I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 591 Making history! Qingto’s own art of war: Tachibana Style of War! 【4600】

This large pot of meat porridge not only shocked the soldiers, but also shocked the "Shiweiguan faction" who were familiar with Qingdeng.

Because they were close to Qingteng, they had received news a few days ago: In order to improve the physical fitness of the soldiers, Qingteng was going to hire a large number of cooks to improve the food treatment of the Shinsengumi.

People need to eat more to be strong, and horses need to eat refined food to run fast - this is a truth that even children understand.

Therefore, Qingdeng’s resolution was welcomed by everyone.

The "high-end military meal" that the General Secretary and others can imagine is nothing more than rice, and then there are more side dishes such as pickled radish, pickles, and taro.

However... until this moment, they were completely shocked to realize how poor their imagination was.

All we can say is that poverty limits their imagination!

Because ancient Japan has never had a meat-eating culture, and the entire country is just an island country with poor resources. Nearly [-]% of the land is mountainous, and there are very few plains, and there are no excellent pastoral areas. Therefore, throughout the history of ancient Japan, there has never been A large-scale and systematic animal husbandry was born.

There is no market and no production. The two factors are superimposed. For a long time, the meat of four-legged animals has been regarded as a supplement and is placed on the shelves of medicine stores. The price is so expensive that even middle-class families can only stay away from it.

Just use expensive pork to cook porridge?
  With such a big pot, you can easily pull out 3 or 4 pieces of meat with just one scoop. God knows how many kilograms of pork were thrown into it?
  This, this, this, this...? !

Is it really okay to raise the standard of general meals to this level? Can military expenditures be sustained?

Souji and the others were sighing like this while constantly putting their hands into their mouths to eat the meat porridge. Except for the rich young lady Sanako and the "hidden young lady" Mai Kinoshita, even Toshizo Hijikata, who was born as a rich farmer, also I rarely eat such a sumptuous meal.

Souji, whose mouth was full of rice grains and pieces of meat, asked vaguely:

"Tachibana-kun, let me ask one more question: Is this level of food an occasional occurrence, or is it completely normal?"

Qingdeng replied without hesitation:

"Of course it's completely normalized."

History has proven countless times that logistical supplies are an important guarantee for military combat effectiveness.

The power of the spirit is indeed powerful, but overemphasis on spirituality is treating war as a child's play.

In history, there were indeed those god-level armies that could still unleash powerful combat power even if they were short of clothing and medicine, but they were only very rare exceptions.

Generally speaking, any powerful army that shines in the annals of history has complete and sufficient logistical supplies. It has both food and pay.

This has always been the case.

The same army looks one way when there is little food and pay, and another when it is well fed and well paid.

The staple food was millet and barnyard millet, and the main side dishes were pickled products... With this level of diet in the Edo period, it could only keep people from starving to death, and nutrition did not exist at all. As for growing muscles, Strengthening physical strength is even less of a problem.

If rich nutrition cannot be supplied, the training programs carefully designed by Qingdeng will be nothing more than a castle in the air. The goal of "turning the Shinsengumi into a tiger and wolf master within three months" will be even more like a flower in the mirror and a moon in the water. .

After the Souji was silent for a while, he weakly whispered:

"Well... how should I put it... Mr. Ju, I haven't read much, I don't have much knowledge, and I don't understand the complicated things."

"As for how to build the army and how to make the Shinsengumi grow rapidly, I am completely empty-headed and have no good ideas in mind."

"So, I don't want to judge what you do."

"But...you have to take it easy."

"If we spend too much money and end up not being able to pay everyone's military salary, that will be troublesome."

“Even a rough guy like me knows what a terrible thing ‘arrears of wages’ are.”

The General Secretary's concern is beyond words.

"...You don't have to worry about money."

After Qingden took a sip of porridge very calmly, he continued with a mysterious face:
  "If you don't have money, just find a way to make money later."

After saying that, he raised the bowl again and drank the remaining porridge in one gulp.

Then, he put down the bowls and chopsticks, stood up, walked around the canteen, walked up to each soldier, and checked how they were eating.

At the same time, he would chat with the soldiers from time to time in a joking or easy-going tone:
  "Hey~ you have a pretty good appetite."

"Peony is a good thing. Eat more peony to increase your strength, so don't waste it! Eat as much as you can for me!"

"No one is trying to rob you, why are you eating in such a hurry?"

Wherever Qingdeng went, his respectful eyes followed him.

This pot of extremely rich meat porridge conquered not only the stomachs of the soldiers, but also their hearts.

