I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 76 [Testimonials] Bushido is a piece of shit

Chapter 76 [Testimonial on the shelf] Bushido is a pile of shit
Time is really a flick of a finger, so soon came the time when the book was on the shelves.

What do you want to say in your testimonial?

The author Jun thought about it, but he didn't come up with any interesting words.

Let me simply tell you the reason why the author wrote this novel.

The reason why I want to write this novel is very simple-to pay tribute to the masterpiece "Seppuku" which happened to be released this year, which happened to be 60 years old, and which directly changed my perception of the visual art of "movie".

"Harakiri" was released in 1962, directed by the master: Kobayashi Masaki.

Who is Kobayashi Masaki?

Along with Akira Kurosawa, Kun Ichikawa and Keisuke Kinoshita, the "Four Horsemen of Japanese Cinema" is one of the most prestigious directors in Asia.

Borrowing from Zhihu’s answer master [Disciple]’s article on Zhihu: “Douban 9.2, why is this masterpiece not allowed to be broadcast in Japan? The evaluation of Masaki Kobayashi in "Masaki Kobayashi's most charismatic is the courage to use national elements and social predictions to reflectively criticize Japan's imperialism and totalitarian system."

Masaki Kobayashi has shot a large number of profound and classic works in his life - "Harakiri" is one of them.

Regarding the general plot of the movie "Seppuku", the author will not go into details here. Only by watching it with your own eyes can you feel how shocking this movie is.

If you really don't want to watch the original film, you can also go to station B to watch the video analysis of the UP master [Muyu Shuixin], and just search for "Muyu Shuixin harakiri" at station B.

After watching this movie throughout, it gives people the feeling of "quiet".

The storyboard is very quiet, there has been no violent camera shake or high-speed camera switching.

The picture is very quiet, and the scenery in the film always gives people a very empty and quiet feeling.

The lines are very quiet. Most of the characters in the film speak in a very calm tone, and there are very few roars that make people's ears hurt.

But it is such a quiet movie that tells a story that makes people feel like thunder is roaring in their ears.

Masaki Kobayashi deeply criticizes and ridicules how cruel, disgusting, and disgusting the so-called Bushido is in this movie through exquisite narration, and how are those so-called noble warriors who have always talked about Bushido. He is so hypocritical that when he asks others to do seppuku, he speaks eloquently and is high-spirited, but when it is his turn to cut his own belly, he is afraid of dying, so he hides at home and dare not come out.

The author remembers very clearly that the first time I saw this movie was when I was just in college.

The author didn't like watching movies very much until he started writing novels in his sophomore year, and he didn't read many movies. He only watched some popcorn blockbusters like "Transformers" and "Avengers".

Can you imagine how shocked a person who has only watched popcorn movies before, when he saw this movie by chance?

When I finished watching this "Seppuku", the author was shocked and speechless.

Can a movie still do that? !
Not to mention special effects, there are not many big scenes. After the whole movie, there are only a few scenes switching back and forth.

It's obviously a black and white movie, with neither special effects nor big scenes, but I just feel that the picture is too good-looking.

The story told is not complicated and grand, neither accomplishing any grand mission nor saving the world.

There are no such messy things as the big bear and the beautiful girl.

Obviously it's just a movie that tells such a simple story, but it doesn't feel procrastinated or boring after watching the whole story. After watching it, people just want to watch this movie a few more times.

The movie "Seppuku" really directly changed the author's understanding of the art of "movie".

And this movie has also become an opportunity for the author to start a lot of works on swords and halberds.

And there is another very important reason why "Harukiri" shocked the author so much: the values ​​conveyed in the movie resonated with the author.

The author likes the lights and shadows of swords and halberds in his works.

But I hate the so-called bushido, I always think - the so-called bushido, is a piece of shit.

To be precise, I hate all feudal ethics that "eat people".

I believe that old readers who have followed from the previous "Swordsman" should be able to understand the author's attitude towards the so-called Bushido-Ogata Yishi cut down an unknown number of maddened Bushido lunatics.In "Swordsman", I never spared my pen and ink to describe how those samurai who always talk about Bushido "eat people" and "be eaten".

