I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 724 The coup on August 8! The Shinsengumi head south to attack the Tenchu ​​Team! 【8】

Chapter 724 Coup on August 4400th! The Shinsengumi head south to attack the Tenchu ​​Team! 【】

In an instant, the originally silent team building suddenly became bustling with people.

The team members hurriedly jumped out of bed, put on their clothes, and ran towards the No. A training ground, like streams flowing into the sea.

After a while, 10 divisions and 3000 soldiers were all in place.

Once the number of people exceeds a thousand, the scene will be extremely visually impactful, let alone a full 3000 people?

3000 soldiers were arranged in a neat square formation, filling the entire training ground. The scene was so shocking.

The captains headed by Souji were standing directly in front of their respective teams.

Judging from their appearance, they had just left the bed.

Nagakura Shinpachi, Harada Sanosuke and others, who have always been unkempt, all wore a mess of hair like a chicken nest.

Like the team members, they were all ready to go.

Light green feather fabric, chain mail, arm armor, leg armor, forehead protector, all kinds of equipment are not missing.

On the high platform in front of the captains, Qingden had been waiting here early in the morning.

He stood with his head held high, holding Vairocana on his waist, and looked down at the soldiers under the stage.

Toshizo Hijikata, Keisuke Shannan, Isamu Kondo and Hachiro Kiyokawa were on his left and right sides.

At first, the officers and soldiers, including the General Director, Hijikata Toizo and other senior officials, thought this was just a routine "gathering training".

However... Qingdeng's solemn expression and the solemn air that filled the place made them realize that tonight's emergency gathering seemed very unusual!


Suddenly, Qingdeng spoke up.

He took a deep breath, opened his mouth wide, and with the blessing of his talent "Cloud Piercing Stone + 3", he spoke loudly and in a high tone.

"You must have realized this, right? Tonight's emergency gathering is not training!"

As soon as these words came out, even though they had been mentally prepared in advance, the soldiers could not help but be stunned, and the whole place became unobtrusively commotion.

It is not an emergency gathering for training... What this means is already self-evident.

Gudong, Gudong, Gudong, Gudong...

The sounds of swallowing saliva came and went.

The soldiers... especially the recruits who had just joined the army, all looked nervous and excited.

Because Qingdeng was still talking, no one dared to speak up, let alone make too much noise.

After a brief commotion, they gradually calmed down and stared at Qingdeng eagerly.

At this time, Qingdeng's other talent - "Failed Art Student +2" - is activated!

[Note: "Failed Art Students +2": The speech is contagious]

At first glance, there is nothing special about Qingdeng’s tone and tone.

However, there is a kind of magic that makes people can't help but listen to it and listen carefully.

Originally, Qingdeng's words had already shocked the soldiers.

Unexpectedly, his next sentence immediately caused an even larger uproar:

"The Emperor was deceived by villains!"

"The ministers of the Zunbo faction headed by Sanjo Sanimi have turned into a group of heinous traitors."

"They colluded with Changzhou, worked together, and worked together to control the government!"

"Today, the emperor is like a caged bird, imprisoned in the Imperial Palace!"

"His movements were restricted."

"His voice was silenced."

"The 'Yamato Expedition' that will be held soon is a completely despicable conspiracy!"

"The so-called edict that 'the emperor will honor Yamato' is actually a fake edict carefully fabricated by Sanjo Sanimi and others!"

"Everything is just as popular in the market, their purpose is to kidnap the emperor!"

"When the Emperor left Beijing, they took the opportunity to kidnap the Emperor and take him to Changshu. They imitated the old events of the Three Kingdoms and held the Emperor hostage to order the princes and disturb the world!"

"The Zunbang sect's behavior is really intolerable and must be punished!"

"The emperor can no longer tolerate the atrocities committed by the Zunbo faction."

"He has secretly issued a dress edict to us!"

"He asked us to mobilize our troops quickly to expel the faction that controls the government and restore peace to the court!"

"We are not alone!"

"The armies of Aizu and Satsuma will join hands with us!"

"Next, we will rush to the imperial palace immediately! Cooperate with the two armies of Huisa and block the imperial gate together! Expel the rebellious officials and traitors led by Changzhou!"

Speaking of this, Qingdeng waved his hand with great momentum.

"All troops, march out!"

The Zunbo Faction controlled the Emperor, the Emperor secretly issued the Edict on Clothes, and the Shinkaisa Allied Forces blocked the Imperial Gate... These words said by Qingto shocked the soldiers, and they were too much to react to in a short period of time. Come.

After the shock faded, the soldiers gradually showed various expressions.

Some people looked confused.

Some people looked excited.

A few of them...especially Qinghe Hachilang, who admired the imperial court, couldn't even close their mouths, their eyes widened with disbelief.

Although their expressions varied, the subsequent actions of the soldiers were uniform.

