I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 476 Qingdeng and Sanako's Parting Kiss [Leopard 1W]

Hearing this, Qingdeng stretched out his hand to caress his forehead.

Because he just woke up, Qingdeng's brain is still in a state of chaos, and he can't figure out the situation.

However, this is only for a while.

After a while, the memory was restored like a rising tide.

Melee, duel, fiasco, escape... pictures flashed before Qingdeng's eyes one after another.

In the end, the picture freezes on the last scene seen before the consciousness is disconnected, that is, Sanako's pretty face full of tension.

——Did I pass out...

After the memory was fully recovered, Qingdeng stretched out his hand to stroke his forehead again.

There is still some pain in the head... but it is undoubtedly much better than before the coma.

Undoubtedly, this is due to the talent "Fitness +2".

The existence of this talent enables Qingdeng to recover from injuries far faster than ordinary people.

Qingdeng said softly to Yae, who was concerned about his physical condition:
"Well...I feel better..."

"That's good."

Yae let out a long breath.

"When we moved you back to the Moon Palace Shrine, Mr. Yu Du invited an old doctor who is good at treating internal injuries as quickly as possible."

"The old doctor said that you are fine, you just need to take medicine every day and rest for a period of time to recover."

"Ah! Since you are awake, you should take the medicine first!"

"Because you have been sleeping just now, we have nowhere to give you medicine if we want to."

Saying that, Yae stretched out his hand and handed Qingdeng a bottle of medicine.

"The pills in this bottle are taken three times a day, four at a time."

"It is said that this is the old doctor's unique secret medicine."

"Not only does it have miraculous effects in treating internal injuries of the body, but it also has a certain analgesic effect."

Qingdeng thanked him and took the medicine jar—but he was not in a hurry to take the medicine.

He turned his head and looked at the chief who was still sleeping beside him.

"Where's Okita-kun? How's her injury?"

"Okita-kun is fine."

Yae answered.

"Her injury is not serious, and she can recover as long as she takes medicine on time and rests for a while."

"Really... that's good..."

Hearing this, Qingdeng finally felt relieved.

"Junior, hurry up and take your medicine."

Yae urged.

"Go back to sleep after taking the medicine, you need a lot of rest now."

Qingdeng looked at Yae, and then at the medicine bottle in his hand.

"...It's not urgent. Compared with taking medicine and rest, I have more important things to confirm with you two right now."

As he spoke, he raised his gaze and cast his gaze out of the car window.

I saw a lively natural scenery outside the car.

The carriage was driving on a country path carved with several deep ruts.

On one side was an open field, and at the end was a wood, which stretched to the sky.

On the other side are dense bushes, and under the cover of the bushes are rocky hills, and the towering Mount Fuji is faintly visible in the distance.

The quiet towns of Edo, which were surrounded by night, were left far behind and drifted away.

"Sazhong, Yae, what is this place? Where are we going? Where are Mr. Ebina and his companions?"

"This is the southern suburb of Edo. As for Ebina and the others, they parted ways with us not long after you passed out. They should be hiding in an inconspicuous corner, healing their injuries while thinking about their next move Let's plan."

Sazhong, who had been silent just now, replied quickly.

"The southern suburbs of Edo? What are we doing here?"

"Take you out of Edo."

"……What's the meaning?"

"It's literally."

"Okay, sister, you can concentrate on driving, and I will explain to the younger generation."

Yae took over the conversation.

"Junior, this is Lord Yu Du's idea. She ordered me and my sister to take the three of you out of Edo and head for Yokohama."


Qingdeng showed a dumbfounded expression.

"Why are you going to Yokohama?"

"Why else..."

Yae sighed.

"Of course it is to give you a comfortable healing environment and protect you."


As soon as these words came out, Qing Deng immediately understood what was happening, and the expression on his face became heavy.

Yae took up the words silently.

"That Rakshasa has already set his sights on you."

"It's not hard to imagine that he will spare no effort to hunt you down. God knows what he will do next."

"You are injured now, and you are weak."

"You were no match for him in your heyday, let alone your unhealed injury?"

"Although I may offend you by saying this...it is true."

"If you continue to stay in Edo, it will be too dangerous."

