I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 364 Si Zuo Wu Qi Rescues Qingdeng 【5100】

Chapter 364 Si Zuo Wu Qi Rescues Qingdeng 【5100】

"Huchi...! Huchi...! Huchi...!"

With a backhand throw, Qingdeng threw the bloody wooden stick far into the fire behind him.

"This guy... who the hell is..."

It's really dangerous...Qingdeng let out a long breath.

He just made a risky move!Bet that the mysterious man didn't find the wooden stick at his feet; practice deliberately, betting that the mysterious man underestimated the enemy; bet that his body can escape the mysterious man's blade and fight back.

In this whole process, if there is any error in any link... Then, the person who lost his life now is probably not the mysterious person, but Qingdeng.

——Who is this person...

Qingdeng took off the hat of the mysterious man.

Although the guy's face was bloody and bloody from his beating, his facial features still maintained a general outline, and his face could still be seen clearly if he looked closely.

Small eyes, square mouth, flat nose...

Unremarkable face.

A face Qingdeng didn't recognize at all.

(Akabane? Barbarian group? Huhahahaha! Juqingdeng! Your enemies... are far more than you imagined!)
(Go to hell! Ju Qingdeng! Blood debt paid with blood!)

The words that the mysterious man yelled just now echoed in Qingdeng's ears over and over for a long time.

——Blood debt...?
Qingdeng's brows frowned into the word "Chuan".

No matter how hard Qingdeng racked his brains, he couldn't think of any major enemies he had made recently.

If conditions permit, Qingdeng really wants to capture this unidentified young warrior alive, and interrogate him carefully about what "blood debt" means and who you are.

It's just a pity... Qingdeng can't protect himself right now, so how can he spare the energy to capture others alive?

"Cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough-!!"

A puff of thick smoke from nearby hit Qingdeng's face straight, and a pungent and choking stench filled his mouth and nose.

The wet cloth on the Qingdeng surface has already been almost evaporated by the high temperature of the surrounding environment, and its blocking effect on the dense smoke... is almost to the point of "better than nothing".

The next moment when the thick smoke hit his face, Qing Deng suddenly felt as if a fire had been stuffed in his throat, his stomach acid surged, and he put his hands on the ground, coughing until he almost vomited.

"damn it……!"

The mysterious man failed to kill Qingdeng himself, but he managed to delay the time and increase Qingdeng's physical exertion.

Time, physical fitness...they happen to be the things that Qingdeng lacks the most right now.

Prolonging Qingdeng's time in the fire scene + forcing Qingdeng to consume physical strength = directly causing Qingdeng's body, which was already on the verge of limit, to completely "collapse".

At this moment, Qingdeng felt the dizziness in his head rise rapidly in units of "seconds".

The throat and airway seemed to be burning, and every time I took a breath, I felt that these two places hurt badly.

Everything the eyes see seems to be covered with a layer of "rain and fog" filter, and when you look up, you will see a "fog".

Qingdeng tried to stand up, but his limbs... no, it was his whole body that didn't listen to him!
The strength in the body is draining rapidly.Consciousness is also continuously stripped away.

In order to stay awake, Qingdeng bit the tip of his tongue hard.

A pinprick-like tingling sensation surged from the tip of the tongue to the head, but it didn't help at all.

If the dizziness that is dominating Qingdeng's brain is a monstrous wave that can engulf an entire island in one go, then the tingling pain caused by Qingdeng biting his tongue is just a one-meter-high embankment.

Can this kind of dam that can only block a small stream stop the stormy waves?

The answer is naturally no.

After only moving, Qingdeng began to feel as if his body was floating.

The gravity of the world seems to be disappearing.

The sounds and sights of the time in front of me are distorted.

Soon even the very existence of the ego becomes hazy.

Then... After that, Qingdeng didn't know much about it.

——What... "When a person is about to die, he will see a revolving lantern"... This is indeed a lie...

