I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 605 "Founder of Mitsubishi Group" Yataro Iwasaki! 【3】

Chapter 605 "Founder of Mitsubishi Group" Yataro Iwasaki! 【4500】

"Wait! No!"

Qingdeng's expression suddenly changed, and the blood in his cheeks suddenly disappeared.

This is a precious silver mirror that he finally made after working tirelessly and for more than ten days.

If it was broken by the Souji, he would really want to cry without tears!

Fortunately, the director-general was just pretending.

After raising the silver mirror high, she did not throw it down.

However, she still held the silver mirror tightly in her hand and cast a fierce look at Qingden.

Seeing this, Qingdeng hurriedly said:

"I'm joking! I'm just teasing you! Think about it, it's impossible to make a mirror out of human urine, right?"

As Qingto finished speaking, Souji's facial lines gradually softened.

Indeed, how could human urine be made into a mirror... She looked like this.

"Really... don't make such bad jokes again..."

She complained and gave Qingdeng an angry look.

——Actually, it’s not a joke.

Qingdeng said this silently in his heart.

After learning from previous lessons and experiences, he made several attempts, and finally succeeded in extracting ammonia from the urine provided by the General Secretary, and then successfully realized the "silver mirror reaction" and produced a silver mirror.

Therefore, in a sense, one of the raw materials of this silver mirror is indeed Souji's urine...

However...according to the current situation and the DG's reaction, this truth must no longer be spoken out, and can only be left to rot in the stomach...

After clearing up the "misunderstanding", Souji's eyes returned to the silver mirror in his palm.

She opened her eyes wide and looked carefully.

Looking at herself in the mirror, her eyes sparkled with disbelief, and an uncontrollable look of surprise emerged from her cheeks.

"What an amazing mirror! Even the fine hair on your face can be clearly seen!"

She paused for a moment, then changed to a teasing tone:

"This may be the first time I've seen my face clearly since I was born!"

What Souji said was not entirely a joke.

The difference between a bronze mirror and a silver mirror... is like going from a resolution of 720P to a resolution of 1080P!

No matter how good the quality and how bright the bronze mirror is, it cannot be compared with the silver mirror due to the limitations of the material.

Although Souji is a tomboy who disguises herself as a boy, she is always a big girl on the inside, and she loves beauty like an ordinary girl.

But any girl who loves beauty cannot refuse this kind of clear, crystal-clear mirror that can clearly reflect her face and figure!

Souji couldn't put it down and played with the silver mirror repeatedly. Her eyes, nose bridge, hair... looking at every detail in the mirror, a naive smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Tachibana-kun, you've been shutting yourself in your room lately, maybe just to tinker with this mirror, right?"

Qingden smiled and nodded lightly.

After locking himself into the "research room" and officially starting the research and development of the silver mirror, he finally used his talents such as "Sleep God" and "God Brain +9" to the limit!

Because of the blessing of "Shen Brain + 9", it doesn't matter if he doesn't sleep for three days and three nights.

Ever since, he has been working on the case day and night. The so-called "day and night are reversed" is nothing more than this.

Even for a long time he didn't know whether it was day or night.

His gift of "night vision" allows him to see normally in dark environments where he can't see his fingers.

Therefore, unless he is carrying out detailed operations, he does not light candles and works in the dark.

Eat whatever you want when you're hungry.

When I feel tired, I lie down on the tatami and take a nap.

The talent "Sleeping God" is actually "the talent most suitable for King Juan".

After closing his eyes, for at least half an hour or as long as 2 hours, Qingden can continue to devote himself to his work with full energy.

After more than ten days, his total sleep time was less than 15 hours!

Such terrible work intensity, even Qingdeng whose body has been transformed into a mutant by the system, can't help but feel a little overwhelmed.

Fortunately...his hard work was not in vain - he finally succeeded in making a silver mirror!

The "silver mirror reaction" is a simple chemical experiment.

Qingdeng's research these days... is not so much "research" as it is checking for omissions and filling in the details that he has forgotten.

After all, it's 1863 now.

He traveled to this world in January 1860.

Roughly speaking, he has lived in this world for three years.

If it were the vast majority of modern college students, they would probably forget most of their middle school knowledge in just one summer vacation.

Qingdeng can remember the most important knowledge content, but it is very difficult for him to forget only some details.

Moreover, the backward and crude equipment and facilities also limited his performance.

After repeated trials and errors, I finally regained the "lost knowledge" bit by bit.

As long as the process is understood, the next thing will be easy to handle.

It only took him more than half an hour to transform an ordinary piece of glass into a beautiful silver mirror!

If your hands and feet are more agile, you can further reduce the production time.

"Xiao Si, we will live by this mirror from now on!"

