I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 604 Qingto: "Soji! This is a mirror made of your urine!" [4400]

Chapter 604 Qingto: "Soji! This is a mirror made of your urine!" [4400]


After listening to Inoue Genzaburo's explanation, Harada Sanosuke pondered.

After a while, he muttered:

"Something weird..."

At the same time, Nagakura Shinpachi was also murmuring:

"I guess... no, I'm sure! Souji must know something!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned to look at Genzaburo Inoue.

"Uncle Yuan, have you ever asked the director what's in the porcelain pot he gave to Mr. Tachibana?"

Genzaburo Inoue smiled bitterly:

"How dare I ask! The way Souji looked at that time made it clear that he didn't want anyone to know about this 'secret deal' between him and Qingteng! If she knew that I witnessed the whole transaction between her and Qingteng, She might get angry during the process!"

Nagakura Shinpachi sighed with regret:

"That's right...that's right. It's really hard to ask people this kind of questions directly in person..."

At this time, Harada Sanosuke waved his hand quickly.

"Forget it! Let's not worry so much!"

"Don't we still know what kind of people Mr. Tachibana and Souji are?"

"Mr. Orange is both civil and military, and never does anything useless!"

"Since he locked himself in the room and didn't want us to know what he was doing, he must have a reason!"

"Let's eat, sleep, and work as always, and then wait quietly!"

"I have a hunch - Mr. Tachibana is doing something great now!"

Nagakura Shinpachi fell silent after hearing this, and then nodded gently:

"Yeah...that's true."

Genzaburo Inoue also nodded in agreement.

After the brief chat ended, the three people, who could not find a new topic for the time being, moved forward silently and carried out their patrol tasks step by step.

However, not long after, they heard rapid footsteps from far to near in front of them - two soldiers of the second division, one on the left and one on the right, controlled a young samurai in shabby clothes, and moved three steps at a time. He ran towards them quickly in two steps.

"Captain Nagakura! We found a sneaky suspicious person near Nijo Castle! We have brought him here!"

As they spoke, the two soldiers used a lot of force to force the young warrior they were holding to kneel to the ground.

This man was about 30 years old, with a plain appearance, dirty hair, a dark face, and even his clothes were covered in dust and dirt.

As soon as his knees touched the ground, he shouted in a panic:

"Wait a minute! Please listen to my explanation! I am definitely not a suspicious person! There is a very reasonable reason why I am wandering around Nijo Castle!"

His accent is so thick that some of his pronunciations don't even sound Japanese at first.

It took a lot of effort for Nagakura Shinpachi and Inoue Genzaburo to finally understand what this person was talking about.

Harada Sanosuke, on the other hand, did not show a puzzled expression due to this person's accent. Instead, he looked surprised as if he had discovered something surprising.

"Huh? Judging from your accent...are you from Tosa?"

Harada Sanosuke said this question in the dialect of his hometown (Iyo Matsuyama Domain).

The young samurai was stunned for a moment, then nodded like a fool:

"Yes, yes! I'm from Tosa!"

Tosa - Tosa Domain, officially called Kochi Domain, the lord is the Yamauchi clan, with a stone height of 24, and is one of the most powerful feudal states in Western Japan.

Harada Sanosuke grinned

"Aha! Then we are half fellow villagers! I am from the Iyo Matsuyama clan!"

Both Tosa Domain and Iyo Matsuyama Domain are located on the large island of Shikoku.

The former is located on the south side of Shikoku Island and borders the Pacific Ocean to the east; the latter is located on the north side of Shikoku Island and borders the Seto Inland Sea to the west. The two sides are neighbors.

Harada Sanosuke swept his eyes and looked at the opponent roughly several times.

"Judging from the way you are dressed, you are a country scholar, right?"

The young warrior smiled coquettishly:

"No...it's not...I'm worse than a country scholar...I'm an underground rogue..."

Nagakura Shinpachi turned his head and cast a doubtful look at Harada Sanosuke.

"Sanosuke, what is a country scholar? What is an underground ronin?"

Harada Sanosuke laughed a few times:

"Ahaha...well...it's a long story. To put it simply, rural scholars and underground ronin are special classes in the Tosa Domain."

After thinking for a moment, he cleared his throat and spoke:

The Tosa Domain area used to be ruled by the Chosogabe clan at the end of the Warring States Period.

In the 5th year of Keicho (1600), the battle of Sekigahara decided whether the world would have the surname Toyotomi or the surname Tokugawa. Choso Gabu Morochika participated in the battle as a Western Army.

After the disastrous defeat of the Western Army, Chosonggabu Morishika was demoted and removed as a lord, and his territory was replaced by Yamauchi Kazuhiro.

Speaking of Yamauchi Kazutoyo, he can be called "the king of horizontal jumps in the Warring States Period" and "the master of 'standing in line'".

He was originally a lowly ronin, with neither extraordinary literary skills nor extraordinary military skills.