"So, Master Yu Du hopes that you can go to Yokohama to recuperate and live in seclusion for a while."

"I'll take you back after your injuries are completely healed and the situation in Edo has stabilized."

"During this time, Master Yu Du will also send someone to protect your relatives and friends."

"Ah, that's right, that's right, I almost forgot...Master Yu Du told us to pass on the following sentence to you."

Yae cleared his throat, then straightened his face, imitating Tianzhangyuan's way of speaking:

"'Sheng Qing, you have really worked hard this time, you should have a good rest. Leave the rest to me'."

After hearing this, Qing Deng was startled for a while, and didn't speak for a long time.

It wasn't until a moment later that he showed a complicated expression that was half helpless and half dazed.

"'Leave it to me'... Heh, that's a beautiful word, but she's actually very confused... The production workshop of Huanfudian was destroyed, all the hard work for a long time was in vain, and everything had to be done from scratch At first, she didn't know what to do next..."

"...Maybe so."

Yae looked sad.

"But there's nothing we can do now... we can only trust Master Yu Du's wisdom."

At this time, Yae seemed to recall something, and said quickly:

"That, that, by the way, our "transfer plan" is approved by Ms. Chiba."

Qingdeng raised his eyebrows.

"Miss Sanako?"

Yae nodded slightly.

"Because both you and Okita-kun have passed out, we can only discuss this matter with Miss Chiba who has been awake all this time."

"When Master Yu Du proposed to temporarily transfer you to Yokohama, she nodded and agreed almost without hesitation."

Yae paused for a moment, then put on a half-smile, quite charming expression.

"Junior, you are so happy."

"After moving you into the ward for healing, Miss Chiba accompanied you the whole time, anxiously waiting for the results of the diagnosis and treatment."

"It wasn't until the carriage to Yokohama set off that she finally closed her eyes and rested in peace."

"She fell asleep as soon as she closed her eyes."

"Obviously the injury on her right shoulder is still not healed, but she has been busy without stopping. She should have been exhausted long ago."

"I think...the reason why she agreed to go to Yokohama without thinking is probably because of you."

After hearing this, Qingdeng immediately subconsciously turned his head to the side, looking at Zuo Nazi who was still sleeping soundly lying on his left.

This was the first time he saw Sanako's sleeping face.

She was lying on her side, curled up slightly.

The soft hair that fell to one side quietly covered her slender and soft eyelashes.

Although he has already fallen asleep, his tiredness is still hard to hide between his brows and eyes.

After observing carefully, Qing Deng was finally convinced that there was nothing wrong with the scene he saw when he was about to lose consciousness just now.

Sanako has indeed lost weight.

Although the weight loss is not that great, I am afraid that only those who get along with her day and night and are very familiar with her can notice such subtle changes.

But Qingdeng happened to be the one who could get along with Sanazi day and night and knew him very well.

When did Miss Sanako lose weight?
Ever since he was imprisoned in the Kodenma-cho prison, Qingdeng has hardly had a single day in peace.

Escaped from the prison house in Kodenmacho, which was engulfed by the sea of ​​flames, forcibly broke into the headquarters of the thieves, captured Suzuma Kimura and others alive, sneaked into Yoshiwara, wiped out Konosuke Kitahara, talked with Chisui Kikuchi, interviewed Shunzo Miyagawa at night, and singled out " "Mad Dog", Battle at Kikyo Mountain, 13 consecutive kicks against the Shimizu Clan, looking for Yataro the Phoenix House, chaos in the factory, shooting and killing Nue, being defeated by Raksha...

Looking back and thinking about it, Qingdeng suddenly found that his experience in the past half month was probably more ups and downs than most of the life of ordinary people.

All kinds of incidents, big and small, came one after another, which made him have no spare time to pay attention to the outside world.

Qingdeng's mind is immersed in memories, and his consciousness travels through time and space with the memories.

Finally, belatedly, he suddenly remembered - when he and Sanako reunited on the stone steps of the Moon Palace Shrine, she was not as plump as before...

The director once secretly told him that during the period when he "disappeared", Sanako had been tirelessly looking for him...

At this time, for some reason, Qing Deng suddenly felt very tired.