The discipline cultivated through arduous training and long-term exposure made the soldiers shout in unison that resounded through the sky the moment Qingdeng finished speaking.

Qingdeng took advantage of the situation and raised his right arm high, pointing his fist to the sky, and shouted in victory:

"Eh! Eh!"

The next breath, the soldiers in the audience waved their arms or stretched their necks and shouted in unison:


Qingden continued:

"Eh! Eh!"

The soldiers shouted again:


"Eh! Eh!"


I repeated this several times.

To be honest, Qingdeng had always thought Sheng Cou was a bit silly.

The soldiers' roars in unison were blameless.

However, the first cry of "Hey! Hey!" made by the general felt like he couldn't poop out, so he shouted "Hey! Hey!" to encourage himself.

As his life experience increased, he belatedly discovered that there was indeed a reason why the victory ceremony could be passed down to this day. It is still an essential ritual after the army goes on an expedition or wins a battle.

The general shouts "Hey! Hey" first, which is equivalent to giving the soldiers time to prepare, thus ensuring that the soldiers can roar neatly at the same time.

Put yourself in their shoes and imagine it - when you are surrounded by a dense military formation, you and your comrades beside you shout in unison, your emotions will inevitably rise!

Sure enough, the atmosphere at the scene, which was a bit dull just now, became high-spirited in the blink of an eye! Morale is at its peak!

Immediately afterwards, each team trotted out of the camp in a specific order and went straight to the imperial palace!

Qingdeng stayed on the high platform, silently watching the soldiers setting off for the battle.

It wasn't until the soldiers were almost gone that he turned around and walked off the platform.

However... at this moment, a soldier dressed as a guard ran straight towards him.

Even though the whole army went out, it was naturally impossible to evacuate the entire camp.

Accountants, blacksmiths and all other non-combatants remained.

Also staying behind were the minimum armed forces represented by the guards.

The guard ran to Qingdeng and was out of breath.

Before he could catch his breath, he said quickly and impatiently:

"Huh...! Huh...! Huh...! Ren, Ren, Nioh-sama! Hurry, hurry up! A sedan chair is coming from outside the camp! It's a sedan chair from Nara!"

Qingdeng suddenly frowned when he heard this word. Also frowning were Hijikata Toshizo, Shannan Keisuke and others beside him.

If there is a express sedan coming here... something big must have happened!

Without thinking about it carefully, Qingdeng immediately said:

"Bring the express sedan in quickly!"


Before they arrived, several strong men dripping with sweat carrying a sedan appeared in front of Qingdeng and others.

The sedan door opened with a bang, and a thin messenger stepped out of the sedan.

Because he came from Nara, the courier was in good spirits, his face looked normal, and he looked like a living person.

Unlike the messenger who ran from Ise last time, when he arrived in Kyoto, he was already like a living dead, with only half his life left.

The messenger rolled around and came to Qingdeng's feet, knelt down on one knee, took out a sealed scroll from his arms, and held it high above his head.

"Nioh-sama, urgent message from Nara!"

Qingdeng nodded slightly, took the scroll, and confirmed the integrity of the seal.

After confirming that it was correct, he tore open the seal and slowly unfolded it.

There wasn't much written in the letter.

Qingdeng wrote ten lines and read them all in a short time.

It stands to reason that letters specially transported by express sedans must contain extremely extraordinary contents.

However, after putting down the scroll in his hand, Qingdeng's face was expressionless, making it difficult to understand what he was thinking.

After a while, he silently handed the scroll in his hand to Hijikata Toizan and others beside him.

After Hijikata Toshizo and others took it, they read it quickly, counting lines at a glance.

Every time their eyes swept over a line of words, a look of astonishment appeared on their cheeks.

Hijikata Toisho looked solemn:

"Tangerine, we..."

Before he finished speaking, Qingdeng intercepted and said:

"There's no rush, we'll discuss it later, now we'll join the Huisa Second Army!"



Kyoto, Imperial Palace—

A series of loud footsteps broke the silence of Kyoto.

Mibu Township, Kinsuke Kokoji Temple, Satsuma Domain Residence...the three armies departed from these three places respectively, passing through various avenues of Kyoto, rushing to the same place - the Imperial Palace located in the north of Kyoto!

The three armies were in their respective positions as planned in advance.

The Satsuma army blocked the north and most of the east of the imperial palace.

The Aizu army blocked most of the west side of the imperial palace.

The Shinsengumi blocked the south, part of the east, and part of the west of the imperial palace.

The three armies were arrayed in front of the gate, in good order and full of energy.

When Qingden arrived at the Imperial Palace, he had already seen the three-leaf sunflower and the Maru Cross fluttering in the wind. (The family crest of the Satsuma Shimazu family. The pattern is a circle with a cross inside)

Later, he found Matsudaira Yongho and Saigo Yoshinosuke.

