I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 75 Young king, this is your stage!

Chapter 75 Young king, this is your stage!

"what happened?!"

"There is an enemy attack! There is an enemy attack!"

"How many incoming enemies are there?!"

"No, I don't know! It's too dark! I can't see clearly!"

"There are also from behind! There are also people wearing red feathers coming from behind!"

"There are enemies to the east and west!"

"We are surrounded!"


The camp was in chaos at this moment.

Hundreds of enemies launched a night attack on them - this kind of thing was beyond everyone's expectations and imagination.

Shouting "Get rid of the barbarians"... It is already obvious who the attacking group are.

In the camp, the guards in charge of defending Anthony and the others... including the small room in charge of them, all panicked.

They stood there at a loss, staring blankly at the "people with lofty ideals" who came from all directions.

Hundreds of warriors came towards them from all directions... Where had they seen such a posture?

Since the establishment of the Edo Shogunate, although peasant rebellions have often occurred in this country, it has generally maintained basic peace.

It has been in peace for nearly 300 years... The warriors of this country have long forgotten what "war" and "blood and fire" are.

Even though Komuro and the others are considered to be the best among the warriors in terms of status and skills, they, who have never heard of war, still couldn't help being stunned after seeing the "red ocean" attacking from all directions. yes, stay...

After all, the small room that can be selected as the "chief guard" still has a few brushes.

He became the first one to come back to his senses among the guards.

Xiaoshi is the kind of person who is prone to sweating. At this moment, because of his anxiety and panic, sweat gushes out from all over Xiaoshi's body like a fountain, and even wets his undershirt.

"Monsieur Angouleme! Monsieur Angouleme!"

Xiao Shi quickly drew his knife in his hand, and ran to the tent where Anthony lived not far from him.

Although the current state of mind is extremely flustered, Xiaoshi has not forgotten his duty of "protecting Anthony and Elodie".

Anthony had been resting in his tent just now. After hearing the sudden gunshots, he immediately jumped up from the bed in horror, put on a few clothes indiscriminately, and rushed out of the tent.

Just after leaving the tent, there were angry howls, footsteps, terrified screams... All kinds of sounds gathered into waves and rushed towards Anthony.

After Antony rushed out of the camp, he happened to bump into the small room that came looking for him.

"Monsieur Angoulême!" Xiao Shi shouted, "Ride your horse and get out of here! We will kill you!"

Anthony, who hadn't completely recovered from the sudden change in front of him, his face was as pale as his beard and hair.

After hearing the roar of the small room, Anthony's "soul" finally returned to its original position.

After recovering, the first words Anthony yelled were——

"Where's Elodie?! Where's Elodie?! (French)"

Due to his anxiety, Anthony subconsciously called out his mother tongue.



After Suehiro's gunshot startled the flying birds, a loud "Banyi" exploded immediately after the gunshot, and the "red ocean" burst out from all directions outside the camp... The original silence of the camp was overthrown. Completely crushed.

The camp, which was originally extremely peaceful, was instantly filled with murderous aura because of the sudden changes that occurred one after another.

Qingdeng and his party are now at the southernmost point of the camp.

And the south... because of the terrain, location and other reasons, it happened to be the direction where the people from the Yi group attacked first!
After Suehiro's gunshot announcing "the start of the battle" sounded, Saito, who had been sitting on a big rock like a statue, immediately bounced off the rock, and ran to Qingdeng's side with a solemn face .

"Heavenly punishment! Heavenly punishment!"

"Get rid of the barbarians-! Get rid of the barbarians--! Get rid of the barbarians--!"


The first group of barbarians who rushed into the camp from the south roared and rushed towards Qingdeng and the others.

Their anti-barbarian group pursues the most radical policy of anti-barbarians.

Not only should all the Yidi who set foot on the land of their country be killed, those who assist the Yidi, work for the Yidi, and speak well of the Yidi are all the scum of their nation and should be killed too!

Therefore, the action of the barbarian group tonight is not just to kill the barbarians headed by Anthony.

Those who work for Anthony and the others in the camp and serve as bodyguards for Anthony and the others are also one of their goals tonight!

After seeing Qingdeng and Saito, they naturally believed that Qing and Saito were the guards of Anthony and Alodi.

So... one after another, the gleaming blades approached Qing and Zhai mercilessly!

Maybe it's because Qingdeng has already experienced several bloody battles, Qingdeng's current psychological quality has made great progress compared to the time when he first crossed.

After hearing the gunshots and the "rejecting barbarians" one after another, Qing Deng was also stunned in astonishment.

But when the red "ocean" was about to pour into the camp, Qingdeng's soul returned to the body in time, and regained control of the body.

——The people of the "Barbarian Sect"... When did such a large-scale "Barbarian Sect" group appear around Edo...

——This amount... was prepared.

——East, west, south, north... there are at least 6 directions, and there are a lot of footsteps... Did you surround this place from 6 directions...

Hundreds of "anti-barbarians" attacked them...Qingdeng didn't think that he had the "status" in the eyes of the "radical anti-barbarians" that required such a large-scale combat force to encircle and suppress them.

