I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 630 The Shinsengumi’s military uniforms and new equipment have arrived! Light green haori! 【

During the Ming Dynasty of China, the Japanese pirates who ravaged the southeastern coast were tough and cruel, but they had a fatal weakness.

That is, they are not a regular army. After all, they are just a bunch of rabble who bully the weak and fear the strong. They only know how to fight alone and do not know how to form formations.

Qi Jiguang created the "Mandarin Duck Formation" based on this weakness of the Japanese pirates and the terrain characteristics of the coastal areas of the East China Sea.

To put it bluntly, the scary thing about the "Mandarin Duck Formation" is just one sentence: use more to attack the less, use longer to attack the weak.

In the tactical configuration of the "Mandarin Duck Formation", wolf spearmen and spearmen are the absolute main force.

As for the other personnel, whether it is the shield hand or the sword hand, they are just supporting.

On the battlefield, every inch is longer and every inch is stronger - this is a truth that applies to everyone.

Not to mention the age of cold weapons, even in the age of hot weapons, the wider the attack range of the weapon, the better.

An intercontinental missile that can hit 1000 kilometers is more powerful and more deterrent than a rocket that can only hit 100 kilometers.

Imagine what it would be like if you were a Japanese pirate and encountered a fully-organized "Mandarin Duck Formation" on the battlefield.

A direct frontal attack?

You will directly collide with the bamboo tips and spear heads of the wolf bearers and spearmen, as well as the large shield of the shield bearer.

Launch a roundabout attack on its flank or rear?

Regardless of whether the wolf hand and the spearman will allow you to touch people's buttocks as you wish.

Even if you really succeed in getting around, what awaits you will only be a beating from the swordsman and the boring machine.

The opponent not only has more people than you, but also has more comprehensive weapons than you. Long, short, offensive, defensive, all available.

And you...the only weapon in your hand is a fighting knife...

Let's take a knife, it's sharp, but in front of the wolf, spear and shield, he is basically a younger brother.

Of course, according to historical facts, the weapons and equipment of Japanese pirates must be far more than just knives.

However, the fatal flaw of "insufficient organization and lack of formation knowledge" meant that even if they had sophisticated weapons and equipment, they would only be unilaterally massacred when they encountered the Qi Army who fought in a systematic manner.

In this way, relying on the strength of the "Yuanyang Formation" and the Qi family army he personally recruited, Qi Jiguang was victorious in every battle.

He has repeatedly set a terrifying record of "wiping out hundreds of Japanese pirates with only single-digit casualties, or even zero casualties."

Although later generations always praised the "Mandarin Duck Formation" to the sky and praised it as "the supreme masterpiece in the history of ancient Chinese wars" and so on.

But in fact, as mentioned above, the "Mandarin Duck Formation" has great limitations and is only suitable for narrow areas with limited terrain.

In addition, the "Mandarin Duck Formation" can only bully the weak.

If you use the "Mandarin Duck Formation" to deal with the Mongolian soldiers advancing and retreating like the wind on a flat and open prairie, you will definitely lose as many heads as you put in.

When fighting in open plains, "hard formation" is the truth.

Therefore, when the "Japanese pirate rebellion" was put down and the Qi army was moved to Jiliao, Qi Jiguang did not use the "Mandarin Duck Formation" to deal with the Mongolian soldiers.

Kyoto is a strategically important place that must not be lost.

It is not only the "heart" of the Gyeonggi region, but also has immeasurable political significance.

As long as you occupy Kyoto, you can completely control the court, and then use the emperor to control the princes, occupying the highest moral point.

No matter which force it is, be it the shogunate or the various vassals, it is impossible to give up Kyoto easily.

In order to rob Kyoto, this thousand-year-old capital will sooner or later turn into a battlefield.

In order to defend Kyoto, Qingto will inevitably engage in bloody tug-of-war with all forces in the streets and alleys of Kyoto for a long time to come.

There is no "urban planning plan" in Japan today.

When Toyotomi Hideyoshi came to power, he did a large-scale repair and reconstruction of Kyoto's urban layout.

The "Odoi" that divided Kyoto into "Rakusho" and "Rakusho" was the work of Toyotomi Hideyoshi.

With the advent of the Edo period, Kyoto's population began to increase dramatically.

The unprecedented peace and tranquility caused the population of Kyoto to become unprecedentedly high.

In order to meet the daily needs of this huge population, longhouses with complex structures that can accommodate hundreds or even hundreds of people have sprung up.

[Note·Longhouse: A building form in which adjacent houses share walls and are connected to each other in a row. A longhouse is a small community, and the residents of the longhouse often share a well and a toilet]

As for the layout of streets and lanes in Kyoto, it is becoming more and more complex.

