I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 406 Illuminating the Dark Light! 【4200】

Chapter 406 Illuminating the Dark Light! 【4200】

The Qingshui clan was involved with the strange medicine...and got another piece of important information, Qingdeng's expression could not help but be solemn.

"Cough! Cough! Cough! Cough! Probably...just a month after Ah Qi took that can of 'painkiller'...a strange thing happened..."

"Aqi's temperament... suddenly changed...becoming more and more... irritable... more and more...difficult to control his emotions... often because of trivial matters, he would have conflicts with Arden and me, Arguing..."

"She used to...not like this..."

"Because of personality differences... The relationship between Aqi and Arden is really not that good... But it's not too bad..."

"Otherwise...she wouldn't allow Arden, who has nowhere to go, to live in our house temporarily..."

"In the past...she would never quarrel with Arden and me..."

"Whether it's me, Arden, or Aqi himself... gradually discovered this abnormality..."

"Aqi's daily diet and daily life are the same as usual... The only difference is that she started to take a 'painkiller' bought from a traveling merchant every day in order to suppress her stomach trouble..."

"The conclusion is clear at a glance...it's the ghost of the can of 'painkiller'!"

"Aqi's physical and mental abnormalities... started when she took that can of 'painkiller'!"

"To be honest... I didn't know what to do at the time..."

"If the drug is stopped immediately, can Ah Qi return to the way it was before? Do I need to take Ah Qi to see a doctor? Which doctor should I see?"

"Just when I didn't know what to do... Aqi made up my mind for me..."

Speaking of this, the corners of Kikuchi Chisui's pale mouth extended to both sides, and a gentle smile appeared on her cheeks.

"After realizing that the 'painkiller' had a ghost...her first reaction was not to go to the doctor...not to cure herself...but to report to the government...inform the government of the existence of the drug...to ask the official to investigate thoroughly This medicine...prevents more innocent people from being harmed by this medicine..."

"My personal intention is to take her to the doctor first...heal her body first..."

"Although I don't have much money, as long as I can cure Ah Qi... as long as I can change Ah Qi back to his original state, I'm willing to go bankrupt... but... Ah Qi has to report everything to the government first..."

"Until now... I still remember what she said to me at the beginning: It doesn't take much time to go to the government and report to the government. The sooner we report to the government, let the government know and investigate this medicine as soon as possible, maybe we can go one step faster To bring to justice the villains who created this abhorrent drug so that fewer people will suffer...”

The gentle smile on Juchi Qianshui's face gradually turned into a mournful expression that was about to cry.

"I really... don't know how to evaluate her..."

"Aqi, she is really...even though she was devastated by that pot of strange medicine and her mind has changed...but she is still kind..."

"I can't hold her back... so I can only let her go to the execution center..."

"At that time, it was the month when the Nanfan Office was in charge of managing Edo..."

"The official also reported it, and Ah Qi finally listened to my arrangement and obediently went to see a doctor..."

"On the day when Ah Qi went to report to the official, I went directly to the Ren Medical Hall and made an appointment with the famous doctor Bei Ren for the day after tomorrow's meeting..."


Kikuchi Chisui's voice gradually took on a crying tone.

"Aqi... didn't wait for the sun the day after tomorrow..."

As soon as Ju Chi's words fell, a heavy shadow appeared on Qing Deng's face.

Although Kikuchi's words haven't finished yet, Qingdeng has already guessed the follow-up story...

Sure enough...Juchi's next words confirmed Qingdeng's conjecture...

"On the evening of the day after we reported to the police... I saw Arden's body at home after returning home from my private school, and then... I found the dead Aqi in a nearby deserted temple... um... ...!"

Kikuchi Qianshui covered her mouth, the cat lowered her waist, and kept retching.

"Huh...huh...sorry...I made you laugh...every time I think about the death of Aqi and Arden I saw at that time...I can't help but vomit..."

"It's okay." Qingdeng said softly, "I can understand. Do you want to take a rest?"

"No...no need...just let me slow down..."

While speaking, Kikuchi Chisui raised his hand to wipe the sweat off his face, then grabbed the sake by his lap, and took a sip of mellow wine.

"Okay... let's continue..."

"The weapon that pierced Arden's neck was the sword Aqi carried for self-defense..."

