I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 417 Sanako who is proficient in both swordsmanship and medicine! 【6000】

Chapter 417 Sanako who is proficient in both swordsmanship and medicine! 【6000】

Move forward a little bit in time——

Edo, Barrel Town, Little Chiba Sword House——

"Sanako! Sanako! The bathroom is empty, do you want to take a shower?"

Just after coming out of the bathroom, Chiba Shigetaro, who was steaming all over his body, knocked on Sanako's door with a "knock knock".

At this point in time, Sanako will basically stay in her room, either reading, or maintaining kendo armor, bamboo sword, naginata, Wakizashi and other weapons.

Logically speaking, when she heard her brother's call...and it was Shiguan Sanako's favorite bath, she would definitely respond immediately.

However, at this moment, after Chiba Shigetaro knocked on the door, there was silence behind the door, and there was no response for a long time.

Chiba Shigetaro frowned, and knocked on the door several times.

"Sanako? Sanako? Are you there? If you are, answer me!"


"Strange... isn't she here? Impossible, it's all this time, where else can she go?"

Chiba Shigetaro, with many doubts in his heart, decided to enter Sanako's bedroom to check the situation.

Since the age of cardamom (13 years old), Sanako's awareness of privacy has increased dramatically.

Unless with her permission, no one including mother, father Chiba Singkichi, and brother Chiba Shigetaro are allowed to enter her bedroom without permission.

Therefore, in order to respect Sanako, and in order to be able to use it to fight for reason when he was reprimanded by Sanako, Chiba Shigetaro yelled "Sanako" before pushing open the door of Sanako's bedroom. Son, I want to go into your room!"


As the door opened, a pleasant smell immediately entered Chiba Shigetaro's nostrils - this was Sanako's body fragrance that Chiba Shigetaro was used to smelling long ago.

Sanako's bedroom seemed to have the word "serious" posted on it.

Furniture, clothes, cushions, books... everything in the room is neatly and orderly.

Be it the tatami mats or the desks, they are all spotless, so clean that one can't help but wonder if someone actually lived in this room.

"Sanako? Sanako?"

Chiba Shigetaro walked to the center of the bedroom and looked around.

"Hey... she's really not in the room..."

Chiba Shigetaro scratched his hair, and the look of doubt on his face became more intense.

"It's weird... where did she go?"

Just when Chiba Shigetaro was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly found a letter on Sanako's desk.

On the envelope of the letter, there is a string of beautiful small characters - to father, mother and elder brother.

The handwriting is delicate and powerful...it is Sanako's handwriting.

"this is……?"

Looking at this inexplicable letter, Chiba Shigetaro was instantly stunned.

He immediately ran to the table in three steps at a time, picked up the envelope, and spread it out.

There was no long speech written on the letter paper, only a simple sentence——


Father, mother, brother, for some reason, I am going away for a while.

Don't worry, I'll be back soon.

Chiba Sanako

[Note·Sincerely, a letter: The opening words of letters commonly used by cultural people in the Edo period]

After Chiba Shigetaro read the letter at a glance, the confusion on his face because he didn't know Sanako's whereabouts disappeared, and was replaced by a complex mood mixed with bewilderment and fear.

He glanced at the letter again, and his heart beat hard.

The second, the third, the fourth... The heartbeat speed is getting faster and faster.

At this time, Chiba Shigetaro seemed to have thought of something, put away the letter paper in his hand, and then opened the closet next to him—this is where Sanako stored her weapons.

The closet, which had been packed to the brim, was now empty.

Sanako's wakizashi, naginata, and her favorite set of acupuncture tools are all gone!
In addition to being a martial arts family, the Chiba family is also a half medical family.

Grandpa of Sanako and Chiba Shigetaro: Chiba Koemon is not only a great swordsman who is proficient in Hokushin dream style, but also a doctor who is proficient in medical skills.

Back in the day, the name of Chiba Koemon was known far and wide, and he was known as "Sword and Doctor".

71 years ago, in order to save the deteriorating morale and encourage the children of the samurai family to practice literature and martial arts, Matsudaira Jonobu, who single-handedly led the "reform of lenient government", carried out the "Imperial Trial" in Edo vigorously, which compared both literary and martial arts.

Although within a few years, after the failure of the "lenient government reform" and the downfall of Matsudaira Sadanobu, the "Gozen Trial Cooperation" disappeared, but it became the prototype of the later "Scholarly Gin Taste".