He rolled over and lay face up on his back with his eyes closed.

"Forget it... that's fine..."

He whispered softly at a volume that only he could hear clearly.

"I seem to be really...tired..."

There was a strong sense of fatigue in the tone.

Qingdeng raised his right arm, and pressed the cold back of his right hand to his forehead, so as to apply cold compress to his aching and swollen head.

--I have already done my best……

——I can do it all.

——Fighting so far, not only have suffered multiple injuries and almost died, but even important relatives and friends have almost encountered accidents.

- just let me rest for a while...

——The credit I have made and the sacrifices I have made are all beyond reproach.

——The only big disappointment was the disastrous defeat to Rakshasa in the most crucial battle.

——But it’s also a helpless thing.Skills are not as good as people, what can I do?

——Even if I want to withdraw from this struggle that I don’t know when it will end, no one has the right to say I’m wrong.

——His Highness Tianzhangyuan asked me to rest in Yokohama and live in seclusion for a period of time, and Ms. Sanako also agreed with this. This shows that everyone should have no intention of criticizing me, right?

——I'm so sleepy... Let's sleep a little longer... I haven't had a good sleep for a long time...

——Yokohama is not far from Edo.

——After I wake up, I should be able to go to Yokohama.

——After arriving in Yokohama, let’s rest in peace and recuperate, and then slowly think about the road ahead after your body recovers.

——Ah, by the way, since Sanako-san and Okita-san are going to Yokohama with me, don't we have a chance to live together?

——If so... Isn't this my ideal life?

——Marry Sanako-san, Ah Mai, and Okita-san as the main wives, and then we will live happily together, safely and happily... Such a life is so beautiful...

Thinking of this, an indescribable sense of relief surged into Qingdeng's heart.

——It’s really good.

——After a period of running-in, the old-fashioned Ms. Sanako might agree to marry me with Ah Wu and Ms. Okita.

—Okay, that's it!
——What kind of phantom deposit, what kind of Qingshui clan, what kind of Rakshasa... Let other people handle all these things.

——I'm really tired... just let me rest...

--Well……!getting sleepy...


——After waking up, I can return to the daily life of peace and joy, accompanied by Sanako and the others...

Qingdeng put down the right hand that was covering his forehead, put his limbs on the ground, and his whole body entered an unprecedented state of relaxation, as if he was in the sea in the middle of the night, and his consciousness sank to the bottom of the sea bit by bit with the undercurrent.

The envelopment of the night and the light blocking of the carriage made Qingdeng's sleeping environment unprecedentedly good. No light penetrated his eyelids, and the abyss-like darkness greeted his eyes.

Qingdeng will then fall asleep again, and have a good night's sleep when he comes back into the cage—this should be the case...



……Um?This is?
Qingdeng glanced around in disbelief.

What should have been a dark horizon suddenly appeared in color and light.

Before Qingdeng could react, the sudden appearance of colors and lights automatically formed a familiar picture.

A dusty cave, a bloody man lying on his back.

It is Onodera.

To be precise, it was Onodera who was about to die.

Covered in blood, he lay on his back on the icy rock, and the corners of his twitching mouth slowly formed a bitter smile of resentment:

(Sure enough... I'm still so unwilling... I really want... to witness... the demise of the strange medicine...)
Qingdeng: "..."


Suddenly, the picture in front of him began to change.

The scene that appeared this time happened more than an hour ago.

Nishino Hoshijiro sat kneeling on the ground in an extremely standard posture, with his head held high.

(Nioh...do it...)
Qingdeng: "..."





"...Ya Zhong, stop."

In the driver's seat, Sazhong and Yazhong were both startled.

"Stop? Why?"

Yae turned his face away while talking, and cast a puzzled look at Qingdeng

Qingdeng sat up without saying a word, unscrewed the medicine bottle in his hand expressionlessly, poured out 4 pills, and threw them into his mouth.


He repeated it again.

Shazhong stared straight at Qingdeng's face, thoughtful.

After a while, she seemed to understand something, showing a rather charming expression that seemed both shocked and sad.

"……I see."

Sha Chong tightened the rein in her hand and pulled the carriage to a stop.

"Senior, thank you for your medicine."

