I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 78 King, stand in front of the formation! [Seeking the first order! 】

Chapter 78 King, stand in front of the formation! [Seeking the first order! ] (Burst update 1W)

Not far to the north of Anthony and others, 11 members of the anti-barbarian team squatted on the snow, holding matchlock guns, and launched a salvo at Anthony and others who were fleeing.

In order for tonight's operation to end with the most satisfactory ending, they specially obtained 12 arquebus guns that were said to be produced by the Mito clan and could launch long-range attacks.

One of them was in Suehiro's hand and Suehiro used it as a starting gun.

The other 11 guns were handed over to the team members who had been shooting for a period of time.

Matchlock guns, an old-fashioned weapon that has been outdated for more than 200 years, are naturally extremely poor in shooting accuracy and shooting speed.

When a shot is fired, whether the bullet hits the target depends entirely on luck.

If more than a hundred matchlock guns can be assembled, and the musketeers line up in a tight formation and shoot together, then the power and accuracy can be considered considerable.

But the Kobari group only had 11 matchlock guns... Therefore, to be honest, Suehiro and the others did not hope that the batch of matchlock guns they had worked so hard to get would be of any great effect.

It would be best to be able to hit Anthony and the others and kill them directly.

If it doesn't hit...that's okay, it's fine to use it to boost your momentum.

Eleven scorching bullets roared towards Anthony and his party who were running towards the horses.

The hit rate of the matchlock gun really lived up to expectations—most of the projectiles either stuck into the snow or flew to nowhere, and no one was hit.

However—unintentionally planting willows and willows into shade.

A projectile flew out of nowhere, and hit a horse that Xiaoshi's subordinates had brought with great effort!

Recovery recovery recovery recovery recovery -! !

The shot horse roared in agony.

The two guards who were dragging the horse were thrown to the ground by the mad horse because of the unexpected turn of events.

The projectile hit the horse's vitals. The horse screamed in pain while thumping its hooves. After a while, it fell on its side on the ground, its hooves twitching. Moved.

None of these horses were battle horses.

None of them have heard gunshots, and have not been baptized by gunshots.

The three horses dragged by Xiaoshi's subordinates were already extremely unstable mentally, but now one fell down, and the other two were also shocked by the gunshots fired at close range, and they were completely frightened at this time up.

The two horses that were still alive raised their two front hooves high and uttered shrill horns.

The guards who dragged the two horses held them desperately, trying to calm them down.

But in terms of strength, after all, people can't fight this kind of horse that can be used to pull carts and is still in a state of madness.

The two horses successfully flung away the guards who pulled it, and fled into the distance with all four hooves.

"What are you all doing?!" Looking at the two fleeing horses, Xiaoshi roared angrily at the subordinates who failed to hold the horses.

The horse that was used to send Anthony and the others to escape was gone... Now Xiaoshi only felt his fingertips and toes became icy cold, and a huge amount of sweat dripped from his face.

Anthony also felt like falling into a cold lake.

The horses are gone... No one else needs to explain to Anthony what this means.

Compared to Anthony and the others who fell into an ice cave, the Yi group saw that the horses that Anthony and the others used to escape were gone, and their morale rose sharply.

There is a very clear division of labor between Suehiro, who is fully in charge of tonight's operation, and Yamada, who is Suehiro's deputy.

After the operation started, Suehiro took a reserve team of 20 people and stayed in the "main formation", ready to take the reserve team to the top in case of any emergency.

Yamada was in charge of personally leading the attack and served as the "frontline commander in chief".

Yamada is now not far from the south side of Anthony and others.

Seeing that one of the three horses died and two escaped, Yamada immediately waved the sword in his hand excitedly.

"The Yi Di's horses are gone! They are now unable to fly!"

"Come on! Yi Di is right there! Quickly take the heads of Yi Di and the scum who worked for Yi Di!"

The blood-red "ocean" became even more imposing.

Xiaoshi hurriedly turned his head and looked around him.

No matter which direction you look, you can only see the blood-red feathers flying.

Xiaoshi gritted his teeth with such force that he seemed to crush his teeth, and then raised the knife in his hand:

"Everyone! Come here! Let's kill!"

In the chaos when the barbarian group invaded the camp, many Xiaoshi's subordinates had already died in the chaos.

The subordinates who are currently staying with Komuro... there are only 28 people left in total.

After hearing Xiaoshi's call sign, the remaining 28 people hurriedly surrounded Xiaoshi as if they had found the backbone.