This was the last thought that came to Qingdeng's mind before he collapsed to the ground and his consciousness was completely interrupted.



The news of the fire at the prison house in Kodenmacho spread like the wind inside and outside Edo.

When he heard about this for the first time, the chief executive felt as if his head had been struck by lightning, and he was stunned.

She couldn't remember what she did or what happened after that.

This memory seems to have been cut out of thin air.

When she came back to her senses, she had arrived at the scene of the fire in Kodenma Town with all the staff of the Test Guard Hall.


What a big fire.

It was as if the fire was going to scorch the whole sky.

The collapsed houses; the raging flames that crazily devoured everything within the reach of the flames; the huge crowd of refugees; the voice calling for relatives and friends to flee for their lives...

Whenever the wind blows, there are countless sparks dancing in the sky, embellishing the night sky-so beautiful, but so terrifying.

The crimson light of the flame lit up Edo, but it failed to dye the chief executive's face...this pretty face, which was already so pale that it seemed to drip ice water at any time, back to its original plump color.

The chief executive stared blankly at the boundless scene of fire in front of him.

So far, the thought of "how is this possible" has been lingering in the director's mind.

Although it is true that Edo has frequent fires, although the frequency of fires in Edo is indeed so high that there will be a fire somewhere every few days, but...but...how could it be such a coincidence? !Why did the fire happen to happen on his first day in prison!
Do not believe……


don't have the guts to believe...

However, at this moment, after witnessing the scene of Zhu Rong with her own eyes, let alone how she deceived herself and others, let alone how she couldn't believe it, she had to admit the fact that the man with whom she had just made a private life a few days ago was deeply in love with her. On the scene of the fire, life and death are unknown.

"This lord!"

Isamu Kondo's shout brought the headmaster's consciousness back to reality.

Kondo called to a young man dressed in a black firefighter suit to stop.

"I would like to ask, is there a young man about my height who has been released from prison..."

Kondo's words were not finished yet.

"I'm very busy now! If you have nothing important to do, don't bother me!"

It was interrupted by the roar of firefighters.

Even with just the eyes, it is easy to see the fatigue of this young firefighter.

His face was so smoked by the fire that it was almost impossible to see the original flesh color.

The firefighters of the town fire department are the most respected and loved group by Edo people, almost none of them.

Because Yuli (specifically refers to Yuli who is in charge of public affairs, such as: Arima) is rich, sumo wrestlers are powerful, and Huo Xiaotou (fire brigade captain) is courageous, these three became idols in the hearts of Edo women.

This is what the saying goes "with power, sumo plus fire to eliminate the head".

The common people in ancient Japan firmly believed that fire was a disaster caused by demons and ghosts, so those who can face fire directly must be heroes.

Edo is famous for its frequent fires. Since the opening of the first shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu, there have been more than a hundred large-scale disasters in the past 200 years. On average, once every six years, half or even half of the river will be burned down. The super large fire of the household.

That's why there is a saying: once every six years, the scorched earth appears.

Even large-scale fires have such a high frequency, so there are countless smaller-scale fires.

The high incidence of fire seriously threatened the personal safety of Edo people.Therefore, the firefighters of the town firefighters who are always at the forefront of the disaster area will naturally become the objects of respect and love every time there is a fire.

In the eyes of the common people in Edo, the firefighters who dare to fight against the flames are the top heroes, courageous men, and superheroes.

Even the high-ranking warriors often hold respect for the heroic firefighters.

Therefore, influenced by this social culture, even though he was scolded by the young firefighter, Kondo was not angry or dissatisfied.

Of course, there is another important reason why Kondo did not feel any negative emotions because of the young firefighter's reprimand, that is, he knew he was wrong.

People are running around to put out fires and save lives, and to bother each other for their own selfishness... This is really inappropriate.

"Sorry." Kondo lowered his head and apologized sincerely, "I'm thinking about you, and I accidentally stepped down, please forgive me!"

