I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 631: The military flag "Honesty Flag" and the decisive battle flag "have the

To be fair, the finished product of the uniform was much better than Qingto expected.

The soft and sweat-absorbent fabric, the light green background, and the white mountain-shaped cuffs... look simple and refreshing, which suits Qingdeng's eyes.

I have to say that Yagi Gennosei's hands and feet are quite nimble.

Since he agreed to make military flags and uniforms for the Shinsengumi free of charge, within only half a month, he had faithfully complied with every request made by Qingto and delivered impeccable finished products.

It seems that Gennosei Yagi attaches great importance to his relationship with Aoto.

He was not ordinary concerned about "maintaining the friendship with Qingdeng".

By the way, thanks to the Shinseng Chamber of Commerce, the relationship between Aoto and Yagi Gennosei has become much deeper.

The prosperity of the Xinsheng Chamber of Commerce has greatly boosted the economy of Rensheng Township.

As the largest landowner in Mibu Township, Prime Minister Yagi Gennochi is naturally happy to see this prosperous situation.

As we all know, the person who can lead everyone to get rich is Ye Er!

For this reason, in recent days, whenever the soldiers of the Shinsengumi are walking in the streets of Imbu Township - especially when Qingteng appears - the folks of Imbu Township are looking at them. They have all become much friendlier and more eager.

Qingden took out the light green feather fabrics from the cloth bag one by one and said quickly:

"I brought all your uniforms, you all can try them on now!"

After hearing this, everyone stood up one after another and came forward one by one to receive their uniforms.

The general manager neatly put the haori on his body, and then praised with shining eyes:

"It's beautiful! It's great!"

Souji, who has a cheerful personality, has never disliked this refreshing color.

After Serizawa took his uniform, he did not put it on immediately. Instead, he frowned and muttered:

"Tsk...why do I have to wear such old-fashioned clothes..."

Isamu Kondo stared at the mountain-shaped cuffs on the feather fabric with a look of satisfaction on his face.

Although he regretted that he could not completely imitate the attire of Ako Ako, it was a consolation to be able to retain Ako's most classic mountain-shaped cuffs.

If we were to say who among all the people present was the most excited at this moment, it was naturally Kinoshita Mai.

After all, it was her idea to "make the background color of the uniform light green."

Kinoshita Mai carefully rubbed the light green haori in her hand, blinked her beautiful eyes a few times, and showed uncontrollable excitement in her eyes.

Generally speaking, after receiving the uniforms, only the above-mentioned Souji, Mai Kinoshita and a few others showed abundant emotions.

Most of the people present were from lower-middle class backgrounds, so they didn't pay much attention to how they dressed.

Therefore, they do not care much about the style and color of the uniforms.

At this time, Nagakura Shinpachi seemed to have remembered something, and turned to Qingto and asked:

"By the way, Mr. Tachibana, now that the uniforms are ready, what about the military flag? Is our military flag completed?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Qingden smiled and nodded.

"Well, the military flag is also ready. Our military flag and uniforms were delivered at the same time."

As soon as Aoshito finished speaking, Nagakura Shinpachi hurriedly said:

"Now that the military flag is ready, it's time for you to show us the military flag you designed, right?"

In the blink of an eye, a bunch of curious and expectant eyes fell on Qingdeng.

When Qingdeng held a meeting to discuss "what kind of uniforms and military flags we want to use," only the former was open to everyone to solicit opinions.

As for the latter, Qingdeng said, "Ah, there is no need to discuss this, I have already thought about the style of the military flag" and "I decided to use a certain word that is very important to me as our military flag!"

At that time, Qingdeng took a back seat and did not immediately reveal the style of the military flag he designed to the public.

Until now, no one knows what their military flag looks like.

Facing the bright gazes of the crowd, Qingdeng slowly reached out his hand and took out a neatly folded flag with its back facing up, as if he was deliberately trying to whet their appetites.

His hands grasped the upper left and upper right corners of the flag respectively.

"This is...the flag of our Shinsengumi!"

Hearing a "whoosh" sound, Qingdeng shook it away.

At the same moment, the eyes that were originally focused on him immediately turned to him.

In an instant, everyone showed various expressions and expressions.

The director-general opened his eyes wide and said slowly, word by word:


The flag is made of red gauze, with a white mountain pattern underneath and a large, white word "Sincerity" in the center.

Qingdeng nodded gently and said loudly:

"That's right! 'Sincerity'! The military flag of our Shinsengumi is the 'Sincerity Flag'!"

