I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 397 Ouch!Your Highness Tianzhangyuan, are you blushing? 【5300】

Chapter 397 Ouch!Your Highness Tianzhangyuan, are you blushing? 【5300】

——I didn’t sleep all night... Is it because I care about my father...

Tianzhangyuan, who thought so, couldn't help biting his lower lip.

As far as she knows, Qing Deng lost his mother when he was young, and his father also died of illness a year and a half ago.

The father, who thought he was nothing special, secretly carried out such a dangerous and extraordinary investigation behind his back and the world's back... Anyone would be deeply moved.

— After all, Sheng Qing is only 19 years old this year...

Although the young man who was sitting cross-legged in front of him at this time was hailed by the world as "the unborn swordsmanship genius" and "King of Ren", but because the light on his body was too bright and prosperous, people often ignored him subconsciously. It was—this extraordinary samurai, who seemed to be reincarnated as a Valkyrie, was just a young man who hadn't even reached the age of 20.

Looking at Qingdeng's side face that has not yet suffered the baptism of time... For some reason, Tianzhangyuan felt an indescribable "impulse" in his heart.

Before she could figure out what was going on with this "urge", her body was driven by this "urge" and started to act on its own——

slap, slap...

The white and clean footbags rubbed against the tatami mats with a slight sound.

"Sheng Qing...don't be sad..."


Qingdeng felt the light at hand dim.

"Your Highness?"

When he looked up, Tianzhangyuan was looking down at him with a slight smile.

In the next breath, a gust of fragrant wind blows towards Qingdeng's face.

The fragrance comes and goes quickly.

In just a moment, this scented wind transformed into a definite entity - the Tianzhang Courtyard bent over and hugged Qingdeng.

"Your Highness?!"

Qingdeng raised his straight eyes, looking in shock at the Tianzhang Courtyard which was so close to him... no, it was within his eyebrows.

His skin felt soft, hot to the touch.

His nose smelled a refreshing body odor.

Surrounding his back, there was an incredible warmth from the lightly clasped hands.

Just like that, he was frozen by the warmth, and his entire upper body was integrated into Tianzhangyuan's embrace.

"Sheng Qing..."

Tianzhangyuan hung its exquisite chin on Qingdeng's hair swirl, breathed like blue, and the gentle tone passed through Qingdeng's ears.

"How should I speak...Although I dare not say that I feel empathy for your current situation, you must regain your spirits and don't do things like 'staying up all night' that hurt yourself."

After speaking, Tianzhangyuan smiled.

She smiled so softly.

A very gentle smile.

Even the warm sun at the door couldn't compare with his gentle smile, lightly enveloping Qingdeng's whole body.

When Qingdeng saw Tianzhangyuan's expression, he instantly understood - this pretty widow must have misunderstood something...

He did stay up all night, but the reason for this was not because he cared about Takayuki Tachibana's past, it was really just because the "brain+9" was working.

However, it was impossible for Qingdeng to give a specific explanation to Tianzhang Court.

——Anyway, let’s fool around first...

"That...Your Highness."

Qing Deng cleared his throat.

"I'm fine, you don't have to worry about my physical and mental state."

"The reason why I stayed up all night last night...is simply because I am in good health and can stay up for a long time."

When Qingdeng spoke, he maintained the gentleman's style of "be in love and stop with courtesy" throughout the whole process, and he didn't touch Tianzhangyuan, and didn't take advantage of the opportunity.

It's just...to be honest, Qingdeng really doesn't want to be such a gentleman—he really wants to backhand Tianzhangyuan now!

Because Tianzhangyuan always wears loose maiden clothes that don't show off her figure when she is active in the Moon Palace Shrine on weekdays, so Qing Deng almost forgot: In terms of the popularity of her figure alone, Tianzhangyuan is no less inferior to Sanazi!

Those two huge protrusions were pressing Qingdeng's chest lightly with a presence that was hard to ignore.

May I ask which normal man in his weak crown years can stand such a stimulus?

In addition to physical challenges, Qingdeng suffered a lot mentally as well.

Although it's strange to say so, Tianzhangyuan's arms are so comfortable...It's completely different from the arms of the chief executive, Kinoshita Mai and other women.

Is it because Tianzhangyuan is older than him, so it gives people a sense of tolerance like a big sister?