What's more, he shouted directly and emotionally:
  "Nioh-sama! Thank you so much!"

The life lived by the poor people under the Tokugawa rule can be described as more than just "miserable"!
  Tokugawa Ieyasu, the first shogun of the Edo shogunate, once said: The secret of politics is to keep the peasants half dead.

The "peasant" in this statement generally refers to the lowest level of the social pyramid, that is, the powerless common people.

If people are fed too much, they will easily think about other things.

If the people are deprived of food, they will easily gather and cause trouble.

Therefore, as long as the common people are neither hungry nor full, and can work hard all year round for a hot meal, the Tokugawa country can be preserved forever.

It can be said that this is a disguised policy of obscuring the people, treating ordinary people as slaves.

Basically, during the more than two hundred years since the Edo shogunate came to Japan, successive rulers have continued this idea of ​​governing the country.

Therefore, one can imagine what kind of life the poor people live under such evil rule.

It’s a good year if you don’t starve to death, and it’s normal to eat bark and soil to satisfy your hunger.

Even in the best of times, if poor people want to eat some delicious food to satisfy their teeth and enrich their stomachs, they can only choose low-quality food like soy sauce residue that even dogs don't want to eat.

[Note: Soy sauce dregs: The dregs of brewing soy sauce are added with salt and malted rice to ferment and mature again. It tastes very strong and is difficult to swallow. It is a poor man's food]

Of course, there is no need to criticize the Edo shogunate harshly for this.

Ultimately, this is just a common problem of feudal regimes.

As long as it is a feudal regime that only represents the interests of a very small number of people, it is basically the same thing.

Although the heavy and difficult life makes the people as cunning as foxes, it also makes them simple.

A bowl of hot, fragrant rice is enough to make them feel the surging emotion of "a scholar who is a confidant will die"!

Under the hot gaze of everyone, Qingden, who had walked around the canteen, calmly moved to the middle of the canteen, raised his head and asked loudly:
  "How is it? Is this porridge delicious?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a warm response came to him like a roaring tsunami:

"It's really delicious!"

“This is the best bowl of porridge I have ever tasted in my life!”

"I never thought I would be so lucky! Being able to eat such delicious food in my lifetime makes my life worthwhile!"


Everyone chattered.

Qingdeng stood quietly, letting the soldiers talk for a while, then raised his hand to show silence.

In an instant, the noise subsided, and the noisy cafeteria returned to silence.

“If it’s delicious, then eat more!”

As Qingdeng spoke, he turned his eyes and looked around.

"The next training will be extremely tough."

When he mentioned the words "extremely difficult", whether it was unintentional or intentional, Qingden suddenly emphasized his tone and raised the corners of his mouth slightly, creating an intriguing and strange arc.

Because everyone was listening to his speech attentively, no one noticed this was unusual.

"Only when you have a full meal will you have enough strength to survive the next training!"    "So - keep eating! Give it all to me! Eat as much as you want!"

Qingdeng's words were like a switch.

The next moment the "switch" was pressed, the whole place was in an uproar.

The loud cheers of "Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!" almost lifted the ceiling!

There was a lively atmosphere inside and outside the cafeteria.



After breakfast, the soldiers returned to Training Ground A.

This time, instead of all gathering together, they dispersed and reported to their respective captains.

The members of the First Division headed by Shimada Kui lined up in a neat line, facing their captain: Souji, who was putting his hands on his hips.

To be honest, when he learned that his captain was such a handsome young man, Shimada Kui looked down on him in his heart.

He is petite, fair-skinned, has a feminine face, has a face that is very popular among Taoists, and is always chewing Jinpei candy... Is such a guy really qualified to lead the Shinsengumi's strongest unit? ?

Such doubts disappeared only after the "Punucha Group's subjugation operation" ended a few days ago.

Shimada Kui was completely convinced by Souji's chopping down of enemies like a melon and vegetables, and he willingly accepted her command.

The physical bonus and morale boost brought by a good meal are obvious.

Looking around, every soldier on the training ground has a red face, bright eyes, and extremely full energy. They are all gearing up and wishing to start training as soon as possible.

After eating seven large bowls of meat porridge, Shimada Kuilian patted his round belly with satisfaction and let out a big burp.

He felt warm all over his body now, and his body seemed to be filled with endless energy!

——You should start practicing martial arts now, right?
  In Shimada Kui's eyes...or in the perception of most people in this era, "soldier training" and "martial arts training" are equated.

Martial arts is the most important quality a soldier should possess.

If you can't even use weapons well, how can you fight?

