I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 698: The sinister King, Qingdeng’s overall view [4500]

Chapter 698: The sinister King, Qingdeng’s overall view [4500]

Because he always interacted with the Angoulême family, Qingden would ask Elodie and the others for French lessons whenever he had free time or a whim.

No matter what era or place you are in, learning more popular foreign languages ​​is a matter of great benefit and harmlessness.

Qingden is a person who is very good at learning - he was a top student in his previous life - and on this basis, he added the blessing of the talent "Ghost Heart +5".

As a result, he achieved considerable learning results without spending much effort.

Although it has not yet reached the extremely high level of a native language, it is more than enough for simple communication with others.

In the 19th century, in terms of comprehensive national strength alone, England, which had the largest colony, was slightly stronger than France.

But in terms of cultural influence, the former is not even worthy of carrying the latter's shoes.

From a long time ago, France has been the well-deserved cultural benchmark of the European continent.

Western countries highly respect French culture and are proud to learn French.

When speaking, always add some French vocabulary to show that you are literate.

Especially the country of Lucia is even more refined per capita.

In the aristocratic circles of the country of Lucia, people who do not understand French will be regarded as vulgar and without style.

Therefore, there will be a funny scene of "anti-French alliance communicating with each other in French".

Just like the country of Lucia, the British nobles are basically proficient in French. Even if they can't speak it, they can understand it roughly.

There is no reason for a high-ranking official like Neil who can reach the level of minister not to understand French.

As expected - as soon as Qingdeng finished speaking, Neil raised his eyebrows vigorously, with a look of surprise on his face.

"...Do you know French?" (French)

he asked rhetorically in French.

Qingden smiled slightly.

"I once learned some French in the Edo settlement. Your Excellency, please put down the gun, we come with sincerity." (French)


Neil pursed his lips tightly, thinking without saying a word.

Colonel Jocelyn also knew French, so he silently observed Neil's appearance and waited for Neil's response.

Only Katsurintaro and Manjiro, who didn't understand French at all, stood there blankly.

They had no idea what Qingdeng and Neil had just said, so they could only look at each other with big eyes and small eyes, anxious.

time flies……

After about half a minute, Neil slowly lowered the gun.

"…Take a seat."

Seeing that Neil had made a judgment, Colonel Jocelyn also silently put away his pistol.

The originally tense atmosphere suddenly relaxed.

Rintaro Katsu and Manjiro both let out a sigh of relief.

A hint of smile flashed in Qingdeng's eyes.

He knew: the words he just said had successfully frightened the other party.

(If this continues, you will completely push us into the French camp and repeat the events of the founding of the United States)

Qingden knew very well that no matter what he said - whether it was coercion or kindness - he could not move Neil.

But if France is involved, the other party cannot help but ignore it.



The two parties sat down on both sides of the long table.

Qingdeng launched a "first attack"——

"Then, please allow me to restate the shogunate's position."

"We sincerely hope that you can accept our reasonable conditions."

"Withdraw the fleet from Edo Bay and stop claiming claims against the shogunate and Satsuma."

"Please understand that we are not powerless to fight back."

When he said, "We are not powerless to fight back," Qingdeng specifically emphasized his tone.

Neil and Colonel Jocelyn, who were opposite, probably thought of the severed keel, and both of them grimaced.

Qingdeng’s words continued:

"You have a fleet that roams the world and powerful guns, but the swords on our waists are not bad at all."

"If a war breaks out, we will maintain the dignity of the martial family and show the spirit of the warriors."

"We will risk our lives to fight you to the death."

"If Edo falls, we will retreat to Shinano; if Shinano falls, we will retreat to Echigo; if Edo falls, we will retreat to Ou; if Ou also falls, then we will retreat in one fell swoop Go to Ezo Land and rebuild the shogunate in Goryokaku!"

"In short, with the support of France, we will fight you to the end!"

"At this point, I will confess to you."

"France has been in contact with us in recent years."

"They are willing to form a stable and friendly relationship with us, sell us affordable weapons, and at the same time help us build a new army."

"And we also intend to develop long-term cooperation with France."

"Of course, this is still only the 'intentional' stage."

"There is no doubt that if you are unwilling to stop and insist on using force against us, we will throw ourselves into the arms of France without hesitation!"

"I am sure that when the French learn that the Shogunate is at war with the British, they will be happy to give us all the support they can."

