I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 601 The No. 1 beauty in Kyoto returns! 【5000】

Chapter 601 The most beautiful woman in Kyoto returns! 【5000】

"Women in Kyoto love beauty the most."

Come up and talk.

"Women in Kyoto would rather go hungry than buy themselves the most beautiful Wu clothes, the most exquisite jewelry and the most gorgeous cosmetics."

"The splendid glory accumulated over thousands of years has given birth to the local customs of 'loving glitz and glamour'."

“Those high-end cloths are always in short supply.”

"Like that Nishijin weaving, the price is sky-high, but there are still a lot of women rushing to buy it."

Nishijin weaving - the most representative traditional fabric of Kyoto, with many varieties but low output.

In the 5th century AD, Kyoto's textile industry had already started.

After the "Onin Rebellion" broke out in 1467, textile craftsmen in Kyoto migrated one after another. After the war subsided, the craftsmen returned to Kyoto and settled in Nishijin to re-develop the textile industry. The fabrics produced here were called "Nishijin weaving".

At the end of the Muromachi period (1336-1573), textile technology from the Ming Dynasty of China was introduced to produce high-quality silk and satin, and Nishijin weaving became the representative of RB silk fabrics.

When Tokugawa Ieyasu conquered the world and the age of peace came, Nishijin weaving ushered in its heyday. In addition to high-end silk and satin, it also mass-produced white silk, crepe silk and other fabrics.

"Our store is close to the port, so I know best. Every day, a large number of ships are loaded with high-end cloth, forming a long queue that is difficult to see from end to end, heading south along the Yodo River to be sold to Osaka."

As Dengshi spoke, he turned his head and raised his chin towards the window not far away.

Looking out the window, you can clearly see the Yodogawa River.

Teradaya is located near Fushimi Port and adjacent to the Yodogawa River. It is a store with an excellent location.

The Yodogawa River originates from Lake Biwa, the largest freshwater lake in the RB, flows southwest, and flows into Osaka Bay, connecting the Kyoto Basin and Osaka Plain. It is a golden waterway in the Gyeonggi area and the economic artery of Kyoto and Ban.

"A piece of high-grade silk and satin produced in Nishijin can easily be sold for dozens of taels or hundreds of taels of gold."

"Although not as good as cloth and clothes, jewelry and cosmetics are also very profitable."

"Take lipstick as an example..."

[Note: Lipstick: ancient lipstick]

Having said this, Denshi gestured with his left thumb.

"A box of high-end lipstick as big as a thumb can easily cost several taels of gold."

“It’s not uncommon for a box of lipstick to cost more than ten taels of gold.”

"I've even seen a box of lipstick costing 100 taels of gold."

"100 taels of gold...heh, this is enough to buy a sword that can cut iron like clay."

"Using the money that can buy a big sword to buy a box of cosmetics that can only be used to wipe lips... To be honest, even I find it ridiculous - however, there are indeed quite a few women doing this."

“What can’t you do if you have this spare money?”

"However, I don't have the position to say such things."

Denshi smiled bitterly.

"It is a woman's nature to love beauty."

"Even an old lady like me can't help but spend all the money she finally saved just to buy nice new clothes."

"So, women's money is really easy to make."

"As long as we can steadily produce fine clothes, jewelry and other products popular with women, it's like building a furnace that can melt money at will!"

Having said this, Dengshi took a sip of tea and moistened his throat. At the same time, I also took advantage of this gap to formulate my next words.

"Except for products related to women, the most popular products... are probably salt, steel, grain and alcohol."

“Who can do without food and drink?”

"But these have nothing to do with us ordinary people."

"Only privileged merchants can deal in salt, steel and grain."

"As for the drinks, they were divided up by the major wealthy businessmen."

"After all, the products that can make a lot of money, whether it's clothes and cosmetics, food or drinks, are all monopolized by those powerful businessmen, so who are we?"

Dengshi sighed "Alas" and then changed to a half-joking tone.

