I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 475 A man who can freely enter the "Non-Self Realm"! 【Leopard 1W】

Chapter 475 A man who can freely enter the "Non-Self Realm"! 【Leopard 1W】

As soon as Luo Sha finished speaking, Qing Deng squatted down with his brows tightly furrowed, and struck the ground with a broken knife.

He held on desperately, and finally did not fall down.

A strong sense of dizziness poured into Qingdeng's brain like a tide.

He felt that the images and sounds of the world in front of him were distorted.

The only thing that is clear is the beating of the heart in the chest.Plop, plop, plop... like thunder, deafening.

Turbid consciousness, chaotic thoughts...everything is fragmented.

He was sweating profusely, his breathing was disturbed, and it was painful to stand up.

The weight was exacerbated by the dizziness wrapping around his head.

The skull should be fine, but the internal injuries are serious.

If it wasn't for the fact that he could still see, hear, and still be conscious, then Qingdeng would almost have thought that his brain had rotted into a puddle like tofu that had fallen to the ground.

Smack, smack, smack...

Luo Sha dragged the knife and walked step by step towards Qingdeng who was unable to move.

The ear-piercing sound of "click-click-click" was drawn by the tip of the knife wiping the ground.

At this time, he has already lifted his fighting stance.

He looked down at Qingdeng who was crouching down from a high position, with undisguised regret on his face.

It's like buying a toy you don't like.

It's like eating something hard to swallow.

"It's really disappointing...the so-called 'Nioh' is nothing more than that."

"However, your sword-drawing technique is really good."

"It's been a long time since I met someone who can cultivate Iaido to this level."

"Even if you are as picky as I am, you have to give a positive evaluation to your brilliant performance just now."

"But—that's all."

When he said these words, Luo Sha happened to walk up to Qing Deng.

"The 'Nioh' who guarded the world was killed by the 'Raksha' who cannibalized human flesh...haha, this is really ridiculous."

"Ju Qingdeng, in the final analysis... your title of 'King of Ren' is nothing more than a novelist's words, and then it was made up by accidents."

"In my opinion, your current strength is far from worthy of such a famous name."

"Virtue does not match, nothing more than that."

Raksha held his head high and his chest up, the corners of his mouth slightly turned up, and he was arrogantly doing a long speech.

He didn't even put on a fighting stance, just stood in front of Qingdeng so grandiosely, belittled Qingdeng with air... This appearance is really extremely arrogant.

However, it is undeniable that the Rakshasa at this time does have arrogant power.

Qing Deng's strength and speed were suppressed by Luo Sha.

His trump card: the sword drawing technique Liuguang, also failed to defeat Rakshasa—and was cracked by the opponent's superior Iaido in the fair and just "Central Gate Confrontation".

Even the knife in his hand was cut off and his head was injured.

All the signs point to the same brutal fact: Qingdeng has already lost, completely lost...

But at this time——

"Your nonsense... so much."

Unexpectedly, Qing Deng took a deep breath, then stood up with difficulty, using the broken knife leaning on the ground as support.

"You're chatty...you're noisier than the wild dogs around my house."

Qingdeng shook his head violently a few times while talking, as if he wanted to shake out all the impurities in his mind.

Seeing this, Raksha couldn't help but startled.

Then, he subconsciously frowned.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing standing up? Don't you want to continue the fight? The outcome between you and me is already clear, right? What's the point of continuing the fight? Squat on the ground obediently , accepting defeat and death calmly—isn’t it easier this way?”

Qingdeng shook his body a few times.

Although he barely managed to get a firm foothold, all the energy remaining in his body was exhausted just by doing so.

At this time, Qingdeng looks like a tall sand tower - it will collapse if you push it casually.

"Squatting on the ground obediently... accepting defeat and death calmly...?"

Qing Deng murmured.

"If that's the case... I won't be me anymore..."

Raksha sneered.

"Hmph! Whatever you want. I don't want to waste my time with the dying man."

After finishing speaking, he slowly raised the knife in his hand.

Under the moonlight, the sharp tip of the knife reflected the icy light.

Not far away, Zuo Nazi has been paying attention to Qingdeng's battle situation.

Seeing Qing Deng's defeat, Luo Sha raised his saber, and Zuo Nazi's pretty face turned pale instantly.