"Just like the American War of Independence, I will give you a good blood."

"Your strength will be weakened, and at the same time you will lose an important stronghold that can contain the country of Lucia."

"Admittedly, even with French assistance, it will be difficult for us to win."

"But! We will have absolute confidence to cause you to suffer extremely heavy casualties!"

"At least one-third of the British soldiers will not be able to return to their hometown!"

"The final result will be that your Queen Victoria wins honors, while you reap death!"

"Your wives will lose their dear husbands and be mocked and become widows."

"Your mother will lose her beloved son and let out a cry of pain that will tear the sky."

"It will bring more tears than laughter!"

"Your Excellency, these poor wives and mothers have every reason to resent this avoidable war!"

"Your Excellency, those resentful souls scattered here will be filled with resentment to curse your recklessness and dementia!"

"Therefore, Your Excellency, cherish the existing peace! Captain, cherish your soldiers!"

"Now, tell me, how do you answer?!"

"Are you willing to accept our terms and avoid all this?!"

At the end of his words, Qingdeng's tone reached its peak.

The momentum was so strong that it seemed like it was going to tear down the entire ceiling.

Even Katsu Rintaro and Manjiro, who were sitting on the left and right of Aoto, couldn't help but be shocked.

People who don't know about it may think that the shogunate is the stronger party in this negotiation.

Although you are reasonable and do not speak loudly, your tough attitude can always gain a certain degree of initiative in negotiations.

With his aura as fierce as a tiger, Qingdeng successfully suppressed his opponent.

Neil and Colonel Jocelyn were both shocked by Qingden.

However, after all, they are ministers and captains of a ship who represent the face of a country. With just a snap of their fingers, they adjusted their emotions and demeanor.


Neil frowned and looked at Qingden without flinching, his sharp gaze seeming to penetrate Qingden's body.

Qingdeng's words can be regarded as half-truth and half-false.

First of all, the shogunate is not that capable of launching constant resistance in Japan.

Qingneng knows very well what kind of character the current shogunate is.

To put it simply, it is the overwhelming majority of the people, as well as himself, Katsurin Taro, Manjiro and other very few capable ministers and officials.

Without these last loyal ministers and good futures to support the shogunate, the shogunate would have collapsed long ago.

To describe it as "Grass Team" is an exaggeration.

If Edo was lost, the shogunate would definitely collapse in an instant.

When the British army attacks, the 80,000-strong Hatamoto cavalry... that is, those Zhishen disciples who are accustomed to living a life of wandering will definitely run away without a trace.

Those who still have the courage to fight will find it difficult to succeed.

After all, war is about money.

The Kanto Plain is one of the few wealthy areas in Japan.

Losing Edo is equivalent to losing the Kanto Plain, and losing the Kanto Plain is equivalent to losing money and food.

Resistance when there is a shortage of money and food must be extremely tragic.

However, Qingdeng told the truth about France's statement.

France has been in contact with the shogunate since several years ago.

With the unfolding of the Age of Discovery, Africa, Australia, America and other places were basically carved up by the great powers, and the Far East became one of the few "pure lands".

All Western countries want to find a "handhold" in the Far East to exert their own influence.

A country with certain strength like Japan can naturally attract the attention of various forces.

Although all kinds of insulting jokes are always circulating on the Internet in later generations, France in the 19th century was indeed not an easy existence to mess with.

France has the strongest army in Europe - at least on the surface.

The shogunate planned to establish a new army and introduce advanced weapons and military systems from the West.

And France, with the strongest army, happened to be able to help the shogunate.

The two sides are extremely complementary, so the shogunate is indeed interested in long-term cooperation with France.

This kind of half-truth and half-false words are the easiest to deceive people.

The birth of the steamship closely connected all parts of the world.

The previous days of "working behind closed doors" can no longer continue.

Therefore, Qingdeng has always paid close attention to the overseas situation, which was the case before going to Luo, and he has maintained this habit since going to Luo.

Relying on its unique geographical advantages, Osaka has always been Japan's transportation center, logistics center, and information center.

For this reason, after arriving in Kyoto, which is very close to Osaka, Aomori worked even harder to collect overseas news and intelligence.

After long-term efforts, he has always had a very clear understanding of the current situation and interest demands of overseas countries.

Britain, which is rampant across the world, is not without its own weaknesses.

