I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 520: The new captain, deputy chief, and office chief of the Shinsengumi! 【5200】

Chapter 520: The new captain, deputy chief, and office chief of the Shinsengumi! 【5200】

Thanks to the tireless propaganda of the tile vendors, the name of the "Shinsengumi" spread throughout Edo in less than half a day.

There are some admirers and some detractors of this name.

People who appreciate this name think that this name is not only nice and catchy, but also innovative and not tacky.

Those who oppose this name think that the name is too big.

New selection... What a big tone!
Of course, neither the admirers nor the opponents can change the fact that the official name of the Zhenfu Army has been designated as the "Shinsengumi" and the name "Shinsengumi" has been included in official documents.

Along with the name, the "Shinsengumi Rules" carefully formulated by Qingnobo also spread:
[-]. All actions must be followed.

Second, you are not allowed to leave the organization without permission.

Third, there should be no private fights without reason.

[-]. Those who blackmail others, rob property, harm innocent people, or rape women will be punished on the spot.

[-]. Those who collaborate with the enemy and betray others shall be punished on the spot.

Once the first three articles are violated, they will be beheaded directly in public. There will be no other punishments, not even the opportunity to commit seppuku.

The last two are even more shocking.If it is violated, the law will be punished on the spot...even the effort of being dragged to the execution ground will be avoided.

The cruelty of the law deeply shocked the citizens of Edo, who were accustomed to living a peaceful life.

Especially those sergeants who had passed the assessment and were already members of the Shinsengumi were even more frightened.

Whether a law has a deterrent effect mainly depends on two points:
First, is it fair and equitable?

Secondly, whether the person or organization endorsing it has the ability to “do whatever it wants”.

If a three-year-old child says to you, "Be careful, I'll cut off a little bit," you will probably sneer at it.

But if a benevolent king says to you: "Be careful, or I'll kill you"...then you'd better listen to his words and keep them in your heart.

Qingdeng has always been like a "Buddha statue on the altar" in the minds of everyone.

Everyone knows that he is very strong and powerful, and everyone is familiar with his heroic deeds, but no one has seen his abilities with their own eyes, and no one knows exactly how strong he is.

However, not long ago--in just 17 days, he fought thousands of people without losing a single victory--Aoto's dazzling performance at the recruitment ceremony, for the first time and intuitively and clearly, to all applicants and all Edo people. citizen, showing his strength.

The upright figure of "Standing on a high platform, invincible" not only left a deep impression on the citizens of Edo, but also made most of the applicants firmly remember the power of Nioh.

Taken together, Qingdeng's insistence on adopting the "combat all applicants" selection method has been successfully achieved.

Not only did he recruit a large amount of talent, he also controlled the quality of his sergeants, and at the same time established his own high dignity.

In addition, at the same time as the official name of the Zhenfu Army and the "New Sengumi Procedure" were announced, its organizational structure was also gradually unveiled.

The Shinsengumi is not a simple military force solely responsible for fighting.

It is a complete, semi-independent military group integrating military and political affairs.

In this case, there are naturally more than just combat troops inside.

The current Shinsengumi has four major departments -

The [Bad Sword Team] is responsible for close combat such as street fighting and field charges.

The [Capital Inspectorate] is responsible for supervising sergeants and maintaining the laws and military discipline of the Shinsengumi.

[General Affairs Department] is responsible for handling administrative work.

The [Finance Office] is responsible for managing finance and logistics.

Under Qingto's ingenious design, the Shinsengumi's power structure was a very classic pyramid shape.

Qingdeng's own official position is "Gyeonggi Town Governor and Captain of the Shinsengumi". He is the unquestionable supreme leader of the Shinsengumi and has the supreme power to speak out.

Below him are the four top leaders in charge of the four major departments:

The "vice-captain" of the Bato Team: Toshizo Hijikata.

The "Director" of the Metropolitan Police Bureau: Isamu Kondo.

The "chief" of the General Affairs Department: Shannan Keisuke.

"Director" of the Finance Office: There is currently no suitable candidate, so it is temporarily vacant.

Further down are the captains of the Ba Dao Team.

The Ba Dao Team has 10 divisions, and each division has a captain. They are:
First team leader Okita Souji.

Captain of the Second Division: Nagakura Shinpachi.

