I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 577 Annihilate the Nanmu Group!The Shinsengumi won their first battle! 【5200】

Chapter 577 Annihilate the Nanmu Group!The Shinsengumi won their first battle! 【5200】

When there are more than one enemy, the killing efficiency of the two-sword style with two swords is naturally higher than the one-sword style with only one sword - provided that you can use two swords.

The samurai sword is very heavy. For most Japanese who are short and malnourished due to genetic defects and unreasonable diet, it is very difficult to use a sword well.

Forcibly using a pair of swords will often lead to two embarrassing endings.

Either he couldn't swing the knife at all; or after just a few swings, the rhythm of his body was lost, and his left and right hands began to fight with each other.

Therefore, the Nito-ryu has been regarded as an "evil sword" since its birth and has been long-term ostracized by the Japanese kendo community.

However, the restrictions on the use of the two-knife style are not a problem for Qingdeng at all.

Is the katana heavy?

In the face of talents such as "Nine Bulls and Two Tigers +3" and "Tiger Arm +4", even if the weight of the sword is increased 2 or 3 times, Qingden can still swing it like flying!
The rhythm of the body will be messed up, and the left and right hands will easily fight?
The "water body +3" that enhances body coordination and the "left and right fighting" that can do two things mean: sense of rhythm?What is this?Do left and right hands fight easily?What is this?
Regarding martial arts... or rather, all knowledge in the world, Qingdeng never held a sectarian view.

The learning philosophy he adheres to has always been to embrace all rivers and draw on the strengths of hundreds of schools of thought.Use whatever skills are useful, and learn whatever knowledge is effective.

He has been relying on "Ghost Heart +5" and "Sword Saint" to secretly learn many other practical skills.

For example: the "monkey cry" of the show style, and the "sword drawing technique" and "beater" of the Beichen itto style.

Therefore, like Hijikata Toshizo, he has long ceased to be a purely natural Rishin-ryu swordsman.

Looking back on the past, whether it was during the decisive battle with the anti-barbarian group or when he invaded Qingshui Residence alone, Qingdeng had temporarily used his double swords in emergencies when there were too many enemies.

As far as his personal experience is concerned, if used properly, the efficiency of killing enemies in group battles with the two-sword style is indeed far superior to that of the one-sword style.

There is a saying: having many skills does not overwhelm the body.

It is not a bad thing to diversify your attack methods.

What's more, if he doesn't try to develop the two-sword style fighting method, his "left and right fighting" and "water body +3" will be extremely difficult to use.

Ever since, about a year ago, Qingteng decided to learn the two-sword style swordsmanship.

However... the Erdao style is really unpopular.

Looking all over Edo, there are very few dojos that teach Nito-ryu.

There are only a few sword schools that teach the two-sword style, but their level is basically mediocre.

The only skilled Nitō-ryu swordsman Aomori knew was Chiba Dosaburo.

Since he didn't know any other reliable Nito-ryu swordsmen except Chiba Michisaburo, what he should do was clear - he went directly to Chiba Michizaburo and asked him to teach him the skills and experience of Nito-ryu. .

Ever since Sanako kissed Aoto in public and their relationship became extremely ambiguous, Aoto's status in the Chiba family has changed significantly.

Chiba Nobuyoshi always looked at Qingden with kindness in his eyes.

Chiba Michizaburo, Chiba Tamonshiro and others always showed brotherly concern to Aoshinoshi.

In this era when the social atmosphere is still very conservative, a woman takes the initiative to kiss a man in public... Faced with this situation, in addition to "they are already close lovers who are about to get married", the young and old of the Chiba family I really can't think of any other possibilities.

Whenever Chiba Sadayoshi and others ask Sanako, "When are you going to marry Tachibana-kun?" Sanako always looks weird and doesn't respond.

Her "coy" attitude made them even more convinced that the relationship between Qingto and Sanako was stable!

From the eldest son, Chiba Sadakichi, to the youngest brother, Chiba Tamonshiro, they all regard Aoto as Sanako's fiancé by default, and regard Aoto as a family member.

In fact, except for Chiba Jutaro, they did not know the fundamental reason why Sanako never directly answered the question "When will she marry Aoto?", nor did they know that Sana was not the only one who had an affair with Aoto. One person...

