I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 396 Tianzhangyuan who hits people with a "ball", Qingdeng who is embraced by Tianz

Chapter 396 Tianzhangyuan who hits people with a "ball", Qingdeng who is embraced by Tianzhangyuan [5000]

"Nishino-kun, long time no see~~"

While talking, my grandson sat down directly opposite Nishino.

Nishino looked at my grandson with scrutiny.

"...My grandson, what a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet you here."

The name of my grandson Chutaro, the famous "Hokatsu no Dragon", who just relied on his mind to secure the top spot in the Hofu thief game, is anyone in Edo not aware of it?
There are often ignorant lunatics talking nonsense there: My grandson Chutaro, who is not good at martial arts, why is he named "Dragon"?Why is it ranked ahead of the highly skilled Kanazawa Chusuke and Mizushima Renzaburo?
Regarding this, it is really appropriate to explain it with the following old saying: Laymen watch the excitement, and professionals watch the way.

A knowledgeable person like Nishino knows in his heart: My grandson is the undisputed number one Huofu Thief Kai!
Huofu Thief is an army, an army is an organization, and an organization needs to be managed.

And management ability...my grandson happens to be the best among them!
On weekdays, my grandson is not only responsible for leading a team under his command to solve the case, but also responsible for the overall coordination of all paperwork and logistics transportation for Huo Fu Thief Kai.

Not long ago, the battle against the Kai Bandits profoundly demonstrated my grandson's super organizational and management skills.

In management, every time the number of people in charge increases by an order of magnitude, the difficulty of management will increase exponentially.

Some people only take dozens of people out for an outing, and there will be frequent accidents, and what's more, they can't hold a party with just a few people.

But my grandson was able to pull hundreds of rough samurai from Edo to Kai, not only arrived on time, without any non-combat attrition, but also maintained a very strong morale and strong combat effectiveness.

After arriving at the front line of the bandits, the whole army didn't even need to rest at all, and they could fight immediately after pulling out.

From departure to class teacher, the whole team has been well-fed and well-fed.

Whether it is food or clothing, whether it is knives, guns or arrows, all materials are continuously supplied to the front line without interruption - these are all thanks to my grandson.

Logistics transportation is a complicated university question.

It's not as simple as you writing a letter to the rear, and then the people in the rear will immediately follow your order and send all the supplies you want to the designated place.

The Edo shogunate is no longer the "war machine" that wiped out the world's dissidents 300 years ago.

The current Edo Shogunate exudes a stale and decadent smell from top to bottom.

Officials can't do whatever they want, prevarication No.1.

The officialdom under the Edo shogunate was even more so.

In order to maintain their dominant position, the Tokugawa family deliberately created a serious phenomenon of redundant officials.

From the senior middle school at the top to the Tongxin at the grassroots level, there are a large number of people who are concurrently in charge.

The intention of the Tokugawa family is obvious: to disperse power so that the people under them cannot form a joint force.

The daily governance of Edo is one of the typical works.

The entire Edo was divided into three areas: Samurai land where samurai lived, Temple land where temples and shrines were enshrined, and town dweller land where residents lived.

Governance structures vary from region to region.

The places of temples and shrines are governed by the administration of temples and shrines, and the places of townspeople are governed by the administration of temples and shrines.

The enforcement office has no right to intervene in all the affairs of the temple grounds. If a criminal escapes from the local people to the temple grounds, then the officials of the enforcement office are not qualified to chase into the temple grounds to arrest people. They must obtain the permission of the temple grounds before they can do so. Step into the boundaries of the temple grounds.

Power has been dispersed to such an extent that the Tokugawa family still thinks it is not enough.

The Edo Enforcement Office was dismantled into the North Fan Office and the South Fan Office, and the two offices took turns to work on a monthly basis.

The number of temples and shrines is 4 people. That is to say, at any time, there are at least 4 temples and shrines in the shogunate. They also take turns to work on a monthly basis. months off.

Most of the official positions in the Edo shogunate are like this, and everyone takes turns on a monthly basis.

Although redundant officials have many benefits, their side effects are also very strong.

The biggest disadvantage of redundant officials is the appallingly low administrative efficiency.

If you tell the bureaucrats in the rear, "bring over the rice at noon tomorrow", they can procrastinate until half a quarter before noon tomorrow, and the rice delivered is either obsolete or not enough at all. .

You go after them aggressively, and they can throw out a thousand legitimate reasons to explain to you that they have no choice but to do so.

It took a lot of effort, and finally succeeded in persuading the other party to help raise military rations, but within a few days, it was time for the monthly guard change!The other party went home to rest, and another person came to contact you, and then the new person disagreed with your food-raising plan... That's it!All the matters that were negotiated in advance are all invalidated, and the negotiation has to start from scratch again!

Without any means, no skills, it is impossible to let these corrupt bureaucrats who have full skill points in fish in troubled waters work hard for you.

A donkey who can only take half a step forward with a flick of the whip is much better than them. At least the donkey will really move forward after being flicked with a whip, and will not go back.

Such was the suffocating situation that my grandson faced after the war with Kai—yet he was able to overcome them all.