I saw Matsudaira Rongbao wearing a helmet and armor, a sword hanging on his waist, and a black hat symbolizing the status of a general on his head. He looked like a general coming out of an ancient painting.

The armor he is wearing must be an heirloom passed down from generation to generation in his family.

In comparison, Saigo Kinosuke's outfit is much simpler.

He was not wearing any protective gear, just a black formation hat with a Maru cross on it.

Qingdeng doesn't talk nonsense either.

After meeting his two allies, he said directly and seriously:

"Higo-sama, Saigo-kun, there is an emergency."

With that said, he handed the scroll that the messenger had just sent to the two of them.

Matsudaira Yongho and Saigo Kinosuke took the scroll with puzzled expressions and read it carefully.

Then, just like Hijikata and the others just now, their expressions suddenly changed.


Saigo Yoshinosuke blinked his mouth vigorously.

Matsudaira Yongho murmured:

"Why did the rebellion happen at this exact moment...!"

The content written on the scroll can be summarized simply as follows——

There is a rebellion in Gojo Town!

Just a few hours ago, on the night of August 8, a group of loyalists who called themselves the "Tenchu ​​Group" attacked the Gojo Daikan Office.

After the bloodbath of the agency, they announced the establishment of an "imperial government" with the emperor as the supreme leader, and Gojo Town was designated as a territory directly under the "imperial government".

The Nara who sent the message to Qingto was also a capable person.

From the outbreak of the rebellion to the present, in such a short period of time, he not only found out the specific location of the Tianzhu Group's uprising, but also found out its latest trends.

After leading the uprising, the Tenchu ​​Group issued an appeal to the outside world, calling on all patriots around the world to take action and join them to support the imperial court and overthrow the dark rule of the shogunate.

As of the time of sending the letter, many people in several areas around Gojo Town have responded to their call.

In addition, after capturing Gojo Town, they plundered the local treasury, then turned east, aiming directly at Takatori Castle!

Saigo Kinosuke frowned and said in a deep voice:

"This rebel army has a good eye, and they actually set their sights on Gaotori Castle."

Matsudaira Yongho took over the conversation:

"It's not good... Once Gaotori Castle falls, the rebels will gain a solid stronghold that is difficult to attack!"

Both Saigo Kinosuke and Matsudaira Yoshiho expressed uneasiness about the information that "the Tenchu ​​group led their troops eastward and took the city directly from high ground."

It’s no wonder that the two of them reacted this way.

Takatori Castle - the feudal hall of Takatori Domain.

Speaking of Gaotori City, this is a famous city that attracts worldwide attention and is known to everyone.

There are three main types of castles in Japan: mountain castles, flat mountain castles, and flat castles.

Mountain City - As the name suggests, it is a city built on mountains.

There were no so-called castles during the Heian and Kamakura periods, and samurai groups usually fought by digging trenches or building fortresses around their mansions.

The prototype of the mountain city did not appear until the Northern and Southern Dynasties in the 14th century.

It was not until the Warring States Period in the 5th century that high oars began to be built on the mountain, and then gradually evolved into a strong castle.

Hirayama Castle - a castle built on hills, also known as "hill castle" (50 meters high), was gradually developed after Oda Nobunaga moved from Gifu Castle to Azuchi Castle.

As for the last flat city, it was a city built on flat ground.

After the Warring States Period ended and the peaceful Edo Period entered, the castle became a political center and was no longer used to prepare for battles, so it evolved into the Taira Castle built in the center of Hirano town.

Castles located on the coast, lakeshore, swamps, and river mouths are called water cities or floating cities.

Most of the mountain castles and flat mountain castles are relics from the Warring States Period.

Among them, there are three mountain castles that enjoy the reputation of the "three major mountain castles". They are - Kotori Castle of the Kotori Domain (3 meters), Iwamura Castle of the Iwamura Domain (584 meters), and Bitchu Matsuyama Castle of the Bitchu Matsuyama Domain ( 721 meters).

Gaotori Castle is listed among them... Its defense capabilities and construction level are naturally among the best in the world!

Not to mention anything else, its height alone (584 meters) is enough to deter the attacker!

Qingdeng, who had been silent since just now, suddenly said:

"Higo-sama, Saigo-kun, judging from the current situation, we should adjust our battle plan immediately."

Hearing this, Matsudaira Yongho and Saigo Kinosuke immediately raised their gazes and stared straight at Aomori.

Qingdeng said loudly and word by word:

"The Huisa Second Army continues to blockade the Imperial Palace."

"It's up to you to deal with the Changzhou Army!"

"I will personally lead the Shinsengumi to go south and annihilate the Tenchu ​​Group! Take back the lost territory!"



Asking for a monthly ticket! Please vote for recommendation! (Leopard head crying.jpg)

The Emperor's Imperial Palace has now become a famous tourist attraction. If it were not for the constraints, Bao Baozi would still like to collect materials and take a look at how the geisha perform (Bao Hai.jpg)

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