Sanako's heart beat hard.The second time, the third time, the heartbeat became faster and faster, and the rapid siren sounded in my heart, getting louder and louder, and the uneasiness that sprouted in my heart suddenly grew!

The emotion like vines wrapping around the body is fear, and even erodes into Sanako's body bit by bit, pinches the heart and fixes the body.

Such feelings, such emotions... Sanako had never experienced this before.

Almost without thinking, she yelled loudly as if trying to defy her anxiety:

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

She spread her arms and brandished the naginata, trying to defeat the enemy who was entangled with her in front of her, and went to rescue Qingdeng.

There is obviously a comatose director behind him who urgently needs protection, and Zuo Nazi also knows that her behavior of "abandoning the director and just thinking about saving Qingdeng" is definitely not a good deed, but she really doesn't care about it. There are so many.

At this moment, she has nothing in her eyes except Qingdeng; in her mind, there is no other thought except "Qingdeng is in danger, we must hurry to save Qingdeng".

However... haste makes waste.

With her heart already in turmoil, the more eager she is to defeat the enemy in front of her, the more difficult it is for her to display her due strength.

Being entangled by several Yakuza, she couldn't move an inch.

the other side--



Sazhong, who is "non-mouthed" and always has a cold face on weekdays, has difficulty keeping his composure after witnessing Qing Deng's troubles.

She called Yae, and the two rushed towards Raksha together.

As for Yae... of the two sisters, she is the one with the most affection.

At the same time, she is also the one who has the best relationship with Qingdeng among the two sisters.

Even Sha Zhong showed anxiety, let alone her.

I saw an uncontrollable panic on her face.

Under Sazhong's leadership, she desperately stimulated the strength in her body.Even for a second... No!Half a second is fine!She wanted to rush to Qingdeng's side as soon as possible.

The person who is closest to Qingdeng and also has certain strength is Uncle Tiancangxiao.

However...he had already been killed by Luo Sha, even though he wanted to rescue Qingdeng, the serious injury really made him feel powerless...

Naturally, Luosha noticed Zanako and the others who were rushing to rescue Qingdeng.

Although he noticed, he was completely indifferent.

After all, the situation is already clear.

Anyone can see—Sanako and the others are too late...

"Goodbye, man who is not worthy of the name 'King'."

A sneer flashed across Rakshasa's cheeks.

At the moment when Rakshasa was about to swing the knife in his hand——

Several whistling sounds suddenly broke through the air

A few small and round things flew straight to Rakshasa.

Luo Sha was stunned for a moment, and then subconsciously put up a knife to defend.

Following a few flashes of saber light, the round objects flying towards Luosha shattered.

Luo Sha thought these things were hidden weapons.

In a sense, these "balls" are indeed hidden weapons, but they are not the same as the hidden weapons that Luo Sha imagined—this is a high-tech product.

As soon as the "ball" shattered, large groups of white smoke suddenly rose from it!

Seeing this, Luo Sha's pupils shrank slightly, and then he gritted his teeth.

"This equipment... the Great Salt Party...!"

At the same time, similar scenes played out everywhere in the factory.

The ball falls, and the smoke rises.

One after another, the balls flew to various places, bringing thick white smoke one after another.

In a blink of an eye, the huge factory was covered with white smoke, and the fog was thick.

Coughing, sobbing, one after another.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

"What is this?!"

"Damn! Shut your eyes! Shut your eyes! Don't let your eyes touch the fog!"


Qingdeng recognized these white smokes - he had just seen how powerful these white smokes were tonight.

The severe pain in his head affected Qingdeng's hearing.

It's like sinking your head into water, and you can only hear indistinct dull sounds.

However, even so, he still vaguely heard footsteps from far to near coming from his side.

"Your Excellency Nioh."

It's Ebina's voice:
"plz follow me."


at the same time--

"Ebina has taken His Excellency Nioh away, so come with me quickly."

Ichinose, with her back against the chief executive, urgently urged Sanako.


"Hey, you two little ones."

While supporting the weak Tiancang Xiao, Ajiujin said quickly to the two sisters in an impatient tone.

"Come with me."


Warriors in the world of low martial arts are strong but strong, but no matter how powerful they are, they are still mortal.

In the face of nature and technology, human beings are always powerless.

Even the mighty Rakshasa couldn't ignore the white smoke around him.

He closed his eyes tightly and pricked up his ears.

Beware of white smoke getting into your eyes while paying attention to the movement around you.