"Living by this mirror? What do you mean?"

There was no need to hide it now, so Qingteng directly informed the director of his plan to "become a mirror tycoon" in a concise and concise manner.

"I see...are you selling mirrors..."

Souji's eyes lit up.

"If you sell this kind of beautiful and clear mirror, you can really make a lot of money!"

Even the general manager, who has no understanding of the current business market, knows how huge business opportunities are hidden in this small mirror!

"Ji Jun, can this kind of mirror be produced?"

"Of course! The production process is not complicated and the cost is not high, but...I am now stuck in a new problem."

"Problem? What problem?"

Qingdeng sighed softly, with a bitter look on his face.

"We lack talents who are proficient in business..."

“There are many branches in the business world, and it’s not just a matter of hoarding rare items and sitting back and thinking.”

"To achieve great success in business, keen vision, bold courage, and reasonable business methods are indispensable."

"Next, I plan to set up a chamber of commerce and appoint a reliable confidant who is familiar with business to take charge of this chamber of commerce and be fully responsible for the production and sale of silver mirrors."

"The name of the Chamber of Commerce... will be decided as 'Newly Selected Chamber of Commerce' for the time being!"

"However, it is a pity... We now have no shortage of strong generals who can defeat a thousand people, nor resourceful wise men, but there are not even a single clever businessman..."

After saying that, Qingden sighed again.

How difficult is it to start a business?

Even if it is described as "narrow escape", it seems too light and inappropriate!

From ancient times to the present, all those who can achieve outstanding achievements in business are among the best.

Even those "pigs on the wind" who seem to be riding the wind and soaring upward, most of them have outstanding talents that ordinary people do not have.

Looking at the Shinsengumi, among the people who have studied business practices and have certain business knowledge... I am afraid that Kinoshita Mai is the only one.

Kinoshita Mai is the young master of Calabash House and the queen of an extremely wealthy wealthy family.

She also said it herself: Under the influence of her grandma, she has a lot of experience in business.

In addition, she has also worked under Boss Kiryu for several years and has considerable grassroots experience.

From all aspects, she seems to be the perfect choice for the new president of the Chamber of Commerce.


how to say……

Let Kinoshita Mai serve as the president of the Shinsengumi Chamber of Commerce...     How is this different from having the General Secretary serve as the director of the finance office of the Shinsengumi?

You can let her make some suggestions, but as for letting her actually do it... then forget it!

Moreover, to take a step back, Seito has planned to make Kinoshita Mai the commander-in-chief of the Shinsengumi's intelligence agency (Team 9).

Under such circumstances, it is really inconvenient for her to hold two jobs.

After listening to Qingteng's complaint, Souji fell into deep thought for a short time.

"That's right, you have to let professional people do professional things... Ah! Why not let Mr. Hijikata give it a try! Mr. Hijikata might be qualified for this job!"

"Hijikata? Why?"

The director-general chuckled:

"Didn't Mr. Hijikata work as a medicine seller before? He can be regarded as half a businessman! He should have great experience in how to sell things!"

After Qingdeng heard this, he suddenly showed a helpless expression of "I don't know what to say."

Before becoming a member of the Kaikaikan, Toshizo Hijikata worked in many jobs.

When he was 11 years old, he worked as an apprentice at the "Matsuzakaya Kimono Shop" in Ueno, Edo, but soon returned to his hometown of Hino due to a dispute with his senior.

When he was 17 years old, he went to work in a kimono shop again, this time in Denma Town, Edo. Then he returned to his hometown because of a disagreement with his boss.

After that, he went around selling "Ishida Powder Medicine", a secret recipe passed down from his family, and became a medicine seller.

The raw material of Ishida Powder is cowhide grass that grows on the Asakawa, a tributary of the Tama River.

According to Toshizo Hijikata, this medicine must be taken with hot Japanese sake and is effective for bone repair, bruises, sprains, muscle pain, and knife wounds.

After joining the Shoeikan and settling down, Toshizo Hijikata brought all the Ishida powder he had hoarded at home to the Shoeikan.

Whenever someone in the trial defense hall was injured, Toshizo Hijikata would rush to him enthusiastically and take out his Ishida powder:

"Hurry! Come and try my unique secret recipe! The medicine is guaranteed to cure the disease!"

Although Hijikata Toshizo boasted about the efficacy of this medicine, it seemed that as long as he used this medicine, even limbs that were broken in two could be reattached.

But after Qingdeng's personal experience... he concluded that the properties of this medicine are the same as the talisman water of "Tiangong General" Zhang Jiao.

The cure was cured by this medicine and me as a pharmacist!

If it cannot be cured, it is because your faith is not pious enough!