[Note·Study Yinwei: An academic examination is held once every three years for the children of Banner and Royal Family.With the professors from the Shoheizaka Institute of Culture as the examiners, the scope of the examination includes Confucian classics such as the Four Books and Five Classics or the "Book of Filial Piety".In fact, the subjects who can take the test are all the people who study Zhu Zixue in the whole country.The biggest difference between learning Yinwei and China's imperial examination system is that the former's examination results are not directly related to "appointing officials", and are closer to a way of rewarding reputation]

Relying on his overwhelming strength, Chiba Koemon won the first prize in the first "Gozen Trial" and became a blockbuster.

It can only be said that the genes of the Chiba family are really abnormal.There are three generations in the family, all of them are sword masters.

According to legend, Chiba Koemon, who is highly skilled in medicine, once healed the wounds of "Eternal Sword Master" Ogata Iktosai-of course, this is just "legendary", and its credibility needs to be marked with a big question mark.

Since Ogata Yidao Zhai became famous all over the world, there have been many folk legends and unofficial history myths to catch its popularity.

Even Sanako, Chiba Shigetaro and other members of his own family don't really believe that Chiba Koemon once had an intersection with the unparalleled Ogata Ittosai.

When Chiba Koemon passed away, he did not "come empty-handed, go away empty-handed, without taking a cloud"—he left behind his swordsmanship and medical skills.

His two sons, Chiba Shusaku and Chiba Singkichi, created the Beichen Yidao style on the basis of Beichen's dream style.

However, although both brothers inherited their father's talent for swordsmanship, they failed to inherit his talent for medical skills.

Therefore, neither Chiba Shusaku nor Chiba Sadakichi could learn his father's medical skills.

When it comes to the grandchildren...

Chiba Shigetaro is short-tempered, with a rude and sloppy personality. Such a personality is doomed for him to miss learning.

As for the descendants of Chiba Shusaku, that is, Chiba Eijiro, Chiba Michizaburo, and Chiba Tamon Shiro, they also failed to master Chiba Koemon's medical skills.

In the end, only Sanako inherited his grandfather's medical mantle.

Sanako Bingxue is smart and has a calm personality, which is very suitable for learning medical skills, a complex knowledge that needs to be calmed down and studied carefully.

And Sanako is indeed very talented in medical skills, and she is also very interested in medicine.

One of her daily hobbies is buying and reading medical books.

With the need to take into account martial arts training, Sanako's medical studies have never fallen behind.

After more than ten years of diligent study, Sanako's medical skills are not at the level of being able to open a doctor's office, but at least it can be said to be impressive.

In particular, her acupuncture and moxibustion skills have amazed countless doctors.

A certain Yumu Jianfayin who was close to Chiba's family once commented: Ms. Chiba's acupuncture skills are not inferior to those masters who have been practicing medicine for decades!
[Note · Imperial Eyes Seal: "Royal Eyes", that is, the qualification to be able to meet with generals. "Hoyin", a title bestowed on monks with several specialized skills, including medical skills, during the Edo period.The monks who can obtain the title of "Royal Eyes and Seals" are all experts in a certain field. 】

At the same time, it is precisely because Sanako can be a warrior as well as a doctor, so whenever Chiba Shigetaro urged her to get married quickly, she would always refute with confidence: "Even if you can't live with a sword, even if you don't have a husband With your help, I can also make a living by practicing medicine!"

Whenever he heard Sanako say that, Chiba Shigetaro would shout impatiently: "Who would seek a woman to see a doctor?!"

Then the two brothers and sisters quarreled a lot...

Sanako not only took away the naginata, Wakizashi and other weapons, but also took away the acupuncture tools used for healing...

——What are you going to do to bring all the murderers and rulers with you?

Thinking of this, Chiba Shigetaro uncontrollably had an ominous premonition...

He hastily unfolded the letter paper in his hand again.

"'For some reason, I'm going on a trip'..."

He chewed this sentence several times.

The amount of information in the letter is really too little.

He only knew that Sanako was going away from home for a while, and he didn't know anything about the rest.

My sister left without saying goodbye... This kind of thing has never happened before!

As if his body had been manipulated, Chiba Shigetaro rushed out of Sanako's bedroom.

Although he ran very fast and in a hurry, he had no idea where he should go now.

As the ultimate sister-in-law who would rather be stabbed himself than see his sister lose a hair, Chiba Shigetaro really couldn't calm down.

He desperately wants to take action, desperately wants to do something... Even turning around in circles is better than standing still and motionless.

He instinctively ran outside the house.

It wasn't until he was about to reach the entrance that Chiba Shigetaro finally thought of where to go - the test guard hall!

In order to retrieve Qingdeng, the two brothers and sisters have been in contact with a group of people from the test and guard hall on a daily basis.

——Yong and the others might know where Sanako went!

Thinking of this, Chiba Shigetaro put on the snow boots at the entrance without any hesitation, and rushed out the door.