Captain of the third division, Saito Kazuo.

Captain of the fourth division, Kamo Serizawa.

Captain of the [-]th division, Niimi Nishiki.

Captain of the Sixth Division, Gensaburo Inoue.

Captain of the seventh division, Sanako Chiba.

Captain of the Eighth Division, Toudo Heisuke.

Captain of Division [-], Mai Kinoshita.

Captain of the [-]th division, Sanosuke Harada.

Among them, the first, second and third teams are the main forces with the strongest combat power.

The fourth, sixth and tenth teams are the second-line troops.

The fifth, seventh, eighth and ninth teams are reserve forces.

Below the captain are the grassroots personnel.

The "soldier" of the Ba Dao Team.

The "visit payment" of the Metropolitan Police Bureau.

"Domination" of the General Affairs Department.

"Determination" of the Finance Office.

The above four are the grassroots personnel of the four major departments respectively.

In addition to the four chiefs of the four major departments, there is also a "staff officer" position, held by Qinghe Hachiro.

As the name suggests, the staff officer does not undertake specific work, but is only responsible for assisting Qingdeng and giving advice to Qingdeng. It can be regarded as a senior position independent of the four major departments.

The director, deputy director, chief, room chief, staff officer, and the 10 captains of the Bato Team—the above 15 people are the "middle class" of the Shinsengumi, the middle part of the pyramid.

Not including Ayoto, the Shinsengumi currently has a total of 120 members.

Except for the 14 cadres who lacked office directors, among the remaining 106 people, 5 who were literate were assigned to the General Affairs Department, 3 who were good at abacus were assigned to the Finance Office, and 8 with outstanding capabilities were assigned to the Capital Inspectorate. Bureau, the other 90 people were evenly distributed into various divisions of the Battō Team.

Because it is distributed evenly, the number of people in each team is the same, with 1 captain and 9 team members, a total of 10 people.

The above is the organizational structure of the Shinsengumi.

Anyone who is familiar with Qingdeng’s social circle can see at a glance: Qingdeng’s appointment and dismissal of cadres is a standard form of nepotism!
Except for Kamo Serizawa and Nishiki Niimi, who are captains of the fourth and fifth divisions of the Battō Team respectively, and Hachiro Kiyokawa, who serves as a staff officer, the rest of the cadres are Aoto's brothers and lovers.

However, this is impossible to say.

As the saying goes, "one person, one team."

Placing trusted confidants into various important positions is a common and natural thing.

What's more, the cronies appointed by Qingdeng are all powerful people who can't find fault.

Sanako, Kinoshita Mai, and everyone in the trial defense hall headed by Kondo all demonstrated their high strength on the high platform of the recruiting venue.

Who dares to say anything?Are you dissatisfied?Are you better than them?
In terms of professional titles, Isamu Kondo, Toshizo Hijikata, and Keisuke Yamanan, who serve as the director of the Metropolitan Police Bureau, the deputy director of the Battery Team, and the director-general of the General Affairs Department respectively, are above the General Director and others.

Why such a personnel arrangement should be adopted is a deep consideration of Qingdeng, and it is not a random job.

Since being adopted as an adopted son by Shusuke Kondo at the age of 15, Isamu Kondo has been helping to manage the trial gym as the "young master" for 14 years.

The sword hall is a big dyeing vat, with everyone in it.

There are good children who are docile and obedient, and there are also thorns that are difficult to discipline.

Managing a sword hall is no easy task.

However, Isamu Kondo has always kept the trial court in good order, and there has never been a big mistake.

In other words, Kondo Isamu, who has been managing the trial clinic for a long time, not only has certain management experience, but also has considerable experience in "dealing with all kinds of people."

The function of the Metropolitan Police Bureau means that the position of "Director" is destined to be a hard job where you often get along with troublesome people and can easily offend people.

If you don't have certain strength, you won't be able to control the situation.

Taken together, this position belongs to none other than Isamu Kondo.

The Ba Dao Team is a pure combat force, so the "Deputy Commander" of the Ba Dao Team needs to have frequent military contact.

In other words, the deputy commander of the Ba Dao Team needs to have considerable military talents.

As for who to send as the deputy chief, Seito immediately made a decision without thinking: except for Hijikata Toshizo, there would be no second thoughts!

