have an obligation to tell you about my marriage in advance?"

Otsuki Mi... At that time, she was still called "Miyagawa Minority", she rolled her eyes at "Yuan Ju Qingdeng", and then ignored "Yuan Ju Qingdeng", who stood still like a clay sculpture after being hit by five thunders Qingdeng", turned around and walked away—this was the last time she met "Hara Tachibana Qingdeng" before returning to Edo this year.



After reviewing these memories... Da Yue felt indescribably ridiculous and ironic.

The young man whom he had never looked straight at was now like a soaring dragon that soared into the sky and went straight to the sky.

The young man who was struggling to pursue himself in the past no longer needs her, and there are many women who are far more beautiful than her by his side.

For no reason, Da Yueshi had this thought in his heart:

If I had chosen Tachibana-kun instead of Changji... would I have lived a far better life than I am now?
As soon as this idea appeared, it immediately grew wildly in Da Yueshi's mind and heart like a virus proliferation.In the blink of an eye, he has grown into an existence that Da Yueshi cannot ignore in his heart.

At this time, Sanako intervened in Otsuki's thoughts with a sudden inquiry, interrupting Otsuki's sense of loss, confusion...and regret.

"Miss Otsuki, do you know why your husband was taken away by the Yakuzas of the 'Shimizu Clan'?"

Sanako asked a question that Qingdeng had already asked a while ago.

"I have no idea……"

Da Yueshi adjusted her emotions, escaped from the sharp thought that came to her just now, smiled wryly and shook her head:

"I've asked the people of the 'Clear Water Clan' this question many times...but they all ignore me..."

After finishing speaking, Da Yueshi turned his gaze to Qingdeng.

Beautiful eyes dominated by humble supplications.

"Mr. Ju, I beg you... I really beg you... help me... If even you refuse to help me, then I really have nowhere to go..."

Qingdeng has heard similar words so many times that his ears are almost calloused.

Not to mention how Da Yueshi used a mournful tone, let alone how Da Yueshi showed his humble and pitiful expression, Qingdeng was unmoved - if it wasn't for the sudden appearance of Sanako, he might have reached Qianshi by now house, met Kinoshita Mai and Kiryu Boss.

Seeing that Qingdeng was still indifferent, Da Yueshi's eyes gradually fainted with a layer of light called "despair".

At this moment, Da Yueshi seemed to suddenly remember something.

I saw her wandering eyes hesitantly.

After a while, the "hesitation" on his face changed into "decision" of "give it a try".

"Mr. Ju, I know this is not something I can easily agree to... You have good reasons to refuse my request for help, but... But... Please see that my father and your father are good friends, just Help me this once!"

Qingdeng raised his brows slightly - Da Yueshi keenly noticed this subtle change in his expression.

A look of joy flashed across Da Yueshi's pupils.

Seeing that the situation seems to be turning for the better, Da Yueshi hastened to "take advantage of the victory" and launched a continuous offensive of words against Qingdeng.

The gist of his remarks closely revolved around the old friendship between Qingdeng's father: Tachibana Takayuki and his father: Miyagawa Toshizo, and implored Qingdeng to help her father for the sake of her father's sake.

Qingdeng didn't listen very carefully to what Da Yueshi was saying.

Because he is now in deep thinking.

Da Yueshi's hand seemed to hit the snake's seven inches.

Qingdeng can ignore Otsuki's existence...but Miyagawa Junzao can't.

Toshizo Miyagawa's friendship with him and his father Takayuki Tachibana is so deep that it is difficult to explain in a few words.

Let’s put it this way: When Takashi Tachibana died of illness and the Tachibana family was in danger of overturning, Miyagawa Toshizo provided a lot of help to the Tachibana family, sending money and food, and helping "Hara Tachibana Qingdeng" through the most difficult period .

"Original Tachibana Qingdeng" was able to successfully take Takayuki Tachibana's class afterwards, and successfully took up a job in the "three times" of the Beiban Institute, which was also due to Toshizao Miyagawa.

Qingdeng has not repaid this great kindness until now.

Qingdeng has always attached great importance to the debt of favor - this is one of the important reasons why Qingdeng's popularity has always been very good.

People who know how to repay, love to repay, and are good at repaying debts of favor are easy to be popular no matter where they go.

Although from another point of view, Qingdeng can use the excuse of "why should I wipe the shit of 'Original Ju Qingdeng'" and ignore Miyagawa Shunzao's kindness as nothing.

But Qingdeng didn't want to do that.

From the perspective of "sensibility", Qingdeng feels that "Original Ju Qingdeng" has long been integrated with him, regardless of each other.So Qingdeng feels that he is still obliged to help wipe the shit left by "Original Orange Qingdeng".

And from the perspective of "rationality"...outsiders don't know that Qingdeng is no longer the same Qingdeng.If Qingdeng ignores the kindness of Miyagawa Shunzo, then in the eyes of outsiders, Qingdeng is a cold-blooded and ruthless white-eyed wolf, which will have a bad negative impact on Qingdeng's reputation.