All in all, the embrace of Tianzhangyuan made Qingdeng feel a strange kind of stability—the stability of wanting to fall asleep in his embrace...

However, no matter how much he desires in his heart, "doing obscene things to others" is really not what Qing Deng wants.

What kind of attitude and behavior towards Qingdeng is the business of Tianzhang Court.

As for whether to be a rude and wretched person, that is Qingdeng's business.


Tianzhangyuan did not speak immediately.

She lowered her head and stared straight at Qing Deng's face.

Perhaps it was because she found that Qingdeng's spirit was indeed quite good, so she let out a long breath as if she was relieved.

"You'll be fine..."

After she finished speaking, she let go of Qingdeng in her arms with slow movements, and then stepped back until she was 5 steps away before stopping and sitting down with her knees bent.

Although Tianzhangyuan let go of Qingdeng, the pleasant fragrance and wonderful touch still remained in Qingdeng's nasal cavity and skin.

It has to be said that Tianzhangyuan's move just now was really bold, and it actually took the initiative to hug a man of low status.

Qingdeng, who currently owns the head office of Qianshi Banner, is by no means low-status, but if compared with Tianzhangyuan, it is still far behind.

The current "Empress Dowager" of the Edo Shogunate + Princess of the Satsuma Domain...any one of these two titles can scare people to death, let alone the superposition of the two?
Throughout Japan, the only women whose status is higher than that of Tianzhangyuan are probably the imperial daughters of the Kyoto court.

In this country that places extreme emphasis on class and family status, the status gap between Qingdeng and Tianzhangyuan is basically the difference between cloud and mud.

A mere banner and the Great Royal Terrace are hugging each other... If this matter is discovered and spread, regardless of Qingdeng's personal safety, the prestige of the Edo Shogunate and Tenzhangin will suffer a great blow.

The mad dogs of the "Yiqiao faction" will never let go of this great opportunity to seriously damage the reputation of Tianzhangyuan.

Looking at the calm expression of Tianzhangyuan, Qingdeng thought: Your Highness probably just had a whim.

However, even if it was just a temporary whim, what Tianzhangyuan did just now still surprised Qingdeng a little.

You know, although Tianzhang Courtyard treats Qingdeng very kindly on weekdays, and even often says provocative words to Qingdeng, she has always managed the distance between herself and Qingdeng very well.

Apart from practicing bows in the archery field, Tianzhangyuan never had any physical contact with Qingdeng.

——His Highness mistakenly thought that I was troubled by Takayuki Tachibana's past, so he specially comforted me in this way...

The indifferent appearance shown by Tianzhangyuan at this time is the proof of her open heart.

Thinking of this, a slight smile appeared on Qingdeng's cheeks.

However... Although Qingdeng already understood Tianzhangyuan's good intentions in his heart, and knew that Tianzhangyuan's actions just now were "acts of a gentleman", but...but... that scent of body, that sense of touch, has always been entrenched deep in his nostrils. In the deep layer of his skin, it lingers for a long time...

Qingdeng unconsciously looked away slightly, not daring to look directly at the beautiful woman opposite.

"Your Highness."

In order to get rid of the confused expression, Qingdeng asked:
"Why are you sitting so far away? Isn't that place sunny? Sit closer."

After letting go of Qingdeng, Tianzhang Court retreated directly and sat on the tatami 5 steps away—this place is adjacent to the door of the room, and it is a place where the warm sun leaks in through the crack of the door.

In other words, Tianzhangyuan is now sitting directly in the bright sunshine.

"Don't worry about me."

As soon as Qingdeng's words fell, Tianzhangyuan immediately replied.

"Today is a rare sunny day, so I want to bask in the sun after a long time."

Qingdeng blinked.

——Basking in the sun... If you want to bask in the sun, you can go directly to the courtyard. There are many spacious courtyards in the Tsukimiya Shrine. Why should you bask in the sun in this way?
Although he was still full of doubts, since Tianzhang Court had said so, he couldn't say anything more about it.

It's funny.

What Qingdeng didn't know was that Tianzhangyuan was secretly breathing a sigh of relief.

——Sheng Qing... probably didn't notice it...

Tianzhangyuan raised his slender hand, pretending to brush his hair at the temples, but actually secretly tested the temperature of his cheek with his fingers—it was still a little hot...

