I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 316 Fight against road bandits!Now it's time to kill [6200]

Chapter 316 Fight against road bandits!Now it's time to kill [6200]

"What's going on? What's going on? What happened?"

"I don't know, that girl suddenly ran to the street and knelt down."

"Go, go and see the excitement!"


No matter when and where, there will never be a shortage of onlookers who like to have fun.

In a short while, Da Yueshi, who was still kneeling on the ground in the position of Tuxiazao, was surrounded by onlookers standing on the inner and outer three floors.

The sight of everyone gathered as one turned into a huge hammer, pressing down Da Yueshi's whole body with the momentum of Mount Tai.

This is not a violent hammer that can kill people in one breath.

It's that the power is neither fierce nor weak, crushing slowly, not fatal in one breath, but it brings people a very painful and tormented feeling.

Da Yueshi endured all this silently.

Not only apologized to Qingdeng, but also knelt down to apologize to Qingdeng in public, under the eyes of everyone, in the center of the busy street... I, who loves face so much and is so proud, dared to do something like this ...

An unrealistic feeling that one's body seems to have become weightless, and the whole person seems to be floating in the clouds, enveloping Da Yueshi's whole body.

For a moment, Da Yue really wondered if he was having an unrealistic nightmare.

At this time, Da Yueshi suddenly realized that why he suddenly dared to do such a thing, it was definitely a shameful act that he didn't even dare to think about.

Not only because of the rush to solve the husband.

It is also because deep in her heart, there is a strong fear of Qingdeng hidden.

The current Qingdeng is no longer an existence that she can provoke and offend.

Even without mentioning all the contacts and resources that Qingdeng currently possesses, just talking about Qingdeng's current position——Huofu Thief Changed to Captain of the Third Division, just one identity is enough to make Da Yueshi daunting.

Although her husband's family is a rich businessman in Nara, it is far from the level of a wealthy businessman in Osaka that even the government has to sell some thin noodles.

To put it bluntly, if Qingdeng wants to take cruel revenge on Da Yueshi who treated him badly, there are many ways.

Even as long as he opens his mouth, he can attract countless people to work for him.

After all, who wouldn't want to befriend a rising star in the military world?Who wouldn't want to sell the favor of Nioh who is riding like a thousand?

The more Da Yueshi thought about it, the more terrifying she felt; the more she thought about it, the more she felt like a huge weight was being hung on her heart, pulling her heart straight down; dragging her body into a bottomless abyss.

Those memories of bullying Qingdeng, which she used to be complacent about before, and which she often used as talking points to show off to her friends, now all turned into a boulder weighing down her heart, making her feel tight and breathless.

For Qingdeng who asked her to apologize for what she did in the past, Da Yue could not afford to feel annoyed or resented.

She was only vaguely grateful.

I hope Mr. Ju can forgive her for this, hope that after she apologizes, all the disputes with Qingdeng can be reversed, and hope that Qingdeng will never retaliate against her in the future - she sincerely hopes so.

Da Yueshi's sudden kneeling and apology on the street not only frightened the passers-by on the street, but also surprised Qingdeng and Sanako in the tea house.

"Mr. Tangerine..."

Qingdeng heard a light calling from beside him.

Turning her head to look, she saw the beautiful eyes staring straight at her.

After hearing from Qingdeng the ins and outs of why he was "entangled" with Otsuki in the private room of the tea house, Sanako remained silent.

She is not very clear about the grievances and grievances between Qingdeng and Da Yueshi, so when Qingdeng talks to Da Yueshi about "the three conditions for helping her", she can't intervene at all, and she doesn't want to intervene.

It's better to leave this kind of housework to Mr. Tachibana himself - Sanako thinks so intimately.

However, after seeing Dayue kneeling in front of so many people to apologize in broad daylight, I still felt a little unbearable after all.

She didn't say anything, she just used her talking eyes and moving eyebrows to Qingdeng Wenyi: What do you think?Do you want Miss Otsuki to come back?
Qingdeng smiled helplessly.