When the young man saw Kondo's sincere attitude, most of the dissatisfaction on his face disappeared immediately.

"Are any of your friends trapped in the fire?"


Hijikata replied for Kondo.He was about to say something more, but the young firefighter interrupted him first:
"That being the case, let's help!"

"You guys are either demolishing houses, limiting the spread of the fire, or evacuating refugees! No one has the energy to help see if your friends made it out of the fire!"

"This kind of thing can only be done after the flame is extinguished!"

"So, come help! We're in short supply right now!"

"It's winter now, the climate is very dry, and tonight is another windy night. If we don't control the fire quickly, we may repeat the tragedy of Furisode and Sakurada!"

Furisode and Sakurada—the former is the "Fire of Furisode" that occurred in the third year of the Ming Dynasty (1657), and the latter is the "Sakurada Fire" that occurred in the sixth year of Kanzheng (1794).

These two fires have brought serious disasters to Edo.

"The sooner the fire is calmed down, the sooner you can find your friends."

added the young firefighter.

Everyone in the test hall looked at each other in blank dismay.

The general manager nodded first.

Putting out the fire... This is not only for Qingdeng, but also for herself.

She desperately wanted to do something.

Apart from not being idle, other than getting busy, the chief executive really couldn't think of any other way to calm her current mood.

Any kind of thing is fine!Just keep her busy!

After the director nodded, Saito also nodded slightly.

Then came Kondo, Hijikata, Harada...

All the staff in the test hall, no one objected, all cast firm eyes on the young firefighter.

"Okay! Then, please come with me!"

The young firefighters gave the chief director and others grateful eyes, and then led them to the "front line" in the distance...



Due to the limited level of science and technology, even if the firefighters of the town fire department use all their manpower and material resources, it is impossible to extinguish this huge fire that has begun to spread to the surroundings.

Therefore, only the classic old method can be adopted: demolition!
All the houses adjacent to the disaster area will be demolished to make a firebreak, and then the fire will be extinguished naturally after there is nothing to burn.

Hammers and saws jingle and clang; houses and walls rumble and rumble, making a mess and making noise.

"One, two, three! Pull—! One, two, three! Pull—!"

"Everyone disperse! Everyone disperse! This wall is coming down!"

"The boss has issued new instructions! He wants us to demolish all the houses near the river bank! Not a single piece of wood can be left!"

"Okay! Little ones! Did you hear that? Follow me! Don't be afraid! A mere flame is nothing to be afraid of!"


"Hey! Chief! Hey! Chief! Can you hear me?"

Souji, who woke up like a dream, looked up at Isamu Kondo.

"Huh? Brother Kondo, what's the matter?"

"Director, your face is so pale! Go down and have a rest!"

Kondo said anxiously.

complexion?The boss blinked a few times.

Although she didn't have a mirror and couldn't see her own face, she roughly guessed that her current complexion would definitely not look good.

On the one hand, it was out of concern for Qingdeng's safety, and on the other hand, it was because of excessive exhaustion.

Since joining the disaster relief work, the head office has never had a break.

Professional fire extinguishing engineering, the general manager can't do it.

However, she can still help if she "demolishes the house" with physical strength.

Swinging the hammer, pushing the wall, cleaning up the debris of the house... The director is like a spinning top with infinite power, spinning tirelessly.

However..."indefatigable" is just an adjective after all.

In fact, the clothes on the chief executive's body were already drenched with sweat from exhaustion, his face was terribly weak, and the muscles on his hands and feet trembled slightly due to fatigue and excessive exertion.

"...Brother Kondo, thank you for your reminder, but I don't want to rest yet."

The director also knew that her body was exhausted, but strangely, she felt that her consciousness was still very energetic.

She felt that she didn't need to rest yet...and didn't want to.

Even if it was just a second, she wanted to extinguish the fire that seemed to be burning and scorching in her heart as soon as possible.

Seeing that the general manager insisted on going his own way, Kondo said anxiously:
"Boss, you..."

