I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 592 Relying on business to support the finances of the Shinsengumi! 【5200】

Chapter 592 Relying on business to support the finances of the Shinsengumi! 【5200】

Tachibana style art of war?

Nioh-sama’s own art of war?
  Nioh-sama actually knows the art of war?

Shimada Kui and others first looked surprised, then thoughtful, and finally turned into calm expressions.

If a cat or a dog came from nowhere and said that he was proficient in the art of war and created a new school of war, any human being with a normal mind would definitely be skeptical about this.

After all, military science is no better than Confucianism.

Japan is a member of the Confucian cultural circle, and Confucianism occupies a very high proportion in the Japanese spiritual world.

Especially in the Edo period, a scholar named Fujiwara Showo (1561-1619) denied the superiority of Buddhism, left the monks and returned to lay life to teach Confucianism, and became the founder of Zhu Xi School (Zhu Xi School) in Japan.

Under his influence and education, a group of Zhu Xi scholars emerged. Their disciple Lin Luoshan comprehensively developed Japanese Zhu Xi studies and constructed Confucianism in accordance with the requirements of the shogunate system, thereby establishing the dominance of Zhu Xi studies.

You can get in touch with Confucianism by visiting any temple or private school, and anyone who has drunk ink can recite a few lines of "Zhi Hu Zhe".

But this is not the case in military science.

Since Yuanhe Yanwu (1615), there had been no major wars across the country, and military strategists had no use for them.

If you study Confucianism, if you are lucky, you can become a government-appointed scholar who can make a living, or if you are not lucky, you can become a private school teacher and make a living.

What can you do by studying military science?
  Apart from bragging and spanking with relatives and friends after dinner, it has no other use.

Therefore, only those scholars who have no worries about food and drink and no pressure to survive will have the time and energy to study military science.

In other words, the "military circle" in the Edo period was a very small circle, and it was extremely difficult for ordinary people to get in touch with and integrate into it.

In this environment where teaching resources are extremely scarce, it is not easy to just master military science, let alone create a new military school?
  Therefore, in the eyes of the public in the Edo period, a young man said that he was proficient in military science and created a new school, just like a college student in the 21st century said that he was proficient in high-energy physics and created a new formula - just a few Cai, are you drinking like this?
  However, if such words came from Qingto's mouth, then Shimada Kui and others would have to be convinced.

After all, they have experienced this man's skills countless times.

This man seems to have a magical power. No matter how difficult it is, even if it is "impossible" in the eyes of others, as long as it is in his hands, it can be transformed into "possible"!
  "Standing in a military posture can effectively temper your strong will!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the commander-in-chief paused.

The next second, she flipped through the "Tangerine Art of War: Infantry Drill Code" in her palm, lowered her head and eyes, quickly glanced at the contents, then raised her head, and continued to stare attentively. Shimada Kui et al.

"It can hone your unyielding perseverance!"

Just after she finished speaking, she lowered her head and peeked at the booklet in her hand.

"You can develop iron-like discipline!"

After a pause, he lowered his head and peeked again.

"The most important thing is that standing in a military posture is conducive to subsequent battle formation training!"

He paused again and continued to peek.

"We are not the Yakuza! The Yakuza only need to show off their ferocity and fight ruthlessly, but we can't! We are a serious army!"

Take a peek.

"For the army, personal martial arts is important, but discipline is even more important! Discipline is the foundation of an army's combat effectiveness!"

Another peek.

"An army without discipline, even if every soldier is as brave as Ogata, is nothing more than a fragile plate of loose sand!"

Another peek.

"No matter how powerful you are, you can only be defeated by a hundred or a thousand enemies at most! Only by forming a tight battle formation can you be defeated by ten thousand people! If you can't even stand upright, stand for a long time, and stand well, how can you still stand upright? How about forming a formation?"

The Souji's eyes just switched back and forth between the book in his hand and the subordinates in front of him.

Every time she read a sentence, she had to look down at the booklet in her hand, and finally finished the speech reluctantly.

