I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 519 The Strongest Swordsman Group: [Shinsengumi]!Explosive! 【4500】

In addition to the above-mentioned talents, Qingdeng also copied many "swordsmanship masters" - unfortunately, the "swordsmanship masters" are no longer useful to Qingdeng.

"Sword Saint" can only be integrated with the talents of "Sword Master" and above.

Therefore, it is very regrettable that Qingdeng's "Sword Saint" failed to be upgraded in this "Talent Competition".

But it's not bad, Qingden's swordsmanship talent is already high enough.

132 times the swordsmanship talent of ordinary people... What kind of concept is this?
Let's put it this way - any sword skill that a normal human being can use, no matter which school or sect, as long as Qingden sees it once or twice, he will be able to see through its tricks and imitate them.

Because all of Qingdeng's talents have passive effects, even if he didn't intend to steal his skills, he had unknowingly mastered many moves from other schools.

Over time, Aoto became the same as Hijikata Toshizo. Although he was a disciple of Natural Rishin-ryu, his swordsmanship was not purely Natural Rishin-ryu.

His sword skills are mixed with the styles and routines of other sects.

The "Saru" of the Show Genry style, the "shaking sword technique" and "hand-cutting" of the Hokushin Ittou style, the "Tongken" and "Yin no Tachi" of the Katori Shinto style...

The so-called "gathering the strengths of hundreds of schools of thought" is nothing more than this.

However, Qingdeng's swordsmanship level had stagnated a long time ago and he had not made any progress.

This is not because of limited talent, on the contrary - the talent is too strong!Too strong to keep up physically!

In fact, Qingdeng has a large number of original sword skills stored in his mind that are either amazingly powerful or have sinister tricks.

But due to lack of physical fitness, he was unable to turn these tricks into reality.

The sword skills conceived by Qingdeng either require extraordinary strength to lift mountains and carry cauldrons, or quick and lightning-fast movements.

It's like "engine" and "car".

The engine is too powerful, but the body is too poor.

Before the engine could reach maximum power, the body of the car fell apart because it was unbearable.

For Qingdeng, whether the "Sword Saint" has been upgraded or not is no longer important. Finding ways to improve physical function is the current top priority.



In the third year of Wenjiu (1863), early morning on January 1st——

Edo, Tsukinomiya Shrine, archery range——

Qingdeng stood sideways, staring at the archery target 50 meters in front of him. He held a lavender bow in his left hand and an arrow longer than an adult's arm in his right hand.

Tianzhangyuan, who was dressed in a witch costume of white and purple at the bottom, stood behind her with a gentle smile on her face.

After a moment, Qingdeng set up his arrow and pointed it at the target in front of him while slowly tightening the string.

The next second, the originally tense force bounced away from his arms, and the sound of the bow string vibrating was heard instantly.

The black arrow shadow crossed the air, and the sharp sound of breaking wind expanded in the blink of an eye.

There was a "bang" sound - the arrow hit the center of the target without any deviation.

The tail of the arrow shook violently, and the sound of "plapping" dominated the entire archery range.

When the arrow stopped twitching, everything returned to calm.


Tianzhangyuan let out a sigh of relief and looked at Qingdeng with admiration in his eyes.

"What a superb bow! Not only is the accuracy amazing, but there are no unnecessary movements."

"In terms of archery, I have no skills to teach you."

"If you think about it carefully, it's really surprising... I'm obviously your archery master, but in less than three years, my archery skills are already far inferior to yours."

Qingdeng smiled and said jokingly:
"I am where I am today thanks to your careful cultivation, master."

"Stop saying such disgusting words."

Tianzhangyuan said angrily.

"Your archery skills have made such great progress. Is it thanks to my teachings or your own talent? I still know in my heart."

To be fair, it's certainly both - but obviously the latter is much more important.

After many upgrades, Qingdeng's archery talent has reached the terrifying level of "45 times that of ordinary people."

It only took him one day to master the complex techniques that ordinary people would need to practice hard for more than a month to gain a first glimpse of.

In addition, he has the blessing of two talents: "Fire Eyes +5" and "Seeing Through +2".

The former enables his vision to penetrate even the smallest details.

The latter makes it easier for him to distinguish the distance between himself and the object, making it easier to aim.

It is no exaggeration to say that among the many martial arts mastered by Qingdeng, apart from swordsmanship and unarmed combat, archery is the most accomplished.

After joking with Tianzhangyuan for a while, Qingdeng raised the purple bow in his hand and looked at it carefully under the sunlight.

Standard length of seven feet three inches (2.2 meters).

Light purple bamboo bow body.

A graceful and smooth bow shape like water waves.

A strong and elastic bowstring made from the above good animal sinews.

The closer you look, the more extraordinary you can appreciate this bow.

Qingdeng could not help but admire:

"What a good bow..."

