I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 395 The Two Smartest Detectives in Edo 【2】

Chapter 395 The Two Smartest Detectives in Edo 【2】

"Guest officer, your refreshments."

Miss Tedai, who was in the Mood for Love, bowed to Nishino and took off a plate of glutinous rice dumplings from the tea tray in her palm.

"Thank you for your hard work."

Nishino put his hands on his legs and nodded his thanks to Tedai sternly.

"Ah, you are being polite."

Nishino's solemnity made Ms. Tedai feel flattered.

She hurriedly returned the salute, and then hurried away holding the tea tray.

Nishino picked up a bunch of glutinous rice balls and bit off one—his demeanor is upright, which can be described as the most authentic portrait of "only the tip of the chopsticks is wet when eating".

——Ahhh...it's so delicious...

The soft and viscous flour skin is very elastic, and the sweet taste will spread in the mouth with every bite. Not to mention the rich taste, and the aftertaste is mellow.

After eating his favorite food, a faint sense of happiness spread in Nishino's heart.

In order to keep this happy moment with him for a while longer, Nishino deliberately slowed down his chewing speed, and the stern lines of his face unconsciously relaxed.

Suddenly, as if he suddenly remembered something terrible, his expression changed suddenly.

——Ah, no no no!
——As a child of the Wu family, he should set an example for all people, how could he show such an unseemly appearance.

Nishino took a deep breath, and his expression became ( ̄︿ ̄) serious again.

At this time, a gust of cold wind whistled hoarsely through the window crack, sending the chill straight into the bone marrow of the person.

The wind was playing with Nishino's temple hair, and it was also playing with his thoughts.

——There is still no movement today...

Nishino raised his teacup, pretending to drink tea, but actually used the teacup as a cover, and quietly cast his gaze to the distance outside the window.

His eyes, neither sad nor happy, cut a straight and transparent trajectory in midair, and finally landed on an ordinary river embankment.

Almost all the passers-by passing by this embankment hurriedly dodged to the left and right like a plague god.

No wonder they reacted this way.

After all, someone died here not long ago.

And the people who died here were not ordinary people.

The river embankment that Nishino was staring at was the place where the captain of Huofu Thief Kai's second team, Kanazawa Chusuke, and his younger sister Kanazawa Qin died.

The homicide case is already beyond the scope of one's own ability, and at the same time, a case of this level is not qualified enough for the Huofu thieves to change their hands, so the "Kanaze brother and sister murder case" is naturally handed over to the enforcement office for "three times".

This month is the month when Beifan is in charge of Edo.

The deceased was not an ordinary civilian, but an active-duty officer of the shogunate army. Susukei Chujiro (Machibuki of Kitabansho), who knew the importance of this case, did not dare to neglect, and directly revealed his hole card... and sent Nishino to come out!
Therefore, Nishino took charge of the battle and took full responsibility for the investigation of the case.

To become a man more worthy of the name "Samurai" than anyone else - this is both Nishino's ideal and his creed in life.

Negligence and dereliction of duty... This is not the work of samurai.

Therefore, he was not ambiguous after he was ordered in danger.

He hurried to the scene of the crime and immediately started investigating the case.

With years of experience in criminal investigation, he immediately judged that the Jinze brothers and sisters were killed a few hours before the bodies were found, and it was still night.

The skill of the murderer is quite superb.Although Nishino didn't know Kanazawa Chusuke, he had heard of the name "Hokatsu no Dog".

Judging from the death conditions of Zhongsuke Kanazawa and Qin Zeqin, both brothers and sisters were killed by the murderer when they were too late to draw their sabers.

In addition, the murderer was very cunning and did not leave any valuable clues at the crime scene.

At the same time, because the time of the incident occurred in a quiet night, there were no witnesses.

There are no witnesses, and there are no useful clues at the scene... If it were an ordinary officer, he would probably be caught blind after encountering this situation.

