I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 697: Replaying the events of the founding of the United States【4800】

Chapter 697: Replaying the events of the founding of the United States【4800】

Qingden was not being modest.

He told the truth.

Looking back on his past life, it can be said that he killed countless people.

However, it was the first time to kill a ship.

The wood used in shipbuilding is mostly corrosion-resistant and tough oak.

Simply put - oak is tougher and more durable than ordinary wood.

As the core component that supports the entire ship, the keel is naturally much larger, harder, and thicker than other components.

And this magnifies the difficulty of cutting it off.

In addition, the time left for Qingden to attack was also very short.

Even if Qingteng successfully avoided the inspection of the sailors on the ship and successfully arrived under the keel, the noise caused by him drawing the sword would surely quickly attract the attention and alertness of the sailors.

In general, Qingdeng only has 1 or 2 opportunities to use his sword.

To cut off this ridiculously large keel within one or two swords... is it easier said than done?

Can he successfully cut off the keel of the Iulius?

To be honest, Qingdeng was very unsure about this issue.

In order to prevent himself from making a mistake, he specially invited Boss Kiryu to help out.

In any case, Boss Kiryu was a great swordsman who was once famous and was known as "Liuguang Hachiman" and "Ship-Slaying Swordsman".

Although he is in his old age, he is still going strong.

Qingto has no doubt: as long as Boss Kiryu shows his true ability, more than 95% of the warriors in the world will not be his opponent!

As long as the two of them combine their strength - he cuts once, and Boss Kiryu adds another - they will be sure of success.

The above is Qingdeng’s planned plan.

However...it's strange to say that the keel of the Iulius left a deep impression on him. It was big, thick, and quite strong just by looking at it.

However, after standing in front of it in person, Qingdeng suddenly felt: This keel... doesn't seem to be that big...

The seemingly huge keel seemed to shrink into a petite and exquisite appearance in an instant.

I can cut...

As long as you use all your strength, you may not be able to cut it off!

Just like that, under the control of this indescribable self-confidence, Qingdeng squatted down and assumed a "streaming light" posture.

Gathering God, Bear's Waist +5, Tiger's Arms +4, Elephant's Core +4, Nine Bulls and Two Tigers +3... these "limb strengthening" talents are activated together!

Qingdeng used his normal full strength for the first time in a long time.

When was the last time I used all my strength?

He himself couldn't remember much.

As its strength increases day by day, there are fewer and fewer people who can force it to use its full strength.

As the purple blade light that seemed to cut through space flashed by, the rain curtain reconnected and the wind started to blow again, but the dragon bone could never be restored to its original state.

Qingdeng himself couldn't help but be in a daze for a moment after seeing the deep incision made by him.

Cutting off the keel is equivalent to destroying the ship.

After some equations were drawn down - Qingden destroyed a battleship with just one swing of his sword!

If this matter were to spread, people would be stunned and in disbelief.

From then on, there will be another legend of "a great swordsman who can destroy battleships" in the world.

Of course, Qingden was able to successfully complete the feat of destroying ships, and the Vairochana in his palm also contributed greatly.

If the weapon Qingdeng holds is a sword of ordinary quality, let alone destroying a ship, it may not even be able to withstand its terrifying physical strength.

As soon as Qingto finished speaking, Boss Kiryu gave him a smiling look.

At this time, the old man spoke again:

"Tachibana-kun, although tonight's surprise attack was perfect, please don't take it lightly."

"Cutting off a warship is not enough to deter the British."

"There are no English countries, but there are plenty of ships."

"The loss of a mere ordinary warship is not painful at all for the British side."

Qingden nodded.

"Ok, I know."

"I don't expect my knife to make Neil and others surrender directly."

"From the beginning, I had only one goal - to drive away the British ships in Edo Bay and prevent them from causing trouble to the shogunate again."

"Therefore, as long as they realize that the shogunate has the power to fight back, if they rashly start a war with the shogunate, they will not be able to escape unscathed, and the war between the two sides will also greatly affect the British layout in the Far East. This is enough. ”

"This is always the case in Western countries."

"You can't reason with them."

"The more you try to calmly reason with them, the more overbearing they become."

"Only when you show your sword and make them feel scared will they be willing to show sincerity."

"Then it depends on tomorrow's negotiations."

"All in all, we have done all we can do tonight."

After saying that, Aoto turned his back to Edo Bay:

"Boss Kiryu, let's go... huh?"

Qingdeng suddenly paused.

He was seen staring blankly at Boss Kiryu's chest, and even stopped in his tracks.

The reason why this happened was not because Boss Kiryu's strong chest muscles attracted him - although the other party's chest muscles were indeed very attractive.