Shimada Kui is very confident in his swordsmanship.

He devoted most of his life to kendo.

Although I dare not claim to be a genius or master, I still have some ability.

As long as he reaches the training stage to hone his martial arts, he can naturally show off his strengths and attract the attention of both Souji and Aomori!

Because he excelled in martial arts training, he was appreciated by Aoto and promoted along the way - Shimada Kui couldn't help but feel obscene.

However... the reality picture before his eyes was far from his imagination.

——Strange... Why is Okita-sama empty-handed, where is the wooden sword? What about the bamboo sword? Without wooden swords and bamboo swords, how would we practice martial arts? Is it possible to continue running and improve physical fitness?
  Just when Shimada Kui was wondering, the smart ponytail tied with a purple ribbon finally flicked up and down:


Souji coughed hard twice, attracting the attention of the first team members.

"I'm not good with words, so I won't nag you! Let's start training directly!"

"Today's first training is...is...is..."

As if she had forgotten her words, she suddenly stuttered.

After repeating "yes" several times, she hurriedly reached into her arms and took out a booklet.

She opened the book, flipped through a few pages, and after reading for a while, her face suddenly became enlightened:

"Well, that's right! It's a military stance!"

"Listen to me, all of you! Standing in a military posture must meet the following requirements-"

"Spread your feet apart, straighten your legs, put your thumbs on the second joint of your index finger, and let your hands hang down naturally and close to the sides of your legs. You must stick close, even if someone pulls your hand hard, even if you are pulled down and fall , you can’t relax your hands either.”

"Tuck your abdomen in, lift your chest, raise your head, look forward, and open your shoulders back."

"At the same time, the air flow in the body must be divided into three streams."

"A force goes down from the Dantian to both legs, making the legs straight and clamped like pillars. The feet are powerful and grip the ground tightly. It feels like the earth is being broken. There is no air in the legs, and the feet are weak. The lower body is unstable."

"A stream of energy spreads upward from the Dantian to the shoulders and the top of the head. Keep the shoulders flat and the head facing the sky. Keep your eyes straight ahead without squinting. You will not blink when the wind blows the sand. You will not be full of energy, your body will be loose, and your eyes will be dull. "

"The last one tightens the abdomen and lifts the buttocks to protect the body and make it as strong as steel, otherwise the waist will be weak and not straight up and down."

"Coordinate and consider the Qi in the body and every muscle and bone on the body, perfectly stretch the Qi and force to form the largest combined force, and then you can stand up like a tall and strong pine!"

"The above is the military posture that my newly-sengumi officers should have!"

After speaking in one breath, the general manager put down the booklet and asked his subordinates with his eyes: Do you have anything to ask?




Shimada Kui and others all turned their heads. You looked at me, and I looked at you. They all looked at each other with dumbfounded expressions.

Military posture?

To put it bluntly, isn’t this just standing?
  What’s good about training while standing? Is training necessary for this kind of thing?

Moreover, why should the simple standing posture be designed to be so complicated?
  The director-general glanced around, and when he saw no one spoke, he said loudly:
  "Don't you have anything to ask? In that case, don't waste time! Start training quickly!"

Shimada Kui looked around. Although his companions looked puzzled, they seemed to have no intention of raising questions.

So, he gritted his teeth, plucked up the courage, and started to be the first bird:

"Okita-sama, I don't understand! What's the point of this kind of training? Even a child with a yellow mouth knows how to stand! Why do we need to practice this skill that even children can do?"

The chief general turned his head sideways and his eyes fell on Shimada Kui.

"This question...is a good question!"

She nodded vigorously and put her hands on her hips.

"Standing in a military posture is the core skill in the 'Tangerine Style Art of War'! It is a must-learn skill!"

"'Tachibana Art of War'?"

Shimada Kui blinked a few times, a look of confusion appeared on his brows.

In his entire life, he has never heard of the "Jubilee Art of War".

The other team members, like him, knew for the first time that there was such a school of military art in the world.

"The 'Tachibana-ryu Art of War' is Tachibana-kun...ah, no, it is Niou-sama's own art of war!"

While speaking, the General Secretary raised the booklet in his palm and showed its cover to Shimada Kui and others - there were four large characters written on it: Infantry Training Code.

Next to this line of large characters is a string of small characters: Tachibana Style of War.

  Thanks to Baobaozi's unremitting efforts, the update time has finally been adjusted back to 10 o'clock! The leopard has turned back into a seal, no longer a fur seal or a beaver (Leopard Silly.jpg)

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