In fact, he didn't intend to let Da Yueshi do this at all.

In his original plan, as long as Da Yue could perform the ceremony of sitting down in front of him in the private room and say "I'm sorry" clearly, that would be enough.

Just now, when Da Yueshi apologized loudly to Qingdeng in the posture of Tuxiazao, the reason why Qingdeng remained indifferent... was because of an unexpected incident that was difficult to describe in human language.

Qingdeng was so shocked by the accident that he was speechless.

"..." Qingdeng turned his head back wordlessly, staring straight and solemnly at the empty air behind him.

Just now... the moment Otsuki, who was kneeling on the tatami mat, said "I'm sorry" in a voice wet with tears, Qingdeng suddenly heard a soft sigh from behind.

The emotions contained in this sigh are very complicated.

The three-pointer seemed to be a tight string in my heart, and it was finally broken easily.

The three-pointer is as happy and joyful as a big revenge.

The three-pointer is like mourning for someone who feels sorry.

The last bit of emotion...is a calm smile that finally let go of something.

The sigh appeared suddenly and disappeared quickly.

When Qing Deng turned his head to look back in surprise, he saw nothing but the walls of the tea room faded due to the years and the empty air.

Whose sigh is this?For this, Qingdeng has a definite answer in his heart—even though the name shown in this answer is incredible.

Qing Deng, staring at the void in front of his eyes, smiled.

A smile full of charm, as if looking at someone.



Da Yueshi came back with red and swollen eyes.

Qingdeng didn't talk nonsense, he said to Da Yueshi in a firm tone:
"I accept your apology. I will do my best to save your husband."

"Really, really?"

Perhaps it was because the process of asking for help from Qingdeng was too difficult. When Qingdeng said this, what Da Yueshi first felt was not joy, but suspicion and disbelief.

Qingdeng nodded, moving slowly but firmly.

"I keep my word. You have shown me your sincerity. Now it's my turn to fulfill my promise."

Speaking of this, in order to enhance his persuasiveness, Qingdeng added:
"Strike the gold and swear."

Qingdeng raised his right hand, pressed the handle of the Dingguishen knife on Zuo's waist, pulled out a small section of the knife with a "choke", and then retracted the knife forcefully.

The metal ground knife collided with the mouth of the sheath, making a crisp "clang".

Hitting gold as an oath - a samurai custom in the Edo period.

When samurai vowed not to violate the agreement, they struck each other with metal parts such as blades or swords as evidence.

Simply put, it is a ritual action.The meaning is similar to swearing to the sky.

In the samurai culture of the Edo period, this was a very solemn and solemn oath-of course, this oath ceremony has no legal effect or binding force after all.

There are many people who solemnly swear gold and then forget the oath.

Da Yueshi's red and swollen eye sockets overflowed with hot tears again.

"Thank you... thank you... thank you..."

Otsuki, incarnated as "Rereading Ji", kept repeating the words "thank you".

In the past half a month, Da Yue has tasted enough of all kinds of warmth and coldness in the world.

After running for a long time to save her husband, she finally found a strong helper willing to help her.

Although it is still unknown whether Da Yue Changci can be rescued, a sense of peace that made Da Yueshi feel heavy in his heart still dominated his whole body.

Feeling that the strength in her body was emptied in one breath, and her legs were weak, she almost fell to the ground unsteadily.

"Mr. Tangerine."

At this moment, Qingdeng heard the voice of Zuo Nazi.

"The object of the negotiation... is the 'Qingshui Clan'."

Sanako's expression was very serious.

"You used to be a samurai of the 'Three Returns', and now you are the leader of Huofu Thief Gai. I don't need to elaborate, you should also know how dangerous the 'Qingshui Clan' is. How do you plan to save Miss Otsuki's husband? "

"No idea at the moment."

Qingdeng shrugged, smiled, and told the truth.

