I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 623: The Wise Fool and the Establishment of the New Selection Chamber of Commerce! 【4300】

"emergency meeting?"

Qinghe Hachiro raised his eyebrows vigorously.

"Why is it so sudden...did something happen?"

With his mouth full of grilled squid, Sanosuke Harada muttered incoherently:

"Well, I'm not sure about this either. Anyway, let's rush to the conference room first."


Qinghe Hachiro lowered his eyelids, and a look of vigilance quickly passed through his eyes.

For a "ghost" like him, "staying sensitive" and "keeping your nerves in a state of tension at all times" are essential survival skills.

Any disturbance around him can make him wary.

After subconsciously glancing at the saber on his left waist with the corner of his eye, he showed a harmless smile and nodded:

"Well, that's true, let's go!"

As he spoke, he took big steps.

Sanosuke Harada followed closely.

The two walked side by side.

The aroma of grilled squid lingered in Qinghe Hachiro's nose... Harada Sanosuke took big bites of grilled squid, his mouth was shiny with oil.

Qinghe Hachiro never liked this kind of greasy food, so he held his breath involuntarily, and it took a lot of effort to resist the urge to frown.

--snort! What a wild monkey that doesn’t know etiquette!

Qinghe Hachiro sneered secretly in his heart.

Everyone has their own preferences. Whether it's eating grilled squid or eating shit, it's Harada Sanosuke's freedom.

Even if he doesn't like these foods, Qinghe Hachiro will not make irresponsible remarks about them.

But...he really couldn't stand the other party's rude behavior of "walking and eating at the same time".

The thing Qinghe Hachiro hates the most is violating samurai etiquette - eating on occasions that have nothing to do with food and beverages is one such thing.

His contempt for Harada Sanosuke has reached its peak.

Finally, Sanosuke Harada finished eating the grilled squid... As if by magic, he reached into his arms and pulled out a brand new bag of persimmons that he had just bought.

"Qinghe-Jun, do you want to eat?"

——Tsk! Haven't you had enough?

Qinghe Hachiro resisted the urge to roll his eyes and shook his head calmly:

"Thank you for your kindness. I'm not hungry now, so I won't eat."

Harada Sanosuke looked regretful.

"That's it...that's such a pity! The persimmon cake tastes really good!"

After that, he eagerly tore open the package, took out a persimmon, and stuffed it into his mouth like a starving ghost.

Suddenly, his cheeks were filled with happy colors, and the muscles on his face relaxed.

While enjoying the meal, he also expressed a simple and straightforward but emotional emotion:

"Yum! So delicious!"

Qinghe Hachiro squinted his eyes and glanced coldly at Harada Sanosuke who was immersed in the pleasure of gluttony.

——Eat, eat, eat... just know how to eat!

He suddenly thought: Harada Sanosuke's preferences are really horribly low-level.

To put it simply, Harada Sanosuke only likes two things: "food" and "sex".

It is said that before going to Luo, he, Hijikata Toshizo and Nagakura Shinpachi often went to and from Yoshiwara together.

After arriving in Kyoto, Aomori issued a strict order to "no entry to Fenggetsu places". Since he could not find a woman, he focused all his energy on eating.

In his free time except training time, every time Qinghe Hachiro saw him, he was either eating or on the way to eat.

Apart from eating and drinking, Qinghe Hachilang had never seen him engaging in other recreational activities, let alone smelling incense, making tea, listening to the rain and other elegant things.

——In addition to "food" and "sex", does he have no other pursuits?

As soon as he thought about it, he couldn't help but become a little curious about the psychological state of this creature that he didn't understand.

Just like that, on a whim, he suddenly asked:

"Harada-kun, do you have any ambitions?"

Harada Sanosuke was stunned for a moment, chewed faster, swallowed the persimmon in his mouth three times, and asked:


Considering the other party's low IQ, Qinghe Hachiro patiently explained:

"Do you have any grand goals? For example, you want to be a high official, make a lot of money, live a glamorous life, and so on."

Sanosuke Harada blinked his eyes a few times, looked up at the ceiling above his head, and began to think seriously.

"A grand goal... Hey, don't tell me, it's true! I do have a very grand goal!"

Qinghe Balang raised his eyebrows and immediately asked:

"If it's convenient, can you tell me something?"

Harada Sanosuke chuckled.

"The eel rice from Kiyotaya is delicious! I have never eaten such delicious eel rice in my life! My current ambition is to live a happy life where I can eat eel rice from Kiyotaya every day!"

