I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 405 It is justice for 1 people to bully 1 person [4600]

Chapter 405 Ten thousand people bullying one person is justice [1]

"Is this completely groundless?"

Qing Deng frowned.

"What evidence is there to prove that Kikuchi Chisui had an affair with Arden?"

The old man shrugged.

"Of course there is no proof."

"The Ardennes are all dead, so even if you want to find evidence, you can't find any evidence, right?"

"But what does it matter?"

"I have lived fifty-seven years. Although I have spent most of my life in a daze, I am also fortunate to have realized a few simple life philosophies after seeing a lot of ups and downs in the world. For example-the common people like Crude, tasteless story."

"What's 'wife fell in love with a young master who came to kill termites', what 'sister and husband eloped', common people feel this kind of tasteless and obscene story... Wow! Don't mention how much you feel Interested!"

"When you see a murder case, you immediately think of love murder, immediately think of empathy, immediately think of incest, and immediately think of having an affair with your sister-in-law... Ordinary people can always have endless fantasies on this level."

"Even if it is a non-existent thing, it can be passed on to you with nose and eyes."

"What's more, before Arden was killed, she had a good relationship with Juchi. Without Juchi's coordination, she would have been driven to the street by Aqi long ago. Together."

That's right...Qingdeng thought to himself.

Throughout the ages, no matter when, no matter where, the common people generally say "Sister-in-law, come here~", "Brother-in-law, don't do this~", "Madam, you don't want your husband to know about this, do you? So please ~" and so on, the tauren who read the silence, and the pure love warriors who read the tearful stories are very popular.

Take Qingdeng as an example—after he rose to fame and became a celebrity in Edo, all kinds of strange rumors about him have been emerging endlessly.

For example, some people say that he is gay, and the evidence is that he hangs out with Kondo, Hijikata and others all day long.

Another example is that there are rumors that he is a lecherous scumbag and has ambiguities with many women - what Qing Deng hates the most is this rumor!
Just based on the temperament of ordinary people who don't think it's a big deal when they watch the excitement, and the more exciting it is, the more excited they are... It's not surprising that rumors such as "Kikuchi Chisui and Arden have an affair" are spread without sufficient evidence thing.

"I'm not familiar with Juchi, so I don't know if he is the kind of beast who likes to do things that are not right."

The old man took a puff of his cigarette and continued the conversation.

"But to be honest, I personally think that the statement that 'Kikuchi had an affair with Ardennes' is completely groundless and cannot withstand any scrutiny."

"But . . . what's the use of my own opinion?"

"All in all, after Arden's death, there have been rumors that 'A Qi killed his own sister in order to avenge her husband's deprivation'."

"Gradually, everyone's evaluation of Juchi and his family...is getting worse and worse."

"Kikuchi was dismissed as 'a scum who can't manage his lower body'."

"Ardern has been reviled as a 'slut who gets in other people's families'."

"And Ah Qi has also been derogated as 'extreme villain'."

"Ah, that's right, I almost forgot to mention it."

"Although all kinds of evidence point to Aqi as the murderer, Juchi has always insisted that the person who killed Arden was not Aqi. The real culprit who killed Arden was someone else, and Aqi was framed."

"In order to prove that he didn't lie, Juchi even went to the execution office to report to the officials, asking the 'Three Times' official to re-investigate the case thoroughly, and return Aqi and Arden's innocence."

As soon as the old man finished speaking, Qing Deng suddenly raised his eyebrows.

"Reporter... old man, can you tell me in detail how Kikuchi reported to the official?"

The old man showed embarrassment.

Er, his face was full of apology:

"Well...Master Samurai, I'm sorry, I don't know the details."

"I only know that after Juchi went to report to the police, there was indeed a man named Tachibana... I don't remember the name of Ding Ding Hui Tongxin who came to take over the case and restart the investigation."

"However, the re-investigation of the case by Kikuchi and that Dingmachi Hui seems to be in vain in the end."

"In short, Juchi's words are light and light. Although he has always insisted that Aqi and Arden are innocent, no one pays attention to him at all."

"Time flies... Kikuchi probably also realized that he was doing purely useless work. He gradually calmed down and stopped arguing with others."

"Afterwards, he became what he is now - drinking in the house all day long, pawning the valuables at home when he has no money to buy wine. When the family has nothing to sell and nothing to pawn, he will To borrow money, to borrow."

"Hey, this guy Juchi... is useless."

"It's such a pity, because of an innocent disaster, the high-spirited private school teacher degenerated into a drunkard with no purpose."

"Kikuchi is still young, if he can pull himself together, he might as well start over."

The old man twitched the corners of his mouth, exuding a look of regret that was half a smile but not a smile.

"It's a pity... I think it's impossible for him to regain his strength..."


