I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 404 The tauren saw silence, and the pure love warrior watched it and shed tears [4300]

Chapter 404 The tauren saw silence, and the pure love warrior watched it and shed tears [4300]

"Cough, cough, cough! Cough, cough! Cough, cough!"

Without any warning, Kikuchi Qianshui suddenly coughed violently, the coughing force was so strong that it seemed as if he wanted to vomit out his lungs.

"Mr. Kikuchi, are you alright?"

Qingdeng asked quickly.

"No, it's fine..."

Although Juchi Qianshui said so, he still coughed a dozen times before slowly stopping his coughing.

"It's just... an alcohol addiction..."

After laughing embarrassingly for a few times, Juchi Qianshui continued to take deep breaths to balance his breath.

While taking a deep breath, he put his hands on his legs and squeezed his fingers hard at the dirty hakama.

Although his little action was very subtle, it still did not escape Qing Deng's eyes.

Qingdeng could tell at a glance—the reason why Kikuchi Qianshui tightly squeezed her hakama was to cover up her trembling hands and feet.

At this moment, Kikuchi Qianshui's limbs trembled uncontrollably as if he had received an electric shock.If he didn't squeeze the hakama tightly and endure it desperately, his limbs would tremble even more.

Seeing this, Qingdeng's heart sank.

Kikuchi Chisui's alcohol addiction is much more serious than he imagined...

Qingdeng has seen a lot of people with alcohol addiction.

However, it was the first time that he had seen such a heavy drinker as Kikuchi Chisui...

The appearance of Kikuchi Chisui at this time is a very typical withdrawal symptom of alcohol addicts - delirium tremens, that is, the acute reaction of alcohol addicts after stopping alcohol, which can even be fatal.It is generally seen in heavy drinkers who suddenly stop drinking, and there are obvious autonomic nerve dysfunction such as tachycardia, fever, and mydriasis.

In severe cases, dangerous symptoms such as tremors in the limbs, confusion, behavioral disturbances, and auditory and visual hallucinations may occur.

Under the oppression of alcohol addiction, Juchi Qianshui didn't even care to cover up his trembling hands and feet, he quickly reached out to touch his legs.

Only then did Qingdeng realize that there was a small hole dug in the floor next to Juchi Qianshui's legs.

Presumably, he always hides his drinks in this hole.

Kikuchi Qianshui impatiently put his hand into the hole, but found nothing.

When he withdrew his hand in embarrassment, he cast a hopeful look at Qingdeng:
"Mr. Ju... I'm sorry... Can... Can you buy me a few bottles of wine...? Shochu, sake, rice wine... any wine is fine... If you don't drink a few sips quickly... I don't have any I have the strength to speak..."

What Kikuchi Qianshui said was not lying.

For a person like him who is seriously addicted to alcohol, if he stops drinking, not only will his body function be significantly affected, but his life may even be in danger.

It's sad to say... Everyone knows that excessive drinking is harmful to the body, especially alcohol addicts like Kikuchi Qianshui, if they don't strictly control their drinking, they are just committing suicide slowly, but their lives have been highly tied to alcohol Certainly, their dependence on alcohol cannot be overcome by willpower alone...

For them, alcohol is the best life partner, the best medicine - even though this medicine is actually a slower-acting poison...

"……I see."

Qingdeng grabbed the bamboo hat by his legs and stood up slowly with Echizen resident Chang Lu guarding both sides.

"Mr. Juchi, please bear with me a little longer, I'll go buy you wine now."

Qingdeng puts on his bamboo hat, turns around and wants to leave.

"Mr. Orange, wait a minute."

Shazhong took a step across, blocking Qingdeng's way forward.

"This kind of errand task, just leave it to me and Yae."

Qingdeng shook his head lightly.

"No, you two sisters stay here, I will go back as soon as I go."

Before he finished speaking, Qingdeng stepped out of the soil in three steps at a time.

As soon as Qingdeng stepped out of the room, the fresh air surrounded him with an overwhelming sense of presence.

The stench inside the house and the freshness outside formed an extreme contrast.

It has to be said that the adaptability of human beings is really strong enough.

Obviously up to just now, Qingdeng has been "ravaged" by the stench in Juchi Qianshui's house, making him want to vomit.

But now, his body had become accustomed to the stench unconsciously.

Suddenly returning from the "devil world" to the "normal world", Qing Deng inexplicably felt a feeling as if he had passed away.

