I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 576 Unlock the 2-sword style!It’s so fun to fight in groups with the 2-knife style! 【5000】

Since the beginning of the war, Qingdeng has been advancing at a rapid pace, tirelessly and continuously attacking without stopping.

When he came to his senses, he had already reached the second floor of the mansion. The knife in his hand was stained with blood and fat, and corpses lay scattered behind him.

Genuine "holding a fighting knife, slashing from the gate to the second floor, slashing and killing, blood flowed like a river! But I just raised the knife with my hand and dropped it, raised the knife with my hand and dropped it, raised the knife with my hand. Fall, without even blinking."

Qingdeng's attack speed was so fast that the follow-up troops were completely unable to follow up.

Hijikata Toshizo, Kondo Isamu, the inspectors of the Metropolitan Police Bureau, and the first team soldiers who were originally following him fell behind one after another.

Until now, only that genius swordsman could still be at his side with ease every step of the way.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to adjust his breathing, Souji took out his pocket paper, wiped Kaga Kiyomitsu's blade, and asked Aomori:

"Tachibana-kun, we are out of line. Do we need to wait for others to catch up?"

Qingdeng thought for a while and shook his head:
"No need, we continue to attack."

"Our surprise attack achieved the most perfect effect."

"The Yakuza of Kusunoki Group were beaten by us until they turned around and lost their armor."

"If we stop at this time, it will give them precious breathing space."

"If we let them take it easy, our army's casualties will inevitably increase."

"Therefore, we must continue to maintain an offensive posture! Make them unable to regroup!"

Having said this, Qingden paused for a moment, then turned his head and looked at the Souji with a free and easy smile on his face.

"With the power of you and me, we will completely defeat the Kusunoki-gumi's army!"

The director-general smiled:
"Really... If you don't give me money for processing in the future, that would be outrageous!"

With a crash, the Souji casually threw the blood-stained pocket paper into the air after wiping the blade.

Pieces of paper stained with bright red blood were flying all over the sky, like drifting spring cherry blossoms.

When the paper came down, the figures of Qingnobo and Souji had disappeared without a trace...

The two of them rushed to the left and right towards the stairs leading upstairs not far away.

At this moment, Qingdeng's brows suddenly moved.

squeak squeak...

With the blessing of his talent "Perceiver of Wind +1", he could clearly hear the "squeaking" sound, the sound that was extremely familiar to him - the sound of the bowstring being pulled!
He immediately lowered his body and reminded the commander beside him:
"Xiao Si, be careful, there are archers!"

At the same time, he followed the sound and swept his sight to lock the position of the archers - he saw several archers holding bows and bows standing on the steps leading to the third and fourth floors, ready for battle.

After discovering Qingteng and Souji, they immediately lay down on the railing of the stairs, drew their bows and arrows, and shot arrows down the stairs.

"Saw the thief! Shoot the arrow! Shoot the arrow!"

"Shoot them!"

"Damn it! It's too dark! I can't see clearly!"

Arrows pierced the atmosphere and whizzed.

Qingdeng and General Si quickly rolled on the spot and hid in the blind spot of the archers' shooting.

"...these guys' archery skills are terrible."

Qingdeng said in a joking tone.

Qingdeng, who was proficient in archery, immediately made a judgment just from the sound of arrows breaking through the air: the skills of these archers were all in shambles.

Or the aiming point is too crooked, and as soon as the arrow leaves the string, it floats to an unknown place.

Or it is pitifully weak and has no lethality. The arrow just flies a few steps before it loses its strength and becomes wobbly.

However, no matter what, bows and arrows are always the absolute king on the battlefield of cold weapons.

When fighting an archer, you can never be too careful.

Just as Qingdeng was thinking about a perfect strategy to deal with the enemy——

"I come."

The general manager on the side spoke abruptly.

Immediately afterwards, her figure turned into a phantom and she dashed out of her hiding place.

The speed was so fast, like a cannonball rushing out of the barrel, that it was too late for Qingdeng to stop her.