After discovering that this year's snow would come earlier, he immediately mobilized the cotton-padded clothes. Within a few days, all the soldiers in the army put on warm cotton-padded clothes-ordinary people may not feel this, but people like Xi Ye For an active-duty official who has seen too much darkness in the officialdom, my grandson's ability to "ask for food and get food, and ask for clothes and clothes" is simply unimaginable.

Compared with the logistical coordination ability of "whatever you want", my grandson's organization and management ability to transport hundreds of wolf-like warriors into a system is not so dazzling.

A good fighter has no great achievements-my grandson is such a "good fighter".

It is precisely because my grandson is behind the scenes that Qing Deng, Jin Ze and others on the front line can fight the enemy without any worries.

This is why, throughout the ages, when discussing rewards for meritorious deeds, the kind of people who don't show their face very much and seem to have no sense of presence will always be ranked first in the credit list.

This is true of Xiao He in the Han Dynasty, Sun Wuji of the Tang Dynasty, and Li Shanchang of the Ming Dynasty.

Common people don't understand the true power of my grandson at all.

So the public often only regards my grandson as a "famous detective" who is very good at handling serious cases.

Of course, my grandson's criminal investigation ability is also very sharp.

According to legend, except for getting up to eat and go to the toilet, my grandson can work continuously for three days and three nights without stopping - of course, this is just "legendary", whether this is true or not, Nishino is not quite sure.

"Miss Teshiro~Miss Teshiro~"

My grandson's signature drawl drew Nishino's attention.

"I'm coming!"

The light footsteps of slap, slap, from far to near.

"Please have a cup of black tea."

"Okay! Would you like some refreshment?"

"No. I don't like to eat with my tea."

"Okay! Please wait a moment, the tea will be here soon!"

"Remember to put more tea leaves to intensify the taste."

As my grandson said, he reached for his arms, ready to pull out his wallet to pay.

However, just as he had time to take out half of the wallet, a strong arm suddenly handed Miss Tedai a few copper coins first.

"I'll pay for his tea money."

Nishino said.

Miss Tedai doesn't care who pays the money at all, as long as she has the money, it's fine.

"Good! Thank you for your patronage!"

Miss Tedai took the copper coins, smiled sweetly at Nishino and my grandson, and walked away happily.

My grandson stuffed his wallet into his pocket while watching Tedai-san leave.

"Oh~ Nishino-sama, why are you embarrassing me like this?"

"do not mind."

Nishino said lightly.

"This tea money is my thank you to you."

"Thank you?"

"My grandson, thank you for your help a while ago."

"Huh? A while ago? Help? When did I help you?"

My grandson tilted his head in confusion.

"Thank you for the information you provided on the day the bodies of the Kanazawa brothers and sisters were discovered."

Although I have heard of my grandson's name for a long time, Nishino has never established a personal relationship with him because of the different departments he belongs to.

It wasn't until a while ago, when he went to the place where the Jinze brothers and sisters were killed and was ordered to supervise the case, that the two had their first communication.

At that time, my grandson arrived at the murder scene one step ahead of Nishino.

After Nishino arrived, he told Nishino concisely and concisely the information he had observed on the fatal injuries of the Kanazawa brothers and sisters, the general signs of the murderer, and so on.

Nishino inquired after the incident: When my grandson arrived at the scene of the crime, let alone observed the scene carefully, he didn't even bend his waist, just stood upright, and swept around randomly—— That's all.

You can collect so much information just by scanning the surroundings from a standing position... This vision, this sharpness, makes Nishino have to admire.

"Oh, that~"

My grandson grinned.

"It's just a trivial matter, there is no need to thank me so solemnly."

"Anyway, even without my help, you will be able to collect those information quickly with your ability alone~~"

"My grandson..."

When Nishino was about to say something more, my grandson interrupted him with a smile and waved his hand.

"You don't need to call me 'adult', you and I are basically the same age, it's good for us to be called peers~~"

"...Well then, my grandson, why do you have the leisure to drink tea here? As far as I know, shouldn't Huofu Thief Kai be very busy recently?"

Nishino expressed his doubts with euphemistic words.

The Yafu reformed by Huofu Thieves was attacked head-on by four unidentified warriors—the aftermath of this incident is still shaking the whole of Edo.

This is a major "black swan" incident that has never happened since the team was remodeled by the thieves.

There was the "Akabane extermination case" before, and then there was the "headquarters attack", Huofu thieves changed... Especially a senior leader like my grandson, right now, he should be very busy trying to calm down the incident, right?

My grandson seemed to have expected that Nishino would ask this question a long time ago. He looked calm and smiled slightly:
"I thought those things were so boring, so I escaped~~"


Nishino was silent, and after a while, he let out a "ha".

For a moment, Nishino wondered if he heard it wrong.

For Nishino, who was obviously shaken enough to ask a rhetorical question, my grandson still looked calm, and he continued in a slightly more joking tone:
"In the end, I'm not interested in finding out the real culprit behind the 'Akabane Extermination Case' and the pathetic appearance of our government~~"

"In comparison, I want to know who killed Kanazawa-kun and Miss Kanazawa~~"

"Are you trying to avenge your friend?"