Forcibly fighting a bloody path - this is the last way Xiaoshi can think of.

Xiaoshi directed his subordinates to form a cone-shaped formation, protecting Anthony and Elodie at the center of the "cone", and he himself acted as the sharp point of the "cone", leading the "cone" towards the The west side, which seems to have the least number of enemies, rushes forward!

Saito also joins the fight.

Saito can clearly see that - he and Qingdeng, Anthony, Xiaoshi and the others are now completely indifferent.

Working together with Xiaoshi and the others, there is still a chance to break out of the siege and win a chance!
The number of enemies approaching [-] stormed over... Saito could no longer be distracted from protecting Qingdeng's safety in a melee of this level.

In order to be able to concentrate on killing the enemy, Saito warned Qingdeng, Anthony, and Elodie to stay in the safest center of the "cone" in a very serious tone. "Among them.

Anthony and Osaka Joyo have a very good friendship. It is impossible for Osaka Joyo to send some useless wine bags and rice bags to protect his friends.

Regardless of the friendship between each other, Anthony and Elodi's identities as Frenchmen made Osaka Joyo dare not send some trash to escort Anthony and the others to Edo.

Komuro and the others, who were sent by the Osaka Castle to act as Anthony's guards, are all the first-class elites of the Osaka Prefecture.

Although Xiaoshi looks fat and white, he is actually a famous family: a master of the Wunian style of the Shinto, and a master of the Wunian style of the Shinto.

Although the body is fat, but the skill is exceptionally flexible.

The Shinto Wunian style focuses on the practicality of fighting and the momentum and power to overwhelm the opponent.

"Strength" - this is the most prominent feature of the Shinto No Mind Flow.

I saw Xiaoshi swinging his saber like a wheel.

Every time the sword flashes, an enemy will be killed.

Saito, who joined the "Conical Peak" and is the recipient of the universal pass of the No Outflow Exemption, is also fighting the enemy bravely.

"Leroy!" Anthony, whose whites were bloodshot, suddenly shouted at Leroy, "Did you see Kiryu?! Did you see where he is?! As long as Kiryu You can win here! As long as Kiryu is here, you can win! Such a small number of enemies are nothing to that monster Kiryu! (French)”

After asking Leroy so loudly, Anthony raised his head and looked around, eyes wide open, looking for Kiryu's figure.

Leroy: "Kiryu? (French)"

As long as Kiryu is here, can he win?

What is the use of that old guy who is at least 90 years old and nearly 30 years older than her master?

Leroy didn't understand what Anthony said just now.

But she still responded to Anthony quickly and honestly:
"No!" Leroy shook his head vigorously, "Miss and I didn't see Kazuma Kiryu just now! (French)"

"Tsk! Damn! Damn! Where did he go?! (French)"

While frantically spewing all kinds of dirty words in his mother tongue, Anthony handed Alodi in his arms to Leroy beside him, and after letting Leroy protect Alodi, he hurriedly got out of the interlayer of his clothes He took out a brand new pistol with a shiny metallic luster.

Colt of the United States has recently developed a new revolver: the 0.44-inch M1847 revolver.

This pistol was always carried by Anthony, and it was specially used for self-defense.

Anthony clenched the pistol with both hands, and aimed at an opponent not far away who was taller and more suitable as a target.

Anthony tried to rely on his small pistol to support the small room and them.

However...his marksmanship is really bad.

After firing 4 bullets in a row, he finally hit the most conspicuous enemy.

However, although Anthony's marksmanship is poor, the pistol in his hand can also create momentum for Xiaoshi and the others, and give the enemy a lot of shock.

With Saito and Komuro leading the fight, "Cone" broke through several lines of defense on the west side in one go.

However... the advancement of the "cone" ends here...

The guards who were sent to escort Anthony and the others to Edo, although they are all warriors who can stand up to ten...but they have little fighting spirit now...

Most of them... No, it should be said that all of them secretly decided that this escort mission was just a "public travel" with no difficulty and no danger at the same time.

There has never been a precedent for the "anti-barbarian faction" to attack foreigners with a large number of samurai guards. The so-called "anti-barbarians" are just a group of stragglers who do not have a good reputation-this kind of thinking has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Because they all felt that this escort mission was absolutely safe, they did not make relevant psychological preparations at all. Therefore, in the face of this unexpected enemy attack at this time and the densely packed enemies in front of them, their fighting spirit and morale were greatly reduced. ... can only be described as apathetic.