"We, ordinary people, can only work hard, put down our dignity, and do some work that is dirty, tiring, or both dirty and tiring."

Qingdeng listened very seriously, with a solemn expression, and didn't even blink a few times.

"The above are the most expensive products I know. The words of a woman are insignificant, so please forgive me."

Qingden shook his head gently.

"No, Miss Denshi, thank you for your talk. You helped me a lot!"

Areas like liveaboards with large changes in the flow of people are natural "information centers" and "information transfer stations."

Therefore, as a liveaboard owner, Denshi’s opinions have extremely high reference value.

The reason why he agreed to stay for a cup of tea was to ask Denshi about the current market conditions in Gyeonggi Province.

Qingdeng pondered to himself, thinking.

At this moment, he suddenly felt warmth on his fingertips - it turned out to be the rising sun, which had penetrated the living room with warm sunlight.

He took out his pocket watch from his pocket and glanced at the time.

"Miss Denshi, I'm sorry, it's almost time for us to leave."

After that, he drank all the tea in the cup.

"Huh? Your Excellency, are you leaving now?"

"Well, our time is very tight and we can't stay here for long."

Ayoto's plan today was to spend half a day patrolling Fushimi, and then return to the Shinsengumi headquarters before dark.

Now that the purpose of "collecting information from Denshi" has been achieved, there is no need to stay here any longer.

Seeing that Qing Deng had decided to leave, Deng Shi did not force him to stay.

She pressed the hem of her kimono and stood up gracefully.

"Then, please allow me to escort you two to the entrance!"

Just as he had come, Toshi walked in front, leading Ayoto and Kinoshita Mai along the original path toward the entrance on the first floor.

Just when the shadow of the entrance gradually came into Qing Deng's eyes... Suddenly, Deng Shi in front of him suddenly said:

"...Sir, I am just an ordinary liveaboard owner and an ordinary woman."

Qingden raised his eyebrows.

Although he didn't know what the other party wanted to say, he still listened patiently.

"Today's Kyoto has become a battlefield where major forces compete."

"The intensifying unrest has even implicated Fushimi and Osaka."

"To be honest, I don't understand what 'the combination of public and military affairs' means, let alone 'respecting the king and repelling the barbarians'."

"For me... no, for all the common people, it doesn't matter whether the imperial court is in charge or the shogunate is in charge."

"We have only one small wish: peace in the world, enough food and clothing."

At this point, she stopped suddenly and turned around.

His expression was solemn, his eyes were looking straight at Qingdeng, and their eyes were facing each other.

"Your Excellency, what I say may be a bit exaggerated, but I really feel it - you are different from those corrupt officials who are full of fat heads and only know about eating, drinking and having fun all day long. You are a rare good official."

"So...please allow me, an old woman, to take advantage of today's opportunity to plead with you - please let the world return to a peaceful world!"

After saying that, Dengshi folded his hands in front of him, bent down, and bowed to Qingdeng solemnly.

Looking from Qingdeng's perspective, the snow-white back of his neck was clearly visible, and his smooth back was looming.

However, such a fragrant scene did not cause the slightest ripple in Qingdeng's heart.

Because... all his thoughts were focused on the other party's fervent plea just now.

He pursed his lips, his eyes flashed, and unspeakable emotions roamed his face.

"...Miss Toshi, although I can't give you a definite guarantee yet...but I can tell you with certainty: The path I, Tachibana Aoden, want to take, was decided a long time ago."

At this point, he paused and took a deep breath.

"I...will always stand with the oppressed poor people!"

After listening to the situation, he slowly straightened up.

She first cast a surprised look at Qingden, and then smiled calmly. . "With your words, I feel at ease."

As she spoke, she bent down again and saluted Qingdeng.

"Your Excellency, I wish you good luck in martial arts!"



After exiting the entrance hall, Aoto and Mai Kinoshita walked side by side on the avenue, gradually moving away from Tosei who was standing in the open space outside Terada's house watching them.