All in all, with his status as "brother-in-law", after Qingnobo asked Chiba Doisaburo for advice, the other party nodded in agreement without hesitation and taught him everything without any secrets.

In this way, Qingto asked Chiba Doisaburo for advice on the one hand, and on the other hand, he found "The Book of Five Rings" written by Miyamoto Musashi and studied it carefully.

Miyamoto Musashi was a Nitō-ryu swordsman who was active in the early Edo period more than 200 years ago.

"Book of Five Rings" is his monograph summarizing his swordsmanship and military art throughout his life.

The book records in detail the characteristics of the major Japanese sword sects at that time, and also systematically explains the stance, sword holding posture, and even the specific moves against the enemy and the tactics used when the enemy is outnumbered. .

Some people hailed "The Book of Five Rings" as "a grand ceremony of military strategists as famous as "Sun Tzu's Art of War""... Qingdeng felt that such an evaluation was really exaggerated.

However, he quite agrees with some of the ideas, combat methods, and swordsmanship techniques advocated in the "Book of Five Rings".

In particular, the sentence written by Miyamoto Musashi in the book - true swordsmanship is the method of winning when fighting the enemy, and nothing else - was deeply appreciated by him.

Chiba Doisaburo's careful teaching, his study of the "Five Rings Book", and his own past experience... Qingto integrated these three together and summed up his own set of "experiences in using the two swords style"——

Generally speaking, there are two main ways to hold the sword in Erdao style:

One is to hold the wakazai in the left hand and the katana in the right hand.Chiba Doisaburo, as well as Miyamoto Musashi and Ogata Issei in history, all held swords in this way.

The second is the reverse, that is, the left hand holds the knife and the right hand holds the side.There are far fewer Nito-ryu swordsmen who hold their swords in this way.

However, Qingden's way of holding the sword is completely different from the above two.

With the support of the system, Qingdeng's physical fitness has already been outstanding.

He is clearly a "mutant", but he uses his short span as a weapon... This is like "a giant fighting with a toothpick", which is too much of a waste of this extremely powerful body.

In addition, he is also proficient in the art of drawing swords.

When casting Flowing Light, he used to hold the knife in his backhand to put the knife back into the sheath.

In this way, after a little experimentation by Qingdeng, he gradually mastered the most comfortable way to hold the knife - holding the knife in front of him with his left hand, and holding the other knife in the back with his right hand.

Not only is he holding two katana swords, but the katana sword in his right hand is held backwards - this unprecedented way of holding the sword, Miyamoto Musashi, Ogata Ise and other famous two-sword swordsmen in history have seen it and only I was afraid that I would die suddenly on the spot.

But what the heck!

The sword is a murder weapon, and fencing is the art of killing.

The essence of swordsmanship is to kill people!
As long as you can kill people and win, it doesn't matter what form it takes!
Because he is holding two swords, both the destructive power and the attack range are stronger than "one sword and one threat".

At the same time, because his right hand holds the blade backwards, Qingden can put the knife back into the sheath at the most comfortable angle at any time and perform the sword-drawing technique.

Although at first glance, the knife-holding technique created by Qingteng is very unconventional and seems to be nonsense, it is indeed particularly suitable for Qingteng.

As for how to kill the enemy with this weird way of holding the knife... that's too simple.

Qingdeng has no control over what other people think. Anyway, he has always believed that the essence of the Erdao style is that bricks fly with great strength, and miracles happen with great strength!

To put it crudely, it’s just sending it in vain.

If you are duel with someone, you will spread your arms, swing your swords, and launch an overwhelming and continuous attack, disrupting the opponent's rhythm and leaving the opponent with no chance to fight back or parry.

If there are one against many, when the enemy attacks from all directions, the enemy must be driven in the same direction, and attention must be paid to distinguish which enemies attack first and which follow behind.

Defeat the first batch of enemies first, and at the same time, pay attention to the overall situation of the battlefield and the enemy's position, and use your left and right hands to alternately swing the sword to kill the enemy.

When you draw the sword, kill the enemies in front of you, and when you put the sword away, kill the enemies on both sides.

It is unwise to wave your sword and wait for the enemy to attack. You must maintain an offensive posture at all times. Once the enemy appears, you must immediately attack with force, slashing until it collapses, and then slash the next enemy who is about to move.