Speaking of this, Harada Sanosuke paused for a moment, and then said to himself thoughtfully:

"Hey, if I think about it carefully... I seem to be almost finished with this ambition."

"Although Kiyotaya's eel rice is very expensive and I'm not rich now, the salary Mr. Tachibana pays me is quite considerable."

"'Eat every day, eat every day'—that's definitely not something you can count on."

"However, if you try it every two or three days, it's more than enough."

Qinghe Hachiro: "..."

A strange silence enveloped the two of them...

About 5 seconds later, Qinghe Hachiro, who finally recovered, turned his shock into a voice with a dumbfounded expression:

"...Huh? Kiyotaya's eel rice?"

Harada Sanosuke laughed naively.

"Qinghe-kun, what's wrong? Why do you look like you've seen a ghost? Don't you know Qingtaya? It's a restaurant not far from here, only two streets away. When you are free, I'll invite you to Qingtaya. Have a meal……"

Before Harada Sanosuke finished speaking, Qinghe Hachiro roughly interrupted:

"Can you eat eel rice every day? Is that it? Is that all your ambition?"

His voice was broken due to emotion.

Harada Sanosuke heard this, thought for a while, and then said resolutely in a firm tone:

"That's right! That's it! Apart from the eel rice at Kiyotaya, I have nothing else to ask for at the moment!"

He paused, seemed to remember something, and changed the subject:

"If I have to say that there is any need... I hope that Mr. Tachibana can lift the ban on entering and exiting Fengyue places as soon as possible."

When he said this, he let out a vulgar laugh of "hehehe" and grinned, the corners of his raised lips almost touching the base of his ears.

"Although the people in Kyoto are very arrogant and annoying! But I have to admit: the women in Kyoto do have a different kind of charm!"

"Ah...because I can't go to Shimabara, so I can only use my hands to release my desires recently...it's really suffocating me!"

“I really want to experience the similarities and differences between Kyoto women and Edo women soon!”

Qinghe Hachiro: "..."

Even without a mirror, Qinghe Hachiro could still imagine his current expression - dumbfounded, with the word "speechless" almost written on his face.

——Eel rice...His ambition is just to eat eel rice...!

To him, Harada Sanosuke's reply was too explosive!

This was even more unbelievable to him than bluntly saying, "I have no ambition, I just want to eat and die." A dignified seven-foot-tall man, what he pursues is actually eating eel rice...

Perhaps Harada Sanosuke's lack of ambition made him sigh with regret. After hesitating for a while, he took a deep breath and then put on a solemn and solemn expression.

"Harada-kun, although I feel like I am meddling in my own business when I say this...but please allow me to say this to you solemnly: As samurai, we should have great ambitions!"

Speaking of this, Qinghe Hachiro raised his chin and raised his hand to touch the saber on his waist.

"The ancients said: Cultivate your moral character, harmonize your family, govern the country and bring peace to the world."

"Nowadays we are in a time of great strife."

"The Western barbarians invaded and bandits arose everywhere."

"Thousands of people are in dire straits."

"As warriors, we should lead the way! We regard it as our duty to help the world, and we have the ambition to save the common people!"

Qinghe Balang cleared his throat, and then recited word for word the famous poem "Four Sentences on Hengqu" by Zhang Zai, a great scholar of the Northern Song Dynasty:

"To establish a heart for the heaven and earth, to establish a destiny for the living and the people, to carry on the unique knowledge of the past saints, and to create peace for all generations - this is the true warrior!"

"Harada-kun, you are an outstanding descendant of the Hohoin-style spear technique, and you are also the captain of the 10th Division of the Shinsengumi Battō Team. You shoulder important responsibilities that ordinary people cannot achieve."

"How can you just stare at a bowl of eel rice?"

Qinghe Hachilang's Qingyue powerful questioning voice resounded throughout the corridor.

Although it was just a whim, he really wanted Harada Sanosuke... to make this useless piece of mud become a little more reliable.

He thought that after hearing his righteous criticism, the other party would feel more or less ashamed.

However... Harada Sanosuke's expression remained the same, and there was no trace of shame on his face.

He shrugged, and the corners of his slightly raised lips showed something like a smile.

"Qinghe-kun, don't you think it is both difficult and magnificent to be able to eat hot eel rice every day?"


Before the stunned Hachiro Kiyokawa could respond, Harada Sanosuke went on to say:

"I'm an idiot with no brains."