Behind them...beside a window on the second floor of Terada House, a pair of beautiful eyes flickered.

The beautiful maid... the woman who was called "Along" by Denshi, stood by the window like a ghost, with most of her body hidden in the shadows, only half of her head exposed, which was pressed against the window frame.

Under the soft and long eyelashes, there is a calm gaze.

She silently stared at Qingdeng's back, her delicate and pretty face showed no sadness or joy, and her expression was deep, as if she was thinking about something...




"what happened?"

"Do we really have to do business to earn the Shinsengumi's military expenses?"

"Huh? Why are you asking about this suddenly?"

"It's nothing, I just suddenly felt..."

Kinoshita Mai looked hesitant.

Suddenly, she sighed silently:

"Qingdeng, let me put it bluntly - doing business is not an easy task."

"What Miss Denshi said just now reminded me."

"Those businesses that can make a lot of money have long been divided up by various giant businessmen, leaving no trace of the residue."

"If we want to make a lot of money by doing business, there are only two ways."

"Or take food from other people's mouths."

“Either we have to find another way and develop brand new products that are unique to us and not available to others.”

"Grandma always told me: Killing someone's job is like killing their parents, so the former offends people very much, and if you don't do it right, tragic bloodshed will break out."

"As for the latter... the only people who can do this are those extraordinary business wizards."

“If it were really so easy to develop unique best-selling products, there wouldn’t be so many people whose families have been ruined due to business failure.”

"To be honest... the more I think about it, the more I feel that your plan to 'promote the military through business'... seems a bit... unreliable..."

After finishing speaking, Kinoshita Mai quietly raised her gaze and carefully looked at Qingdeng's expression, fearing that she would offend him by telling the truth.

Obviously, she was worrying too much.

After her words fell, Qingdeng just smiled helplessly.

"A Wu, I understand everything you said."

"But...under the limitations of the powers and responsibilities of the governor of Gyeonggi Town, running a business is the most suitable way to make money that I can think of."

Under the special care of Tokugawa Iemo, the post of governor of Gyeonggi Province has many privileges, just like half a military governor - however, no matter how much praise and exaggeration, it is always a half military governor, not a complete military governor. Jiedushi.

The Jiedushi of the Tang Dynasty integrated military, civilian and financial administration into one body.

On the other hand, Qingdeng had no civil affairs and no finance. Except for the independence of military power, there was no place that could compete with the Tang Dynasty's Jiedushi.

Qingdeo could not rely on administrative means such as taxation and mobilization of government funds to subsidize the Shinsengumi's military expenses.

At the same time, before going to Luo, Tokugawa Iemo made it clear: After delivering the "start-up capital" of 3000 taels, the shogunate would no longer inject capital into the Shinsengumi.

This can't be blamed on Tokugawa Iemo's callousness.

After all, although the current financial situation of the shogunate cannot be said to be at the end of its rope, it can also be said to be extremely pessimistic. There is really no spare capacity to raise a new army.

Winning the privileges he currently has for Aoto is the limit of what Tokugawa Iemo can do.

Since the shogunate can no longer count on help, he can only rely on himself.

A way to make a lot of money while not relying on administrative power or doing anything harmful to nature... After thinking about it, the only way was to pull up a caravan of my own and go around doing business.

Although Kinoshita Mai raised doubts, Qingnobo's determination remains unchanged - at this stage, the policy of "promoting the military through business" must always be implemented!

With this thought, Qingdeng recalled the market situation that Dengshi just mentioned:

——Women’s money is best earned...

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile.

Dengshi’s views coincide with Qingden’s ideas.

As early as when he decided to rely on business to solve the Shinsengumi's funding problem, Qingteng had already begun to think about the feasibility of "making women's money."

Women are very willing to spend money - this statement is true throughout the ages, and I am afraid it will not change in the future.

