I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 725: The troops are divided into two places! Take charge of the Yamato battlefield! 【2】

Chapter 725 The troops are divided into two places! Take charge of the Yamato battlefield! 【4400】

The entire Shinsengumi army went south... Hearing this, Matsudaira Yoshiho and Saigo Kinosuke cast surprised glances at Aomori one after another.

Saigo Kinosuke asked in a deep voice:

"Tachibana Military Department, are you planning to go on an expedition...immediately?"

Qingdeng nodded:

"That's right, set off immediately!"

"It is my duty to protect the capital."

"Now that there is a war in Gyeonggi Province again, it is my duty to do so."

"It just so happens that all the soldiers of the Shinsengumi have now left their camps, completed mobilization preparations, and are ready to go."

"As long as you bring enough food and baggage, you can go south immediately!"

There is nothing to criticize in what Qingdeng said.

He was originally the highest military commander in the Gyeonggi region.

Gojo Town is located in the Yamato area, very close to Kyoto, just south of Nara, and can even be said to be right under Aoto's nose.

A group of "rebellion warriors" who came from nowhere attacked the shogunate's territory, openly raised a flag of rebellion, and also committed the atrocity of massacring the agency. It was really reasonable for Aoto to personally lead the Shinsengumi to quell the rebellion.

As soon as Qingden finished speaking, another voice of questioning sounded in front of him.

This time it was Matsudaira Yongho who asked:

"Tachibana Military Department, from what you said, do you plan to bring all the Shinsengumi's troops?"

The Huisa Second Army continues to blockade the Imperial Palace, and it is up to you to deal with the Changzhou Army - these were Qingdeng's exact words.

It is not difficult to tell that Qingdeng is planning to divide two war zones.

The Second Huisa Army with 3000 troops will be responsible for the Kyoto battlefield and expel the Changzhou Army.

The Shinsengumi, which also has 3000 troops, will be solely responsible for the Yamato battlefield and fight against the Tenchu ​​group!

Qingden nodded again.

"That's right, the entire Shinsengumi army is dispatched! Defeat the rebels with thunderous momentum!"

After hearing this, Matsudaira Yongho frowned slightly, and then expressed his doubts:

"Tachibana Military Department, is it necessary to mobilize so many troops?"

As he spoke, he raised the scroll in his hand.

"Judging from the available intelligence, the scale of this rebel force is not large."

"The Shinsengumi has 3000 troops."

"Using 3000 troops to fight against a lonely rebel army would be overkill."

"No matter how fast this rebel army moves, it is impossible to gather a large number of people in a short period of time."

"In my opinion, just sending half of the Shinsengumi's troops will be enough to defeat the rebels!"

As soon as Matsudaira Yongho finished speaking, Qingden replied calmly:

"Do not."

"Higo-sama, I don't think so."

"We are currently very short of information."

"We still don't know much about the specifics of this rebel group."

"We must not underestimate the appeal of 'respecting the king and rejecting the barbarians'."

"Today, there are still many people who have illusions about fighting the foreigners and sympathize with the imperial court and Changzhou."

"Especially in Gyeonggi, where the 'respect for hostility' prevails, there are many such people."

"Therefore, after the rebels issue a call to 'support the imperial court and annihilate the shogunate,' they will have a high probability of receiving widespread response."

"Perhaps at this moment, many people have joined his banner."

"When our troops arrive in Yamato, the rebel forces will increase in strength by who knows how much."

"In addition, it is different from the bandit army that rebelled in Ise before."

"There must be many warriors involved in the rebellion this time."

"You should also know very well that the difference between 'with or without the help of a large number of warriors' is as big as the world."

"Although there are tens of thousands of people in the former group, most of them are farmers and they are just a ragtag group of people."

"The latter may be few in number, but there are many warriors."

"In this way, in terms of comprehensive combat power, the latter may still be higher than the former."

"You can never go wrong if you anticipate the enemy and use it broadly."

"I will never fight a battle without certainty."

Speaking of this, Qingdeng paused and changed into a solemn tone:

"The Emperor's 'Yamato Travel' is coming soon."

"The rebels who call themselves the "Tenchu ​​Group" showed up early and late, and it happened to be that they started to cause trouble at this time."

"And the so-called 'imperial government' was also established, which is obviously prepared!

"Whether they are colluding with Choshu or not is unclear."

"But what is certain is that they are definitely raising troops to support 'Yamato Yukyo'!"

"The rebels' current goal is very clear, which is to capture Takatori Castle and then use it as a stronghold to fight against the shogunate."

"They don't understand the situation here in Kyoto yet."

"Imagine, once they learn that Kyoto has changed and Xin, Hui, and Sa have formed a coalition and are working together to expel Changshu, what will they do?"

"It's impossible for them not to understand that Changzhou is a solid fortress of the Zunbang Sect."

"The expulsion of Choshu from Kyoto is equivalent to the victory of the Samu sect over the Zunbo sect."