Qingdeng finally stopped being indifferent to Da Yueshi's entreaties.

He lowered his eyes slightly, looked at the tatami in front of his knees, and looked thoughtful.

Dayue looked at Qingdeng's face eagerly, her delicate body unconsciously leaned forward in the direction where Qingdeng was, full of longing, expecting to see Qingdeng nod, or hear him say "OK, I'll help you" .

After a while, Qingdeng finally stopped being silent.

"The debt of favor is really troublesome sometimes..."

"Mr. Tangerine?"

Da Yueshi asked tentatively.


Mr. Ju put his arms around his chest, and let out a long breath.

"For your father's sake... I'll help you this time."

As soon as Qingdeng said this, Da Yueshi was startled.

Immediately afterwards, like a firework that flew up into the sky and exploded at the highest point, Da Yueshi's cheeks showed an indescribable ecstasy.

"Don't be too happy."

Qingdeng poured a basin of cold water suddenly, causing Da Yueshi's expression to abruptly return to a dazed state.

"You have to agree to my three conditions before I will help you."

Qingdeng stretched out three fingers.

"First, I basically don't have any friendship with the 'Qingshui Clan'. Even if I do it myself, I can't guarantee that I can definitely bring your husband back. I will do my best. No matter what the final result is, you must be sincere. Accept, can you do it?"

Da Yueshi hesitated for a while, then nodded heavily.

"Secondly, no matter whether I succeed in rescuing your husband or not, the debt I owe to your family will be settled, understand?"

Da Yueshi nodded again.This time, she nodded much faster, almost without thinking.

"The third..."

Qing Deng paused.Like thinking about words, brewing emotions.

After a while, he cast a meaningful look at Da Yue Shi Yang.

"Although the past has become a common practice...but some things are better explained."


Da Yueshi blinked in confusion.

"Miss Otsuki, do you have anything to say about what you did to me before?"

Da Yueshi blinked again, then his face turned pale, and he immediately understood Qingdeng's hint.


Qingdeng was hinting at her: for what she had done to him before... correcting what "Original Ju Qingdeng" did, I sincerely apologize!
From the perspective of difficulty, the third condition proposed by Qingdeng is far easier than the other two conditions he just mentioned.

Just move your lips and apologize.

But for Da Yueshi, this kind of thing may make her feel more uncomfortable than cutting her body with a knife - Da Yueshi did not nod as readily as before, which is the best evidence.

Originally, after the farewell to this summer's fireworks festival, if Da Yueshi never appeared in front of his eyes again, then Qingdeng would not bother to pursue the right and wrong of past grievances.

But Da Yueshi actually reappeared after more than 4 months.

Now that he's coming to your door again... let's take this opportunity to settle the old accounts of the past.

It can also be regarded as an explanation to the original owner of this body...to "Yuan Juqingdeng".

After all, he and "Original Juqingdeng" are already one.

"Yuan Juqingdeng" suffered in the past, if he doesn't express something, he can't justify it.

Although strictly speaking, "Yuan Ju Qingdeng" is already alive...no matter what rescue efforts are made, it will be of no avail, but Qing Deng still decides to seek justice for "Yuan Ju Qingdeng".

Regarding the right and wrong between "Yuan Juqingdeng" and Da Yueshi... just and unceremoniously said: "Yuan Juqingdeng" completely deserved it and deserved it.

Qingdeng understands the feeling of "very much in love with someone", after all, he is in love with two girls now.

But no matter how much you love each other, you can't despise yourself.

It was "Original Juqingdeng" who showed no bottom line to Da Yueshi, which encouraged Da Yueshi to be unscrupulous.

However, it is obvious - Da Yueshi made a bigger mistake.

Obviously he doesn't like "Yuan Ju Qingdeng", but greedily enjoys the care and support of "Yuan Ju Qingdeng", plays with "Yuan Ju Qingdeng"'s feelings, and regards "Yuan Ju Qingdeng"'s kindness towards her Make it a fun "toy" that you can use to show off your charm and show off to your friends.

It's wrong to blame, but people are not guilty of death.

Just let her apologize.

Whether you sincerely apologize... It doesn't matter if you don't have it or not.

In short, an apology cannot be less.

The justice that should be given to "Original Juqingdeng" cannot be less!

Qingdeng believes that—for a woman like Da Yueshi whose eyes are above her head and who has been belittling "Original Orange Qingdeng" in the past, asking her to let go of her self-esteem and apologize is already a way to rejuvenate her body and mind. Severe punishment for suffering.

Qingdeng said nothing.With his hands resting on his legs naturally, he stared blankly at Otsuki's face.

Da Yueshi's pretty face, it seems that some violent chemical reaction is taking place at this moment.

Green for a while, white for a while.

His eyes dodged, his fingers clenched tightly.

Even people with poor eyesight can clearly see at this moment: the distinct "hesitation" and "shame" flashing repeatedly in Da Yueshi's eyes.

Qingdeng is not in a hurry.

Just wait quietly.