In the process of killing the enemy, the most important thing is to drive away a school of fish. Once the enemy's formation is chaotic, you must attack with thunder without hesitation!
There is no doubt that Aoden created a brand new style of two swords.

He tentatively gave it the name "Tachibana's Two-Sword Style".

However, when facing a powerful opponent in a one-on-one battle, Qingto is still better at using the natural flow of mind.

Natural Rishin-ryu is a swordsmanship that Qingto began to practice hard the day after he traveled to this era.

It is no exaggeration to say that every move and style of natural Rishin-ryu is integrated with its flesh and blood.

Tachibana's two-sword style is only suitable for group fights and brawls.

When it comes to one-on-one "single point explosion", one must have the natural spirit flow to bring out Qingto's maximum combat power.

Therefore, during the previous "Edo Conquest", Ayoto never used Tachibana's two-sword style.

When encountering a strong enemy, use your natural spirit flow to fight against it.

When encountering a large number of miscellaneous soldiers, he pulled out two swords and switched to Tachibana's two-sword style to cut the grass.

At this moment, Qingteng's offensive and his ghost-like fierce posture can be said to have profoundly implemented the essence of group combat in his Tachibana style two-sword style - attack, attack, attack again!

The enemy is well prepared and ready to attack.

When the enemy's flag is in disarray, it's even more important to attack!

one strike!
Another blow!
Another hit!
Every time the swords of Vairocana and Kaga Kiyomitsu flickered, an enemy would inevitably fall down like a broken puppet.

Really kill with one swing!

There were screams of terror, wails of pain, and desperate roars everywhere - these sounds were all drowned out by the sonorous sound of knives.

The enemy group retreated like waves breaking.

At this moment, a shirtless guy suddenly stood in front of Qingdeng and announced his home in an imposing manner:

"Wind Death Style, Sasaki Hyōshu! Join me!"

In the next breath, he stepped forward, leaning towards Qingdeng like a flying swallow, and in the blink of an eye his knife was in front of Qingdeng.

Qingden dodged easily, and at the same time stepped forward, swung Kaga Kiyomitsu with his right hand, and slashed the opponent's chest.The swordsman who called himself Sasaki Hyōshu fell to the ground without even having time to scream.

Just as Qingden adjusted his body position and slashed Vairocana with his left hand, and was about to give this guy a blow, a sword suddenly poked out from its diagonal thrust, blocking his slashing blow.

When Qingdeng saw this, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and subconsciously turned his head to look at this new enemy - a muscular man.

"He was defeated all at once before he even showed the results of his practice... What a useless little brother!"

Qingdeng became somewhat interested in this macho man who suddenly appeared and was able to catch his sword, so he asked:
"you are?"

"I'm the boss of this shirtless guy - 'Wind Blade' Rokusha Kensai!"

"'Wind Knife'... is such a powerful title. What? Do you want to avenge your little brother?"

"Don't worry! It won't take up too much of your time!"

After the words fell, Liu Che Jianxi spread his legs and took a stance.

Seeing this, Qingden said no more - the Vairocana in his left hand drew an arc and headed towards the west of the Liucha Sword.

A bluish-white fire broke out in the sky.

I saw the two knives touching each other, and the knives and blades touched together.

Astonishment, solemnity, resentment... three emotions were beautifully mixed on Liu Che Jianxi's face.

"What is this...? It's unforgivable! Bingxiu, you...were you defeated by this bad move of a three-legged cat?!"

After roaring, he pushed Vairocana away with all his strength.

"Chop you flying!"

In an instant, a strong wind blew towards Qingdeng.

Liu Che Jianxi wielded his sword and struck at him with hidden murderous intent.

Looking at the rapidly approaching blade, Qingden did not dodge or dodge... He did not even raise his eyelids, his expression was extremely calm.

When the electric light came to the dew, with the flash of the white blade, the Kaga Kiyoko in Aomori's right hand instantly drew a bright light in the air.

Almost at the same time, Liu Che Jianxi suddenly felt pain in his right arm and looked intently - his right forearm was no longer on his body.

The severed arm, still holding the knife tightly, flew towards the ceiling in defiance of gravity.


Liuche Jianxi screamed in surprise, his eyes suddenly widened as if he had seen a frightening and inexplicable monster.

The next moment, a coquettish purple blade that filled his field of vision swept past.