"Affected by that pot of broken medicine, Ah Qi, whose temperament has changed drastically, frequently broke out disputes with Arden, and even almost fought a few times..."

"Aqi confessed in her suicide note that she killed Arden..."

"There are witnesses, physical evidence, and motives for murder... Even an ignorant old woman in the countryside will think that Aqi is the real culprit who killed Arden..."

"But Ah Qi really didn't kill anyone! The real culprit who killed Arden was someone else!"

Kikuchi Chisui suddenly became emotional.

His eyes were wide open, the eyeballs were protruding, and the whites of his eyes were bloodshot.

"After discovering that there was something wrong with the can of 'painkiller', Arden and I knew that Aqi's physical and mental state was not as good as usual, so we both were cautious when getting along with Aqi, for fear of irritating Aqi."

"Therefore, until Aqi and Arden were killed, there were very few major quarrels between them!"

"Let's talk about it! Although Aqi's temper has become very irritable and unpredictable, her physical and mental state is not so unstable that she will directly draw a knife to kill someone!"

"What's more, how can there be such a coincidence? Just reported to the police yesterday, and Aqi and Aden were killed today!"

The light of hatred shone deep in Kikuchi Chisui's pupils.

"There are ghosts in the government!"

"The inner ghost in the government disclosed Aqi's report to the mastermind behind the production of the broken medicine, so in order to make the talkative Ahqi 'shut up', the mastermind sent a killer to silence Ahqi!"

"It must be so!"

"There must be nothing wrong!"

"It must be killing people!!"

"Cough, cough, cough! Cough, cough! Cough!"

Kikuchi Chisui coughed again.The cough was so strong that it seemed as if he was going to vomit out his lungs.

"Mr. Kikuchi, calm down."

Qingdeng couldn't count how many times he said "please calm down" to Kikuchi Qianshui.

However, Kikuchi turned a deaf ear to Qingdeng's reassurance.

Juchi Qianshui clutched her chest, ignored her breathlessness, and continued the words:
"How could Ah Qi kill people... How could Ah Qi kill people...! How could Ah Qi kill people!"

"I have explained it countless times to the officials and everyone...but no one is willing to believe me..."

"Compared to my painstaking explanations, they are more willing to believe those rumors without any evidence..."

"Oh... I think so too...'Ah Qi was murdered and silenced' is more eye-catching than 'Ah Qi killed a prostitute'?"

"Am I having an affair with Arden? Arden is a promiscuous slut? Aqi is an extreme villain? Fart!"

"They didn't know at all... After knowing that Aqi's temperament changed drastically because of taking strange 'painkillers', Arden has been doing his best to take care of Aqi...I hope my sister can Get well soon..."

"How can such a good girl be a slut?!"

"Watching Aqi and Arden bear the stigma that can never be washed away...how can I be reconciled?!"

After finishing speaking, Kikuchi Qianshui swung his fists and slammed the floor beside his legs frantically.

This time, Qingdeng did not comfort Juchi.

He watched the other party silently, quietly waiting for the other party's emotions to return to calm.

About 5 minutes later, Juchi's eyes became clear again.

"Even if no one wants to believe me, I don't want to just give up..."

"But...it's absolutely useless for me to fight alone...so...I can only hope for the government..."

"I pray that there will be someone like Ooka Echizen in the government to avenge me..."

[Note · Ooka Echizen: The real name is Ooka Tadashi (1677-1752), the name of the mid-Edo period.He has successively served as Yamada Magistrate, Edo Town Magistrate, and Temple Shrine Magistrate. He is loved by the people because of his heart for the people, his uprightness, and his fearlessness of power. He is a figure similar to Bao Qingtian. 】

"The Yafu that Aqi reported to the official is the Nanfan Office...so I don't have any trust in the Nanfan Office."

"So, I endured until next month, and when the Beifan Office was on duty, I walked into the Beifan Office's office with the determination to succeed or be benevolent."

"Because of the solid evidence, the government has classified Aqi's death as a 'suicide in fear of crime', and the case has been closed."

"If I directly request the government to re-investigate the case, the officials of Beifan will definitely kick me out."

"So, I had to make a dangerous move... I lied to Beifan that my friend was killed by villains."

"My goal is very simple - even if there is only one person, I hope that there will be 'three times' warriors who are good at criminal investigation to help me clear up the grievances of Aqi and Arden!"