"The respect for the king and the rejection of the barbarians that they cherish so much will fall into an unprecedented low ebb."

"In other words, in order to avoid this situation from happening, they will definitely lead their troops northward and work hard to stop us."

"Instead of waiting for them to capture Gaochei City and become bigger and stronger before causing us trouble, it is better to send troops as quickly as possible now to uproot this rebel army!"

Aoshito's words caused a long period of silence and reflection between Matsudaira Yōho and Saigo Kinosuke.

They are all good people, so they naturally understand the stakes involved.

The sudden appearance of this rebel army... From a certain perspective, this can be regarded as one of the consequences of inconvenient information exchange.

In fact, except for people like Aoto and Tokugawa Iemo who were in high positions and were able to obtain information from different channels, many scholars and people...especially those in rural areas did not know that the war in Shimonoseki had been going on for a long time. It's over.

I didn’t even know that Changzhou had been beaten to pieces and beaten badly.

At first glance, it seems ironic.

The "war against the foreigners" that the patriots were concerned about has been completely defeated, but they still don't know it, and they are still dreaming of respecting the king and fighting the foreigners.

They thought Changzhou was still at war with the Western countries.

As long as we understand this point, it is not difficult to understand why until this time, there are still people calling on Lao Shizi to "support the imperial court" and "expel the barbarians", and even raise troops to raise troops for this purpose.

Therefore, it is not impossible for Qingdeng to say that the scene where "the Tenchu ​​team ascends and shouts, and the responders gather" will happen!

In addition, Qingdeng's concerns about Gaotori Castle are not groundless.

Although Gaotori City is one of the few famous cities and is synonymous with "copper wall and iron wall", but... no matter how strong the city is, it still needs a sufficient number of troops to defend it.

There are countless fortifications that claim to be impregnable, but turn out to be vulnerable to a real attack.

Today's Japan is in an era of "big competition".

The shogunate army that once flattened all the princes in the world has fallen to this level.

Gaotori is just a small vassal with average national power, and its military strength... in the words of a high EQ, is lackluster.

No one knows what the current level of the Takatori domain's military is.

Whether they can stop the Tenchu ​​team... This is really a big question mark.

As Matsudaira Yongho said before, if Takatori Castle falls, the rebels will be able to obtain a rear base that is difficult to attack!

By that time, it will not be that easy to put down this rebel army.

While Matsudaira Yoshiho and Saigo Yoshinosuke remained silent, Aomori spoke again:

"The Choshu Army stationed in Kyoto can only hold 2000 people to death."

"The total strength of the Huisa coalition forces exceeded 3000."

"3000 versus 2000, the advantage is on our side!"

"Even without the support of the Shinsengumi, the Huisa coalition alone is enough to suppress Choshu."

"Therefore, dividing the troops and fighting individually is the best solution at the moment."

After hearing this, Matsudaira Yongho and Saigo Yoshinosuke looked at each other.

After a while, the latter was the first to express his opinion:

"I agree with Tachibana's opinion."

"Higo-sama, let's defend the fortress together!"

"The war on Yamato's side can be left to the Tachibana Military Department to let it go!"

Matsudaira Yongho pursed his lips.

Before he could reach it, he raised his eyes, looked at Qingdeng, and said solemnly:

"Orange War Department, I wish you a prosperous military fortune!" Qingdeng smiled slightly:

"Well! I also wish you both good luck in martial arts!"



Ayoto took three steps at a time and ran towards the center of the Shinsengumi's defense - the Sakai-machi Imperial Gate south of the Imperial Palace.

According to the estimation of Qingdeng and others, the terrain in the south is the most open and is most conducive to the deployment of troops, so it is most vulnerable to the fierce attack of the Changzhou Army.

Therefore, Qingdeng deployed the largest number of troops in this direction.

Looking around, 1500 soldiers wearing light green feathers were arranged in an extremely neat square formation. Looking ahead, they were really ready.

"The Shinsengumi obey orders!"

As soon as these words came out, 1500 pairs of eyes followed the sound and looked straight at Qingdeng.

"Switch the marching formation!"

"March to Nara in a line of two!"

"Let's go now!"

The sudden and strange order made all the soldiers present look puzzled and look at each other.

Didn't he say that he wanted to blockade the imperial palace and expel the Zunbo faction represented by Changzhou?

How come you have just arrived at the Imperial Palace and are leaving again?

And why go to Nara?

Although there are layers of doubts weighing in their hearts, under Qingto's careful training, the concepts of "valuing discipline" and "obeying orders" have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the Shinsengumi soldiers.


Following a neat shout, followed by the sound of footsteps, the soldiers present began to run and quickly changed formations.

Within a moment, the "phalanx" turned into a "long dragon", running straight towards Luowei.

At the same time, Seito sent messengers to convey the same order to "march to Nara" to the soldiers stationed in the east and west directions.

Time was tight and I didn't have time to slowly explain the reason to the soldiers.

If you want to go to the Yamato area, Nara is a must-stop.

