I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 600 The beautiful mature woman and the woman named “Dragon” [4500]

Even without looking back, Qingden could still feel Kinoshita Mai glaring viciously at his back with extremely sharp, spike-like eyes.

Qingdeng, you seem to know this beautiful young woman named "Dengshi"? ——Kinoshita Mai’s eyes seemed to be shrouded in darkness without any light, telling a silent and cold question.

Qingdeng shivered violently, and an indescribable chill ran straight up his spine and penetrated his Tianling Cap. His skin was numb and goosebumps were rising.

Although it is a bit exaggerated to say this...but at this moment, Qingdeng did feel a huge threat! It was like there was a knife hanging above his head!

In order to eliminate the misunderstanding and save his life, he hurriedly turned sideways and explained to Kinoshita Mai:

"Awu, this is where the 'Teradaya Incident' happened!"

"'Teradaya Incident'...?"

Kinoshita Mai murmured softly, and then she let out a soft "ah" as if she remembered something.

"Is this right here..."

As she spoke, she raised her head, turned her eyes, and looked around carefully.

The Teradaya Incident - a bloody incident that occurred a year ago (1862).

After the death of the former lord of Satsuma Domain, Shimazu Saibin, the position of lord was succeeded by his nephew Shimazu Tadayoshi.

Shimazu Tadayoshi was still young, so the actual power of the feudal state was controlled by his father Shimazu Hisamitsu.

In this way, Shimazu Hisamitsu entered the political stage as the "Father of the Satsuma Domain".

Shimazu Hisamitsu is a staunch "combined public and military school".

His ideal political blueprint is for the shogunate and the court to reach reconciliation, and for the Satsuma Domain to become a "third force" with a high status.

In order to propose a "combination of public and military affairs" to the court in person, he personally led more than a thousand vassal soldiers to set out for Beijing last year - March 1862, the second year of Wenjiu (3).

Although Shimazu Hisamitsu has expressed his political stance quite openly, some people still don't know his true meaning, and some regard him as the leader of the "King-respecting and Barbarian Faction".

The lofty ideals headed by Arima Shinchi and Tanaka Kensuke wanted to take this opportunity to launch a movement to protest against the curtain, thereby influencing their feudal lord to rebel against the curtain.

On April 4 of the same year, they gathered at the Terada House in Fushimi to discuss future countermeasures.

After Shimazu Hisamitsu learned the news, he immediately sent his retainers and feudal soldiers to dissuade him. Arima Shinchi and others refused to listen. The negotiation broke down and the two sides started fighting.

As a result, six of the patriots died on the spot, three later committed suicide by caesarean section, one of the feudal soldiers died, and many others were injured.

After the "Teradaya Incident" occurred, the leaders of the Satsuma Domain's "Honoring the King and Repelling the Barbarians" faction were wiped out in one fell swoop. The Satsuma Domain's "Respecting the King and Repelling the Barbarians" faction was wiped out. The center of the Satsuma Domain's "Respecting the King and Repelling the Barbarians" movement was moved from the Satsuma Domain to the Choshu Domain.

In this incident, one person shines brightly - Ms. Toshi, the proprietress of Teradaya.

Denshi was born in the twelfth year of Wenzheng (1829) and is now 34 years old.

This Teradaya is an old store with a long history and has been passed down for 6 generations.

And Toshi is the wife of Isuke Teradaya, the sixth generation owner of the store.

Not only was it difficult to run the hotel because her husband was a libertine, but he also loved drinking and died young.

After that, Toshi ran the temple house by himself.

In this patriarchal world, a woman with no father, no husband, no children, runs a liveaboard by herself... one can imagine the hardships involved.

However, what is surprising is that Denshi actually has a lot of business acumen.

In addition, she is a well-rounded person.

In a place where dragons and snakes are mixed like Fushimi, she not only gets along like a fish in water, but also manages this old store in a flourishing way with her unremitting efforts.

The Satsuma feudal lords were killing each other... This would be an unreasonable disaster that would make anyone cry in any hotel.

Who would want to stay in a hotel where many people had just died?

How can ordinary people get used to death?

The dripping blood, the scattered stumps... this scene is enough to make people lose their minds.

However, on the morning after the "Teradaya Incident" occurred, Toshi ordered the servants to replace the damaged tatami mats and paper doors in an orderly manner, clean up the blood stains on the floor, and quickly resumed operations of the store. .

At this time, his calm and calm appearance in the face of blood and mutilated limbs left a deep impression on people.

Such heroic courage is admirable.

Since then, everyone in the world has known that the proprietress of Teradaya is a heroine of extraordinary rank!