If you are beguiled by consumerist remarks such as "Your youth is short", "Only buy the best within your ability", "Cheaper things are useless except cheap, expensive things are perfect except expensive", you will not hesitate. Spread out lots and lots of money.

Starting with "women's products"...this is indeed a direction that can be studied in depth!

Don't even think about salt, steel and other important materials related to the national destiny, as well as bulk commodities such as rice and wine. At this stage, Qingdeng has no ability to get involved in these things.

In the Edo period, RB had an organization similar to a chamber of commerce, namely "Zhu Nakama".

The original intention of the establishment of "Zhuzhongjian" was to prevent the increase of foreign businessmen from monopolizing management rights.

At first, the Edo shogunate saw the grouping behavior of merchants and was worried that merchant organizations would dominate market prices and cause the shogunate's rule to be shaken, so they banned the Zhunakama organization several times.

However, Zhuzhongjian has made a great contribution to stabilizing the market.

Therefore, when the Eighth Dynasty Shogun Tokugawa Yoshimune carried out the Kyoho reform, he took the organizational structure of Zhunakama as the guideline and recognized the establishment of Zhunakama.

However, the Eighth Generation General Tokugawa Yoshimune made two preparations for Zhu Zhongma.

First-hand, reward the organizations between Zhuzhou and Zhongzhong to confirm their contribution to stabilizing the market.

On the other hand, it is explicitly required to pay the shogunate's Mingga gold and Yunshang gold.

The so-called Minggajin refers to the gift of gratitude paid by wholesalers to the shogunate for exclusive use of trade routes, which is equivalent to taking the initiative to bear the obligation to pay taxes.

As for transporting gold, it can be understood as a modern corporate tax.

After Tokugawa Yoshimune's reforms, Zhu Zhongma's exclusive sales rights were determined.

It happened that the shogunate was short of money and the merchants had money. Through the decree, the shogunate managed Zhuzhongjian, and the merchants were recognized, and everyone got what they needed.

However, this also caused serious consequences: collusion between privileged businessmen and the shogunate, and the spread of bribery of officials.

Government officials and businessmen protect each other and form a huge vested interest group.

But any industry that can make a lot of money, such as wine, cloth, and cosmetics, is like an iron bucket, and outsiders cannot get a share of it. It can be said that "a needle cannot penetrate, and water cannot pour in."

It’s not like there aren’t brave men challenging them.

In order to weaken the strength of these maggots attached to the shogunate, Tadakuni Mizuno, the veteran who carried out the Tenpo Reform (1830~1843), ordered the suspension of the Minggajin campaign and the dissolution of Zhunakama.

However, the dissolution of Zhuzhongjian caused market chaos and made the price rise even more serious.

The huge realistic pressure, coupled with the opponent's crazy counterattack, accelerated Mizuno Tadakuni's loss of power.

When Mizuno Tadakuni stepped down, Zhu Zhongma rose again.

Mizuno Tadakuni, who once had all the power in the world, had no way to deal with these interest groups, let alone Aoshito, who is still very weak at the moment?

Therefore, there is definitely no need to think about these red-eye "red ocean industries".

There is bound to be no way for him to fight his way in to grab food. Even if he forcefully fights his way in, it will take an immeasurable amount of energy, and in the end he may not make much money...

——We have to start with those "blue ocean industries" that no one has yet entered...

Qingden frowned, thinking hard, and accidentally lost track of time.

At this moment, a pleasant female voice suddenly sounded from not far away, bringing Qingdeng's consciousness back to reality.

"Oh? Isn't this Nioh-sama?"

Qingdeng was stunned for a moment, and then looked away.

"Miss Ziyang?"

I saw the most beautiful woman in Kyoto, who I had met once at the reception banquet hosted by Matsudaira Yongho, sitting leisurely on a bench in a certain teahouse, looking at him curiously.



Guangzhou is finally starting to heat up! Leopards are coming out of hibernation! Leopard Leopard will adjust the update rhythm as soon as possible!

(End of this chapter)

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