"Ah! A thief has come out! Shoot him to death! Shoot him to death! Shoot him to death!"

Arrows like migratory locusts rose up in unison, and in just an instant they splashed towards the general manager.

However, when the arrow flew over, she had disappeared from where she was.

Souji's speed was so fast that even the ponytail on the back of her head was pulled into a straight black line by the strong wind pressure. Even if you wanted to predict her position, it was difficult to capture her.

The innate terrifying muscle strength makes Souji's explosive power extremely amazing.

How could her running at full speed be something that these inferior archers could handle?

The archers chased her figure in vain, their arrows chasing the smoke left behind by her feet.

In a flash of lightning, her figure appeared directly below the stairs.

With the momentum of the run-up and the strong leg strength far beyond ordinary people, she jumped upwards like pulling an onion on dry land, and easily jumped from the second floor to the height of the third floor.

Then, she lightly stretched her left arm, grabbed the railing of the stairs, turned her body upwards like origami, and stood firmly on the steps leading to the third floor with her feet.

The "placement" chosen by the General Secretary is very clever.

She happened to land in front of the archer at the bottom of the stairs, the closest to Aomori and Souji.


The archer screamed in horror and subconsciously raised his bow to aim, aiming the arrow directly at the Souji's face.

His reaction speed is not bad.

But...when he was approached by Souji, his outcome was already doomed.

Souji's right elbow suddenly popped open like a broken string, a "buzz" sound was heard as the air vibrated, and Kaga Kiyomitsu's blade drew a graceful and thrilling silver arc in the air.

Where the silver line passed, the bow that was aiming at her instantly broke into two neat parts.

In the next breath, Souji thrust into the opponent's arms with a knife.

Just like a hot knife cutting through butter, Kaga Kiyomitsu's sharp tip penetrated the archer's body effortlessly.

The general swiped to the right, and his clothes, flesh and blood, muscles and bones were all cut to pieces by the sharp blade.

Under the influence of inertia, the archer, who had lost all his life, fell limply to the stair railing next to him, then turned over the shaft, fell all the way down the stairs, and fell heavily to the floor of the first floor, dripping with blood.

As soon as Souji took back Kaga Kiyomitsu with his front foot, he leaned forward with his back foot and climbed up the stairs.

After taking a few steps, she suddenly jumped up and jumped directly on the head of the other archer in front.

She did not attack with the knife, but stretched out her right foot and stepped heavily on the man's face.

Being stepped on the face by the DG's little feet - for some groups, this may be a very pleasant and precious reward.

But for this archer...it's obvious that he doesn't enjoy such a "reward".


With the sound of bones breaking, there were conspicuous shoe prints on the archer's face.

The nose bones were shattered and broken teeth flew out.

The Souji used the man's face as a stepping stone, and used the force to fly high above it, continuing to "fly" in the air, flying straight to the higher stairs and to the short archer further ahead.

He raised the sword over his head and used the momentum when it landed to knock the short archer to the ground with smooth movements.

In the next breath, she turned around and slashed away the archer behind her who was almost unconscious after being stamped on the face by her.

Unknowingly, Souji, who was attacking all the way up the stairs, had reached the stairs leading to the fourth floor.

"Damn! Go to hell!"

The archer who was still alive and who was closest to the chief, took the arrow at a very fast speed, aimed at the chief, raised his bow and shot.

Although he was fast, Souji was one step ahead and picked up the body of the short archer on the ground and used it as a human shield to block the arrow.

Immediately afterwards, the general secretary held the corpse in his left hand, stepped on the stairs with a "dong dong dong" sound, and launched a "shield attack" on the archer.


While the archer shouted to cover up the fear in his heart, he shot two more arrows in a row.

The body, neither tall nor short, neither strong nor thin, perfectly hid Souji's petite body.

The two arrows he shot penetrated deeply into the corpses of his companions and failed to injure the commander-in-chief at all.

In the blink of an eye, his vision was filled with this "human shield".

In the blink of an eye, the objects filling his field of vision turned into shining sword light...