He doesn't know much about Japan's current bow and arrow market.

But he instinctively made a judgment: There is no way he can get this bow without thousands of taels of gold!
"Your Highness, do you really want to give me this bow?"

Early this morning, Qingdeng received a sudden summons from Tianzhang Academy.

When he rushed to Yuegong Shrine in a hurry, he saw the smiling and pretty widow holding this purple bow in her hand.

"Sheng Qing, then, this is my parting gift." - She said in her usual bold style.

As soon as Qingdeng finished speaking, Tianzhang Academy immediately responded:
"Of course! Didn't I say it before? This bow is a parting gift given to you by the master who taught you archery on the eve of your departure for Kyoto. What? Don't you want it?"

Qing Deng quietly shook his head.

"Which man can refuse a weapon with superior performance? But... in this era of steam battleships roaming the oceans, the bow you gave me may be useless in the future. Maybe it can only be used as a ritual weapon, during my march or When convening a meeting, he placed himself next to me to create a scene."

After Tianzhangyuan heard this, Yun Danfeng smiled softly.

"Sheng Qing, you can't say that."

"Compared to steam battleships, bows and arrows are like bamboo sticks and toothpicks."

"But on the ever-changing battlefield, bows and arrows... especially those held by a good shooter like you, can often produce unexpected miraculous effects."

"'This bow may come in handy in the future' - with this optimistic thought in mind, accept it with peace of mind."

Now that the other party has spoken out to this extent, there is no need for Qingdeng to hesitate any longer.

"In that case...I accept this bow!"

After saying that, Qingden raised his head again and stared at the bow as if counting the lines in detail.

His strange behavior aroused the curiosity of Tianzhang Academy:

"Huh? What's wrong? Why are you staring at the bow body all the time? Is the bow body defective?"

Qingden shook his head.

"I was just thinking of names."


Qingdeng changed into a half-joking tone.

"This is a precious gift given to me by His Highness Tianzhangyuan. I can't keep calling it 'this bow' or 'that bow', right?"

Tianzhangyuan showed an expression of sudden realization and smiled sweetly:
"I see, then it is indeed necessary to come up with a majestic name!"

Qingdeng smiled and agreed, then continued to examine the bow in his hand.

Tianzhang Courtyard also became quiet.

About 10 seconds later, Qingden’s murmur broke the silence:
"...Just call it 'Yise Zhafu Riluo'."

Tianzhangyuan looked puzzled.

"Ise Zhafu Riluo? What a strange name, it sounds like Sanskrit."

Qing Deng nodded.

"That's right, it's the transliteration of Sanskrit. 'Yise Zhafu Riluo' is the real name of Yuvajra Bodhisattva, one of the five great vajras."

He explained unhurriedly.

The bow and arrow in Buddhism symbolizes hitting the fundamental ignorance of the troubles of all living beings, thereby enabling all living beings to cut off their troubles, become bodhicitta, and ultimately achieve Buddhahood.

According to Buddhist scriptures, the Vajra Bodhisattva holds a bow in his left hand and an arrow in his right hand, symbolizing the use of arrows to kill the greed in the hearts of living beings.Ever since he received the revolver from Kiryu's boss and named it "Mandala", Aomori had made up his mind that all the weapons he would acquire in the future would be named after Buddhism.

In this way, you can not only ensure that your weapons have a unified name style, but also have a general naming direction, which is conducive to naming, and it is also convenient to come up with some majestic and powerful names.

There are not many Buddhas in Buddhism who specialize in holding bows and arrows, so Qingden immediately thought of the real name of the Vajra Bodhisattva: "Ise Jaburiluo".

After listening to Qingdeng's explanation, Tianzhangyuan nodded lightly.

"Ise Zhafu Riluo... although it is a bit difficult to pronounce, this name is not bad!"

As she spoke, she raised her chin towards the pavilion not far away, then turned and walked towards the pavilion.

When Qingdeng saw this, he immediately understood and followed quickly.

The two walked in tandem, maintaining a half-step distance.

Suddenly, Tianzhang Yuan, who was walking in front, said abruptly:

"Sheng Qing, it's almost time for you to give your Suppressing Army an official name."

"Formal name?"

At this time, the two of them happened to have arrived at the pavilion.

Tianzhangyuan pressed the hem of Zizhao and sat down with his knees bent.

"The main reason why I called you here today is to discuss this matter with you."

"So far, this new army led by you, from the shogunate officials to the common people, is called the 'Suppressing and Fu Army'."

"However, 'Zhenfujun' is only a temporary name after all. It would be inappropriate to use it as a long-term name."

"Therefore, a more formal and louder name was necessary."

After Qingdeng heard this, he couldn't help but laugh.