Feeling flustered, [-]% of his strength may be at most only [-]%.

Whether Saito or Komuro, no matter how they can fight, they all have only one head, two hands, and two feet. Their strength is not strong enough to even out the huge difference in numbers by relying on their individual strength difference .

After a while, under the attack of the crowd of barbarians, Saito and Komuro, who were no match for two fists and four hands, were gradually blocked.

Under the onslaught of the barbarian group, the original "conical" formation was gradually compressed into an oval shape.

Saito and Komuro, who could no longer make breakthroughs in offense, had to switch from offense to defense.

Their line of defense... is frighteningly thin, after all, their numbers are at an absolute disadvantage.

Unable to break through this dense "blood-red ocean", they had to switch from defense to offense, which made Xiaoshi's already sluggish fighting spirit and morale even more sluggish.

As for the barbarian group...their morale and fighting spirit fluctuated one after the other.

They launched an attack even more frantically, compressing the already weak line of defense of Xiao Shi and others.

Saito, Komuro, and the others relied on their superior skills to barely maintain their part of the defense line from retreating.

But other people don't have the ability of Saito and Komuro to keep the defense line from retreating...

One by one the guards were knocked down and killed because they were outnumbered.

The defense lines in other places retreated, and Saito, Komuro and the others had to retreat along with them...

The "oval" defensive formation was squeezed smaller and smaller...

The members of the anti-barbarian group were getting closer and closer to Anthony, Elodie and others who were guarded by everyone in the center of the "oval".

Anthony and the others could even clearly see those ferocious facial features.

The psychological defense of a certain guard seemed to have completely collapsed.

Facing the seemingly endless enemies in front of him, a certain guard with trembling lips lowered the knife that was originally placed in front of him.

"wait for me……"

He wanted to beg for surrender from the members of the barbarian group in front of him.

He wanted to tell the people in blood-red feathers in front of him: he was only ordered to protect Anthony and the others, he was not Yidi, and he wanted to ask these people in front of him to give him a way out.

However... He only had time to open his mouth, and before he could even utter a complete sentence, a member of the barbarian team in front of him rushed forward with the knife in his hand.

The guard who lowered his saber didn't have time to defend or dodge.

So... his chest was pierced in half.

The guard hadn't even uttered a complete sentence of begging for mercy, and the rest of his unspoken words turned into the sound of vomiting blood.

After vomiting out big handfuls of blood, the guard slowly fell to the ground, lifeless...

The barbarian group didn't think about what prisoners to take or whose life to spare tonight.

Because their original plan was to kill all the "national scum" who worked for the barbarians!
In order to be able to see Anthony's movements clearly, Yamada, who is in charge of the frontline command, is standing on a large rock about 20 centimeters high, looking at Komuro's line of defense that is constantly being compressed.

Looking at the current battle situation where their barbarian team has completely gained the upper hand, Yamada triumphantly shouted in his heart so excitedly:


Before the war, Yamada was still worried about whether there would be any unforeseen circumstances that were difficult to deal with.

For example: the barbarians headed by Anthony could not be found.

Another example: Anthony and the others successfully escaped on horseback, but they failed to catch up with them.

But now it seems that none of the unexpected situations that Yamada worried about before the start of the war have happened.

The smooth action made Yamada smile in relief.

And at this moment, Suehiro was the one showing a relieved smile.

Suehiro still stayed on that high slope.

This high slope is tentatively regarded as the "main formation" of their action tonight by the barbarians.

Under the high slope, there are 20 extermination team members who did not follow Yamada into the camp—these 20 people were specially left here by Suehiro and led by him, ready to deal with some emergencies at any time The "reserve".

Suehiro's eyesight has always been good. Standing on this high slope with a good view and looking out, with the light of the torches in the camp, Suehiro can barely see the current situation of the frontline battlefield.

Seeing that Anthony and the others had been completely compressed into a ball, and it would not take long for their people to tear through the thin line of defense of Anthony and the others, Suehiro also showed a satisfied smile.

Suehiro, who thought the victory was certain, put Fukiri on the snow beside him, with his hands on his hips.

Suehiro could not help but imagine.

Imagine the scene where they successfully took the heads of Anthony and others and returned with a big victory.

Imagine that the name of their group of barbarians will successfully spread throughout the country after tonight!Since then, everyone in the whole country has known that there is such a group of people with lofty ideals who are loyal to the country and vow to drive out all the barbarians and the scum who work for the barbarians for the court and the shogunate!