"As long as serious cases such as homicides are encountered, 'three times' samurai must be dispatched to investigate - this is the routine rule of the execution office."

"So, after receiving my report, the Beifan Office immediately dispatched a Dingdinghui Tongxin, who took full responsibility for the case I reported."

"And this Dingchohui Tongxin... is your father: Tachibana Takayuki!"

"That's how I got the chance to meet your father by cheating and abducting."

"At that time, I was already alone and helpless, with nowhere to go."

"If Mr. Tachibana doesn't want to help me...then I really have nothing to do..."

"It can be said that Mr. Orange at that time was my only hope..."

"I falsely claimed to Mr. Orange that I would take him to the scene of the crime, but in fact I led him to the deserted temple where Ah Qi was killed."

"I faced the place where Aqi fell, and explained everything to Mr. Orange..."

"I said: Mr. Orange, please, please help me."

"Falsely reporting the case... Such behavior is an unforgivable felony under the shogunate law."

"I have committed such a serious crime, Mr. Tachibana can ignore my begging and directly send me to prison."

"But he didn't do that."

"He chose to believe me..."

"He accepted my prayer!"

"Actually, when Mr. Orange nodded in agreement, I couldn't believe my eyes..."

"No matter what the reason is, it is an indisputable fact that I made a false report and deceived the government."

"If Mr. Tachibana hadn't sent me to the prison in the first place, then he himself would be in trouble."

"Ask the other party to take a huge risk to investigate a case that has already been concluded by the government... To be honest, I also think that my request is too much."

"It is also because of this that Mr. Orange is willing to believe in me and help me, which shocked me so much..."

"To me, Mr. Tachibana at that time... was simply a light that illuminated the darkness!"

"Mr. Orange is cooperating with me. On the surface, he pretends to be dealing with the non-existent 'friend's murder case', while secretly investigating the real cause of Aqi and Arden's deaths!"

"He used the broken medicine as a clue, and followed the clues to start a search."

"Because the investigation was conducted secretly without the knowledge of his superiors, he couldn't ask other colleagues for help, and he couldn't even get his subordinate Gang to attract help."

"He has no companions other than me..."

"And I'm just a private school teacher with no power to restrain a chicken. I have no brains and no connections. I am completely unable to provide practical assistance to Mr. Orange."

"That is to say, Mr. Orange is fighting alone..."

"Even so, Mr. Orange spent several months and found out that Po Yao is closely related to the Qingshui clan by himself!"

Hearing this, Qingdeng couldn't help interjecting:

"Mr. Kikuchi, Takayuki Tachibana... How did my father find out that the Shimizu clan was involved with that 'painkiller'?"

"This... I really don't know..."

Kikuchi shook his head.

"Mr. Orange never disclosed to me the specific investigation process, he only notified me of the progress and results of the investigation from time to time."

Qingdeng was not surprised to get such an answer.

But any competent "interpol" will not casually disclose the specific progress of the case to outsiders, even if the other party is the family member of the victim of the case.

"Okay then... please continue."

Ju Qingdeng gestured to Kikuchi to continue talking.

"I remember very clearly that it was September of the fifth year of Anzheng (1858), when Mr. Orange found out that the broken medicine was related to the Qingshui family."

"Things should have been great."

"However, not long after that...Mr. Orange suddenly became addicted to gambling and went in and out of casinos all day long."

"About this matter, I have asked Mr. Tachibana in detail and tried to help him."

"I told him sincerely: If the family is in difficulty and needs money urgently, I would like to do my best."

"But he didn't say anything . . . neither responded nor explained."

"Until his death, he never said a word about why he suddenly became addicted to gambling."

"However, even though Mr. Orange didn't say anything, I already had my own guess."

"Mr. Orange's casinos are all casinos owned by the Qingshui clan."

"Although I have no chance to get the truth from him, I guess: Mr. Tachibana is not addicted to gambling at all! He is following the example of Oishi Neizosuke, while polluting himself and lowering the vigilance of the Shimizu clan, he uses the casino as his Use channels to break into the Qingshui Clan to obtain information!"

A little preview: If all goes well, Qingdeng will be able to reunite with two girls tomorrow. (Guess which 2 girls are~~)

If it goes well... (Leopard Kill.jpg)

(End of this chapter)

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