The director threw away the "human shield", and the moment the two sides passed each other, another free-falling corpse appeared in mid-air at the top of the stairs.At this point, all the shooters on the stairs have been eliminated, and only the two shooters standing on the fourth floor are still alive and well.

After witnessing the general's powerful offensive of killing people and killing Buddhas, the two men completely lost their will to fight.

Just when they were about to throw down their weapons and turn around to run away... a tall figure appeared behind them out of nowhere.

Two rays of silver flashed past.

The sword light and blood flew together.

The two men died before they even had time to scream.

Souji crossed the last step and successfully climbed to the fourth floor of the mansion after Aoshito.

"Huh? Tachibana-kun, why are you moving faster than me?"

Looking at the director who was walking straight towards him, Qingden said angrily:
"Really, even if you want to launch an attack, you should at least tell me."

"Huh? Didn't I say 'I'll do it'?"

"You said 'I'll come' and then rushed forward. This can't be considered a prior notice."

The Souji chuckled.

"Tachibana-kun, I'm just dealing with an opponent of this level, so there's no need to report to you, right?"

Seeing that he couldn't defeat the general secretary, Qingden could only smile bitterly.

The fourth floor is the highest level of the Kusunoki-gumi main formation.

According to the intelligence sent back by Kinoshita Mai, before the Shinsengumi launched their attack, Ayase Taichi, the leader of the Kusunoki group, and a group of cadres under his command were meeting in a room on the top floor.

With the blessing of his gift of "photographic memory", Ayoto deeply remembered every detail of the "Structural Diagram of the Kusunoki-gumi's main formation" drawn by Mai Kinoshita.

Qingto looked around and quickly located the location of Ayase Taichi and others... that is, the location of the meeting room.

"Xiao Si, go this way."

The two walked side by side.

Within a moment, a long and deep dark corridor came into view.

Just like poking a hornet's nest, I heard loud and dense footsteps coming from the front.

One after another, patriots poured out from the depths of the corridor and from the rooms on both sides, filling the corridor and blocking the path forward of Qingteng and the General Secretary.

There were a lot of people, probably around twenty people.

The twenty or so murder weapons they held tightly in their hands illuminated the entire corridor.

This should be the last line of defense for Kusunoki's main formation.

Qingto and Souji turned their heads sideways and looked at each other in a tacit understanding.

Then, as if they had agreed in advance, the two of them took out the cuffs in a uniform movement, and tied their feather sleeves tightly with a "swish" sound with their teeth and the left hand that was not holding the knife.

At the same time, a loud shout erupted from the array on the opposite side:

"Go on!"


The patriots brandished their swords and guns and rushed towards Ayoto and Souji!

The two of them silently advanced to attack without saying a word!

In an instant, the impact and clanging echoed through the corridor!
The cold light on Kaga Kiyomitsu's blade was suddenly stretched - Souji took away the lives of three people with just one ordinary horizontal slash.

Along with wails and moans, blood splashed several feet high, part of it stained the ceiling, and part of it blossomed into bright red cherry blossoms in mid-air, and then fell in profusion.

"go to hell!"

A muscular man quickly approached Souji, holding his sword above his head as he ran.

Suddenly, Qingdeng jumped out of the thorn and stood between the strong man and the general secretary.

The Dingguishen in his palm suddenly jumped up like a flexible whip from the lower left position, and hacked the strong man to death in the blink of an eye.

Then, he swung the knife again in the opposite direction.

The two patriots standing directly in front of him were all stunned in place, as if they had been cast by "holding magic".

When the silver-white sword light melted into the atmosphere, the two patriots fell to the ground one after another, and their blood spurted out like a spring.

Qingdeng swung his knife in the rain of blood. Because he cut too fast, not a few drops of blood fell to the ground.

A patriot jumped out from the shadows in front and stabbed him with a short spear.

In an instant, the Souji rushed forward.

This time it was her who stood between Qingdeng and the enemy.