Since the target is not Qingdeng... then it is already obvious who the main target is.

Qingdeng turned his head and glanced at Elodie who was standing beside him now.

Elodie's reaction...was quite calm.

Because she has been frightened silly.

Her face was pale, her red lips were slightly parted, her absent-minded eyes seemed to be out of focus, and her eyes seemed to be looking at both the distance and the near.

The maid Leroy, who had been accompanying her all the time, was in the same state as Elodie at this moment—frightened by the sudden attack in front of her, she froze in place, as if she didn't know how to move her hands and feet up.

At this time! Two tall Gao guys rushed into the southern part of the camp first. They were like a crab's pincers on the left and right, "grabbing" towards Qingdeng and his group!

Facing the two tall men who were killing them, Qingdeng cut his eyes across the two from left to right.

The right hand follows the horizontal movement of the eyes, and then draws the saber at the waist horizontally from left to right.

Saito, who had been closely guarding Qingdeng's left side, also drew his waist knife at the same time.

All of a sudden, the two Gao guys had already reached the front of Qing and Zhai, and raised their knives, ready to close their "pincers".

Saito moved.

Relying on his advantages of height and arm length, he launched a surprise attack as fast as thunder. Before one of the knives was completely slashed, he attacked first, smashed his throat, and abolished this "plier." "One of the claws, and then turned back to catch the knife swung by the other person.

The knife was blocked by Saito... The empty door was completely opened.

Qingdeng took aim at this gap, quickly pressed his center of gravity, swung the knife in his palm horizontally, cut open the man's belly, and worked together with Saito to cripple the other claw of the "pliers".

"Back up!"

Qingdeng aimed the knife at the ground and swung it vigorously, while shaking off the remaining blood on the knife, he turned his head and shouted to Elodie and Leroy who were just a short distance away from him:
"Go and join Xiaoshi and the others!"

Qingdeng hadn't had any communication with Leroy before, so he didn't know if the waitress could understand Japanese.

But whether she understands Japanese or not, she always has ears.

Hearing Qing Deng's roar, Leroy finally woke up like a dream.

Leroy's lips and cheeks were still frighteningly white, but she quickly performed the duties of a maid—she quickly put her arms around Alodie, and then hugged Alodie toward the back and toward Run to the center of the camp with the largest number of guards.

After letting Alodi and Leroy leave quickly, Qingdeng raised his head, preparing to let Saito retreat with him, and go to the central room of the camp to wait for the others.

But at this moment, Qingdeng's body suddenly stopped.

Immediately afterwards, Qingdeng quickly turned his head and looked at Saito: "Saito! There are 3 enemies approaching from the rear right!"

Hearing Qingdeng's shout, Saito, who had been paying attention to the mighty army in front of him that was about to rush into the camp, was startled, and then quickly looked to his right and rear—as expected There were 3 enemies who touched his left rear at some unknown time.

At this time and place, it was too noisy. The deafening call signs, footsteps and other noises only made Saito's senses dull, and he didn't notice the three enemies behind him on the left at the first time.

These three people originally wanted to sneakily attack Qing and Zhai from the rear.

Now that they realized that they had been discovered by Qing and Zhai, they quickly "shrunk" back and retreated quickly.

"...Thank you." Saito turned his head and thanked Qingdeng softly for helping him discover the enemy in advance.

But who knows——after turning his gaze to Qingdeng, Saito saw in astonishment: Qingdeng was raising his left hand at this moment, tightly covering his eyes.

"Hello!" Saito, who was startled by this scene, immediately sank, "Are your eyes hurt?"

"...I'm fine." Qing Deng slowly let go of his left hand that was covering his eyes, with a stunned expression.

He blinked hard a few times.

"I don't know why... my vision... has been weird since just now..."

"...Vision?" Saito frowned puzzled.



At this moment-

In a small forest not far from the camp——

This small forest is the temporary camp of Suehiro and others.

Their luggage was placed in this small forest.

The statue of King Nioh, who Suehiro worships twice a day, is respectfully placed on a large flat stone.

The falling snowflakes have already wrapped this statue of King Ni in a layer of white clothes.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blows.

The strong gust of wind blew away the snowflakes that had not yet landed, and swept away the white clothes on the statue of King Ni.


The moment the wind blew, there was a crackling sound as thin as a mosquito's moan.

Witnessed by the wind and snow, this statue of King Ni who looked down on the mortal world had a small scratch on its head!

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This book will be on the shelves at noon tomorrow, with a guarantee of 1+ updates.

Tomorrow morning at 10:12, the "Testimonials on the Shelf" will be released, and at about 01:[-], the VIP chapter will be released.

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It's a coincidence.When the last book was released, the plot happened to advance to the protagonist's first battle and battle of fame: "Slaying Hundreds of Shura".

And now this work, just when it was on the shelves, the plot has advanced to the protagonist's first battle and fame battle.

All in all, tomorrow I hope everyone can watch the first climax of this book as soon as possible——

King Ren breaks the battle song!
Do please look forward to.

(End of this chapter)

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