Chiba Shigetaro, who ran all the way from the small Chiba sword hall to the test guard hall, originally nearly 20 minutes, forcibly compressed it to less than 10 minutes.

"Whirring whirring……"

Chiba Shigetaro didn't wait for his breath to calm down, so he hurriedly knocked on the door of the test hall.

After a while, the sound of steady and steady footsteps came from inside the door.

"Here we come! May I ask who is it?"

Squeak—the door opened, and the big face of Isamu Kondo appeared behind the door.

"Brother heavy?"


"Huh? What, what's the matter?"

Kondo looked at Chiba Shigetaro who was panting and sweating profusely in astonishment.

"Yong! Have you seen Sanako?"

"Sanako? No, I haven't seen her today."

"Tsk...hasn't she been to the health testing hall?"

Kondo shook his head.

"Brother Chong, what happened?"


Chiba Shigetaro smiled wryly, then took out Sanako's letter from his pocket.

"Yong, look at this..."

"This is?"

Kondo took the letter and read it quickly

When his gaze lifted from the letter paper, he showed a rather charming expression mixed with shock and confusion.

"Ha ha……"

This time Isamu Kondo smiled wryly.

"Your son Sana has disappeared..."


Chiba Shigetaro keenly noticed the word in Kondo's sentence that made him very concerned.

Kondo sighed, and took out a letter from his bosom.

"Brother Chong, look at this..."

Chiba Shigetaro took the letter paper——


Shibo, Shenshen, Brother Jinteng, Mr. Tuwan, Uncle Yuan, for some reasons that I cannot tell you, I have to leave home for a while.

Don't be frank, I'll be back soon.

Okita Souji

Different from Sanako's letter, there was a clear stupidity in the chief executive's letter.

Between the lines, there is an atmosphere of not having studied seriously and having a low level of education.

Not only is the handwriting lackluster, but there are also many typos.

Chiba Shigetaro looked at it for a long time before he realized that "gentry" means "aunt".

It's just that the pseudonym is well written, and the font and usage are quite accurate.

It seems that Zongsi also belongs to the kind of person who "writes pseudonyms is okay, but writes Chinese characters and catches blind".

"This, this...! Even the general manager left without saying goodbye?!"

Chiba Shigetaro put down the letter paper, raised his head, and saw Kondo's big face full of sorrow.

"In fact, ever since we discovered the letter from the chief executive, we have been looking for the chief executive everywhere in the test guard hall."

As soon as Kondo's words fell, Chiba Shigetaro suddenly heard several familiar male voices from afar:
Harada: "Okita-kun! Okita-kun! Where are you?! Can you hear my voice? If you can hear my voice, answer me!"

Yongcang: "Harada! Are you an idiot?! Don't shout so loudly at night! It will disturb the people!"

Zhaitang: "Mr. Yongcang, your voice is also very loud."

Kondo glanced helplessly at the direction where Saito and the others' voices came from, and then continued:

"I was about to go to Xiaoqianye Sword Hall, and asked if you have seen the chief executive, but you came here on your own initiative."

"Where did this come from? Zuo Nazi and the chief executive left home at the same time and disappeared... Isn't this too coincidental? Ah! Could it be?!"

Chiba Shigetaro let out a sudden "ah" and opened his eyes wide.

Seeing this, Kondo thought that Chiba Shigetaro must have thought of something, so he asked anxiously:

"Brother Chong, have you thought of anything?"

Chiba Shigetaro, whose expression suddenly became extremely weird, slowly raised his eyes, stared straight into Kondo's eyes, and said word by word:

"Yong...Zanako and the chief...couldn't they have eloped?"


The tranquility that seemed to be in the deep sea surrounded Kondo and Chiba Shigetaro.


After a while, Kondo let out a "ha" and cast a surprised look at Chiba Shigetaro.

Probably because he always urged Sanako to get married quickly on weekdays, which made Chiba Shigetaro's imagination leap forward at this level.

A man and a woman bid farewell at the same time for no reason... Chiba Shigetaro immediately thought of elopement.

"Ahahaha... this..."

Kondo twitched the corners of his mouth, not knowing how to answer.

At this time, Zhou Zhu's voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"Yong, who is here?"

"Ah, father."

Kondo turned around and said to Zhou Zhu who was walking towards him slowly:
"Brother Chong is here, and Miss Sanako from the Little Chiba Sword Gym also left a letter and left without saying goodbye just like the Chief Director."

"Even Chiba Sanako...?"

Zhou Zhu's squinted eyes opened slightly.

"It seems that this matter is not trivial...Yong, you might as well ask Suisan for advice, Suisan's brain has always been very bright! He might be able to deduce where the chief executive and Miss Chiba are going!"

"Well... that's true."

