I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 363: Fight to the death in the sea of ​​flames!Talent fusion [iron lung +2]! 【5800】

Chapter 363: Fight to the death in the sea of ​​flames!Talent fusion [iron lung +2]! 【5800】

At this moment, Qingdeng's body, driven by "Speed ​​+4", started to move consciously one step ahead.

Turning sideways, stepping, the movement is done in one go, flowing.

Something hit the place where Zhong Qingdeng was standing just now.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a block of wood the size of an adult's fist, and there was still a burning flame on the block.

Qingdeng looked up, only to see that a part of the ceiling obliquely above his head was missing.

The sneak attack on Qingdeng just now is a fragment of the official ceiling.

Through the gap exposed by the collapse, the scene of the upper floor can be seen—a piece of red.

The light from the flames and the shadows of the swaying flames constituted a hellish scene. The heat wave carried sparks and thick smoke, drilled through the gap in the ceiling, and further increased the temperature around Qingdeng.

Against the backdrop of the fire, Qing Deng's face became even more gloomy.

——The ceiling is about to fail...

The sound of "squeak" sounded continuously from the top of the head, and fragments of the ceiling began to fall...Every situation presented to Qingdeng all pointed to the same fact: the time left for Qingdeng was over. Running out.

If you don't hurry up and try to escape from the cell, you will be crushed to death by the collapsed ceiling before you are roasted or choked to death!

Qingdeng's searching eyes scanned every corner of the cell again.

--This is……?
Qingdeng's gaze was firmly fixed on the commode placed in the corner of the room.

The commode provided by the prison house in Kodenma Town is a wooden barrel that can be seen everywhere in the market.

The outer hoop of the wooden barrel has an iron ring for tightening the body of the barrel.

- Iron ring...

Qingdeng's gaze gradually became sharper.

——Try it!

Qing Deng rushed to the toilet in three steps at a time, pulled out the iron ring on the bucket, and then cut it into two iron wires, each 5 cm long.

Then, Qingdeng returned to the cell door, and stuck out the small half of his head and both arms holding a piece of wire through the gap between the bars.


Qing Deng let out a long breath.

As the remaining air in the lungs was exhaled little by little, the anxious look that had been swaying in Qing Deng's eyes since just now quickly disappeared.

The moment he regained his composure, Qingdeng inserted the two wires in his hand into the keyhole of the door lock.

While reviewing the lockpicking skills and knowledge I have learned from Sazhong so far in my mind, I meticulously start the lockpicking operation of racing against death and time!
"Hey, hey, are you...?"

Miyabe Kyotaro listened to Qingdeng's suggestion, covered his mouth and nose with a cloth soaked in water, lowered his body and lay down on the ground.

Looking at Qingdeng who was trying to pick the lock, Kyotaro Miyabe's eyes slowly widened, as if he saw something strange.

— Tsk...Damn it, I can't see clearly...

For the first time in his life, Qingdeng hated his head for growing too big.

Even though he had tried his best, he could still only squeeze half of his head out of the prison.

The obstruction of his vision made him completely unable to see the internal structure of the copper lock. He could only touch, feel, and test it blindly with his fingers.

There was a whisper of sparks bursting in my ear.

Feel the increasingly intense heat wave behind.

The tip of his nose smelled an increasingly choking stench and thick smoke.

Danger looms.

Adrenaline rushing.

The fast and vigorously beating heart seemed to burst in the next second due to the unbearable pressure.

It was obvious that the body was reacting violently instinctively, but Qingdeng's consciousness and spirit were exceptionally calm.

"Concentrating God" is being activated... At this moment, all he can see is the wire in his hand and the copper lock on the prison door.

The limited field of vision, lack of tools... These factors make it difficult for Qingdeng to exert his due ability, and the difficulty of unlocking has skyrocketed.

Fail, fail, fail again, fail again...

But no matter how many times he failed, Qingdeng was never discouraged, and even more so... Correction, it should be said that Qingdeng no longer has the concept of "discouraged".

If you don't open the cell door quickly, there will be only a dead end—driven by this idea, Qingdeng, who has nowhere to retreat, has been defeated repeatedly, but repeatedly defeated.

How much time has passed?have no idea.Qingdeng has lost his sense of time.

After making an unknown number of attempts, Qingdeng suddenly felt a strange vibration transmitted from the keyhole to his fingers.

Qingdeng's eyes froze instantly.

Without any need to think, Qingdeng immediately fiddled with the lock according to the feeling just now like a conditioned reflex.

Click, click, click, click...

The sound of wire running in the keyhole is the only sound Qingdeng can hear clearly.

The vibration felt by the fingers became stronger and stronger.

Just when the intensity of this vibration rose to its peak—with a clang—the copper lock opened and fell to the ground.