The snow... is falling even more.

The sky was darker than before.

Just now, there was still faint moonlight shining through some gaps in the clouds, sprinkled like light dust on the white snow field.

But now, the thicker clouds completely cut off the moonlight from the sky.

The night wind that had been blowing from time to time also stopped at some point just now.

The wind died down and the air became "sticky".

The free-falling snowflakes, under this "sticky" air, quietly sank "lifelessly".

Under the dark night, the perpetrators headed by Suehiro and Yamada smiled triumphantly.

Saito, Komuro and the others who were still fighting hard had dignified expressions and struggled to support.

Some of the guards were about to lose their will to fight, and their expressions were slack.

The maid Leroy hugged Alodi tightly in her arms, although her hands that held Alodi tightly in her arms declared her determination to protect the little master in her arms until the last moment , but I have never seen her in such a big battle, and the naked fear still couldn't stop appearing between her brows.

Anthony, who had tried his best to support Xiaoshi and the others with his revolver, tried his best to maintain his composure, but there was still a look of despair beating in the depths of his pupils...

Some people are happy, some are content, some still have a glimmer of hope, and some are almost desperate...

Between the sky and the earth, under the falling snowflakes, in this small square inch of land, various expressions are reflected.

Only... one person.

Since the start of this scuffle, he has been showing a look that is completely different from everyone around him.



What the hell is this...?


Staying with Anthony and the others in the middle of the safest "ellipse", with his left and right arms hanging down naturally, and the tip of the saber in his right palm hanging down to the snow, Qingdeng looked around with...a bewildered expression.

it's wired……

Really... so strange...

From just now, Qingdeng felt that his mood, his... vision was very strange.

The number of "radical anti-barbarian faction", approaching 200, rushed into the camp aggressively... They should be terrified and overwhelmed.

But Qingdeng didn't feel any of these emotions.

After seeing a large number of enemies rushing towards them, Qingdeng only felt that he was terribly calm.

It was so calm that even Qingdeng found it inconceivable.

On the first night of traveling to this era, Qingdeng would feel panicked and terrified that his life was in danger when faced with a sneak attack by only three "radical anti-barbarians".

But now, facing the attack of the "radical anti-barbarian faction" whose number of enemies was hundreds of times larger than what he encountered that night, Qingdeng couldn't afford to panic at all.

Why can I be so calm now?
Qingdeng himself couldn't figure it out.

Compared with the current abnormal state of mind, it is the abnormal vision that makes Qing Deng even more shocked.

I can see...so clearly...

Qingdeng turned his eyes blankly, looking to his left and right.

The location and movement of Saito, Komuro and others.

The positions and movements of the enemies wearing blood-red feathers.

Qingdeng saw everything clearly!
Obviously I am not standing on any high ground

Obviously I don't have many eyes, but my eyes are no different from other people's, I can only see the picture within 180 degrees in front of me.

But he can clearly see the changes on the battlefield!
Just now, relying on this suddenly "clear" vision, Qingdeng successfully gave Saito an early warning, allowing Saito to discover the three members of the barbarian team who wanted to attack from his side and rear.

This kind of perspective is like standing in the air... overlooking the battlefield...!
Thanks to the "overlook" vision that Qingdeng himself didn't know what was going on, Qingdeng clearly saw all kinds of chaos in the group of enemies in front of him.

Although the sudden attack of the barbarian group is aggressive and has a large number of people...but they only have momentum and numbers!

They, the group of "people with lofty ideals" who came together for the common cause of "removing the barbarians", are just a group of stragglers and mobs, to put it bluntly.

Almost no one has undergone strict military training, and only relying on a sense of momentum, they rushed forward in a swarm, attacking without any formation or coordination at all.

This made their advantage in numbers, but not maximized.

Due to the lack of reasonable configuration of the attack formation, only the small circle of people close to their defense line can fight against Saito and Komuro, and most of the rest can only stand on the periphery, watching the fierce battle ahead fight.

Due to the lack of reasonable configuration of the attack formation, the attack of the barbarian group is also extremely chaotic. You squeeze me, I squeeze you, you interfere with me, and I interfere with you.

Qingdeng even saw several people accidentally knocked down by those around them, and then trampled or even killed by those behind them.

In addition, Qingdeng also saw that the group of enemies in front of him were not all fierce and skilled fighters.