Although Luo Sha is not good at hearing, he can't listen to the sound to distinguish the position like Qingdeng, and build a virtual map in his mind, but it is more than enough to prevent others from approaching him.

Because Ebina and the others dropped all the smoke bombs they were carrying, the white smoke lingered for a long time.

After about 5 minutes, the smoke finally slowly disappeared.

After confirming that the white smoke around him had dissipated, Luo Sha slowly opened the smoke and scanned around.

"Did you escape..."

The place where Qingdeng was standing just now was completely empty, and he was nowhere to be seen.

Not only Qingdeng—Sanako, Zongsi, Tiancang Xiao, Erzhong Sisters, almost all the new Imperial Court Fanfans...they are all gone.


Raksha gave a "tsk" sound and smacked his lips.

"I didn't expect there to be heretics from the Great Salt Party... If I had known this, I should have prepared more."

As the smoke dissipated, order in the workshop was gradually restored.

Not far away, Qing Shui Rong rushed to Luo Sha in a hurry.

"Lord Rakshasa! Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. What can a few insects do to me?"

After confirming that Rakshasa was safe, Eiichi Shimizu showed a relaxed expression.

Afterwards, he turned his head and gazed at the workshop where only he, Rakshasa, and the Yakuzas of the Shimizu clan remained.

"It's unbelievable...they managed to escape in such a chaotic environment..."

Raksha snorted coldly.

"Naturally. 'Escape' is the game of the heretics of the Great Salt Party."

"Since the fiasco of the 'Osaka Battle', they have been suppressed by the shogunate like rats in the sewer, living a life of hiding and living without a fixed place."

"Over time, they have developed extraordinary escape techniques. They are not only good at escaping, but also good at leading others to escape. They have also invented and produced a large number of props that are very suitable for escaping."

"Huh! These heretics of the Great Salt Party love to toss about such tricks... It's a good thing they can make so many fancy little props."

"If it weren't for their unbelievably high escape skills, we would have wiped out these hateful heretics long ago!"

"I really hope that Yuzao can work harder to find out the headquarters of the Great Salt Party as soon as possible, and strive to wipe them out as soon as possible."

After finishing speaking, Raksha put the knife back into its sheath.

Eiichi Shimizu asked:
"Master Luosha, are you going to chase them?"

"No need to chase."

Rakshasa replied without thinking.

"Without knowing the direction of their escape, so much time has passed, and it is basically impossible to catch up with them. Hmph, let's count them lucky this time."

As soon as Shimizu Rong heard the words, his face became troubled.

"But... Lord Luosha, please forgive me for speaking bluntly—Ju Qingdeng is a martial arts genius known all over the world."

"Although he is still very weak at the moment, it's really hard to say what will happen to him in the future.

"If you don't get rid of this dog, there will be endless troubles!"

Shimizu Rong made a sincere suggestion to Raksha.

Luo Sha was silent for a while, and let out a "hehehe" chuckle full of jokes.

"Indeed, as you said, Ju Qingdeng is a rare martial arts genius."

"But no matter how talented a person is, he still needs time to grow up."

"We just need to kill him before he grows."

"It's useless to be anxious about this kind of thing, take your time."

Raksha said while raising his hand to press Shimizu Eiichi's shoulder.

"Eiichi, don't be nervous."

"As a human being, you must remain calm at all times, and you must not be impatient."

"Once a person is anxious, it is easy to say something that is not thoughtful, and then make some inappropriate and reckless actions."

"Relax, relax."

Hearing what Raksha said, Shimizu Eiichi's originally tense facial lines gradually relaxed.

"Yes. Lord Rakshasa, thank you for your teaching."

At this time, Luo Sha seemed to have remembered something, pursed his lips, and then laughed out loud.

"Oh, what a disappointment."

"I thought Ju Qingdeng could be more capable."

"At the end of the day, he's never had a stellar record."

"If you look at his past in detail, his battle for fame was nothing more than cutting off some of the food bags of the barbarian group."

"In the end, it's just a waste of fame."

"Being forced to bear a famous name that doesn't match your own strength... is both sad and laughable."

After finishing speaking, Luo Sha put his hands behind his back, turned around, and walked away.

"Eiichi, there is no need to keep this factory anymore."

"Take away all the herbs and equipment in the workshop, and then set fire to it."

"Before the sun comes out, I want to see that this place has become white."