He raised his right index finger and poked his forehead.

"Let alone those profound ancient books, I can't even read the most basic Four Books and Five Classics."

"As for the 'successor of Hohoin-ryu's spear art' that you just mentioned... Hohoin-ryu is the number one spearmanship school in Japan. Its descendants are gone, and my level of spearmanship and talent are just like that. "

"I don't have the talents of Shinpachi and Saito, nor do I have the exaggerated physique of Okita."

"He is not as talented as Mr. Shannan in both civil and military affairs, nor is he as talented as Mr. Orange, who is a rare hero in a century."

"It's not that I don't understand the great principles you mentioned."

"But, the common people, the world, the true warrior... these words are really too far away for me."

When saying this, Harada Sanosuke rarely tightened his facial lines, showing a rare serious expression.

Hachiro Kiyokawa couldn't help but be stunned for the first time when he saw Sanosuke Harada showing such an expression.

"I know what I'm good at - I just don't have any."

"How can a mediocre person like me accomplish anything great?"

"Forcing yourself to climb a mountain you cannot climb is a futile effort."

“Not only is it very easy to end up with nothing, but it’s also very likely to leave chicken feathers all over the floor.”

"So, let's let talented people like Mr. Tachibana, Mr. Hijikata and Mr. Shannan complete the great cause of 'saving the common people and benefiting the world'!"

"Let the taller ones hold up the collapsing sky!"

"As for me, I will continue to eat and drink as I should, eat the delicacies I like, sleep with the woman I like, and then do my best to do my part!"

After that, he put the persimmon in his hand - he took out a new persimmon at some point - and stuffed it into his mouth with a "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa".

At this moment, the serious expression disappeared completely, and the happy look filled his cheeks again.

It was obvious that he was educating the other party, but in the end he was turned against him, and he became the one being educated...

Qinghe Hachilang's eyes straightened at first, and then he frowned:

--snort! Full of lies!

——It is precisely because the mountains are so high that it is worthwhile to climb them!

——If you give up just because the mountain is too high and the peak is too dangerous, then the country will be doomed! Everywhere you looked, you could see the fearful rats!

——This wild monkey is really happy! As long as I can take a bite of hot rice, I will be satisfied! Like animals!

——Forget it, there is nothing to say to such a fool!

With an extremely thought, Qinghe Hachiro turned his head, neither speaking nor looking at the other party with his eyes.

Harada Sanosuke was also busy chewing persimmons and had no time to talk.

Until they arrived at the conference room, the two did not have any further conversations.

"Hello everyone!"

Harada Sanosuke opened the door and greeted everyone in the room in a cheerful tone.

In the conference room, the director-general, Hijikata Toizo and others were all present, except for Hachiro Qinghe and Sanosuke Harada.

The two people who arrived late immediately took their places.

Coincidentally, just when they were about to sit down, they heard a "whoop" sound - the side door of the conference room suddenly opened - Qing Deng arrived.

Qingdeng sprinted to the main seat, sat down cross-legged, and directly extended his greetings:

"Good morning, every body!"

Before the greetings ended, he continued hurriedly:

“Because I still have a lot to do next, so I’ll keep the story short!”

"The reason why we suddenly called an emergency meeting is to announce something to you!"

"In order to expand the Shinsengumi's military budget, I decided to establish a new organization dedicated to making money."

"Its name is——"

With that said, Qingden took out a scroll from his arms, held both ends of the scroll with both hands, and pulled it open.

The eyes of everyone present immediately fell on the scroll.

Qinghe Hachiro narrowed his eyes and recited the four characters written on the scroll word by word:

"Newly elected... Chamber of Commerce?"

Qingden nodded slightly.

"That's right! As its name suggests, this new organization will operate in the form of a chamber of commerce!"

“Have no responsibilities other than trying to make money.”

After finishing speaking, Qingdeng put down the scroll in his hand and clapped his hands twice.

Wow - the side door of the conference room opened again.

A young man who was extremely unfamiliar to most of the people present walked into the room with a nervous look on his face and came to Qingdeng's side.

"This is Yataro Iwasaki!"

Qingdeng introduced to everyone.

"From now on, he will be the first president of the newly elected Chamber of Commerce!"

As soon as this statement came out, an atmosphere of astonishment suddenly filled the entire audience.

First, the sudden announcement of the establishment of a new organization, and then the rocket promotion of a stranger of unknown origin... Qingteng's machine gun-like operation confused everyone.



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