I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 624 The first heroine who has no role and the blond heroine who is hidden [1]

Chapter 624 The first heroine who has no role and the mysterious blonde heroine [4200]

Serious differences in ideological concepts made Qingdeng not very fond of Wu Shi Hanping Tai.

Expelling Westerners and squeezing out all Western things including knowledge and commodities... This kind of extreme idea is exactly the same as that of the anti-barbarian group back then. In Qingdeng's view, it is really unreasonable.

However, even though he was destined to be in the same pot as the other party, he had to admit: Takeshi Hanpingta was a cheerful person.

He did not break his promise. After accepting Qingdeng's IOU of "one hundred thousand taels of gold", he immediately set out to relieve Qingdeng's worries.

Under his single-handed leadership, it took only seven days for Yataro Iwasaki's two wishes to be realized.

His father's reputation was restored; his family's household registration was also moved out of Tosa Domain.

Although Japan is only a small country with a small territory, the journey from Kyoto to Tosa Domain is not easy.

Tosa Domain is located on the large island of Shikoku. If you want to get to Tosa Domain from Kyoto, you must take a boat across the Seto Inland Sea.

It only took 7 days to complete all these things... The efficiency is so high that one can't help but be stunned.

Now that the Iwasaki family has escaped the control of the Tosa Domain, the next thing will be easier to handle.

Aoto wrote a letter to his old boss, Chujiro Usui, head of the Northern Bureau, asking him to obtain Edo household registration for the Iwasaki family.

For Chujiro Susui, who is the "Mayor of Edo", this level of small favor is just "giving orders to the people below", which is really easy.

This kind of thing is not troublesome and can gain Qingdeng's favor, why not do it?

As a result, he readily agreed and wrote back saying that he would "definitely get the matter done as quickly as possible."

There was no reason why Chujiro Susui couldn't accomplish this little thing.

It won't be long before I receive good news from him.

After learning that his wish was fulfilled, Yataro Iwasaki was so grateful that he knelt down on the spot, put on a standard earth seat, kowtowed to Aoden, and said loudly:

"Lord Nioh! From now on, I, Yataro Iwasaki, will definitely kill you! Even until death!"

Finally, I have the "founder of Mitsubishi Group" under my command, and I finally have the business talent I dreamed of! Qingdeng couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, unable to suppress his excitement.

Now that he is his subordinate, his appearance can no longer be as shabby as before.

With Aoto's financial support, Yataro Iwasaki changed into a majestic outfit.

The old, faded and patched rags were replaced by the Sendai flat haori style.

The sword on his waist was also replaced with a brand new one.

The originally messy hair was shaved into a neat and tidy Tsukiyo head.

Appearing in front of the Shinsengumi generals for the first time, even the tough and powerful Yataro Iwasaki couldn't help but feel nervous.

I saw that he pursed his lips tightly. Because the force was too great, both lips turned slightly white, and his palms were covered with cold sweat.

After announcing loudly the establishment of the newly elected Chamber of Commerce and the appointment of Yataro Iwasaki, Aomori paused at the right time to give everyone time to react and digest.

Except for a few people such as Hijikata Toshizo and Shannan Keisuke, others were completely unaware of Aoshito's plan of "promoting the army through business."

Even Hijikata Toshizo and the others didn't know about this until a few days ago.

For a moment, the generals of the Shinsengumi looked at each other in confusion, and chattered among themselves.

Harada Sanosuke scratched his hair and took the lead in saying to Aoto:

"Mr. Tachibana, you confused me... you suddenly announced to us the establishment of a new organization... and then suddenly named a stranger to be the boss of this new organization... I can't wrap my head around it."

Compared to Harada Sanosuke's simple complaint, Nagakura Shinpachi's next question was much more professional.

"Mr. Tachibana, since the mission of the Shinsengumi Chamber of Commerce is to make money to fill the Shinsengumi's military needs, is it an organization directly affiliated with the Shinsengumi like the Metropolitan Police Bureau and the Bato Team?"

Qingdeng smiled slightly and explained:

"Good question!"

"The Shinseng Chamber of Commerce is on the same level as the Shinseng Group. There is no distinction between the two. They are both directly affiliated to the Zhenfu Mansion."

"People from the Shinsengumi cannot criticize what the Shinsengumi Chamber of Commerce does."

"People from the Shinsengumi Chamber of Commerce also have no right to interfere with all activities of the Shinsengumi."

Zhenfufu - the shogunate of Qingdeng.

The governor of Gyeonggi Town has the power to open a government office and manage affairs. The government office of the governor of Gyeonggi Town is commonly called "Gyeonggi Town Fufu", or simply "Zhenfufu".