After Qing Deng waved goodbye to the old man, he walked straight along the road pointed by the old man.

Not long after, a grocery store full of historical charm at best, and very dilapidated at worst, came into Qingdeng's eyes.

Qingdeng opened the curtain and stepped into the store, a dark-skinned middle-aged man dressed as a shopkeeper greeted him with a warm smile on his face.

"Yo! Master Samurai, what do you want?"

"Is there any wine? Sake is fine."

"Of course there is wine! Excuse me, how much wine do you want, sir? For sake, we have a pack of sake here, and there are also three packs of sake."

[One combination = 180ml]

"A bottle of sake is enough."

"Okay! Please wait a moment!"

The shopkeeper quickly got into the depths of the container.

At this time, Qingdeng suddenly found three middle-aged men in plain clothes sitting in a small open space not far from the grocery store.

They each held a bottle of sake in their hands, and while drinking happily, they chatted.Even at a distance, you can clearly hear the sound of them blowing water.

"Guest officer! Come! The wine you want!"

The shopkeeper returned to Qingdeng with a bottle of sake.

Qingdeng took the wine bottle, weighed it a few times, thoughtful.

"...Excuse me, can you give me another three bottles of sake?"

"Three bottles? Good! No problem! Don't say it's three bottles, even if you want [-] bottles, sir, I still have it!"


After Qing Deng left the grocery store, he didn't immediately turn back the same way, but took the drinks he just bought and strode towards the three old men not far away.

"Excuse me, do you have time now?"

The old men were all taken aback, and when they realized that Qing Deng was talking to them, they immediately turned their faces in a daze, staring at Qing Deng vigilantly.

"Don't be nervous, as you can see, I don't have any malicious intentions, I just want to ask you some questions, just take up a little bit of your time."

After finishing speaking, Qingdeng put the three bottles of sake that he just bought from the grocery store in front of the three old men.

Looking at the drinks that Qingdeng put out, the three old men swallowed violently at the same time.

"There's time! There's time! We don't have much else but time!"

One of the old men took the three bottles of sake that Qingdeng handed over into his arms, as if he was afraid that Qingdeng would regret it.

"Master Samurai, what do you want to ask? Just ask! The three of us must know everything and talk endlessly!"

"Well, my question is simple. First of all, are you all residents of Haramachi?"

"Well! Yes, yes! We all grew up here!"

"Alright then, do you know Kikuchi Chisui?"

"Juchi Qianshui? I know! I know! Of course I know! That kid is a celebrity here!"

"I heard that Kikuchi Chisui's wife is a murderer. Is there such a thing?"

"Ah, there is such a thing. I remember that it seems to be a long time ago. At that time, the mess in Kikuchi's house was really big!"

"Oh! Hearing what you said, I remembered—that Juchi Qianshui is not a thing! Having an affair with my sister-in-law made my wife go crazy and kill someone."

"Yeah, it's terrible. Sure enough, a man still has to take care of his lower body."

"Killed my sister with my own hands, and then committed suicide... Juchi's wife is also a staunch and ruthless person..."

"Stubborn staunchness! No matter how you look at it, it's all out of your mind, right? My husband has moved on, and there are a lot of solutions. At worst, we can just get divorced. From now on, we will never get in touch with each other again. Why bother to kill people? Kill and rob Walking away from my husband's slut is a pleasure, but I also ended up in the end of my own life, why bother?"

"I remember that Juchi's wife is called Aqi, and his sister-in-law is called Arden? Right?"

"It seems to be called such a name."

"Hey, Kikuchi's wife and sister-in-law both deserve death. One is an extreme villain, and the other is a slut who steals men."

"I heard that Kikuchi's sister-in-law is very pretty."

"Hey, don't tell me, as far as I know, that sister-in-law in Juchi is indeed very beautiful. Not only is she outstanding in appearance, but she also has a superb figure, which is plump here!"

"Is there such a thing? Hey, if there is such a beautiful sister-in-law with me day and night, I may also empathize with him!"

"However, in the final analysis, Juchi Qianshui's wife is too terrifying. She draws her sword and kills her if she disagrees with her, and she kills her own sister... Tsk tsk tsk, marrying such a woman as a wife is really bloody for eight lifetimes." Mildew!"

The old men chattered away.

Their evaluations of Kikuchi Qianshui, Aqi and others are completely consistent with what the old man said earlier - Juchi was denounced as a "scumbag", Arden was denounced as a "slut", and Aqi was denounced as a "villain". female"……

Qingdeng listened silently.

"...Thank you for your cooperation. You can continue talking, and I won't bother you."

In the end, he left a cold and hard sentence full of official taste, and slowly got up and left...