With that said, Qingdeng threw the medicine bottle in his hand to Yae.

"Uh, huh? Huh?"

Yae hurriedly took the medicine bottle.

"Senior, this medicine..."

Before she could finish her sentence, Qing Deng robbed her and said:

"You keep it for me, and I will ask you back when I have a chance."

At this time, the carriage just stopped firmly.

Qingdeng took off the haori on his body, lightly covered Sanazi and the chief executive, and then rolled over and got out of the car without any hesitation.



Sanako sighed, and slowly opened her beautiful eyes.

For some unknown reason, her heart suddenly beat so fast... which made her wake up involuntarily.

In the small carriage, she first smelled Qingdeng's smell.

"This is... Tachibana-kun's haori...?"

Sanako blinked, looking at the black feathers covering her body in surprise.

After taking Qingdeng back to Moon Palace Shrine to heal his wounds, the fans of the New Royal Court Fan changed Qingdeng into clean and refreshing clothes by the way.

How could Mr. Ju’s clothes be on my body? The moment this idea came to mind, Sanako was surprised to find that beside her, the place where Qingdeng should have been seen was completely empty.

"Mr. Tangerine...?"

Sanako was stunned.

Of course, this is only a momentary matter.

After a while, she hurriedly sat up and got out of the carriage in a panic.

This panicked behavior did not have the temperament of a lady like in the past.

The icy cold air blowing against his face made Sanako shiver involuntarily.

After her eyes got used to the night wind outside the car, she suddenly saw——Qingdeng was leading a steed, striding towards the north, towards the direction of Edo.

Not far away, Sazhong and Yae stood side by side.

They looked solemn, as if they were watching the dead soldiers go to the battlefield.

"Mr. Orange! Where are you going?"

As soon as Zenazi's shout sounded, Qing Deng stopped and turned his head.

"Miss Sanako?"

Qingdeng was startled for a moment, and then bitterness appeared on his face.

"Miss Sanako, it's really not the right time for you to wake up..."

When he said this, the bitterness on his face turned into intriguing helplessness.

Looking at this scene, listening to these words... An ominous premonition suddenly rose in Sanako's heart.

She didn't care that she hadn't put on her shoes yet, she just stepped on the bare ground with white socks on, and ran to Qingdeng in three steps at a time, using her body as a wall to block Qingdeng's way.

"Where are you going?"

she asked again.

Qingdeng smiled slightly.

"Miss Sanako, I still have unfinished business... After I finish everything, I will go to Yokohama to find you and Okita-kun."

Although Qingdeng didn't clearly say where he was going or what he was going to do, it was strange to say that when he said the words "I still have unfinished business", Zuo Nazi instantly understood everything.

"Do not make jokes!"

Sanako groaned out of composure.

"It's been hard to get back a life, are you going to die again?"

Probably because he knew he couldn't hide it, Qing Deng lowered the corners of his brows as if in trouble.

"Miss Sanako, I didn't mean to die. I will return safely."

"Return safely? This kind of words... Do you think I will believe it? When you are in good physical and mental condition, you have not been able to defeat Rakshasa, have you? With your scarred appearance now, you can do something what?"

"Miss Sanako, I don't know if you want to believe it... just now, I thought of a way to defeat Rakshasa. This time, I will never lose again."

"This is not a question of whether you can defeat Rakshasa! Even if you take a step back, what if you really mastered the method to defeat Rakshasa? At this time, there are hundreds of Yakuza gathered in Qingshui Mansion Ah! There are experts like Eiichi Shimizu sitting in command! Are you planning to go to the Shimizu Mansion alone like this? How many lives do you have?"

The roar from the depths of the throat sounded like a wail of broken glass.

While roaring, Sanako glared at Qingdeng with sharp eyes.


Qingdeng didn't speak any more, and silently took a step to the left, preparing to go around Zuo Nazi.

Zuo Nazi stepped forward with quick eyes and hands, and her frail and delicate body blocked Qingdeng's front again.

"...Miss Sanako, please step aside. I want to fight, let me fight."

"Don't go!"


Qingdeng moved again.

This time, Sanako gritted her teeth—with a bang—she pulled out the wakizasa from her waist.