"Information is scarce. In short, first try to get in touch with the person who captured Otsuki Tsuneji—that Yakuza named Konosuke Kitahara. After contacting him, let's take another step."

"Let's take one step at a time..." Sanako muttered softly, his eyes flickering with thought.

Almost in an instant, the "thinking" in Sanako's eyes changed to "firmness" that he had made up his mind.

"Mr. Ju, I will go with you to rescue Mr. Otsuki."

"You want to come with me?"

Qing Deng was startled.

Zuo Nazi nodded and said:
"I am also a member of the Chiba family. Even Yakuza from the 'Shimizu Clan' dare not be too presumptuous in front of me. With my company, I should be able to help you to some extent."

Although most of the "Qingshui Clan" would not attack Qingdeng, who has a prominent official status, extraordinary strength and high reputation.

But no matter what, the "Qingshui Clan" is also an extreme organization that does all kinds of evil.

Dealing with the Yakuza... it's better to be more cautious.

Qingdeng didn't want Zuo Nazi to follow him to take risks, so he prepared to refute Zuo Nazi "don't follow" without thinking.

But as soon as Qingdeng opened his mouth, his whole lips and tongue froze.

The prepared words were all stuffy in his throat.

The reason for this is all because he saw a strong will in Sanako's beautiful eyes.

Qingdeng was very familiar with Sanako's temperament.

Once this fierce and resolute female warrior showed this kind of look... or when she made up her mind, even ten cows would not be able to pull her back.

Qingdeng, who knew that even if his mouth was worn out, it was impossible to persuade Zuo Nazi to change his mind, the corners of his mouth twitched in a complicated mood.

After a period of time, whether long or short, Qingdeng let out a helpless sigh.

"Okay...you can follow if you want to. Remember that after entering the territory of the 'Qingshui Clan', don't leave me too far, and be vigilant."


Sanako let out a "hum" chuckle and smiled sweetly.

This coquettish smile conveys such a message to Qingdeng: Who do you think I am?I'm 'Ghost Komachi': Chiba Sanako!


Qingdeng left the tea house with his two daughters.

When passing the front cabinet of the tea house, I happened to bump into the shopkeeper of the tea house: the big fat man with nearly half gray hair.

The shopkeeper looked at Zanako, and then at Otsuki whose eyes would take at least 2 days to subside. His face full of fat was suddenly covered with layers of pimples due to the corners of his mouth pulled up sharply and his cheeks full of smiles. folds.

Then, he turned his gaze to Qingdeng—seeing Qingdeng with his normal expression and intact body, he opened his mouth wide, and while showing a dumbfounded expression, he cast a look full of doubts and surprises at Qingdeng .

Qingdeng looked at the shopkeeper with a strange face.

I don't know if it was Qingdeng's illusion... He always felt that the shopkeeper looked at him, as if asking him: Why are you okay?

Sanako, who knew why the shopkeeper looked at them with such an expression, silently lowered her head and lowered the windshield hood on her forehead, using the hood to block the pale pink cherry blossoms floating on her cheeks at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It's a pity that Qingdeng is walking in front of Zuo Nazi at this moment, so he doesn't have the chance to witness this rare and beautiful scenery.



That night--

Edo, somewhere——

Today's snow stopped around 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

Thanks to the snow that has been falling for most of the day, a thick layer of snow has accumulated on the streets of Edo.

At this moment, just as the common people fell asleep one after another.

Thick clouds covering the moonlight made the dark night even darker.

Except for the large sea of ​​lights in Yoshiwara, the "city that never sleeps" on the embankment of Japan in the distance, and the sporadic lights in very few houses trembling faintly, every place in Edo is faintly visible.

Because tonight is a moonless night, the light is so bad that I can't see my fingers.

Qingdeng had no choice but to hold the lantern to illuminate the way forward for Zuo Nazi and Da Yueshi who followed closely behind him.

In the entire street, only Qingdeng and the others who were walking slowly forward still had light.