But after all, Nishino Hoshijiro is "the trump card of the "three times" of the North Fansuo".

This level of predicament did not make him feel helpless.

He immediately adopted a time-consuming and labor-intensive, but tried-and-tested unique trick-to monitor the scene of the crime.

Nishino has a very good habit, that is, every time he handles a case, he will secretly review it, thinking about whether there is anything that needs to be improved when he handles the case.

At the same time, in his spare time, he would often go in and out of the file library of the enforcement office, read past case files, and learned the methods and experience of his predecessors in handling cases.

While "swimming" in the vast ocean of files, Nishino discovered a very interesting phenomenon: no matter whether they are murderers or thieves, all criminals especially like to return to the scene of the crime.

After a detailed investigation, Nishino discovered that the main purpose of the criminals' frequent and unusual actions was to collect intelligence.

Has the case been found?
Have I left any evidence?
Did officials intervene?

How far have they searched?

How much do they take the case seriously?
Do they have any guesses?
Should I go back and pack up my things and run for my life?

Many criminals will always return to the crime scene to collect more intelligence when they think that their own safety can be guaranteed, that is, their identities have not been revealed.

There are even some prisoners who will try to get acquainted with the official who handles the case to find out.

Of course, all of the above are based on "rational" considerations.

There are also some criminals with brain problems who will return to the place where the corpse was abandoned or committed the crime repeatedly. Joy and detachment.

Nishino had encountered such a pervert before.

It was a case in the sixth year of Ansei (1859), that is, two years ago.

The prisoner brutally killed the proprietress of a certain wagashi shop because of a trivial matter.

On the way home, the victim was strangled to death with a hemp rope wrapped around his neck from behind.

Due to the scarcity of clues, the progress of the search stalled for a while.

The enforcement office changed three concentrics, but failed to find the murderer.

It lasted until the fourth concentric... that is, after Nishino came into battle, the situation of the case had a breakthrough change.

Only one week after taking over the case, Nishino discovered that a middle-aged man hovered near the crime scene almost every day, and would eat at least one wagashi every time he showed up.

Nishino felt that the middle-aged man was very suspicious, and immediately took him back to the enforcement office for interrogation.

Although it is far inferior to Huo Fu Thief Kai, the "three rounds" interrogation pattern of the Enforcement Office has more tricks.

Ordinary people who have not received any professional training, how can they withstand the interrogation offensive that understands the weaknesses of human nature?

After only staying in the interrogation room for one night, the middle-aged man made all the moves—he was the murderer who killed the proprietress.

In hindsight, his confession was both hilarious and straight-up creepy.

This is what he said: When he strangled the proprietress to death, he smelled a nice wagashi aroma from her body.From then on, he found that as long as he went to the murder scene and ate a wagashi, he could recall the scene of killing the proprietress and feel an uncontrollable excitement.

Gradually, he developed the habit of eating a wagashi near the murder scene every day, otherwise he would feel extremely uncomfortable all over his body.

After the case, "monitoring the scene of the crime" became Nishino's unique trick to solve the case.

Although not all criminals like to return to the scene of the crime, it is a good way to break the situation when there is no way out.

The tea house that Nishino is currently in is only average in terms of size, and the tea and food are not very delicious, but it has one particularly outstanding advantage for a "criminal policeman" like Nishino - vision very good.

The town where this tea house is located has a relatively high terrain.

There are no tall buildings or lush woods around.

When the weather is fine, just sit on the second floor of the tea house by the window, and you can have a panoramic view of all the scenes within a radius of 10 towns. (1 town = 109 meters)
And along the position where Nishino was seated at this time, extending his line of sight to the southwest, he could clearly see the place where the Kanazawa brothers and sisters were killed.

These days, Nishino and his subordinates have been closely monitoring the embankment stained with Zhongliang's blood.

Or pretend to investigate the case and squat near the river embankment.