Due to the angle and light, Qingto didn't notice it - there was an extremely ferocious diagonal scar on Boss Kiryu's left chest.

As a warrior who had experienced pain in many battles, Qingdeng could tell at a glance: This wound was extremely deep!

Only wounds that are so deep that the bones are visible can leave such a profound mark!

In addition to its depth, the location of this injury is also horrifying—it happens to cover just above the heart!

Just looking at it can't help but give me chills... If this injury were deeper and touched his heart, then Boss Kiryu would definitely be dead.

Looking at this horrific wound, Qingdeng couldn't help but say:

"Boss Kiryu, this wound of yours is really dangerous..."


Boss Kiryu didn’t respond immediately.

He lowered his head slowly, looking at the hideous scar, and raised his hand to stroke it gently.

After a while, he whispered quietly:

"This wound... is the mark left by an old acquaintance on me."

"Although many years have passed and this wound has healed long ago, maybe it's a psychological effect. Every time I touch this wound, I always feel a twinge of pain."

Boss Kiryu's expression changed slightly.

The expression between his cheeks has a peculiar charm.

Qingden blinked a few times and stared at Boss Kiryu.

The appearance of the other party aroused his strong gossip... ah, no, curiosity.

This scar... seems to contain a very profound story!

Qingdeng looked hesitant.

Sensation told him: I am the apprentice of Boss Kiryu. It is a reasonable and reasonable move to understand the master's past and care about his physical and mental condition!

Reason told him: Emotion is right!

In this way, sensibility and reason quickly reached a unified opinion.

He decided to ask further about this scar.

However, as soon as he opened his mouth——

"Junior Jun, let's leave the story of the origin of this scar until later."

Boss Kiryu saw through Qingto's thoughts and intercepted it in advance.

"Crossing half of Edo Bay in one go... To be honest, I'm really a little tired."

"Now I just want to get back to Qianshiwu as soon as possible and make myself a pot of warm coffee."

"Would you like to have a drink too?"

Qingden raised his eyebrows.

Boss Kiryu has already made his words clear... It would be rude if he pressed the matter further.

Although he felt regretful, Qing Deng still suppressed his curiosity and silently memorized this scar with a long history in his mind.

"Okay, please be sure to put more sugar in my coffee."



The next day, early morning—— Edo, Edo Port——

It rained heavily last night, so today's sky is like the best interpretation of the phrase "blue sky."

The white clouds are filled with sunny colors, and golden light is falling down. Half of the golden light is transparent, and the other half is flowing shiningly.

Against this golden light, the thin black smoke sprayed from the chimney of Xianlinwan is particularly eye-catching.

On the deck, the crew members were running around, running up and down, nervously making preparations for sailing.

Just near the boarding ladder, Katsurin Taro and Manjiro stood side by side - they were waiting for Aoshito's arrival.

When Qingden arrives, they can set off for the Iulius and start today's negotiations.

Katsu Rintaro suppressed the urge to yawn.

The whites of his eyes were covered with red bloodshot eyes, there were light brown bags under his eyes, and his complexion was pale.

Manjiro standing next to him also looked anxious.

One of them is an immortal minister with real talents and knowledge, and the other is a loyal man who returns to his country resolutely, even at the risk of his life.

They are the few capable ministers and officials left in the shogunate, far beyond the comparison of those worms who only want to get promoted and get rich and live alone.

They all sincerely hope that this "Makuhide Negotiation" can come to a happy ending, and they all hope that Edo can be spared the military disaster.

Therefore, since they left the Iulius yesterday, they have been deeply anxious...so anxious that they could not sleep all night last night.

Qingdeng's confusing performance yesterday really made them deeply uneasy.

They felt that Qingdeng was not there to negotiate at all, but to find trouble!

Although it was agreed to start a new round of negotiations today,...to be honest, they really couldn't think of any other way Qingdeng could achieve a comeback.

Suddenly, Qingdeng's voice sounded from in front of them:

"Rintaro, Manjiro, good morning."

Qingden held the saber at his waist and walked toward them with a smile on his face.

The two of them stared at Qingdeng in confusion.

Almost... really just a little bit, Katsurin Taro almost blurted out: Qingden, why can you act like nothing is wrong?

They were so anxious that they couldn't eat or sleep because of this "negotiation between the screen and the British."

As a result, as the ambassador of the shogunate and who should bear the greatest pressure, Aoshinobu was not only full of energy, but also greeted them with great interest...

Although they were filled with confusion, they still responded to Qingdeng's greetings honestly.

Next, everything was done as it was yesterday - the same boarding of the Kanrim Maru, the same sailing to the Iulius on Edo Bay.

Katsurin Taro supported the railing with both hands and squinted his eyes in deep thought.