The reason for making such a judgment without thinking is quite simple.

Sun Wu, the "sage of war", clearly said in his eternal masterpiece "The Art of War": "Those who have thunder in their chests and faces like a flat lake can be worshiped as generals."

Looking at all the members of the Imperial Guard, the only person who can do this is Hijikata Toshizo!

To explain Hijikata Toshizo's talent as a general, the best example is the previous "Aoto's imprisonment" incident.

When the news of Qingdeng's imprisonment reached the Trial Guard Hall, everyone was in a panic and didn't know what to do.

At this critical moment, the only person who took the lead in calming down...or rather not panicking was Hijikata Toshizo.

At that time, he took the lead to stand up and stabilize people's hearts, then issued instructions in an orderly manner, and single-handedly united everyone close to Qingdeng to establish the "Protect Orange Alliance."With his vigorous and resolute organizational skills, his "calm attitude when facing big things", coupled with his talent "ghost heart" (which has extremely high understanding ability in both knowledge and martial arts), Qingdeng dares to vouch for it—— As long as he is trained more and as long as there is a stage for him to show off his talents, Hijikata will surely grow into a capable general in his own right over time!

As for Shannan Keisuke...

There is no doubt that Shannan Keisuke of Yunwen Yunwu has outstanding personal abilities.

But in terms of character, he has a big weakness, that is, he is too gentle and kind.

This is both his strength and his weakness.

Gentleness, kindness... This means that when it is time to be ruthless, it is difficult to be decisive to the end.

On the other hand, Toshizo Hijikata, who was nicknamed the "Thorn Villain", didn't have this problem - when he was ruthless, he wouldn't even give Ayoto, Kondo, and Souji face.

Although such character traits destined Shannan Keisuke to have no connection with military affairs, administrative work was very suitable for him.

Shannan Keisuke, who has read poetry and books since childhood, is not only knowledgeable and extremely knowledgeable, but also has the gift of "photographic memory" and a strong memory.

Therefore, it was right to hand over the General Affairs Department, which handles administrative work, to him.

As for the director of the finance office...this position really gave Qingdeng a headache.

Countries in the Confucian cultural circle have always emphasized literature and history and ignored mathematics.

During the Edo period, most terakiya and private schools only taught traditional Confucianism, Mito studies, and Japanese traditional Chinese studies, and rarely got involved in mathematics.

In such a social environment, it is very difficult to find someone who is proficient in mathematics.

The Finance Office is the department in charge of finance and logistics - it is no exaggeration to say that the Finance Office is in charge of the lifeline of the Shinsengumi.

A room manager must not only be able to make an abacus and keep accounts, but must also have strong computing, organizational, and operational skills. He must be able to sort out massive amounts of materials and transport them accurately to where they are needed. of every place.

Such an important position cannot be left to others easily.

In desperation, Qingteng could only temporarily leave the position of "director" vacant until he meets a suitable candidate in the future.



Edo, a certain hotel——

"Serizawa! Serizawa!"

Xin Jianjin pushed open the paper door and strode into the room.

In the room, Serizawa Kamo was lying on his back, with his palms behind his head, his legs crossed, and he was sleeping leisurely.

"Huh? Xinmi, what are you doing?"

he asked lazily.

Niimi Nishiki sat down next to Serizawa Kamo, took out the latest tile tabloid he just bought from his arms, handed it to Serizawa Kamo's face and shook it a few times, making a "clatter" sound.

"Serizawa, look, that Tachibana Aoden is really generous. He gave us an official position."

Shinjian Jin's tone was frivolous, making it difficult to tell whether he was mocking himself or ridiculing Qingden.

Hearing this, Serizawa opened his eyes suddenly. Sitting up suddenly, he took the tabloid from Shinami Shinami's hand and read it quickly.

The tile-board tabloids of the Edo period generally had only one piece of paper, unlike newspapers of later generations that had many pages and were stacked into a thick stack.

The tile vendors would write news content and print illustrations on this small page.

Therefore, Serizawa Kamo quickly read the contents of the tabloid, then tore it into pieces and threw it into the air.

Suddenly, it started to snow in the room.

In the midst of this "snowflake", he gritted his teeth and murmured:
"Team Bato...Captain of the Fourth Division...Humph! Who are you looking down on! Even if you want to be the captain, I should be the captain of the First Division!"