"Okay, Ah Sheng, don't worry about the chief executive, let her go."

Suddenly, the voice of the earthwork cut in.

"A year old?"

Kondo turned his head and looked in surprise at the earthworker who was using a shovel to shovel the scattered pieces of wood on the ground onto the cart.

"Since the director general said that she doesn't want to rest, then don't force her. It's better to say: You let her continue to work, you are really treating her well."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Kondo looked puzzled.

Hijikata ignored the dull Kondo, and he continued silently:

"I will watch the chief. When the chief is really dying and is about to fall to the ground, even if I use force, I will let her go down to rest. Before that, let her do as much as she wants. Do whatever you want."

Having said that, Hijikata raised his head, raised his eyes, looked to the southeast, and looked at the crumbling prison house under the erosion of the fire.

"Mr. Ju, don't die... I haven't had the wedding wine with you and the chief executive yet..."

Hijikata muttered in a volume that only he could hear clearly.



The flame climbed up to the highest point of the prison house along the walls and pillars.

Numerous pillars of fire erupted from the shattered roof.

Golden tongues of flame entwine and jump around each other.

The sea of ​​flames completely engulfed the prison house.Black smoke rising from below filled the night.

Gradually, the fire in the house continued to intensify.

The sound of wood splitting and collapsing came and went.

The wooden pillars, charred into brittle charcoal, collapsed silently.The unsupported walls and ceilings sank into the flames one by one.

Everything within sight gradually turned into ruins full of death.

The brilliant fire that shot straight into the sky, the blazing flames that easily destroyed countless buildings into white ground...everywhere, the extraordinary power far beyond the reach of human beings is displayed.

Finally, with a bang, the last bit of the structure of the prison house exploded.

The house began to collapse from the inside, and everything was like a waterfall being sucked into a whirlpool.At the center of this vortex, the bottomless abyss made of crimson flames opened its mouth, frantically devouring everything that fell...



The disaster relief work continued until almost dawn before it ended.

With the joint efforts of the firefighters of the town fire department, the general director, Kondo and other "volunteers", the fire was finally managed to be contained in Kodenma-cho, and the fire was not allowed to spread to other towns.

In the process of fighting for disaster relief, the general manager saw many familiar old faces.

For example: Boss Kiryu of Senshiya and Mai Kinoshita.

Another example: Chiba Shigetaro and Chiba Sanako brothers and sisters of the Chiba family.

They probably all came here to check the situation because they heard about the fire in Xiaodenma Town and were worried about Qingdeng's personal safety.

Mr. Ju's popularity is really good--ordinarily, the chief executive would definitely make fun of it like this, but now she is really not in the mood to say witty words...

After Kiryu and others rushed to the disaster area, they immediately joined the disaster relief work without any explanation.

I can't say why, anyway——the director paid special attention to the demeanor and demeanor of her two rivals in love: Mai Kinoshita and Sanako.

Zuo Nazi's expression was calm, unhurried and composed.

Well, this was within the expectations of the chief executive.

She couldn't imagine the scene where Sanako showed his shaken and restless side at all.

As for Kinoshita Mai's reaction, it was unexpected by the chief executive.

In her impression, Kinoshita Mai is a very introverted girl with a weak personality, who gives people the feeling that she is easy to bully.

She thought that after learning that Qing Deng's life and death were unknown, Kinoshita Wu would turn pale and be in chaos.

But in fact, Kinoshita Mai is very strong. She didn't cry or make trouble, she just worked hard quietly, and contributed everything she could to disaster relief and extinguishing the fire.

It's just that... with his good eyesight, the director vaguely saw her slender fingertips and round shoulders, trembling slightly unnaturally...

It took half a day to control the fire, and another half day to wait for the flame to go out naturally.

During this period, the news of "Ju Qingdeng's death" and "King Ni's death in the sea of ​​fire" spread throughout Edo.

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(End of this chapter)

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