Chirp chirp… chirp chirp…

Whispering, whispering, looking at each other, looking at each other... the expressions of everyone present were dominated by incomprehension and confusion.

About 5 seconds later, the outspoken Nagakura Shinpachi came up with the first question:

"'Sincerity'? Mr. Tachibana, what does this mean? Is there any profound meaning in it?"

Harada Sanosuke echoed:

"Yes, yes! Mr. Tachibana, what does the word 'sincerity' mean?"

After these two live treasures took off, the others followed suit.

Regarding the origin and meaning of the "Chengzi Flag", people's questions hit Qingdeng like a storm.

Qingdeng had long expected that everyone would react like this, so he was not in a hurry.

After everyone's words stopped and their emotions calmed down a bit, he slowly explained:

"The reason why I chose the word 'sincerity' as the symbol of the Shinsengumi is mainly based on three considerations."

"First of all, take a closer look. When you hold the flag of "sincerity" flying in the wind, at first glance, does it look like the word "trial"?"

"'Tri' represents the Trial Guard Hall. "

As soon as these words came out, the "Trial Guard School" headed by the General Director were immediately startled, and then all of them burst into laughter.

Their appearance seemed to say: "Ah, so that's it."

For Qingdeng, the Trial Guard Hall is his home.

Not long after he traveled to this world, his original house was burned down by the madmen of the anti-barbarian group.

Therefore, most of his time in this world was basically spent in the trial defense hall.

His feelings for the Trial Guard Hall are no shallower than anyone else in the world.

It was after he joined the Trial Guard Hall that he met Souji, Sanako, and now his brothers who share weal and woe.

It is no exaggeration to say that the Trial Guard Hall is Qingdeng's "Longxing Place"!

Out of his deep affection for the Imperial Guard Hall, Seito was happy to add some "elements" of the Imperial Guard Hall to the Shinsengumi's flag.

"The second reason for choosing the word 'sincerity'... This is an old story from more than 2 years ago."

Speaking of this, Qingdeng's cheeks showed a hint of reminiscence.

"When I was still the captain of the third division of the Huofu Thieves Kai, I accompanied the army on the westward expedition to defeat the bandits entrenched in the mountains of Kai."

"Although that battle was fierce and bloody, it was not a tough battle."

"The battle went extremely smoothly. It only took a few days to defeat the thieves."

"After the remnants of the enemy fled, I led my army to pursue them in the vast mountains."

"The enemy is indeed a bandit who relies on the mountains to eat. With his familiarity with the mountain roads, he always leaves us behind."

"At this time, most of the soldiers following me were tired and unable to attack anymore - and the same was true for the enemy."

"At that time, both the enemy and us were already fighting for our lives."

"In order to stimulate the fighting spirit of the soldiers, and also to enable the soldiers to better follow me, I planned to make a conspicuous flag." "I originally planned to make a 'test flag'."

"As a result, the person in charge of making the flag was illiterate and wrote 'trial' instead of 'sincere'."

"We have no choice but to carry this 'honesty flag' and charge forward."

"In the end, under the fluttering 'Cheng Zi Banner', we caught up with the remaining enemies and annihilated them all."

"In this way, I formed a wonderful fate with 'Chengziqi'."

"When I was thinking about what kind of military flag should be designed for the Shinsengumi, the first thing that popped into my mind was the 'honesty flag' from back then."

"So, using the word 'sincerity' as the symbol of the Shinsengumi can be regarded as commemorating it."

"To commemorate the first successful battle I have fought in my life."

"As for the last one, it is also the most important reason why I prefer the word 'sincerity'..."

Speaking of this, Qingdeng suddenly fell silent.

It seems that he is formulating words and brewing emotions.

At the same time, his expression became visibly serious.

Everyone was affected by his solemn appearance one after another. They unconsciously straightened their backs, sat upright, pointed their ears, and listened carefully.

"The word 'sincerity' has many meanings such as 'honesty' and 'loyalty'."

Qingden slowly scanned the faces of everyone present.

"Where does the name of our army's 'New Selection' come from?"

"In this bloody and chaotic world, we have been chosen by the times. At the same time, we have chosen a new 'road'."

"I hope that all the Shinsengumi soldiers - including you - will be sincerely loyal to their beliefs!"

"Whether it's pain or sadness, whether it's sourness or exhaustion, you must run all the way on the road you have chosen! Carry out the will of 'sincerity' and live up to the name of 'New Choice'!"

It was short yet sonorous... Everyone was shocked by its momentum.