"I told you not to go! Didn't you hear?!"

Sanako cried out like boiling hot water suddenly overflowing.

The sharp point of the knife pointed directly at Qingdeng's chest.

"Stand back! I'm serious! Rather than watching you fight a battle that you can't win...rather than letting you be humiliated and tortured by the enemy...I'd rather kill you now! At least it can make you You die more quickly!"

She stared with red eyes, her eyes were fierce, her tone was passionate, and her tough attitude contained a sharp chill, making people involuntarily believe that her knife would really pierce Qingdeng's chest...

Seeing this, the double sisters not far away were worried.

From their engraved expressions, it is not difficult to see that they really want to rush forward to reconcile the conflict between Qingdeng and Sanako
However, even though they were burning with anxiety, they still controlled their bodies with amazing perseverance.

Even Yae, who is young and inexperienced, understands: This kind of scene is not something that outsiders like them can intervene in...

Qingdeng lowered his gaze, staring at the knife in Zuo Nazi's hand.

It's between the lightning and the flint!He suddenly stretched out his left hand and grabbed the blade!The wide palm covers half of the blade!
Qingdeng's actions immediately made the complexion of the saber-wielding Sanazi pale.

She was stunned, and subconsciously wanted to withdraw the blade...but was shocked to find that the knife in her hand seemed to be clamped by iron tongs, let alone how hard she tried, it was still in Qingdeng's palm.

"If you want to kill me, you must at least point here, right?"

Regardless of the skin cut by the blade or the dripping blood gushing out, Qingdeng used brute force to control the blade without changing his face, and the point of the blade pointing at his chest moved sideways to the left little by little...and finally fixed on his left chest above.

"If you want to stab, then stab me, if you want to kill me, then kill me. No matter what, I will not back down."

After speaking, Qingdeng let go of Sanako's Wakizawa.

At the same moment - with a "clang" sound... the knife fell to the ground.

Sanako lowered his head and remained silent, staring blankly at Wakizashi who fell at his feet with the knife covered in bright blood, his hands holding the knife trembled slightly just now.

Just when Qingdeng was trying to avoid Sanako...

"Mr. Orange...don't do this...!"

The sobbing sound made Qingdeng stop again.

He looked up because he cared about the tone of the sentence - in front of him was a pair of beautiful eyes, full of tears, looking straight at him.

The sinister look was gone.

The passionate tone disappeared.

That tough attitude disappeared.

At this time, Sanako showed a tragic expression that made people feel heartbroken and felt like crying at any time, his tense face was stained with uneasiness, and his eyes looking at Qingdeng seemed to be seeking support.

"At the moment when I saw... you lost to Raksha... Raksha raised his knife... and was about to kill you...my mind went blank..."

"At that time... there was nothing in my mind... other than 'Save you at all costs'..."

"Even until now... I still remember this... torture... as if there was a big stone on my chest..."

"I've...never had an experience like this before..."

"I don't know what's wrong with me...but I'm sure...I don't want to see you get hurt...and I don't want you to die...!"

Sanako's voice was trembling, speaking incoherently, vibrating the vocal cords stiffly
Even though she was holding back her tears, she still pretended to be firm, and looked at Qingdeng with a tense expression, like a child who tries to be brave and doesn't cry, like a paper doll that would be destroyed by a slight touch.

Unadorned, naked, sincere emotions stabbed at Qingdeng.

"Miss Sanako..."

The light call oozes out like a raving.

Without any warning——Qingdeng stretched out his arms, gently hugging Sanazi in front of him into his arms.

One of his hands swam up from his waist, wrapping his arms around her shoulders, while the other rested on her waist, his head drooped, and his chin pressed against her hair.

Sanako could clearly feel Qingdeng's breathing... As if she had lost her spine, her waist collapsed, her body suddenly became smaller, and her entire upper body merged into Qingdeng's embrace.

Just like that... she was wrapped in her warmth and froze.

"Sorry for worrying you."

Qingdeng didn't make any long speeches, nor did he say anything special.

Just a bland apology.

However, the moment Qingdeng finished speaking, the atmosphere around him and Sanako changed.