The orange candlelight dimly illuminated the three people's feet.In places not illuminated by light, squatting monster-like thick darkness.

Qingdeng and his party of three were heading to the casino that people on the road used to call "Renwu".

This casino is an industry run by a high-level cadre of the "Shimizu Clan" named Konosuke Kitahara.

It is reported that Kitahara Konosuke will stay in Renya almost every night.

Qingdeng and the others are now Ren Ya looking for Konosuke Kitahara.

Paso, Paso, Paso...

Before taking a step forward, the thick snow will deeply bury the ankles of Qingdeng and others once.

This feeling of one foot deep and one foot shallow, making walking extraordinarily strenuous... really uncomfortable.


Suddenly, Qingdeng heard a breath coming from the right rear.

"Miss Sanako, are you alright?"

Qingdeng's phrase "Are you okay?" naturally refers to the meaning of "Are you cold?"


Sanako rubbed her palms together and answered honestly:

"Apart from the cold hands, everything else is fine."

In order to guard against emergencies such as "conflicts with the Yakuzas of the 'Shimizu Clan'" and other emergencies, Sanako specially changed into a "female warrior costume" - that is, wearing a kendo uniform that is not easy to get in the way Thousands of black silk tied into a neat and light high ponytail at the back of the head.

As we all know, Sanako has two "forms".

"Yamato Nadeshiko Form" wearing a kimono and wearing her hair in a bun.

A "samurai form" wearing a kendo uniform and a ponytail.

The former is gentle and elegant, while the latter is heroic.

Whether it's the Shimada bun often worn by unmarried girls, or the ball bun often worn by wives, or other hairstyles, Qingdeng doesn't really appreciate the hairstyles of women in this era.

Therefore, although Sanako looks beautiful no matter what hairstyle she wears, as far as personal preference is concerned, Qingdeng still prefers Sanako with a high ponytail.

Out of such liking, Qingdeng couldn't help smiling and looking at Zuo Nazi a few more times before slowly withdrawing his gaze.

A gust of dry and cold night wind blew towards Qingdeng and the others.

The light and shadow swayed, and the clothes fluttered.


Da Yueshi clasped her arms tightly, took two quick steps and stood closer to Qingdeng who was holding a lantern—it was because her body was cold and she wanted to get close to warm objects, but also because of the changes in the surrounding street scenes, which brought her a great deal of pain. Being close to Qingdeng can make her feel a little bit at ease.

The casino named Renwu was located in a very famous slum in Edo.

As Qingdeng and his party got closer and closer to Renwu, the surrounding houses and roads gradually changed gradually.

The houses on both sides of the road are becoming more and more dilapidated.There are no doors, no walls, no roofs, and so on.

What also became more and more dilapidated was the ground under his feet.

The potholes and extremely uneven road made Qingdeng and his team have to concentrate and put more attention on their feet to prevent stepping on snow-covered potholes and tripping over bumps on the ground. land.

The air is filled with a foul smell of human body odor mixed with the putrid stench of decaying objects.

From time to time, some homeless poor people can be seen on the street.

Sleeping outside in this cold weather would be fatal - but they had no choice.

Sleeping under a roof - something that many people take for granted, in the eyes of these poor people, is a luxury that only dares to dream.

At this time, some people who were lying or sitting on the side of the street in various postures slowly raised their heads and opened their eyes when they heard the footsteps of Qingdeng's group.

All of a sudden, Qingdeng felt many malicious eyes.

"...Miss Sanako, Miss Otsuki, stand closer to me and be careful around you."

After finishing speaking, Qing Deng handed over the lantern to his left hand, then raised his right wrist to his mouth, and breathed into his palm, making sure that his dominant hand was not frozen, so that he could draw out the knife at any time.

"Poverty" and "crime" are twin brothers created by nature.

A slum like this has always been the best breeding ground for crime.

Since stepping into this land full of poverty, no matter what kind of accidents and changes are encountered, it is not surprising.