Even Serizawa Kamo, Shinami Nishiki, who had always been at odds with Aoto, and Kiyokawa Hachiro, who was determined to plot chaos, couldn't help but feel shuddered at the moment.

Carry out the will of "sincerity" and live up to the name of "new selection"... Everyone invariably repeated these words in their hearts, while turning their heads and looking at the "sincerity flag" in Qingdeng's hand again.

Compared with the first time they saw this flag just now, their eyes now all changed significantly.

Qingdeng's words continued:

"By the way, the colors chosen for this flag also contain unusual meanings."

"As you can see, the background color of this flag is blood red, and the word 'Sincerity' in the center and the mountain pattern below are white."

"Blood red symbolizes sacrifice; white symbolizes sincerity and no distracting thoughts."

"In addition to the 'Sincerity Flag', I also commissioned Mr. Yagi to make another... although it is not a military flag, it is also an extremely important flag."

With that said, Qingdeng put down the "Sincerity Flag" in his hand, and then took out a new flag from his arms.

This time, Qingdeng did not whet everyone's appetite.

After quickly taking out the new flag, he unfolded it directly.

The new flag doesn't have any bells and whistles, just plain black text on a white background.

On the right side is the inscription "Have the Glory of Death".

On the left side is written "The disgrace of no life".

Together they are eight powerful characters - "There is glory in death, but there is no shame in life."

The words come from "Wu Zi's Art of War: The Fourth Treatise on Generals".

The original text is "On the day when the teacher comes out, there will be glory in death, but there will be disgrace in life." It means that after the army goes to the battlefield, it must be prepared to sacrifice itself gloriously, but not to save its life in humiliation.

"I call it the 'war flag.'"

Qingden said softly.

The tone was quite calm.

"As the name suggests, this is a flag used to supervise battles."

"In normal times, we would never fly this flag lightly."

"This flag will only be raised in a decisive battle with the enemy, or in a life-or-death situation."

"The moment this flag stands, it is the time to fight to the death! The entire army must be determined to die! Whenever the battle begins, the enemy must be killed heroically!"

"Victory or death!"

"Anyone who retreats before the battle regardless of the army will be killed immediately!"

"When approaching battle, the army ignores whoever retreats first, and the rear team will kill the front team!"

"If you don't shrink from it, kill it immediately!"

"Those who retreat in haste will be killed immediately!"

"Everything is like this - there is glory in death, but no shame in life!"

After finishing speaking, Qingdeng narrowed his eyes, a cold light bursting out of them.

The words that seemed to contain a sharp blade made many people present shrink their necks uncontrollably.

Fortunately, it only took a moment for Qingdeng to put away his momentum and at the same time put away the "War Supervisory Flag" in his hand.

"Okay, I have distributed uniforms to you, and I have also shown you the military flag and war flag of our army. If you have nothing to report to me, this meeting will be..."

Qingdeng hasn’t finished speaking yet——

"Your Majesty the Governor! Your Majesty the Governor!"

An anxious shout coming from the direction of the corridor interrupted his words.

At the same time, a figure kneeling on one knee appeared outside the door.

Qingdeng raised his eyebrows and asked:

"What's the matter?"

The figure outside the door took a deep breath and responded in a loud, yet stuttering voice:

"Someone, there's a sedan coming here! I'm looking for the governor by name!"

In an instant... really in an instant, the atmosphere in the meeting hall changed suddenly! The scene was filled with a breathtaking, tingling tension.

Qingdeng and everyone else's faces were all discolored.

Even someone as stupid as Harada Sanosuke knows what "a express sedan is coming here" means.

Qingdeng reacted immediately and quickly ordered:

"The director, deputy director, chief and staff stay! Others retreat! Bring the express sedan in!"



After a while, a young man lying on the tatami who seemed to be about to die at any time, held on to his strength and said intermittently:

"Suppressor... Your Excellency... Ise... a large-scale... Ichi...! The enemy force... exceeds ten thousand...! Please... send troops to quell the rebellion as soon as possible...!"



It’s the end of the month again! It’s the second yang and the temperature is dropping again. This month is really eventful... Book friends who have monthly tickets on hand, please be sure to vote for this book! (Crying leopard head.jpg)

Asking for a monthly ticket! Please vote for recommendation! (Leopard head crying.jpg)

PS: When I was playing "Sekiro", I always thought that the "honor in death, shame in life" flag was so cool, and now I finally wrote it into my story! (Leopard Hi.jpg)

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