Sanako opened his eyes wide, and tears immediately filled his eyes, and the big teardrops slid down one by one, dripping to the ground.


She was crying and wiping her tears in embarrassment.

Her tear-stained face lacked the usual beauty and heroism.


She struggled to hold on, unwilling to show her vulnerable side in front of Qingdeng, but she didn't last long before she was defeated by the emotions that rushed into her heart.

"Woo... woo ah... woo ah ah ah...!"

Finally, her voice began to break.

Tears flowed down in front of Qing Deng's face like a bank bursting.

Engulfed by emotion, she buried her face full of tears deeply into Qingdeng's arms with overflowing heart.

Sadness, fear, nostalgia... Countless emotions, and other indescribable things, were forcibly transmitted from Sanako's body into Qingdeng's heart.

The bitter cry filled Qingdeng's chest.

She hugged Qingdeng back, and exerted strength with both hands, as if she would never let go of Qingdeng.

He completely disregarded his own image, and completely ignored the second sister who was still standing aside.

It should be said that from the very beginning, she had no intention of paying attention to her own image, nor did she have time to care about the eyes of the second sister.

At this time, it seems that Yamato Nadeko's reserve cannot completely stop the emotional waves in his heart.

"do not go……"

Sanako's voice was blurred by tears, probably even she herself couldn't hear what she was talking about.

"It's okay even if you hate me...don't go...come with us to Yokohama..."

"If you want me to hate you...isn't it too embarrassing for me?"

Qingdeng hugged Sanazi in his arms even tighter.

"I'm sorry...but I really have to go. I have unfinished business. I have to do."

"Tachibana-kun...go to Shimizu Mansion now...you are really going to die..."

"Even if it is death, I want to see with my own eyes how far I can persist."

After finishing speaking, Qingdeng moved the hands that had gone around Sanako's back to his front, and gently cupped Sanako's face.

"Miss Sanako, you don't need to believe that I have come up with a way to defeat Rakshasa, but there is only one thing, I hope you can believe me."

"Eh... um...?!"

The comfortable touch suddenly covered Sanako's lips.

Even though it was just a light touch, it erupted with magma-like heat in an instant... This was true for both sides.

For a long time, the lips are divided.

"That's what I want to tell you."

Sanako raised her beautiful eyes, and complex emotions flashed in her drenched eyes, surprise, intense sadness and pure love...

"Mr. Orange... um...!"

As soon as the voice started, the rest of the conversation was interrupted by a painful cry.

Before she could even make a struggle, she closed her eyes uncontrollably, and fell limply into Qingdeng's arms.

Expressionlessly, Qingdeng withdrew his right palm from the back of Sanako's neck, which was bigger than Cheng's knife, and picked her up in a princess's embrace, who had passed out, and turned to walk towards the second sister.

"Miss Sashige, senior, please take care of Miss Sanako."

While nodding vigorously, Yae took Sanako from Qingdeng's arms.

"Well, even if I die, I will protect Miss Chiba and Okita-kun!"

"That being the case, I'm relieved."

After looking longingly at Sanazi in front of him and the chief executive in the carriage for the last time, Qing Deng got on his horse.

At this time, Sha Zhong walked slowly to the horse's head.

"Mr. Orange, haven't all your knives been cut off by Luo Sha? Don't you really need me to lend you a weapon?"


Qing Deng shook his head.

"I know of a place where weapons are stored...and a lot of them."

"In that case, I won't say anything more."

Sha Zhong turned sideways to get out of the way.

"Mr. Orange, I wish you prosperous martial arts."

"Well, I also wish you a safe and safe arrival in Yokohama as soon as possible."

Qingdeng smiled slightly, then tapped the horse's belly lightly with his heel, driving the horse to gallop far away.

The two sisters stood in place, watching the slender figure drifting away.

"elder sister……"

"what's up?"

"Don't stop the younger generation...is it really good?"

Yae turned her head and cast an uneasy look at Sajige next to her - what she saw with this feeling was a face full of mixed feelings.

"Is there any reason to stop a man from running to the battlefield?"



Edo, the suburbs, Mount Kikyo—

Qingdeng drove the horses and headed straight to the top of the mountain along the road he had traveled once.