Qingdeng's body also fell to the ground together.

At almost the same moment when he successfully pried open the copper lock, before Qingdeng had time to show his joyful expression, his feet started to move ahead of him.

He pounced forward and slammed open the cell door which was finally opened.

The unstoppable body and the copper lock landed on the ground in no particular order.

At this time, Qingdeng heard a loud "bang" sound behind him.

Dust billows.

Countless sparks are flying all over the sky like fireflies.

Qingdeng turned his head to look back, and it turned out that the ceiling of his cell had collapsed.

The ceiling that was burning with raging fire was about to fall, and in an instant it became the floor of Qingdeng's cell.

If Qingdeng's speed of opening the lock was even a little slower, then he might have been crushed into a meatloaf by now.

——A close call...

Qingdeng heaved a sigh of relief and grinned.

A successful escape from the cell - certainly something to be happy about, but this is not the time to celebrate.

He had only left the cell, he had not changed, he was still in the fire, and he was in danger of dying if he was not careful.

"Kyotaro Miyabe! Are you still alive?" Qingdeng got up and asked loudly in the direction of Kyotaro Miyabe's cell.

At some point, a huge wooden beam fell between Qingdeng's cell and Miyabe Kyotaro's cell.

Collapsed wooden beams obstructed views.

Qing Deng raised his eyes to look, and the flame waves and thick smoke filled his field of vision.

"do you died……"

Qing Deng pursed his lips.

The person I've been chatting with today just died in such an unknown way... The changes in the world are really unpredictable.

Aotomoto also thought about trying to rescue Kyotaro Miyabe.

Now it seems that this is no longer necessary.

"Where is the direction to go out?"

Qing Deng tightened the wet cloth on his face, looked around, looking for a way out.

The raging fire and the burned and collapsed ceilings and walls changed the surrounding terrain beyond recognition.

Qingdeng can only rely on the memory of when he was escorted to prison, and move forward while exploring.

——Heh... The leader of Huofu Thief Kai was buried in the sea of ​​fire... This is too much of a hellish joke...

Qingdeng suddenly realized that he was surprisingly optimistic.

It's such a time, and I still have the time to let go of that self-deprecating.

The predecessors of Huofu Thief Gai are "Huo Fu Gai" which specializes in catching arsonists and "Rogue Gai" which specializes in catching thieves.

The shogunate merged these two teams out of various considerations such as the integration of resources. The "Huofu Thief Kai", which specializes in catching arsonists and thieves, was born.

With the passage of time and the changes of the times, Huofu Thief Kai has gradually changed from only catching arsonists and thieves, and its specific functions have gradually become today's special responsibility for dealing with major criminal cases and ferocious criminals.

"Cough! Cough cough cough cough!"

Qingdeng walked slowly with a rhythm of coughing every few steps.

His throat was so dry that Qingdeng felt that when he opened his mouth, thick black smoke would immediately flow out from between his teeth.

I dare not swallow my saliva.Every mouthful of saliva felt like swallowing a knife.

However, in fact, Qingdeng can't even swallow his saliva now.

The moisture in his mouth has long been evaporated by the high temperature of the environment.

Although the fire and smoke permeating the surroundings are very obstructive, they are not to the extent that it is difficult for people to move, which is really a blessing in misfortune.

The fire was so strong that almost all the people who could escape were able to escape.

People who can't escape... that's about it.

On the way to find the exit, Qingdeng never encountered a living person.

All I encountered were choked and suffocated corpses, and pieces of human-shaped coke...

The reason why Qingdeng can still maintain a general sobriety until now is all thanks to his never-slack physical exercise, as well as the physical bonus brought to him by talents such as "Yuanyang +1".

However, no matter how strong the body is, it will have its end.

The gradually rising carbon monoxide concentration in the air and the rapidly decreasing oxygen concentration caused Qingdeng's image review to slowly and uncontrollably react abnormally.

Qingdeng has already started to feel his head is dizzy, the strength of his limbs is being pulled away gradually, and it is becoming more and more difficult to breathe...

If this continues, he will become one of the pile of corpses and coke he saw on the road.

Fortunately, at this time, Qing Deng suddenly found a very familiar wall.

——This wall is...? !

Qingdeng stared blankly at the mottled wooden wall in front of him.

He remembered clearly: when he was sent to the cell in the morning, he passed the left side of this wall!
That being the case... Qingdeng followed the scene in his memory, turned his head and looked to the left side of the wall - a long and narrow corridor that was very familiar to him was laid out in front of him!
——Finally found the exit...!
At this moment, Qingdeng felt that his body became a little lighter, and the exhaustion and discomfort accumulated in his body also disappeared a lot.

Find a way to leave... Then the next thing will be easy!
Qingdeng braced himself and walked straight forward along the road he walked when he came.