The first team members looked at each other - the captain's words... seemed to make some sense!

Even people like Shimada Kui who have never been exposed to military science know the importance of battle formations.

Battle formations are to the army what clear water is to fish and shrimp.

An army that doesn't know how to form a formation will definitely have no combat effectiveness.

The most typical example is to facilitate the confrontation between infantry and cavalry.

Throughout the ages, no cavalry team has ever been able to charge through a large "hedgehog" infantry formation, never.

Therefore, from one perspective, if the infantry does not form a formation, but fights independently, then the cavalry can easily defeat the infantry that is several times or even ten times their size by charging at random.

"Do you all understand? Military posture training is the core content of Tachibana-ryu's art of war! Never be disrespectful!"

Souji put his hands on his hips, shrugged his shoulders, and pushed his chest, which was surprisingly flat due to the tightly wrapped bra, forward.

The first team gathered the strongest group of people in the Shinsengumi.

Under the influence of "survivor bias", unless they are talented people like Souji and Kinoshita Mai, anyone with a high level of martial arts will basically grow taller and stronger.

For this reason, even the shortest person in the first team is 1 meters tall - everyone is far taller than Souji, who is only 65 meters tall.

Therefore, in order to enhance her majesty, she was like a red panda that would stand up and open its arms when frightened. Whenever she spoke to her subordinates, she would habitually stand up with her arms akimbo and chest raised, trying to stretch her body so that she could It looks even scarier.

"Do you have any objections?"

This time, no one spoke.

"If there are no objections, then let's start training!"

Afterwards, the commander-in-chief once again spread out the infantry drill in his hand and reiterated all the key points that the general needed to observe while standing in military posture.

Since standing in the military posture is to lay the foundation for subsequent formation training, there is no reason to continue to resist.

So, Shimada Kui took a deep breath, adjusted his posture and straightened his body bit by bit in accordance with the requirements stated by the Souji.

The feet are separated at a certain angle, the legs are straight, the thumb is attached to the second joint of the index finger, the hands are naturally drooped and close to the side of the legs, the abdomen is tightened, the chest is raised, the head is raised, the eyes are forward, and the shoulders are stretched back.

He used the corner of his eye to observe his surroundings, and was surprised to find that the soldiers from other divisions were also practicing their military stance.

The ten squadrons were evenly distributed throughout the No. A training ground, standing in straight horizontal lines.

At the same time, he also found Nagakura Shinpachi, Saito Ichi and other captains, all holding an infantry drill manual in their hands like Souji.

Shimada Kui thought disdainfully:

——Just stand upright and do nothing... How difficult is this kind of training?

At this moment, he never imagined that a few hours later, he would feel deeply ashamed of his arrogance...



time flies.

10 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours...

Unknowingly, the minute hand on the clock had already crossed two large circles.

Now is the time when the temperature difference between day and night is huge.

The howling north wind subsided.

The sun penetrated the clouds and beat with all its strength on the No. A training ground without any shelter, and the temperature gradually rose.

Shimada Kui felt beads of sweat begin to appear on his forehead, back, and chest, making his whole body sticky.

He swallowed hard, and a cry from his soul emerged in his heart:

——How long are we going to stand? !
  For a whole 2 hours, they did nothing. There was no other training content and no rest. They just stood there!

The director-general didn't call for a stop, and they didn't dare to stop the training. They could only grit their teeth and endure.

Shimada Kui knew for the first time: It turns out that standing can be so tiring!

In order to straighten his body and keep his hands close to his legs, the muscles in his back and arms must continue to exert force.

It's okay for a while, but if it lasts for a long time, it's a different matter.

The consumption produced in 2 hours is not ordinary and astonishing!

Shimada Kui now only feels that his back is extremely sore, and his legs are as if they are filled with lead. They are so heavy that he can hardly feel the existence of his legs and feet.

The house leaked and it rained continuously all night - with the direct sunlight and the rising temperature, their physical exertion further intensified, and beads of sweat flowed down like waterfalls.