Qing Deng's conjecture was correct.

The gentle embrace just now was indeed a whim of Tianzhangyuan.

When he hugged Qing Deng, Tianzhangyuan had already figured out the true face of that "impulse"—it was a collection of countless emotions.

When he mistakenly thought that Qingdeng couldn't sleep because of his emotional turmoil, all kinds of emotions rushed into Tianzhangyuan's heart.

Surprise, intolerance, sadness... and many emotions that Tianzhangyuan can't name.

In short, driven by the "impulse" made up of all kinds of emotions, she stepped forward... There is no need to repeat what happened next.

It's just that Qingdeng didn't notice...not only the scent and touch of Tianzhangyuan remained in his nasal cavity and skin.

His temperature and breath also left deep marks on Tianzhangyuan's body.

At the moment when the two figures overlapped, the androgen aura unique to young men penetrated directly into Tianzhangyuan's skin.

strong muscles...

The waist is surprisingly thin...

You can clearly feel the very powerful arms just by touching them...

Everything about Qingdeng's body, whether it's breath or body, made Tianzhangyuan feel swayed involuntarily.

When she came back to her senses, she realized that her face was burning hot...

When was the last time your face felt hot?

I have no impression at all.

In order not to let Qingdeng find out about her abnormal state, Tianzhangyuan deliberately backed away a little further, all the way to the sun, using the orange sunlight to cover up the redness on her face.

As far as the results are concerned, Tianzhangyuan's strategy of "hiding in the sun" was very successful.

Qingdeng didn't realize that the high-ranking widow in front of him also had a side that was flushed because of the ripples in her heart.


Tianzhangyuan's embrace of Qingdeng, and the series of chain reactions triggered by this embrace, are just a wonderful episode.

It didn't take a while for the lonely man and widow to adjust their moods.

"Your Highness."

Qing Deng cleared his throat and said seriously.

"You came to me suddenly in the early morning, why do you not know why?"

"It's nothing, I'm just curious about your current state, so I came here to take a look at you."

"...Your Highness, have Kitahara Konosuke and the others spoken?"

Tianzhangyuan shook his head lightly.

"These people's mouths are unexpectedly tight..."

Qingdeng lowered his head, looking solemnly at the tatami in front of his knees.

"Is that so..."

Last night, after returning to the Moon Palace Shrine, Qingdeng entrusted Tianzhangyuan to send people to Jiyuan to bring back the birthmarked face and the strong man who had been temporarily entrusted to Gua Shengxiu's care.

Counting Konosuke Kitahara and others who were captured alive after the raid on Yamato House, Qingdeng captured a total of 6 prisoners last night-the base number for interrogation is enough.

After Konosuke Kitahara and others were taken into the interrogation room, the new imperial court officials who were full-time interrogators were not polite, and directly rewarded each of them with an extremely tortured "standing sentence".

However...Under the pressure of torture, Konosuke Kitahara and his party showed amazing perseverance and fighting spirit.

Not to mention how torture and intimidation were used by the interrogators, they just remained unmoved and did not even make a sound.

That's right, Qingdeng knew he was in trouble when he saw this situation—with this kind of tough guy as an opponent, it's impossible to get valuable information in a short while...

Now it seems that it is.

It's been a whole night, and Kitahara Konosuke and the others are still silent.

It seems that there will be a difficult tug-of-war next...

That's what interrogation is about - those who can speak will soon speak; those who cannot speak may never speak...

At this moment, the call from Tianzhang Court suddenly sounded:

"...Sheng Qing."


Qingdeng withdrew his gaze from the tatami in front of his knees and looked at Tianzhang Courtyard.

"Do you... have any plans for the future?"


Qingdeng is not a fool.

Of course he knew the meaning of Tianzhangyuan's phrase "What are your plans for the future".

Last night, Qing Deng still vividly remembers every scene and every word he encountered after receiving the summon to meet Tianzhang Courtyard, and the words are still in his ears.

(As early as a long time ago, there was an official who belonged to the "Three Backs" of the Beifan Institute and was secretly tracking down the poison)
(And that person...has a lot to do with you)
(That person's name is...Takayuki Tachibana, Takayuki Tachibana!)