Aintō strongly suspected that the reason why Hijikata Toshizo so enthusiastically recommended others to use this medicine was simply to get rid of these useless rags as quickly as possible.

Just because Toshizo Hijikata worked as a drug seller for a while, entrusting the crucial chamber of commerce to him... This would be too childish.

Qingdeng spread his hands:

"Forget it, let's leave the matter of 'looking for a new president of the Chamber of Commerce' until later."

After saying that, he turned his head and looked at the sky outside.

Although the sun has not yet reached its highest point in the sky, it is already getting late.

"Xiao Si, it's almost lunch time, do you want to go out for a meal together? I haven't had a serious meal recently, and now I miss the hot meals just out of the pot."

Facing Qingdeng's invitation, the director nodded without any hesitation:




After changing their clothes, Qingteng and the General Secretary walked side by side to the gate of the station.

Just when the imposing gate was close at hand, Qingden suddenly saw a familiar figure heading towards him and the general manager.


Qingdeng took the initiative to say hello.

Harada Saoyuki was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Qingto in surprise.

"Huh? Mr. Orange? You...why did you come out?"

Aren't you "retreating" in your secret room? Harada Sanosuke's eyes completed what he wanted to express.

"Because my purpose was accomplished, I came out."

After saying this in a joking tone, Aoto turned his head and looked at the young samurai following Harada Sanosuke.

The man's hands were tightly tied with hemp ropes, and two team members controlled him one on the left and one on the right.

"Sanosuke, who is this?"

"Oh, this man was sneaking around Nijo Castle just now, so he was caught by the soldiers of the Second Division."

"He said he was from Tosa and came to Kyoto to travel to Kyoto to increase his knowledge."

"Although I think this person should be innocent, out of caution, Shinpachi, Uncle Gen and I agreed to bring him to the station first, and then let him go free after his identity is confirmed."

"Shinpachi and Uncle Gen continue patrolling."

"I will personally escort him back!"

After hearing this, Aoto nodded slightly and gave Harada Sanosuke an appreciative look that said, "Not bad, you did a good job."

"That, that! I forgive you for being brave! May I ask, are you the 'Nioh' Tachibana Aoden?"

The sudden question caused Qingto's eyes to fall on the speaker - the young samurai from Tosa.

He swallowed hard and stared at Qingdeng expectantly.

"Well, I am Tachibana Aoden."

As Qingto finished speaking, the young warrior's expression was suddenly dominated by strong excitement.

After taking several deep breaths to suppress his surging emotions, he grinned:

"Being able to witness the honor of Lord Niou with my own eyes, my 'trip to Kyoto' is considered a worthwhile trip!"

He was still looking at Qingdeng, but his eyes changed - his eyes were filled with strong admiration and envy.

Qingdeng smiled reservedly in response to the other party.

Immediately afterwards, Qingdeng looked at the other party subconsciously.

It's okay if you don't take a closer look. Once you take a closer look, you can't help but be surprised.

Although from the outside, the young warrior's hair, face and clothes were all dirty and shabby, there was one particularly striking thing about him - his eyes were particularly bright.

The eyes are bright... At first glance, this may not seem like anything special.

However, for Qingdeng, who worked from a low-level official all the way to a high-ranking official in the border areas, his communication range covers all walks of life, and he has met countless people, he knows very well: how rare and valuable it is to have bright eyes.

The eyes of most people are either bright or chaotic.

——It’s been a long time since I last saw someone with such clear eyes!

On a whim, Qingdeng asked:

"What's your name?"

Qingdeng's sudden question startled the other party, and a look of nervousness flashed across his brows.

However, he still said loudly and loudly, word by word:

"Sir, this is Yataro Iwasaki!"

Qingden blinked a few times.

"...What did you say your name was?"

"I-Iwasaki Yataro!"


Chief: "Tachibana-kun?"

Aoto suddenly fell silent, leaving Souji, Harada Sanosuke and the young samurai...that is, Iwasaki Yataro at a loss.

It’s no wonder that Qingdeng suddenly did such a weird thing.

Because...his mind was overwhelmed by strong shock!

Aomori doesn’t understand Japanese history.

He knew nothing about Japanese historical celebrities.

However, he still knows the name of the "Founder of Mitsubishi Group"!

Mitsubishi Group founder - Iwasaki Yataro!



Today is December 12th. If you still have a monthly ticket, please be sure to vote for this book! (Crying leopard head.jpg)

Asking for a monthly ticket! Please vote for recommendation! (Leopard head crying.jpg)

PS: Yesterday, many book friends speculated that this Tosa native was Ryoma Sakamoto... Your history failed (Baohan.jpg). Ryoma is a child of a rich family, not an underground ronin.

(End of this chapter)

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