All the institutions established by Qingdeng - including the Shinsengumi - are subordinate agencies of the Zhenfu Mansion.

Because there is no need for it at the moment, Qingdeng has not yet opened a special office space for the Zhenfu Mansion.

Nagakura Shinpachi blinked thoughtfully and muttered:

"Aren't the Shinsengumi and the Shinseng Chamber of Commerce subordinate to each other?"

At this moment, someone's voice suddenly intervened:

"...Mr. Tachibana, may I speak?"

Qinghe Hachiro turned his head and stared directly at Qingdeng.

Qingden glanced at him, then nodded gently with a smile on his face.

"Of course! If you have any questions, feel free to ask!"

"In that case, I will speak out."

After saying that, Qinghe Hachiro swept his eyes and looked up and down at Yataro Iwasaki as if appraisingly.

"Mr. Tachibana, may I ask where this person is from? What positions did he hold before?"

Hearing this, Aomori turned his head and glanced at Yataro Iwasaki beside him.

Iwasaki Yataro immediately raised his head with understanding and said loudly:

"I was born in Aki County of Tosa Domain! I was born as an underground rogue and had no official position before!"

I have to say that Yataro Iwasaki's self-introduction is still very eye-catching.

His eyes are firm, his eyes are not wandering, his voice is loud, his words are clear, and his tone is calm and calm.

It's just that... its content is really unflattering.

As soon as he finished speaking, a low-key commotion suddenly descended inside and outside the hall.

Most of the people here know what the underground ronin of Tosa Domain represents.

Qinghe Hachiro's brows frowned instantly:

"...Mr. Tachibana, if Kondo-kun, Shannan-kun or Hijikata-kun are appointed as the first presidents of the newly elected chamber of commerce, I will have no complaints."

"They are all outstanding men of their time."

"If we entrust the newly selected Chamber of Commerce to them, everyone can rest assured."


Qinghe Hachiro cast a sharp arrow-like gaze at Iwasaki Yataro.

"Judging from your description just now, the Shinsengumi Chamber of Commerce is an organization that specializes in commercial activities and is responsible for providing financial support to the Shinsengumi."

"In other words, the supply guarantee for the Shinsengumi is guaranteed by all the Shinsengumi Chamber of Commerce presidents."

“The responsibility is so heavy that only one person can handle it.”

"And he...please forgive my harsh words - how can this man be so virtuous and capable of shouldering such an important responsibility?"

In an instant, a bunch of scrutinizing or suspicious eyes focused on Yataro Iwasaki.

Aoto once watched the documentaries of Yataro Iwasaki and Eiichi Shibusawa, so he knew how capable Yataro Iwasaki was and what amazing achievements he would achieve.

However... others don't have Qingdeng's "God's perspective".

In their eyes, Yataro Iwasaki was just an ordinary person of low origin, with neither qualifications nor achievements.

Therefore, the question raised by Qinghe Hachiro is really reasonable.

Any human being with a normal IQ would question Yataro Iwasaki's abilities. Naturally, Aoto had already anticipated everyone's reaction after learning about Yataro Iwasaki's origins and qualifications.

Therefore, his expression remained the same and he said calmly:

"I understand your concerns, but please don't worry."

"The reason why I promoted Iwasaki-kun is not without purpose."

"He is an outstanding talent who has passed my assessment, and his ability deserves recognition."

"I promise you, and you can also stay tuned - Iwasaki-kun's next performance will definitely not disappoint you!"

Speaking of this, Qingden paused.

Then he added with a smile:

"Have I ever let you down?"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere of the whole place suddenly changed significantly.

Souji, Nagakura Shinpachi, Saito Kazuo... the facial lines of everyone from the "Testing Guard School" began to relax.

Serizawa Kamo, Niimi Nishiki, Qinghe Hachiro—these three people who are not familiar with Aoto, let’s not ignore them for the moment.

But for everyone in the "Shiweiguan Sect", every word and action of Qingdeng has a very heavy weight in their hearts!

In the more than three years since they met Qingdeng, he has already proven to them the credibility of his abilities and words through powerful actions time and time again.

One sentence "Have I ever let you down?" is worth a thousand words.

"...I understand. Mr. Tachibana, since you trust this person so much, I have no objection."

After Hachiro Kiyokawa glanced at Yataro Iwasaki with a meaningful look, he lowered his head respectfully and gave a light salute to Aoto.

Qingdeng nodded in response, then scanned the audience and asked:

"Anyone else have questions?"

Everyone's eyes were wandering in the air...you looked at me, I looked at you, but no one said anything.