No matter how you look at it, he is just a mediocre person with mediocre abilities.

However, he just relied on his superb "Horizontal Jump Kung Fu" and an unparalleled good wife to serve in the Makimura, Yamaoka, Oda, Toyotomi, and Tokugawa clans successively, completing a great leap in class. , soared into the sky and became a great lord with 24 stone of land.

On the eve of the Sekigahara War, the keen Yamauchi Kazutoyo predicted that the world was about to change hands again, and began to look for a strong man worthy of his attachment.

At that time, he was already a daimyo who was entrusted to Kakegawa Castle in the Toe Kingdom and enjoyed a territory of 6 koku.

He foresaw that in today's world, only Tokugawa Ieyasu possessed the "three virtues of wisdom, benevolence, and courage", so he resolutely abandoned his old master, the Toyotomi clan, and defected to the Tokugawa clan.

At that time, his wife - "one of the most powerful wives in Japanese history" Chiyo - was being held as a hostage in Kyoto.

The Western Army sent people to threaten Qianyo and forced her to write a letter to Yi Feng, urging him to defect to the Western Army.

For the sake of her husband's future, Chiyo risked her life and death, pretended to agree, and wrote a letter of persuasion. At the same time, she took the risk of attaching a letter from her own family. The content was roughly to persuade Itoyo to rely on Ieyasu, and she kept it in the string of the bamboo hat.

This is the famous "笠の丝の文".

After Yamauchi Kazutoyo received the letter, he handed it over intact to Tokugawa Ieyasu, along with all of his territory.

Tokugawa Ieyasu was greatly moved when he saw this, praising Yamauchi Kazutoyo's loyalty as "like the center of a tree", while the others are just "branches and leaves".

In this way, with his bold and well-timed "licking", Yamauchi Kazutoyo won the favor of Tokugawa Ieyasu.

After that, Yamauchi Kazutoyo did not perform outstandingly in the Sekigahara battle, and it can be said that he failed to achieve any success.

However, because of Chiyo’s letter and Yamauchi Kazuto’s actions of handing over the letter and territory to Tokugawa Ieyasu, Tokugawa Ieyasu still gave him the highest reward—the title was moved from Kakegawa in Toe River to Tosa in Shikoku. The stone height of the territory has quadrupled, from 6 stones to 24 stones!

In the second year after the Battle of Sekigahara, Yamauchi Kazutoyo officially came to Tosa to enter the country.

When he first arrived in a strange land, he was a lord with no prestige.

The old retainers of the old lord Chosoga in the Tosa area are still attached to their old lord.

In addition, Yamauchi Kazuhiro did not have outstanding personal charm, and gained fame purely by "standing in line" and "licking", which made the remaining ministers of Chosongga's tribe even more unconvinced by him.

They are obedient to Yifeng Yang, but they are just outwardly submissive.

Long before Yifeng entered the country, they instigated Yikui to resist Yifeng's entry into the country.

Later, Ippo sent his brother Yamauchi Yasutoyo to launch a brutal suppression, and more than 270 people were beheaded.

After Ichiku was suppressed, Ichito began to artificially create class conflicts in order to establish his absolute authority in Tosa.

He designated the "Yamauchi samurai" who entered the country with him as "sergeants" and the remaining ministers of Chozongga's tribe as "country scholars".

There is also a transitional class between the two called "Baizha Xiangshi", which is similar to "quasi-sergeant".

The status of a rural scholar could be bought and sold, but there were strict barriers between sergeants and other classes. Under the careful design of Yamauchi Kazutoyo, the sergeants enjoyed a lofty status and many privileges, while the country scholars suffered crazy suppression.

The discriminatory treatment suffered by the villagers includes but is not limited to: they cannot wear clogs; they cannot hold an umbrella in rainy days; they must give way and salute when encountering a sergeant; they cannot wear good clothes... etc.

As for "underground wanderers", they refer to people who have sold their status as countrymen.

The "underground ronin" can still be called Sabers, but their registered residence is no longer samurai, but civilians.

After explaining to Nagakura Shinpachi and Inoue Genzaburo what country warriors and underground ronin were, Harada Sanosuke's eyes fell back on the young samurai.

"Brother, since we are half fellow villagers, I won't embarrass you!"

"Tell me, why are you sneaking around Nijo Castle?"

"This place doesn't allow random people to snoop around!"

Forced by the pressure of reality, Tokugawa Iemo has decided to go to Kyoto in person to negotiate with the court in person on the matter of expelling the foreigners.

Although the specific departure time has not yet been determined, it is confirmed to be in the spring of this year.

This is the first time a shogun has visited Beijing since the third shogun, Tokugawa Iemitsu (1604-1651)... No one can say whether the overthrowing forces will take this opportunity to cause trouble.

That's it for everyone else, but Tokugawa Iemo... Qingto has always regarded him as his friend.