Or disguised as a trafficker, sitting on the side of the street where the murder scene can be seen.

Or like now, pretending to drink tea in this tea house, but never looking out of the window.

Whether it is for people or things, "surveillance" is a very tiring job.

Even an iron man with a strong body and a strong will will feel exhausted if he is required to stare at the same place for hours on end without moving.

Therefore, Nishino and his guides adopted a "shift system".

Just 2 hours ago, Oka, who was in charge of monitoring the crime scene, went down to rest, and now he has changed to Nishino to personally take over this boring task.

Maybe it was because of the glutinous rice dumpling that he ate just now, the blood flowed to his stomach, and Nishino felt a drowsy feeling rushing straight to his celestial body.

——As a samurai, how can you yawn in public.

As Nishino thought to himself, he licked his roof vigorously.

This is the "Little Coup for Life" that his father taught him.

When you want to yawn, lick the roof of your mouth vigorously, which can effectively suppress the urge to yawn.

In order to fight against fatigue, Nishino decided to order another cup of refreshing tea.

"Miss Teshiro! Miss Teshiro!"

He turned his head and shouted at the stairs not far away.

"I'm coming!"

Following the voices of vitality one after another, Tedai-san returned to Nishino's eyes again.

"Have a cup of black tea."

"Um... sorry, guest officer, the black tea is sold out, can only black tea be okay?"

"Black tea... that's fine too. Please add some more tea leaves to make the taste stronger."


Nishino listened to the footsteps of Miss Sister going away, stretched out his right thumb and kneaded his tired brow vigorously.

At this moment, a conversation sounded from behind him, which attracted his attention.

"Huh? Is that Hosojiro Nishino?"

"Oh? It seems to be him."

Nishino was startled for a moment, then turned his head at an imperceptible angle, and looked behind him from the corner of his eye.

The speakers were a pair of young men dressed as carpenters with sweat scarves around their necks.

"I didn't expect to meet such a big celebrity here."

"Well, Nishino Hoshijiro is the same as the rumors...he is a person who just looks at his appearance and thinks he is not easy to mess with. I have heard many rumors about him. It is said that he has a harsh personality and treats people very harshly. Seriously, all those who work for him are tortured by him, if not for the high salary he offers, no one would want to work under his command."

"I have also heard similar rumors, but it is undeniable that he is indeed a very capable person. He is the most outstanding in the "three times" of the Jeonbuk Fansuo. Otherwise, he would not Recognized as 'the number one master in solving crimes in the Beifan Institute'."

"Oh, he's lucky. If King Ren hadn't been moved to Huofu by the thieves, then his golden signboard of 'the number one master in solving crimes in Beifan' would have been taken away by King Ren long ago. .”

"You can't say that. Nioh's strength is swordsmanship. In terms of solving cases alone, Nioh may not be able to beat Nishino."


In order to avoid being heard by Nishino, the young couple deliberately lowered their voices.

However, they miscalculated a little: Nishino's hearing is very good.

Although they lowered their speaking volume to the lowest level, every word and every sentence of theirs was still transmitted to Xi Ye's ears very clearly.

Harsh personality and harsh treatment of others - for this evaluation, Nishino is not only unwilling to refute, but wants to nod vigorously: Yes, you are right!The next is such a man.

He always believes that: Gangyin is not only a job, but also a mission.

Now that you have worn the ten hands without tassels, you must bravely shoulder the important task of protecting Edo and the people.

[Note: The ten hands are the standard equipment for the "Three Backs" of the practice.Concentric wears ten hands with red tassels at the end, and Oka Yin wears ten hands without tassels. 】

As Oka Yin, any slack, any mistake may lead to irreparable and serious consequences.

Therefore, Nishino is extremely strict with his subordinates, so strict that they can be called harsh words.

People who were scolded by him to cry, people who ran away with buckets after only one day of work... can be found everywhere.