Haramachi, the home of Kikuchi Chisui——


As soon as Qing Deng opened the door, he heard Sha Zhong's welcome voice:

"Mr. Orange, you are back."

"Sorry for keeping you waiting."

As Qingdeng said, he took off his shoes and undid his knife, stepped across the field, and walked quickly towards Juchi Qianshui.

Probably to make himself feel better, Kikuchi Chisui was lying face down on the ground right now.

"Here, your wine."

Qingdeng handed the sake to Kikuchi.

Kikuchi raised his eyelids, and looked at the sake in Qingdeng's hand.

In the next breath, he straightened up and sat up, bent and stretched his upper body, and took it from Qingdeng's hand like a hungry tiger... no, it was the drink!

It was hard to imagine that he could make such quick and powerful movements with such a weak body.

"Gudong...! Gudong...! Gudong...!"

Kikuchi Qianshui impatiently unscrewed the bottle, raised her head and drank.

He drank most of a bottle of sake in one go before giving up.

When he put down the wine bottle, his hands and feet no longer trembled, and his eyes became clear again.

"Heh... come alive..."

Kikuchi Qianshui chuckled a few times, the laughter was full of self-deprecation.

"Mr. Ju... I'm sorry... I still have to trouble you to help buy wine... Later, you can see if there are any valuables or things you want in my house, just take them away, and you have the right to treat them as It's my drink money..."

"That's not necessary, this bottle of wine will be regarded as my invitation to you."

Qing Deng said lightly.

"Okay, now that the wine is gone, it's time to continue telling the story between you and my father?"

Kikuchi Chisui nodded slightly.

"That's right...then let's continue...where did we just talk?"

"Oh, yes. Speaking of my wife Aqi..."

Juchi Qianshui lay back to her original position, thinking for a while.

"Three years ago... Ah Qi had a serious stomach problem..."

"The whole stomach hurts all the time..."

"Although I have tried my best to find a famous doctor for diagnosis and treatment, I can't restore Ah Qi to health..."

"Just when we didn't know what to do... One day, a traveling businessman passed by my house. After learning that Aqi was troubled by stomach problems, he recommended a 'painkiller' to us..."

Speaking of this, Juchi Qianshui gave a wry smile, then slowly raised his right hand, stretched out his index finger and thumb, and compared it to the shape of a pill.

"That's right, it's the red and purple pill..."

"At that time, Ah Qi was tortured by stomach problems and couldn't eat and sleep, so we treated a dead horse like a living horse. Even if the medicine can't make Ah Qi recover, it doesn't matter, as long as it can make her feel better , It’s no longer so painful, and I’m content.”

"So, I bought a big bottle of 'painkillers' from the traveling merchant, about fifty pills in total."

"In terms of the pain relief effect alone, this drug is really effective."

"After taking a 'painkiller' regularly every day according to the traveling merchant's instructions, Aqi's stomach really didn't hurt anymore."

"Aqi has a younger sister who is married far away, named Arden."

"Not long after Aqi started taking the 'painkiller', Arden fled to Edo because she couldn't stand her husband's domestic violence. She was unfamiliar with Edo, so she could only stay with Aqi and me temporarily. at home……"

What Kikuchi Qianshui said next is basically consistent with the story Qingdeng just heard from the old man and the three old men.

Aqi and Aden have always been at odds; the two sisters frequently quarreled; both Aden and Aqi died tragically...

However, when it comes to the cause of death of Arden and Aqi, Kikuchi Chisuifu presented a brand new version——

"The person who killed Arden was not Aqi at all!"

Kikuchi Chisui's tone suddenly became passionate.

"Ah Qi was framed! Someone forced her to write that 'confession note'! Cough, cough, cough, cough...!"

Because he spoke too hastily, Kikuchi Qianshui clutched his chest and coughed violently.

"Mr. Kikuchi, calm down."

Qingdeng casts a calm look at Juchi, neither sad nor happy.

"You said that Aqi was framed, and that the real culprit who killed Arden was someone else—what basis do you have?"

"Huh...huh...huh...the basis is...your father...!"

"my father?"

Qing Deng suddenly raised his eyebrows.

"Mr. Ju...your father...is really powerful...very brave..."

"On his own, he found out that the 'painkiller' that Ah Qi was taking was related to the 'Qingshui Clan'! And the real culprit who killed Aqi and Arden was most likely the killer of the 'Qingshui Clan'! "

Recently, it’s so short that even Leopard himself can’t stand it anymore. (Leopard Leopard Head.jpg)

I'm sorry everyone!When my body recovers, I will definitely give back to everyone! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg).

 ps: The reason why this chapter is so late today is because the author has been thinking about the title...I can't think of a title! (Leopard crying.jpg)

(End of this chapter)

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