He didn't care about the life and death of Otsuki Changji, if it wasn't for the favor of Toshi Miyagawa, he wouldn't bother to intervene in this matter.

Whether to agree to Qingdeng's conditions, or just let go and leave - it's all up to Da Yueshi to decide, no matter what her final choice is, Qingdeng doesn't care.

Time passed bit by bit.

Qingdeng felt that even with all the words in his mind, it was difficult to accurately describe Da Yueshi's expression.

Qingdeng had no way of knowing what kind of ideological struggle Da Yueshi was fighting in the past few tens of seconds.

He only saw that the "hesitation" and "shame" on Da Yueshi's face had gradually reached a delicate balance.

Then... her soft body full of sensuality slowly bent down.

Fold your hands on your lap, face facing the tatami mat in front of your knees:

"Tachibana-kun... yes, I'm sorry..."

Her voice was timid.

Although she pretended to be calm, her voice was still trembling uncontrollably like her various emotions that could not be concealed.

At this moment, Da Yueshi suddenly recalled the thought that popped up in her heart just now:

(If I had chosen Tachibana-kun instead of Tonji... would I have lived a far better life than I am now?)

For some reason, after recalling this idea, Da Yueshi suddenly felt a choking warm current rushing into her nasal cavity, and there was a touch of choking in her voice.


Qingdeng didn't say a word.

Although he looked at Da Yueshi, he didn't make any response.

Seeing this, Da Yueshi thinks that Qingdeng's sincerity is not enough to despise her.

So, she took a deep breath, walked half a step on her knees to an open space where there was no tea table to cover her figure, then bent her waist lower, her upper body was close to her legs, her smooth forehead was close to the tatami, and she placed her head The front hands only touch the ground with the index finger, middle finger, and ring finger.

It is the highest etiquette in Japanese culture: Dogeza.


Da Yueshi's voice was a little louder than before.

It was shaking a little more than before.

"I...I shouldn't have treated you like this before...I apologize to you...I'm sorry..."

The rhetoric soaked in tears and tears, became a sticky ball.

Da Yueshi quietly raised her red eyes, carefully observing Qingdeng's expression.

Qingdeng...is still the same old face - expressionless, neither saying "well, I will forgive you from now on", nor "Your apology is not sincere enough".

——This... can be regarded as retribution... I did it myself...

Thinking of this, the corner of Da Yueshi's mouth pulled out a bitter self-deprecating arc, and the resentment that had risen in his heart just now gradually dissipated.

Da Yueshi is also self-aware of her attitude towards Qingdeng in the past.

Da Yueshi slowly shrunk his body even smaller, and desperately suppressed sobs floated out from his slightly twitching shoulders.

To be honest, Da Yueshi, who felt that his heart was about to be torn apart by the knife-like sense of shame, really wanted to just rush out the door and get away from Qingdeng as quickly as possible.

But she was not willing to let the help she had so hard to get from Qingdeng just go to waste.

So... after a while, Da Yueshi gritted his teeth, as if he had made up his mind, stood up with a "huh", without wiping his messy face stained with tears, he walked out in three steps at a time private room.

Just when Qingdeng and Zuo Nazi thought that Da Yueshi was going to leave, they suddenly found Da Yueshi's figure outside the window.

I saw Da Yueshi standing in the middle of the street outside, looking up towards the tea house, and met Qing Deng who was standing on the edge of the window sill.

At this time, it is the time when the flow of people on the street is the most.

The crowd coming and going constituted the background behind Da Yueshi.

Some passers-by noticed Da Yueshi who was acting strangely, and cast suspicious glances at Da Yueshi.

Immediately afterwards, they saw this beautiful woman with a beautiful face suddenly kneeling on the ground in the posture of Tuxiazuo.

Although the street was noisy, Da Yueshi's voice still clearly covered most of the street and covered Qingdeng's eardrums:

"I'm sorry...! I apologize to you...! Please... forgive me...! I'm sorry!"

Today is a long-lost [-]-word pinch, so begging for a monthly ticket is not too much, right? (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket!

The plot line between "Original Juqingdeng" and Da Yueshi has come to an end.

Scum girls and dog lickers are not allowed to house
 All the daily plots in this book are the foreshadowing of the subsequent big plots.For example, the fireworks show with all the girls laid the groundwork for important plots and characters such as "The Ghost of Yangming", "Strange Painkiller", and my grandson's first appearance. The dark thread of "the three-year agreement between Souji and Hikaru Okita" was planted.

  Therefore, these plots of Qingdeng and Da Yueshi are obviously not just as simple as pretending to be slapped in the face. I will not spoil what kind of plot will be extended after this plot.

  Leopard Leopard has been pushing the plot very diligently, never hydrographic, it’s just that the update is slow (Leopard Cry.jpg)

  If you don’t believe me, go back and look to see if there is any plot that is useless even if it is deleted, it will not affect the direction of the plot—it doesn’t exist, there is no waste in this book, and all the plots have their reasons for existence. (Pride of Leopard.jpg)

(End of this chapter)

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