However, on the other hand, it is precisely because of his sternness that all those who can persevere under his command are, without exception, outstanding talents who can stand on their own.

It is also because of this that Nishino's team has always maintained a super high detection rate at the fault level in the "three times" of Beifan.

However, regarding the other evaluation mentioned by the two young people - that is to say, he is not as good as Ju Qingdeng... This makes Nishino quite critical.

But all human beings with a normal body and mind do not like others to say that they are inferior to another person, and this is especially true for Nishino, who aspires to become a samurai among samurai and has extremely high self-esteem.

If Qingdeng's swordsmanship is better than him, then Xi Ye has nothing to say.

He still has self-knowledge, he knows that if he and Qing Deng are replaced, it is impossible for him to survive the more severe death battle.

However, he never thought that Qingdeng's criminal investigation ability was better than his own.

This is self-confidence tempered by a blend of talent and rich experience.

However, although he was very unwilling, Nishino had to admit that he was very impressed with Qingdeng who was Fei Fu Wuxia Amon.

Nishino's values ​​drive him to have a natural and strong hostility towards incompetent people... especially those in the samurai class.

In the past, Qingdeng was obviously a samurai, and he was also an active duty member of the "Three Returns" of the Beifan Institute, but he turned out to be dull in character and slow in doing things-he was completely dancing on the minefield of Xiye.

If Qingdeng was Nishino's Oka Yin, he would have scolded him bloody and doubted his life long ago.

Therefore, Nishino had never given Qingdeng any good looks before.

As a result, for some reason, just a year ago, Qingdeng seemed to be a different person, suddenly becoming wise and powerful.

Courageous and resourceful, he has repeatedly made outstanding achievements and made a fortune quickly.

It only took a little more than half a year to move from the "three times" concentricity of the enforcement office to the captain of the third team of Huofu Thief Kai.

Even Nishino, who had a high self-esteem, couldn't help being dumbfounded by the speed of his promotion.

From the perspective of official rank, Nishino, who is still a "criminal policeman", is far inferior to Qingdeng.

However, Nishino has never regretted his contempt for Qingdeng back then - no matter how powerful Qingdeng is now, it can't change the fact that he was very ineffective before.

"Guest officer! Your black tea is here!"

Suddenly, Miss Tedai's footsteps and calling brought Nishino's consciousness back to reality.

"Come on, be careful!"

"Thank you."

Nishino bent down and thanked Tedai-san meticulously.

"Oh, guest officer, you are too polite. You look like a spoiled little girl."

Tedai-san smiled shyly.

"Guest officer, if you need anything else, please call me anytime."

After finishing speaking, Miss Tedai turned around, leaving behind a beautiful back that flew away quickly.

Nishino grabbed the steaming teacup and took a sip.

The slight bitterness, the aroma that permeates the internal organs, and the unique refreshing taste of tea leaves the nose very refreshing.

As the good tea drank, Nishino suddenly felt the drowsiness in his mind eased a bit.

Just as he was about to take another sip—

"Oh, isn't this Hosojiro Nishino from the town of Hokkaido?"

Nishino froze for a moment, then turned his head following the sound - a young man about 25 years old was striding straight towards him while holding the saber at his waist.

"Aha~ It's really you~~"

The tone of the young man's speech was very strange, and the sound at the end of each sentence was very long, making him appear to be dazed and lazy.

This way of speaking gives people a sense of sloppy and unreliable.

Looking at the uninvited guest in front of him, Nishino lowered his eyes in an instant, and then his eyes became sharper.

Nishino recognized the young man who suddenly appeared.

After all... I just met him not long ago.

"Huofu Thief Change Team Captain...my grandson Chutaro..."

Nishino Hoshijiro softly recited the young man's name.

Today there is no 8000+ again...nothing!And tomorrow! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

Leopard Leopard's brother caught a cold, combined with the recent prevalence of influenza A... Leopard Leopard is a little scared now... (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

(End of this chapter)

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