I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 418 Going to the meeting alone!Meet "Rabid Dog 1"! 【5000】

Chapter 418 Going to the meeting alone!Meet the "Mad Dog Family"! 【5000】

The next morning, the morning—

Edo, somewhere——

It was more than eight o'clock in the morning, and the sun half pushed and half hung on the top of a certain white cloud, shining beams of soft light that was not bright, but could make people feel a touch of warmth.

The weather is fine... Qingdeng thought to himself while looking up at the sky.

The half-light and half-dark clouds drifted lightly.

A pale yellow beam of light shines between the sky and the earth.

The footsteps of pedestrians, the calls of horses and cows, the rolling of wheels of carts and other vehicles... Everything on the street and around you is reflected in the warm sun, adding a touch of peace.

The air is very moist, as if there is snow melting in it.

The fresh air of the morning blows away the breath of human society.

——The weather is very suitable for going out for an outing.

As soon as Qingdeng thought this, an emotion that was exactly the same as his mental activity suddenly sounded behind him:

"Today's weather is so nice, it's very suitable for going out for a picnic, ahhh."

At the end of this sentence, there is an "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" - this is the sound of Jinpingtang being eaten into one's mouth.

Qing Deng was slightly startled, and then showed a dumbfounding expression.

He turned his head sideways and looked at the second daughter who was following behind him from left to right.

"Okita-kun, Miss Sanako, do you really want to follow me?"

"Mr. Ju, you are very annoying."

The chief executive curled his lips while chewing Jinping candy.

"How many times have I said this? How can I just stand by and watch you go into danger and remain indifferent?"

Sanako didn't make a sound.

But her eyes, which were calm and unwavering in the ancient well, already explained everything.

When Qingdeng saw this, he was half moved, half sighed helplessly.

Ever since Qingdeng reunited with the second daughter by chance and explained to the second daughter what he has done recently, the second daughter has made the same determination: they want to act together with Qingdeng!Assist Qingdeng in investigating the elusive drug!

Qingdeng's first reaction to this was naturally to refuse.

If it's a normal event, that's fine.

Qingdeng has never been a "lone wolf" who doesn't like company.

Whenever he encounters something that he can't solve, or he is not good at, he will be happy to ask others for help.

However, this incident is not trivial.

The Qingshui clan alone is already very troublesome, not to mention the forces that have given the platform to the fraudulent medicine, and there is also a terrorist organization that is acting crazy: the Fazhu Party.

Compared with the powerful Qingshui Clan and the unpredictable Fazhu Party, Qingdeng's fight against barbarians before was mediocre.

In fact, when he made up his mind to thoroughly investigate the fraudulent drug, Qingdeng was already mentally prepared for bloody conflicts and even full-scale struggles with the Qingshui clan and the Fazhu Party in the future.

As far as Qingdeng is concerned, he certainly does not want any relatives and friends such as Sanako, Chief Director, Kinoshita Mai, and Ai Luodi to be involved in the muddy water of "one step out, and it is difficult to turn back".

However... no matter what Qingdeng said or tried to persuade, the second daughter's mind was decided.

"Why don't you guys understand? The case of 'Strange Drug' is unusual and quite dangerous!"—Qingdeng repeated this sentence at least 10 times.

"So what?" - Sanako and the chief executive repeated this sentence at least 11 times.

Zuo Nazi has a strong personality, so Qing Deng knew early on that the chance of persuading her to change her mind was very slim.

But he didn't expect that when the chief executive got stubborn, he would be like a cow, and he couldn't pull it back no matter how hard he pulled.

Both Sanazi and the chief executive are living beings with hands and feet, who can move and think. When they made up their minds and wanted to do something, Qingdeng really couldn't stop them.

It's impossible for Qingdeng to interrupt their hands and feet, right?

Qingdeng, who couldn't hold back them, had no choice but to sigh, acquiescing to the second daughter's self-assertion.

Last night, they went home separately, left home letters informing their families that they would be away for a while, and changed their attire.