First go to Nara to sort out the luggage and collect intelligence.

When ready, continue marching south to wipe out the rebels.

The above is Qingdeng’s strategic plan.

After the Shinsengumi left, under the command of Matsudaira Yoshiho and Saigo Kinosuke, the Hoisa Second Army quickly filled the gap left by the Shinsengumi's departure.

The Aizu army blocked the entire west side of the Imperial Palace.

The Satsuma army, which had the largest number of troops, blocked the north and east sides of the imperial palace.

As for the south side of the Imperial Palace, the two armies will jointly defend it.

Although there was an uncontrollable accident (the Tenchu-gumi rebellion) that prevented the Shinsengumi from participating in this operation, their operational goal - to blockade the imperial palace - was successfully achieved.

Facts have proved that the whole world is just a big grass-top team.

Even large, powerful organizations make mistakes.

In other words - the larger and more sophisticated an organization is, the more likely it is to make seemingly low-level, ridiculous mistakes.

The three armies of the Shinsengumi, Aizu Army and Satsuma Army, with a total of 6000 troops, were moving back and forth in Kyoto, causing such a big commotion that the ministers of Choshu and the Zunbo faction were not aware of it!

They were still under the covers.

They were still immersed in sleep.

They thought tonight was just an ordinary night.

When you open your eyes, the scene in front of you will be the same as before.

Little did they know...when they woke up, the world had changed drastically.



early morning--

Kyoto, somewhere——

With her face whitened and her teeth stained black, Sanjo Sanmei, dressed in gorgeous clothes, bent over and got into the gorgeous sedan.

Immediately afterwards, he felt a strange sense of weightlessness - the bearers worked together to lift the sedan, supported the body of the sedan, and staggered to the imperial palace.


Now that no one could hear his voice, Sanjo Sanimi let out a sigh of relief.

Even if he applied a thick layer of white powder, it could not cover up the thick black lines between his cheeks.

To be honest, he has been in a bad mood recently.

damn it! How did the country become like this!

Although the recent "Chaomu Talks" ended in a funny ending, it succeeded in advancing the process of the movement to respect the rebels and forced the shogunate to make the decision to "start resisting the barbarians on May 5."

He originally thought that Changzhou could defeat the Western barbarians on the battlefield of Xiaguan and fire the first shot of the war against the barbarians.

But I never imagined... Changzhou would be so useless!

As a vassal state that dominates the Western Kingdom, it can't even deal with the mere states of America and France!

--snort! This is all because the shogunate and other feudal states stood idly by!

Sanjo Sanimi thought to herself, gritting her teeth in hatred.

He never believed that the dignified God would be helpless against the barbaric Western barbarians.

This is all because the shogunate and other vassal states only want to protect themselves!

If we are united and united, why worry about the immortality of the Western Barbarians?

——Forget it!

Sanjo Sanimi snorted coldly.

——When the emperor is kidnapped to Choshu, he can issue edicts as he pleases.

——In the face of the edicts flying like snowflakes, no matter how much they want to shrink back, the shogunate and the feudal lords have no choice but to do it!

——By then, everything will be fine!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

However, at this moment, the sedan that was moving forward suddenly stopped.

--what happened? Have you arrived at the Imperial Palace?

Sanjo Sanimi blinked blankly, then frowned.


He walked this section of the road from his home to the imperial palace thousands of times.

At this time, there should be still some distance from the Imperial Palace.

"What's going on? Why don't you leave?"

Although he was confused, he still maintained the "demeanor" of a public minister, raising his voice and asking questions in a eunuch-like voice.


A horrified response sounded outside the sedan.

"The situation is wrong! There are many troops outside the Imperial Palace!"

After Sanjou Sanimi heard this, his pupils suddenly shrank to the size of pinholes.

He didn't bother asking the waiter to open the door for him.

He hurriedly opened the sedan door and slipped out with a gurgling sound.

Looking up, I saw that outside the Royal Gate, which was usually quiet, felt very "lively".

Hundreds of heavily armed generals formed a thick human wall and firmly sealed the imperial gate.

Among the array, two large flags - the "Aizu Mitsuba" symbolizing Aizu and the "Maru Cross" symbolizing Satsuma - fluttered in the wind.

"You bunch of rebellious officials and traitors! Listen to me!"

Sanjo Sanemi followed the voice and went there.

I saw Matsudaira Yongho holding high the imperial edict secretly issued to him by the emperor and continuing:

"We have received your Majesty's decree!"

"We will expel all the Zunbang faction who control the imperial court! No one will be left alive!"

"The letter in my hand is your Majesty's Chen Han!"

"You will leave quickly!"

"Otherwise, we will have to fight each other!"

Every time Matsudaira Yongho said something, Sanjo Sanmi's face became paler - even though his face was already quite white.

At this time, Sanjo Sanemi suddenly heard a strange noise coming from behind.

Turning around to look - it was another army.

However, the flag flown by this army is the flag of Changzhou!

The Changzhou Army is coming!



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