Qingdeng didn't know how to use detailed words to describe his feelings after hearing Tianzhangyuan's words,

Takashi Tachibana... For this person, Qingdeng has always held quite complicated feelings.

On the one hand, he is Qingdeng's father no matter in terms of jurisprudence or giri.

But on the other hand, because Qingdeng is the traveler whose soul passed through this world, from this point of view, Tachibana Takayuki is the father of "Original Ju Qingdeng", and he has nothing to do with Qingdeng at all.

Therefore, Qingdeng has a feeling towards Takayuki Tachibana that "although he is my father, I don't know him very well".

Strange acquaintances - that's probably what it feels like.

All my impressions of Takashi Tachibana come from the memory of "Original Ju Qingdeng".

The same heart that Beifan decided to go back to; although the work is very serious, his political performance has not been bad; he suddenly became obsessed with gambling and owed a huge amount of gambling debts; .

Takashi Tachibana, who had always followed the rules and kept his own place, suddenly became a gambler drinking pheasant hulu—Qingdeng never felt anything strange about this.

There is a saying that goes well: It is not easy to learn well, but it is easy to slip away after learning badly.

It is easy to change from good to evil, and difficult to change from evil to good.

If ordinary people want to change from evil to good, it needs a long and gradual process; but if they want to change from good to evil, it only takes one night, or even an instant in extreme cases.

Whether the essence of human nature is "good" or "evil" - this is an eternal problem that has been debated by countless masters, but none of them has come to a conclusion.

But, putting aside this philosophical conundrum, one thing is certain: good qualities like kindness and gentleness are very luxurious things.

Human beings can become heinous villains overnight simply by indulging their desires.

The villain has nothing to do but indulge himself all the time.

On the other hand, those good people who are dedicated to goodness need to be firm in their will and spend a long time before they can reach the state of pure gold and white jade.

In his previous life, Qingdeng was a police cadet,
For this reason, he has seen many cases of "good people suddenly becoming evil", so he has never felt anything unusual about Takayuki Tachibana's depravity.

What's more, Tachibana Takashi is addicted to gambling that can easily destroy people's morale.

In the 21st century, where entertainment activities are extremely abundant, there are so many people addicted to gambling, let alone the depressive Edo period.

The entertainment activities of ordinary people in this era are nothing more than playing with women, playing cards and drinking.

I am used to living a boring life, and suddenly I am exposed to a gambling of more than ten taels of gold per second, and every time I open Gu, the adrenaline in the body will soar... How can ordinary people hold on to themselves?
Do not underestimate the harm of gambling!Never engage in gambling!It can really turn a good family into a useless person overnight!
Tachibana Takayuki died young——Qingdeng thought that his bond with him was over.

However...Qingdeng never expected that the name "Ju Longzhi" would break into his life in such a way.

The officers in charge of reviewing the past files of the Enforcement Office, Huofu Thief Reform and other departments collected very little information.

At present, it is only known that Takayuki Tachibana notified his superiors of the existence of the "deceitful drug" nearly 2 years ago.

Judging from the follow-up content of the dossier, Takayuki Tachibana's report fell into the sea, and no response was received.

After that, the officers did not find any files involving Takashi Tachibana's name.

Although the information is scarce, one thing is certain: Takayuki Tachibana has indeed investigated the "strange medicine" privately!
Since Tachibana Takayuki had investigated such a dangerous thing...then why he suddenly became addicted to gambling, and...whether he really died of illness is debatable!
"...I have uncovered the real culprit who did not hesitate to burn the prison house in Odenmacho to kill me, but the incident is far from over."

Qing Deng said slowly.

"Although the mouths of Konosuke Kitahara and the others have not been pried open yet, judging from all the information currently known...the reason why Konosuke Kitahara and the others insist on killing me is very likely because my father once did something to them. What."

(We stood up and were impassioned to avenge the Tachibana family, didn't we?) ——The words Kitahara Konosuke yelled loudly last night echoed in Qingdeng's ears.

"Your Highness, you and I have reached the same goal by different routes."

Qingdeng changed into a half-joking tone.

"You're after the 'strange drug'."

"And I... now have an extremely strong 'interest' in 'strange medicine'."

"Next, I'm going to visit Tachibana Takashi...father's old friends!"

There are 5300 words today!The number of words has increased little by little! (Leopard up.jpg)

(End of this chapter)

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