The gurgling sound of the waterfall came from afar, and the roar was mixed in from time to time.

As the night wind blows, Lin Tao blows, and the looming mist keeps changing into shadows of different shades.

Surrounded by twilight, it was dark.

The invisible woods, the low bushes, the owl standing on the branch, the familiar hot spring...Qingdeng flew past without looking.

After a while, a crumbling dilapidated thatched cottage broke into his field of vision.

He jumped off the horse, tied the rein to a big tree, and walked towards the thatched cottage with his head held high.

On the way, he picked up a thick and long branch on the ground.


The rotten wooden door was pushed open inch by inch... As far as the eye could see, dust was flying all over the sky.

(Tachibana Takayuki...he buried a big wooden box...in the southeast corner of the thatched cottage...)
Qingdeng found the southeast corner of the house according to Onodera's instructions.

Click, click, click, click...

Qingdeng inserted the branches he had just picked up into the soil, and acted as a shovel to pry the soil away bit by bit.

On the originally extraordinarily flat ground, a large pit gradually appeared that was getting deeper and deeper, extending underground.

As the dirt was kicked up handful after handful, the air was filled with a choking smell.

About 5 minutes later, the branch going down the pit suddenly poked a very hard thing that didn't feel like a stone.

Qingdeng was stunned for a moment, then quickly threw away the branch in his hand, bent down, and stretched out his hands to remove the dust in the pit.

I saw a boxy, unidentified object buried deep in the big pit and under the dust.

Although the exterior of this object was painted a dull khaki color by rocks and soil, Qingdeng could still clearly see that it was a huge wooden box.

"found it……"

Qingdeng picked up the branch he had just thrown away, and spared no effort to shovel the soil on the edge of the hole to expand the hole.

Finally, after another ten minutes of busy work, he finally managed to widen the hole enough to move the wooden box inside.

With the blessing of "nine bulls and two tigers" and other talents, Qingdeng lifted the wooden box out of the pit without much difficulty.

"Is that so..."

With gentle movements, Qing Deng gently brushed the dust off the box.

The dust danced sparklingly under the moonlight.

Qingdeng breathed out involuntarily, the warm air came out densely, and disappeared in an instant.

Click—he slowly opened the lid of the box.

This wooden box hidden deep in the ground like a big secret treasure did not contain immeasurable money or any incredible martial arts cheats or magical weapons.

In the huge box, there were only 9 knives lying quietly.

Judging from the unpretentious black knives, these knives are ordinary swords that can be seen everywhere on the market, and there is nothing special about them.

Qingdeng picked up one of the knives casually, and pulled it out with a "chuckle".

The moonlight penetrated the broken ceiling, and sprinkled like light dust on the unsheathed knife.

Suddenly, a dazzling cold light filled Qingdeng's field of vision.

A sword is a delicate weapon that will rust if not cared for regularly.

These knives have been buried deep in the ground for nearly 2 years, and no one cares about them for nearly 2 years... I also know that their condition is naturally not going to be much better.

I saw that there were many brown rust spots on the body of the originally extremely sharp knife.

A proper "tetanus blade"... If you are hit by such a knife, it is no joke.

Even if he was not hacked to death on the spot, he would be tortured by tetanus infection later.

There is no cure for tetanus in this day and age.

Although a rusty knife can perform a good "magic attack", the rust will greatly reduce the toughness of the knife, making it more fragile and brittle, losing its original strength and durability.

Fortunately, the blade is still sharp, and it can still cut flesh and bones with ease!
A string of concise and powerful Chinese characters are engraved on the bottom of the blade.

Qingdeng picked up and pulled out the other knives in the box one by one.

All the knives, without exception, have the same phrase engraved on the bottom of the blade - "Killing Demons"!
Today is another 1W day for Leopard! (Leopard Hair.jpg)

Leopard has updated 1W for two consecutive days, and based on the quality of today's chapter, it is really unreasonable not to vote for the monthly ticket! (Crying Leopard Leopard Head.jpg)

If you don't vote monthly, Leopard Leopard will be hit back to a bad state!

Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

PS: Qingdeng and Sanako embrace and kiss tightly — from the world-famous painting "The Chief Executive Sleeps in the Carriage"

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