Kondo nodded slightly.

"I don't know if Ah Sui is asleep..."



Time goes back to the present-

Both Kondo and Hijikata turned their helpless eyes of "I don't know what to say" to Chiba Shigetaro who threatened to "elope".

Both Kondo and Hijikata knew the true gender of the chief executive.

They have no way of knowing Sanako's sexual proclivities and orientation, so they will not comment.

But they know that the director's sexual orientation is absolutely normal.

Therefore, both Kondo and Hijikata knew that "Sanako eloped with the chief executive" was pure nonsense.

However, they couldn't explain it to Chiba Shigetaro clearly because they couldn't expose the truth that "the chief executive is a woman disguised as a man".

Therefore, Kondo and Hijikata could only say angrily:

"Brother Zhong! Your imagination is too rich! The chief executive and Ms. Sanako don't look like they can make a couple, do they?"

As soon as Kondo's voice fell, Doyo added from the side:

"Besides, Ms. Sanako has never shown a strong affection for the chief executive. No one would think that the chief executive and Miss Sanako can be a couple, right?"

In fact, Chiba Shigetaro just cares about chaos.

After listening to Kondo and Hijikata's complaints, he calmed down a bit.

"Well... you're right..."

"Well, it's about time you two explained it to me, right?"

Earth Fang put his hands on his hips and asked seriously.

"What happened to the chief executive and Miss Sanako?"

Seeing that Hijikata took the initiative to ask about serious matters, Kondo was also unambiguous:
"A Sui, it's like this..."

Kondo and Chiba Shigetaro succinctly explained their reason for coming, as well as the ins and outs of what happened tonight.

Tufang listened, pondered for a moment, and said:
"Can you show me the letter left by the chief executive and the others?"

Upon hearing this, Kondo and Chiba Shigetaro immediately took out the letter paper and handed it to Hijikata.

Tufang stretched out his arms, took a letter in one hand, and read it hastily.

After a while, he put down the letter paper in his hand and pursed his lips thoughtfully.

After about 1 minute passed like this, a faint smile appeared on the corner of Hijikata's mouth.

"Hmph, so that's the case..."

Hearing Hijikata's murmur, Kondo immediately asked impatiently:

"A Sui, do you know where the chief executive and Miss Sanako went?"

"How is it possible, what stupid things are you talking about?"

Earthwork shrugged.

"I'm not a fairy, how could I know where the two of them are now."

Speaking of this, the native side changed the subject.

"It's just... I probably know why they left without saying goodbye."

Kondo/Chiba Shigetaro: "?!"

The two older brothers both showed surprise expressions and cast eager gazes at Tufang. (Although they are not related by blood, Kondo and Hijikata have always regarded the Souji as their own sister and cared for them)
Tell us quickly!Why did the chief executive and Sanako leave without saying goodbye? There was such a meaning in the eyes of Kondo and Chiba Shigetaro.

However, Hijikata shook his head and smiled mysteriously.

"About this... please forgive me for having no comment."

"The chief executive and Miss Sanako just didn't want you to know what they were going to do, so they were vague in the letter."

"So, I decided to respect their wishes."

Hijikata's answer like this naturally caused great dissatisfaction with Kondo and Chiba Shigetaro.

"Hey! Ah Sui, is it too unkind of you to do this?"

Kondo looked worried.

"That's it!"

Chiba Shigetaro agreed.

However, no matter what Kondo and the others said, how much they persuaded, how much they pleaded, Hijikata never wavered and kept silent.

Although they are full of unwillingness, they have nothing to do if the earth side has been keeping secrets...



This tug-of-war, which each insisted on, lasted for nearly 10 minutes.

In the end——under Hijikata's persuasion, Kondo and Chiba Shigetaro, who got nothing, sighed regretfully and returned home.

The footsteps of the two brothers gradually faded away.

However, the earthwork did not immediately return to the house.

He stood there, looking into the distance with restless eyes.

Er, he looked up at the sky and murmured:
"Director, Miss Sanako... have you found him..."

After speaking, Hijikata heaved a sigh of relief.

Today is a chapter of nearly 6000 words!And it is still updated on time after a long absence!Ask for a monthly ticket! (Crying Leopard Leopard Head.jpg)

Zuo Nazi is proficient in medical skills-this is not made up by leopards.In the historical facts, Sanako is indeed proficient in swordsmanship, naginata, and medicine, especially acupuncture and moxibustion.

The grandfather of Shigetaro and Sanako, that is, Chiba Koemon, is indeed a "sword doctor double master" who kills and cures people, and Sanako's medical skills are inherited from her grandfather.

Historically, after the Meiji Restoration, Sanako made a living from family acupuncture.

(End of this chapter)

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