Zuo Nazi nodded understandingly, and then, like Qingdeng, he raised his hands to his lips and breathed on his palms every 1 or 2 minutes.

Perhaps this is the so-called defense against what comes.

Suddenly, Qingdeng's "Wind Senser" suddenly activated - there were dense snow treading sounds approaching quickly from the left and right sides!
Immediately afterwards, one figure after another appeared from outside the lights, squirmed, and swayed, and it took less than 10 seconds to complete the encirclement of Qingdeng's group.

Although this group of uninvited guests were all standing in places where no light could be found, to Qingdeng who had "cat's eyes", it made no difference whether the group of people stood in a bright place or in a dark place.Qingdeng could clearly see their positions, appearances, and body shapes.

Qingdeng's calm eyes scanned from front to back—a total of 21 people, all of whom were armed.

At this moment, a tingling tension fell between Qingdeng and his party and the group of passers-by.

Zuo Nazi's willow brows were erected, his almond eyes were wide open, and an awe-inspiring look appeared on his face.

The waist is low, the legs are slightly bent, and the right hand is protruding to the wakizashi on the left waist-Sanako has set up a posture ready to draw a sword and fight at any time.

Da Yue is not a person in martial arts, how has she ever seen such a battle?


Suddenly, Da Yueshi, whose face turned pale, screamed, and subconsciously leaned against Qingdeng, trying to hide her whole delicate body behind Qingdeng's broad back.

"What do you want to do?"

Qingdeng asked back aloud, while raising his right arm slightly in a calm manner.

The opposite is also unambiguous.

A sturdy and burly man, holding a shining knife, walked slowly to the opposite of Qingdeng.

"Listen, I won't talk nonsense with you."

The burly man let out a hoarse voice.

"If you want to survive, leave all your belongings behind."

He didn't even have an opening sentence similar to "I opened this road, I planted this tree", and just asked for money straight to the point... Such a fast-paced robbery made Qingdeng startled.

This dazed emotion only appeared on Qingdeng's face for a moment.

For just a moment later—

Qingdeng's pupils suddenly shrank.

There were several sounds of piercing the air that were approaching rapidly from the left and right sides.

Qingdeng was convinced that the danger was coming, he quickly leaned back, forcing his snow-covered feet off the ground.

It's easy once you take the first step.

Move with your heart!Body and mind protect Sanako and Otsuki who are behind them and retreat quickly!

In fact, Sanako didn't need Qingdeng's protection at all—her reaction was only a little slower than Qingdeng's.

Sanako and Qing Deng retreated almost at the same time.When she was retreating, the left half of her body stretched forward unconsciously, blocking her left half in front of Qingdeng.

Qingdeng is protecting Zuo Nazi, and Zuo Nazi is also protecting Qingdeng, the tacit understanding between the two is amazing.

However, Qingdeng has no time to savor the tacit understanding between him and Zuo Nazi.

Five black lacquered round objects slammed heavily on the place where Qingdeng and the others were standing just now, stirring up snowflakes.

Qingdeng took a closer look, and then he saw clearly what these flying objects were—hard rocks.

Before he had time to catch his breath, the low-pitched killing sounds from all directions made Qingdeng's facial lines and nerves in his body tense up instantly.

That burly man who just started negotiating with Qingdeng held his sword high, and led a group of people to rush towards him!


Qiangzhengzheng-Qingdeng quietly pulled out the Dingguishen from his waist.

The attack came so suddenly that Qingdeng couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed for a moment.

Qingdeng didn't know why these bandits were so cruel, and he didn't even bother to say a word, so he directly raised his weapon and killed them without any explanation.

All he knew was—that it was time for him to kill!

High ponytail + kendo suit... I, Leopard Leopard, really love this fetish (Jingbao.jpg)

There are 6200 words today, the number of words is very conscientious, so ask for a monthly ticket!
Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

(End of this chapter)

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