Qing Deng lowered the bamboo hat on his head, and strode forward along the road he came from.

Suddenly, a familiar old male voice stopped him.

"Oh! Master Samurai! It's you! Have you found Chisui Kikuchi's home?"

Qingdeng turned his head to look - it turned out to be the old man who showed them the way.

"Well, thanks to you, we finally managed to find Kikuchi Chisui's home. Uncle, you came just in time. Do you know where I can buy wine?"

"Buy wine? If you go straight along this road, you can see a grocery store, where you can buy wine. However, the wine sold in that grocery store is some very bad, bad wine. You can’t buy good wine here in Haramachi.”

"Go straight along this road...Okay, I understand. Thank you, sir."

"Ho ho ho, no thanks, it's just a little effort."

Before he finished speaking, the old man raised his hand as if he had remembered something, and gently twirled the gray beard on his chin, while looking at Qingdeng curiously.

"Master Samurai, look at your appearance... You don't seem to be Juchi's creditor. Although I don't know what kind of relationship you have with Juchi, I advise you: don't get involved with that guy."

Qingdeng raised his eyebrows.

"Stop getting involved with Kikuchi Qianshui? Why do you say that?"

The old man sighed.

"Hey... where should I start... Kikuchi... After his wife committed suicide, his sanity became abnormal. He drank heavily all day long, and he often talked nonsense that made people understand. "


Qingdeng couldn't help but startled.

Before Kikuchi Chisui's alcohol addiction broke out, he happened to talk about his wife's past.

(Although the days after I married Aqi were not rich, I felt truly happy. However...this happiness only lasted until 3 years ago...that damned broken medicine appeared...!)

Juchi Qianshui's past is far from as simple as I expected...Qingdeng thought to himself.

"...Grandpa, why did Juchi Qianshui's wife commit suicide? Can you tell me in detail?"

"Well...it can be, but it's been too long, and I can't remember many details clearly."

"It's okay, just say as much as you remember."

"That's it...that's fine."

The old man twirled his beard, thought for a moment, and said slowly:

"This matter... we have to start talking about it three years ago."

3 years ago...it's this time again...Qingdeng focused his eyes and listened more seriously.

"Aqi... ah, that is, Juchi Qianshui's wife has a younger sister named Arden."

"Three years ago, Arden ran away to Edo because she couldn't bear her husband's domestic violence, and she stayed at her sister's house."

"Although they are sisters of the same mother, the relationship between Ah Qi and Arden is very bad."

"I had the honor to meet Aqi and Arden a few times. The two sisters have very different personalities. The elder sister is quiet and the younger sister is lively."

"All in all, Aqi took Arden in for the sake of sisterhood."

"Then...Juchi's house, it never stopped."

"Aqi and Arden quarrel every day."

"At one moment, Aqi felt that Arden was immature, and at another moment, it was Arden who complained that Aqi was too lenient."

"They almost had a big fight several times, thanks to Juchi being there every time the two of them were about to fight and stopping them in time, otherwise God knows what kind of moths they would have made."

"This kind of environment of 'a small quarrel every day, and a big quarrel every three days' is a kind of torture for everyone."

"So it didn't take long before Aqi unceremoniously ordered Arden to leave her home and find a new residence by herself."

"Aden is not familiar with the place where she was born in Edo. Except for her sister Aqi and brother-in-law Juchi, she has no other acquaintances in Edo, and she has no money. If she can't live in Juchi and Aqi's home, Then she can only go to sleep on the street."

"Although Aqi's actions are a bit cruel, there is nothing wrong with them. After all, she is the mistress of the house, and it is her freedom to let whoever wants to live in her home and who she does not want to live in her home."

"Just when Arden was about to be kicked out, Kikuchi stepped forward."

"He persuaded Aqi to calm down on the grounds that 'driving Arden away is no different from killing her indirectly'."

"Juchi is worthy of being a teacher, but his eloquence is extraordinary."

"Under his few words, Aqi changed his mind, and Arden was able to continue living in their home."

"Hey... Looking back now, it was really a wrong decision... Kikuchi shouldn't have kept Arden in the first place."

Speaking of this, the old man took down the bong in his mouth, knocked the bong hard on the stone beside him a few times, shook the ash out of the bong, and then stuffed it with a new one. Tobacco, ignited, brought it back to his lips, and took a big puff.