"Your Highness, can't we just name it 'Zhenfujun'? I think 'Zhenfujun' is a pretty good name. It's both mighty and easy to pronounce, and it's intimidating."

"Of course not."

Tianzhangyuan glanced at Qingdeng.

"The name 'Zhenfujun' is really too informal."

"It's okay to use it as a pronoun or a customary name."

"It can't be used as an official name."

"Besides, we also have to consider the mood of the people in Kyoto."

"If a name like 'Zhenfujun' is used, which has a strong war color, it will easily cause uneasiness and resentment among the people of Kyoto."

"Uniforms, flags, and equipment can all be prepared slowly after arriving in Kyoto."

"But for things like 'name', it's better to decide as early as possible."

"In this way, it will also be convenient for our historians, recordkeepers and other officials to compile official documents."

"According to the shogunate's practice, your new unit should be named 'what and what group'."

Qingdeng crossed his arms and smiled bitterly:
"'What kind of group'? If we use the name 'group', I feel that it would be more powerful than using the name 'army'."

Tianzhangyuan said calmly:

"This is the shogunate's practice and cannot be changed."

Speaking of this, Tianzhang Yuan paused for a moment, as if he was thinking of words.

It wasn't until a few seconds later that she continued:

"The person responsible for naming the new unit was Iemo, but he considered that you are the commander of the new unit, so he entrusted you with the power and responsibility of naming. Therefore, the naming cannot be careless. Don’t let down Jia Mao’s kindness.”

Qingden scratched his hair:
"Okay, I get it...then I'll behave myself and think of a new name."

As he spoke, he raised his head and looked into the distance, thinking.

At this time, Tianzhangyuan added:

"If you have nothing to think about, I can help you think of a name."

"Oh? Your Highness, do you have a good name?"

"How about naming it the 'Jingzhong Group'?"

"'Jingzhong Group'... this name seems a bit too vulgar."

"What about the 'Chicheng Group'?"

"A little too literal."

"Where's the 'Orange Group'?"

"This name will make people mistakenly think that this army is my personal club, right? It will lead to the suspicion of others and the crazy impeachment of the Hitotsubashi faction."

"'The loyal group'?"

"What's the difference between this name and 'Jingzhong Group'?"



After the two of them sang and harmonized for a while—

Tianzhangyuan, whose proposed name was rejected by everyone from Qingdeng to Qingdeng, lowered his red lips in displeasure.

"Sheng Qing, what kind of name do you want? Do you have a general idea?"

Qingdeng smiled helplessly.

“Honestly — my brain was a mess.”

"I certainly hope this unit will have a majestic name."

"But... I'll be blunt: the names you suggested, and the names that come to mind, are either too tacky or too bland."

Qingdeng knew Tianzhangyuan’s temperament.

He knew that the young widow would not be offended by his criticism of her style of naming.

For this reason, he dared to speak out boldly.

And the reality was exactly as Qingdeng expected. Tianzhangyuan's pretty face did not reveal any negative emotions as his words fell.

She lowered her head silently, thoughtfully.

"In that case... let me give you an idea - try to put your ambition in your name!"


Qingdeng raised his eyebrows vigorously.

Tianzhangyuan nodded lightly and continued:
"When elegant people name their study rooms, poems, and weapons, they often put their own ambitions into them. I think you can try this too."

Qingden nodded thoughtfully.

"Putting your ambitions... This is indeed a good idea."

After that, he looked into the distance again.

This time, his eyes were no longer blank.

As if he had thought of something, a bright light gradually bloomed in his eyes, just like the clear blue sky after the rain.

The pretty widow who had a panoramic view of the "blue sky" smiled:
"It seems... you seem to have an idea."

Qingdeng retracted his gaze from the distance and looked towards Tianzhang Courtyard. Their eyes met, with a strange expression on their faces that seemed to be a smile but not a smile.

"In this bloody and chaotic world, I was chosen by the times. At the same time, I chose a new 'path'."

"Your Highness, I have decided! I will name this army——"



"Big news! Big news!"

The tile vendors were running through the streets of Edo, waving the tile tabloids in their hands like crazy and shouting repeatedly at the highest volume possible:
"The King's Suppressing Army has decided on an official name!"

"The Zhenfu Army is officially named - the 'Shinsengumi'!"

"Brand new 'new'! Chosen 'chosen'!"

"Shinsengumi! Shinsengumi!"

The sound of "Shinsengumi" echoed in the streets and alleys of Edo, echoing in the distant sky...

Sorry!Today’s update is hell again! (Crying Leopard Head.jpg) But there is a reason!

Firstly, it’s because today is Baobaozi’s brother’s birthday, and I’m going to celebrate his birthday with him tonight!
Secondly, the keyboard was broken by Leopard! (Leopard's head cries.jpg) The last part of this chapter was driven out by Leopard and Leopard using his mobile phone.

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