Familiar corners, familiar paper sliding doors...Qing Deng passed one after another places or objects that left more or less impressions in his mind.

Qingdeng was convinced: he was getting closer and closer to the exit and the place without flames!

I don't know if it was Qingdeng's illusion, but his skin seemed to have vaguely felt the cool air that had not been scorched by the fire waves.

——Not good... My head started to feel dizzy again...

Thinking to himself, Qingdeng walked around the corner of the corridor on the right.

- You have to hurry up...

He hadn't lost his mind when he suddenly saw a thunder-like light flashing from behind the corner of the corridor, slashing down towards his sky cap!

Qingdeng's expression changed, and he hurriedly dodged backwards.

A chill unique to blades flashed in front of Qingdeng.

Immediately afterwards, Qingdeng saw a few strands of his own hair falling down.

One jump, another jump, three jumps.Qingdeng's body flashed nimbly, jumping several steps backwards in one breath, and distanced himself from the corner of the corridor where a white blade suddenly "popped out".

"The response is good... As expected of King Ni..."

A samurai wearing a bamboo hat with a low brim, whose face could not be seen clearly, walked out slowly from behind the corner of the corridor.

He held a shining knife in his hand.

Looking at this "mysterious man" who suddenly appeared, Qingdeng's expression became solemn.

"...I just said why the fire in the prison house started so strangely and burned so fast. It really is someone behind the scenes..."

On the first day in prison, he encountered a fire; the fire spread unusually fast; an unknown person suddenly appeared on the scene of the fire and launched a surprise attack on him...Qingdeng's guess in advance came true—behind the raging fire, hidden Behind the scenes!

"Ha ha……"

The mysterious man shook his shoulders with a fake smile.

"Because I felt that just lighting a fire might not kill you [-]% of the time, so I stayed here for a while... Fortunately, I didn't leave directly, otherwise the fire would have been set in vain .”

The mysterious man's voice is very young, with the accent of a native of Edo. Judging from the timbre, he is at most in his twenties.

"Who are you guys?" Qingdeng snapped, "Are you the killers sent by the Akabane family? Or... are you the remnants of the barbarian group?"

In Qingdeng's memory, the only enemies with him who would not hesitate to use such drastic means to get rid of his life-and-death enmity are the remnants of the Akabane family and the Kobari group.

In terms of possibility, Qingdeng thinks the former is more likely.

The barbarian group has been defeated long ago, and even if there are still some fish that escaped the shogunate's suppression by chance, but with their little people and energy, they can't make a big deal.

I was imprisoned by the "Direct Counseling Alliance" organized by the Akabane family. In order to kill him who was imprisoned and restricted in his movements, the Akabane family sent assassins to kill him—this logical chain is clear and reasonable.

However, although this conjecture is logical and self-consistent, it has an inexplicable question: Did the Akabane family go to such great lengths to kill him?

You know, because Japanese buildings are extremely afraid of fire, the crime of arson is a first-class crime with absolutely zero tolerance in the laws and regulations of the Edo Shogunate!
All arsonists, regardless of gender or family background, were sentenced to be burned alive.

As for the Akabane family committing the crime of arson in order to kill him, if someone finds out, then the whole family will face annihilation?
"Akabane? The barbarian group? Huhahahaha!"

The mysterious man looked up to the sky and laughed.

The laughter was strong and loud, as if hearing some very funny joke.

After the laughter faded away, he said quietly:
"Ju Qingdeng, your enemies... are more than you imagined!"

Qingdeng heard the last few words of the mysterious man suddenly become louder.

This was not because the mysterious man had amplified the volume, but because he instantly shortened the distance with Qingdeng!

"Go to hell! Juqingdeng!"

A white light flashed in the air, and the knife raised above slashed at Qing Deng's forehead!

The tendon of the knife is very straight, and the knife force is very strong.

If it had been cut firmly, Qingdeng's head would surely split in half like a watermelon.

Qingdeng subconsciously wanted to draw out the saber at his waist to meet the enemy, but he suddenly remembered that he was unarmed now!Not to mention the saber around his waist, he is currently full of body, and there is not even a single thing that can be used as a weapon!

Tsk.Qingdeng smacked his lips, stepped to the right and dodged to avoid the mysterious man's attack.

In Qingdeng's evasive footsteps, there is hidden forward movement and potential energy.

In the next breath, Qingdeng lowered his body and slid forward, intending to subdue the mysterious man with capture.

Unexpectedly, the mysterious man is not a fuel-efficient lamp, he has already seen through Qingdeng's attempt, and at almost the same time as Qingdeng rushed over, he put the knife in front of his chest to protect his body, and at the same time jumped backwards. Give Qingdeng a chance to get close.

Qingdeng's counterattack was in vain, and the mysterious man delivered a new attack at the right time.