Kanazawa Chusuke and my grandson were officials in the same dynasty, and it is normal for them to have a deep friendship that would make them sleepless if they did not avenge each other.

But who knows, my grandson shook his head slightly.

"Not really."

"Although my friendship with Kanazawa-kun is indeed quite good, I didn't show up here for the reason of 'revenge him'."

"The reason why I would not hesitate to abandon all the work at hand and want to know who killed the Kanazawa brothers and sisters is simply because-I am curious."


In a tentative tone, Nishino repeated the words my grandson had uttered just now.

"Yes. Curiosity, that's all."

At this time, the black tea ordered by my grandson came.

"Come on! Guest officer! Be careful!"

"Thank you."

After my grandson took the teacup, he just took a sip without blowing.

He seemed to be very satisfied with the taste of the tea. After drinking the mellow tea, his eyebrows raised a pleasant arc.

"That's right, Nishino-kun, there is something wrong with what you just said~~"

"I didn't come here just to drink tea."

"To be honest, it's really a wonderful coincidence that I can meet you here."

Speaking of this, my grandson slowly put down the teacup in his hand.

"This tea house is really good. Not only does the tea taste good, but the view is also impeccable."

In an instant, the corners of Nishino's eyebrows trembled a few times.

He slowly raised five points of surprise, three points of surprise, and two points of indifference.

After he raised his eyes, what met his eyes was the eyes that were staring straight at him with a strange smile.

"Nishino-kun, you must have the same reason as me to drink tea here, right?"


"Criminals always return to the crime scene, am I right?"


Suddenly, silence dominated the small space centered on Nishino and my grandson.

About 5 seconds later, two laughter almost simultaneously broke the silence.



Nishino smiled.

Although the corners of the mouth were only slightly curved, there was indeed a smile.

This is a smile from the heart, as if seeing a fellow friend.

However, the two looked at each other and smiled only for a while.

My grandson picked up the teacup and took another sip of tea calmly.

"Let's not talk about this for now... Nishino-kun, I'm pretty lucky. I've gained something before I even sat on the stool under my buttocks."

After speaking, an intriguing color appeared on my grandson's cheeks.

Nishino didn't respond... It wasn't because he was pretending to be aloof, but because he couldn't care less about talking to my grandson now.

Whether it's Nishino or my grandson, they're all staring straight at each other—but in reality, they're all paying attention to everything happening at the crime scene outside the window from the corner of their eyes!
At this very moment, a tall and slender warrior was seen sneaking around on the small river embankment.

Sometimes squat down.

Sometimes stand still.

However, no matter how this person stands, he is always facing the same direction - the land full of the blood of the Kanazawa brothers and sisters!
"It's a pity, I would have liked to drink more."

The moment my grandson’s voice just fell——



Nishino and my grandson grabbed their sabers and rushed downstairs!



at the same time--

Edo, Tsukimiya Shrine, Qingdeng's room——

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom...

The rhythmic knock on the door interrupted Qingdeng's thoughts.

"Sheng Qing, are you awake? Can you let me in?"

"...Please come in."

Qingdeng replied.

"Then I'm sorry."

With a "wow", the warm yellow sun poured into the room through the crack of the door, illuminating Qingdeng's face.

Because he has been in a dark environment for a long time and his eyes are not used to the light, Qing Deng subconsciously lowered his eyelids and filtered the light with his slender eyelashes.

He turned his head and looked towards the door.

Restricted by her status as a nun, she had to cut short ponytails tied behind her head, white kimonos that were so white that they were almost reflective, and spotless purple hakamas.

Familiar dress.

familiar person.

The warm sun came from behind this person, wrapping her delicate body in a soft halo.

"Your Highness, why are you here?"

Tianzhang Court did not immediately answer Qingdeng's rhetorical question.

She looked at the flat, untouched quilt, and Qing Deng, who was sitting cross-legged by the window in neat clothes, with a look of surprise.

"Sheng Qing, didn't you sleep all night?"

"Huh? Ah, that's right."

Roughly speaking, Qingdeng has not slept for 2 days and 2 nights.

It's not because of Qingdeng's insomnia.

It's simply that "God Brain +9" is at work.

With the blessing of "Shen Brain + 9", even though he hasn't touched a pillow for 2 days and 2 nights, Qingdeng still feels full of energy and his brain is not tired.


Tianzhangyuan stared at Qingdeng's face thoughtfully.

Then, as if she had made up her mind, she took a deep breath, then walked slowly towards Qingdeng——

"Sheng Qing...don't be sad..."

As Tianzhangyuan said, she bent down and hit someone with the ball——she opened her arms like a mother bird, embracing Qingdeng with neither heavy nor light strength.

The indescribable feeling of touch was transmitted continuously to Qingdeng's chest.

There is no 8000 today... Forget it, it seems that I have said this too many times, I should just apologize obediently (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

Very sorry! (Leopard Head Stretched Out.jpg)

Oops, the author may be cursed, there will always be some special circumstances that will affect my leopard update every day... (Leopard death.jpg)

(End of this chapter)

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