The chief has put on leggings to improve the flexibility of the lower limbs.

Although Sanako was still dressed in a white and blue women's kendo uniform, she brought her naginata, as well as medical equipment such as linen, ointment, and her favorite acupuncture tools.

The linen, ointment, acupuncture tools and other items were relatively small, and they were all stuffed into a palm-sized leather bag, which was then tied around the right waist by a zona.

As for the huge naginata, it was carried on the back by Sanako.

Of course, in order to avoid attracting attention and causing panic to passers-by, Sanako specially wrapped the naginata tightly with a black cloth.

Judging from the appearance, it is completely impossible to tell that this is a naginata.

In the eyes of others, they will only think that Sanako is carrying a fishing rod.

Qingdeng was not surprised when he learned that the chief executive insisted on helping him.

After all, the two of them have already tried all kinds of moves and left water marks everywhere inside and outside the test hall.

On the contrary, Zenazi also insisted on following him closely... This surprised Qingdeng quite a bit.

But if you think about it carefully, this is not something difficult to understand.

Sanako, who was deeply influenced by the samurai culture, has always attached great importance to love and righteousness.

Besides, Qingdeng had the grace to save Zonazi's life.

That night, if Qingdeng hadn't rescued him in time, I'm afraid Zuo Nazi would have died under the butcher's knife of the barbarian group.

Although Qingdeng doesn't care whether Zuo Nazi repays his favor or not, Sana Zi, who values ​​etiquette, justice and shame, must always keep Qingdeng's life-saving grace in his heart.

It is reasonable and reasonable for Zuo Nazi to stab Qingdeng out of loyalty and simple thought of repaying his kindness.

Of course, it's not that Qingdeng didn't wonder whether Sanako had special feelings for him, and that's why he did his best to help him.

However... this is just Qingdeng's personal conjecture after all.

Zuo Nazi's attitude towards Qingdeng has always been lukewarm, neither salty nor bland.

Not too far away, not too close.

The only time Qingdeng felt that Sanako was "close" to him was the night when he took Sanako to the fireworks display.

Under the fiery night sky, Sanako, whose eyes shone like glass, said "thank you" softly to him—this picture-like scene has always been treasured by Qing Deng in his heart.

To this day, Qing Deng still feels that there is an inexplicable sense of distance between him and Zuo Nazi.

This made Qing Deng unable to figure out what the relationship between him and Zuo Nazi was now.

All in all, Qingdeng, who now has the help of Sanazi and the chief executive, is like a tiger with wings added.

Needless to say, the general manager is a genius swordsman who has reached the realm of "freedom to retract" at the age of 16.

As for Zuo Nazi, he is capable of writing and martial arts. He can not only make suggestions, but also carry a sword into battle.

At the same time, because she is proficient in medical skills, she can also guarantee logistics.

Qingdeng has known for a long time that Zuo Nazi is a ruthless character who "cuts people and rules them".

It's just that he hasn't been lucky enough to see Sanako's rejuvenating hand.

Although today's weather is surprisingly good, Qingdeng and his party really don't have the time and leisure to go on an outing.

Last night, Qingdeng learned from Toshizo Miyagawa that Tachibana Takayuki had had an encounter with "Mad Dog" Ugaki Goro.

That being the case, what to do next is very clear - go to the lair of the mad dog family: the sun room, and confront the "mad dog" Ugaki Goro!
The Sun House is located on Hiroko Road, Nakahashi.

Nakahashi Hirokoji Road - a well-known downtown area where crowds gather.

The so-called "Guang Xiaolu" refers to the main road used for fire prevention.

Because of its wide area and the ability to accommodate a large number of people, most of the wide and small roads have evolved into prosperous commercial streets and entertainment streets.

The most famous Hirokoji is Ryogoku Hirokoji, known as "the No. [-] entertainment street in Edo".

Although the time is still early, Nakahashi Hirokoji is already very noisy.

There are many shops on both sides of the street.

Dotted all over, row upon row.