Perhaps because of the poor quality of the tobacco, the smoke is extremely heavy.

The thick translucent white mist leaked from between the old man's lips and teeth, and lingered around the old man's body, making the old man's face look hazy and indistinct.

"Not long after Kikuchi asked Arden to stay... the tragedy happened."

"I remember very clearly that it was a rainy night."

"It's already evening, but Juchi's house didn't light the lights, and they didn't cook any food."

"Neighbors nearby felt that something was wrong, so they knocked on the door of their house."

"However, no matter how everyone shouted or knocked on the door, there was no response from the house."

"Just when everyone didn't know what to do...Suddenly, someone suddenly smelled a strange smell."

"That's a smell that everyone who goes to the kitchen often will be very familiar with—the smell of fresh blood..."

"And the place where the smell of blood wafts is the home of Juchi and the others."

"No one can keep calm after smelling the blood."

"Everyone didn't care about etiquette and politeness, so they hurriedly opened the door of Juchi's house and filed in."

"What happened next... Although I haven't witnessed it with my own eyes, I can imagine how tragic it will be."

"After everyone rushed into the house, they found Arden dying in the living room."

"According to eyewitnesses, Arden's death at that time was quite miserable..."

The old man pointed to his neck.

"A bosom sword was stuck in the neck, right in the artery, and killed with one blow."

"Blood splattered all over the room, ceiling, floor, closets, blood everywhere."

"Not long after everyone broke in, Juchi, who had finished his classes at the private school, came back—he fainted from fright when he saw Arden's body."

"Arden died tragically, Juchi returned home, but Aqi was missing."

"Even if I'm an old man who doesn't know a single word, I know that Ah Qi, who has always been at odds with Arden, has the most serious suspicion of murder!"

"We immediately reported to the officials, and then cooperated with the officials to search for Aqi."

"In just half a day, we found Aqi in a nearby ruined temple... To be precise, we found Aqi who committed suicide."

"Aqi leaned on the dilapidated Buddha statue, stabbed his throat with a knife and died."

The old man raised his hand and made a gesture of stabbing his throat with a knife.

"We found Aqi's suicide note next to her body."

"After comparison by experts, this suicide note was indeed written by Aqi, and every word in it matches Aqi's handwriting."

"The content written in the suicide note...in a word, it is confession."

"Aqi confessed in her suicide note that she was the one who killed Arden."

"Her motive for killing was just a momentary loss of control."

"Just before Arden died, she quarreled with Arden again."

"She was so angry that she took out the sword she carried for self-defense... and just killed Arden by mistake."

"Afterwards, she felt very regretful, so she decided to come to the Buddhist hall, repent to the Buddha and apologize with death."

"There are all witnesses and material evidence, and the facts of the case are clear, so the government issued a conclusion that 'the murderer committed suicide in fear of crime', and the case is closed."

"In just one day, I lost my sister-in-law and my beloved wife one after another... From then on, Juchi's sanity became abnormal."

"He quit his job as a teacher, moved his family to the current broken area, and drank heavily all day long."

"Oh, what a pity... I think back then, how high-spirited Juchi was when he had both a decent job and a loving wife to accompany him, but now... oh..."

"Although Kikuchi is half a victim when looking at the whole incident, some people think that Kikuchi did it on his own."

An intriguing smile appeared on the old man's face, he changed his sitting position, and took several puffs of cigarette leisurely.

"Not long after this tragedy happened, there was such a rumor that the reason why Ah Qi killed Arden was not because of a 'momentary loss of control', but a long-planned plan to avenge Arden .”

"The two sisters are not only very different in personality, but also quite different in appearance."

"Arden is very beautiful. Everyone who has met Aqi and Aden generally think that Aqi is not as good-looking as Aden."

"So, many people think that Arden has an affair with Kikuchi!"

"The reason why Juchi kept Arden when she was about to be kicked out was because the two of them had an affair!"

I slept for more than ten hours yesterday... How long will it take to fully recover? Wow! (Crying Leopard Leopard Head.jpg).

The cough is not so severe, but the body is still very weak and the spirit is very poor...Damn it!

ps: The book friends in this book are indeed a bunch of old critics. Once the female roles such as Sanazi and Zongsi are missing, the paragraph reviews of each chapter will drop off a cliff. Obviously, the number of subscriptions is higher than that of previous chapters nothing has changed...

(End of this chapter)

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