Even if it was just out of friendship, Aonto would never allow Tokugawa Iemo's life to be threatened!

Therefore, a few days ago, he issued a strict order: spare no effort to search inside and outside Kyoto!

If you encounter suspicious elements or criminals, capture them directly.

If the other party refuses to obey, you can use violence. If necessary, you can directly send him to the west.

Kill first and then show off, grant the right to the franchise - this is the Shinsengumi!

Under Qingteng's strict order, all the members of the Shinsengumi tightened their nerves and did not dare to slack off in carrying out their daily patrol tasks seriously.

Nijo Castle is the palace of the shogunate in Kyoto and is the symbol of power of the shogunate.

This castle, which is rich in special significance, is naturally a key surveillance area.

At this juncture, a foreigner was wandering around Nijo Castle while craning his neck to peek into the castle... It was as if he had "suspicious" written all over his body!

Therefore, it is no wonder that these two second division team members captured him.

Seeing that Harada Sanosuke was willing to listen to his explanation, the young samurai hurriedly said quickly:

"Sir, I am an underground ronin from Iguchi Village, Aki County, Tosa Domain."

"My family is from a humble background and I have no chance of an official career, so I can only make a living by selling bird cages."

"However, even though I am of lowly status, I still have ambitions to reach the top of the clouds!"

"In order to increase my knowledge, I asked the vassal government for a short leave to travel around!"

"Today is my first time setting foot in Kyoto."

"The magnificence of Nijo Castle really makes me amazed!"

"The next moment I didn't pay attention, I was fascinated. When I came back to my senses, I was captured by these two strong men."

"And then, I was brought here!"

This person is very eloquent.

Not only did he have a loud voice and clear words, he could tell the whole story clearly in just a few words, but he was also very sweet and praised the two men who arrested him as warriors.

Hearing that the other party was giving face like this, the two team members responsible for restraining him unconsciously relaxed a little.

Harada Sanosuke grinned:

"You're quite a talker! Maybe you have the talent to be a lobbyist!"

The young warrior's words were sincere.

Judging from his appearance and listening to his explanation... From all aspects, he doesn't look like a bad person.

However, just letting him go would seem rash.

As a result, Nagakura Shinpachi, Harada Sanosuke and Inoue Genzaburo's heads were close to each other, whispering to each other, and discussing how to deal with this person.

Nagakura Shinpachi: "What do you think? How to deal with this person?"

Harada Sanosuke: "My intuition tells me: This person is not lying, and what he said is true."

Genzaburo Inoue: "Harada-kun, do you want to let him go?"

Harada Sanosuke: "Of course not. Although my mind is not bright, I am not stupid enough to trust someone based on just a few words."

Nagakura Shinpachi: "In that case, let's take him back to the station first. It won't be too late to release him after confirming his innocence."

Genzaburo Inoue: "Well, let's do it."

After reaching a consensus, Harada Sanosuke turned around:

"These are sensitive times, so we must not be careless, so we have decided to take you back to the Shinsengumi headquarters first, and then let you go free after confirming your innocence. Do you have any objections?"

The young warrior nodded hastily.

"No! I am willing to comply with all your arrangements!"

Harada Sanosuke nodded and gave the other party a look of admiration that said, "Not bad, you know the current affairs."

Then, he stepped forward and helped the other person up with his own hands.

"Speaking of which, I haven't asked you your name yet. What is your name?"

The young warrior said loudly:

"My name is--"



Kyoto, Mibu-go, Shinsengumi's headquarters——

The general secretary was lying on the verandah doing nothing, with his hands behind his head, basking in the sun leisurely.

Suddenly, along with a series of rapid footsteps, Qingdeng's voice came quickly:

"Xiao Si!"

In an instant... really in this instant, Souji shuddered violently and sat up straight.

Looking at Qingteng walking towards her with a happy face, Souji looked unkind.

"Junior Jun, let me declare in advance that I...I..."

Souji's cheeks turned red at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

"I can't... give it to you anymore."

Qingden laughed.

"Don't worry! I'm here to show you something good this time!"

As he spoke, he reached into his arms, took out a small object, and handed it to the other party.

Souji reached out to take it and took a closer look - his expression was suddenly dominated by strong surprise.

"Wow! What a beautiful mirror!"

Qingdeng had a happy expression on his face, and the corners of his slightly raised lips formed a sinister smile.

"Isn't it amazing? Xiao Si, this is a mirror made of your urine..."

Before he could finish his words, the director expressionlessly raised the silver mirror in his hand and pretended to throw it out.



It’s the end of the month! And it’s double the monthly ticket time! Book lovers who have monthly tickets on hand, please be sure to vote for this book! (Crying leopard head.jpg)

Asking for a monthly ticket! Please vote for recommendation! (Leopard head crying.jpg)

PS: Tosa people, underground ronin... I think many book friends must have guessed who this person is, right?

(End of this chapter)

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