Dizzying, full of beautiful things in eyes.

Men and women, bustling to and fro.

Driving to return, swimming dragons in flowing water.

Qingdeng had no time to appreciate the bustling street scene, and kept on hurrying on his way.

But at this moment, bursts of noise coming from the front attracted his attention——

"Oh, I hate it, why are there so many Yakuza from the Shimizu clan?"

"who knows……"

"They seem to be looking for someone."

"It's just looking for someone, as for mobilizing so many teachers..."

"God knows, let's go, let's not go near them."

A large number of passers-by hurriedly passed Qingdeng and others shoulder to shoulder, and walked quickly in the opposite direction to Qingdeng and others.

The Qingshui clan... At this juncture, Qingdeng suddenly heard this name, and couldn't help squinting his eyes slightly, and looked serious.

After walking for a while, Qingdeng looked forward——

"Hey you!"

"Hey! Your Excellency! Please, please, what can I do?"

"Don't be nervous, I just want to ask you someone - have you ever seen this person in the portrait?"

"No, no..."

"Have you ever seen the man in the portrait?"


"Tut! Damn! Look carefully! Have you never seen it?!"

"Da Da, my lord! I swear to the Buddha! I really haven't seen it before!"


On the street ahead, there suddenly appeared a large number of young men with vicious appearances and wolf-like temperaments.

Because of the severe cold, each of them was dressed heavily.

However, even so, colorful tattoos can still be seen from their exposed necks, backs of hands, ankles and other places.

Roughly speaking, there are about 20 people.

Despite their large numbers, they did not appear to be here to fight or cause trouble.

I saw them holding a portrait in each hand and asking every passerby along the street.

The questions asked were all the same - have you ever seen the person in the portrait?
Although as the grassroots ruling ability of the Edo shogunate gradually collapsed, Yakuza, which had lost effective control, became more and more arrogant, but they were not yet domineering enough to dare to commit violence against innocent people in broad daylight and in public.

Therefore, although the Yakuzas of the Qingshui clan spoke in a rather rude tone, they were not too rude.

"Hey! You three! The three wearing hats!"

Qingdeng followed the shouting sound.

"Are you talking about us?"

"Yes! I'm talking about you guys!"

A burly man with thick hair and thick hair, who looked like an orangutan in terms of body shape and amount of hair, walked straight towards Qingdeng and the others swaggeringly.

Whether it's Sanako or the chief executive, both of them are existences that can make passers-by on the street turn their heads frequently.

After all, the former is the "No. [-] beauty in Edo", while the latter is a beautiful boy who can fascinate young girls and all Taoists from the outside.

It would be too conspicuous if the two of them followed Qing Deng carelessly and without any cover.

So, they all imitated Qingdeng and wore low-edged bamboo hats that could completely conceal their faces.

"What's with you?"

Qing Deng pressed the bamboo hat on top of his head.

"It's nothing! I just want to ask someone with you!"

As the orangutan said, he handed the portrait in his hand to Qingdeng and the others.

"Have you ever seen the man in the portrait?"

Qingdeng lowered his gaze, and glanced at the portrait in the orangutan's hand—for an instant, his brow twitched.

At this time, the two girls also moved their heads together.

A look of astonishment appeared on Sanako's cheeks.

The director-general even said directly:

"This man's chin...is so fat..."

It's no wonder that Qingdeng and others showed such a reaction.

The person in the painting...to put it mildly, looks a lot like a Picasso painting.

To put it in plain, simple and direct terms, it is... Is this really a jaw that humans can grow?
I saw that the people in the painting were about 3 to 40 years old, and the parts above the mouth were normal.

Plain eyes, plain nose, plain ears...

But the parts below the mouth... are quite scary.

To be precise, his jaw is quite terrifying.

His jaw is huge.

The wide and fat jaw looked as if it had been stung by hundreds of bees.

According to Qingdeng's personal estimate, he feels that the chin of the person in the painting is nearly twice as big as the upper half of his face.