Regardless of the long house that looks like a small maze, the various roads and tsujis that are as intricate as a spider web are already dazzling.

[Note: Road: a lane with only one entrance and exit. 】

[Note·Tsujiko: There are two or more entrances and exits, a trail connecting two main roads. 】

There are many bird trails that can only accommodate two people walking side by side.

What's more, it's so narrow that it's difficult to even turn around after walking in alone.

There are dangerous terrains where one man is in control everywhere... In such a situation, it is difficult to use the human wave tactic.

When the two armies are fighting, the enemy only needs to send a skilled general to block key points - such as alleys and longhouse doors - to prevent an army of millions from advancing or retreating.

This is no longer the era of swords, and there is no need for a classical army with helmets and armor.

It is a complete waste of time to study old-fashioned things like Koshu-ryu art of war and Echigo-ryu art of war.

It is even more pointless to ask soldiers to train Bagua Formation, Crane Wing Formation and other rags that should be swept into the trash can of history.

However, it is still necessary to retain a melee force that is good at wielding swords.

Although today's guns have dominated the battlefield, their rate of fire is still very slow and their accuracy is not enough. After firing a round, it takes a long time to reload, which is not suitable for street fighting with a fast pace of combat.

What's more, in Japan, which has a large population and extremely scarce livable land, its urban landscapes are basically terrifyingly complex.

In those narrow alleys and secret rooms, it is difficult to even use a knife, which makes it even less suitable to send musketeers to fight street battles.

Therefore, taking into account the practical needs and Japan's current national conditions, from the very beginning, Qingto planned to establish four troops with respective duties and responsibility for different battlefields.

One is the melee unit responsible for street fighting, which is now the Ba Dao Team.

The second is the musketeers who formed a "line up to shoot" formation in the field and poured down a torrential rain of projectiles on the enemy.

The third is the artillery unit that "shoots his mother with cannons."

Artillery is the "valkyrie" of the battlefield.

Even in the 21st century, artillery is still a terrifying and terrifying existence.

It is no exaggeration to say that since the 15th century, the number of artillery and the size of its firepower have largely determined the development of war situations.

Therefore, Qingdeng had long made up his mind: Even if it means selling iron, he must create an artillery team! Finally, there is the cavalry team responsible for detecting the enemy's situation and chasing and annihilating the enemy in the wild.

Although the sword is lonely, the cavalry still plays a very important role on the battlefield.

Whether it is battlefield reconnaissance or chasing and annihilating enemy troops, flexible and highly mobile cavalry are needed.

During the Napoleonic Wars, France's cuirassiers terrified the entire continent.

The swordsmen who invade like fire, the line infantry who fear no death, the artillerymen who shake the earth, the cavalry who move like thunder... If you can have these four troops, not to mention guarding the capital, Qingden even feels that You can sweep the world by yourself and sweep through all the wastelands! He went straight to the imperial palace and asked the emperor: "Can a man with strong soldiers and horses be the emperor?"

It's a pity...the latter three are all extremely difficult to serve masters who can swallow half a gold mountain in one mouth.

The current financial resources are not sufficient, and suitable channels for purchasing firearms and war horses have not yet been found.

In other words, line infantry, artillery and horses cannot be counted on for the time being...

In Qingdeng's plan, it is enough for the Ba Dao team to be able to fight well in street battles.

Under this idea of ​​building an army, the daily training of the Ba Dao team has always been centered around "how to fight well in street fighting."

Therefore, the soldiers of the Ba Dao Team do not need to practice anything else, they only need to specialize in the "Mandarin Duck Formation"!

Thinking back to the beginning, when he was thinking about "how to improve the combat effectiveness of the Shinsengumi as quickly as possible", Ayoto thought about it and suddenly discovered: "Mandarin Duck Formation" and the Kyoto battlefield... no, fighting with Japan's current cities and towns. , there really are as many matches as there are matches!

The terrain is narrow, and the opponents are basically "Japanese pirates" who wield swords and swords...Using the "Mandarin Duck Formation" to fight the Japanese is a return to the nostalgic server.

Unless you encounter humanoid Gundams like Souji, Nagakura Shinpachi, and Saito Ichi, using the "Mandarin Duck Formation" to attack those with lofty ideals will definitely be accurate!

Of course, it is definitely not possible to completely copy Qi Jiguang's "Mandarin Duck Formation".

We want to create a "mandarin duck formation full of Shinsengumi characteristics"!

The original "Yuanyang Formation" was composed of 11 people per team - using this kind of formation to fight street battles would seem bloated and inflexible, and it would be difficult to turn around a street corner.