The blade, whistling in the wind, scraped the ground and attacked Qingdeng's chest.

Qingdeng avoided it.The mysterious man persevered in delivering the second and third blows...

——Damn it, my head is getting more and more dizzy...!
For Qingdeng now, without a weapon at hand, he must be able to resist the mysterious man's knife with his bare hands. This is not the most difficult situation.

If you want to say what is the most difficult situation that Qingdeng is currently facing, it must be that his body is becoming more and more overwhelmed!
Staying on the fire scene for a long time already put Qingdeng's body in an extremely uncomfortable state due to lack of oxygen.

The bad consequences caused by physical discomfort are reflected in all aspects.

For example: weakened strength, slow reaction, poor physical strength...

Fighting with people will greatly increase the body's demand for oxygen, which will further aggravate the body's discomfort, making it more and more difficult to cope with the fierce offensive of the mysterious person.

Unable to subdue the mysterious man for a long time, the time of fighting the mysterious man had to be extended; the prolonged time made the body more and more disobedient, and the battle with Shenye was more difficult...

A vicious circle of headaches...

——No... If this goes on... I'm doomed...

While wiping the beads of sweat hanging from his chin, Qingdeng thought about the secret strategy of counterattack.

"What's the matter? Juqingdeng? You look tired?"

The mysterious man saw Qingdeng's fatigue and decline, and he seemed to be thinking of "cat and mouse" and slowed down his offensive against Qingdeng.

I saw him walking slowly towards Qingdeng with a knife in his hand, while mocking Qingdeng unscrupulously.

Qingdeng ignored the ridicule of the mysterious man, and put all his thoughts on thinking about how to reverse the predicament in front of him.

At this time, Qingdeng suddenly found a long stick at his feet, which should have been part of the beam.

This long stick, intact at one end and burning at the other, was hidden deep in the hidden shadows.

From the perspective of the mysterious man, he should not be able to see the stick...

"..." Qing Deng pondered for a moment, then—

"Cough! Cough cough! Cough cough!"

Qingdeng suddenly crouched down with one knee on the ground, put his hands on the ground, and let out a coughing sound as if he wanted to vomit his lungs out.

Seeing this, the mysterious man raised his eyebrows, and said in a tone of regret and regret:
"It's no longer enough... No matter how powerful a swordsman is, once he loses his sword, he becomes weak and deceitful. What a pity, I wanted to learn more about Nioh's strength..."

The mysterious man pretended to let out a long sigh.

Then, he stepped forward and rushed straight to Qingdeng!

The tip of the dangling knife dragged on the ground, making a series of piercing and sharp noises.

It seems that the mysterious man intends to finish his work in one battle and kill Qingdeng in one go!

The mysterious man was rushing towards him, but Qing Deng was still on the ground with his hands on his hands, coughing painfully.

"Go to hell! Juqingdeng!" The mysterious man's voice was so high that it was almost hoarse, "Blood for blood!"

Da Dao swept Qingdeng's head obliquely from bottom to top.

At this moment, Qing Deng, who had been coughing painfully just now, suddenly stopped coughing.

In an instant, Qing Deng suddenly bent and stretched his upper body like a spring!At the same time, he reached out and pulled out the wooden stick lying quietly at his feet, and put it on his waist.

Relying on the momentum of the forward pounce, Qing Deng dodged the mysterious man's knife and passed the mysterious man.

At the moment when the two figures overlapped and then separated, Qingdeng swung the wooden stick in his hand horizontally!The body of the stick hit the mysterious man's waist firmly.


The figure of the mysterious man flying upside down is very similar to a baseball being hit by a home run.

As soon as his body fell to the ground...

It was like the sound of a watermelon being hammered and burst, resounding through the fire.

Qingdeng didn't even give the other party the chance to say his last words. Just as the mysterious man fell from the sky, he immediately rushed forward, pointed at the mysterious man's face, and swung his stick continuously.

Just like that, he hit him 7 times in one breath... until the head of the mysterious person almost changed from three-dimensional to two-dimensional, he stopped.

【Ding!Scan to talent]

[Successfully copied talent: "Iron Lung"]

[Talent Introduction: Cardiopulmonary function is stronger than ordinary people]

【Ding!Detected that the host already has the same type of talent]

【Ding!Start talent fusion]

【Ding! "Iron lung" and "Iron lung +1" began to merge]

[Please wait for the host...Please wait for the host...]

【Ding!Talent fusion successful]

["Iron Lung +1" ability promotion - "Iron Lung +2"]

["Iron Lung +2" talent introduction: The effect of the talent has been enhanced on the original basis. "+9" is the highest level]

"Have you learned how powerful Nioh is now?"

Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

Can anyone guess which faction wants to take Qingdeng's name~~?

(End of this chapter)

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