He stared straight ahead with a blank expression, and the clothes on his chest tore apart. At the same time, he heard a crack in the skin on his chest, and then the crack grew longer and longer, spanning the entire upper body, and the blood stains slowly emerged and became deeper and deeper.

After shaking a few times, his body bent forward like a shrimp, and then fell to the ground, his eyes turned white, and he lost consciousness.

On his deathbed, he heard the last words in his life:
"...You are right, you did not waste too much of my time."

【Ding!Scan to talent]

[Successfully copied talent: "Punctuality +6"]

[Talent Introduction: Have a good sense of time]



All "prey" were killed.

The "Hunter" was unscathed.

An overwhelming battle without any hiccups.

"Hoo... ph... ph... ph... ph..."

Souji's cute Yaobi kept blowing out hot breath.

"Xiao Si, are you tired?"

Qingden walked towards the general manager and teased half-jokingly.

The general manager replied angrily:
"Physical strength is not my strong point. However, an opponent of this level will not make me tired."

After saying that, she flipped her right wrist and handed the hilt of the Ding Guishen in her palm to Qingdeng.

"Ju-kun, your knife is pretty good, and it's very easy to use."

"After all, it was a sword bestowed upon me by Naoki Ii, who once held great power."

While Aoto picked up Sadukishin, he handed Kaga Kiyomitsu back to Souji.

Then he put on a bitter expression.

"It's a pity...it has become thinner and thinner due to too many repairs."

The interception the two men received just now was the Kusunoki group's last line of defense.

When they walked side by side again, the journey was smooth.

Aoto and Souji successfully arrived at their final destination—the conference room where Taichi Ayase and the officials of the Kusunoki group were.

Qingdeng flew up and kicked the paper sliding door away.

In the room, two candle lamps burned quietly.

The silver moonlight leaked in from the window sill and fell on the tatami, dividing the room into two.

On one side is the window sill and half of the room covered in pale silver light.

On the other side was a darkened corner, where a large group of people huddled together like newborn rat cubs, shivering.

Their radiant white faces almost lit up the entire room.

Although he did not recognize Ayase Taichi's face, Qingnobo determined at a glance based on his intuition: that tall and strong man was the person he was looking for.

Ayase Taichi swallowed hard and pretended to be calm:
"Tachibana, Mr. Tachibana! You are so aggressive, what do you want?!"

"'What do you want'?"

Aoto repeated Ayase Taichi's question and sneered.

"I am the governor of Gyeonggi, and I have the important responsibility of regulating Gyeonggi. I am just fulfilling my duties and annihilating the bandits who have plunged Kyoto into turmoil - nothing more."

After that, he held his two swords and walked slowly towards Ayase Taichi.

The tips of Vairochana and Dingguishen's swords dragged on the tatami, leaving conspicuous scratches.

Ayase Taichi's body trembled violently several times.

"Please, please spare our lives!"

He knelt on the ground in a very standard earth seat posture.

"Lord Tachibana! We have something to discuss! We are willing to agree to all your conditions! We...we...we...that's right! We can surrender to you! Become under your command!"

Faced with Ayase Taichi's high-speed begging for mercy, Aoto was completely unmoved and his steps did not show any lag.

At this time, a look of fierceness and ferocity appeared on Ayase Taichi's face, which was hidden deep in the earth-seat posture.

Just when Qingdeng reached two steps in front of him, he suddenly jumped up!He took out a sword from his pocket and stabbed Qingdeng straight into the chest!

However... as soon as he raised his sword, he saw a flash of white light.

With a thud, the sword fell to the ground.

"Don't use this kind of trivial trick as a last resort."

After saying that, Aoden's right foot raised dust and smoke - and the instep hit Ayase Taichi's chin.

Ayase Taichi's eyes bulged forward with force, and he passed out without even humming.

Aoto turned to look at the cadres of the Kusunoki group headed by Suzuki Nizo and Nozawa Harunai.

"Are you willing to surrender?"

They nodded hurriedly, as if they were afraid of falling behind.

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PS: Leopard Leopard did study the "Book of Five Wheels" a while ago in order to collect materials, and found that the combat skills recorded in the book were surprisingly simple.For example: before starting a battle, you must observe your opponent and strike first, momentum and courage are very important. This is probably the so-called return to nature.

(End of this chapter)

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