Edo, somewhere——

"Hoo...! Hoo...! Hoo...! Hoo...! Nioh... Your Excellency... Hoo...! Hoo...! Are you okay...? Can you stand up...?"

Panting, Ebina put down Qingdeng on his back.

Qingdeng was like a newborn deer, supporting his weak and shaking legs due to loss of strength.

His head was still hurting badly... and it was getting worse, as if countless flying insects were laying eggs in his brain.

Although his physical condition was so bad that even speaking became difficult, Qingdeng still cheered up and thanked Ebina:

"Mr. Ebina...Thank you for your help..."

At this time, Ebina, who had already breathed evenly, smiled slightly, and responded:
"You're welcome. After all, we are allies with the same goal."

"Mutual help among allies is a matter of course."

"Besides, even if it's just for disgusting law-killing bastards, we will definitely save you."

Qingdeng tried his best to squeeze out a smile, returned an ugly smile, and then turned his head in another direction:
"Are you... all okay...?"

"Hmm..." Sanako nodded lightly, "Fortunately... Okita-kun and I are fine..."

Yaechao was crouching beside Tiancangxiao, and Sazhong, who was treating Tiancangxiao's wounds, asked:
"Sister, how is Mr. Tiancang?"

Sha Zhong answered softly:
"It's neither too bad nor very good. I have given Mr. Tiancang a simple bandage, and he will be safe for a while, but he still needs further treatment."

With the concerted efforts of Ebina, Ichinose, and Akutsu, Sanako, Soji, Tian Cangxiao, and the two sisters all escaped smoothly.

Seeing that all the people he knew well... especially Zuo Nazi and the chief executive were all alive, Qing Deng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

However... the rest of the New Yuting Fan were not so lucky.

When we came, there were more than 30 people.

And right now, there are only 10 or so Fanshi who escaped alive...

Some of them were killed in battle, and some were Ebina and they had no time to take them away...

Ebina, Ichinose, and Akutsu were able to take away a dozen or so people headed by Aoto in the thick fog of the enemy with the power of three people, which is no different from a miracle—however, this is also a feat Their limit is reached.

If possible, they also want to rescue everyone, but...they have really tried their best...

Yae cast a curious look at Ichinose beside her.

"Why are you able to walk freely in the smoke? Are your eyes not afraid of the smoke?"

"Let's take the antidote in advance." Ichinose replied, "As long as you take the antidote, you will be immune to those smokes in a short time."

"Oh! That's how it is!"

Yae rubbed the back of his head and laughed "hahaha".

She probably laughed so loud on purpose in order to ease the heavy atmosphere that permeated around them at the moment.

In the dead silence, Yae's laughter was particularly abrupt, making the atmosphere even more sluggish.

Seeing that he was like a clown singing a one-man show, Yae put away his laughter with a disappointed expression, and lowered his head.

At this moment, from Qingdeng and others to the patriots of the Great Salt Party, to the fans of the New Royal Court Fan... no matter who they are, they all look listless.

Or expressionless, or a look of frustration.

Either drooping his head, or drooping his shoulders.

No one spoke... Morale was visibly low, just like a defeated army.

In fact, it does.

They lost.

Replaying the entire battle - rather than saying that they were defeated by the Yakuzas of the Qingshui clan who had a superior force, it would be better to say that they were defeated by Rakshasa's sword.

When Qing Deng failed to defeat Luo Sha, their "defeat" was a foregone conclusion.

Even the strongest Qingdeng is no match for Rakshasa, so who can defeat this monster?
At this time, Ajiujin raised his finger to the east and shouted:

"Hey! Take a look!"

Everyone looked in the direction Ajiujin pointed - the eastern sky was slightly reddened, shaking from time to time.

East... This direction is the direction they escaped from just now, that is, the production workshop of the phantom deposit is located...

The red light is flickering, the flames are looming... No matter how stupid people are, they will know what happened.

In an instant, the morale of Qingdeng and the others, which was already low, became even more sluggish.

After going through untold hardships, it was hard to find ironclad evidence to prove that the French Party manufactures and sells dangerous drugs, but it still failed to keep it, so that the success fell short...


Yae scolded in a low voice, with tears in his eyes.

Sha heavily pursed her red lips.

Tiancang Xiao frowned.

Akujin gritted his teeth.

Ichinose showed a bitter face.

Ebina let out a long sigh.

Sanako lowered her eyelids and remained silent.