Such a disparity in proportions made this person's whole face look like a melon with a narrow top and a wide bottom.

Just when Qingdeng and others were still deeply shocked by such a strange appearance, the orangutan asked again:
"How? Have you seen this person?"

Perhaps it was the reason why Qingdeng and the others hadn't spoken for a long time, but the orangutan's tone this time showed obvious impatience.

Qingdeng shook his head lightly.

"I have not seen it."

Sanako and the director also shook their heads.

"What! Since you haven't seen it before, answer it quickly! Don't waste everyone's time!"

The orangutan left cursing.

Qingdeng also ignored the orangutan's rudeness.

He is neither interested in knowing who the person in the painting is, nor is he interested in knowing why the Yakuzas of the Qingshui clan are looking for this "chin guy" everywhere.

After Qingdeng glanced at the orangutan who was going away, he led Sanazi and the chief director and continued to head straight for the location of the sun room.




Qingdeng raised his head and looked up at the plaque above his head engraved with the three characters of "Sunshine House".

It is a 3-storey building with a large Chinese character "Qian" painted on the black door curtain.

At first glance, it is just a private bank that can be seen everywhere.

However, after listening carefully for a moment, you can hear the snarky shouts coming from the room:

"Grandma! I've said it all! We are fucking businessmen! We only lend money to people who can repay the loan! You are a fucking old man, maybe you will kick your legs and belch tomorrow! This makes you How can we give you a loan with confidence?"

"If you really want money, you can use your house deed to pay for it! What? If you don't pay the loan, the house deed will be gone, and the whole family will have to sleep on the street? Isn't this fucking natural?! Even if you dare to destroy your family You don’t even have the courage to be displaced, what the hell are you borrowing, and what business are you doing?!”

"We are a fucking private bank, not a fucking girl's house! We don't buy women! Even if you give us your daughter, wife, and old mother, we won't give you a penny!"


Qingdeng listened to all kinds of shouts, opened the curtain and stepped into the house.

The scene inside the house was much more lively than Qingdeng imagined.

The first floor of the sun room is the office.

The south is the gate, the east is the stairs leading to the second floor, the west is an empty wall, and the north is lined up with 4 counters. The interior layout is very similar to the bank hall of Qingdeng's previous life.

However, behind the counter, there is no young woman in a beautiful uniform sitting with black silk high heels, a beautiful silk scarf around her neck, but only a irascible old man who is astonishingly "smothered" as soon as he speaks.

People who come to repay money and borrow money come from five elements and eight works.

There are warriors with double knives, farmers with honest appearance, businessmen covered in silk, craftsmen with white scarves on their foreheads, Yakuza with dragon and phoenix patterns, and tourist female……

Although the appearance and demeanor of every staff member in the sun room, including the counter staff, resembled a serial murderer, the overall operation was still quite similar.

There are strict lending standards.

Only accept real mortgages such as house deeds, land deeds, precious luxury goods, etc.

It can be seen that there is no reason why the solar house can become bigger and stronger.

Qingdeng went straight to a counter that was not currently handling business.

"Gui'an, is Mr. Ugaki here?"


Behind the counter, a young man with fierce eyes raised his eyes and looked at Qingdeng suspiciously.

"Heh, it's really rare. The first thing I said was not to pay back the money or ask for money, but to ask the whereabouts of the boss...Who are you? Why are you looking for our boss?"

Qingdeng opened his mouth, and when he was about to answer——

"Ah! It's you!"

A familiar scream suddenly sounded from behind Qingdeng.

Qing Deng was startled for a moment, then turned his head to the side and followed the prestige.

A one-eyed dragon with a black patch over his left eye pointed at him in horror.

"Master Uehara! That's him! This bastard beat us up! We couldn't receive the money from Kikuchi Chisui!"

Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

Ps: The female ninja Jasmine in "Thousands of Love" is so cute!Sure enough, the bear female ninja is the romance of men and the treasure of human civilization!

Today is another day when I want to marry a female ninja.

(End of this chapter)

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