The strong sea breeze slapped his face, but it couldn't blow away the sadness on his cheeks.

Qingdeng stood beside him, looking at the distant sky with an expressionless face.

Soon, the majestic hull of the Iulius slowly appeared in front of them.

At this time, after enough ideological struggle, Katsurin Taro finally took a deep breath, and then asked Qingneng beside him with a serious face:

"No, I can't bear it anymore."

"Qingdeng, let me tell you the truth - you must have some tricks up your sleeve, right?"

"Stop hiding it. If you have any clever tricks to defeat the enemy, reveal them quickly!"

From a rational point of view, Katsurin Taro certainly believed that Qingnobo was not a fool.

But... Qingdeng's past deeds are really hard to believe...

Looking back at Qing Deng’s previous achievements, we can find that Qing Deng is very fond of the simple and rough method of “no matter how many tricks you use, I will just kill you with one knife”.

Therefore, if he doesn't take action, it will be big news that will shock the world.

For example, single-handedly kill the rebel group.

Another example is to single-handedly invade the base of the Qingshui clan and use physical means to eradicate this big cancer that has harmed Kanto for many years.

Therefore, it is no wonder that Rintaro Desheng felt anxious and nervous, and then questioned Qingto uncontrollably.

On the one hand, he was worried that Qingdeng would end up with "failed negotiation".

On the other hand... he was worried that Qingdeng would be path-dependent on his past winning methods, so he also adopted the same method to fight against the British.

He couldn't help but think of this picture: Qingdeng rowed a small boat alone and sank 9 British ships...

As a professional who is proficient in ship matters, Katsurin Taro certainly knows that relying on the strength of one person and a samurai sword alone cannot do anything to the great products of industrial civilization.

But...but...you understand, right?

Qingdeng is a benevolent king who has repeatedly performed miracles!

You simply cannot use worldly common sense to measure such a character!

Faced with Katsurin Taro's question, Aoto raised his eyebrows and then showed a mischievous smile as if he wanted to make fun of others.


As soon as Aoto raised his head, Katsurin Taro suddenly heard the shouts of the crew behind him.

He frowned and looked around.

"what happened?"

Coincidentally, at this moment, Manjiro trotted towards him.

"Lord Katsu! Lord Katsu!"

Seeing Manjiro coming, Katsurintaro immediately asked:

"Manjiro, what happened? Why are you making such a fuss?"

Manjiro did not reply, but said hurriedly:

"Lord Katsu, look at the bow of the Iulius!"

With that said, he threw a telescope to Katsurin Taro.

Katsurin Taro took the telescope with a puzzled look on his face, pulled out the lens, and looked at the bow of the Iulius.

Suddenly, his eyes were as wide as bells.

"What's this……?"

The huge cut that bisected the keel could not be hidden.

The reason why the crew members on the Xianlin Maru were noisy was because they all saw the severely damaged keel.

While Katsurin Taro was still immersed in incomparable shock, a faint voice suddenly came from his side:

"Rintaro, that is my great idea."

After saying that, Qingdeng turned and left:

"Rintaro, Manjiro, go get ready and get ready to board the ship!"



Edo Bay, Iulius, deck——

At the boarding port, the sailors stood in two neat rows, just like yesterday.

However, compared to yesterday, today they all tightened their waists and legs and looked nervous.

It seems that they are all afraid that they will be overwhelmed by Qingdeng's "power" like yesterday.

Obviously, they were worried too much.

Qingdeng did not let go of his "power" and boarded the Iulius calmly.

At the end of the "welcome queue", Neil and Colonel Jocelyn were waiting with expressionless faces.

Aoto, Katsurintaro and Manjiro stood in the shape of "pin" and moved in front of each other in a leisurely manner.

"Good morning, Your Excellency."

Qingdeng was the first to say hello.

Neil responded calmly.

Immediately afterwards, led by Neil and Colonel Jocelyn, the group came to the room with the long table from yesterday.

As soon as the front foot entered the room, Neil suddenly changed his face!

He suddenly turned around, pulled out the revolver hidden in his jacket, and pointed the muzzle directly at Qingdeng's chest.

At the same time, Colonel Jocelyn next to him made the same move. He used both hands to pull out two guns from his military uniform, and pointed the two guns at Katsurin Taro and Manjiro.

Neil frowned and cursed:

"Damn Japanese pigs! Do you think this little trick of yours can scare us?! Let me tell you, we in the British Empire have plenty of ways to destroy you!"

The sudden change made both Rintaro and Manjiro stunned.

Qingden glanced at Neil's gun, and then said calmly:

"Your Excellency, please calm down. If you continue like this, you will completely push us into the French camp and repeat the events of the founding of the United States." (French)



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