Qingdeng wanted to clench his fists... but he didn't even have the strength to clench his fists.

"Mr. Ebina... What are your plans after...?"

Ebina smiled bitterly.

"We plan to stay dormant for a while."


"This is also impossible."

Ebina sighed.

"Both Ichinose and Akutsu were injured, one was injured in the chest and the other was wounded in the shoulder. Both of them need to rest for a while."

"The production workshop of the phantom deposit has been destroyed. Rakshasa will definitely hide all information related to the phantom deposit more carefully in the future."

"This struggle is bound to turn into a long and protracted battle... We need to stop for a while, re-draw our plans, and think about the long-term."

"Unfortunately, we have to part ways for a while."

Speaking of this, Ebina paused for a while, and put on a regretful wry smile.

"Your Excellency Nioh, if possible, I really want to continue working with you..."

Qingdeng nodded lightly:

"It's okay... I can understand..."

"Your Excellency King Ren, let me take the liberty to ask, do you have any plans for the future?"

"...To be honest...my head is empty right now...I don't have any ideas...uh...!"

A deep moan floated faintly from the tip of Qingdeng's nose.

He leaned against the dirt wall beside him, and slowly slid to the ground.

Sanako stepped forward and supported Qingdeng - she had been paying attention to Qingdeng's physical condition.

"Tachibana-kun, take a break..."

Sanako's voice carried a strong sense of tension.

"Damn it...now...it's not...time to sleep..."

In order to stay awake, Qingdeng bit the tip of his tongue, but it didn't help at all. This little pain, in front of the increasingly intense dizziness, was like a mantis holding a car against a car.

Eyelids drooped uncontrollably.

The small black patterns gradually spread from the corner of the eye to the center, gradually covering the field of vision.

"Mister Tangerine? Mr. Orange?"

Qingdeng heard Zuo Nazi's voice, it sounded like it came from afar.

For a split second, he saw something.

The fluffy fair skin, the bright and attractive red lips, the looming slender hair, and the eyebrows shining with anxious eyes.

It turned out to be Sanako's face.

She held Qingdeng's face in her hands, nervously repeatedly confirming Qingdeng's state of mind.

——Miss Sanako... seems to have lost weight...

When Qingdeng thought of this, his consciousness was completely interrupted.

It was dark in front of my eyes, and nothing was reflected in my vision...



Edo, Tonan Town, Shimizu Mansion——

Accompanied by Shimizu Eiichi, Luo Sha strode back to Shimizu Mansion.

Although Luo Sha regretted not being able to kill Qingdeng, but in terms of results, tonight's battle was undoubtedly a great success.

Not only did Qingdeng and his party suffer heavy losses, but they also successfully burned down the production workshop of Huanfudian, erasing the evidence that "the Fazhu Party is the real culprit in the production and sale of Huanfudian".

Luo Sha is not afraid that the Great Salt Party will make trouble for them.

Compared with the Fazhu Party with a deep foundation, the Great Salt Party with a relatively short development time is much weaker.

In the eyes of Luo Sha, the heretics of the Great Salt Party are not to be feared at all.

If there is anything that can have a serious impact on the production and dissemination of phantom deposits... Luo Sha thinks about it, but there are only two things.

First, the Edo shogunate obtained ironclad evidence that the French Party produced and destroyed the phantom deposits.

The shogunate, where partisanship has intensified, is about to evolve into a political ecology of "opposition for the sake of opposition".

As long as it is the proposition of the "Nanji faction", the people of the "Hitsubashi faction" will blindly oppose it, and vice versa, as long as it is the proposition of the "Nanji faction", the people of the "Nanji faction" will blindly oppose it.

Under such circumstances, it is completely idiotic for the shogunate to work together as one.

According to all the information and clues known so far, plus his own analysis, Luo Sha is sure that the high-level people of the shogunate have definitely noticed the existence and harm of the phantom deposit.

He even suspected that part of the reason why Qingdeng kept his eyes on Huanfudian was that he was ordered by a high-ranking member of the shogunate.

Qingdeng is the captain of the third team of Huofu Thief Kai. He has a high position and authority and extraordinary ability. It is normal for the high-level people in the shogunate to trust him and entrust him with important tasks.

If only a very few people within the shogunate intend to eliminate the phantom accumulation, it will not help at all-political opponents don't care how correct your propositions and policies are, anyway, no matter what you say, we will oppose it.