For some people who sweat easily, the clothes on their bodies are already soaked, and the absorption capacity of the clothes cannot keep up with the amount of sweat they sweat. The sweat beads flow along their hakama to the ground and accumulate at their feet. Beaches and puddles. At first glance, I thought they peed their pants.

——Damn it! I feel dizzy!
  Shimada Kui suddenly felt dizzy and his body shook uncontrollably.

At this time, Souji walked up to him.

During the entire process of Shimada Kui and others' military posture training, the General Director did not sit leisurely and rest. Instead, he circled around Shimada Kui and others without stopping, dutifully checking whether their movements were correct. There are standards.

After taking a look at Kui Shimada, the Souji opened the "Infantry Drill Code" in his hand and read every line, as if confirming something.

After a moment, she closed the book with a snap and said to Kui Shimada:
  "Put your body weight on the balls of your feet, otherwise your head will feel dizzy."

Shimada Kui raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Although he didn't understand why, he still obeyed. After following the instructions of the General Secretary and placing his weight on the soles of his feet, he immediately felt that his dizziness was relieved a lot.

--so amazing! What is the principle? Why does your head stop feeling dizzy just by putting your body weight on the balls of your feet?

Although I was no longer dizzy, the numbness and pain in my back, legs and feet could not be eliminated.

In order to make himself feel better, Shimada Kui had to devote part of his energy to paying attention to the movements around him.

The No. [-] training ground was really noisy.

"What's wrong with your legs? Why are they crooked? Straighten them up!"

"Your shoulders are slumped again."

"Stand up quickly, don't let me repeat it a second time."


The captains of each team cheered one after another.

The grumpy Serizawa Kame, Nagakura Shinpachi who behaves rudely, Saito Ichi who is ruthless and talkative, and the perfectionist Sanako... Compared with them, Souji is already very gentle.

Thinking of this, Shimada Kui couldn't help but feel lucky.

Fortunately, my captain is Okita Souji!

At this time, the man standing on the right side of Shimada Kui suddenly winked - it turned out that there was a drop of sweat flowing down the corners of his eyebrows, almost flowing into his eyes.

He winked and tried to use his facial muscles to change the trajectory of the drop of sweat, but to no avail.

As a last resort, he raised his right hand, intending to wipe away the drop of sweat.

However, at this moment, a shout suddenly sounded:
  "Wait! What do you want?"

After finishing his words, the general manager walked up to him in three steps and two steps at a time.

Her actions naturally shocked this person.

He explained weakly:
  "I-I want to wipe away the sweat..."

"When standing in a military posture, don't move rashly!"

With that said, the chief general turned his head, glanced at the other subordinates, and said loudly:
  "You can wipe the sweat, scratch the itch, do all the little things."

"But! Before that, you must report: 'Report to the captain, I want to move'!"

"Move when you want, relax when you want, what kind of order is there? Isn't this formation chaotic?"

"Do you understand everything?"

As soon as the Souji finished speaking, Shimada Kui and others immediately responded in a not particularly neat but extremely loud voice:


The Souji's eyes fell back on the person in front of him.

"Now, you do it again."

The man took a deep breath:

"Report to the captain, I want to move!"

The director-general nodded gently and gave him a look of relief that said, "You are a teachable boy."

"Well, move."


Scenes similar to this were also played out at the training grounds of other divisions.

According to the "Infantry Drill Code" distributed by Qingdeng, each captain trained bit by bit... ah, no, trained their own troops.

Finally, the sun reached the highest point in the sky.

It's time for lunch.

When Shimada Kui heard the words "The training is over, you can go have lunch", he almost cried with joy.

They stood all morning—literally all morning!

Except for a few occasional breaks - the rest times are very short, ranging from 10 minutes to 3 or 4 minutes - the rest of the time, I have been training military posture!

Because he had been standing for so long, the muscles in his back, legs and feet were so stiff that when he released the military posture, he found that he could not move!