As he spoke, Serizawa Kamado pulled out the saber resting by his leg and chopped the air in front of him as if to vent his hatred.

The sharp blade reflected the crushed, fierce eyes.



Edo, somewhere——

Qinghe Hachiro read the tabloid in his hand expressionlessly.

After a moment, he sneered.

"Advisor... do you want me to be your adviser... Humph! What a good plan!"

It's a coincidence that Hachiro Kiyokawa and Kamo Serizawa were in different times and places, but they did the same thing after reading the tabloid - tearing the tabloid in their hands into pieces and throwing them away.

Before the flying pieces of paper fell, he stood up and walked to the window in three steps and two steps at a time, looking out at the scenery outside.

He took several deep breaths, and the cold dark clouds gathering on his face were gradually blown away by his breath.

"...Forget it, there is no need for me to worry about stubborn Samu members like Tachibana Aoden."

"No matter what, my plan remains unchanged!"



Edo, Koishikawa Kohinata Yanagi-cho, Shouweikan——

Qingdeng was lying on the desk, writing furiously.

Snap, snap, snap, snap, snap...

At this time, the sound of the Chief's footsteps coming from far and near came from the direction of the corridor.

"Tangerine-kun, it's me!"

Qing Deng responded without raising his head:

"come in."

As soon as he finished speaking, the director eagerly opened the door.

When she saw Qingdeng working at his desk, she was stunned.

"Oh, are you busy?"

"It's okay, come in."

After receiving Qingdeng's permission, the general manager closed the door, tiptoed to Qingdeng's side, and sat down with his knees bent.

"Tachibana-kun, the Suppressing Army...ah, no, hasn't the recruiting work for the Shinsengumi come to an end? What are you busy with?"

After the director glanced at Qingdeng's desk, he hurriedly looked away.

Don't peek into other people's work without permission - this is basic etiquette.

"Um... this is..."

Qingdeng pondered, a meaningful smile slowly appeared on his face.

"I'll tell you later. Let's talk about you first. What's wrong? You came to me suddenly. Is there something wrong?"

"It's nothing, I just suddenly wanted to come and chat with you. Tachibana-kun, it's very lively outside now. Everyone is discussing your new Sengumi."

"Especially Harada-kun, he is so excited. He keeps shouting about 'building the [-]th Division into the strongest unit of the Shinsengumi'."

"Todo-kun was also very excited. He vowed that he would live up to Mr. Tachibana's kindness."

Speaking of this, Souji seemed to have recalled some interesting joke and jokingly said:

"Tachibana-kun, you are really bad. You promoted that Qinghe Hachiro to a staff officer... Even a person like me who knows nothing about politics can see at a glance: you are trying to evade him."


Qingdeng did not answer the call immediately.

I saw the corners of his mouth extending to both sides, gradually forming a chewy arc.

"Qinghe Hachiro is neither a brother who cares about me nor a colleague I can trust."

"How can I entrust important duties to such a dangerous person who requires extra precautions?"

"However, he has considerable influence among Edo Ronin."

"There are many sergeants in the Shinsengumi who came to defect because they admired his name."

"If we don't give him an official position, it will easily arouse the dissatisfaction of the Qinghe Party."

"Therefore, there is nothing more suitable for him than a position with a famous name and a high status, but without any real power."

According to the setting, the staff of the Shinsengumi are independent of the four major departments and do not undertake specific work. They are only responsible for senior positions in advising Aonto.

Humans with normal IQs can keenly realize what a big hole Qingdeng has dug for this position.

The power of this position is completely linked to Qingdeng's will - and it is completely linked.

When Qingdeng trusts and reuses his advisers, his words and deeds will have great weight.

But when Qingdeng hates and excludes the staff, his existence is nothing.

The status of a staff officer is all a matter of Qingdeng's words.

On the surface, Hachiro Kiyokawa looks like the "second in command of the Shinsengumi".

But in fact, he was completely pushed out of the power hierarchy by Qingdeng, and he was just a puppet with no power and no ability to mobilize any soldiers.

Today’s update time has been brought forward again!
It’s really difficult... When can we go back to "updating on time at 10 a.m."... (Crying Leopard Head.jpg)

(End of this chapter)

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