Quite a few of the enemies looked like poor warriors with deeply sunken cheeks and skinny hands and feet.

These people can't even hold their knives steady, and their combat power is weak to the naked eye.

The kind of people with normal physique who seem to be more capable of fighting are actually a minority.

All kinds of chaos of the invading enemy are covered up by their current high morale and surging momentum...

In a trance, Qingdeng suddenly saw invisible and colorless "air currents" in front of his eyes.

Qingdeng feels as if he is the only one who can see this "air flow" at this moment.

He turned his head and moved his eyes, letting his eyes follow the "air flow".

This stream of "air flow" seemed to have its own life, like a breeze, passing by everyone on the battlefield, and swinging towards a unified goal on the battlefield.

Qingdeng, whose gaze followed the "air flow" inch by inch, finally fixed his eyes on the final converging place of the "air flow" - still standing on that big rock, still standing on that big rock, still smiling triumphantly at Yamada !
Every "air current" on the battlefield is now gathered on Yamada's body, making Yamada stand out in Qingdeng's eyes at this time.



A flying eagle came from the distant sky at this time.

When it flew over the chaotic battlefield, it stopped abruptly, then circled around and hovered directly over the battlefield.

While flapping its wings, it slowly lowered its gaze.

Looking at the bloody battlefield below with indifferent eyes without sadness or joy!


can win.


Suddenly, Qingdeng only felt a "voice" appearing in his ears.

"Voice" shouted in Qingdeng's ear in an extremely passionate tone.

can win!

Can turn the tide of battle!

As long as... everyone here can follow my command!



Xiao Shi, who could hardly count how many people he had killed so far, only felt his arms aching so badly.

Lifting his arms up with great effort, he raised the tip of the knife again, letting the cold light on the tip take away another life, and Xiao Shi struggled to breathe heavily.

But before he had time to rest for a while, the corner of his left eye caught a glimpse of the scene that made all the hairs on his body stand on end.

An enemy with a short gun and a shiny bald head aimed at a gap in the defense line on the far left side of him. Taking advantage of the unsuspecting guards in charge of guarding this area, he broke through the defense line with a short gun!Straight to the rear of the line of defense, to Anthony and the others who were protected by them!

"Stop him!" Xiaoshi screamed subconsciously.

Xiaoshi wanted to rush over and personally stop the bald man with the pistol.

But the densely packed enemies in front of him, who seemed to be impossible to kill, made Xiao Shi let alone turn around to intercept the bald head, and he didn't even dare to distract too much.

The line of defense was already so thin that it was almost untenable, so it was natural that no one who could spare was able to return to the defense and block the bald head.

The timing of this bald head's attack was really well chosen.

It happened to be at the time when Anthony had just fired all the bullets in the gun chamber and was refilling the bullets.

Looking at the bald man who took advantage of the gap to penetrate behind the line of defense and rushed towards them as if no one was there, Anthony trembled a few times in shock, and then hurriedly took out the bullet from his pocket to load it bomb.

The anxiety in his mood caused Anthony to make a fatal mistake at this critical juncture—because he was in a hurry to reload, he dropped the bullet in his hand to the ground instead.

Seeing this, the bald man who rushed in with the determination to die had a sinister smile on his face.

When Anthony accidentally dropped the bullet in his hand, the bald head just entered the position where his short gun could hit Anthony.

He raised the point of the musket and pointed it at Anthony's chest.

Just at this juncture...


The white blade flashed.

An arc of knife light came from the side and rear of the bald head, and swept across the bald head's back, splashing out a cloud of blood mist.

The grin on the bald face quickly turned into astonishment.

He wanted to turn his head to see who swung the knife.

However, the rapid loss of strength in his body caused the bald head to quickly lose control of his body.

After struggling for a while, he hugged his short gun and fell heavily to the ground.

With cold sweat dripping down his back, he felt that Anthony, who had survived the catastrophe, raised his gaze to the person who had saved his life at that critical moment just now——Qingdeng who was still maintaining his knife movement.

At this moment, Qingdeng, who had no expression on his face, swung his knife vigorously towards the ground, while shaking off the blood attached to the blade, he slowly stood up straight...

"Those who still want to live, listen up!"

The clear and powerful shout spread to the ears of everyone at the scene.

The previous chapter was 2500 words, and this chapter is 7500 words, totaling [-] words.

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Starting tomorrow, the usual 10 am update will resume.

(End of this chapter)

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