Just when Qingdeng thought that today's emergency meeting could end here, a cold female voice suddenly sounded:

"Tachibana-kun, since we are a chamber of commerce, we should sell things, right?"

As soon as Sanako spoke, he immediately attracted the attention of the whole audience.

"What products does the newly elected Chamber of Commerce plan to sell to make money?"

Sanako's question reminded everyone.

For a moment, Qingdeng's body was covered with curious eyes.

Qingden was startled.

After a while, he patted his forehead lightly, and a wry smile appeared on his lips.

"Yeah, I almost forgot to introduce it to you."

Nowadays, there is no need to continue to conceal the existence of Silver Mirror.

"The products that our newly selected chamber of commerce will sell...will sweep the market across Japan!"

As he spoke, Qingdeng, with a confident smile on his face, took out a shiny, freshly baked silver mirror from his arms...



About half an hour later——

Shinsengumi camp, Aoden's room——

Before Qingdeng buried his head in the case, he wrote vigorously and handled official affairs meticulously.

Abruptly, the tip of his pen, which was sliding rapidly on the writing paper like a snake, suddenly stopped.

[Note·Fengshu paper: the highest-grade writing paper]

The pause is temporary.

About 2 seconds later, the writing sound of "swish, swish, swish" sounded again.

At the same time, he spoke without looking back, without sadness or joy:

"A Wu, is something wrong?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a strange "squeaking" sound was heard from the ceiling behind him - a certain board was moved away, revealing a narrow gap.

The next breath, a light, slender but particularly plump figure in some places, like a boneless cat, fell along the narrow gap and landed steadily behind Qingdeng.

Qingden chuckled a few times and said half-jokingly:

"Awu, I know you are a female ninja, and stealth operations are your specialty, but do you really need to be so elusive every time you show up?"

Under normal circumstances, Kinoshita Mai would have responded positively to Qingto's teasing.

However, at this moment, she directly ignored it and asked impatiently:

"Mr. Ju, Qinghe Hachiro meets his accomplices again."

After hearing this, Qingdeng looked calm - the brush in his hand did not even pause - and asked very calmly:

"What did they discuss this time?"

Kinoshita Mai replied:

"There was no important matter worth mentioning. Qinghe Hachiro just shared the contents of today's emergency meeting with his party members."

Qingden nodded.

"Yes, I understand. Ah Wu, thank you for your hard work. If you have nothing else to do, please leave first."


"A Wu, what's wrong?"

After noticing that Mai Kinoshita behind him was silent or not leaving, Qingto immediately stopped the brush in his hand and turned to look at her.

Kinoshita Mai seemed to have something to say, with an expression on her face that was hesitant to speak.

After hesitating for a moment, she asked slowly:

"Qingden... do you really want Qinghe Hachiro to live a little longer?"

Qingdeng said calmly without thinking:

"Well, yes, I have decided. I want Qinghe Hachiro and his gang members to live for a while longer. Only in this way can their death be more valuable."

From the beginning, Qingdeng did not trust Qinghe Hachiro, who had a long criminal record.

If it weren't for the fact that Qiyikawa Hachiro was the initiator of the new army and had a certain amount of credit, and he had considerable influence among the ronin in Edo, Seito wouldn't even want him to join the Shinsengumi.

On the way to Luo, Qingteng secretly gave Kinoshita Mai the task of "monitoring Qinghe Hachiro".

Kinoshita Mai's ninja skills did not disappoint Aoto.

Seven days ago, when Kinoshita Mai passed the news of "Qinghe Hachiro's conspiracy to rebel" to Qingnobo, even Qingnobo, who was already wary of Qinghe Hachiro's ambitions, couldn't help but feel shocked.

"Although I had expected that this guy would definitely be restless, I didn't expect that his ambition would be so great. He actually wanted to seize the Shinsengumi..."

After muttering to himself in a tone of dumbfounded laughter, Aoto immediately gave Kinoshita Mai a new order:

"Ah Wu, continue to monitor Qinghe Balang and his gang members, as usual - if they have any abnormal behavior, report to me immediately."

At this time, when Qingto issued this order, Kinoshita Mai was stunned on the spot.

"Qingdeng, that's it? Aren't you going to bring Qinghe Hachilang and others to justice immediately?" she asked.

"Qinghe Balang still has value, now is not the best time to kill them." He replied.



Asking for a monthly ticket! Please vote for recommendation! (Leopard head crying.jpg)

If you think about it carefully, Sanako hasn't had any scenes in a long time. As for a certain blond lolita, she has been hidden for a long time... I really want to write about it! There are a lot of very astringent thoughts in my mind, but the starting point now is too strict (tears leopard head.jpg)

(End of this chapter)

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