The resources that should have been used to do business just disappeared in this endless internal friction.

The best way to break this stalemate is to come up with a reason for action that can overwhelm all political opponents.

Because of this, Rakshasa ordered the production workshop of Huanfudian to be burned down, and all the production materials were transferred to other places.

As long as the officials of the Edo Shogunate don't get caught, Rakshasa can continue to have nothing to fear.

As for the second reason that may have a great impact on the production and sales of Huanfudian... that is, that damn gourd house is after them.

To be honest, Luo Sha was more afraid of being targeted by the gourd house than being targeted by the shogunate.

The Edo shogunate was always unable to let go because of party struggles and social considerations-the Gourd House did not have these problems.

The Gourd House is a highly centralized private organization, and the power is concentrated in the hands of their leader... that is, Kinoshita Lin.

Manpower, weapons, money... All the resources of Gourd House and its affiliated organizations can be used by Kinoshita Lin like her fingers.

If the shogunate wants to deal with the law and punish the party, it still needs a reasonable reason for action.

On the other hand, gourd house...

Luo Sha's old experience told him: Huluwu's strategy for dealing with the Falun Party is very simple and clear - find it and destroy it!

If you find the stronghold and members of the Fazhu Party, destroy them immediately!No reasonable and legal evidence is required!There is no need to worry about social observations!I would rather kill the wrong than let it go!
Therefore, compared to "the gourd house has noticed the phantom deposit", Luo Sha is more worried that "the gourd house has discovered that the Fazhu Party and the Qingshui clan have a lot to do with each other."

If Calabash House finds out about this matter... Luo Sha dares to conclude: Calabash House will gather combat troops at the first time and wipe out the Qingshui clan!
The Fazhu Party's foundation in Kanto is very shallow, without the great assistance of the "land snake" Qingshui clan, Luo Sha and the others would not have been able to spread the phantom deposit so smoothly.

The Fazhu Party is responsible for the production, and the Shimizu Clan is responsible for the sales channels. The division of labor is clear and the effect is remarkable.

It can be said that if the Qingshui clan is wiped out, Rakshasa will be about to cry without tears—even if the sales channels are gone, what's the use of making more phantom deposits?
Of course, what has been said above is quite worrisome.

When the Gourd House really hits and the Qingshui clan is in trouble, let's take it easy - this is the idea that Luo Sha has always held.

With the destruction of the production workshop, for a long time to come, the secret of the phantom deposit will continue to be hidden in the bottomless darkness.

Regardless of the gourd house, there should be no need to worry about the shogunate for the time being.

Thinking of this, Luo Sha suddenly felt good, and decided to take the opportunity to go to the top of Qingshui Pagoda to watch the moon for a while.

But at this moment, a small figure broke into his field of vision.

"Lord Rakshasa! This subordinate has something urgent to tell you!"

The Kappa rushed to him in three steps and two steps.

The kappa looked anxious, and his steps became a little messy because of this.

The well-informed Kappa, who is indifferent to fame and wealth, has always been decisive and rarely shows a flustered side.

Seeing the Kappa's rare expression of panic, Luo Sha couldn't help but look serious.

"Kappa, what's the matter?"

"Master Luocha, since the evening of today, I have been noticing strange people wandering around the Qingshui Mansion, and raising their eyes from time to time to observe the buildings of the Qingshui Mansion and the surrounding terrain."

"Among this group of sneaky unknown people, I saw that man..."

Speaking of this, Kappa paused.

He seemed to be sorting out his mood, and it was not until a moment later that he continued the words word by word:

"'Liu Guang Hachiman' Mamiya Kuro...!"

"... Kappa, are you reading that right?"

"Lord Rakshasa, I assure you with the head on the item, I am absolutely right. That old man wearing glasses is definitely 'Liu Guang Hachiman' Mamiya Kuro!"

"...I see, you step back."

The kappa echoed, then turned around and retreated without a moment's pause, his figure melted into the shadows in the distance with just a snap of his fingers.

"... Rongyi."


"Right now, gather your troops and mobilize as much as possible. Concentrate all the materials and combat power that can be mobilized into Qingshui Mansion, and from tonight onwards, guard Qingshui Mansion. The walls and high platforms of Qingshui Mansion need to be reinforced. And , burn all the important documents and materials stored in the basement, and don’t leave even a single piece of paper. The scarce talents such as craftsmen and doctors are all transferred to Yokohama... No, no, Yokohama is too close to Edo... Transfer to the end It's ready."