As long as Britain's key points are grasped, even a weak shogunate can achieve good results in negotiations - and this is the greatest confidence that Seitou dares to take over this mess.

Qingdeng's rhetoric accurately hit the British side's key point.

He understands very well what the British side wants and what it cannot give up.

First, Britain is very jealous of France's troubles.

Secondly, the United Kingdom is currently using various means to curb the development of Lucia.

The relationship between England and France is frighteningly complicated.

The two sides often formed alliances, but they also had deep blood feuds with each other. They fought twice in the Hundred Years' War alone.

Britain's foreign policy towards the European continent has never changed. It is to act as a troublemaker wholeheartedly, maintain the balance of power in the European continent, and never allow one country to become dominant in the European continent.

When France rises, it pulls other countries such as Lu to attack France.

When the Lu Kingdom rose, they enlisted France and other other countries to attack the Lu Kingdom.

When France rose again, it followed the traditional path and formed an anti-French alliance.

So it goes over and over again.

After going back and forth, it is not difficult to imagine how much the European countries led by France and Lu will hate Britain.

France has always been active in anything that could cause trouble for Britain.

The most typical example is the American War of Independence.

As we all know, the founding father of the United States was not George Washington, but King Louis XVI of France.

Without the selling support of Louis XVI, it is really unknown whether the United States could win the War of Independence.

Once a war breaks out with the shogunate, it will lead to the downfall of France - this is something the British deeply taboo.

Falling into a quagmire of war in the Far East...even the "empire on which the sun never sets" with a strong family background would feel frightened by this.

As for the second one, it is easier to understand.

In the past hundred years, the country of Lucia has been frantically expanding eastward, as if it were full of blood.

Since the mid-18th century, its sphere of influence has touched the Ezo Territory, causing disputes with the shogunate.

During the Cultural Era (1804-1818), several small-scale wars broke out between the two sides, which were known in history as the "Cultural Democracy".

As far as Qingdeng knows, in order to curb the development of Lucia, Britain has been planning to find an "anti-exposure bridgehead" in the Far East.

In the vast Far East, there are few suitable allies.

If the shogunate is offended to death, the shogunate may not only defect to France, but may also defect to the country of Lu. Then the British plan to "contain the country of Lu in the Far East" will inevitably be greatly affected.

At this thought, Neil's brows furrowed more and more.

——No wonder the shogunate sent this young man to clean up the mess...!

Neil couldn't help but raise his eyes and cast a complex look at Qingden that was half unhappy and half admiring.

The young man in front of him not only has wonderful "power", he also has a very clear understanding of the world...at least what Britain needs and wants! He has a very unusual overall view!

It is far beyond the reach of those previous idiots who did not even understand the relationship between Britain and France!

——Tsk...! I thought it was a simple errand, but now it’s really tricky...!

Neil resisted the urge to gasp.

In fact, the existence of France's exposed country is not the factor that makes him feel most anxious now.

What troubled him the most was Qingdeng's harsh words that "at least one-third of the British soldiers will not be able to return to their hometowns."

Even though he was arrogant, after seeing the dragon bone that was cut off with his own eyes, Neil had to agree with this fact: the shogunate is indeed capable of counterattack!

Even one swordsman who can "cut off a ship with one sword" can cause huge trouble to the British army!

If the two sides really go to war, they will really die a lot of people!

Queen Victoria gets the honor, and they, the frontline workers, get death... To be honest, Neil doesn't have such noble sentiments.

After Neil was silent for a while, he said quietly:

"...Your Excellency, we must not remain silent when citizens of the British Empire are being brutalized."

Qingdeng pursed his lips, and a look of thought flashed between his brows.

After a while, he raised the corner of his mouth:

"Then... how about this, both of us take a step back."

"You withdraw the warships from Edo Bay and stop causing trouble to the shogunate."

"As for Satsuma, we will not interfere."

"It's up to you how much compensation you want to charge Satsuma."

"In this way, you can also have an explanation with the country, right?"



Asking for a monthly ticket! Please vote for recommendation! (Leopard head crying.jpg)

Damn it, Leopard's schedule has become messy again... I will return to the daily 6K update rhythm as soon as possible! (Crying leopard head.jpg)

The country of Lucia is Maozi, and Lucia is the transliteration of Russia. In order to fit in with the background of the times, this book has always used this name, so it will not be changed.

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