As a result, Qingdeng reduced the number of people to five.

Only one captain is left in charge of command, one spearman to attack the enemy from the front, one shield bearer to cover his teammates, and two sword bearers to protect the flanks.

There was no bamboo suitable for making wolf whisks around Kyoto, so the wolf whisks were discarded, leaving only the spears.

Although it is an incomplete version of the "Yuanyang Formation", it is enough to maintain public security in the town and deal with the loyal warriors who basically have no other weapons except knives!

In this way, after the soldiers of the Shinsengumi practiced the military formation for several days and initially established discipline and order, Qingteng ordered them to start practicing the "Mandarin Duck Formation".

In recent days, at the No. A training ground of the Shinsengumi Camp, one can often see "mandarin ducks" repeatedly practicing forming, dispersing, moving and attacking in the open field.

With his excellent personal qualities, Shimada Kui successfully assumed the position of captain in his team.

"Huh...I'm so tired...!"

He muttered and opened the clothes on his chest to keep himself cooler.

"This chainmail is really heavy..."

As he spoke, he lowered his head and looked at the chainmail that was exposed after opening the placket on his chest.

Under the sunlight, the brand-new ring-shaped armor plates reflected a fascinating cold light.

Looking at the chain armor on his body, Shimada Kui grinned, showing his white teeth, and smiled:

"Hey, our Shinsengumi has become rich!"

The grand success of the Xinsheng Chamber of Commerce since its opening is obvious to all.

Anyone with a right mind knows: Nioh is getting rich!

No one knows how much money Aomori made during this period, except for himself and Yataro Iwasaki, who is in charge of managing the Shinsei Chamber of Commerce.

But what is certain is that it is definitely a huge amount of money that ordinary people will be dizzy after hearing about it!

The great success of the Shinseng Chamber of Commerce has also benefited the Shinsengumi.

Since the day before yesterday, new and various types of equipment have been continuously delivered to the Shinsengumi Camp!

Businessmen in Osaka do a wide range of business.

Food, swords, armor...except for Western goods, which are relatively difficult to obtain, no matter what you want, you can buy it all in Osaka.

Therefore, after the more than 5,000 taels of gold were recorded, Qingteng directly placed a large order with the merchants in Osaka.

Kyoto is adjacent to Osaka, and there is water transportation between the two places by the Yodogawa River.

Thanks to this convenient location, as soon as Qingto placed the order, ships loaded with equipment came up one after another, heading north along the Yodo River, straight into Kyoto, and delivered them to his knees.

New swords, new guns, new shields, new armor... Under Qingto's generous hand, all the soldiers of the Shinsengumi replaced their guns with guns, and the armor wearing rate reached an astonishing 100%! There's armor for everyone!

In order to let the soldiers adapt to the feeling of "fighting with armor", Qingdeng specially ordered: During training time, everyone must wear armor and cannot take it off!

After a short rest, Shimada Kui felt that his body gradually recovered.

Just when he was about to continue training...

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way! Get out of the way! Get out of my way!"

A sudden loud shout attracted his attention.

He followed the sound and saw a soldier dressed as a guard. His face was full of panic, and he was holding his lower body hakama with both hands. He hurriedly passed through the side of the No. A training ground and ran towards the camp. of depth.

After a while, his back disappeared from Shimada Kui's sight.

Seeing this, Shimada Kui blinked and said to himself:

"What's going on here?"

The comrade beside him chuckled and took over the conversation:

"Isn't there going to be a war?"

Upon hearing this, Shimada Kui shrugged his shoulders and rebuked angrily:

"How is it possible? Where are there so many battles for us to fight? Forget it, let's continue training!"



Shinsengumi camp, meeting room——

The deputy chief, chief, director, staff officer, and captains of the sword-drawing team gathered together.

Another sudden emergency meeting.

As soon as Qingden appeared - holding a big cloth bag in his arms - he excitedly shouted to everyone:

"The reason why I summoned you all suddenly is to announce good news to you - our uniforms are ready!"

As soon as these words came out, most of the people present suddenly showed excited expressions.

Qingden put down the big cloth bag in his arms and unsealed it - inside were neatly folded pieces of light green feather fabric.



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PS: Although light green is the representative color of the Shinsengumi, according to historical facts, the light green Haori of the Shinsengumi was discontinued after only one year of use because the team members thought it was old-fashioned. The later Shinsengumi mainly used black haori. The movie "Burn!" "Sword" and "The Legend of Rensheng Yishi" reflect the historical facts very well. Because the light onion color is more recognizable, the Shinsengumi and the light onion color are highly bound.

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