Hearing the end, he finally couldn't hide the astonishment on his face, and couldn't help asking:
"Lord Rakshasa, why is this?"

Although this was only a fleeting thing, Shimizu Eiichi did see clearly just now——the moment he heard the name "Mamiya Kuro", Raksha's face suddenly changed!

The smile on the corner of his mouth froze.

The pupils suddenly contracted.

His face was slightly pale.

It was the first time for Shimizu Rong to see Luo Sha lose his composure...

Raksha stretched out his hand and rubbed the center of his brow vigorously.

"...Eiichi, do you know Kuro Mamiya?"

"I know. You told me earlier that he was a famous swordsman and an important cadre of the Gourd House. Lord Luosha, if the series of orders you just gave were to prevent the infiltration of the Gourd House and Invasion, wouldn’t that go too far? Is it necessary to transfer talents immediately and destroy all important documents?”

There are cadres of the Gourd House wandering around the Qingshui mansion... This shows that the Gourd House is very likely to find out the relationship between the Qingshui clan and the Fazhu Party, and then prepare to take action.

Regarding this, Shimizu Eiichi was not too alarmed.

He has great confidence in the Shimizu Clan and in the strength of the "Strongest Yakuza Group in Kanto" that he formed with his own hands.

Even if the Hulu House really came to fight, even if they lost to the opponent, they could calmly transfer personnel and supplies to preserve their strength.

Raksha turned his head sideways, cast a meaningful look at Eiji Shimizu, and then slowly retracted his gaze, looking forward.

"If it's just the gourd house that attacked, then it's not a big problem. But if there is Mamiya Kuro among the attackers... the nature of this is different."

Shimizu Rong frowned.

"Lord Rakshasa, why did you say that?"

"Kurō Mamiya is one of the few warriors in this world who can freely enter the legendary 'Non-Self Realm'—I mean, you should be able to understand why I gave those orders, right?"

Shimizu Eiichi: "..."

Rakshasa: "..."

Suddenly, a heavy silence fell between Rakshasa and Shimizu Eiichi, and the surrounding sounds sounded inexplicably far away.

About 10 seconds later, shock and panic finally turned into sound.

"...Yes, Lord Rakshasa, I'm going to gather the troops right now!"



Edo, the suburbs, somewhere——

Gulu, Gulu, Gulu...

A strange rhythmic sound came from afar.

Gulu, Gulu, Gulu...

The sound gradually approached.

Gulu, Gulu, Gulu...

The dark world shines into white light—


Qingdeng slowly opened his eyes as he regained consciousness.

The first thing that catches his eyes is the unfamiliar roof.

The simple roof without any decoration, the rickety carriage, the occasional panting of the horse...

This situation made Qingdeng realize instantly - he was lying in the carriage of a carriage.

The sound of "Gulu Gulu" that I heard just now is the sound of the wheels turning.

--here it is……?
Qingdeng looked around in confusion with a blank face.

Soon, he discovered that he was not alone in this carriage that was neither too big nor too small.

"Okita-kun? Miss Sanako?"

Sanako and the chief executive were sleeping on his left and right sides respectively, and the three of them formed a Chinese character for "Chuan".

Both girls slept very soundly, their chests and lower abdomen rose and fell in an even and gentle rhythm.

"Ah, junior, you're awake."

Suddenly, a familiar female voice came from the direction of the driver's seat.

Qingdeng followed the prestige, and the bewildered look on his face became more serious.

"Senior? Shazhong?"

I saw the two sisters sitting side by side in the driver's seat of the carriage, Sha Zhong held the reins and manipulated the horses skillfully.

Pulling the carriage are two well-cared-for horses with well-developed limbs and shiny hair.

Yae anxiously asked:

"Junior, how do you feel? Do you feel better?"

The final climax of volume 2 is coming!Leopard Leopard's soul of writing is also ignited after a long absence!
Today is the long-lost W-word chapter!In view of the fact that the author is a real Leopard update today, please be sure to vote for this book every month! (Crying Leopard Leopard Head.jpg)

Leopard Leopard plans to enter the "Crazy Leopard Update" mode starting today, and the leopard update is 1W every day!Keep changing until Volume 3 is opened!
Leopards need your encouragement!Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

(End of this chapter)

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