It took him a lot of effort to get his body to remember how to use his lower limbs again.

Shimada Kui, who joined the first team based on his own strength, can be regarded as one of the most physically fit people in the Shinsengumi.

Even he was "tortured" like this, let alone others.

When the soldiers lined up in two columns, left the No. A training ground and headed for the canteen, one by one, they all had stiff movements, numb expressions, and couldn't even walk well. They looked like puppets and zombies.

Intense fatigue dominated Shimada Kui's whole body.

The energy accumulated from eating seven bowls of meat porridge this morning was all used up in the hours-long military posture training.

The hunger fire in his belly was burning. He felt so hungry that his chest pressed against his back.

——I’m so hungry... Let’s start eating quickly...

At this moment, Shimada Kui's head was empty, and there was only one small wish left in his mind: to eat a rich feast comparable to the meat porridge this morning!

Shimada Kui originally thought that the meat porridge he ate this morning was the ultimate delicacy that he had rarely seen in his life.

But who knows...his imagination is still limited by poverty!

"what is this……?"

The scene reappeared - Shimada Kui was just like that morning, staring straight at the table in front of him.

His vision was covered with white snow.

The large palm-like bowl was covered with snow-white and crystal-clear rice grains, with spikes popping out.

It’s not porridge, it’s dry rice!
  A big bowl of white rice...this is already quite amazing.

However, the richness of the side dishes on the table is even more shocking!

A plate of oily pork, a boiled egg, a piece of fried tofu, a plate of green vegetables, and a bowl of hot miso soup.

Four dishes and one soup!
  There is no shortage of meat, eggs, soy products, and vegetables!
  Shimada Kui's gaze seemed to be fixed, glued to the table in front of him.

Now even if there was a stunning beauty lying naked next to him, it couldn't take away his attention.

Shimada Kui's reaction was only a microcosm - a microcosm of the entire audience.

An unspeakable silence enveloped the entire place, extending to every corner.

A pair of wide-open eyes.

Mouths that are about to salivate.

A face that turned pale with astonishment.

Judging from the dietary standards of the Edo period, the meat porridge this morning was a rare and top-notch delicacy.

That being the case, what words should be used to describe the set of "four dishes, one soup + white rice"?
  Just when everyone was dumbfounded and silent for a long time, Qingdeng's voice with a faint smile hovered faintly over the cafeteria, breaking the silence:
  "'The Shinsengumi's combat effectiveness will be based on iron discipline and abundant food' - so you don't have to be so panicked."

"From now on, 'meat porridge in the morning, rice and four vegetables and one soup at noon and evening' will be the Shinsengumi's basic food standard in peacetime!"

"What's wrong? Aren't you hungry? Why don't you use your chopsticks?"

The sound is not far away, and the commotion has arrived.

In an instant, the noise like dinner in a pigsty resounded inside and outside the cafeteria.

It's embarrassing to say that when the soft and sweet rice entered his mouth, Shimada Kui was almost moved to tears.

When was the last time you ate rice as freely as you do now?



"Ji Jun, you..."

As soon as Qingden sat down, he heard the director next to him speaking in an impatient tone.

However, before she could "cast the spell", she was interrupted by Qingdeng's gesture:

"I know what you want to say. Don't worry, I know what's going on. The post of chief is still vacant, so I have always been responsible for managing the Shinsengumi's finances personally, so I know our financial situation better than anyone else. "

Speaking of this, Qingdeng raised the corners of his lips and said confidently:

"Don't worry about money, I've already thought about it - I will rely on running a business to solve the financial problems of the Shinsengumi!"

  Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

Some book friends asked: Where did Aoshino's money come from - he had a start-up capital of 3000 taels given by Tokugawa Iemo, plus his own 500 taels of deposits, for a total of 3500 taels, which was enough for him to use for a period of time. It's time.

PS: Yesterday I met a cow that looked like a radish, and I’ll send it to you:
  (End of this chapter)

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