Looking at Qingnobo and Kinoshita Mai in conversation, Tosuke smiled helplessly:

"I see... you are tourists here for sightseeing..."

After summarizing softly, she turned sideways so that Aoto and Mai Kinoshita could see the depths of the store more clearly.

"As you can see, there is nothing extraordinary about this shop. It is just a very ordinary liveaboard."

"There's nothing special about it other than it's a bit older and a lot of people died here last year...well, the latter is kind of special."

Having said this, she raised her right thumb, poked her chest, and said in a half-joking tone:

"And my rise to power is also nothing special."

"People always say that I am a 'hero among women'... I cannot bear the word 'hero'!"

"At that time, my servants and I had to work hard and suppress our nausea to finally clean up the entire store."

"Compared to me who basically only moved my mouth, the servants who picked up the damaged paper sliding doors and tatami mats with their own hands and washed away the blood stains on the walls and floors are more worthy of praise."

"I'm just a 34-year-old old widow who runs a liveaboard business that's not bad, and my appearance has faded. I'm not worthy of your special visit!"

Listening to Dengshi's self-deprecation, Qingdeng smiled:

"Miss Denshi, you are too modest. If your appearance can be called 'faded', it will make those whose appearance has really faded feel ashamed!"

Because Kinoshita Mai was present, it was inconvenient for Qingto to praise other women directly in front of her.

What he said was by no means a boast or a lie with open eyes, but a statement of facts.

I don't know if it's the result of her careful maintenance or because of her natural beauty, her skin is very white and tender.

Thanks to her beautiful skin, she looks like she is only 27 or 8 years old.

Her smooth and lustrous hair is tied into a bun that symbolizes a married woman.

Her figure is the kind of "slightly plump, but not fat". You can feel the plump skin under her clothes that is full of flesh and heat with the naked eye.

The way she moves her hands and feet exudes the unique charm of a mature woman.

Female boss + young widow + still charming appearance... these BUFFs are almost full!

To be fair, for a mature woman like Denshi, the faint crow's feet at the corners of her eyes are one of her special charms.

Although she is just a liveaboard owner, she is definitely not a rich woman.

But her buff is enough to make countless people shout "Honey! Soft! Hungry! Hmm~" and "What's the difference between me and that thief?!".

As soon as Qingdeng finished speaking, Dengshi covered his lips and chuckled:

"Hahaha, Master Samurai, you are so good at talking! Huh?"

Suddenly, as if she had discovered something, she blinked her eyes hard a few times, and then stared straight at Qingdeng's face.

"Oh, no wonder it looks familiar. Isn't this Nioh-sama?"

Qingdeng raised his eyebrows with a look of surprise on his face.

Before he could raise any questions, Denshi let out a hearty laugh of "Hahahaha".

"Nioh-sama, on the day you led the Shinsengumi to Kyoto, I specially put aside my business in the store to watch the excitement! So I am honored to have a glimpse of your honor!"

"Hahaha! I never thought that my little liveaboard would be so lucky to welcome Nioh-sama!"

"'The shop that Nioh-sama once visited'... Hahaha! This name is much louder than 'the place where the Teradaya Incident occurred'!"

Denshi seems to be a woman who loves to laugh.

Whenever she smiles, her big bright eyes will narrow into thin slits, revealing healthy white teeth.

Her laughter-loving and cheerful personality further highlights her unique charm. Qingden smiled helplessly.

Now that he was recognized by Denshi, there was nothing he could do.

He looked around - there was no one else waiting to enter or leave the store.

Looking up, except for the three of them, there was no one else at the entrance of the store.

After confirming that no outsiders noticed the movement, he raised his right index finger, put it against his lips, and made a "silence" gesture to the man in front of him.

"Miss Denshi, regarding my visit to this place, please keep it secret for the time being. I am currently conducting a private visit incognito."

"Oh, that's it... Okay, I understand!"

Dengshi nodded vigorously, then put his hands on his hips and said loudly:

"Your Excellency, I have admired you for a long time."

"Since we are lucky enough to meet each other, we should treat him with dignity."

"If you don't mind, please stay here for a while and let me offer you a cup of tea!"

Denshi's sudden invitation caught Ayoto and Kinoshita Mai off guard.

Kinoshita Mai turned her head sideways and cast a questioning look at Qingden, "Is this okay?"

After Qingdeng thought for a while, he nodded gently.

"Okay, that's good work."

Dengshi showed a happy smile.

"Okay! Please come with me!"

With that said, she turned back and led Qingto and Kinoshita Mai toward the second floor of the store.

"It's the end of the month now... It's the time to eat shit."