Out of respect for this great work that directly changed my "view of movies" and aesthetics, as early as last year, the author has decided to open another "Jianghao" in early 2022 when "Jianhao" ends. Halberd-themed novels.

A sword halberd novel that pays tribute to "Harakiri" and its director Masaki Kobayashi, which will be released in 2022, which happens to be the 60th anniversary.

Because it is a tribute to "Haruki" and Kobayashi Masaki's work, the concept of this work will be exactly the same as "Haruki".

[Criticize and ridicule the hypocritical, cruel and disgusting Bushido to the fullest]

Let all book lovers see what the so-called Bushido is all about, and how this kind of shit destroys people to a level that is both hateful and pathetic.

In Chapter 43 "Bushido is a Pile of Shit", the plot of "Tojo Going Crazy", and in Chapter 58 "The Barbarian Group" Kanno forced his subordinates to perform seppuku on the grounds of promoting the spirit of Bushido, and had to wait until the subordinates completed "one When he introduced the wrong plot to him, the author felt a sense of exhilaration that the shit that he had been holding back for an hour had finally come out.

It's so cool to ridicule Bushido!
Those book lovers who want to watch plots such as "Qingdeng leads Japan to prosperity" can leave, there is no such thing in this book.

This is why I set the background of this new sword and halberd novel at the end of the curtain.

Because the end of the Bakumaku was a troubled time when the age of the samurai was coming to an end.

In this chaotic world where the samurai class is about to collapse, the samurai who usually stand high and show off their might show their ugliness.

If you want to ridicule bushido to your heart's content, it is most appropriate to choose this era when the samurai class is about to be swept into the dustbin of history.

By the way, I can also ridicule the end of the Tokugawa era. Regarding the end of the Tokugawa era in Japan, the author also has quite a lot to criticize.

Although the previous "Swordsman" also criticized the so-called Bushido, the amount was not too much. Generally speaking, "Swordsman" is a relatively pure "fantasy adventure story".

And this "Swordsman Group" adopts a completely different conception, so the overall story atmosphere will be very different from "Fantasy Adventure Story" such as "Swordsman".

Is there a way for me to write this "Swordsman Group" that has a completely different concept from the previous work?
do not know.

But I am willing to do my best to write the story of "Nioh" Tachibana after "Sura" Ogata Yishi.

Ah, by the way—since the book was published, there have been a lot of flies labeling me all kinds of strange hats in the book review area.

For these people and these comments, I have permanently sealed and deleted all posts without exception.

Because these people are so annoying, they didn't even read the content of the novel, so they gave me these big hats that didn't exist.

Anyone who has read a little bit of the content of this book so far knows that these big hats are completely blatantly slandering me.

This kind of flies that don't even read the content of the novel just go around there and have no respect for me. Of course, I have no reason to let them continue to "buzz and buzz" there.

One of Japan’s cultural business cards that I pick up a pen to fight, criticize, and mock: what kind of rare words are Bushido people?
This posting testimonial seems to be a bit long, so let’s stop here, anyway, there are still opportunities to write testimonials.

I will accompany "Nioh" Tachibana Tachibana through his journey.

I hope that you, who are reading this text, can also accompany me through the journey of "Nioh", which will be quite long.

It will be officially launched at 12:01 noon today.

To be honest, when I decided to write this work, the author had a lot of psychological pressure, because the author expected that after the book was opened, there would definitely be a lot of people who didn’t even read the content of the book. There was a lot of barking in the comments section of this book.

Although I have been mentally prepared, I still feel very depressed after seeing the big hats these flies put on me.

For the first order, the author does not have too many expectations, everyone can support as much as possible.

Those book lovers who have to go to the pirated version for various reasons also hope to pay 1 cents and subscribe to the first VIP chapter of the book before leaving.

Your small support can bring great comfort to the author's heart—there are still many friendly people willing to support this book. The subject matter I wrote under great psychological pressure is extremely small, and it is destined not to be popular. , It is also extremely easy to attract some flies to slander works for no reason.

I would like to express my deepest thanks to all readers who are willing to support me and this book!



gargling dream

Nov. 2022, 5

(End of this chapter)

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