She used a knife to block the head of the gun, stepped forward, and slashed with the knife. Although it killed him, the opponent showed a fierce look when he was about to die, threw away the short gun, stretched out his arms, and used his last strength. , tightly hugging Kaga Kiyomitsu's blade, refusing to let Souji pull it back.

This fleeting fighter plane was clearly reflected in the eyes of all enemies.

A patriot who was closest to the General Secretary saw an opportunity and hurriedly attacked the girl.

At this critical moment——


Along with Qingden's shouting, Souji heard the sound of "wuwuwu" coming from far and near in the air.

She raised her head and looked up - the ghosts and gods were making circles and falling straight towards her head.

The seemingly innate deep tacit understanding between her and Ayoto allowed her to make a judgment in an instant - without any hesitation, she let go of Kaga Kiyomitsu in her hand, jumped up, lightly stretched her right arm, and took a handful Catch the ghosts and gods.

The next moment, she was hanging in the air and stepped lightly on the wall of the corridor next to her. She turned somersault, adjusted her position, and landed behind the patriot who was approaching her and trying to take advantage of the opportunity.

Souji waved his sword lightly, then turned around, facing the other enemies, and no longer looked at the patriot.

The patriot spread his legs and stood frozen on the spot. No blood could be seen on his body, as if he had been struck by lightning. He still held the knife in his right hand and pressed the left side of his neck with his left hand.

In a few moments, he fell straight down like a rotten tree - scarlet wounds appeared on his neck like a cracked shell, and thick and warm blood spread through his fingers and gurgled out.

At the same time, Qingden unleashed an increasingly ferocious offensive.

Although Dingguishen was temporarily lent to the Chief Secretary, it is known to all that Dingguishen is no longer Qingdeng’s only true love.

Purple light lifts the heaven and the earth!

As soon as Vairocana was unsheathed, he flew through the air and took someone's life.

Qingdeng waved again, and another fresh life was taken away.

No matter in terms of sharpness or toughness, Vairochana cannot be compared to the ghosts and gods.

Therefore, Qingdeng's sword is sharper and sharper than before!It looks like a strong cirrus cloud!
After a while, he came to Kaga Kiyomitsu's side.

The patriot who, with the last of his strength and willpower, clung to Kaga Kiyomitsu, collapsed to the ground with his face turned to the sky.

As for Kaga Kiyomitsu inserted into his chest, it stood upright like a "sword in the stone".

Qingden handed Vairocana to his left hand, and then used his free right hand to pull out Kaga Kiyomitsu.

For Aoto, who possesses talents such as "Nine Bulls and Two Tigers +3" and "Tiger Arm +4", taking back Kaga Kiyomitsu from this dead guy is basically like overwhelming him.

Kaga Kiyomitsu's blade is extremely long - this is the first time he has used this sword.

Aoto flipped his right wrist and changed the Kaga Kiyomitsu in his palm from an upright grip to an inverted grip.

The talents "Left-handedness +1" and "Left-right fighting" are activated!

Like a small windmill, he rotated his body and plunged into the enemy group in front.

The Vairocana held upright in the left hand and the Kaga Kiyomitsu held upside down in the right hand are like the two blades of a windmill. Every time they turn, new springs of blood will be poured out and new life harvested.

In fact, since his talent "Left-handedness" was upgraded and he gained the title of "+1", Qingden's left half of his body has become more flexible than his right half.

It's just that he is accustomed to using his right hand, so he continues to use his right hand as the "main attacker".

In the increasingly tragic corridor, Qingto and Souji exchanged offense and defense at a dizzying speed.

They jumped from one blood column to another, swaying around, criticizing the weak and criticizing the weak!
One figure after another fell down.

The blood dyed the walls and floors bright red.

The identities of "hunters" and "prey" were determined as early as the beginning of the war.

Finally, the surviving "prey" couldn't stand the desperate situation of being unilaterally massacred, and retreated like an avalanche and collapsed.

However, how can these weak "prey" escape from the knife of a skilled "hunter"?


There is no big problem with my waist!It's just overwork. Apply some medicinal wine and pay attention to rest and you will be cured! (Leopard resting.jpg)

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