After muttering to himself, Denshi turned to the depths of the store and shouted:

"Aaron! A guest is coming! Bring over a plate of wagashi, a plate of tofu dregs, three teacups and a pot of good green tea!"

"At the end of the month? Tofu? Is there any custom between the two?"

Before Denshi could answer, Kinoshita Mai explained first:

"This is a tradition in Kyoto. Tofu dregs has the same pronunciation as 'empty'. Eating tofu dregs at the end of the month not only ridicules the empty wallets at the end of the month, but also places people's wish that 'by the next month, the empty wallets will be bulging again.'"

Denshi turned his head and looked at Kinoshita Mai with surprise.

"Little girl, you know Kyoto very well!"

"Yes, that's right!"

“Eating tofu dregs at the end of the month is a long-standing custom in Kyoto!”

"Handian's tofu dregs are very delicious. You will definitely not be disappointed!"

When Qingdeng heard this, he smiled bitterly:

——Is it the wish that "by next month, my empty wallet will be full again"... This is very consistent with my current situation...

At this time, Dengshi suddenly asked Qingdeng:

"Sir, may I ask, why do you suddenly come to Handian?"

Qingdeng smiled slightly:

"No special reason."

"As I said just now, I am currently conducting a private visit incognito."

"I passed by this place by chance and saw the Terada House that had been affected by the whirlpool of the times, and I couldn't help but pause."

"To be honest, I have heard about the reputation of the 'Hero among Women' for a long time, so I wanted to come and visit."

As soon as Qingdeng finished speaking, Denshi's iconic "hahaha" hearty laughter sounded again:

"So, it is indeed fate that pushed you and me to meet!"



Denshi led Qingden and Kinoshita Mai to an elegantly decorated hall.

As soon as they sat down, a young maid came into the room carrying a full tea tray.

At first, because the maid was standing and Qingdeng was sitting, their eyes were not level with each other, so Qingdeng did not notice this person.

It wasn't until the young maid knelt down and placed the teacups, teapots, tofu dregs and other items on the tea tray one by one in front of Qingdeng and others' knees that Qingdeng finally noticed her.

Qingdeng never thought of himself as a lustful person who was greedy for beauty.

However... even though he had been with stunning beauties such as Sanako and Tianzhangyuan for many years, he couldn't help but be surprised by the maid's beauty.

Overall, this maid has a classical oval face.

Eyebrows, nose, lips, ears... every line on his face is so graceful and delicate.

Her thick black hair is pulled into a Shimada bun that symbolizes an unmarried girl.

The neck is as white as jade, and the skin is white and rosy.

But no matter which aspect you look at, she is an impeccable beauty.

However, the only drawback is that her facial features are slightly cold and her lips are very thin, which makes her look like she has a bad temper.

After placing the food and tea on the tea tray, the beautiful maid picked up the empty tea tray and said softly:

"Please enjoy."

Dengshi responded with a gentle look:

"Aaron, thank you for your hard work."

Aaron...that is, this beautiful maid, bowed to Qingdeng and others expressionlessly, then stepped back and left.

Qingden glanced at her back and then looked away, not paying much attention to her.

This woman named "Along" is indeed a great beauty. Although her figure is a bit smaller, in terms of appearance alone, she is on par with Souji and Mai Kinoshita... But so what?

It’s not like I’m a lecher who loves someone else!

After Aaron left, Qingdeng just sighed silently in his heart:

——This liveaboard is so awesome! Both the female boss and the maid have such good looks!



Denshi is very talkative.

He must have honed his skills while running Teradaya.

He was able to bring up the topic and pick up Qingdeng's words easily. Chatting with her was effortless at all.

The topics Qingdeng chatted with her were nothing more than trivial and nutritious trivial matters.

After chatting casually for a while, Qingdeng saw the right moment and suddenly asked:

"Miss Toshi, how long have you been running this Teradaya?"

"How long? Well...I really haven't counted this! It must be at least 5 or 6 years."

Qingdeng nodded thoughtfully:

"Five or six years...then, Miss Dense, I have a question for you - as far as you know, which products are the most popular and profitable in Gyeonggi?"

After listening to Qingdeng's question, Dengshi replied without hesitation:

"Needless to say? Of course products related to women are the most profitable!"



It's obviously Bao Baozi's father's birthday (lunar calendar birthday), so Bao Baozi wants to take a day off tomorrow and go to the aquarium to celebrate his birthday with his father~ (Baohan.jpg)

By the way, I also take this opportunity to adjust my work and rest schedule... Damn winter, my work and rest schedule is all messed up (Tears Leopard Head.jpg)

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